v5 ADEHEtowU:; ,; 'city iditor. rid ay Morning, November 15, 1878. New Advertisements. Oohb Bros., Pmprirtorl-VtiVceH tfo J as. C. Musds- Druggist, 3d St., '''opposite -Ity Hall. , KEixsBiERoER's Live Book STORE-fThey Nave come. WILMINGTON. CAPE FEAR RIPPL.EN. A cold northerly wind Bet in last night and made ulsters exceedingly comfortable. Yeates appears to be elected in the Figrt District, after all, according to the latest reports. Messrs. Bridgets & Co. are moving into the new, MacRac building opposite the Sex office. The hop given by the JIarmonia Circle Club, Wednesday night, was followed last evening with a hop by the' Lotus , Club. The attendance, each night, of young ladiei and gentlemen was quite large, and of course Wll participants had a delightful time. SOCIETY. Annual Heeling. 2 YwUrday ; morning, at 11a. twenty ladies, including officers, met at the Hook and ladder Hall, to attend the annual meeting of this Society. It was regretted exceedingly that a larger number of ladies and gentlemen were not present, not only that they might give their mite to feed God's poor, but that they might give visi ble encouragement to the noble, energetic ana kind-hearted President whose labors in behalf of the destitute have made 'her name a-household word' in every home of OUr; CltY. ' But those who wprp nrpspnt. r : ' were agreeably entertained by a timely and appropriate speech from Rev. fL A. Yates, the popular pastor of Front Street Meth odist Church. He pleaded most eloquent ly the cause of the poor and destitute, and, and sought to encourage the members of the Society in their "labor of Ixive." By request, Mr. Yates then read Mrs. Ken nedy's annual report, as follows : WiLMixoTojr, N. C. Xov. 14th, 1878. Ladies The close of another vear in the operations of our Society, (its 33d an niversary), calls us together once more, to retrospect our doings hitherto, and to gird ourselves afresh for the task assigned us by our Heavenly Father whose hand we acknowledge in the measure of success which has thus far "crowned our efforts, to relieve suffering humanity. And yet we must own that we have come very far short of fulfilling the requirements of duty1 and of flecessitv in this behalf. 'But un- at 'Mrsr Kennedy's suggestion the feriBw-f -i The Cotton Comprewie. " ing committee was appointed : " Mrs. G. But one of the three cotton compresses W. Williams, Mrs. Geo. Chadboura, Mrs. in the city, were running yesterday. ;The TW Walker, Mrs. A. A. Willard, and Mrs. J. A. Oakley. . ;Tbe sum of $35 was collected from the members present. Some months since Mrs. Kennedy invited Got. Vance to de liver a lecture in this city for the Society. The Governor has expressed his' willing ness to do all ia bis power for the ladies add for the poor of Wilmington. Mrs. Cicero W. Harris -was requested to corres pond with Governor "Tance at once, and ask him to appoint as early an evening as he conveniently could, for the promised lecture. The ladies' also express their preference for the lecture on the Scene ry of Western North Carolina,owt of the most elegant productions of the distin guished lecturer's pen. It abounds in gor geous word painting, xindthe listener seems to see the mountains, streams, valleys, trees and flowers of the riand of the sky" pass before his mind's eye in panoramic beauty. Purely such a treat and such a cause will fill the Opera House. CaptPennypacker, with his characteristic generosity in every charitable movement, will permit the use of the Opera House free of charge. The public complaiu of that huge pile of sand on Princess street, but if they will dismayed by past failures, we are ready to contain themselves 'for awhile all will be resume the task, feeling that our own wisV well. Our city fathers are doing all that can lie. done to' better the condition of our streets'and will attend to the sand as soon as their labors: in other," parts of the city wll permit. A crowd of little darkies were arrested by a policeman, yesterday, for creating a hubbub, -In front of a store on Market street, "over a - game of. marbles They were escorted to the City Hall, but it was thought they had lie-eu sufficiently "scared un," and vo the officer was told to let 'em loose. - i red. Meyers, the city detective, had a little trouble yesterday- m convincing a drummer-that he should take out a eity'li- ce'nsV. The drummer, as soon as he saw his error, went to the Mayor voluntarily and paid his license tax, and expressed his regri-t that any one .would think him guil- tv of wilfnllv disregarding the? citv ordir nances. . ' ' .'- If anybody is tir .'d looking at the circus picture.