'ff-3 V. .0" iLZj- : : : - - , wr ?3r feT- - ; i The Medium of Organized lakor and Guardian of the Workingihan's Interest VOL.2. NO. 9. LABEL PRODUCTS COM- , ; UMITTEE IS ORGANIZED, - - -' . -i ' ' , .Off icctt Ejected at Get Together Meesing Wednesday Night. Tbedelegates elected to represent. jUie vnrious unions of the Label products ; .C-onmlttce, a body which wasorganifceth to advocate tbQ purchase of goods bear.; i113t.be union label, and to co-operate j with the merehants of the city. In their; 4buy at bonieV movement, were per-r ,nancntly organized at a get-together, ,-tnceting AVednoslayaight. C.,I. Stone:. y,-tui olecld cthairrnnv and (Jeorgo W. x"tinieron, secretary. . Th committeejias planned to start a v 1 alel oarn.pai gn . od w i 1 1 ask th 0 in e r-: "',oiian40 Qf tCo city to co-pperato with tfiem in thotf Q.fftirts to have label goods onsala. - lniew oftho coming, "buy atf .homo: and dress up week!' under the .ausptoes ,of tho rutai 1 merchant s 'of the , city, th, committee .bolieyiug it to be ', one of the best best possible methods byr which i.ibei'f .efforts can, tye accpippJislTed :adopt4 tJhe foll.ov:ingi-resulnUpiis:. 4 Wareas, we harp been roqiiested tol eo-operate with-ithc .business men of. Wilmlntona jbuy at hpin.e and dress , up week1- to make-It a success, and WhereaSt wo are heartily in favor of aojr qffort to rnakoour city a i bigger,. j .hettorand inore prospero4us city, there-- , 'SATURDAY,, MARCH 1 31, ml. PRICE $fjOOAYEA8S ley MiQdijiie aM Pfcss Up Week solve to Buy jpt Home .Boost tftp Hojip Ppvtct aii BeDefitptb the Merchant and the Worklngran ty Keeping qpnieeara Money In Local 't v , 4l r 1 t v j v S tho announcet&ent . states, money .-spent Kesolvod, That the Xabel Products . ..; -yv t ' , ' , ' . . m foreign markets never uorks.for mir Committee, representing It unions o . 4 , . . ; this city , do horeby endorse the move-' input originated by tbo Mershants As , .sociationy to begin . on March 31, 1917, and ail anion men in, the city and the . friends, of organised labor areurged to make all 'efforts to malco the movement a success. 4 ; "G. H. 8TOTK.: Ch,ajrman. 4t3iT:Q.. Wv CAROX, HecreUiry. ; .THERE'S A REASONS -v GRAPE-NUT? POST. Theagei 111 Battle Ctc$kf Mich., . JMoch Lover Than Any City i of Its -Site in Th4t SU,te. : ' . l?attlo. Crock, IVh., MarciwO.- 5 ; jookedcut machinists ami ti:'v friendl' ' " q'uoto statistics which sl)ov that this; city pye the lowest ,w4; -in MfcJiiaiiiJ : in proportion m us itc anujuyuuuuuut; Tne manufacturers - are orgarlir.ed and make Vud claim lhat .Battle .reek &houlq eontinuo on a non-union basi?. , Whn the. machinists1 began discussing v . more thorough 'organization they were i locked out. The statistics indicate why. !m ployed, plead Tor ''the indeieudence , of their workers1 more 'prosperous and beautiful Win mington. It is hoped that every woru- insmaa in Wilmington will contribute. , " - - his p-irt toward making the movement .'Successful. - ; .-" . "- .The following proclamation by Mayor. I-; Q.-iM'oore should receive a generous rpsnonfm. roni . all vho wish to ' nee u.