, ' - . - . " , - ... : - ' - , , 'v .. ... ll-j U, ;.v-v --j- .'-r'f:., " 3 - 4 '.hi l- 4 t It V 5 f K i - v The Medium cS Organized Xabor and Gi irdian of ihe Workihghian' s Interest ' SATURDAY. J JLY 7, iJ9J7. OUR .ADVERTISERS. ?hiz mention this' paper, when patronizing v 1 See Sunday aim daily schedules "of;; the steamer .Wilmington; on tKes1xtKpeJ; Juliusbelovilz the high-class ladiesVdfessmakef has an attrac tive caret: 6ct the third page- , ' ; Readattracdvead;," of E. ; JE. Russon'the .sixthpage He is offering "flour as a specialty o- dayv;r"':Ux;V:'-- ' :.tV TJttle Shoe Shop Around theCorner has lariv attrative card on the-sixth-page. He orKs.ior the good'-qf . the, sole. - TViV Mftthariics Home, that bid and stron r ' Buildin g . and Loan Accnrtinh: hoens its '54th series today . Read: -card on the sixth page.; PRICE $J.OO A YEAH LABEL BENEFIT SUPPEP. "v. AND RALLY A SU JESS STRVCTf NAVAL STATION JNFAIR FIRM WILL CON- A.C ll FEDERATED CRAFTS .v I . : , : - r ' Hundreds ofUnlon: Mennd; Tailr VimillVs Carolina Wood Products pompinycf Ashv!!lt. 14 rS-.hexjtsrn Railroads t Grar.t G Per jAsserabb and Pais an Enioyable Eventng- Has Been Antagonist cf Ashevllls UuIsrj FcV CenLXicresSs la Wests Instead cf 10 Per . Display Cf Union LabeKGoods-'-Aadress by a Year Refused to Deal With Unions ln , c' Asked For by Them. 'j ;; '1 . . - , ? n-f . - , 'Ttie A: C. L. Federated. Crafts.-com- , I. - j t ilT mu it " t" - J posed of Bailer Makers Blacksmiths; TheLabel Benefit 5 Sapper . and Kally , . The following telegram from : the f, . ; - , -, - . rXTA Li, a ii J v Maehmists, Sheet Metal Workers, Elec-- uesday evening, in Odd FellowsHalli editor of the Ashevule Labor. Advocate 7 .. I , ' ( "v. ,'s v . : -.''. - " trmlatiH and -fiarmon. mot In sneaia.1 ses- ' the Iiabelrod-. ndicates that the proposition to nave . . , . ' , the Allied Trades irganized labor . represented in all na- sion Jn -0dd bellows' Sail, Tuesday : l l 1 J.-! ' A, - , , , nient. to consider a counted nronosition Tuesday. r under the auspices of Council, was a Signal success In eyery tional defense work is not being Uved !ttV to.?"er f cpunte-proposition wav.- i- - - ' P to, in one or ; the most important - . ... J m , rit' i .1" L,w;m.nv. -. . . . . gardtoaraise-inntheir ;f le of wages.? he; .PoeTWw. Projects of theNavy Department, which i. a 10 pV opened with the , rendition of the;foK . is under the control of our leading j & . proposition lowing musical classicsby Mr. J. rad- -nWsman, Secretory of the Navy Jose- from tne 3 '4-, increase. ford Campbell, a .newly-looajed:Piano-. i hus Daniels and' which organised la- 6 and. theIght-honr day. forte ana organ, leacner-auu uireoiur, ,c-i up uauuuu . - . vote' token, resulting in a unanimous the unions - feelin & fhat their demand ; w The Carolina Wood Products Com'- i Tav ya Tsr nnnt wae waiI fminArl nwinof - n win I fafr list, has secured the contract for -loe lgn 01 uvm&. El8hl,. Th.us.nd S.t.,1..- Cu.tom.r., 1-;. de.Bai;";"Ch.rison h t,u.u5... ...w " " . ; . renaereu. iruiu uc, v at Jamestown, Va.. They "have been . UNIC We have an Optical, parlOt in d' Amour, op. 85," and "Danse en form figbting organized labor a yearand in . ,y Wilmington equalled only by d6 Meuet,V all being of his own com, f l .ure and thosein larger cities. position. m.