3 '.-:!-.ti:.:V Jgwg Qffhe Workingman's Interest.; IK! li:wslBraEKs;' uMOBaEvrriEs.':v;' item ; ". !r; PRICE A YEAR ITEMS OF IMTETMSST; pWff5:XNGRESSiGIVEiSir 1 1 i . - 4 m3 m A " - s "a A ',1 r V Vy;.;VVhil6 the , food : , conservation . and a, .f , economy committees are busy:: trying to -'H; ;' C.;:vten the ;' people how to ; conserve and; yVi- : t !economiz6, the distribtttbrs, of the food : vSnRPiy.prims country wno naye.pep gouging enormous profits out of the - l is v;:;L i ; people for the past few years,'continue 'vft;Mr1aU who are so deeply interested ; in the ; :r ":; . .economy ;worK wouia expeuu uau i -5 K?5much; e&ort .in inducing the "parasites ' . s "V. ,Vlna roDDers" wno noiu , lae iuou supjuy of this country ; to sell at a rate that would give them a legitimate profit and H v'"'" -at the same time be within the reach of v V Vhe mo)fi Se limited payroll, there would bc but little need of all this econ :,- :.'i'rr, ' pmy and conservation agitation which which is driving the people to hysteria. We dp not : believe it would be neees : tsary ; to : employ . secret service men to fet out eresponsibility for many of the advances in f iood ptices in. this sec ' tion for we understand that there has been many carioids of fiour purchased by local wholesale dealers at prices that would justify , them in selling at a much lower price than is now charged, but who seem to have lost all human spirit and determined to bleed the 'people ' to the extreme limit under the pretext of war.prxceRf ''C-':'''-. If the economy agitators who are preaching conservation and economy will get down to business and induce ttiosp whe control the food supply to evince their rtrioti berificingthA. 4 -, t v. people for and selling the necessities of v Hfe at ft price the people can reach wi th 'their limited incomes and which will ftive them all the' profit legitimately due Ihem ey wUlb; muchltoward solving, the' food problem . . It . is not necessary' to preach economy ; to the workmgmai who has " been making a desperate struggle to exist ; for nearly two ears,"; for it e he can figure on a- square meal once w , jz nours Tie's a ' Juoky man,!' , :; What better evidence of the piracy of the speculators in food -do j you want than the action of the Chicago exchange on Tuesday in setting a maximum price At which wheat could be sold; and this action in the &ce of a heated discussion pt the food conditions by Congress and a demand from the President that im mediate legislation be enacted to have the government conl the modp-: plytwhich action they t .admit was for the purpose of 4 forestalling legislation, k As we have , stated before, 4t is not necessary to employ gum-shoe men or secret service sleuths to solvethe food problem. The sharks and pirates who have for years gouged the American consumer have been bold enough t& ad mit that they have bled the peoplefand that haying run, the prices of fopdsfuffs to such a. lofty height that they ardjsry Ing'ont Congress for relief, a now reao!ytQ Jjeethcir piratical operations during the continuence of the war. ! V :But,: the truth of the "natter-is; these , vultures, realise that they , have gone the limit, and unless some relief is given the con sumer at once they will be called to ac count. ' What ought to be done and the only thing that will put a permanent end to gambling, and speculation ! in the 'neces sities of life is for the government to regulale the price of foodstuffs during the war and forever abolish UCUi 1U uu V uuu v -4 i h i .'..its? ; ' The" Marion Sprunt Memorial : IJos pital for tVVomen f andChUdren3;wili'f be 29. The exercises are , to take place at 3:30 p. m. 1. - - : A; hew enterprise in . Wilmington : is the P. K. Candy Companyi which i cated in the ;: winerybuilding- Outh Front street. ; It is. managed by. Mr. P. W.Garrett. ., . ( 1 , At the.regular weekly meeting Mon day morning the Wilmington Ministers' Association sent a resolution to Simmons 3 and v GbngreM urgin g them to vote .to prohibit making grain into beverages. '.' ' ; Mr. John A. Xivingston, city, editor of The Moricuv Star, has been appoint ed as assistant in marketing in the Ag-1 ricultural Experiment Station and will enter upon thie duties of the onlce on June 1.; . , .. r ( . The New Hanover Board of Educatien on Monday voted an appropriation of 1300 