1 t I -I- mi. VLlTt IKXT i kYEPN'KSPAY M. VARIETIES. ft XOTRS SOUTH CAl01.1lAN. At i Florence, on Nov. 1, there were two thousand people to hear Moise, Riehardeon and othtr Democrats. ' ' . -- '". ' , The Humter Trutovthron reports the ; death ol three aged ana. well known per- sons in that county: Mr J. I). McFa.l- gen, Mrs. M. -Driggers and Matthew i. Myers, Esq. t : . '. . .' THE KLRCTIOXj. Important Contests In Thirty States Offices to be Filled Previous Vote of the Several States, Etc. General and Congressional elections were held yesterday as follows : Alabama elected, Representatives in ArtatisaKemisenfatitcs -m GortgVess. Connecticut feiateofficvB, Representa tives in Congress one-half i the Senatfc and the House' of Representatives. The Leg islature will elect a United States .Senator. Delaware, Governor, Representative in Congress, and Legislature. i f. Florida, ?IeoreentuUVr-s in Congress, 20 to 32 ScrcatorjHinr 'the llo.use of Repre sentatives. The! legislature will elect a United .States Senator. Illinois, mluor State officers R$ifenta tives in Congress, one-half the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Leg- islature will elect a United Stqte? Senator. One amendment to the eon1ithlfou,of the State voted upon. Kansas, State officer,' Representatives j in ( ongrecs, and the Hons?of Rcprenta- : lives. The Legislature will oh'ct.i:Umted ; .nuau . . . . . : iouisiana. State Trea.-urer, Represenjta- iive in Congrofci, ouSrhalC tha Senafeand . the Moiiki of Represeiitative's.' Also a ! member of the present Congress to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Jolui E. Ix'onardL Twenty-one mnendineutl tip the constitution of the State, voted upon.3 The legislature will elect a United States Senator:- ' . " '' ' -Maryland, Representatives in Congress. Massachusetts, bftate officers, Represen tatives in Congress and 'Legislature. " : Michigan, .State officers, Uepresentatives in CousfreBivaiidJecrislature I r : ' i Minijesoar minp ta-tt nieer4iepres-, tatives in Congress arid' Legislature. A enta bill, submitted to .the ote of the people, I which proposes to settle the long-contested ? State railroad .bonds by exchanging for them 500.000 acres of Internal improve- ! inent lands. ' j Mississippi, Representatives in Congress. and, voted pw jwteudijiniUv; be iCoti imm f W Mhk relate f I W time of holding the elections. 1 , ilissonri, minor StateOiriccrs. Represen tatives in Congress and .Legislature. The legislature wjll elect two United States Senators one to fill-the vacancy caused by the death of Lewis V. Rogy, and the other for the full term. An amendment to the Statu CiSrfitaiion, providing a poll-tax for school purposes', submitted to the" vote of .the people. Nebraska, State officers,-one Represen tative in Congress, and Legislature. Also a member of the, present Congress, to fill the vacancy caused by the death bf Frank i Welch; .... . i Nevada. State officers, Representative in Congress and Legislature." The Legislature - will choose a United States Senator. New Hampshire, Governor, three rail road conrmissKroers, Representatives in Congress and f Legislature. Tlve Legisla ture will choose a United States Senator. New Jersey, Representatives in Con gress, eight members, of the Senate and the House of Representatives. ' New York, an associate judge of the Court of Appeals, judge of the Supreme Court in the seventh district, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of George W. Rawson; senator in the seventh district, to fill the vacancy caused by the death John ilorrissey, representative in Congress arid the Assembly; also a member' of the pres ent Congress from Jhe sixteeuth district, WfeUuag$fiStf fe' ath of Terence J. Quinn. The.. Legislature,,. will elect a United States Senator. North Carolina, representatives in Con gress. - ' , Pennsylvania, State officeVs, Represent atives in Congress, 25 members of the Senate and House of Representatives. Also an additional member of the Senate, to fill rthe vacancy caused by the resigna tion of Andrew IL Drill, Democratic ean didate for (Jovernor. Rhode Island -presentatiyeSj in Con grees. . -' South Carolina, State officers, Represent atives in Congress and Legislature. The Legislature will choose ' a United States . Senator. I Tennessee, Governor, Representatives in