-? around the city, they can strike something new by going to the Wilming- ton -Ac e.don u pot, where the circus coach, all covered with hungry looking lions, four backed camels, etc., is undergo ing repairs. -Yon will" have to ct around tho ysvtcjnn iii'oTlie yvXy jOtmigiibVfore vou can see the coach. dom and skill cai1 avail us little apart from the promised aid of 11 im who having; given, as a legacy to His people, the poor j who are always with us, has also left onJ record the assurance that whatsoever they ask in prayer. believing, they shall receive. And although we coine, (as often liefore) with an empty treasury, we confident In trust that we shall still be enabled to feed some who are nigh to perishing, and to add somewhat to the covering of some whom the wintry blasts find shivering before their rude assaults. No monev is in our hands to buy wood or flannels or other .'comforts, but will not tales of suffering touch some hearts able to command it ? And will not some for His sake who gives all things to enjoy, be willing, of their abundance, or ?ven of their povertv. to share wvn those who are destitute ? We have bectme fa- miliarfwith much of the suffering around us poverty bears hard on very many scanty employment plants hunger in homes once above want; sickness adds its burden and its woe, and the hidden sorrow of the homes made sad and terrible by the unfeel ing waste of liquor, and the drunkards tread, all call loudly on us for succor ere it be too late. Let us be more earnest in doing what lr. Wright. The "heal h of that estimable citizen, Dr. Adani-K. Wright, who suffers from paral ysis, is5 again precarious. Yesterday, how- ever, ne was improving.- is that 1m may continue he is full v- restored. Tho general wish to improve until Sot a Theft, - After All. Yesterday, a white man from Pender .county, was anvted in this city, on a war rant issued at the inst-inec of another; 'citizen of Pendor, clvarging him with hav ing stolen an ox. The matter came up be fore Justice. Wagner for investigation. The evidence served : to prove that the ac cused had taken the ox on p.wnr and there was no theft in the matter. Tho prosecu tor was required to : pay costs of the case, and the parties were discharged. At the I'ostoIIlce. Mrs. Taylor can call and get a copy of Krich's Fashionable Quarterly. No initials are given, and the first Mrs. Taylor of all by that name in the city, rwho gets to . the postoffice ahead of the others, this - morning, can' get the magazine. Don't all rush at once. ' '. That chemise is still waiting an owner. The clerks have wrapped it up in blue pa per, and now the fair owner can avoid em barrassment by walking up arid calling for 'that bundle. wrapped with blue paper." The perstti who dropped ' a letter in the box addressed to T. S., Willie, Batrier, N, C, is informed that no such an office ex ists in this State. Guess at it again, and direct the letter over. -. Gen. Eaton has gone farther South pros ecuting the arraugements for better coun try mail Toutek " ' - " t ' Wilmington Iight lufatntry. According to announcement in Tester- I day morning's Srx, this company, together with the veterans and honorary members, held a meeting at their armory, last night. There-was a Very full attendance, and the interest manifested was gratifying to every member of the Company.- After the usual organization preliminaries, addresses were heard from several present, touching ' upon the future prosperity of tho organization. Colonels CantwellDeRosset, Moore, Maj. Fergus and others of. the "veteran corps" made Bteeches that -fairlv stirred their - hearers' "A committee was anbointed. and . the duty assigned it of ' looking afterthe interests of the, company and ascertaining what means can be taken to preserve its ' organization, and inspire it with new life uuu ucuviiy. y iuc cuuiuiiiieu cuusisws, us follows: ' '',' ' FROM THE VETERAN, CORPS Col. W.-.L. DcRossett and ' Oapt. C, D. Myers. ,..:.,.t FROM THE HONORARY MEMBERSHIP. Capt. F. W. Kerchner and J. C. James. GenMl rtTayWbaVitJoneyiid Messrs. W. J. Gordon and James C. Munds. The Wilmington Light Infantry has been in organization since 1853. There is not a more gallant company in the State, and we know that our people, cherishing the mem y bry o tits heroic deed3 in the bloody strug gle of '61-'65 will '' never permit the name of this grand .old company to die out as Jong as; time lasts ' we can and in striving to enlist the aid of those around us. Let us'impress upon our young friends the duty and the true enjoy ment of being helpers to the helpless, showing them that in denying themselves some trifling hinjr systematically they can all, without much inconvenience, contribute the little amount, of $1 annually for this cause. Can we ask