"'Y-j 'v4 t ; HmMmmmimm KWi', mSa liiffiiii'i i :Vv Tie Medium of . 0 AHJME 'r - A TT. TT rrnTTTTTn ; TTTlTAWTtTrhnAlmlrCi:l PlElIl)ESAiL.(E(n)VEKWRlE - . :'--. .; p;:::liil3s5 V.I-? mi -8V.i's,'"Vj"i'jtVlOi""''1 1 1 II .v.: to. All. i ..," : (iouiiaiiiouHEivflnLD . v: 5 : - 4 'it i r. -v.. JUlUCUt : V i-ivw :MvwwtuH v,i,ft i44wh.m: .iwutrr-f inGood RepairrPre 5 4- onaensea necorc wi fcrif ppcning asftUTa inxeresi rrom.'Mii roinw,; , : y eluding aliens; who ca una t read w: s i b e ; ; ; . subiect A much vtiisniifcsimi 'n(i: a'": f I gJHUgbter in'feonuefjioaimHbedeatlr ; 0 ... , -v - O RAILROAD SYSTEMS IS ASSURED - m-s- r . I u.-r-o-S"'. : - ' ;. . Ak WASHINGTON, D. C.Dec.' 28. - Thie prpclsLiiiationof, President Wilson jDf -;th and op- eratipn of ttieV railroads of tHe country 'ibecanies effective today at ' :, " 12 o'clock, and Secre tary of the s, Treasuryv Mc Ad ob. is appointed as vi i f v tiirector-generauot Taiiroaasreiaining nis position in tne i reasury . ; Department. v -, , . -? . , , , f Every railroad engaged in general transportation j with its ap-yjurtenAnte,;.w SiSKelesideiit': amiottnce&thawlie , ommendv -legislation that, "will .guaranteee pre-war earnings and paintenance. of railroad properties in normal condition . . , ' ; : J TheJjveH j assure a demand .on . the stock market. "O , ' v., ' , 7 .; - The: action of the President in taking over the-rrailroadsw 4 through the Secret aryof OT :'";Sr9priion Act, ' N ; . : . , ''-;V,.r V ' The present officials4 will retain their positions-ah will continue actual operation ' vender the supervision of Secretary McAdoo and - . the Railroads War Board; The ;effectof the goyernment operation : will be a coplete' unification of all railroad systems, which ;was im- possiDie unaer private operaxion oy reasun 01 statutes promomng -")":: pooling' ; - 'Congress w,ill bo ask'ed by the President to guarantee earnings . : :7:oh a basis of the (average net operating income of each railroad in i 1, the three years endingJune 30, 1917. Railroad experts estimate it next year. : , x ... -v 1 T i r - j. ii ii - -"r " .- -- -- - - 1- - - -1 - i r c.rnployefS on ; 1 rial , . Jni Increase l,51in 1? jyftel'di'WlS ' ot marriairBa Derfoimed - iir the Prot- dfted aT a res ult af :aWriruffirJ'iti titt Drwer,6ii April 4 SUtsr. Tbe iVrosecu-r :ktU-.-U'. told, jufylttbii theTfiiirt fewa iiianutacturingfifni? rvtrsJor;ve Iiissia, govern'rpen'tri Tbe "defeadauts apo-fehargedJi fyi tb : jerl m mai; eajl ss nV ft in not. guard in'g galnst J'H ction whrch ; ; it .is estimated that ;,the ' war marr st;.EpisciEdS ? said to; be du6 - mainly i to C the :; rush : OI emistei, ; men .