M 1 fc: ,7iItfiin2:ton iTA6 .arediuni of Organized, iabor and.Gaardlan ot 'the.Workmgman'Xnterest. , ;' J, . . .. .-' -.1' . .-"r- '.':.i'.r . - -i . . ii ,i , f , , . -- ' '- " ,. , -, i . : , -VCT.. 3. NO. J0; SATORDAY; OCTOBER 6;ir9J7. PRICE. -$JXpv'4yEAB' ; .-- - 1 WAM mn.T TTnTTTfTvTTTTTTTTi WAt . mi., J. J-, I 1 U f I' VI I I : I I i V 1 III1I4 " . I . i J- J--d C i v. ' i V t- ;.Yminvestite:the s.- , .m the Kocky Mountain Resrlon ana on' thrrPxrifr rVv v W.ashingtotf touVOct. '4." following a -to I i rjnt pratost "by PretiidentOompera, ' st'Kai t st v, t ii dfimrf tuuV" oT avoi ke r i n '" svornT wsterw JoeuTh if s,' President . Viisoi h:vs uppoinled tie . -folio tvnjr-J " ' -'''', ' '-"-ft' . '.' ' ' , llus question, unci ihe iAborshiVati( in ? pe nioutuam Tesou aHd oiiv tho PaciSc , T - ! WILIJAM BWILSOX.creiaryf Labor,; -:; - ' i ' 'A ' 1$. P.'JIARSU, President Washington ft ite' Ii.toratioii of tborJ '-' , ' V A- v -1 ' - - v , " J.' . JOIIX'Il. WALKER, Presldenrill17 iiob State Federal iqn of Labor.--' H - j: Ii. ,S PANGLER, "retired ' coat "oper- utor, Petinsvlvania. ' t, - . ,"a ' ' - ,7 YEHNKIl Z. HEED,metl,,t3perator 'aud rancher, Colorado' rT"' ; -:' .:,' :?1 In b, statement announcing these air ' 'pointmen is President Wilson said: v. j b sian to visit, in eacli instance, the Gov 'erppr bt the State,' advising him that ifoky are there. as the personal represen ' k ':tticns of thft Prpsident wlth'a Vievr to H -7--; --- -- . '4 lending symp:itietic codnsel and aid to ? the State government in the develop- mntof a better understanding between laborers and employersand also them- ' ' Rfivesfcto deal Yvitb emnlo'versaud em- I plOve Lna: conciliatory spirit, 'seek to ; compose differences and allay misunder- l standi ng, arid in any way that may be I opentb the in to sh o w the active inter- es'tof theational Government in furth- I erjng arrangements just' to both' sides. V-berever'ir4 is defmed-radvtsable - conferences of employers and. employes $ oiild" 'be called' with he purpose of t ..working -out aVmntual.uude'rsTsuidiiig I . between ahem whjchwilV, iusure-the j continued operation of the industry on I conditions acceptable to both sides. ,The commission, should- endeavor &lio to learnjlhe real causes for any dis content which mayVxist on either side, riot Vv- the formal process pf. public hearings but by getting Into tpncb, with. Workmen and.employers by the 'more 1' informal process of personal conversa- f V 4I.wbuld be pleased to have the com- from time to time , . IIJISMUU J.VJJV.. J ". i ' ' . such information as rjfay require imme- diate attention." s lri: Me - . 7 - . , : - rrurcrikinff Kinr is -now pulling ten ,Tbe-ilciDg Amfe :.. rniies an xiuui, v" ..-.r. . ''.-' .. . 1 .' Anrl TnOTY'KIIIIin. ' the Viking King, de success. in to Thornbew on last Sunday.-.-; -The Vising King rade a successful run 5 V ; ' -The autumn races of the Uatnsn tiuu : ' were postponed f a week, on accbunt t r . -r :''.. 'i4.'finTB J in the ' ; wrft "nessarv alterations in the ofpme n gas boilers, nas boilers of the speed ooais. y .-1. "-- 4 :-5f4? ' ' , ' v - :lf iEl"- Jna Wal rr Croonit who is now working'at .Petersburg, was tellt . - ipg btefellpw'cadBherm.funiiy.B - . " ries during the past, week,, while visit - Cat, who,len: for-Northern. Jpoints S Kiehtly Sast have lanaep on arrival ana ruiiew rr ; z r-1 ; - BAKING POWDERS YOU. MUST WATCH. Good LuckPrincmeRough Ridcr " :eady3bost,r, and- : -Battleship, 1 5 . f . , , (Special tOvThe Record.) ' ; , '"Richmond, Va., Oct.-5. By ita,r ifiyaftl. 