.TAijp. Medium of of the '4 iY:V.-(j.; nxaiW f dhnr and iiuarrilan of the work-ineman'S lnterert . . , . : , --v,':.v::;- i".' - f A i. . f - 'it- mmm '-.The Greek, government has broken , , diplomatic relations with the Central : Powers.'. : - of neu trality in the war between the Entente ,v::-vAllies and Germany. u -"i ' ' ; 1 . ...i. ''! : President Wilsonv.desires that ' he be given authority to stop the monufac f ture of malt and vinous liquors in case . . v of emergency , but does not believe i m QM mediate prnbibition of manufacture is necessary or desirable. President Wilson yesterday signed an executive order, authorizing the Navy Department to take over the old James town Exposition site on Hampton Roads for a naval station. Congress ap propriated $1,500,000 for the purchase and the President will fix the price. Price of Coal Reduced Both th'e American consumer and the government are to get relief from the high cost of coal. Beginning July 1, the price of soft coal at all mines east of tne Mississippi is to be reduced $1 to $5 a ton to the consumer, with a still fur ther cut of 50 cents to the government. An agreement has been reached to this effect between the coal interests and the government. The question of lower prices on hard coal has been, deferred until after J uly 1st. It is estimated that the annual sav ing to the government and the public will be $180,000,000 or more. LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS. i . The many friends of Mrs. E. A. Out law will regret to learn of the death of her father, Mr. J. W. Drew, which oc curred at Aulander Thurspay. Sergeants Elmer E. Wilson, Gustave Dopp, and J. W. Jelks, of Fort Caswell, have been, commissioned as second lieutenants in the Regular Army arid are awaiting orders. r The case against Charles Pridgen for aiding and abetting Mrs. Whitney, who was convicted of check flashing a few weeks ago and sentenced to a term at the County Home, in making her es cape, and the case .against her for at tern pting to escape, have been contin ued until Tuesday. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. WUliam T.. Walker, 819 South Seventh street, will sympathize with them in the death of their two-yeir-old son, William T., Jr., f- - - ...... which occurred Friday morning at 1.35. The was held this morning at 11 o'clock and the burial will be in Bellevue cem - etery. - - :''; ;i . .:?. . The funeral of Mr. S. S. Berry,, rail way engineer, whose death occurred at James Walker Memorial Hospital Wed nesday night, .was held at his late resi dence, 319 Queen street, Thursday af ternoon, conducted by Rev. W. V. Mc Rae.and RevJ. S. Crowley! The inter ment was in Bellevue cemetery. Progress in the : case of R. S Taylor, eharged with enticing a girl to enter a f house of ill-fame is very slow, as an in- Vn.Vs;evidWnf.'the jury.- There are many -: witnees;pBft f tobe galled and ' so it is imDossible 'o' sav wnen the case I IfUlgotothejurV, .. ' ' - T I of.tho Dispatch press room-, . ' ,ed to terrorize tthe unionists. . - , . ; , , v.v 'v - Flrrt of Sertoof Three Experimental Con certt XSIven byt Nigh!; ' ' In keeping with the enteprise of cit- i a th size of Wilmington throughout the country the city finance committee eave a hearing a week ago to ine auvo- cates of free band- concerts to be held throughout the summer. Messrs. Whitlock fc Westr the enter prising managers of the Hanover Con cert Band, together with other inter ested citizens were present and present ed the matter to the committee in such manner that they decided to engage the band for three concerts as an experi ment, with the understanding that if these were well received by the public they would be continued, throughout the summer. The first of these entertainments was held on the Postornce lawn last night and attracted a large crowd of citizens, who were enthusiastic in their praise of the Council for providing these concerts for