'; ;' ;' , :;v , - . . , 1 - - , - - s ' - i . ; J - ? . J - ' ' ' t . ... - V ' .. I " -7- WADE H. HABXIg, City Editor. Wednesday Morkixg, N OVKMBEB13.1878. New Advertisemeuts. I HKtxsBEnGEK's Live Bk Store Tliev nave, come. Cobb Bros., Proprirtora-Purcell Hou. City IlS MCN1,9-Drat 5,1 St., opposite WIUllNGTON. 1 CAPE FEAR UIPI-I.es. Hie circiLs pictureg were the centre of attraction, yesterday. ' Star gazers last night noticed c-eral very brilliant meteors. Faith, an' its Joseph - Mnrphy hisself as plays in the Opera House, Saturtlay night. There will be a called meeting of the County Commissioners in the Court House, next Thursday night. A letter for.-' Miss Besie Martin, Lex ington, N. C, is held in the post office, on account of insufficient postage. The suppression of an 'V and addition of an "s" - made '.""us report, yesterday, the wrong man as having fallen in a faint on the streets, last Sun day. A good many supposed the injured gentleman was Capt. Charles I). Myers, ( when, in fact, it was Mr. Charles Meyer. Politics are so quiet now, that a stran ger in our -midst would imagine that we century or : it t (l . nave noi nau an election lor a so past. Jefferson Thomson, colored, while help ing another colored man to carry a log at the dock near the1 ship yard yesterday, let his end fall. It struck his foot and broke three toes, beginning with the big one. The hotel omnibuses have to strain a point to meet both the Carolina Central and "Wilmington & "NVeldoa trains, since the recent change of schedules, there be ing only 18 minutes difference in the time of their arrival; Frequently travellers ar riving on the first named road, have to tramp up town. r ' Weather Indication. -For -the South Atlantic and Kast Onlf States, to-day, the indicatuns are as follows : Colder, clear or partly cloudy weather, 1 H .V" 1 1 . ' f hoi in troiiy wmus uiiu uigiier prussuiv. 1 ViHitorn. L f he Carolina Central train, last night. Drougni imo uie cny a large nuinoer ot .excursionists from points along the line. Let's make their stay pleasant, and show them all the sights in the city. Sale or a Krig. The Spanish brig, Dos Cunudos, was auctioned off, ye sterday, for $1,000, Messrs. "Cassidy & lioss, owiers. of the Marine Railway, becoming the purchasers. The brig was sold under condemnation and sur- .vey, by Uiivetion oi r. .J. Loru, r.sq.. Spanish Vice Consul. Her new owners will make a 'first class vessel of her. Mayor' Court. The first session of the City Court since the 4th of this month, was held yesterday, and it was a very small affair at that. Jane Wilson was called up to answer for her sins, which consisted in her having been drank and disorderly. After a bear ing' she was discharged. Dave Wilson, ditto, ditto. -! Two other! cases were heard for the same offence. One got 2.50 fine, and the other was discharged. The Nnn'g City Agency. The business of soliciting and collecting subscriptions for The Sun in the; city has been placed in the hands of Mr. Calvin y. Ilines, who henceforth will be its City Agent. 'Mr. Ilines has authority to con tract for advertisements at our regular rates. , Complaints for non-delivery of The Sun by carriers should be reported at once to Mr. Ilines, at this office, or in' person, on the street. Tough Job oil a Clerk. Yesterday morning at about 4 o'clock a clerk in one of the shoe stores in this city was raised bv a man who hammered and - ; pounded on the door as if he were trying to I route a doctor. The clerk put on his slip pers, opened the door and inquired the i cause of this unseasonable visit. The man replied that he was to be married at 8 o'clock and was obliged to get a pair of shoes just bound to have 'em. As the aforesaid clerk is contemplating something '.I of the same kind for himself he was moved L by a fellow feeling to help this customer out of his dilemma and, inviting him in, began to show his stock of shoes. The man waited until our friend had piled out every shoe in the house, then said he be lieved he wouldn't buy just then, but would call again and left. The clerk of course got out a warrant for his arrest, and was line middest man in town an aay yesterday. V Fell from his Roost. Last night about 10 $ o'clock, a man going through the train yard of the Wil mington & Weldonailroad, saw a tramp lying on the tractalmost under the high foot bridge. He attempted to rouse him J.by a vigorous kick, but to no purpose. An examination proved that tne tramp was insensible from some cause or another. As sistance was summoned and he was re moved to a house near by, where, after considerable dosing - and rubbing; he re gained consciousness. In. reply to an en