J- 4 It , vV! ' ... VOL; Z NC.25. he llediniii ofrganizedxZabor and anatdian of th&orMgman's rntejKsU SATURDAY; JULY 21, 9t7. PRICE $J.00A YEAR '4 OUR ADVETTISZRS ' tvhen pzircnlzing COMMENDABLE ACTION; a jf 'i-...-.vi ' Plcss3" fnrri..n 1?1.,3 ; enth. and; Cattle f . ets, has a new ad.. - '. n the. sisth ;pat, .. He says H is "A, "J v Secret? about flour and invites you to x V call and have it revealed. -Jo "yon; v X it' Protect Situations of 'Meinbers Ea- V: Complying' with 'the f instruction s of the International fSoard of Arbitration,-. the Executive Committee of Wilming- See the card of. John, HoVey, We ton Typographical Union: has entered first-class 'fitonejwqrkeT,-224 Front St, into an agreement" with the employing rtllotoughly equip-1 . ' IVis 5ee4 between the; employer lor employers) . ana " the'-; union, - par-? ties to this contract, that v the situa te is an artisan or wc imf many - oars and is- . ped for all: high-class stone worfcS '! . r - Read; the Saturday v and Monday spe- cials f of , JS'rank M; Hoss : grpcer; 223 Market" street, w;in today's papeTt page six. " He vofiera 'several j attr.ictiVe bar gains. ? ii ve nim - your, order; ana save tions: of employees' who enlist or are en rolled for service in timeof , war may be filed during-their absence by the fore4 man of- the .department in which they aTe emnloved. ' Provided. That nnnii' money. .His prices wUUlp'titework. V fortiag for duty the1 situations for- BUStfESS AGESNT :!ARRESTED H.i J McCartney i the plumber, has an ad. on page six, in whicli he .offers the marvellous fireless cooker : He guar - an tees no heaVfrom this wonder of in- Tentions of the age, and furnishes the latest cook, books free: . . 6ee7hls ad. merly held by these emplyees shall be restored to them. , , ' ; " t. " This provision shall not be .construed as Tequiring the employer to restore a situation which may have been abol ished through a reduction in the'force, :XX i'i'-' I : graphical .Union. for 1916, 'the undcr standing; being that employees covered by this provision shall suffer no loss of priority rights or standing during' their absence. ; - ' r.' r lf in restoring; apprentices to their situations the total number employed shall exceed the number allowed by the local contract, the parties to this agree ment will exert every" reasonable effort to make provision for ; any ' apprentices who may be displaced. The alove provisions are not Intend ed to require a foreman to fill the situa tion of an employe who is absent for the reason above given or to compel the reemployment of any- employee." who exterminator, Is advertised by Mr.Ed Sandlin on the sixth pagA Xt not.only puts Brother Bed-bug on t of commis sion, but is : a cleanser of fiirnlture as -well. : Askvyour grocer forDead Shot',' and suffer no more irom this bust. ;' Read Honn et's attractive:, ad. in the i'Special T,cday Jand Monday feature' ? on the sixth p.ef and sop in, when mak--ingvyour Sturd ay v rounds- and look his , magnificent' line of goods! over, reven if :x -f " you do not bXiyl He invites you all te - . . come. r , , : , - i: Bell fc Carney jthe new firm of black-" I smiths and 4 wheel wrights,'; ,whq- are'lo 'cated in Racket Store-; alley, opposite thePront Street Market,, have a card on; At :the JamestoW: orWhilc ; ; -Attempting to Help, Unionist: 4 : . orfolk, Ya. July " 20.fcf- Jones, 'business agent of the -Building .Trades, vCoimcil of this citywas arrested at the .SalmestownW aM the' unidnists of . Astieyiiie