-iou geLt-mariieu .. inr fore, going to War; - is : shown . in the -annual report bf:.the"church7 ilic in; New Ybrkl Gity. iiMX.iy 0 .p.5.l.i;presiaiug:iituui "ant Episcopal v church ? is sending 'but a hurry 'call v for ;candidatesto nlinistry: .The numbet has f alleQ ; con siderably .below . normal since the w c i used the Mare-upi;- his is s.aid h tbe llrsts ti rue in Tth is -Stat 6 inhere V oppositirf, to' tht; iTifasre wascen i 5erf'flrjre,yiipin this, feature. hrfelade sbnewhat, genra , ployers:5 have beenf irireil with inaifif sfabghter inline deathfof "air e-n ploy : -TOladelphiarDe ltckavvHnhaiHn rs ay has declared a tH videbitbf 40 v r cwnt; -- Sii montbaurb th made- an: Jfefa dtstributdnof5pyi o ri r " AiTV ltd": ?Qn "7rtA ' na ni fo-ft-i pon wbieh the regular idiytdend is lb cent upon per cent ";Tv J' ili,:i'-U;S 4 . -V ' -.'4-;' ; i V.. 'V.i- -i ' U Oly mpiai ish;V 0QL2?tIte Stat lndustriai'.Qtnmi' a : fine!ofv $962.50 ligai Us vFvG.?V'PPtipjp?li.' s aw m i 1 1 irnan , ; near r Th o rp.; Th ri ,'.' was levied becaiis to anjFll-year-bW riages already exceed filty;. thousand. The: patriotism' pfjthe girls is , tertain Jyv-nojonlcwane; def ; and ? assault have' shown mar ged ; m'ceojinty oritysjnce3 Tinited States 'enteredti war, ac- the police commissioner.' - At MalonJVlb Marshal . R. S,. St. XiiairJisXdea Wissman of Havana, I1L, , is saidto be rdyng, as the result.; of a 1 demon-, stration which"; fQllbwe''d - ajleged "dis loyal remarks by.Wissinan.; xvts ; Speaking bef bi-e;- the' bn,yentionv of county, chairmen iind wenibers bf ; the wbuhl e difflonlt bf anplifalibn Tt has been aiaireeal)lesirpjspv;litv fvet, in . . - afaarn'g.tletgtilA.ti6n V- nieiludf.of apply ingth lKt to concrete ' ! " Wst-s.cbjiild be; devised v hit;b are 'cbm-iy.. '" piilivVtKinrp i i !W i -' ; ;rv' ' :ii ' .H. -j- -4: t . :. j i. ami en lcn'ated surely t asonri ni n ' -svb;M be-Jaiinieiidy.'-sriHU : ''eui'''rrini;-.eb-;alten UtrpheanM ; i , j?i rism r o ed ; bjp the; Southern Bell eiifib'ltiignerVw ..vvi-rk'.ii rfoYi h tfj ji ha ve s i ri ce fo r mw$?ll. " a niiVoi n d affiiated with the Brbif V ; ; ; erhod , orEle r Workers.- LbcalV trade bnionisiV-afe 'assisting .lhb" girls. to advrrt isH tei mi 1 b vi -me btii b0ktMWM e a BbOSt fvli'!ftfe 5: cut olf by a saw in Portrafitatii- i :. ..V OUR ADVERTISERS advertisers-f vilC;-yt: ""AV.i"?i.;7 v -yj. 't. NEW YORK, Dec. ;27.--In aj public statement, Henry D. .Sayer, 3SWte' Indus ' in this State, anl say3 that ;the question.is not so much one4 of ; -labor shortage as it is one of poor distribution." : t ' .'heirel't'plenty,tOf l f V.' ' tinues, but the labor "does not happen to -jy. -eb in tne places it is mosnneeaeu,, auo : ; r ? . fundamental "difflc is one of method of awarding' contracts. It social intercourse, between officers and mejbtlthejaf in I wrote Vice'Pfesidents Marshal that dis ' tininria ?: or Tn state committee - of : Georgia ' who had gathered Ito discuss the campaign, re; no , '0 ladlaf solely cently inaugurated .aU over., thd cpunili-iKe t mbrest of militar; discinline. ;toiv:salof larsV, worth ; of , war higi ' r Frank A. Vanderhp, New, York Jbank- moral 'stajidard in 'the'imy.f.y'V er, ; l0iu ms neurx Sum uxjr Thr0UKh; a ; l0ug series, bf telegrams : in ; Atlanta t AKn Wr X.hptwPm'T-th aV; ti ntnrinua 7 - cold facts abbut the war i : should be tb e efifort to dtstri bute con- tracts according to the - labor market rnthnr than to redistribute labor acbord- lZ v ing to the ability; of bbn tractors to get v ' fat . contracts. - t . : " vV tThe practice of advertising for more S E work men than are n eeded is vicious in WM'Mifrei extreme f abd f inf times, like these v A Cshould not be tolerated. , The time and the productive labor lost through bun :1 " : dreis bf men applying daily ipr jobs in if? " ..- V - : ,'iii t .-:'.-iAinAnA- n Minlv ail trdrtietti tr-. IB HUM TP.A ; .-'V ' : On thb s ubiect of the lie m nloyment of -r . V'iSwnmAni says: " . , v l". , either the beedy workiug woman. i r' -X o ith womjen who wbrk for low pay.be-, ,;v x va'W cause t oi xnBf npyeuu j" i 2 11 ; r toey arbperformi ' J i :Jf VS"; l''-Whe time THE COAL SITUATION BAD IN ASHEVILLE - .j. ... " Pathetic . Pictures Presented by the nicipalfWopd Yard, : "r Special to Tpe Record ' ASHEVILLE-, N. C., Deo 28.' If the peoplg'of lAshjBville "were slow to real ize 'the .existence of the i. war, the fact has at last been driven home in a man ner calculatedto chase all, doubt away; A. visit to the city 'hall any hour1 in the day will J bon vinceri Ahe mostrsk ep ileal that , there is i ndeed a " wa-, and,, that Sherman f k new , al r; a bout t he m atter when he coolly stated war is helU voni triiRsiouepf Safety p.i Hiden Jtainsey, wbb is also i fuel Jadm i nistrato r,' has as so med control of t and it is now. necessary to secure an or der; ; or permit, from ; hirn i before one can purchase thevbhi H'Chaser. People Read ; the" aUraHive sdr;;bf lkn & Kendrick on the 2d page. v Sellers' New Cash Grocery has an. a t- tractive ad.'on the 6th paj. . ' miJ:. ' y '.-. fr V -s-i ' i' it ,i.'v-i-''if kV-Ti - ''. .V-w'j-.i --': ". - ;-V-5V''.:f:--;.?:'Vri"!!.- See the attracti y a ad .of C.I) Gilbert, on the 6th page.; rTurkeys, eggs? chick ens and everything good tbeat , ; :y, , 17,-$ :- Plates, 108 Market "street, livclosing out a few coats and su i ts 1 ef t'f rbm . tnei r Christmas stoc k. See ad. ' an ? the 6t hj page. s,-t; y---WW m Store specializes ip R)inuaht and Left over ; bargains ; t b4 sT weekl See ad;' on 8st -pagef 4 chargingcon?piracy againstt - ed States" in the United States district rot : 'e9o f ,-ro : ei,.,,! Wn TOUrt,at I)efro,4MwA ' - ;; . Ptour 'of the. flVfVmIndicted witliactivitiek6f t certain. : Lain:Americj I w bertJCv KalschmfCt'onchaxg spiracy against the .United States were: Unless the Soldiers; vote : on the" xu uuu ? & uiity . . xii ; u - " nous j. ironiswflicn nas uoi. yei ueen t; court at Detroit, Mich: t v : ' j counted,' btfsets Nthe; vote' in Australia C ' Three cadets of the " Royal Flying , the gey tvnment's conscription scheme V corps were killed- at Fort Worth,; Tex-r has been defeated jn a referendum by . w as, whbn two airplanes collided and 1 a majority of about 150,000. ': uc uuitt,;; VJ4 iuj - iu i caucus v T: r . ;i? v.i; ::;4;tionaryrorce:;-wiii:; iiqt'ets-ri