quiry as to "how he came so," he stated that he took oue drink too much, sat down on the edge of the bridge to rest,' and went to sleep, and that was the last thing he re members ; but he was pretty certain that f ne had fallen to the track below. He fur ther stated that his name was William An dersonfisa painter by trade, and was on ' on his way to Charlotte! where he has re latives. t- Louise Pomeroy Last Mght. The large and fashionable audience that assembled at the Opera House last evening ought to be grateful to Manager Edwards for the "support" he furnished the "star'' of the troupe which presented -' The Adi rondack" on Wilmington - boards for the first time. Usually we have had tobe content with one or two clever artists and-several deplorably inefficient assistants.. Last night every character was well sustained, while Louise Pomeroy exceeded our expecta tions. She his many of the essential re quisites of a great artist. She is beautiful. graceful, has a lithe, supple figure, a musi cal, distinct voice, and great, magnetic eyes that glitter one moment with the baneful light of vanity and coquetry, and. in the next moment grow poft with the uu utterable pathos of a mighty, passionate love, i . "The Adirondacks" presented varied scenes wherein she could display her power and genius. Among the retreats of New York's beautiful mountains -.-he appears as a rich young widow, V.dUh lloyh ton. Her suitors are legion. One. of these unfortunate vounir rentlemen. thiir Houghton, takes his life with J a stiletto, which he legs of her as a ou.ve- 1 nir. An eccentric brother. Ualvh Challis, I ( W. II, I"ake), swears that he will avenge his death. To. do this he woo's and "wins Kdith Roylxto'n h heart. The charming widpw, whose first love had cruellv de-" ceived her, and who confesses s!i .married old Mr. Roylston for his money, had for sworn: love aud declared she had no heart. She returns to New Yoik and Ralph Chalfis follows her.. Insidiously he en snares his victim. At an entertainment given in her own elegant house he draws forth a confession of her love 'lor him and then spurns her ! These sentimantal com monplaces are . relieved by frequent ap pearances of Gnu Gnihjr,-, a good natured "fellah of means aw," who is admirably personated by one of our Wilmington fa vorites, Edwin Brown,". Dr. Cutter (Jos. L.Mason), who isi inferior to no member of the company, Mi-x.-JnlSi.-iux, Kit! if, T7jby and others. After his revenge is satisfied 7fyi Challis goes abroad ; his victim is first desKrately ill and partially, recovers her health with the loss of reason. I) r. Umhjer devotes his time and skill to her. In the course of events Chullis returns. The doctor demands an immediate interview. Her whilom lover has discovered in his wanderings that he loves vi woman ho scorned. " During his conversation 'with her friend, the? doctor, Kdith enters pale, emaciated and insane.- The lover's better nature asserts itself; he confesses his "for mer harshness and his love. Past recol lections recall reason, to her de.-erted throne and love triumphs. In the dosing and intensely emotional scenes, some of his gestures and peses were a little awkAvard. As a hero of a romantic V love tale, and the idol of a very pretty woman's Heart, his personal appearance is against him. He seemed better suited to- the wilds of the Adirondacks than the salons of Fifth Avenue and Madison Square. . Miss Pomeroy has won hosst of cordial admirers in our city. We would be pleased especially to see her in "As You Like It." dropping of the curtain, touched the hearts of all, and the audience passed from the hall with heavy hearts and tearful eyes." Xew Paint Shop. ' '' Messrs. We3tcott & Taylor, who for the past twelve months have had a very liberal patronage, have rented a portion of the store of Antoine Rush. No. 22, South Front Street, one door from Granite Row. Painting and Glazing done in all their vari- cos branches. Adv. , The Election taw. I hare been asked by persons interested to state whether or not the several sheriffs in the, different Congressional districts do not have, as formerly, to meet, compare the vote for members of Congress and as certain who is elected to Congress in such district, -After consultation with lawyers compe tent to advise. I state my opinion to be that the old mode of comparing the votes of the counties by the sheriffs, has been abolished.