our Father in heaven or His blessing while unwilling to bestow on His more needy ones a little of what He gives us.? May Gad give us all grace to do our frhjbhi duty ! The Treasurer's statement will show what amounts have be?n received in sub scriptions and otherwise. I feel constrain ed here to mention the generous gilts re ceived last year- from many . of our mer chants. Our friends had. failed and the public was appealed to. Donations of various articles of food were given, amount ing to perhaps: near 100. These were placed in the hands of a grocer, to-whom we owe thanks for his kindness in distribut ing. This supply sufficed for the summer, but was exhausted by October, with a very small exception, and now we are furnish ing ou eredit those who ntust be fed. 1 would be glad to give the number and names of such As have been relieved by the Society during the past year, but this can only be done t hrough the visitors, who failed to preserve them. And .now, in retrospec tion, we must admit our failure in one great object we have had in view : the hope of elevating by timely aid the aims of those who come to us, encouraging the feeling of self-reliance, and the desire to live by. their own labor, till driven by ne cessity to rely on others, does not seem to be realized. .Still we must do our duty, and leave the results with God. May He give His spirit for a guide to us ami to them. C. G. Kexnedv, Pres't. After the reading of the report Mrs. Alfred Martin, in behalf of the Society, most, gracefully thanked Mr. Yates for the interest he had taken in the Society and for the pleasure derived from the speech he had just made. In about two sentences Mrs. Martin said more and expressed it more beautifully than nine-tenths of the gentlemen would have doue. ner little speech, if she will pardon us, was a model of terseness, courtesy, and pure, chaste English. Mrs. Kennedy called the meeting to or der and the members proceeded to eleet officers for the ensuing year. The follow ing ladies were unanimously elected : Mrs. C. G. Kennedy, president. Mrsl J. T. Munds, vice president. ! Mrs. N G.-Paniel, secretary. Miss Julia Stevenson, treasurer. Mrs.-Kcnnedy then requested the secret tary to read the following : "There is one matter I wish to bring be fore the Society, not exactly called for by the annual report. It has long been known to our; members that we have in view the enlargement of onr operations or perhaps I might say a modification or change in the plans pursued. It is also known that a small fund quite distinct from our current funds, has been at interest for the purchase of a location for some institution -I of: permanent oenent to our poor, len shares of stock in the W. & W. R. B. were , given us, about the year 1852, as a nucleus for thw. CittSnnstanees hindered the furtherance of this and the annual dividend for -10 or. 12 years was lost hi a bank a V the close of 4 the war. We have po$r,O0B ifrom this ' source, and af loca tion offered, yesterday, seems desirable for a beginuing: The terms are $1,000, at once, and a reasonable time allowed for the remainder. - A gentleman present of fered ta Jwstow $50, if-we : make the pur chase. A very nice dwelling , is on the lot, and -the location is within easy reach of the street car track. No furniture of any kind belongs to us, and we most borrow or beg until able to purchase. I do not wish to. act alone in this. If the Society will appoint a committee of discreet Udies to act with its officers, we can obtain aid from a lawyer and several other gentlemen in terested, " and have the matter properly attended to. C. G. Kesxkdt." .This matter was earnestly discussed, and BroceelIiiK of the l'oniiuiiou er Meeting. The Uoard of County Commissioners met yesterday evening at 2 o'clock in ihe Court House. Present : J. G. Wagner, Chairman ; and Commissioners Saunders, Smith, Worth and Holmes. The minutes of the last meeting were read and. approved, after which the un finished business of the previous session was taken up. Commissioner .Smith reported that the pump r the jail had been furnished. .Committee on the tnrnpike road matter ! werenot prepared to report. Committee on heating the insane depart : ment of the Poor House were not prepared , to report. !. Committee on furnishing noodforthe i jail reported. ! Committee on tax on North Carolina j Railroad stock reported progress, i The. following was adopted by the I Hoard : I Ordered, That the Finance Committee ! be instructed to furnish a suitable carpet j for the interior room of the Superior Court I Clerk. J F. E. Hasha&an applied for the remis- i-sion of the personal property tax of S. G. j Hashagan, lie being a non-resident: The ' application