in.their, trouble with , he Caroilua:"Wood Prod . UOts, Company, who haff contracted for construction work at J amsto-wn, and is determined -to fight organized labor; ,Mr. Jones and other labor ofaeials had secured vfrom the 'wgOYernment- which wrtlllrl Anall a thorn ' -rt ?wv-svT4ki4'4-t ri i.li. - . ' j. . uui unueriiugs oi inose -Wnp navo tne woric ln nana apparently forgot that it was government work, ahdVthat Ameri- uau vitweus uv? uunaiu rigu is, ur nave been led to believe tbov have, amonz wbieh is the right of laborers - to or ganize. J ; - . It is. expected this arrest will tend to arouse . the ; labor and; labor leaders of Virginia against the Carolina ,Wo6d Products Company and aid the Ashe ville unionists by branding them as tin- fair to organized labor. ; ' r ; : - ' .Ar,. i LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS; ? j the sixth page, of to-day's paper. They because of any physical disability may ;-iare first-class mechanics' and are well equipped to do all classes of -work, and eyre bespeak for them jtheir share ef pat ronage. " . ' V-.' ' . .. , ' i . .. - heX3reat-SummerCleuance:8ale at G. Darinebaum's, Market street, is nowin . full swing.- He offers as spe cials today and Monday all- summer dresses', skirts,, blouseand children's wear, which,; will , Je. sold at saorifice prices, q Bead his ad.;iii ; Special Today and Monday " ' feature,' and save some money by - taking " advantage of the many bargains he offers. ' - - . , : : We were in error is our issue of July Httfinimentionlng ,W.:Ma Lonely as a4iigh-elass oculist' :Psi ZZ lonev is ot sua oculist and docs Cf erv, rcorreoUcarcf rcTtiwacjr Every ctr!rrrioinrctC;' feoardci: -itr3 0iPptCt7.Cid mnstf ClzzJ "CT 1 Ueczse to cr-rUa ;ons pn0 f-i L13 cftK:rV. V - . X XT.- rfr'-, Cash Dc.rit be unable -to perform the duties re quired in the situation formerly held by hi'm.' J:. The following is; a list of employers entering -into the agreement: - Star Publishing Company. j Dispatch Publishing Company.- , Jackson &Bell Company. - Wilmington Printing Company. LieGwin Printing Company. Pittman-McColl Co. , . Huband Printing Company. Review-Printing Company. , v Southern Lumber Journal. , .; -The Saturday Record. . : MonCr-. " '.rr3 5 per czz ilzzzX these stetujcther. -::it era iiunion for 513 YIt Cra gives U3 crsitr3 ft &.iXt2tytZ$z& I discouiiVt--r .ca' Cri crJ ti call and. fca plcsssd,- Cttd tX U Umecavo7cc-;t3C-lthdC3llir,f ' - - ' . . ,.i -.i y ' - . ;., ; v i M DcttS cf a .Grind OM Wcsc3 mlngton's meet cstitolenaDC.w J womeai passed to her rewc on vec nesday dort-ins tX 12;15 o'cl. c2. after cV Ulnerj ;.ct f V ycdw, dnilss nt! time c-ia . I-xvUd ti her hcr: c t North Tiird c-: wp ac: , Catfish Club Notes. The poor old Fish let the Blue-cat iret on her nec ana. stamp last WednsS-Zy. evening. , - i" ', misfortune of breaking bis arm aoccrt six weeks ago, is now able to work fgtL are glad to 'learn. " - Captain Cam ach e has . decided thaicn electric fan wlU not blow that v?3 and hg cut cct the -draft wheels in tio t Itrivate Quarpra of hisship. : : ' Xiieute!nt TThaley , in. an interv ier trith nrttt jro;Tatermeldn .j, vendpr, de clared ti-t ter melon grown up the oiVer wJ ieoas watermelofj grotm 1 Ci?n thtsT river. But, somehow, It oo-" cars to Tfcjf that a ntue spray oi u-g-g-g-r Tfould CtlO a dliference to'Thaley . - 'ffrifflpb fifears, a jnemberof the Irncer Company A; was a welcome - . . .-. . ... - . '.