Wexpr," atrArcadiaila-mprpgressingif ;jaccordingjp-thbgb of the, sigiial xorpswho are pleas j through some unknown , circumstance-' : . cfowd lthe commissibner's .room and stand in line, reaching the coveted place besidjB the commissioner's desk in. turn; On e' is , fprci bly t rem i nded bf th ebread lines of former days,! only it didn't take jas long Ito break,J .a;piece ;of brbad and hand.it out1 as it takes the commissioner and his assistants V to ask , the necessary r questions and . fill i the blanks required Beerys I )'e pa r i m e 1 1 1 - S to re e x ten d s x- 3rreSsrotibrabprbeiaji artUuie public tor past fivvtirs and wishes for all a happyriew ''yeaiiV; :,V,:i:i'.,v:y" ; ii-.. ' J7Hf.'t: t. .W.Vf-v;Ti'V;;.:Vp.; i5. ' icV-'r'X-fl ! Seud .yur clothes t'o VUmington L iuaa ry wi ey : w asn J); every in i n g ,! iu the baby ana etu run very t lug p rom p ly hut the dirt. .Phone 29. " -- VVllliam Otersen advi rtses his enU . e, su k; b LadfeN Shoes at . reduced 'prices as-sp "V.V-u; '-i. i sii 1 4 :.- ' when the labor, of women Jn industry f.f Jy ; ' tv ;;rp'ut'l uaedXon . ainucb -'larger 5 seale t'- w tasseetion. that no women should be sub- 1 P-$ ' - r: V stituted for ia -man Tin; an industril pro ' ' cess so long as tnefe is available male I OT-.lLCheto young men uiaeK. auu w uuu,:aru iu ue .- . Tl- . r -v'-", 7'-' . v , - : - -' - ; line as also are women; some with ba jbies in their arms, all . taking; a forward step as .t he i uc k y man o r ; worn an se cures the prize-from the commissioner's band. Ifthey ? grow" tired standing in lineV tb oughts of x tbeV little fellows at borne with nb, fireV lends ; the needed strength to remain in line an tit te lit tllpiWce'of writing is secured which mean mure mau iUciu o.i' . p'er." Wrt will Ha vprV sh'brt-sisrhted if we I, paid women; There is nopatriotispi Jp ' - ; V . that kind of shop;managementK and it 7'X' ' . contains the seeds of tndustylal unrest i'i-Kf ,:::, - ';: ; y "I if-- 5 : ;v ; Austin, -x ex,, uec. .rijy.r'aineuuius . - ? A' 't'the Texas -compensatioV;jaw tne ; Stab iVa-t ym Kr--:ri n-.-z t?.-,. -J ; 0; I; legislature hasivenless protection: to ' workers, than formerly, according to - ,iAn order of those Norfolk, by sters;,as 'S'j.--.. t'tii'i .- .,-1 . ', . ' ; ..- - ' ; -'s--..- ..-.-- v , . : sg rveu u at ' . in e ; v-oas x,, . ii n e . v-;ai e s w u i. ;plM,iencent 4 b progrsi ve, grpt cer, s Ugges tlf tht!yotist ar ib ti ew year jright and;tajde, with him. -He lias snecial ? brices for-n'ex t Sattirda v w i tb two f ships which ;v7ere ' carrying; the ', ; " camp lias": started "Arcadia,; Fla., ; has j states so- latel that? ii ;,was impossible, " ,beenltaxed!tbtheu ca cf tJie wbrkmei and Punta Gorda. The turkeys alrWdy ln the army : zone 10 mnes away; ua-o ccix munu vpm. wert? leit. pv.er irom ;iuansiagiyag?,as v t That the ,Tampa,t' Fla.; companies ar - was the ;irincemeat which -had been . ' Macon, Ga-i" arelnbt equipped : wth delayed, j This; supply wiir gd a ex- : :helmete,wTistle ersiandwill. appreciate efforts bf the , X: : " : : " . 