was granted. i On application of Wm, Winters, it was j ordered! hat $4 24 be remitted of the tax i charges against him in Harnett township. Col. Smith offered a resolution' to exact a State tax of 8100-out of Howe's London J ircus, which resolution was lost. . It was ordered that $73 be collected, for county tax on said circus. The following was adopted by the Board and ordered spread on the minutes : The Board of Count v Commissioners, in response to a statement published under date of October 12th, 1878, by the grand juryof the Criminal Court of New Han over, iir reference to the public buildings of the county, would say to the tax-payers that, according to the means at our com mand, we have provided for the comfort and security of the inmates of the various institutions under our control, and have exercised a proper vigilance over the con tractors for managing fhe Poor House and Work House and Jail. The Poor House is managed by Mr. John F. Garrell by contract, and according to our judgment and observation' is in the main well managed. The provisions furnished are of good quality and amply supplied to the inmates; even the molasses complained of was sweet and of fair quality ; the Poor House is kept clean, and sufficient clothing and bedding furnished in every room. Every room has a fire place and good fires are kept Champion press let off steam for. t be first time since it was put in operation, in order to clean oot the machinery, etc., prepara tory for & quick "and efficient execution of the big run of work expected of it during the balance of the season. The managers of this compress are also building an ad ditional roof and adding new conveniences, and Jtiesides this, are making thtir capa cious building very attractive by the libe ral use of the paint brush. The steam and t hydraulic press, of the Wilmington Compress Company, which gave out a day or two ago, is being re paired as rapidly as possible. It is an en tirely new press, and a break down could but Lave been expected of it. The com pany do not anticipate any very great delay with it, and in the meantime, are running their steam press to its full capaci ty. But notwithstanding all the delays, the compresses are doing their full duty and have more cotton pressed than the vessels at their docks can stowaway for a time. , SHIPPING. Port Almanac", Xov. IS, 1818. Sun rise Sunsets 4-52 High water at Wilmington ........ 1 " ." . Smith ville H.CH Dav's lenstli 10.15 List or Vessels in the Port of Wllttlng . ton. K. C. Navember 12. 1878. BARQUES. ARRIVED. State, Grttn, Fayetttville, Stmr North Worth Jc Worth. Stm Yacht Parxrt, Harper, Smithville, (teorge Myers. . CLEARED. Stmr 'North 'State, (Jreen, Fayetteville, Worth j; WortU. Stm Yacht Passport, Harper, Smitbville, (ieorge Myn. Nor barque Knut Alfeti. Petersen, Trieste, Patereon, Downing & Co. Br Schr Annie Cotter, McLaughlin, Arroyo, Porto Rico, Northrop & Cummiug. Ger barque Augusta & Jeauette, Zclfc, Liver pool, Wiiliarus te Murchison. EXPORTS. , KORElt N . TfclEsTE Nor barque Kuui Alfeu "J,7o5 Aie rotin. Aukoto, P R Br ;whr Annie Cutter T7.452 feet lumber, 9U,lH cyprus shingles. , Liveriool. Ger barque . Augmta A: Jea nette 1.340 bales cottou. Blaney Broa (Br), 322 tons, Svmmons, WilUnl'Bros t Mebane Karim Eli., Nor, S72 tons, R E Hekle Juliuji,ier, :!04 tons, Frenck, E Peschau & Westertnann Superb, Ger, .M5 to.J, Frumlt, E Pejiehau A: WeMermann Brage, Nor, $45 uns, Berglund, It E Heide Kosomxs Ger., 403 tons, Bruua, E Pewbau S: Wttcrmann J F Mnu, Ger., SCO tons, William, E Pesehau & Westerraann Condor, Nor., 3H9 tons. Neil sen, R E Heide Gambetta, Nor., S01 tono, Eltredt, R E Heide i el vina Schutt, Ger., X?J ton, Kroger, E Pehau & Westermann Arizona, Nor., 543 totu, Gabrielwn, Aler Sprunt & Son Anra; Ger., 363 ton?, Siewerts, E Pesc.tau & Weterniacn tinna, Ger., 4C7 tons, Boc5e, E Peschau Sc Westermann Von der Heydt, Ger., 40U tons, MtohaeU. E Pechau fc Wretermann j RVttek N.Carolina, lb August, Ger., 395 ton, Louries, ! Northeni, per lb . . .". . . . . Peschau K estermann J-Caxuli Snerin tn-r 11 sirene, iier. ; ions, t aiuey, E Pechau & Westeraiann WHOLESALE PRICES VVRRXLET. t-tTOur quoUtkni, it ahould be under stood, represent the wholesale price gener ally. In making up small orders higher prices have to be charged .. . Articles. B.oino Gunny. Double Anchor. . w ..... . Double Anchor . Bacon N, C. Hams ..... N. C. Sides.... " Shoulders ". .... Western Ham C R. Sides Smokwi..... . " D. S. Shoulders Brtr Live Weight BRRix.-plrits Turp't. . Second Hand. "each.. . , . New New York, each ... New City, each Beeswax per lb. .'. .