'to set tl e - i ts d i ffe ren ces '- wi th ' the yyungrVomen employed in its labeling department the Southern Maoufactur- nig Company has .brought 'upon itself 1 'j.e entire labor movement;, of; hot mere lyiRiclnuond but; this opposition will within a few weeUs be extanded to cover the en ti re con ti u e n t Lei tors vilL-go put of Richmond.. next week to every .city in the United States, Can- ada; Mexico, and the West Indii Is- lands tf the members of organized la bor as vv:i as 'to the Farmers' unions, GrknKers,? Women's clul consumers' leagues, housewives' leagues,' arid similar-organizations advising them -of the strike and its cause,, and the refusal. of the company to even investigate. -The; brands ofbaking. powder manu faotured at the plant are "Good Luck,'' . r v.l ..'' .,. .'. ' : . "Prineine,"- '"Rough Rider," "Ever Ready," "Booster,? and "Battleship. " In future members ot organized labor willrefuseHouse these brands or :.any Uiucia mill mio 111 111 u y uui iiuuii . .y X, market; not merely. J they tlo this i"of strike and its age. F.. W. . Hoover, who is 'now Sp W appointed under a $10,000 fbond in, the mtfr 1 all cV Si labor un- , f nTiiiUi.rtJ,, Tf bnt they will, tell cause to others 1 1 l j . . : ' . LTr &&JZ ;u:.UercaSeL.WiUl Massenale. It I ! 111 l..tl-.w i- tf . H4 1 - n-v-t -I I - I 1UUS VVIJl leu HIO MUl V Ul HlO Olimc ojjv how the company has refused to listen to the charges-, made by the youhgla- dies. UNION BRIEFS. Wilminsrton Tvnoeranhical Union met Thursday eveniug nn - regular monthly session. - The Brotherhood of Bookbinders met met on Wednesday evening in monthly meetiHg. . , j .. - - The Pressmen Union held 'their, monthly meeting r Monday evertingr in Odd'Hellows' Hall. . We regret to announce tnat Mrs. . x. Lone and her little'girl have.been ill at uong auu & several davs, . S..-1 VM-r- r . . . . . - . Therotherhood of Carmen of Amer i'J .ca.u.et in regular . , - ( V The. Carpenters and Joiners cocci An . -fhu week. The bad -a live,y session this week.. They, are 'doing. things'; .1 ng things " .tnese uays w,w .... - -1 : i-v. "iiwi ; percent" stroke.,. ... . - ' ' Bother C.'-McD? Jones, who xepre: ; tfae B;R of a. at the conven- - WorthVTekas; has returned re, r meaUDS J.i., nonnll on Monday v Street Cat (.Men j of .Cjiattaanooga; cAre WiHing tt AtbitetS t V Officials' 'Are! Contraryf ' -, , 'i v Qtizenr Indignant r 1 - '1' ' XSpecial .to The Record.) v. V r Chattanooga, Tenn. r OctV5.T No settlement of Ithe controversy between! the - striking street car meri and the . Chattanooga Power and Xight jCompany :.is in -sight; Tuesday afternoon 'the city com juiabiuners,- naraeu inree men as arbiters, and.the union named two men,-- foWowhg., an t order of the commissiondrs' 'issued', last week " The company has - not named a Committee to represent 'them, and there ids no indication that : such " committee will be, named by tie power , and light people.. The men named by the city and the uhion will, sit on the case' and whije theyr have no au thority to settle the strike, they can make an -investigation of the situation,, and report - to the city, commissioners, thus . furnishing the commifsioners withv grounds upon which to act. People generally .aire very in- dignant -over thfe company stub- I bornly refusinerl to arbitrate the question. '-.Many are loud in their; I - ' . , . ' i , . - . denunciation Of the general man- - j i . " ' , iT-r ' -la. IS' SdlU llld.1 uwvcl .10, ui,ivi mined to break the union orbreak his company, and the latest move now suggested is to place the company in' the hands , of a , re- i rpiver: Under such action it is caimed that the .receiver could operate the cars and the strikers would not be allowedto interfere. proper sense! Stay, away from tbesCab shows in this' city. You can at least sacrifice that little bit! tor Organized Labor. , ' . Boosters From The Union Herald. No, sir! v There will be no scab band doing business at the State Fair. " The carpenters have nearly a "100 per ..nt drRanlxon in Raleigh.. J.o.t a . J meetIngs nd aU wiUbe iu' -' Ltwfnlf . " the fold. 1 HI- - The railway clerks appreciate the help given tnem ny iuej umuu-wiCiiu . " x -Ti iL y o us their struggle witu iub laiuuau more pay. 