a class of our citizens who are not able to secure amusements in other ways. r OUR ADVERTISERS. Read Cromwell's Special on the sixth page. sHe has Native Grown Canta loupes on for today, and Monday. D. C. Elliott, licensed doctor of Chiro practic, has an ad. on the sixth page of this Issue. He is master of the science of Spinal Adjustment that will get you well and keep you well. See ad. Take your week-end outing on the magnificent steamer Wilmington on her trips on the historic Cape Fear. The boat ride in the cool breezes of the even ing is moat pleasant and refresh ing. See ad. on the eighth page. The trertment of diseases of all kinds by the new science of Chiropractics is meeting with great success, as demon strated by Q. C. Elliott, doctor of Chi ropractic, who desires to reach the readers through his ad. in this paper. . Shands' Grocery, Fourth and Nun streets, will give the National Labor Press Association 2 per cent Purchase Receipt with all purchase of union- made goods. Discounts of 2 per cent on all union goods purchased, amount ing to 5 cents or more, are given by this firm. L, A. Bristow Paaes. Mr. L. A. Bristow, a well known printer, who formerly resided in this city, died at a sanitarium in Southern Pines recently, where he had been taken from Raleigh some weeks ago, to re ceive treatment while awaiting en trance at Printers : Home, at Colorado Springs, Col. Mr. Bristow had been employed as a linotype operator with the Commercial Printing Co., in Ral eigh, for several years and had a large circle of friends "among trade unionists of every city in this State He was a whole-souled, consist union man and was always thoughtful of the welfare of his brother unionists. ; i Mr. . Bristow was a native of Qouth Carolina, but had long been a resident of this State. He was a Spanish War veteran He was about 40 years of age. , .Mr. McLaughlin, of Baltimore, has arrived , to assume the duties of foreman Reached the Zenith of Interest and J-nth uilasnv at Close of Address oil Rev; : Robert lercf on Jh&rsd The Boy.' t . ": The zenith tot interest and enthusiasm was reached at the Thursday afternoon session of the Baptist Seaside Assembly which convened at Wrigbtsville Beach ! on Wednesday, June 27th, to continue through July 4th, with the closing ad- ! dress of Dr. Robert F. Y. Pierce, who made" a very earnest and impressive ! 4 plea for The Boy, which he declared was the grandest work that mortal could engage' in to lift a boy up to God and to his God-given place in ife. The - musical programme rendered at the sessions is a marked feature. "Yesterday, the Assembly beard two addresses by Rev. John Roach Stratton, of Georgia, the first on the morning on 'Does God Answer Prayer," and at night on "The Happy Way." There are many distinguished visi tors attending the Seaside Assembly and the, greatest interest and enthu siasm is manifested by all. Death of Mrv Benj. J. Bryant, Sr. Mr. Benjamin J. Bryant, Sr., one of the dldest and best known citizens of the Fifth Ward, passed away on Tues day morning at his . home, 608 Wooster street, after a lingering illness of several years from rheumatic and kidney trou bles. S He was 70 years of age and is survived byxme son ,Mr,. B, Bryant, Jr, one daughter, Mrs. Maud B. Newton, of Hopewell, Va., one sister, Mrs. Emma J. Frost, and a brother, Mr. S. J. Bry ant, all of this city. Funeral services were conducted at the residence at 11 o'clock Wednesday morning and the burial was in Bellevue cemetery. The marriage of Miss Charlie A. Far row to Mr. Frances L. Meier was an nounced Thursday evening at a card party given by Miss Olivia Hewlett. The wedding will take place July 7, 1917. at 7:15 a. m. Kev. W. R tfoe will ornciate, the ceremony to be at the Church of the Good Shepherd. Catfish Qtib Notes. ' Captain Hardy, of the Viking King, took an extended trip to Paw-paw-; land recently but has returned and is about normal again. He reports hay-, ing taken a sufiicient nilmber of plunges into the magic lake of Paw-Paw to as sure him that Dr. Camache, that wizard of Paw-Paw fame, will not have to give him farther treatment. It is rumored that the Commodore qt the Catfish Club has been suffering from and overdose of that magics oil of life, but late reports' indicate that the fleet surgeon has the case under control. There has been .but little action in club circles this week as the member ship has been very busy sampling a nfttw annnlv of bait.t ".