-. . . . Buicks Wilmington,"f M Northern. Pkicks. (a, ft 00 (at W dp OU 00 oo ) 00 13 12 - tm -m mi v 14 i 2' 150 OtK) 0 00 34 7 t 12 00 15 3 Fourteen Pound Potato. We were disturbed yesterday morning by a rumpus which sounded a3 if a lot of men were trying to get a big piano up our j office step:. It wasn't exactly a piano in shape, but pretty near one in size, and four negro men were working at it with crowbars, trying to get it up the steps. It was a sweet potato sent to ,us by freight from our old friend, Matt H. Lee. of Golds boro. We have telegraphed to Matt to know its pedigree. It was planted by him two vears ago and had been in the ground up to last Wednesday. It weighs fourteen pounds to the notch. Now, brethren of the State press, - take in your sails" and stop trotting out your little seven pound 'taters. We've got the dead wood o:: this potato business at last, and unless some one can get up something to beat our four teen pounder we hope to see a cessation of this indiscriminate blowing on the part of the press. Abraham Wallace, ' and jiot Abraham Betts,'was the hero of the Ninth street scrimmage night before -last, as reported in The .Sun yesterday. He hasn't turned up vet. burning tor the comfort of the inmates. The insane department is not a proper building for the purpose, but the cells are of good size, and it is our purpose to have them properly heated as early as possible . Under the circumstances of the case we think the insane patients are as well pro vided for for as possible under the present system of management, a change of which we have had under advisement, but our term of office is too short to mature any new plan. We unanimously agree that in justice has been done Mr." -Garrell in the: publication alluded to. In regard to the Work House, the build ings appear to be sufficiently secure to keep the prisoners sent there properly con fined at night, but not so secure a building as our jail, from which prisoners sometimes escape. The contractor, Duncan Holmes, feeds and clothes the . prisouers free of ex pense to the county. His only compensa tion is the privilege of tilling the land ad joining the Work House with the labor of said prisoners. The land is not very fer tile, and the profit arising from its tillage not likely to compensate the contractor, consequently the Board has never restrict ed him to working the convicts solely on the county land. Rumors we have heard of escapes of prisoners, but no case has yet been brought officially before us. When a case is brought we will investigate it, and if gross negligence is shown on the part of Duncan Holmes we will deal with him pro perly ; as the case now stands we have no just cause of complaint. Ou motion the Board ttoen adjourned until to-dav at 2i o'clock. .Horning Callers at the City Hall. Alice Kelly was fiery and loquacious, as she was ushered before his Honor, yester day morning. Alice is a leading belle of Paddy's Hollow, and the night previous had got good drunk and begun to kick up a disturbance. She was arrested, and by the time she became sober, she- was before the Mayor. During . the trial, Alice "sassed" his Honor and everybody else in the room,and while she was doing this, the Mayor slapped down a tea dollar fine on bcr, with the alternative of fifteen days in the station house. The alternative was accepted. .' The next and last case for investigation, was one known by the City Hall officials as "a plain drunk." The offeuder was dis charged from custody, after a hearing. Weather Indications. For the South Atlantic and East Gulf States, to-day, the indicator are as follows j Partly cloudy weather, variable winds mostly, northeasterly, stationary or falling barometer. The Sun's City Agency. The business of soliciting and collecting subscriptions for The Slx in the city has been placed in the hands of Mr. Calvin Y. Ilines, who henceforth will be its City Agent. Mr. IJines has authority to con tract for advertisements at our rates. Complaints for non-delivery of Thk by carriers should be reported at once to Mr. Ilines, at this office, or in person, on the street. regular Slx Meteorological. From the daily bulletin issued by the Signal Station, at this city, we get the fol lowing, which shows the state of the ther mometer at each of the cities and towns mentioned below, at 4.31 p. m., yesterday, Washington meantime : New Orleans CO Jacksonville, Fla., G7 Punta Uussa, Fla.. 80 St. Marks, Fla 70 Key Wst, Fla... . 76 Atlanta, Ua (51 Augusta, Ga Hi Charlotte. XC 53 Savannah, (ia (JO Havana Mobile, Ala Montgomery, Ala Galve&tou, Texas Corsicaua, Texas Indianola, Texas, fio Charleston, S C. . 