'They mean to stick to their organization. . ' ' . 1 : VIr, J. Sherwood Upchurch; man- says that union elec- uteu ujf l a union man; and he. would be better pleased If tLewhoie.worK.ng ore were I unionize. unionized; " Fine business. " - Thre a're: twenty.electrical worke'rs 'on abig job near Ctotottii They want on a uig jum uko. y to join the Union, xneywere a by Raleigh's lOO per cent organization anu. WiM aivD ii v y-vj . days and become mejnbefs of this lusty; iocal.. ,vK - ; j ; v. gatfVe Represent t -iSpeak'on Questionrof Jnterest to Unionists-PubKc V; i V -Asheville; N. C-TOci. 5Gran.t Hajto- ilonegislativi-representetlv9..6fjthc( Ainerican Federation , of ; La'boi, 4vill i 'speak at the county : court house next 'Monday ' evening , at ' 8 o'clock. ;Mr. Hamilton is f one- of the most forceful : speakers in; the Organized.Xabor move A ment, and his work at Washington nas .had si very telling effect,'-' He. has been In the headquarters i of; th& 'American Fedemtibci of Labor ; or the past four- teen years, and during that time he has' spoken in nearly -every-State in the? 1 I. Union on'questtous affecting'the labors ing people. The meetings will be ( for the public, and all pitizens are invited to attend. , ', , ' " jL It is , expected that a Jarge crowd; of union men and' their wives will hear Mr. Hamilton. This will be his firstalfe in .this, ciiy. Mr. Hamilton spent a week here during the - summer but 'was not-: " -I f' .1 I . 1 J ,1 J . . aoie at' tnac xime tax maKe an uuuies. While the session of Congress was very trying on Mr, Hamilton, he is much stronger now, and delighted the . Ashe ville Unionists when he agreed to come here for an 'address. Mr. vHamilton is a member of the Ty pographiqal Union , . and up until: the time he was called to the office, of, the American-Federation, he was' a lyno type operator in the newspaper offiees in Denveri "His writings 'and speeches on Labor attracted the attention of the: executive departmentof the American Federation of Labor,' and he was called to Washington fourteen 1 years, ago, where he has worked coustantlycfor the mr 0 . . . .... Lapor movement. OUR ADVERTISERS, Please mention this paper when patronizing advertisers. Read the new ad. ot the JIarriss Prio ting.and Advertising Company on the fourth page of today's "paper They. are now in their newv home, 'No. , 14 Princess street, : and are prepared to hiandle all kinds of high-class printing. Thisjs a "strictly Union hop and uses union label So. 6.. Demand this label On your printed matter. . A, H: M. Tiencken; , the popular. cash grocer, has an adon the fourth page announcing the remQfal ol his business, to; f402 Castle' street, where- he carries an up-to-the-m inute line of fam ily gror ccries at reasonable ''"prioeB.-r Ha aAver tises special prices for Saturday. . ' 'The Salary liaising Exhitoithich is belng he,d 'today' a' be .o4bn Hovel, wlu close tonight at 12 o'cldcU, and all who have to earn a living shouldsee it, forht is imperative, on, account of the high cost ot living that every man. - : 1 - . . . on 4th Dasre.s ' " - -t X The J. H. Fuchs CasS Department Store advertises. sone "attractive' prices ' thi week onthelr big line pt men's and clothing.' - This popular store ,Will , v nefsbn who will cut this ad. out and" present it when purchasing any i oi toe SU1LH auu.suu . vvuwu.vw. 25 -ts -ha - See aa. on fourth page clothing; ' - rr"-; ..' .t -y . 