- ' . - ':-': k f , - Springfield, 111., June 28. Street Car Men's Union, No. 621. has won the strike against the Springfield Traction Company after 262, days of industrial warfare. Wages, are increased, senior ity rights guaranteed and no discrimi nation is promised by the company. The strike, was0wafl with unusual vigor and the police records tell Its story ,bf methods used ! by i imported dtfiirohrAftkArR and ihnes who attempt ed to terrorize the unionists t' i : i &: i'!iv 'tip i'G -: ' ml.'J tV.i11;'': The. Pressmen's TJElen illCmeet; ; iv The Brotherhood of TnfeninderswiirS meet. Wednesday night. The Typographical ; Un ion Ji teets pa - Thursday , evening of nextv weekl. ,V,w v.-' :'::-,' I -x': :-:s'-r. '..v;?' i 7f5 Wilmington Trades Council ; let in' I regular semi-monthly meetmg 1 . 3sday Every union man .in . Wilinic. ton : should bring a friend to the Label Ben- fit Supper and Rally. " Mr. S. R. Brister has accep'ted a posi- tion with the Burke & Gregory Print- The lucky. number at the Label Ben-, efit Supper and Rally will draw a Five-1 the 'good cause and try your luck at the ' ..... - - : 'rtmZg same time. .'. -j.,- , yr;-;:;r!;":-;s ODhe! Carpenters' and Joiners' ynionj met in regular, weekly session on last 5 Thursday night. Come with us Tues day night, Brother Carpenter, and help us boost the Ufcion Label fund. . , Our old friend Pat Peoplesr of Dur- nam, wno nas oeen penorming in toe Dispatch press room for a short while, has resigned and will return to his old home and have charge of the Herald , -press room in future. Mr. Baxter Ozment and Mr.- .S.IA.:.--, ' Cronen burg,- - two- pop ular . ypos nJ v ': fi " their families, will reside at cottage Noi , Beach, during the remainder of the sea- son. And the nnny tribe naa petter:,'. head ofif shore, . , . .. WfSr ,' The Label Products Committee and a snecial committee . from the Allied Printing Trades Council met Monday V night and completed arrangements for' the Label Benefit .Supper and , Rally to ; be held in Odd Fellows' Hall on Tues day, July 3rd, at 8 p. m. Come out, 4 ; Brother Unionist, and help us boost the , Union Label. ... . y- Label Benefit Supper and Rally The Label Products Committee; and the Allied Printing Trades Council, the iaoei poaies.oi tne vyumington xraaes v j Council and the printing trades unions, . . J respectively, have air ad. on the,; sixth page announcing the Union Label Ben . efit Supper and Rally, to be held rues TTttll t TKirH and Vrinnp KirfifttJS. - at 8 o'clock. Every union man in .this ty . AM WtaII an airavir fmantl r-f . rTCrb.ni fl'! 1 a.-viiSvyii ', r bor; should be present and aid in mak- , id? 'Wis eveui a asuuuc. - ooo uu biaiu, pageTor particulars. , There , will be re-j-. freshmen ts on sale; classic music on the , -piano by Mr. J. Bradford ! CampVellA a V": if;' newly-located pianoforte, ; an .organ r in- stractorj recitationsr$ play of many union-made products V " on sale by local merchants: . :.Let cveey ' union t man remember his ; obligation - and be on : hand with (a. few spendable ,1. -dimes, It was intended", to have a street pa rade preceding ; the - supper,' b lit on 4c ir part of , the rally,! has been , postponed Tin ni a. mium uam. f.i.v;'.- ".!: JllJ' ?After ;tf short strike? organized doci;, ; . -f reiglitl haiidlers of Boston ave raised ' i .wyti--?.i--" ... 4k' i 1 , 1 v..v

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