61 Wilmington, N.C. 57 40 63 06 OS 56 Arrivals at the Hotels. The following arrivals are registered at the hotels named, from 12 o'clock night before last, to 12 last night : ruRCEu. house, cobb bros., proprietors. , C B Townscnd, Society Hill, S C; Full er W Billings, London, Eng; Samuel Al bertsou, Kenansville: I) Eider, Richmond, Va; Capt Glover, U S Rev; T J. Drake, Marboro, S C; Mrs T Schroden. Florence, S C; W Lenon, Bladenboro; J I) Grullow, Mass; AOndesling, Baltimore; BM Whit N Y; Sirnon A Feedman. Allentown, Ya; H B Short, Jr, Lake Waccamaw; S C Pennington, Wadesboro; N Fredrieks, Liles ville. MARINE MEMORANDA. i Steamship D J Foley, Price, arrived at Bal- i timore from thi port on the 12th inst. NOTICE TO MARINERS On or soon after November loth the uun j and can buoye in the Second lighthouse (Dis trict will be removed for the winter, and spar buoys of corresponding number ami colors substituted. ' mAkkkts by .Ttii.r.ciiAPii. ' Now York Markets. Fiiumclal. New Vork, November 14. MVnev ' jer cent Sterling exebamre 41' Cold loi.' . Gov ernments strong new lives lu"i . State 1hh s 'steady. L'oiMiutKcial. New York, Nov. 14. Cotton strong, with sales of 00 bales middling uplands cts, middling Orleans cents; consolidated net receipts 22,793 lales ; exports to ("reat Britain 9,550 bales, to France 200 bales; lo the conti nent 4,103 bales. Flour dull, and in buyer's favor; superfine western and State f:i 25f."l !5; common to good extra western and State .? 95; southern'flour dull and unchanged; common to lair extra $4a5 00, good to c hoice $5j,G 25. Wheat unchanged ungraded winter red I tS)$l 08. Corn dull, steady and inbuver's favor ungraded 43(547 cts; No.il 44 cts . Oats a shade firmer; No 3 304 cent. Collee dull but un unchanged Cuba 7(a 7j4' cents, fair to good in job lots 12Voi 17J, cents. Sugar quiet and changed Rio in cargoes 12"4(ti-lii'. cents, do refining 77 cents, prime 7 cents; refined steady. Molasses quiet and unchanged. Rice in fair demand but uneoanged. Rosin quiet at ?1 37.1 40. Spirits turpentine quiet at 29 cents. 'Pork dull and in bu3rers favor mess, on spot, ?7 (Vi: February delivery $9; family mess $U 20. Cut meats 6teady middles quiet; western long clear cents; city do cents; short clear 5V." ' ents: long and short clear 5 cents. Lard lower and df pressed: prime steam 6 220 27l. "Whiskey steady. Freights firm. ' Cotton Net receipts 2T0 bales, gross 2i0 bales. Futures closed steady, with sales of g,000 bales, as follows: November 9.:8 9.39e, December 9.44(5)9.4."c. January 9.57 9.5Sc, Februarv 9.699.71c,Mareh 9.82($9.83c , A pril- 9.93u,9l94, May 10.03fl10.0oc, June 10.14lO.lGc, July 10.23a 10.25c. , " Baltimore -Markets. Baxtimore, November 14. Flour closed with a fair demand and steady Howard street and western superfine 33 7 extra S3 75425, family 4 5Q(r5 00, Patapsco family $G 25, City Mills superfine $3 2.5(3 75, extia $4g34 50, Rio "brands $5 25(0,5 50. Southern wheat firm and in good demand; western ac tive and firmer southenrred 05, am ber $1 0G1 1, No. 2 Pennsjlvania red" Si on, No 2 -western winter red on spot and Novem ber delivery $1 03J1 04, December deliverv $1 04(1 04?4', January Sl-0G(al 06). Southern corn closed quiet and steady; west ern quiet and firm southern white 4345 cents, yellow 4245 cents. Oats in good inquiry and firm southern and Pennsylvania 2729 cents, western white 2829 cents, do mixed 26 27 cents. Provisions closed quiet ami nom inal mess pork $8 50; bulk shoulders 3)4' cents, clear rib sides 4'44? cents; bacon shoulders cents, clear rib sides h j os cents, sugan cured hams 1012 ' cents. Lard in tierces 7 cents. . Coffee quiet I and nominal Rio cargoes 12)2'(o;l6 cents, j Whiskey steady and unchanged . j Duero. Nor, 127S ton, l edersrn, K E Heide t Atlantic, tier, iVS9 tone, Scherring, f 'E Peschauvfc Wcbterruann Suareebiookl, Br, 411 tone. Peake, I Alex Sprunt Jc Son Israel, 8w, Urns, 'fafliu, R E Heide Henrik Ibs i, Nor, 36? tons, ltaraven, J HE Heide Osterlides,Nor. 419 Uns. Lasiesn. R E Heide Astor, Nor; tons, Daniel sen, J Willard Vlrm'Sc Mebane Ii (iitana, Nor, 2H.5 tons, Keithan R E Heide Meteor, Nop., 330 tons; Ehure, R E Heide Normand. Nor., 22 tons,Sorensen, R EJIeide Indiana. Br., 29X tons, McKenzie, i Willard Bros A: Sltbane Hjeiiinift, Nor:, 380 tons, Stavunger, RE Heide BARKENTINE&. j (Jet Booth, Br, 2S3 tons, Jonc. j t Willanl Bros A: Mebane i BRIGS. Eleanor (Br), 2.9 tons, Partelow, ' " j E (i Barker & Co I Vamaes, 27S Urns, Petersen, RE Heide j (J C Michael, (ier., :2 Uns, Dillwitz, ; E Peschau fc Westerniann Fred, Nor., 266 tons. Thoi-sen, Alex Sprunt ite Son Zetland, Br.; 2SS tons, Hicks, Willard Bros At Metwine Helio., Ger., 25G tons, Borgwatdt, E Peschau Weslermann Lilian, Br., 264 tons, Tupman, Alex Sprunt ?c Son Dos Cunados. Span,, 247 tons, Lersundi, rpg, Paterson, I)iwning & Co Belle