Congress and Xicgislature; , ' . Texas, State officers, Representatives in Congress, one-half the Senate, and the House. of Representatives. :' ' : '" ' Yermont, one Representative in Con gress from the third district, there having been no choice at the Septcmbsr' election. Yirjjinia, Representatives in Congress. YVisconsin. IJepresentatives in Congress, 'one-harfthe Senate and the HbHise of Rep-" resenUtiveg.,; The LegisUtuxe will choose a United States Senator. ) . ' 1 v.d . . . CANDIDATES FOR GOTEBNOR. . ' , i"' Following are the names of the several candidates for Governor in the States which that .official was chosen : Connecticut Chariot B. Andrews, re publican ; Richard D. Hubbard, democrat ; Charles Atwater, gmenbacker ; Jesse G. Baldwin, prohibitionist. Delaware-John W. Hall, democrat; Benzie J.. Stewart, greenbacker. Kansas John, P. St. John, republicans; John R. Goodin, democrat ; D. P. : Mitchell, greenbacker.' Massachu setts Thomas Talbot, republican ; Josiah G. Abbott, democrat; Benjamin F. Butler, Belf-imposed greenback-democrat; Alonzo A.- Miner; prohibitionist. Michigan Charles M. Croswell, republican ; Orlando ai. uarnes, democrat; llenrv S. Smith, greenbacker ; Watson Snyder, prohibi- Uoniat. ., Nebraska Albinus Nance, Te publican;. W. II. Webster, democrat; LWfjr (mot ttery Friday.;: .... r: , . - Todd, greenbacker. NevadaohnTJrr80,11111111,5 nM, steamboat,- Kinkead. democrat. New Hampshire Natt Hed! republican: Frank A. McKean, democrat; Warren G. Brown, greenbacker; Asa S. Kendal, prohibitionist. Pennsylvaniai Henry .. Hovt. republican; Andrew II. Dill, democrat; Samuel R. Mason , green backer; Franklin H. Dane, prohibitionist oouth Carolina. Wade- Hampton, demo crat. .Tennessee E. N. Wright, republi can; Albert S; MarksdefnocratiR. M. Ed wards, greenbacker. Texas A. B. Nor-" wn, republican; Oram M-v Roberts, demo-, crat; W. H. Hamman, greenbacker. ".' Tft T1CIKT8 IN OTHER ST-TES. luinoii, Treasurer.) John C. Smith, repnblican; Edward I. Conk rite, demo ' crat: Era3tu3 N, - Bates, greenbacker, Je i rome K. (iorih, prohibitionist; Henry i Stein, socialist. Louisiana, (Treasurer. V K' A-1urke' democrat; John 8. Gardiner, trreenbacker. Minnesota Aoditor.V- i J. F. AVhitcomb, republican; Mahlon M. ; Black, demfK.r'at; 0. II. Page, jrrenback- er;I). G. Carter, prohibitionUi. Mksari. ; (Hupreme J udge.) Alexander F. Penny, f republican; Elijah H. Norton, democrat. A. L. Giktropjjfreenbacker. . New York; (Judjre Court f Appeal.) 4 Jerge F. ; Dan forth republican: tJcorge I'. IJrcidley, democrat; (Jideon .h Tucker.) greenbacker: j "WmT H. Van Cott, prohUitionl-t. LATEST VOtK OF THESE STATE.-:. The Toto of the sewral States mentioned a,MjVfe at thf.ir contested jreiieral elec- tiou was as follows . Oflicer. Itep. Dern. Ob k I'rob fonn. President., j 5-ftH :7H iti ..ir"rewient.., iK7.2 Illinois President- -2;m,Z5,25iSw1 .175 JJeut.Gov. VWi 2J.740, Mass Governor.. Ol.Tu 73,15; 3,V,'2 l8,i-l Mich CJovernor.,1 iSr2nlVx K,iaj 77 Minn. ..!iovernor..il57,71 3SU40; ! 1,421 a 'niuv it ifH 1 .r.k'rr. ..... iliswjuri : President-11 !, Neb (iovernor..; 31,947 Nevada .ipresident..' I,3KJ n H......l(iovernor.. JCv37 N. York. Secretary.. :71,79s 2UU7j 3,( 64 - ; 1719 -61,": 9r'sos! I ...... 3M3,(KJ-:2(,'i;2' 7,2 I'enn.....: Trea-s irer.. 1 X 1 ,816 ,251 ,71 7 j 52,v t K. ". ! Presidents! Wl.THGj 9n,8.Mi ...... Tenns.,..! President..! rtvVJl 133,1;! Texa.s.....;President..; -ILSOO'lOl.T-SV ....... 2.M-J7 THE CONGRESS. The following table shows the whole j number of Representatives in Congress to which each State is, entitled, how the sev eral State 'delegations are politically di-videdin-the Forty-fifth Congress, and how the. delegations thus fjr elected to the Forty-fdxth Congnpss stand. The remain ing members'of the latter Congress were ! chosen on I uesdayj November :. -except ! t lie four from California, where tUie elec tion, by special act of Congress, has been postponed until September, 1879. " It must . not 0? lorgouen ttiat one memoer whs count f a (aiIure to e(,et ut the a t,. hj Soptemhcr. The Mate re en in Vermont, .November o, on ae r eeiving a p'nralitv w; !e entitled to the 'ioftv- n it h i'oitv sixth Coiiprress States. il Alabama Arkansas., alifortiia i. in 1 1! ;;; (i i ii 1 li ( ; 'ulora-lo.:... , , I "onneetieut.... aire,. i ;, iieorjna. Illinois rj - n ; V,;;;.:;;;;.;;;;; - ' IJ.l Kansas -5 tj V. j'j1 A'anV.".'