to assist the Pood Conservation Commission in employing a whole time demonstrator for the county. ; r : City' Tax Collector Blair i ssUes a statement to delinquent J ' taxpayers whose property his been advertised for sale, that the will turxLautioneer for a short while on ;Wednesdry, May 3.. t The PederaljJJmployeea Union met iri regular monthly ssion ; on Sunday The ' Allied ;Pf iniirig . trades : Council met on Tuesda They 4 are now mak- iiig a successful Vlabelc campaign and urge that ; uniqjrjmeu and their ifriends insist that all printed , matter bears the Allied Printing Trades" Label. . I 3?he Carpenters.and Joiners are a busy brunch these days.-! They are now hold ig specimeetings and are perfecting their organization, r ' , ' - ' . " ' ' 1 '' : stt7UmnerfAti TmHas f!nnTlftll will m ft At on Tuesday night, May zz. Airaexe gates are specially urged.to attend. friends of Mr. Tc McD. Jones,vsecre tity of .Broth eViioo4 of Hail way Car Mfen, will - regret to hear that he has boon confined at(V his home lor several. &iws with fever. We; wish him a rapid recovery. . ' Of. - . Scberer was before the Recorder Wednesday v charged with carrying a concealed weapon and an; assault with a. deadly, weapon , He- paid;he, costs in the first case and was .fined $60. in the second.; , .... , .. ' , . ' ' .: -,- ' -' . ".,. --.';".- -. The Boys Brigade unit left ion the A. C. IilT Tuesdap morning forOolds boro, where, they were mustered into the . Second regiment, N. C. N. G., at Camp Koyster.; .C;;,.; Vacancies in several branches of the civil service have been announced by the civil service commission. -Salaries range from $800 up, and the dates.of the examinations are for May and June. J5'uu inrormation may be haa by apply ing at the local postofELce or to "the com mission in. Washington. 4 Interesting . exercises marked the close of the i school term in' the city schools during ; the week; The exer-" cises were held at Sunset Park school and : Peabbdy school : on' Wednesday, rt Corn elius Harnett, Tsaac Bear Me m o rial, Union and Hcwenway schools on Thursday, - and at William Hooper school .on 'Firiday.-7-.;: ;- ..."'.i.-- t The adoption , of the free'sites propo-; sition has had a good effetst already, for our city -has beeh visited during 'the past week by . a numbeV of . prospective manufacturers who are investigating the advantages offered by our city j and, while no plans,haye been . made by any of them, it is understood that they look favorably on the situation. Those in a: position to know say that the free sites proposition has boosted Wilmington as a prospective manufacturing center. t jT , ' ' " through which these robbers operate. Let Congress give the necessary leg islative relief and as Assistant Secretary of Agriculture ; Hoover says . the food supply will tbe , sufllcient, , and can' be, Co-operation Is the Fxrst Principle or Success - : ' We print today on our sixth page the cards of some of iyVilmington's progres sive business me,p ho are friendly to organized labor, and who are co-operating with this paper in bringing about a condition in our city by which the .union men and friends' of labor will be enabled to spend their money at homer for goods vthat have been pro duced under fair conditions of labor and at the same time; assures : the business men of the city that money- earned by the union" men of this city will be spent at home' .The .cards', appearing in to iday 's 'paper are only a part of those who are, to-, take part t in . this buy-at-home movement by organized labor. : In.our next week 's papery we will publish the full list, which .will be repeated every four weeks . in order V that union ' men and the friends ; of organized labor can co-operate with " those who are aiding them in.this movement. Organized Labor? endorses this move ment through Wilmington Trades Coun cil and the Label products Committee which assures that this buy-at-home movement will receive the solid sup port of organized labor . . If. f f s Local Amusement ; Mana gets Fair to Organized Labor An agreement' has been made between the Howard fc Wells Amusement Com pany and officers of the local branch of the International Association of Theatri cal StagejEmployees, ? through- he f ef forts of Wilmington Trades Council and the. Label Products Committee, by which ' the . management