- The sheriffs no longer form the 'Congressional Canvassing Boards. By sec. 3, ch. 199. acts 1876-77, p. 393, it is provided that "All returns "for mem bers of the House of , Representatives of the United-fctates Congress shall be made to the Secretary of State." . The result of the election is afterwards to be ascertained by a board of State offi cers provided lor in tnat section, and in se ction 53, ch. 275. acts 187C-'77. i ue act ot Congress, cu .Jio, lb ip, pro vides thst an election for Congressmen held acc6rdinsr-to the two acts of Assem- blv sbove referred to, shall be deemed law ful and valid. - Returns-should be made to the Secre tany of State and the result should be as certained by the State Board of Canvas sers. S. A. Ashk. . ' Ch'n Dem. Ex. Com. "Like Ltzarus as if I had been licked by dogs,-' bitterly remarked a defeated Tamman v candidate, when asked how he felt. Prince Alexander of Holland is said to resent his fa i her's -second marriage, and to have withdrawn to Stuttgart to dwell with his mother's familv. ernment firmer newnres t05. SUt bonds quiet . ' Commercial. New York, Nov. 12. Cotton quiet but Arm. with sales of 517 bale middling upUis y 5-16 cents, middling Orieny 9-16cenU; cob- soua&iea nei receipts ss,w Dales ; exports to Great Britain 4,311 bales, to France 7J7; to the continent 5,514 bales, to the channel 1,180. Flour No. $2303; superfine western and State $3 25&3 70, good to choice extre and western, and stata $3 75 95; southern flour unchanged; common to lair extra $3 9Q (3,5 00, good to choice $5 25. Wheat heavy and 1 cent lower with f carcelj any export, business- being mainly for speculation un graded winter red 1 03 61 07. Corn heavy and i eent lower -ungraded 42(&46J cents. Oats a shade firmer. Coffee quiet Rio in cargoes Miti cents, do in job lots Villi 17 ct. Sugur dull Cuba 7& cents, fair to good refining cents, prime 7 cents; Refined quiet and steady. Molases un changed with moderate jobbing demand. Rice fair demand. Rosin uteady at $1 37(1 Spiritsturpentiue firm at 29 cents. Pork firm or very quiet mes quoted at $7 507 un. Lard firmer prime steam on spot t6 20C 6 22. Whiskey lower at $109. Freight steady. Cotton Net receipts 1,611 bales, grot 2,61? bales. Futures clotted bteady with tales of 61,000 bales, as follows: November 9.30 9.31c, DecemWr 9.35(,9.3Gc, January i)A7t 0.4,8c, Februarj r 9.59ay.6iV, March 9.7CaT2c, April 9.S)(a9.S4, May 9.9iTr9.ft5c, Juii I0.n5 .lOjOfr, July I0.1310.07c Baltimore Markets. Baltimore, November 12. Flour dull but in fair home t rade demand Howard street and .western superfiue $3g3 7!, extra $3 75ti,4 25, Tarnilv e 50i 5 X), PaUpsco famUy 2.1, City Mills BUrfiue $3 25(c$3 75, extia t4?4 50, Rio brandi $5 25 5 50. Southern wheat dull and easier: weeterii lower but active south ern red 97efaI 04, amberl 05S1 lo, No. 2 Pciinylvauia red $1 06, No 2 western whiter red on gjot and Novemln-r delivery $1 0.l4, IVeembt-r del-very $1 04)4, January $1 06. Southeni corn dull and lower: western quiet and easier southern white 4345 cent?, yel low 42f,45 ceuU. Oats quiet and steady southern 272.l cents, western white 2S29 cents, do mixed 2627 cents. Provisions quiet, with jobbinff trade only mess pork fi 50; 4' tents cl-ar aarns, new, l l$l-J eents. i Lara t;i cents. Coffee quiet and nominally steady Rio car goes 12al5 cents. Whiskey dull at 1 11 lor jobbinsr lots. Sunur in fair demand and stead v. Uat r Vessel In the Port r ITUmlm. U, X. C. November 12. BARQUXS. Karim Elise, Nor, 372 tons, R T. ITeide Julius, Ger, S04 Urns. Frenck, 0 E Peschaa & Westermaim Superb, Ger, 345 tow, Frundt, . E Pexchau & Westeimann Braffe, Nor, 345 tons, Berrlund, R E Ileide Kosmos, Ger., 403 tons, Bruns, EPeschauit Wtstermann J F Msun, Ger., 360 tons, William. E Pesehau & Westermann Condor, Nor., S9& tons. Neilsen, K E Hekle GambetU, Nor., 301 tons, Eltredt, R E Heide AmjusU & Jeanette, Ger., 366 tons, Zelk, . . 1 WillUms & Murchison Melvina bchutt, Ger, 339 tons, Krogrcr, . E Pesehau & Westermann Arlabna, Nor., 543 tons, Gabrielsen, - ! Alex Sprunt & Son Anta; Ger., 803 tons, Siewerts, K Pefrcaau &, Wetennann Minna, f.er., 467 tons, Boee, E Pwchau & WesUrmann lleinricn Rodbf rtus, Ger., 346; ton., Leppien, . . E Pesehau A Westermann on der Ileydt, Ger., 469 tons. Michaels. E Pesehau & Weftertuanu Lydia PeM.hau.Ger., 403 ton, Bremer, K Pesehau & Westermann August, Ger., :!. tons, Lourieo, E Pesehau fc Westermann Sirene, Ger., 479 tons, Clliess, E Pesehau di Westermann Duero, Nor, 27S tons, ledersen, R E Heide Atlantic, Ger, S'SO tons, Scherrinjr, E Pesehau & (Velerinann Snaresbiook, Br, 4il tons. Peake, Alex Sprunt & Sou Israel, 8w, 320 tons, Tallin, R E Heide Knut Alfsen.Nor, 292 ton?, Petersen, RE Heide Heurik Ieii, Nor, :6? Urn?, RdMiKen. R E Heide 0terlides,Nor. 419 tou. Laseeu,- R E Heide Astor, Nor, 351 Urns, Dauielreu, Willard Bros A; Mebane La Gitana, Nor, 25 tons, Keithan R E Heide IF HOT THIS-THAT. IF THIS STOVE DON'T SUIT YOt bulk shoulders ceuts, clear rib sides 454( rib sides 54(a5 cents, sutrar cured greatest of comedies. Meteorological. From the daily bulletin issued by the Signal Station, at this city, we get the fol lowing, which shows the 'state of the ther mometer at each of the cities and towns mentioned below, at 4.31 i m., yesterday, Washington meantime : New Orleans 63 Jacksonville, Fla . , 68 Punta Russa, Fla.. 76 St. Marks, Fla. .. . 