."."."".'!!'.'. 'urylani i" M ., t c. .. I. .. .UdMVt. it uei L M if!itf:in . 4 Minnesota .I IMMSNlljU .Missouri Nebraska....: I Nevada. j New Hampshire,..! i !f ill f i i 5 17 i 1 4. lfi .ew jersey New, York North Carolina ... Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania....... Hhode Island South Carolina.... Tennessee Texas.... ..." Vermont., Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin.. ... Total ' s 1 t 8 ti tt t .." - 10 i; ... 11 1 i t ; l- ! -2 i' 2 I 1 2 10 9 3 8 6 i ... I 8 I 3 137 il.'jO !i 28 25i:l 21 fc A Jockey Club In Trouble. A disagreement among the stockholders of the St. Louis JoCkey and Trotting Club has culminated . in the passage of a, reso lution by a majority of the stockholders to make an assignment of everything' for the benefit of the creditors. The late fall meeting resnlted in the loss of $13;000 to the club. An Interesting Decision. The Illiuois Supreme Court has rendered a decision that a city cannot by ordinance compel a citizen to remove snow from a sidewalk in front of his premises, any more then to remove obstructions from the mid dle othe street, the interest that he has therein beinff onlv the interest common to all citizens. ;.- Monroe Enquirer : . Akeries of revival meetings commenced in the Methodist church on AVednesqay night last. Very; little interest manifested as yet; but we hoe, and are confident, that good results will attend the efforts of the able and zealous pastor. Mr.Gmnn. American Baptists opened a new church in Rome Sunday, near the Valle Theatre. All the evangelical ministers, the members of the Toung Men's Christian Association and the Rev. Mr. Taylor, at the head of the Baptist mission, took part in the services. A complimentary reception, at which was a gathering of thq fashionable and mu sical people of Boston, was - given to Sig- fftoi-Tagliapietraa4 the residence of a prom- UttuV.BoFtomau iasj week, r . , The first. concert by the Philharmonic Society will be given at Steinway Hall, New York, ou the 23d. Remenyi, the violinist; and Galassi, the baritone, are to be the soloists.- Monroe Enquirer :. We are glad to learn that Maj. John B. Ashcraft is making arrangements to run a dairy farm at his residence, four miles east of this place. M The nails. The maiL? elose and arrive at the Citv Post Office' as follows : - . CLOSE. Northern through mails. . . 6:45 P. M. Northern throxigh and way mails. 7:45 A. M. Mails, for the X. C. Railroad, and routes supplied therefrom, hi- , ejudiris: A. S N. C. Railroad, at 7:45 A. M. Southern mails for all point? South,. daily. 6:00 P. M. Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily (except Sundav). . 5)0 A.M. Mail lor Gheraw A Darbngtou R. R. 9:43 Mails for points between Florence and Charleston. Fayetteville, and. offices on Cine Fear River, Tuesdajs and Fri- Favetteville. daily, except Sundays 5.-00 A. M. Oiistow C. H. and intermediate 60 8KO dailv (except Sunday) Mails "foi Easy Hill, Town Creek. , ' and Shallotte, every Friday at. . 6)0 " ARRIVE. , Northern through mails. ... . . . . .11K)0 . Northern through and way mails-, 745 P. M. Southern mails.......;.., .... 9:00A.M. Carolina Central Rail way........ 10:00 P..M. 1 Stirap OfflcQopen from 8 AJ M. to 12 M., ati4rom 2 tfr5.45 1 M. Money order and Register 'Department, open same aa t-tamp . Malla ieUvered from GaOO A. M. to 630 P. M., aod on Sundays from 830 to 950 A. M. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office ia closed. ? "Mails collected from street boxes every day A report that fire missionaries had been eaten by the natives in New Zealand hav ing lK-en recei red in England, Sir Julius Vojrc-l telegraphed to the governor of thfc island for information abpat it- The answer was that there was n$ foundation for the story, and the native? were never quieter or more loyal. The export of apples this year to Eu rope, owing to the enormous crop, is the greatest ever kuown. Some vessels, have taken from Boston as many as 3.fXH) bar rels, and the . "Campus," of the Warren Line, October 1 6, took 5,000 barrels. . THE (J FSEIIAL ASSEMBLY. SENATE. Pitt E. A. Move. Dem. Wilson. Xash and Franklin W. . Harris. Frankiin It. W. Kinir, Wilson Dem?. Jmie, .Ofislo and CarttKj John W. Shackelford, IVrn.