1 iRedrosslbcietyiiW 'telateCintie How an : organitatibn . fbrmed v: P ranV teleWarjs !whichheV declared con-X pront .irom gampimgvtricirea unicago tairied evidence th-t Americans were ministers ;int6 helping ; to ' accomplish : helping; General ICaledineSi the leader : its.enda v;as told Tom Costello, under of the rj0n Cossabksv ' crbss-exammaUonf itt satumaviajm?Mouaay;ee aaon joint page. ' . :'VJ charged .with exacting , money from, . in ; dignity;; and : pride, and the allied 5fSl -The' "organic.- Theentonfe ons , are reported iation was f ormei; tb. .control g:bsingf or nbth"e Jtjlingiantotexact; profltsrrpmnign-italians.; rents.p-g activity; on all' fronts is; .way sjboial'i priced pleuty of sugar. ,.'-7 '-X f fields,, has-been adjusted,, it. was Van- The fighting' in France! knd Be,gium : . - please the most eaet i n g.r ..The are (r Jed inKorfolk sty le and are ;fit for a;kiugr the finest served in 'the. cUy;S; - llugusta Ga. ;;;Dec.27.Tbe: city council has raised wages 10 per cent for the police, fire,: streets! and scavenger ttvwi yri-klift ""i f ' Our; pennies are mobilized-to wage :war without quarterv " "JilifeS' r " ,x . . - . A-i-it , v Whale.- on toast has - made ; Its ap pearance. Some toast it must be! : " SufTerna longer with AsthtbajCiiaarrh; Klieumaism, jraraiysis, - ivjaneyan". Bladder trouble, Venereal-:nnd Femalb diseases. H Use Nielsen's 'Eel Oil-.fof.all pain;' ' For sure cure,' consult'. Dr. A.C; Nielsen. 109 1-2 Dock St. r X"T :; - Witbv the : axe which r her son-rtJ. - O. ushudtbTkill hisfllear-oIdVsbn ;MSHflBiishf;72;; yearsOldstbw hejfetferwle;ii bbnf essing? to "the coroner, - said she was ! compelled -to ' witness; thbmur nature of; cutnost ccmmission."3 The gull :coast-oa neia j ehebunters and ; bbmbardments, r V - Reinforced . Vy . British : and . French tbps tan I neTvlyJ denartinf ut; the "Italians ; now are pre- . Spared yibeli,! and; atdemeev-t eiy;incliij o5 grbund; ;Manshiatak assist j in dispbsing of the dismember- j ? A; dispatch - to Amsterdam from the -'ed;body.;She;.became so enraged Gehban Ihersbo&iati says ItjSf learned from Dutch brli: v and killed him 'with the ax, and then men that an -explosion ; occurred in dispeaofihisjbody hb vhad . dis-1 the electric power staticn at the Krupp pbsed t)fHis rsbn's. ; , : " . '. -v- plant in Essen,;. owing to ahort cir cuit ; .The building is reported to have been seriously damaged. 1 , lEmperoWilliam; has informed hia government khc.t he contemplates e j.; .jf .t 'Syt Vashiniton. 7 ' In response to a senate resolution asking .whether there are war depart- ifMi'iBPM': Labor ' ".-" rTr 7 ,1" : Subscribe for The -Saturday Record:, -lneht rules -and regulations tQ prevent! , - (iwinued on -Page Five., 'Subscribe forTheSaturday Rec6dertments s .; a;;;.'s- ycKlX4-N X. - j j F- - . V 'y:y..mAW:A . . ' J.t. v' -M' ' ' T' - ' . ' - - 4 V " 'l ' . 1?. '..!J'j'

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