r r . w 'I '.. -?,-:;: I - ' v.. . -i , ; i r -'- Tlie Zledianxof Organized ;Xabor and Guardian of the Tforlzirigmah' a. Interest. 2 vol. no.u. SATURDAY, LTAY.5, mi . 1 . PRICE $f.00 A ;YEAR ' OLDEST'CltlZETT, PASSES. T Mr. R. L Jones Within Kve Yeats of the Cehtaryl&arkrsra Many Offices of VzAuhosss The oldest and one of the most highly esteemed citizens Mr Richard JV Jones passed away i on 7ondmprhingr April 30, at 8:30 o'clocki at;the.bome of Mrs. Joseph Price, - daughter of the de ceased, on North Seventh street. ,- Mr. Jones was 95 y eai a of age, and was horn in the 'Myrtle Grove Sound section Eebruary 6, 1822. "He had been a resident of Wilmington since he jyas 9 years of age. s ' . He served for 50 years as secretary treasurer of Oakdale cemetery; held the office of Grand Treasurer of the North", Carolina Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, and was treasurer of the , Tidewater Power Company for many years. He was also a member of the St. ; Johns Lodge of Masons. , The funeral services were held at Grace Methodist church Tuesday atter noon and were conducted by Rev. M. T. Plyler. - 'V v. His surviving ; relations have the deepest sympathy of the public. OUR ADVERTISERS- Subscribers 'will please mention this' paper when making purchases. O. D. Godwin advertises that he will appeal to the Governor for pardon on the sixth page of this issue. . Carolina Building an dLoan Associa tion announces on the sixth page of this issue a new series of 50o . per share weekly building and loan stock which matures in three years. The assets of this eompany are $125,000,000 and it Is a strong and progressive company. - ; Julius Abelovitz, 219 1-2 North Front street, advertises that he is making a specialty in fine ladies' tailored-torn easure iuits; and individual skirts. Read his ad. on the sixth page. ' Read Shands' Saturday Specials pn the sixth page of to-day's paper. ' . . , , Send your radiator, lender and muf fler work to the Radiator Hospital, No. 8 South Second street, r Klander is on the job himself and guarantees all work. ; Youngifc Gorman are soliciting their share of slate and tin roofing and Tepair work. s Give them s a" chance at your work and they will .give you T satis faction. Read their ad. on the sixth page, - ,w z x ' ' XT DEHTSniOQ DQEAEI,' DEN DUE1G , LIDJE; r One of the'BIobdiest Battlei of vBritisK - Drive T: ingPought ? in ; Ef f ott : to. Break Last Barrier ; td -.Germany's Richest Prize; c- , sLate. dispatches state that v?fu rions efforts are bein g niade ,by the Gejinahs: to t6pthe;proress of the : British in smashing:; the Von Hindenburg line in northern Prance, but the, JBri t ish general has made gbodf the most effective gains by a . renewal of the drive, Fresnoy and the captured lines north and soufhjof: it have been held firmly, .against counter at- tacks. ' r-'i:j --Vj CM't5 The Germans at Bullecourt are nearly surrounded and threatened with capture; it is reported; 1., The - JBitish - have'. , . broken through the J Oppy line arid are fighting the bloodiest and sternest battle of the present offensive in a great effort to smash the fa mous Wotan line before the or ganization is completed. :The Von Hindenburg line,:out-fl ank ed and piercedin . several places; has failed to -1st op the forward surge of the British armiesv and the Wotan positions arejheiast great barrier io" the road - to Douai, Cambraiund - Germany's richest prizein France, tthe great coal and iron fields xiorth of Xens." ..French troops