- ' . . Wayne and Lhiplia W. T. DorU h, Wayr.c : J. A Brj'an, .Duplin, Dems New Hanovor and Pender II. K. Bryai., Dem. ; - ' Blden and Bran kkAa Rois, Repub lican. . Sampson Itobinson Wcrd, Republican. ' Columbus and Robeson D. P. McEachern. Democrat. . : Cumberland and ITarnetJ Neill S. Stewart, lem. Johnston L. R. Waddell, Dem. Wake George H. Snow, Dem. W'arren Isaac Alston, (col.) Rep. Granville E. E. Lyon, Pem; 4 Chatham A. II Merrit, Dem. Rockingham J. P. Dillard, Dem. Alamance and Guilford J. L Scales, of Guilford, Dim. David F. Caldwell Guilford, Dem. Rutherford and Polk j. B. Eaves, R?r. Richmond and Montgomery George A. Graham, Ri-p. V. Anson and Cnion Culpepper Austin Dem. Cabarrus and Stanly .1. M. Redwine, Ind. Mecklenburg S. B. Alexander. Dem. Rowan nnd Davit John S. Henlvrson, Dem. . Catawba and -Lincfdn W. . (iraharn. Dcfn. . Iredell, ilkes and' Alcandi-r T. A. Nichl,-oii. of Iredell : J. P. Mat:n"!. -f AI exaniler, Denis. - . Clcawland and Gaston L. .1. !.- Dt'in. '.i iilsoii. iiiiiitoninp an Mi n -T. F. .IH-ni. J .ks:.n. wain, Nia-i.-n. Clit-rok CI av and (Jrahani Jamp L. K.thinson. D.'in Haywood. Hendcr-on ainl Traiffvl vum'a -.-T..V" Taylor,, Din, Orange, demu and Caswell (', Wil ; liamson of Cafwi 11. Dem.: (iile.s Me!ai:t of Caswell, Dem. j.. , irsene and Lenoir -W, P. Oimoh1 !ep. , Tvrell, Wahinirton,' Mur-tin,' IJiufart. and i Hyde I. T. Waldo, .Dem., P.. T. S'vkes. j Hep. I Bertie and Northampton Ilolleman, t Hep. i , Halifax Henry Eppee, col., Tii . Craven Edward Bull, Kep. ! Davidsoo J. M. Leach, Dem. Stokes aud Forsyth Geo. B. Everett, Hep. j Surry and Yadkin J. M. Brower, Hep. ' Alleghany, Ashe and Watauga ;-Jete I Bledsoe, Dem. i , Caldwell, Burke, McDowell, Mite.licll and j Yancey A. M. Erwin, I)e:n.. J. il. Bynuni, I Deui. Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank. Hertford, j (iateSjChowau and Perquimans llufus VThite, j George II.' Mitchell, Heps. i Edgecombe Willis Buiin, c.l., Rep. Moore and Kandolph W. M. Blacx, Kep. Total Democrats -34; Republicans 10. Democratic majority 18. HOT'SE OF KEPRESEXTATIVES. Alamance Dr. B. F. Mebane, Dem. Alexander Dr. J. M. Carson, ,Dem. Alleghany E. L. Vauj;han, Dem. Anson J, A. Lpckhart, Dem. Ashe Ld. roster, Dem. Bertie Wm. C. Etheridge, Dem. Beaufort J. C. Osborne. Rep. - Bladen Jno. Newell, (col.) Rep. Brunswick A. C. Meares, Item. Buncombe Nat Atkinson, M. E. Carter, Dems. Burke B. A. Berry, Dem. Cabarrus W. H. Orchard, Dem. Caldwell Edmund Jones, Dem. . Camden S. J.Forbes, Dem. Carteret A. H. Chadwick, Dem. Caswell Wilson Gary, eol'd., Tlfomas Harrison, Reps. Catawba R. P.. Davis, Dem. Chatham J. M. Moring, J. J. Goldston, Dema. Cherokee Bruce, Rep. Chowan H. II. Hobbs, Rep. Clay J. S. Anderson, Dem. Cleveland L. E. Powers, Dem. Columbus V. V. Richardson, Dem. Cumberland Thos. S. Lutterloh, John C. Blocker, Reps. " Currituck J. M. W-oodhouse, Dem. Craven W. E.. Clarke, W. D. Pettipher, Reps. . Dare J. L. Fuleher, Dera. Davie F. M. Johnson, Dem'. DavidsonJulian Miller, Republican, G. Franklin Smith, Dem. Duplin G. W. Lamb, A. S: Col well, Dems. ' Edgecombe Clinton Battle, (col'd.,) Dreil Wimberly, (col'd.,) Reps. Forsyth W. A. Liowrie, Rep. Franklin C M. .Cooke, Dem. ' Gaston Harley Huffstetler, Dem. Gates J. J. Gatlin":, Dem. Granville J. K. Burroughs, Ruiin? Amfs, Dems. Greene Joseph Dixon, Rep. Guilford C. J. Wheeler, J. A. McLean, Dems. Halifax J. A. Whita, Jno. Reynold, ( col.) Reps. Hartett C. A. Coffield, Dem. Haywood F..M. Davis, Dem. Henderson A. J. Bird, Rep. Hertford J. J. Horton, Rep Hyde Thos. P. Bonner, Dem. Iredell J. R. McCorkle, J. D. Click Dems. Jackson Capt. Leatherwood, Dem, , Johnston, E. A. Bizzell, E. J. Holt, Dems. Jones C. D Foy, Rep. Lenoir V. v . Dunn, Rep. Lincoln B. C. Cobb, Dem, Maeon John Reid, Dem. Madison B. F. Davis, Rep. Martin N. B. Facan, Dem. . McDoweH J. T. Reid, Dem. Mecklenburg Jno. L. Brown; W, V.. Ar drey, Dems. . Mitchell Samuel Blalock, Dem. Montgomery W, T.-H. Ewing, Kep." Moore Neil Leaeh, Dem.. Nash G. N. Lewis, Dem. New Hanover II. E, Scott, W. IL VValdell, (col.) Reps. Northampton J. W. Grant, Dem. Orange M.'A. Angier, Dem., Josiah Tur ner, Rep. . f ';,'. Oiisl-JW G. 3. .Hewitt, Peii. ! . Pasquotank Hugh Cale, (col.) Rrp. Pender Thos. JArmstrong, Dem. Perquimans-. J. W. Blaisdell. Rep. Person Montford McGehee, Dem, Pitt D. C. Moore, j Germain Bernard, Dems. Polk NesbitDimsdale, Rep. Randolph N. C. English, Dem., G. H. Bingham, Rep. Richmond D M; Henderson, Rep. --- Robeson A. . Oliver, Dem., K. M. Nt- ment, Rep. Rockingham T. L. Rawley and Wm. R. ' Lirfdsay, Dems. Rowan-;-H.