85 Key West, Fla... . 78 Atlanta, Ga 57 Augusta, (la 65 Charlotte, NC... 59 Savannah, Ga. .... 66 Havana 81 Mobile, Ala. . . ... 63 Montgomery, Ala. 50 Galveston, Texas. 60 Corsicana, Texas. 63 Indianola, Texas. 64 Charleston, S C. . 06 Wilmington, N.C. 64 MARKETS. Office, November 12, lSix. riniTs Tiui'KXTiXK Market firm, with f ales of 125 casks at 262 cents. j Uosix: Market firm at f I. 17 fo.r StraiiK-d and '(iood Strained. No sales reported. j T.u. Miirket firm, receipts being placed at j 1- 50, CuroE Tcki'kxtixe Market steady at 1 25 for Hard and $1 5 for Virgin and Soft. Salre at. quotations.' "Cotton'. Market remained, active through out the day. Sales were made during tve day ol about "5 ) bales on private terms. Market ciort'l very firm, with X 15-16c ottered for Mid dling, with no sellers. The oiHcial quotations at. Produce Exchange at 1 n in were : Good Ordinary. Strict Good Ordinary. ............ Low Middling Middling 8 8 5-16 8 0-16 Js RECEIPTS. Cotton.. .' .... Spirits Turjientine llosin Tar.............. Crude Turpentine : 863 bales 300 cask 1,571 bbls 46 " 867 " Xe York Naval Stores Markets, Nov. 0. SriiiiTS . Ti'kpentixe The market M as auiet but steady. We quote merchantable . -1 i A.I n s L1 A. oruer at yia,zv eis. Kosix The market changed. We quote : Strained. Good Strained. . ..... "E". , was quiet but un- Y " i " G '."'.'.".'.'.'.'.".'.....'.. .' i 80 II" ; 2 05 'T " . . 2 25 "K". . 2 50 M" .; 2 80 'NN. : S 23. Window Glass....' 3 75 Tar Wilmington Pitch city:. .... . .-. 40 4.5 (5 85 '72 2 10 2 40 ft 2 75 (To 3 121 (tj 3 50 4 00 j it 2 25 0 2 00 SHIPPING. The Mails. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows : CLOSE. Northern through mails, daily 8:00 P. M. Northern through and way mails, daily.....: 6:00 A.M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied therefrom, in cluding A. & N. C. Railroad, at 0:00"A. M. Southern mails for all points South, daily... 8:00 P. M. Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily (except Sunday) 5:00 A.M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlfngtou R. R. 7:30 . i Mails for points between Florence and Charleston 7:30 " Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fri days....... : :.. 10 P. M. Fayetteville,via Lumberton,.diily, except Sundays . -. 5:00 A.M. Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices every Friday. 6:00 " Smithville mails, by steamboat, ; -daily (except Sunday) S:00 " MaUs fo Easy Hill, Town Creek and Shallotte, very Friday at.. 6:00 Wilmington and Lisbon route, Mondays and Friday stat 6:00 le ARRIVE. Northern through mails open for delivery at: 9:00 " Northern through and way mails . open for delivery at 8:00 u Southern mails, open for delivery at....... 7KX) '," Carolina Central Railway. ... 10:00 P. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5:45 P. M. Money order and Register Department . open same as stamp office. General delivery open from 650 A. M. to 630 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A.M. 8tampe for se at general delivery when 6tamp office is closed. Mails collected from street boxes every day ac 4:00 P. M. "Camille." Those of our people who witnessed the 'Adirondacks" hist night, will be delight ed at the opportunity given them of again witnessing the charming actress, Louise Pomeroy, in "Camille" this evening. Of this play, an exchange says : . 'Yesterday afternoon the well known play of "Camille" was performed before a large audieace in point of joumbersand one capable of knowing ud .enjoying good acting, Miss Pomeroy, who was in the best of epirits, exhibited soirfe very fin? acting. It seemed natural ; there was nothing far-fetched or "stagey " in her Ca mille. She was called before the curtain twice during the performance, and her act ing in the death bed scene, before the final Port Almanac, Nov. 13, 1818. Sun rises : 6.35 Sunsets 4.53 High water at Wilmington.' 11.24 " " Smithville 9.24 Day's length 10.18 Louisville Cratn and Provision Market. Loi isvjlle, November 12. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat tirm red 88(5,90 cents, amber aud white 909:J cents. Corn steady white 42 cents, mixed 39 cent. Oats quiet and unchanged white 24 cents, mixed 23 cents. Rye steady at 53 cents. Pork naminal at $7 50(8 00. Lard dull choice leaf tierce 7 cents, do keg 8 cents. Bulk meats steady shoulders 2C?3 cents, clear rib 444 cents, clear sides 4(o;4 cts. Bacon steady shoulders 3j cent, clear rib 4l rents, clear sides '5 cents, sugar cured hams 10) cents, but noae on the market.- Whiskey easy at $1 04. Cincinnati Grain and Provision Market. Cincinnati, November 12. Flour quiet and unchanged family 84 00(a.5 2-k Wheat steady and in fair demand red aiid white 83(5,95 cents. Com easier at 32(5;33 cents; old uemi nal. Oats quiet and firm at 20(5 24 cents. Pork firm old $7(5,7 75; new ?8 December or January, at seller's option Lard active and tinner steam $5 80, kettle nominal. Bulk moats steady and in fair demaud shoulders 2l cents, clear rib 3 cts, clear rib sides 4 cents. Bacon dull and a shade lower shoul ders 3 cents, clear rib 44 cents, clear sides 4f545 cents. Whiskey dull aud drooping at l 04. Cotton Markets. 03 (1ai.vetox, November 12. Cotton weak irregular at 9 cents for middling; net receipts 2571 bales. No u folk, November 12, Cotton firm at 8J cents for middling; net receipts 4924 bales. Baltimore, November 12. Cotton quiet at cents for middling; net receipts 00 bales. Boston, November 12. Cotton steady at cents for middling ; net receipts 1149 bales. Philadelphia, November 12. Cotton quiet at 9 cts for middling; net receipts 92 balef. Savannah, November 12, Cotton steady at 8J4 cts for middling: net receipts 3362 bales. New Orleans, November 12 -Cotton ac tive at 9U cents for middling; net receipts 99H8 bales.". Mobile, November 12. Cotton quiet at cents for middling; net receipts 895? bales. Memphis, November 12. Cotton heavy at H cents for middling ; net receipts 2190 bales. AuorsTA, November 12. Cotton 6teadyat 8;la ceuts for middling; net receipt 13138 bales. Charleston, November 12, Cotton firm cents lor middling; net receipts 405 bales. .it (13 ARRIVED. Stmr A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth . Stm North East, Paddison, Point Caswell, Preston Cumming fe Co. Stm Yacht Passport, Harper, Smithville, (jjjeorge Myers. 'Schr Snow Storm, Morse, Little River, Preston Cumming & C,o. Br Schr Julia Elizabeth, 80 tons, Ingraham, Nassau, Master. Stm Wave, Robeson, Fayetteville, Williams & Murchison. . CLEARED. Ger barque Meinrich Rocbertus, Leppein, Gibralter for orders to Genoa or Trieste, E Pesehau & Westermann. Br Sch Carleton, Albury, Nassau, E Kidder ifc Sons. Stmr A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth it Worth. 8tm Yacht Passport, Harper, Smithville, George Myers. Stm North East, Patldison, Point Caswell, Preston Cumming & Co. Stm Wave, Robeson, -Fayetteville, Williams & Murchison. EXPORTS. FOREIGN. Gibralter for Orders Ger barque Heiu .rich Rodbertus 3,400 bbls rosin. Nassau Br Schr Carleton 16,749 feet lum ber, 91,000-eyprus shingles, 5 bbls tar. MARINE MEMORANDA. The brig George carried out cargo of Span, ish briglDos Cuuados, which cleared on 20th Jul5, and returned in distress. Spanish brig Dos Cunados was sold yestcr da$' at auction by Messrs. Cronly- Sc Morris, for $1,000, Messrs. Cassidey & Ross becoming purchasers. Ger barque Othello, Miederot, arrived at Charleston, S C, from this port on 9th inst. - Schr Jno A Griffin, Foster, cleared from Philadelphia for this port on 3d inst. t Barque Success, Hoby, from London for this port, passed Deal 30th ult. Lotion. Xoe. 12--Crew of the brig Frances, -which foundered on her passage from Mandel to Wilmington, were saved. NOTICE TO MARINERS.. DASGEItOUS OBSTRUCTION. Notice is hereby given' that a schooner is sunk in nine fathoms of water Hereford Inlet Light bearing WSW, about 13 mile dis tant The upper part of her spars are out of water SJie is directly in the track of coasting vessels and is a dangerous obstruction G B "WHITE, Com U S N, Lighthouse Inspector, Fourth Dis Philadelphia, Nov 6, 1878 MARKETS PY TELEGRAPH. Kow Vorfc Markets. , Financial. New If or, November 12.Mouey 8 per cent Sterling exchange 480, . Gold 100. Gov- Foreign Markets. Liverpool, No 7 ember 12. Cotton quiet and unchanged middling uplands 5d, mid ding Orleans 6 l-16d; sales 6,000 bales, for speculation and export 1000; receipts 13,000 bales, of which 7,500 were American. Middling uplands, nothing below low mid dlinfr, November delivery, 5 13-32d. Middling uplands, nothing below low mid dling, November and December delivery, 5 5-10d. ' Middling uplands, nothing below low mid dling, December and January delivery, 5 5-lOd. I Middling uplands, nothing below low mid ling:, January and February delivery, 5 5-10d. Middling uplands, nothing below low mid