-., Tlritor in tae city auringxne weei. v tj "3 vCcsczsry. mem per tue vavusu Kd end te dub honored; him. with a l fcuet tt the Club ' Ja.eaaquarters on evesiingt at wnion xtocKy j;oru r :;:aupcji leaa tne menu, , UNION BREVITIES. A street market will be operated by, the farmers on, Dock, street between Eighth and Ninth streets, from day light until 10 a. m., in future, provided the residents do not object. v . : I f Enterprising citizens are making an effort to have a shipyard eetablished at Point Peter, and have called the atten tion of General Goethals. to the splen did location where ships . for govern ment use could be built. . " ' ? .Dr. W. J: Pettus, medical officer at tached to .the staff of - Admiral lieatty, in, command of the Sixth NayalDivis-; fop, was in the. city during the week oit a-tour of inspection, with .aviqw toe. tablishihg a naval." t&Tniug or aviatiou Dr. Av 0. Nielsen, who was1 .called to Richland, N... on Monday of list week by a telegram from Mr;' N. Wv Jarman, who was in a critical. .condition' and not expected to live, has returned after treating Mr. JTarman for five days and states that the patien t is rapdl& re- covering and expects to be thoroughly cured in a short while. s - ,c "Scrubby- Roderick, a well known resident oftho southern 'section' of the city, shot and killed his wife' at their home on Seventh and Dawson streets, Friday morning. It is not known what prompted the homicide, but it-is gener erally 1 believed the - act was caused by jealously. He is 'under "arrest and in; aestivation , is being .made by tbea"u- thorities. ' -U!. A rc for 1 n.Vftl crnnrla." : vDonJt forget theate )of the State Fe4- eration Convention Aiigustlt, ' . s J IJel the advertiser know .you "appro-;1, ciate his business in your paer. " Read the ably-written article from the pen of Mr. Clarence Hampton.,' of. 'Ral-V eigh, -on. the ' subject " 'Indifference to' -Duty,"-in next weeks paper , ; -Mr. T. A. Wilson,who has' been emtr ploy ed with the Wilmington-Printing; Company as bookbinder; r has resigned i and5gone.ta 5pichmond to accept em- ployment. - u H Mr. Dare 'Finney , who has beenm-'. ployed Wiih TheDispfttch in the lino type department, and who is an artist of the .first water, IJias resigned to accept v employment on aNorfolk: daily paper. C , Th AUiedPrinting - Trades Council, met Tuesday .evening. .There -wasa r good attendance' and -much-" : business'; v ' tran sacted; Demand and boost the union . ' - label on allprinting -and. purchases; as f well as on the.moving, picture reei. v ,; , ; Messrs; C. F PUIey M. G. Heath , and C.'F. 'Koonee were 'appointed dele- : J gates by President E.jrwfcker to,xep- '; reseqt JRaleigh Typographical iJnion at f the convention of the State 'Federation j t of Labor, at Salisbury, on Augijf 13th ' V'' The Edwards . fc Brou ghton. Printing ; .- " ; ' vouipauy auu vi3Ajymmeriyiai xirinung yompany, of Jialeigh, will do therint--ing lor t the State of ;;North' Carolina. .The Commercial is putting in new ma- A '' J'"..IJr- Li I - - 1- V--.'- '.I'm ie ria i. ana wui, e mj oy; a: large iorce.qi Lworkmen. monotypist oti.tnis city, wno has been employed in lemonotype department . of the -Edwards & ;BroughtonfCo.:of V Raleigh for some tim'e",was suddenly. ;V called home list, week onaOpbunt of iy ness in his family. v.'