-"C. Bost, Dt in., David Barrin-zer, ? Dem. - . j Rutherford Nathan Young. .Dem. j Sampson L. R. Carroll, J. C. Hir.es, Dnvs. Stanly Daniel Ritchey, Dem. Stokes Squire Venable, Rep. Surry N P. Foard, Dem. j Swain T. D. Bryson, Dem.' I Transylvania J. H. Pax ton, Dem. . Tyrrell W. G. Melson. Dem.l ! Union D. A. Covington, Dem. I Wake W. E. Riehardson, Deni ; R. W. Wynne. J. J. Ferrill, Stewart Ellison (col.) Reps. ! ' -. j Washington Rep. i Watauga W.JB. Council. Dem. . : .:; .-Warren L. T. Christmas; Hawkins Carter, j (col.)Reps. . m rl 4 - Wayne u. cue nan; new., v . a. wsuj, Rep. ,' WUson Dr. J. XL Taylor; Dem. WUkea-Dr. Tyre York, Dr. I. Ilarrill, Dems. - Yadkin Brown, Rep, YaneeyD. G. Carter, - Dem. ocratic majority 33. On joint ballot 56. FURNITURE Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cloths, MATTRESSES, FEATHERS, BEDDING, &c. At th'e commencement of another season we are pleased to announce increased facilities for the I'KonrcTiox, nisri.AY axo sm.e or oiri; c.fKn'i?. We ak a careful examination d our .new desk? ns of Feus iti15E, now offered at extremelv Low Prii e;. K.-t i?-tf 1 fi rP ! HioOoffee ! I -t r r J OU i 1 BAGS COMMON TO PRIME. For sale low by HALL & PEARS ALL. OO Bbls. Sugar. GRANULATED, STANDARD A.. ' , EXTRA C. and C oct30-tf ' ' HALL k PEARSALL. - j DeROSSETS. NORTHROP, 1 1 IRE AMI MARINE IMII.IM'E AGENTS. REPRESENTING STANDARD AMER- i I CAN AND ENULI- H COMPANIES, i 17 North Water Stree ...Wilmington, N. C. '. cu t 2"2-lni 1 V 1878. 1HE FOUR QUARTERLY REVIEWS AND Blackwood's Magazine, THE LEON AND SCOTT PUBTLSH- IXG CO. 41 Barclay Street, New York. Continue their AUTnoiuzEn Reprints of the EDINBURGH REVIEW, (Whig.) LQXD0X QUARTERLY RE VIE W Conservative .) WES T MIXS TER R E VIE TtT ( Lib eral.) BRITISH QUAR TERLY REVIEW, (Evangelical.) AND BUrXffOllll'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. Thes Reprints are not selections; tliey .jrive the original ix full, and at about one TaiHo the price of the English Editions. The latest advances and diseoveries in the J arts and feienees, the recent additions to ! knowledge, in every department ofliierature. j and all the newpublications a? they issue from ' tr.e press, are iully reported aud discussed in i the paces of those periodicals, in istyruajre at ; once cleiir, forcible and comprehensive. The i articles are commonly i;ore condensed and I fall of matter than the average inkiks. of .the i period. Tf.hm for 1S78, '(iSeludinar Pootairtv)'. Payable trietiy .inadvance. I For any one Review ! For any two Reviews...,".. For any three Reviews . . . . For all four Reviews. . ! For Blaekwool's Magazine. . ? i 00 p r veir 7 (SO ' 10 00 , " 12 m " , 4 0" ) 7 OX) " For For and 1 Review. aitl 2 Revue aud 3 and the -f 4 13 00 15 00 A tiistount of twenty per certt will be al lowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus : four copies of Blackwood or of one Revie ill La sent to one add rtsi for four , c opies 6f the four Reviews and Brat-kwood for ?4h. and so on. f To-cluba of ten or more, in addition to the above discount, a copy gratis will be allowed to the getter up of the club. J FREMItTMS : New subscribers (applying early) for the year IS73 may have, without charge, the number for the last quarter of IS of such periodicals a' they may subscribe for. Or instead, new subscribers to any two, three, or four of the above periodicals, may have one of the "Four Reviews" for 1; subscribers to a 1 five, may have two of the 4 Four Reviews," or oce. set of Blackwood's JIagazine for 1S77. Neither prcmhiras to subscribers nor ais count to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs. . , THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISIILVG CO., ort 2o-tf 41 Barclay St., Kew York. AND C A R P ETS The News and Courier, CHARLEST0X. .ST. C. It Daily Edition by mail, one year, 10 ; mx months, $5 : three months, $3, payable in ad vance. Served in the cft ut 20 cents a week, payable to the carriers, or $10 a year, paid in advance at the office. Tri -Weekly Edition, published on -Tuesdays, Thnrsday8 and Saturdays, "ne year, o : six months, 2 50. Payable in advance. Weekly Edition, published on Wednesdays, one year, $2: six months. 