WW fir : 1 v r, " '-v ..s . 1 . . .1:. V.l , "IK r'i.'-.j S1 3. .v.r. :n,-';'w ' V , -t A y . J -- - i - Sp,iji;aii;.dthis week;e; .a6 - nW'$ ' , -.il flVr 3-fl dozen ''ersrs;;'Vf::;. vS3-ionsci retail. Kcaiisad. oiluethin . For- ne iim this tl , Union licrcia v... n rbusinis&;ai-rint of itht l.Kml bran.-h of meet ,o;ciock jvionaay Jiigmm pf-f-w Ste rchl-Barfcroft h a ve;aM union Vj ilStstac is of thirteen stores anapu Ji ;iv : lap luanaReBni oi iae com pan)r i enter irfto '. a ont fact witb7 ithe? u uion : YOU "- v"- f 4- 7.' 1 'Rubin cures yptir siroubles 1 v lby his new electric soig1rLiriiig the redeems wjtipai ;ber 0 "Scels witU ea rr ot l 4 He has up-to-date equipmenatnd ?J r guarantees all work,vwhkhi6 the higliest Class - - : r ; There are positions: nqattp rir 'orirl jrradiiate of abust? lUg 77.. : fc-n" ness college tor ( Tfle xkijs seventl States and - Territories and the Disti ct of Cplumba. ' ' :. ' , 2;llteijiila.riy i; ordained i ministers: of re- llglOIU 4 t y ; - l fille stden o,d i vm paiiy, has been I . Persons in i the ; pi llitary or naval ser- vi " -'-,1'.. -- country: "Vv ,,, . ,;: , Oilier 1 taken out their &ret papers. The folio w ing persons wil l i be dis charged by local .exempt ion, bcitls upon butihaving failed? in .hU efforti about j inVesiigtition: . : !; .'. two; months .?aga he f appealed?toifWiW s County arid municipal officers. mingtonruiea Obu Qustoni house, clerks. , K Jytncolnliematter 'C Jbf botoput Persons employed iij i ttie i!i6case in the nandofthe Label Prod- 'of 'the 'mails;-: trai8mission in aiba '! tko kn'f ilia FjiKnl Pmil- I f 4ha tlidilc ' ill UJO UOUtU UI'VUb LHtUOI'l. 1UU- I Ul Ul luaiioi 4 ne A 1 11 eu ; . rnnt m rraaes uouncii- s : : h will uiee t Tuesday i-"ev ehi nat Cft"pio!m;li:t . : Aaf idl lattetidace;! Mr;:;j;Ri;:Kenidy::i to W il m ington Trades Conu oil from i he Federal Employees Union ! Dick is on j? 7 i ; the' joltooS;ai , Mr Hoh es of ployees Unioii, has been elected to sue- ' v v ' ceed Mr. H. H. Ford resigned, as re- v - V " cordintr and corresboiidiusr secretairv of '"7'"'r. . Wilmington Trades Council.. , 4 " ' ' xne j. xv. 1;. 01 a. neiCMineir regular; :W;m--meeting:Wediiesday;iiight: I much interest manifested in the pro- V v .. ucls Ckitte whi posed infcrease in wag s.. Stick to"'1h-,y1,:.1, .i-O Ja urooosition. brothers, vou .de - T : .. ' consulteditKfSHowardi;' "tatesV VK'"' ' f-.; serve the amount asked for'f ia.r:. Y-- .C i 1 Going to War and the Girls Must Take Their Positions in Offices Jones Business College, corner Front and Princess streets, offers the best opportunity possible for ambitious young ladies. See ad. on sixth page. The eye is probably the most wonderfully ingenious and com plex organ of the human body, and being proportionately deli cate, requires to be guarded with the greatest care. IFW cat astw phies are more grievous than that of total blindness, and most peo ple would rather lose all , the other senses than be deprived ; of , sight. Dr. Miles W. Malbney, who has 18.000 satisfied custom ers, is a high class I oculist and will add all who he treats to said list of. satisfied customers. See . ' ad. on sixth page. ''::J-'.M Why send your money away from home to buy scab products when you can spend it at : home for uiiion -ptoducts ? Many peo ple do this land (get the worst of it all the way through! For in- staiiceya ;c)tizetf recently oMered x a head stone for the ' grave of a g deceased jelatiyfrjM v marble: yard ahd V whenrit came tne inscription, mat snuiuu uavc read "In )lMeyiw.l!! scattered 5 about -oil v the r stone' that is, "In God We"twas on one sideandthe wbi"apspr oii Qtti heatl -f a graye inSOEtelleyuecem etery II SaUdni espalltthe ion label ioods. v Read tne adi Of Meier & O'Neal on tne, 6th page: Tji'ey7 employ uniu labor and do sign a contract witnin sixty aay wirn '.; pteiyip jvw . . ; Tuesday iught :w the tageworkers Union, to .continue Mariners actually employed in seaserr ye tbeiu witii us, and; hope they wili , - in Vrt for nnn vMr WhAn'thn hnti- vio.fi of aUV CltiaeU. Or merchant AVithin H wtK .i lottV t nn Pr'v.lsl,.' : - ness agent of the union, in company; the United 8 Finneyof the- Dkpatch liui- - V with the organiser,: called on the man- Any married man whose wife or cina . . , : .i;-:.; i"T vetc- --T " - -ilio-ivAV tpe lbrcehas been altttle Sunder tbe frv kerement to close the contract they meV is solely dependent upon his labor dor .TV, ...i T:-v l-t;A, : t . . u - 1 . ..