of the local playhouses and moving picture shows will hereafterrecognize 5 the union and employ its members, which will ulti mately result in a-contract between the union and the show management." To those i who , have ' had the impression that tbecconditibns under which the Wilmington . amusement fhonses have been operating were unfair to organ ized labor. we wish' to state that the agreement entered'" into between the management and . thecommittee repre senting the Tyilmington Trades Council is considered by that bodf as indicating that the Howard & Wells Company de- sires to deal fair; with organized labor auu wi sign : a coaira.cc :wuo me x. a. T. S. E. in due time, and "should be - congress has decided not to raise the . amount of the revenue till at this; time. ; ; An ; important victory v is ' rpported -irom tne Italian front at Isons4 Heights.: xxiiauouat viuara organizations will - w v wuicu imu x euerai service , tei w een Xuly 15 and August 5r ' -" v-': :N - v " A picked- division "of , TTnffW! Sfo f wilf be senr to ' Prance in, cominhnd of . General Pershing at' an early date. ,' Japan will now enter the war, A Jap- rfnese :navalf:'force;as:;arrivd at Mar seilles to join ethe submarine campaign,1 yesterday's dispatches official v state luat uuiiecuun is at ias?t in inn nn.ianr . the British, and they are pressing on to v Queant, which is doomed. . ' - v ' All the Virginia division steamers of , tied up, at Norfolk, "on account of -a strike of engineers for increased wages. , ' Tf fe nffiAmllir n4-n I 1 ship of the new Bussian cabinet includes six Socialists, and that all difficulties. ' uau pbu inereuy aajuscea, tnough uer- : man rumor has it "that a truce is nhniit tosbe signed with the, Teutons,V ; , , , cil of workmen's and soldiers deleffalesi v: after discussing the internal situation tut Russia, on Monday, decided bv a vote : of 41 to 19 to favor the ' participation of : representatives of Socialist parties in the provisional government." , ' - - : 7 - i' Mrs Lavinia Albertson Passes r On Thursday, morning at 7 qi'clqck. Mrs Lavinia Albertson, mother of Mrs C. F. Bell and Mr. Hugh Alberts6n,2 f of ibis 6ity, died at the James alk!r Memorial Hospital, at the age- fjf -6 ,i years. ' - . . : 'vs ; I ikr . . a it a. : j si" vvi ivirs. Aiuenson was a consistent unr is? - tfah wbinan, having-heen.a membeif df: Fifth-Avenue Methodist .'Church for many.years, and was highly esteemed , by her, wide circle -of Christian asso- , ; ' ' - 1 -. ' j . - k ; ciates. . -The hfirftavftd rfilati vfts havo I Tv.. f sympathy of the'whole community. - Funeral services iwera conducred )? xvev. ss. xi..; xicjraciten, at JLopp -sup'. dertaking parlors, : after whith th e .re ' mains were taken ; to -Ellisville,1 Miss.;. for interment. . v ;: ' .'- ' .. George Davis Camp of Sons. of Confed v ing Monday night at the' W. Til I.-arm-,v f uory. iir. vv. u. uaiioway, commander,- and Mr. W.-S. Ciayton, adjutant were ' : re-elected, unanimously. 41 - f Delegates named to represent ' the : 1 i. At TTT li i. - .JV.v-.--.;.'. camp at nuu vv asmugLun reuniou were as follows: Dr. W.' C. Galloway, K. A. : Hawes, S. P. Raines,' Col. Walter hy lor, A. M. King, James F.' Wiwtvint?i C. Fergus, and W. S.f Claytori. V Spon sors: Mrsi James F. Woolvin' adMfs.' - ' W. C. Galloway. -: V: 7 A committee was appointed to aid the Veterans to secure funds to attetid', . the reunion. Addresses were made by CnlonplI Walker Tnvlnr. llr.'D. JAPan gus and Paul D. Satchwell, Esq. - " - Fleet of Catfish Cluh , Makes Fish'-' - - The Catfish Club is now getting real v action; for this week one of the niost-r enjoyable; cruises was , made to Ratlsv land, up the Northeast river, where the' ". on the finny tribe, making a nice Haul :' of the varieties of perch and trout thatj j" abound in the s waters , of the Northeast. Ti a 'floof' ' mcHo a run nn -fr rhn idTir! 1t.r VAJ . UVVV) CWtV f-'UUi Uf " rJT ' VUV tClifcMM 4 i the morning and laid a few mines, and 4 was iouowea aoout 1 p. m. Dyine, yk ; insr King, and when the- did cet in act ' tion, with rod and reel,' there was some-1' thing 'doing 'among the .subteranoean r' dwellers - , The expedition was most successful, the system I reduced 40 to 50' per cent in price. -he considered as &ir to orsranized labor : and will be repeated in the' near,futurer-;