1 no. Payable in advance. Ml Rates Ifok AnvniiTiMNO -Ordinary adver tisements, per square : Cue insertion, f 1; two insertions, $180: three insertions. $2 GO; six insertions, ?i 40. . ' Commuuications must be accompanied Li the true name; and address f the writer, in order to receive attention. Rejected manu scripts will not be returned. Riqrdan fc Dawsox, Proprietors, oct 21 tf 20 Broad s, Charleston, S. C. NKW YORK II KHALI) JAMES GORDON BKXXETT. Proprietok. The Dailt ! I1eham, published even- day in the vear, Three cents per copy (Sundays exelurfed.) Ten dollars per year,"or at a rate of. one dollars month for any period les six months, or five dollars for? eix months, Sunday edition included, free of postage. Weeklj Herald One dollar v . .-, free of postage,.' . Notice to Sr.-.?CKinEKS. Remit in drafts on New York j or Post Offic money cr iers, and where neither of these can be proenred send the money in a registered letter. All money remitted at risk ot sender. In order to jDsurc attention subscribers wishing their address changed must (five their old as well ajtljeir neir adihress. . " Ail business, hews letters or tcleirraphie despatches must be addressed Nh- Yos IIfkalh. i ;". LetUT8'and packtes fh'UilO b pre;t r!y sealed Rejw.t-1 coinmnnic-atiots vUl not be re turned. 'oct. 22 tf THE TIMES. PUBLISHED EVERY 1JA.Y IX THE ! .V f YEAli. Mail subscription, postage. free, six dollars a year, or tifty cents a month, exclusive of Sunday edition; including Sunday papr, (double sheet.) seven lollars and-a-half a vear, or sixty-five cents month. The Sunday clition will e mailed to singil? subscribers, postage free, r t! j a year. - Advertisements fifteen, twenty, thirty, fifty cents and one dollar per line. j Correspondence containing important news j Rf.Hcitcl Irom anv oart of the country. If used wpl be liberally paid for. THE - WEKL1 TIMES. Eight pees published every 1 Saturday Terms uer annum, postace free, morning one copy, 2 00; 5 copies, 48 U; 10 eoAetf 1 15 00; 20 copies, 425 3 An extra copy sent free to any person send ing a elub of ten or a elub f twenty. Addi tiona may be made' to clubs at any time at clab rate and from diflerent potto filet. Advertisement thirty cents per line. AH letters or telegrapher dispatches must be addrel tt ; i - ; - THE TIMES, PhUadelphia. First uatixmanSSS IlIF. DATT30X. BASK' IS KOW CtlX. SOLIDATED WITH THIS SANK. ' The Ie,-rvitor of the Knnrr mn tmAiSl tUtt h. Ir .!?. !t. nd Cnv arr anmj I ' ' - ThcFirstNatiouViBank. I. U. AVTH. OFFICERS: E. E. Bi hiti. Prid.t. Ja?. Dawkjx, A"kPridrnt. A. K. Wu-KEK, Ca?hiek. Wm. LAHkiNs, AisUnt Cashier. H. M. Bowdm, Tfllr. How to Make Honey! ):uy your GROCERIES from GEORGE MYERS And nv- 10 to V, jht cent. Our Stock, the Largest. U.st and Cheajiert in the Sut. eon-viiu-t- ah buyers of this saving. We Jnrit aliin sav.- money.' Our Goods are Frrsh with an inii;i.-nse JStock to malcv4 from. ' New Deli rate I'.uIUt, Fun Uzu and Domestic Chaw, Fulton Market IWf, 11? Han., Pljf Pi-k, New Mackerel, Be?f Tongue. Our GQLI) HOP TEA is pronou:icM th i t ever ofremlin this ni:i:k.-t, 40 u iki cenu pr Pou j.i Our WINK AND Llgi OK DKPA'IU MKNT ii uneju iUd in the but f4r Ue OLDKT and PUREST Wiuw, Brandt, WhUtev, Rum, iin, Faney Brandies, : Champion, nd all at Win Uale 1'rices at Rnaii. " Only compare Prices and Quality .aM. tln-n hand voar ortlers to GEO. MYERS, U, 11 & 18 SOUTH FRONT ST. oct 22-tf . j ' i' . - THE SUN FOR 1879 v Thb ?r.s will 1k printed every day do rim? ; the year to com ft. its purpify and mejbod ; will i:- t lie same as in the past ; , To present i all th- news in a readaM shape, and to- tel the tiuiutfc.mv:U the heaven till. , The Si n has bin, Is aud will continue to bj indejMind t of eervliodei nl iery thing save the Truth and its own convictions of dut v. That is the onlv policy which an honest news paper need ha ve- , .... The Sifs if the newspaper for the. people. It is n for the rich man saramst the poor mm, or forth xiornan ueminst tba rich man, ljut it te ks to do epial justice 'to all iotoresU in th.;-ci nimunity. It is not the organ of aqy person, class, si-ct or party. There need b iio mystery aout its love aod hatt. Jt is for the honest man against the rogues