dling,. February a:.d March deliverj , 5 ll-32d. Middling uplands, nothing below low mid dling, March and April delivery, 5 7-32d. Middling uplands, nothing below low mid dling, April and May deliverv, 5d. The 6ales to-day include 4,550 bales of American. London, November 12. Spirits turpentine 21s 6d. , Red and White Ash Coal, LL SIZES, SUITABLE FOR GRA lES, Stoves, Furnaces, HcaterB nd Ranges, AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! Our Coal is of superior quality, Is more regular in size, and freer from dirt and dust than can be had elsewhere. Cash Orders Delivered Promptly. O. G, PARSLEY, Ju., Agent, nov 13-lw Cor. Orange and S Water St. THE OLD RELIABLE! I HE MOZAKT SALOON is prepared to furnish the Harvey" fSarden Oyster, Fried, Stewed, Raw or Roasted. BAR and BILLIARD ROOMS till running. nov 13-20th JOHN HAAR, Jk., Proprietor. They Have Come; JALL AND SEE THEM. The largest and best selected stock of ejer brought to this eit). AU New, Beautiful and Cheap, at TOE UVE BOOK STORE. FOR THE 1 TITLE ONE3! Tool ChesU, Building Blocks, Spelling Blocks, Puzzles, and One Hundred other Amusements for Children. For sale at IIEINSBERGER'S, X9 and 41 Market St. Our variety U estetMive In bh! HEATING and COOKING STOVES. Uron Good Tin Ware, Baket, PUtol Ware. ToTlel l almost everything uefal to Ihu. k-rT for sale rheap. Old Uand. PARKER Si TAYLOR, nov 10 . Reading and Writing Tables. vmoixua, men tTOut qooUtkms. It tood. represent the whole,!, 0y. In mkios i S scaall price have to he charred " AftTlCLt..' Bwiixa Gunny.-..;..;. Doable Anchor. ."' Double Anchor A" B-NC. Ilaaw...'; - C Side. , Shoulder;;;;;;;;; rtern IUm... , C. R. Sides.'"." I' Stnoked....... ' D. S. Shoulders lUtr Ure Weight .. Rackcu-Spirit Torp'tl'. S.x.tid Hand. each.. . r. Xew New Yo k , eac h . . . New Citv. each oo oo no" oo is i 00 00 I SO 0 00 0 00 S4 fs ( 11 H 00 00 00 14 10 ITS 1 W BMCK-WUmirrton.V M ? 00 & $ m ! Northern tt n. Z iT 14 00 fts Adjustable to nearly all kinds of, ARM - Chairs; can be wt at any amrle desired, and i a great convenience in reading or writing; makes a good cutting or lap-lxard lor ladic?, or dining-table lor invalid. The frames are hard wood, carefully, delec ted, and thoroughly seasoned,- uot kiln -dried; driven a tight as pnMble and . ut plit, the wood, glued, and Unbin d with coach vamiidi. The scat are of ah splints, split from young, tough timber; are made by exjwriencrd work men, under my ow'n fUjH-nrision. Any. cl.air bearing my Mainp !; warrauUnl, and if it (ail in anv imrt by fair usage, the price will le. re- j funded, or another chair furnUh d free ol ev buhl- Meteor, Nor., :0 ton; Ehure, R E Heide t.pensc. ' I guarantee satisfaction in every ab Normand, Nor., 220 tons.SoreiiM-u. R E Heide f Indiaua, Br., 21W tons, McKeuzie, Willard Bros iS: Mi bane Hjeuituet, Nor:, iS0 Uins, Stavunger, f R F. Ileide BARKENTINES. Geo Booth, Br, 2SS tons, Jones. Willard Bros A: Mebane BRIGS. Varnaet, 27H toiii, Peterht n. R E Heide G C Michael, (ier., 332 tonh. Dill'.vitz, E Pesehau tS: Westermann Fred, Nor., 2ort tons, Thoreen, Alex Sprunt S: Son Griniktad, Nor., 212 tout, Bulegaard; K E Ileide Zetland, Br.; 288 tons, Hicks, Willard Bros Jii Mebane Helios, Ger., 25o tons, Borgwasdt, E Pesehau S: Westermann Lilian, Br., 204 tons, Tupman, Alex Sprunt it Son Doa Cunudos. Span,, 247 tons, Lersundi, rpg, Paterson, Downing fe Co Belle Walters, Br, 309 tbn, Hintou, A Sprunt fe Son Busy Bee, Br, 329 tons, Thonfpson, EG Barker & Co Emma, 'Ger. 200 tons, Gerber, E Pesehau & Westermann Cormorant, Nor., 2-'i8 toDs, Hansen, R E Heide Legartha, Nor., - tons, Strangely. R E Heide SCHOONERS. Hattie Page, 267 tons, Godfrey, Harriss fe Howell Fanny Tracy, 247 tons, Til ton, Harrifs fc Howell Carleton, Br , OS tons, Albauv, E Kidder & Sons Juo Douglas, tons, Parker, EG Barker & Co J E Simmons, 285 tons, Grace, Master Annie Cotter, 140 tons, McLaughlin, Northrop fc Cumming Ruth Shaw, 385 tons, McElwee, . Harrlss & Howell Eddie Huck, 394 tons, Northrop, Northrop & Cumming Ralph Howes, 143 tons. Gelchell, EG Barker & Co Mary Brewer, 94 tons, Tolman, Worth & Worth Tarry Not, 246 tone, Barrett, Harrlss & nowell o Notice. If the signal letters of any vessel in port are displayed at U. 8. Signal Office,, the vessel so designated should send ashore the telegram. THERMALINE ! 'rilHE GREAT FEVER AND AGUE REM- JL EDY. Price S3 cents per box. Laxatine, Saratoga Spring Water 15 cents per piht bottle. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c. JAMES C. MUNDS, Druggist, Oct 30-tf 3rd St., opposite City nail. THE BALTIMORE SUN. PUBLISHED DAILY (except Sunday) at the bux iron nrn.piNGs, by A. S. ABELL & CO. Pmcrs for mailing. Single copy, three cents, one month, hlty cents; two months, one dollar: three months, one dollar and hfty cts six months, three dollars; one year, six dollars. Postage pre-paid at the offlc by the Publishers. No paper sent longer than paid lor. The Weekly Sun. One dollar and a half a year, and one dollar for six months, with great inducements to Clubs. It is the best and cheapest journal published and of universal circulation. THE TIMES. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY IN THE YEAK. Mail subscription, postage free, six dollars a year, or fifty cents a month, exclusive of Sunday edition ; including: Sunday paper, (double sheet,) seven dollars aiid-a-half a year, or sixty-nvti cents t. month. The Sunday edition will be mailed to single subscribers, postage free, lor f I 50 a year. Advertisements fifteen, twenty, thirty, fifty cents and one dollar per line. Correspondence containing important news solicited from any part of the country. If used will be liberally paid for. THE WEEKtf TIMES, i Eight pages published every Saturday' morning. Terms per-" annum, postage free, one copy, $2 00; 5 copies, 8 00; 10 copies, $15 00; 20 copies, $25 00. An extra copy sent free to any person send ing a club of ten or a dub of twenty. Add! tions may be made to clubs at any time at club rates and from different postoffices. Advertisements thirty cents per line. All letters or telegraphic dispatches must be addrdteed to THE TIMES, . Philadelphia. TO RENT, WITHOUT BOARD TWO LARGE AND COMFORTABLY FTJR nished BED BOOMS, in a good neighbor hood, and near tie business portion of the ciiy. Convenient to .be Postoffice and Rail- DeR0S8ET& NORTHROP, FEE iD IttRRE KSURAXCE AGENTS. SEPRESENTTNO STANDARD AMEB IC AND ENGLISH COMPANIES, 27 North Water 8 tree Wn.MixoTO,.N. C. oct 22-1 m of my chairs, having thirty yean' exj-eriene e j in chair making. 1. do-uot make the eheapt chair in the market, but 1 do claim it t he the j bjt in every respect. Rotkers and Chairs to order, any tize tr height desired. Small chairs packed inside la rye ones without, extra ! freight. Send 4amp for Illustrated Price Li.-t. j Before purchasing; see that the Chair ha niy address stamiHil on frame. V, A, MNCI.AIK, ! nov I'M m Mottville, N. Y. j OPERA HOUSE ! TLESBAV AND WEUNESDAY, NOV. i2 vV IX JOXOAGKMKXT EXTHAOnillXAKYi POMEROY SUPPORTED BY EDWARDS' URAVATJC COSBIXATIOX. Including W. H. LEAKE and NEW YORK favorites. TUESDAY,' XOVEMHKU 12th, The pre-eminentlv successful Society pla THE ADIRONDACKS! VEDX ES DAY, X 0 V EM HEK 1 :it h , BY hl'ECIAL UEQI KST, ALEXANDER DUMAS' MASTER' PIECE, CAMILLE! Pkices Reserves, Parquetteand Dress Cir cle, $1 IK); (ieueral Admission, 7.1 cents; Par quette Circle, 50 cents ; (Jallery, 'i. cents. Reserved Seats on sale at Hehuberger's. nov8;tf HOWELL COBB. I'. 1. M . COBB. PUECELL HOUSE, ' WILMINGTON, N. C BECENTLT THOROUGHLY OVER . hauled and renovated. FIRST-CLASS in every respect. Location desirable, being situated near all business houses Postoffice, Custom House, City Hall and Court House. RATES! 2 and $2:50 per Day. Our motto is TO PLEASEl COBB BROS., oct 23-tf Proprietors. EUGElsrE L. HARRIS, AKTIsT IS CRAYON PORTRAITS, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. BEGS LEAVE TO CALL YOUR ATTEN tion to his Portraits in Crayon. Persons wishing good pictures of themselves or de ceased friend?, can have them nicely executed by sending him a photograph to work from. A good photograph is necessary to insure a good likeness. " The prices" below include postage by mail, on roller. A neat frame of Walnut and gilt will be furnished to those who'desireit at $1.50 and 2,00. ; Iu Tti.a N.CMoUn,V i ; Northern, per lb. ..... I 1 '' Sperm 'per lb ! Tallow, -rtb . . . ... AdrtianUue, per lb ! CnLti iut l-uire, v ih ! Elected A'rvmm, r lb. torrrrJ.va, p, ib, 1 BKprrlbv ; iuajrm. prr lb Mttu-wr bu in c l Cot to Tieprr Iie.'." 0 . l Dmitic Sheetinr,44 I irvard lam, per bunch. jq i "" W I n",-,MckwXo.l4bul !0tv No. I r J,'.M1. ). .. MSO Mackerel, No. 2 jut bll . 1 j No.. 2 pt r t bbl.. . . . . oy j - Mackerel, No. 3 p,.r l,u . 6 &0 M ullct. u r bll .-. . - i N.L . Herring,K4X).,krg 3 00 Dry Cod, per lb 00 F:KiiMirtit lVruvi;un,f-tMK.B Haugh'w rtio-)ate Carolina Fertilizer " ti round Bone Bi.ne Meal . " Flour Navusva Guano . Complete Manure " Whann' Plusphatf'' . Wuudo PhMpIiate V Berger At Butz' 'Exeelleuza Cotton Fertlr A Oil Fi.onn Choice Fani.bbl 6 SO Family, er bbl .... 3 f,q Extra, jHr bbl 4 Jo Sujer', pyr bbl 3 oo City MillsExtra -1 bbl - S U) Family, p r bbl l Ofc Ex. Family, per bbl 0 50 ii.t i: jer lh. 7 Grain Corn, in tore,hfr 7' lorn, cargo. jer bushel v'orn. mixed, f bush.,bjj uls, ixt but-hel,..' 