'V,..' ' . . . ; : r . . Stop tBr.;f 0n.,.dl-.to tionrwhich opens a new series of stock attractlve ad. on the fourth pag;. .;; . -,C r - 7- f attractive? aji.X'of Dapue.bunr on the fourth page' They peciauze on . " JSUDSCrtne to paturuajr; vDvvt, - d.;Alwaysnsist A REAL UNION RALLY Street Car Men's Smoker? Was .a Most' Enjoyable Events 7 VThe VGet together 'Rally and : . , ? r tSmoker," ,under .me auspices .01 , .v , the -Street , .Carmen's 'Union; ati- J. 6. U." A. M. Hall on -Thursday J: "J v night, -preceding their regular , - : ' meeting, was a most .enjoyable, - .v' - eyent'ana many gooa- xaiKs , were . " J ' t ;,'- 4. . i. v, nMln " i . " ' . .' i-; maUc UV , ' V LZlLLUg lucuu . aim.; zeklous .whole-souled , members, . ' which went. a; - long , way towards v con vi n ci n g ' se v eral prospect 1 ve y members of , the good ot organi- zation.- s . . 1 . - After more' than an hour "oi union c boosting," President'Hall announced that refreshments :.6f the good old-time 4kihd would be served, and Brother Richterof the Stage Employes, proceeded to 1 v feed .the bunch to, the, queen's taste, - , - ' ' , - " Then, when ever one present had satisfied the inner nan,; came the smokes ;of . the unionlaoel kind, which are. furnished by the Wilmington Cigar .Co. -. A few more ' boosting sessions of this kind and the . Carmen's 5 : u nion can regisiei jluu pci-tcuv.,' membeYshrp J - ' . . " ' Agitate,' educate,' organize ! - Machinists Raise -Wages; f" Baltimore Oct.' 4v-Qrgani zed machine ists emplpoyed by the Crown Cork and- Seal ComeanyhaVe raised wages Scents" an n ou r; m alii ng tn e: minimum rate oo ; cenls : for eight hours'- and the union shop.' -Over 350 workers arerbenefitedv ; LATE NEWS OUTLLNE. -Bituminous coal -miners of the cen tral competitive district have won their- fight for a general wage increase. ; The ' Iowa State Council of 'Defense - -has. passed a.resolution denouncing Sen ator LaFollette and demanding hisex-s - - ; v' pulsion..' -4 , v- t - " " . . 1 " , - ' . i . ' Mnw fVinn 1 oOO Snnlh Carolina, nesrro T . ' ,:.-?r-i': troops are. no w at Camp Jacksoa, Co- expected to arrive today, or Sundays , ; The tT.Sr Senate will have a five- hour discussion of . the) disloyalty charges against Senator LaFoiiette, He will lhake' a three-hour speech in de 1'ense of his public utterances. - ' Gen." Haig's force captured 4,446 pris-, oners in the drive in Flanders -this i;- week, and are holding all' points won- , from the Germans They are Inqwre-, , "paring for another drive. ' - Baseball fans in Chicago are lining up . , , . . ' - at the park entrance already "for: the World Series game this aftefnobyi rlt ; Isexpected the crowds raay setra'ree-; .ord." .. - ' , . A revolt1 against 1 the Mexican : goV--'- . ernment has been started , by General" - V Porfirio 'Gonzales, a .lormer . uarranza , comm nande, He has', mobilized 80 foK t rs '100' miles south 'of the : TekasV v:;v , lowers ine. W An appeal to. Congress to prevent h&t.-:)t , . sending of a drafted army to JEurQpei ; , on thegroundthat.it violates theCon-" . Stitution has been sent to Congressby ,. ' - Hannis 'J.'-Taylor; former mimsterfto - ' r Spain. ; ,,Jt -wasreferred to "tbeMmtaryr v; x-" Committee,' .i-,'--. - " ri",i , . t . " V ','-.'''' t - : Pay your subscription, brother, The , . , i oavuruay xvecoiu. is auui , ya. r ;' ; --y Saturday Kecbrd is labor's papery and ! s h 2