erery time. It is for the honest Democrat as against the dishonest Republican, and for the honest Republican as against the dishonest Democrat. It does not take its cue from the utterances of any politician or political organization. It give, its support unreservedly when men or measures are in agreement with the Constitu tion and with the principles Upon which this .Republic was founded for the people. When ever the Constitution and constitutional prin ciples are violated as in the outrageous con spiracy of ISTfi, by which a nian not eh'cted was placed in the President's office, where he stills remains it sj)eak8 out for the right. That is The Si x's idea of independence. In this respec t there will be no change In its pro gramiiK' for 17t. . The S:i:n has fairly earned the hearty hatred of rascals, frauds, and humbugs of all sorts and sizes. It hopes to deaerve that hatred not less in the year lsTy, than in 187. 1877, or any year rone by. The Scn will continue to shine on the wicked with unmitigated brigfct ness. ' While the lessons of t lie patslumld be con stantly ki t before the perple. The Sex does not propote to make itself in 1879 a. magazine of ancient history. It is printed fpr the men and women of to-d;y, whose concern Is chiefly with the alfaini of to.day, It lias both the di-' petition and the ability i afford its readers the promptest, rullest, and most accurate In telligence of whatever in the wide world is -liorth attention. To this end the resources belcn'nir to well-established prosperity wfJl be HbeJully employel. The present disjointed c- liiitiou of parties in this couutry, and, the uncertainty of the future, hud an extraordlnay significance to the events of the coming yar. ThdiM!assions of the press; the debates and acts of Congress, and the-movement! of tti leawlers in every section of the Republic will have direct bear ing on the Presidential election of 1880 an event wht h must be regarded with the most anxious interest by eterv patriotic American, whatever' his political ideas or allegiance To these elements of interest may "be added the probability that the Democrats will- eontrol both houses of COngress. the increasing feeble ness of th fraudulent Administration, and the spread -and strengthening everywhere of healthy abhorrence of Iraud ha any form. To present with accuracy and clearoets tlje .exact Actuation in each of its varying phases, and to expound, according to its well known, rnelh ods. the prtnciplesthat should guide as through the labyrinth, win be an important part of The Sun's work for 18TJ. s : V Ye have the meaM of making T Sex, as a poliLieal, a literary, and a general newspaper, more enter aioiag -Jid more useful thaa ever before; and we mean to apply them freely. Onr raU of subscription remain tmehanged. For the DatLT Srw, a four pag shwt of twenty-eitrbt columns, the price by ntall,port paid, is -ri cehU a month, or 1650 a jea; or,' inciud:ug the Sunday papi") tight page sheet of lifty-six oolu.ikns, the price is SScrnt a month, or $7. TO' a year, j&tage paifl. : JIxt Son lay edition of Tire St'jr is also fox ghel separately at a year oetage 1 The prifeof the WKMr 8u, eight per fifty -six column. U 41. a y"r,,; pohUgf, paid. For club of tea sending $y y c wHI n extra conv free. " 'Address ! Publisher nr.TAmevn,'-New Tor City. ; TriF;Avrki,D. t - Daily -aiid Sundays, one year, 410 : ix months, W.50 ; three moaths, t2.75. ' -I Dally, wiUiout tiundays, one year. 49 ; six mouths, 1.2.7 ; three moata, f?.23; less tha three motuhs, fl a months ' ; j ' The Sua lay World, on yi,,2. The Monday World, contarmnff the Book Review and "Olfege Chrmslcles," toi jwuy fl.5.J, ' - - . The S-m-We:kly WorW ( Tuesdays ank Fridavs) 2 a year. To club agents, an ex tra copy for elub of tea the lally for clob of twenty-ave. '. ' , . ... ' . The weekly .World (W.edeady)r, 41 a ye at. To elub azents, an extraxopy for elub of ten ; the semi-weekly for ah of twenty ; the daily for elnb of fifty. f s Specimen nuiaber sent free o vpplleatSoa.' Terms cush, invariably in vtvanef. . ' TO XZyrSDZAt.KILK' Nowsdealers taay obUia- Mippiiea of the I World in any quaatity and at an early hour at j the uptown oCSce; Orders thouU be left be- TO OUR READERS. If you cannot And the '.rorid'on the new fact! - All commanJfation shonid bd 4dree4 to .. . -THE