-.J' ..i- Ji 't- your .unit " 1 o ti rk off An r 4-Vk a - w 4- w aaIIm m v v t thOSe-in larger Cities. - position. . - -r iv.o AViAVnionJiftTiyour MUnon..r,f rinterman,-and" The Wilmington. Optical torn- : Following, the musical opening re- , ' i diawdown tht -Bo-cent Vrebate.?' vw'' ; tany 'Dr. Miles WMaloney, freshments were served ' and the union- istsrill be righirafter these unto con- ; . f pany, o-'i. x:AVr v. ... ..,,.- i .tractors .and it is verv nrobable that , Demand--tLi . union label ; on your: estabUshed about tWO years.' L .U , and was much llntest when Secretary Daniels is Informed of printed matt-r. e .yal, to the label, ; . Their prescriptions are all num- manifested UTth'e union label move- , WVJ , . bered and show that they have OH ment which l is ;now -under way by the 9lzed- lS;4-V-;;: , :, - KTOther.Hubandf the Typos, pulled- , 000 satisfied customers.?-- Custom- tbe interest apparent at thq rallywilt ers'must be Satisfied, and if it IS, yeitntucbigoodVtobnr lqcaUer known that any of . them are not cnantebo carry union-label gobds. . pleased with the service, Dr. Ma- Then ca'me 'one of the most entertain loney; will appreciate anyone re- ing and instructive features of the oc-' ferring them to him. : --; . casion, the able address ofMayDr P. Q. Dr. Miles W. Maloney, Presi- Moore on 'Tbe Union Label and the dent and Manager, : is a graduate. Bl.otnerbood of Man," which heid;those. Of the Philadelphia Oplical. CoJ- pregent iD rapt attention and was given tfrpd in- NortU -Chto- I. i I'lwn anrlnnhtf itAtrnin at li -114. ' Should fail, thetj.';- wa- ; th?anv gioff two'iar'oTiisau.''a'!rW- alert 3lcers; of' Sie American Federa- jv . ( 4 r tion of tabor. Let us air get busy and , Electrical wotk met m regu- :;;; seetHai the Naval Training Station is lar session Tuesday nigbt andfter clos" , constructed under feir working condi- Jwwa in wild sister unns in mftlc- -. ... ;;v-i :'.a : . r lniriitHrrv; uih ' liHi m nKiiHiic Kiinnwr lege; registered' ins KortJJ iC?" a rousing applause atits conclusion. Mf iw mi nation ana a mem-j mo-crv woe friirw- ber of the American Optical as- by seTerai selections ?tbe piano by SOciation. , Mr; Edward Chad wick, whwjh was very He will be; pleased to have you pleismg "the audience and which call- and inspect his facilities,; drew forth encores from his many ad liave your glasses adjusted and. mirerg - get an eye-giass cleaner wmcnuc A mogt impresslve aiid effective fea- IS giving away. - , 4 A waa the recitation by Miss Mary E. Besiire before you go-aneaa. 0f that masterpiece; v 4 'Eternal It's your eyes ! . JnsticerCbarles MicKay. o ' Go mi look, over HIS wailing y As the Label Committee l&dby this room; his refracting- rqpm; in-1 : aU the refreshments the ,spectnissnop, nissiu.ui ,cuo, . h - itarted iri to dispose of the in Hfndft at vour leisure. Ur J ,i . . . .j.:- jk wt., --- , . N many union-iapei-pruaucta uuuawu w . See card on. sixth cage. :- I ; - . c y - rnor linn f m mu uiuum v . v . -I ...tTTLoHoiarcrr merchants and. several manufacturers, w.. a nea, su. f,r andPresIdent Vaugb. "put things over ; ln f.dln. In the dls- with dispateh. the ."suburbanites:' get; j, - . . wn u.p , ,,t,t olav of union-labergoodsand who bare .": rr " i .r;r ThB hem - : -. .jiup. -aauBcr. ,T. i,n,kv.,BBlk.Wllliams. - Baiter .