Walters, Br, 399 tons, HintoiK,- A Sprunt -A: Son Busy Bee, Br, 329 tuns, Thompson, E G Barker & Co Eifima., Ger. 2G0 tons, Gerber, E Peschau Ai Westerma 1111 Cormorant, Nor., 23S tons,. Hansen, HE Heide Legartha, Nor., - tons, Strangely. RE Heide SCHOONERS. Julia Elizabeth (Br), 80tons, Ingraham, Master Hat tie Page, 267 tons, Godfrey, Harriss A: Howell Fa'nny Tracy, 247 tons, Til ton, Harris A: Howell Juo Douglas, - tons, Parker. , EG Barker A: Co J E Simmons, 2S5lons, Grace, Master Ruth Shaw, 3X5 tons, MeElwee, Harriss A; Howell Eddie Huck, 391 tons, Northrop, ' Northrop Ac dimming Ralph Howes, 143 tons. Gelehell, EG Barker A: Co Marr Brewer, .H tons, Tolman, Worth Ai Worth Tarry Not246 tons, Barrett, Harriss Ac Howell o 11 2-S' d ; 70 0 I X) . 00 00 00 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 (to 00 00 K) 00. 00 mi m 00 55 9 G 50 S 5o 4 '50 3 00 5 50 6 00 G : 7 07J . :t, 4 n,o 0 U 1 00 G5 00 Notice. If the signal letters of any vessel in port are displayed at U. S. Signal Office, the vessel so designated should send ashore the telegram. Ship Notice. All PERSONS ARE HERE-' by cautioned against harboring or trusting anv of the crew of thej British Bark Blaney Brothers, Capt. Symons, from Bermuda, as.no debt of their contract ing will be paid by Captain or consigners, nov 14-2t WILLARD BROS. Ac MEBANE. Red and White Ash Coal A1 LL SIZES, SUITABLE FOR GRATES, Strives, Furnace, Heaters and Ranges, AT LOW 1ST MAKKKT PRICES ! Our Coal is of superior quality, is more r in size, and ireer irom Oirt and oust MARKETS. Sex Office. November 14, 1878. Si'iKiTS TciiPENTiXE Market was active, and sales were made during the day of 350 bbls at 27 cents, market closing firm at quo tations. Rosix Market firm at $1 17 for Strained and $1 20 for Good Strained, at whieh figures 500,bb!s of each grade changed hands. Tar. Market firm at 1 50, with sales at quotations. ' CjtCDE Tckpextixe Market firm, with sales of Hard at -1 25 and Virgin and Soft at $1 85. Cottox. Marketunsettled, buyers and sel lers being apart. Sales during tve day were very light, not exceeding 75 bales. We quote market strong at 9S 94 cent for Middling, sellers holding for higher prices. The official quotations at Produce Exchange at'l p ru were : Good Ordinary Strict Good Ordinary Low Middling... Middling ..." Louisville Grain and Provision Market. Louisville, November 14. Fbjur quiet and j regula unchanged. Wheat firm red ssfa90 cents, ! amber and white 900,93 'cents. Corn quiet ! than can be had elsewhere white 40 cents, mixed .S cents. Oatg steady . white 24 cents, mixed 23 cent. Rye steady I at 53 cents. Pork nominal at 7 TdtOiH SS. Lard strong choice leaf tierei-.7 cents, do keg 8 tents. Bulk meats shouliiers 'Z(y 2jcts, clear rib 4('j,4 cents, clear sides 4' j cents. Bacon easier shoulders 3 cent, clear ; rib lC$ cts, clear sides 4! ceats; sugar ; cured hams nominal at lOJ-j cents. Whiskey j steadjT. Cash Orders Delivered Promptly. O. G. PARSLEY, Jk., Agent, nov 13-1 w Cor. Orange and S Water St. THey Have Come. ALL AND .SEE. THEM. Cincinnati Grain and Provision Market. Cincinnati, November 13. Flour steady family $4 0(KS 5 25. Wheat in firm red and white 85(q,95 eents.Coru dull at 31(,32 cts. Oats quiet at 20(oj 24 ceuts. Pork firm old ?77 25; new S 25. Lard higher steam 5 95, kettle noniinal. Bulk meats firmer shoulders 2 cts, short rib Z cts bid, but 4 asked, short clear sides noniinal at 4 cents. Bacon in fair demand shoulders 3' cents, clear rib cents, clear sides 4",4 cts. Whis key steady at S 1 04. Tallow, per lb Adamantine, per lb. .. . . Cheese Gilt Edge, f lb. Selected Cream, per lb:. Coffee Java, per lb,. .". Rio, j x-r lb,.'. Laguayra, yvr lb. ..... . Corn Meal per huthel, iu sacks : . Cotton Ties perbdle.. I K m est ICS S h ce t i ng , 4-4 , ' per yard. ........ . . Yarn, per bunch i Etios. . . jFlsn Mackerel No 16 M No. 1 per 14 ihl ii 50 Mackerel. No. 2 jer bbl". 12 50 No. 2 per j bbl 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3jht bbl. 6 50 Mullet, ix-rbbl ... 