-5r me leaumg industrial center -or tin State: - . Yhereas, the merpaants and business' men of --Wilm iugton . are co-operating In ' a campaign, for the purpose'of urging the people of this community and tho-; in the trading zone adjacent to the city7 to spend their money in Wilmington thus causing a prosiierity which will le mutual. ; '''' And, Whereas, "Buy in WllminsTton" movement has been, combined " with Dress Vp rWcek" .this latter beitiir a national event and usually 'coming-just beforo Kaster, applying ;to tle homes, . 't r :V ' ' gardeus, rrontarus anrl all i;t!iinsr pr taining to making the. JpVty .BHautiful,,,i And , Vhereajs, this uiulertaking should have the iii7vedunprt;bf "ve:ry; man, woman and child in this immun ity, thereipre, as the official head f ilie g ;jp prganizpd Iibor is city, I desire to proclaim March : 3 1st t it certainly can Ue if the April 7th "Buy in Wilmington Dross Up week, Vind ask all citizens 10 co-operate with the tmsiness men in mukiny this a bigger city, a ijetter eity. and 11 more beautiful eit. Signed. iAliXEltJQWN(! MOORS.- Mayor of W'l'nington. There will bo a Tag Day so :ik U stamp and classify the." citizenship ofth -. a ,t . - . eommunitv who believo.in, anil wish to "-- . assiKt in the movement, Tho tags wili be distributed -frea and all '.'citizens ar respectful 1 3 nskel to wear, them duru the Buy at Ume jjres's Up VftMK." ' The tags bear "the following inserip- Today ushers in tho '.'Buy-at-Homo and press yp Week, 5 uader the aus pices of the Merchants of Wilmington and marks the beginning of one of the best inovemenls ever inaugurated &y a business association -in this-it3r for ad-: vahcing the ?in tprests of -tjip business j men and wage-earners of this vicinUj. If the policy presented ly merchants -in s a Bigger, Better an5 1 OUt Buy in yi4' lion: "I am for 'More Prosperous "mington and , Watch s Wilm)ngiof! Grow." rS - ' " . , OlR ApyERTlSERS - 1 Subscribers please msntbn tbls pape wneii inak!ng purchaser .;-v Shands' Ordcory lias special prices fMv tor .tolay only. Head his ad- on the,0tU ; oage. ' x - . i-v - , 4.... J,. . 4C W. B. Inlander is now making 4 speV iiuUr on roallnff arwl repair, work. ,TI ;ias an ad. .011 the Gtlrpago; their gree ting ' effected rand i merchants and Organized Iijjor po-op- erate in this mvenent-every element of Wilmington's-industriq.1 foroo will bo fully rewarded for Uieir efforts; for, as homo city and th is alone is enough to convince tho working man aud .merchant j-that oo-operaton by them in this move ment is essential to t he progress of our city. Co-operate with the 'home mpr cha.nt;b3 purchasing your Kaster goptls at home and let's have Uhe use of our production invaliding a beUer, bigger, S Funeral of a Little Child - YheTuneral of .the Infant son of-Mr. ..ihd Mrsi B.-J.Bry.atit, J r".,: who. died on Sunday morning about 1 o'oloek from "juries, sustained when t fell into a tub qf scalding water on Krida- afternoon, was hold from, their home,- 604 Wooster treot, on Sunday afternoon at 4:30 Vclocki Kev. W. it. Nq V, of tho,Church of tho Good Shephord, and Rev. Mr. McCracken, of Fifth Avenue Methodist phureh conducted the oeremohies. 1 H Xbe hurial wai in Beflvue Cemetery. Thp large attendance of sympathizing relatives and frleods'attostod the deep sympathy qf the wfcnlfi community fur the "bereaved ones-. - There is, only one thing a woman dis likes more, than HatteryV and that is not Orgnicd labor is ured to let their hpie-carp.ed dollars be home spent, thsjeeepiag tore tnoiiejri home cironlation, w.her it will "pass from hand to hand and do the greatest ood.far the greatest ?' numher.