are on a new of fensive along the Aisnei and have captured the village : of Craonne and the firstGerman line -on a 2 1-2 .mile front northwest" of Rheims. -V. ' : T - - 'It is reported that the:BeIgian " relief ship Carmetta has; been confiscated: by the .Germans. ' A. Danish member: of her crew says ' the (Germans ordered her crew to leave the ship and placed, a prize. , crew.on board 4o-take her to, a German port. .The men were re-r fused provisions, and Rafter spend- - jng six aays in two. small boats, suffering; terribly, they reached . rtorwayi; r - - . ' - The newspaper censorship sec- :.tion ofjthe espionage bill, which : had the approvalof the President,; . was stricken from the:.bill , by a; .vote of 220 to, 167 1 I . . Mr. w;-T., Shepherd guard at the -. , ; : - . county stockade,'hay tendered his., res- - "ignation by request of the chairman: f'T-ihe . Board of Comity,mmissioners " The council of workmen's and soldiers delegates Win 'Petrbgrad have,, accepted, the government's explanation-of- the May Day note of Foreign.: Mihister Milukoff as to Russia continuing ln'the-allied "struggle against the Central pow ers without slackening by, a: vote of 34' to 19. and .ha&'decided that the incident Tis closed., ' JOHNSTON CAHRGED 7ITH KILLING ; NEAL X7ALTON.v IV&Frankaltori;Brbther of ;4lie - ".Several Wilmington; ministers are 0a; the . fiv:e-day - programme," which the ..roUowing,.Yerdier of . CwonetV --nn'i-'liuthebniaf'beiiiiul.;,.y: a Jtttyv,: r:-: J : : T ': r begmning.May 9 investigation of the killing wi.1 Ane pnee oi preaa as aavancea to u , ,r ; tonfWderVda verdict prf Tuesday that Y -af a feV,day3 agcand to offzzt ; jniuu came lu jus aeam irom gunsnot 1:7 . . r rr : -i " wounds inflicted bv ' kn vWknown tartvI lwol ounces heavier, It iasaidf thef. , and very; sdorfX thereafter Oscar JoLn-l i1!w!? wa iYe-SJi'i. ' sion, me negro, who has been.held as a 7 s" r4--". c-r.. , -.r-'--- t I" : suspect during UieVinvestigationf :was -J Y - ; Pi' v:';v-r".V; r: ; placednder arrest charged with first heal?eers baT :n making ; '.1-'- - - . - war on filth durlncr Clpan-nn. Wp.Aki'l - utsgremnuruer on a warrant sworn out - - : - ' - - hv Mr. . T?r-nir Txif Kw- r xrt removal Of much;mbbish as ; Walton T"-. - ' ' I "cff as a gcueraiciBaa-upDas HDproyea appearances wonderfully fn theifscti : in which theyihave been-working Miss Plorence Davidson and, W. G.- Woodcock have - been; held as material Witnesses tinder Vinnd " "Thfl 'nmUml. , I - J "J. TJ- 1-H . BVs Court on Monday; i v V U - r: ett, daughter LofJMr. ahdra, days, isTrecovering rapidly.- NEW COUNCIL ORGANIZED p :The Treble Clef (CauVlo of RlayOf ji and WeVly-EIectedCoun- 351iss Anna Graham -Harriss will gtv& awr.' ':" Cilmen Take' Oath 6f .OfflCC. ioint concert Tuesday evening. May 15, 1 The new City , Council was organized at Hem6nwayohoql aditrium. --.": v ,; on Wednesday and the following coun- S'- - - ' '-;"i-i cilmen assigned to thebeadao'f the va- TheSixth. Street Advent ,qhristiAn-r:r; - rious deDartments. on motion of Coun-H u"urcIr Punaa5r chool en joyedthe first V ; cilraan Bunting, after the newly elected onrtlie season as guests iof the.V: members had taken the oath ofofflce. ' fwawr rower uompany. ; xnemem Public Affafrs B. A. Merritt. - : . ." P DUUW1 atienaea.m largo numbers. - t-ii- .sr.: 1 s , The-tax listers now-havm tiie? beltafc4 open for listing and the.workotlistii is progressing rapidly ; V -;: v Police James M. Hall. Vater and Sewerage-W. i "J. Brad shaw. . J :.J--J'?rl? ' "Streets and iWharvest Ii.rM. Bunt- ,Pire ?epartmentTL L : Shepard. A; had theisfortune to Wak hiaV , On motion of Councilman Hall douo- left arm bv falling . from, hia hieveh. oilman McCaig was elected Mayor pro -nmg -ver me hlldre-U i " , , ' - ""- were playing in. the street at the 'nrnerJ r;:- - The appointive officers are as follows: of jai: Church 7treeW Wiasi ; :; Chief of PollceNathan J. Williams. sktnrdy evening. He Was on the.job a : ?!,tfK C IrG lDfPa?mnt-frles on Monday, howeverbut his left wing " Schnibben.- : a - , - was Ud in: SDlints Shands -was mak- v r. , aty Attorney Hqbert Kuark, Esq. : r thnq , r-n Wii Wh -. r Assistant City Attorney-Chesley C. the accWen occurred. r That bike ought Bellamy,.,.;: v .- .. tQ have cycUe : ;. v City Clerk and Treasurer JapU T. D. - ? . - 'v - "City Engineer P. P. PUIett. ; nett. Mr. P. -M.SRWenbark, who has served 99 snnpriTif priff Ant. ftf.thA : onnnfr ofnnV- Superintenden.t of Streets--C.S. Bur- v J L - " - , - , , r t s radefor threes years,resigned from that t ; ! - i I - t TTl : J .. s 1 - . "Assistant Superintendent of Streets -j 5 . James E. Holton. v : ,v ;,: . tt. -i-j -r 'Jr-f ""lviv i- ,4;y Death of Mrs, Jeven& count of, .unavoidable; conditions., that existed at the stockade, as brought out by the -evidence, in the r investigation - - Mnti vft -' oower siiberintendents under:the junsdictioh of theijren- eralVManagersh Association and rebresentativeslbf-mechanics em ploy ed; "on practically - all .South eastern railroads ;will t meet ' in Washington Monday to, confer on I ' ' i - ff 1 I aueStlOrJS - Ol, - lucicciacu.. vaica vi pay - and, shorter thours that are now pending. Detwecniiciu vAiJ proximately 25,000;itiopmen; 25,-. 000miW-",of- railroad and $12, 000,000 "a year !afe involved iff the outcome of the; conference; They ask, for n increase of 10 cents ;an hour;.basedon an eight-hour day; and timeiand a half for overtime Those working by the"monthv ask for ar increase or ;s4U a ,montn. The men. state, that; thehigh cost On Tuesday night, & the home of her heldby the coroners juryhe thought daughter, Mrs. :Oppert:H9 ,Red .Cross hia Tesigtion ihepnly feoouWe: ; -- street, Mrs. Mary A Sevens died, after : . r- ""1- 1 an illness.of a feweeks.; ; She was w The Sea, Gate schoollheld their jjoni-f : years of age and was a consistent memr niencement exerclses on- Thursday, f her of the. Church or. the aooq snep- ifgllt undei. the direction of the taeh- : herd.rSbe was- held in the .highest es: ers Df iheVchool, and:a most-entertain-rV teem byjilL who knew ; her and-was of lnff pr0gramme', rendered, cohsist-' a most . lovable -and charitable, disposl- otdbj6 rectationsongsd? - , -s , - . vl ri villa . :The funeral was conauctea irom me unurcn oir ctoou ouiuxu i eorth Carolina Bar Association v. .w. xc, ucuu .m.. ; wm.metin AshevUle June 3-4-5. 'The -rehMiins were interred in uak- fe- -Vy--: : i r Evangelis Evangelistic services will be conduct "In the regular municiDaT'election iDT.fa'to-e:T0P?i?Bbyea,l "urcb Tuesdav P. O. Moore was Wlectedas by the JXey.; William Blackrl; D.f be- C were CouhciimenHalLand .McCigof Sunday ;;io-oontlntfe through the Fourth: and SizthWaTd8;- respec-: j -rrr- J r tively. -i- In the , race for councilman, r i from the First Tward Mr. T. xV'Shepard J Carelessness .massacres thous-. a - of of living-has compelled them, to made .a: sweeping , victory ; over Mr, a. a ""f?"? . - . i asli.ior.tne lncreabc. . v v- . -r - - - --. : . ;7- . - ,-- "1 J- i ft? - ;! )(