-. ,r I wcAiner : jor several uaj.. a iiuic? ,with positive Wusal and when the support.. . , t.-c"M V t r VrW; ri.'iii - 1- -L w... a r Kftlfil v dependent . ; recreation , will ..aa.vtqe ork, Davu, ; H, . matter was reponeu' iook .o me vv ii "Kww.rvy. T-t-- j''?'';' mlnc&D Tnide. Conncil th.t body upon hi Ubor foipp.. u fym , vdted uiMimously to declare the . . - - rt: ;gton Amusement Company unfair xlren under, sixjpiars ygesblely yMr. Charles II, Bell,; of iVashinst v ; toHvririnized labor, aiid instructed: ail dependent Up is M Pfpuhr member of 't he, ; . delegates to report! the aqliun to Ueir under local buuc.i ui uh i. a. T. JE.t und respective unions and u who habeen working fur the pa4iyur C; , member their obligation and give theii' neither tathef rittr mothei wpi i4r are y ears as chief operator of the New-Ther-; ; moral support to their brother union- solely dWendgirt ujfoiiis'labdri tor sup-., at re, of that city, has ? accepted;,a po: ; . 5 i-fo t na wrtrtr TTn ion in L '1 ' ' ?wy tion Wltif tbe water arid electrie piantlotail their effort to unionize tbe amusement Any person- who4S-a memper-o vuay v.y.'. ,, ' : ! ::;;:i.:y: - wellrrecogmzejlrjng Mr.ffi.:Porcideiit ofthoFed- 7;v . ,t r ..iMSfty v?-!?-r yraLlEmpioy ; ' r ji. mAmKoi-a: J-,n.ftrticirjate in . ' A i- ---J-l houses of. the city. , v . am-r rvrviTr. ... j inrmni' .im uuctuwe'v . - - r f virmino -nnn : nnrivsnnniiinir huh - re- nAive nri: warsi. a-rr : v"'-.:: I cording secretaf n;Trades ' All claims for emptioh mut be snp ported by amaavus ; . : ; transferred withe j riw" Am errcan ccixpeo Washington, .July "12.-Reports corn ing in frorri various sections of the cburii try. indicate that the price of potatoes is rapidlumblin has been made that a bushfel will be the preyaiUrig price sho prices on June 30 snowing a red uction from 40 to 50? cents per" bushels Denver, cs 6.; July l2.4After( the I newly mrniedyun railway employes was.oeirayeu mjt wo w tee arwhitnduct J negotiations with the managed ot the vmpany,th,e ement offered , to advance wages t oi the'Wen 2 - cents per i houi ; as a war bonus and one cen an uoui w vw mauitenariea JoTa ?verr :a;:?i thVfvttribtfsJiibhs. ;f The tXJiWlikix that it fiorv work bul has been uniavoraoiyn;- ;pbrtedt!6the:geue mfi far aWrson; to befoxmdjbusll; crred in some sori of labor; , ; x V ; .rv..7.'-..-v.'' finadv cbricedei tbe 3 cents per boor aovcelbjl bdt eSnuenqe bfiislshMlie made a t ' nn v.tha nAmmnv which i3 fkhsftrifc :he eaturdaysBcoi-' : 3 Chicago, ouly la. we receive uu-r ; , v- ... - . . - ,,, wxv...te v,. ; . , , . . ,, o- -Thfl Tailo M 4 pereons .mollydeflclen.tv's110" as Coiincn who has beien employed in the v . ; ' merous complaints,"-, says xne raiior, i r . . . y : - - v-?v:fts-" v : . . v ..:f criminals:- ' vf , . - - United States Engineer Department, m 'about our locals Tiot being represenwsu. in central labor bodies; And wer alsbre-' ceive some apologies from the unions complained about : Thereis no apology good enough 'to 'excuse a journeyman tonoi beirig a inenaber of the union. The dpology some t tailors offer isxthat the unibn is not Wn right. The local unions that are. not affiliated with the central labor; unions ani V state federa tion make the same excuse. ; v . w ?If the' taUor who refuses to join the nnijtca he min It should be is rightj so is the ldcalXunion to join the cen- iral labor union. In bu entineyMe ISiodiesS s'taerat Americ PedenrUon of Ibor;; Ficewherehewi4ihhe ity of confidential clerk , ' with theprivl J ieges,auJ?wno' yvbile Brother Fordbasjse; au secretory I'o Council for only a. ( few-! months,1 he hasO; , been a valuable and. most laitniui pm: ',y.v , per, arid the Ckuncilkaceepted-his resig-.' ' nation with -regreV. We wish for him'', mUCn SUCCESS- 1U ucw ;viohljju o-xiv, . , C may he return to us after , completing ; , i his service in France ,. J J V.? I , v i - .. "V J" Texas . Guards Children. ' Austin, Texas, July aO.The riew child labor law, passed -by the, last leg islature, is row in" effect '.No firm or - . - : 'i it' L . corporation - ur . niou cu 0411 cjatt-, , ploy any child nride'l& to labor injbf. "I about ; an y factory,' ' mill; workshop... laundry; theatre or other place of am use- ment, orin messerger service,, in tojvns r of. more than 15,000 population.': :' ' " " - -: The Illinois Xeg islature has amende I :thecworknens vcompensatiorif law by rnakingv compensation compuUorj' fjr f - ' ' js employers, instead of optional' ' 4 nrswlacs 70r11. . 5 3