- m-tti. nocn't nail' Tobacco Co., L. W. Davis; G.W. Fenny, hli4 to duty before the date arrives. n. wmw.BDu, r-, , J. will be" on "the job anyway things & Hancock., ; V- fw'V I-.,-: '. j- -v; - . There Weather union-label prod- turn. - . v - ?' J. x" , " . . - - ucts; donated by manufacturers ana trades unions as-follows: - "VlJnion-label m'atch noxes, froin, Ihe Carpenters' ana joiners uu- . . , One pair of Smith's High-Grade-oyer: ailVmanutactured iDurjiam, thonly nnion-labei overall made' inhis State. HolbVrt Fpur, YArderTt overalls manufactured for tne wnoiesaie Chattanooga,. Tenh 1- c ' S A catalogue of union-label goodaLhan- f rv . s w jV"' .-' i. -'l-'.i 'V;',.' turn. i , f Pressmen's Union met pn; Monday evening with, a full;attehdance. ' They -were well I represented : at f the ; supper oh Mil v Tiiesdav nieht and - th6 cdm- mittee wishes to thank: ;'tbem; for their goodWkin'ttie first label . movement rm, in tnis cuy. --t ca tlie -( Union Xaoel on Arise, Josephus, and sniff the atmos- and'ltauy, pherel .," . 'v'. v - v ' : Wonder why Dave , Finney " misssd . '" the union meeting ? It costs the nrii&-. T . r;-. , of 'Vote," Davy,; so bearefulfjaejj r- 'ThatC'akeVwhiGhH:tlie Royal .taontiu'' But, then, you know, it was" Baking Company donated to the rhtfrsday. . : ; unions represented iH the Label 'TThe Label Products Commiitee m. Products Committee7 at the'.SUp-. xeguUremi-monthly.sessionn Mon- 1 i 11 " rr a M;i1i nfoo day- night and completed arrangements . per and rally Tuesday night was fothUllion. Sup-r a beauty and netted about $4; for whleh was a great SUcCes. ; " the fund, which .will be remem- - 1, "lL J'-' bered by: every vunion man. - -We eiday eveningr; They :, played -a ' - -K r T- , TTT 111 T " S -.'.--. thank you,fJir.:J? ox. ;YYCWiu,re-, godapart atthe rally: foY. which ...the member your kindness. - , V committee extends anksjBoost ithe, -,4." : " - label, brothers, , we need. your, help in ; , 'v' Stead The-Saturday Beoord. " - this work. ' , ' i . . died by Leopold-Morse, Boston; Mass;, ; The B,. C. of A.; met in special ses waslso on display, as well as the Na- sion Tuesday r night and after adjourn-' tiorial Labor Press Association Copper- ing attended the Label , Benefit Supper j ative Hanger, bearing much unioa-iaoei anaitauy. xney penwu:;wiMiuii, dataanda list of merchants of Wil mington who are friendly - to organized labor, and many manu&cturefs ,who employ union labor and use Jthe union label on their proaucis. other 13 railroad- crafts ,in considering the wage increase. - Baldy Strang" was thewinner of the , , Smith ' HiifhrGrade Overalls at- the rally ' TiiAeHWv- .'nicrht..' We was the i Droudest mm hoincr thA first effort made in : "i ' . .; , ji in ' booster for Smith's High-Grade overalls, V, Wilmington 1 to demonstrate to r tiie union men tnat it ismeir uuty w ronize ine manuiauturm i , - . - -sm - , ,' .who employ their brother unionists and.l: Call for -the ;Kita.IKjC, J"- , j,,....:,!. kri0 i xirfl.9 nnth- Purchase receipts wuen puyii. ing less than 'a signal rueeess and will; ibelvgoods. Save them:di d , have a good effect infringing aoou.co- - rZTZrA iu por xempie iuuu. . tv b u w : temple boys, if we all pull in the same drrnction; Let's turn a taick'beforrtb neirt oLrth of 'July r - r -" oneratibn between those -jwho handle unibn-la6elt goods ' andtrade Junion-; :;3ts: in.ieeping homeHearned money in home banks. : v - ; : v . k'. .. -tu- v' ' 1?