WOKLU ' park IW. New Trk. cn or to pH0 4,fc,Wi ' 1 00 f V W s -. A A ' n( If 1 fLCI, cWt tvsai v onnn a cm. salt. 200 tod BfcW. lCOLASaU aad O linn nir:rAMi w At.. Ac j. , WQRTII Jt 4OKTlt 1 ! II AFPLKTON8 New ilj4uuly7y9luno Scries. BriUimmt AWlirs; Mtmmnm, Trmt4 Jfaj Ulcria, The hooka la thi series art a sis eoa vvnteet for the pocket, aad yet iarfs soch to admit of bold and aaadmae type aa rdsr that they may he pemsed withoot latna, wtth that sense of reetfalaen and pleasar whkh wHl-prteWd TolaBt a e 9amSr WWVkm neresaarily predominate ta the pis a, hot ft U designed to make the range of seleetkM rom. prebeostre, so aa to lolo4 werks of every variety of theme, from old authors aad ew, and attractive to stodents aa wcM aa feaeeai readers. Th Tolames are 14m, paper eorera, priaw ed on good paer, in larpe typa, sad sold at low price. NOW. UKADY; 1. Jrr: Han rsca oa as foatvaaf A Su.ry. By Mr., Annie lUiwardes, author of "Archie Love U,- ee. rrlre, XOaeata. t. A STrt.K. A Su-rr. Brarvet TkB Bps. Price, VU. ' ' V 3. MlsiauTtania. a 8tory. By Ethel Lyna 4. Ooanox Batowm, aad Tn lnuMM. rnT Ptxicxc. By kadnlpfc Ll4a. Price,4& wtj. .5. T risacKMAa r Ac, A ttocr. By . Katharine 8. Mactjuctd. Prtca, SO erata.. . Essats o Sua. First txtU. Uj Charles Lamb. Price, 30 eenU. 7. Turn Biao or PMsaaa. X Sucy. , By J. . . oufimia jv ana,auiAror "Laeie BlUs." et?. Trice, 3 cenu. '' ' ' . .' : ' , 8. Tni Iloctior rut Two BsftAtl. By Andre Theuriet. author of Klermrd'a Var ric"rtc Prke,tfrMs. .-A- , y. LwiTorTBt OldIvsusb Rrt. Bl ojrraphksl rtd Aneedotlral &kHzt UT mou Actors of the Old EnrtUa 8taf e. K. printed from Temple Bar.' Price, Su rfr. 10. Inractsioxa or Am kmc a. rroto ike "Nineteenth Cetitary." Bj R.W.Dais. U Society. II. Polities. Ill and IV. X&mc. Uon. Price,, JW etBta. Y . u 11. T GoutMum't Wmu By Madame Charles Aey band. Price, 15 c sols, 12. A Semen Imi. Bf Ctarletlas laid, au thor of "Bonny KateL" Valeria Ajlmer," etc Price. SO cents. 13. Tui Aim Win. A' Bocaanee of Ike Po ij nesian Beas. Price, 15 cents. 14. Mas. OAiNaaoaocoN'e DiiMona. Julian Hawthorne, aatkor of "Bresai virv, cw. inci, Jucrou. . li. Liqlid at it, ad Tbb Sbu By JU4olpk Lindau, author of 'Gordon Baldwta'Vand The Philosopher's Peo4aIam." rriee, 25 ' eeate. t " . . ' , KtiTBtGaiirxiviir Covrostaa. Com ulaiatf u BWfrrspklcal , and AseedoUcal 8k etc lias oi Bach, Uandrit Cluck. Uayda, Mozart, Beethoven. Schubert, Schamaaa, Franz, Chopin, Weber, Mendelssohn and Wagner., frier, SQ rent, , t . I ..... . 17." Ayrotnwn. A Story. Bjr A ad fa Thto riet, aaObor of "The Godson of a Mefqals," etc. Pricer' 20 cU. , . . ?- 18 Jon-A-DaaaMS. A Talc. Prke, SO eu.' 19. Mas. Jacx. A Story. By Trance Elea nor Trollops. Price, SO cenU. -.r . . 30. Exoltsb LrraaATtraa. From tlu Eaey clepaxlia Brit tan lea. -. Prise, S3 cent. SI. RitHOKoa. A Tale. By Andr TaenrWt. nthnp nf "TV ItAnu rf tKm TWn RitMi ' (In press.) -U - Any Toliune maXlad, postpaid, to aay ad. . dress in the Uhlted StaU on receipt of U ' ' , U. A1T1XTON A C0n octtl-tf M9 A 551 Ertmdway. X. T. G. BONEY & C0;i3, WUJIINOTQN. K C od22w Goal and Wood I COAL, fKOM OXE "PECK TO QJf EL nUM dredUMM, ftaMSt Red As,'for Stoves,' (Jratf Heaters, ke.,,. - t:i All kinds WOOO Oak, AhrUf htwood, c. ' Patrons please rive orders early la the iyr , . " T- A. BPXIBOEB, &e dar: Old Btoyo Emporium ! ,VT U,m)IT TRfETr SA A MCt 11 assortmenl' of . "t COOK I NO AND H E ATI KG STOVES, amonffjt whkH 1s txm tmrtvall-d COSSMORX COOK sod the 8URPR1AE UXATIB. Omr Stock Is complete. Call aa d see oct 3Hf.;i k fJfAryrgfA TATLOK. Intenmtibnal:;llOTioT7s "FIVE IWLLyLES A YEAB. ' 1 -' "' ' - ,'' . The great Interna! t-athly. The ablest writer; tfl bothnew aad U world . eentrtfcou to IU fir-.? to eettf ter. ... .-rv iMtm, J .' . -;" ; . - A. a BAHNES CO : mtO-f ' ' ' : -,;i -yewTerk. the iwivnnQiEisurL PUBLISHED DAILY (cxeeptScxiUT) it run cn tmon bjctxjwjtm, it 1 A. 8.' ABKLL COI K ' palcce worn anJM-ffbgl eopj, ihrea cenU, one month, tflj cenU: two months, oa dollar; three months, one dollar andtfty eU.; ttx Motfci, ihm doUan; erne yer, str dnilara. Pota wevptU 41 1M oSea lw fa I PnUlbers. No paper sent longer, than paid for. 1 " - " - - " ' " - '-' Jew, and m dollar for ate ooatha, wta tjtt lMoetaenU to Cloba. It Utlabest and ehetpt Jcsml psfchtf 2i,tt xxittTtl tppntotlqi , , , j ? . t