. "-w'V; 'V - 'Friends of organized vlabor and,- tirde ' un iphistsi5&uld bearin f mfnd.thexl.cr t)pSX the, "W i lm ingtonAm tisenleiit Com;- : paay has , beep declared ujfatr'tfo or- . ganized labor, and; help the I.;A. T.S. - -v JE Junlpn) . by stay ing away frfem 'th es e . ' playhouses. Remem beri y ourf 6bliga-l ! tTX!sistoa 'firemen will attend the Convention wnicn land frhib'war- be a hat,- .ghoea, garments carry the i :r i. -i.fi-f Mill nr.!i mni'r T J Ji W - s cted Cuniliea of Ciia city, wrtlc.'Ar 5- B KiMfeJn?-tf?rta 1 r: ' I r-e- fiuitour - fe sofmeTTnitedriUt--2xf;C;jC iT.PrV- CUakad, other 1 LATEST XSTEWS BRIEFS. 4 'rCThe. American steamer Grace has bee uk by a submarine. v ; - ; . ; The Russians cabtiired; nearly forty thousand Teutons lrom July 1st to 13th. f ' IE. TT "Wiiitnr-GfirBnan oousiii at'Rich- mona, va,.ror,f many .years,, nas neen Interned. ' - . - ' Four large1 subniarines were destroy ed by American gunners on warships convoying troop ships to France-on last' Monday. r -: v- v l 'Nt-V .V i Several "hun wrtd employes of tee rail--road shops; k' I rtsmbutti, lVa., have struak as a p- t" . against .the ; delay" fnr he matter. 3d 3 advance of JXO pei'' 6ent.in pay docLndeoVsome' timeagd. : ' '".FetrQgradTwM tQe sce ae v 9f . oloodyj .rioting ;on Tuesday and . c6ssacks were" used tfqrthe - first time tq patrol jthe streetssf- There was' np! dasn betweeii the troops and rioters! -; , ; - -'.At-'O o'clock, -Fridayv morning; in a: committee; 'roopa 7 of . the Senate ofilcei QceIbUilding the .firgi rdraiwingf o t the. US 0; crinjt ' under "-the ' Selective Draft 1 w T?- i.ms A A - a 'V.ThA-Swnrlr- was fin' ifshikd I U about anhour. tA; VM" ; - :V : - Secretary of WarJaker Jian ";nnouhe- f ed toct plants for tfco prodaotion of hi-, trate frcrn atmospheric nitrogen . wbuld ,bef constructed immcdlitety at'a eostof about ClC0O,CCO' L"d that-water. power would not be used.,-. - - - "-i ... ' The Isabel Products Committea'met in.: regular smi-mohthty rrt ee ting-Monday .-, -niirht iaud' much .important business . " was trasacteci.. ' The 'couimitteehas the Labor Day celebration under the au- K spices of AVilrningoh Trades Couu"M, baud.arid expects to put! orf orie c !-' grandest parades r-: labot dexr: : " tions on this first " iayK in Ccptcrr ever held in tsIJi-,1 1 t . The WiUbi;ades C iV ' ;i res that -xrineis tn' ihantsaud, tr. zrsrs-in " r sires chants have a float L-- L-iVo;'.!. : . go they -cza T " -3 tltem-clrc-Valtcd jonl:7 ' 5 J Prcn:! raittee attn 3 I:rthO c interest thc i" thfs r: -b5r Day C3l;' 1 pirsdef!:3f in the h'stoi. Int ; . . boost Wilclf- ; 'Jjt.?Tlr-'r and you will tzs U forts as well te e the spirit pf Ur. make a &rt t l 1 . iUtyow fire :i:(:rttsiu"; tr;.mechani:. clerical or . professiodti rfeorr, a r-1! .way employe, etrecit i.ear. indtorc: : c r -conductori iaborerV in fact any V. x T. Iwase-earner andr do-.not lbloac 5 i tunica of yodr crtft you arc cttidlr 7 1 i ybui eWllghtt; ts wcU S3 isr c-Ir V 1 ' the etlidards e2bhlici.b t!:o r " AwKcd from ycur sIcLi'jrr, ncn-t 1st; and get your nana cnrsllJl. v membership boot: 3 c7 V:o r-:icn c ' vocat!dn,':: for ,Cio ;ccr rr lr-i f-j : Vou'as ntool wiCi tD rr. 3 'union cin, wto b.itr- .4 "j'"'. : y our ctindrl as trcU . u - ; of exint: amount ct cr-!c ' ; ' duo tiro ycu T " I . . 1 celf ctiutli: I L7: ??hc:: ell' r-T j ;nrrt2aFErriest Kistler, of JSarbers. . ' . -riZzV.zg T7fts:kmed;':andItoMaeer J- t . f$r--z Ji!! 4 FcTf -offCtolottea Vas r-.'W- jWcf -cprcu,--. .it.vJ:-- rlaitsd; whenia;Soathern;jtreia; r , : rcaCv r ' Ov . . - --a completely over cn Moad-y .l-'ad"thti::i . .,-.C ; v ; y. v,ot' ' '' KSXi iS?i - ' ' .- ' . T . ..:... i . . -

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