4i Is, Cow, per buhel: 75 Hi nr. Green, per lb. .', , . 4 - Dry, jx rlb.. 0Q Hay Eastern, xf 100 1U . 00 Western, i-r 10 Ibn. . . ; p UQ North River, j-r 100 lb. V0 HiMji Ikon ht ton M 00 Lahi Northern, per lb, . ?Jj Not th Carolina, per lb....- 00 Lime jht bbl 0 00 Lt MREK City Steam Saw ed Ship StutT, retaw. ed.per M f-et. . H 00 Rough Edge Plank f M tl 00 00 West Iud'a Cargoes, ac cnllng;U) quality "f M ft 1 00 Drewed Flooring, teao'd 15 00 Sanlllng and Boards, Common, M ft. . . . IS 00 it 10 00 00 41 (0 no 00 no oi) 00 00 S3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00 (5) 14 00 fla 00 35 00 Puke Size 14x17 inches. . Life Size (bust). . . $ 00 10 m Molasses N.Orleau bbU Cuba, hhd. ' 28 . English Island, hhd. . , 30 Dcmerara, hhda 20 Sugar liousehhdn.. 00 Fine Svrujm, bblo. ..... ; - 40 Nails Cut, 4d to SOdkg - 8 50 Testimonials : ' Mr. Harris possesses the rare gift of -inp- able to delineate, accurately, from a pho tograph or other picture the exact likeness of J any one. ne guaraiiLr- raurimii"" Oxford Leader. "We have seen his work, and censider ,it excellent. Try him." Central Protestant "We have een a capital jortrait of lion. A. W. Venable, by Mr. E. L. Harris, that refleeU additional lustre oh his genius in that depart ment." Torchllght.J -t tf Firsational Bank. CON- rPlIE DAWSON BANK IS NOW SOLI DATED WITH THIS BANK. The Depositors of the former are notified that their deposit and Certificates are assumed by TheFirst National Bank. DIRECTORS: ' - i 1 E. E. BcKKiiwf : Ja. Dawson, James Speuxt, Alyhku Maktix, D. G. Worth. OiLK-Keronene. per nl . . Lard, pir gal. . ,r. Linseed, 4 mt gal. ....... Rosin, per gal . ......... PorLTRT Chickens, lire,, grown Spring Peanctb ier bushol.. , Potatoes -Sweet. H huU t Irish, Northern, $ bbl.. 2 50 P)RK Northeni,CityMeia 11 00 Thin, per bbl. . , .., 00 00 Prime, per bbl....' 00 00 Rump, ier bbl (KJ JjO Rice Carolina, r lb ... 14f Rough, per buh ........ 00 Rags Country, jier lb 1J City, per lb ... I a Rope. 8 Salt Alum, jer ton . 00 (Z LiveriMKilMck, cl f.o.b M Marliall's Fine, per ack 0 00 & American, per ack.. .. . 00 jfy Sloak Crubhed. ir 1U.. 00 Standard A, lierlb.. 00 Coflw "A," jmt lb 08 White "C,"per lb...... 00 Extra UC,' jer lb...... 00 1, Amber lCt" ier lb. .... T 00 Yellow, per lb. ........ . W , Granulated, per lh. , "f 00 Soai' Northern, lr lb. . . 3 Siinoles Contract, p M 4 00 Common, per M 2 SO Cypress Sape, ier M 4 50 Cypres Heart, per M . . 9 AO Staves W. O. bbl. jr M Vi 00 RO. Hhda.,ir M . . . . -. 10 00 Cypress, jer M 00 00 Tallow- per lb.. ....... . 7 Timber Shipping, jier M. 10 00 .Mill Hipper M . ... 7 00 (4 Mill Fair, jK-r M ft 00 -'. Common Mill 4 CO ft I Inferior Ui Ordinary ,VM 3 60 (4 4 I Wiiisket Northern VK1 00 gf 5 I Nrth Carolina, per gal. 175 3 1 ViKi.Uhwashed, ir lb. 1 IT 0 ! Washed, Jier lb I , 5- ; ' WILMIK0T0H X0VKT HA1JCXT. t o ) 7i 100 U5 125 OFFICERS: E. BtBRtf. President. jAii. Dawsox, Vice-President. A. K. JValkeb, Casuieb. Wm. Larkin?, Aitant Cafchr. II. M. Bowpkx, Teller. oct 22-tf Cod Liver Oil ! (.1 FRESH LOT,) TRULL'S COUGH SYRUP, POND'S EX J3 'TRACT, HoYt'a German Cologne, Hair BrhAbe, Tooth " Brusbe', Comb and Toilet Article, In great Tkriety, at ooT9-tf GREEN PLANNER. THE CERMAX AXD FBESH IBCCMES TAt'OUT BT G. I. von Jacmund Or. Phil. nov2 Sm bitino. arLUK. Gold....... ..Par. Par. Exchange (right) ou New Tork..'.. diac't BaltlnK)re.......Ji hmtxin. ........ M PhiladelphU-....H . Weatern ttle.. Exchange Uo daja 1 p cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock.,.. ... First National Bank. ' Wilmington Building Stock Mechanist'. " ' ViriiM Gnano Co. ' . N. C. Bond--Old Ex-Coopon...i.14 i Funding 1800 . 1M........ i : " New.... Special Tax.... r. .... 1 " u N. C. KallroJ. . . . . 4f ' W.&W.R.R. Bond 7 c(Gold Io.)00 Carolina Central B. R Bonda, e.iO WU. Col. A Aug. R. R. " . . - SO . V'UnuDgtin City Bond, tk e. .....75 " old 7 ..74 o " new 6 yc. . 70 gold in. " 8 75 New Hanover County Bonda, 6 ?e..70 W A W. Railroad Stock. ... . . . . . .'.45 North Carolina R. K. Stock. . .40. WIL G.vi Light Co. fctock. , . t ..... .57 W'luiluxtoa Cotton VIU1. . . . . .. . .100 L I T T ELL' Living Age. S ISSUED KVEIIY 8ATUBDAY. ThclJviNo Auk give Sc! naabcrf of 64 pages each, or more than three and f quarWr thousand doable-column octavo JX4 . ot reading matter yearly. The ablet aaid moat cuIUTated intrlleeU to En rope, and etpedallv in Great Britten, w rite for IU - YAzht dollar a year, free of po?tr."Enr copy to the getter up ofaelahofdubacrljertt UTTELL 4; GAT, 1 oct SUf 17 Bromfleld treet, Coctoa.

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