- . " fc ; Mone3' se;nt to the mail order catalogue houses in Uje 4istant big city is lost to you, your home merchant, your houi tovnand your home employer; it wilKnever .return, tp you in your p.y ..e.nv.lojt? but yiU stay in.ctrctilation in some bij citv. to enrich that community and the catalogue houses .-tjiat have chpot;ed youV. vyit,li tempting ; catalogue vbait.n , ' .- No fatter 'vh ere you. lire, patronize yo4uril)cals,8t9res, g ve ;thena . ,flrst chance vto s,upply your .eeds. If yon can no,4nd what you want,- then ..give the Wilmington stores ..an opportunity to serve ou. They agrecto give 'you '.as gool and een better values cjn f ' ; Z - - r " - many items than you can. secufefrom distant mail . orders catalogue - . houses. Adopt ,qur slogan practice it and preach itTor it is to your r.interest, our interest a.nd tjie f,uture: pror-jperity of this comt33juitvr Bey ip Wilmington and Wllaj Wilmington Grow l" . v Dress Up Week, Marcli 31st to April 7!k Why not dress up for Eastervin" Wilmingfon-bpught apparel. . Mayiwe serve you. : . Respectfully ( ' THlSERCH ANTS QF WIWIINGTO. Keep posted on A ,,12. Marshbirii4N priws lie has an svL iu this issue.' 1U Hi s eggs ih i a week at 3 an d CnIo c ; outjjy hiims atic. v v1 Kuy your gard&n horift from tho Wi! nuijton llard'tvarff 0.. Hea his a n :hitj issue. J ' ' . T" A STRONG ;LABOR; CANDI DATE IN THE FIRST WARD - V w McD, Tortus Anounczs - rlii Candidacy :For CouncHrnauV- ' On the sixth page of today ' piper ivW; 1 print the Announcement of Mr: CvMelV. ;V Tr Tones as fvindhl.ito fiirOimicilinan.tfwViv" 'the thirst .Ward. Mt Jiifs. i ih'0nu't' ' 'Hal secretary of Ci , -tVar ' Lfv(t,"V.T fi? -. 50, it. U. ("' rViurIca. :wdiVv' inemberof Wilinin.orrrules (Mti-rif, j-li is nn, .enthnsiastio url;e-r in. ti.". tiuum as was o,u t he L i litfl JVndti i'iC. 'Coiuinitlo .aud in lb Viituii;gl" raies Coutu-it, and will have a stnwi 1 unionrvotc. from -tlu Uuian inch oX tft First. Warl. . J . " - v iJnion . men should remember liuuo obugation and give Bmthcr ionee tU support that puVhim cu..the Cny; CiuncU as .Orsaiied Labor's rejjtreett-'V:' tative. ; . f ' : t-1 i. " . ' .Catfish Club' Race The first - race of th eciaDotv. uiJer , the auspice oj toe Carolina Catjfish Club w --ys heJ4 , tills week. and waa fcetweeu V; the .Viking Xing and the Blue GaU vvv, of the ci ub's high' "-pressure clippersff-; the Viking King Was ir ehjh-er Pursue..,' - r Uobinsori and he Blue CUt was in U'. " ' bunds of Cijpfaiii Cflmache'. The rjvcb wsa, rnst' intenKsiiiigr frW V, 4 ha fact that the course lay throuah u' langea 7,mo aiia 'therewjis mus'li ' vasinoss Tit a torptfio Uniijht sKiUI -A ' . T:, Vlfcliur Killer won - by," - : jiwnits, . unu j.iptijua. Ca- . m:vch6 says when Ms boifvrnuaker get ,s done hum me ri i ig on, - his - 'g: l ii t r he King wiltVot JjTfuJUid runtili , : Thvrt- wili:VuaWofflAewf nml ' ' . don't forget that liUwfiLtSiy t id ' The union labelnn your' c impagJt' ? printed tikater will, Imve :l good VlW r,' n the union vttfr Uvi iuryju rt; u t the win u ide aud dcaia lid ti ut mi i m V i? label. . , '' t ' . - Demand the Vnibn Ts!I4 v. - Label on yoCTSpii. '7" - - i- : " ' " . - i With the hirfr tA' UvrfT nlttrrh'tl one miibt Uhart.v . : . ' f ."'- ' v i 1 4 J q be nattered