2 75 N.C. Herring,Roi,-vikr 00 Drj- Cod, per lb. Fektilizeus Peruv'nGuano,p2(KHiBis Bausrh's Phospate " Carolina Fertilizer 41 Ground Bone Bone Meal " Flour Navasa Guaiut Complete Manure " Whann'n Phosphate" Wando Phosphate Berger A: Butx'e ' " Excellenza Cotton Fertlr Flovk Choice' Fam.'f bbl Family, jer bbl . . Extra, ier bbl; '. Super, per bbl. City Mills -Extra r bbl Familv, Kr bbl Ex. Family, rr bid.. . .. Hu e per lb. . . . (Iumn Cirn, in bttre,bg Corn, cargo, per iSishel Corn. mixed, p burh.,bgti Oats, perbushel Pean, Cow, per buhei. . Hides Green. jer R Dry, jer lb. Hay-Eastern, per 100 lbs Western, per 100 lbs. .". . NorfU Jtiyer, per 100. lb. Hiooh J itox per ton... . Laui Northern, er lb.. North Carolina, in-r lb. . LlM E per bbl 0 00 I. i m nEK City Steam Suw -ed Ship Stuff, rcaw- per M feet. . ..' -18 00 Rough Edge PlankMlt o) 00 West India Cargoen, ac cordingto quality rfM it 14 (H) Dressed Flooring, seas'd 15 00 Scantling and Boards, common, "f M ft. . . Molasses N.Orleans bbls Cuba, hhds English Island, hhds. . . Demerara, hhds .... Sugar House, hhds. . . . . Fine Syrups, bbls ... Nails Cut, 4d to 20d"rkg Oils Kerosene, per gal,' . Lard, per gal ...... Linseed, ier gal Rosin, per gal . . . . , .... . : PorLTKYVChickens, live, grtwu. . . Spring. Peanuts er bushel.. ... . Potatoes Sweet, "f bush Irish, Northern.' bbl. J Pork Northern,CityMess 1 1 Ihin, per bbl. Prime, per bbl Rump, per bbl ... . Rice Carolina, per lb ... . Rough, per bush .' ; Raos Country, per lb... . City, jer lb. ... Kopk Salt Alum, jer ton . Liverprorpsack, cl f.o.b Marshall's Fine, persack American, per sack'.. . . . Scoah Crushed, jier lb. . Standard "A," per lb.. ' Coflee "A," ir lb .... White "CV'.per lb Extra "C," per lb. . : . . . Amber "C," per lb.. Yellow, per lb. . . Granulatel, per lb. .... Soa i' Northern, per lb. . . Siiixglej Contract, f.M Common, jer M. v Cypress Saps, per M. . 7. Cypress Hearts, ht M (3: (a. Cf, (a 25 (- 00 ' ( 6 lt)i( W (v 1 M 1 75 1 tw 25 iik is no 42 74 ( (V ( (!5 12 12 12 :ii is -m 90 (v U5 - IS 00 9 50 13 00 ( 50 8 0) ' (; -3-00 ($ 4 00 & fci 50 S 60 00 ( 50 ro (y 40 Oil ' (H 45 00 (4 57 OO ('W IV. OU (v 67 00 (i 70 OO ( jg 70 00 Oti Ht m ' (a 60 (tt & (A 45 (V "('V ( ( IX) (as 7 8 00 5 00 4 00 5 75 6 25 fl 75 15 70 ..: :.s . i5 50 . K) 5 ,914 0 00 110 00... J? 75,00 9 10 W 1 fa 75. 1 OO s:o 2 s :ju 29 00 40 2 50 DO 1 10 90 :w IX ' 1 25. Q 20 (5 15 00. (ai 18 0t (, 25 00 d, 16 h Ofi 4 i (h 35 ',(. (Tn 21 (ju m ft, 3,2., ( 15 (i ' 1 45 -H 'l no (j 4o (i, ' 2i 75 (a 10 40 (fi 50 2 50 4 3 fMI 00 (itt 12 00 00 00 Oq 00 00 (K) (X) , (i 11 00 (K) (X) - (C 10 Hi) 1X ftc" 1 00 (t ' Vs. 1 'i 0 (a 2;j 00 ra 75 (a Til . (l 1 (' '' if.i . 65 0 00 00 (Ml 00 00 Cotton Markets. .8 7-16 .8 11-16 .9 RECEIPTS. Cotton Spirits Turpentine Rosin Tar. Crude Turpentine. : . 1,006 bales 33S casks 2.472 bbl 100 " 354 " New York Naval Stores .Markets, Xov. 12. Spirits Tukpentine The market was firm, and about 100 bbis sold at 21) cents for Southern and 29 wts Cor New York barrels. We quote spirits turpentine, merchantable order, at 29 cents. Rosix The market was unchanged. 4o0 bbls Good Strained sold at $1 40. We quote : 1 37)' 1 40 1 45 1 65 1 85 2 10 2 40 Gai.Vi ston, November 14. Cotton quiet at9 cents for middling; net receipts 271 bales. Noufolk, November 14. Cotton firm at 9 cents for middling; net receipts 1844 bales.) Baltimore, November 14. Cotton firm at 9y$' cents for middling; net receipts 91 bales. Bostox, November 14. Cotton steady at 92 cents for middling; net receipts 940 bales. ! Philadelphia , November 14. Co.ton firm at Q cts' for middling; net receipts 462 bales. Savannah, November 14. Cotton quiet and steady at 9 cts for middling: net receipts 4oll bales. New Op.le a xs, November 14 Cotton steady it 8J3' cents for middling; net receipts 61111 bale. Mobile, November 14. Cott u quiet at 8 'cents for middling: net receipts 14Sbaljes. Memphis, November 14. Cotton strong at i cents for middling ; net receipts 443 bales. The largest and best selected stock of 00 00 00 00 00 5 00 50 50 V) ever brought to this cit ; All New, Beautiful and Cheap, at THE LIVE BOOK STORE. TjOR THE LITTLE ONES I JP Tool Chests, Building BlK.ks, Selling Blocks, Puzzles, and One Hundred other Amusements for Children. For sale at HEIXSBEKGEirS, nov 10-tf 39 and 41 Market St. Staves W. O. bbl. per M 12 x li. U. llhds.jper.M.. . . Cypress, per M. Tallow per lb.. . . ... Tim bek Shipping, per'M. WW Pme, per M...1. ... MfilTFair, irM...... Common Mill . Inferior to Ordinary, M 'msiiEV Northern gal North Carolina, jx-rgal. WrKL Unwashed, ix;r lb. WafeUed, jK-r lb , . 10-fio 00 00 7 10 00 7 00 5 00 4 50 3 50 1 (X 1 75 17 25 (, Oc Ov (a Ml VH lu .M ' 00 .5 00. o 00 15 ft) w mi 00 (.ts W On iff': 8 (k 2 60 (?4- fit, fa ' r, 00. S ( 4 oi 4 ..00 2- .'jO .'2'J i THERMALINE! rpiIE GMEAT FEVER AND AGUE REM X EDY. Price 25 cents per box. Iaxaiine, Saratoga Spring Water 15 cents per pint bottle. Drug, Medicines, Chemicals, Aci . JAMES C. MUNDS, Dkugoist, ' oet 30-tf 3rd St., opjxsite City Hall. WILMINGTON MONEY MAEXET. 1 r -... J 1 I j HOWELL COBB. v.. i. m. conn: . licrixo. Gold .......Par. Exchaiige,(ltfht) on New York. Baltimore !' Boston 1 " Philadelphia !L Western Cities.. I Exchange 30 days 1 f cent. Bank of New llanover Sjck ....... j First National Bank. . 1 Wilciington Building Stijek j Mechanics' ' - . ; "' -. ' Navas sa Guano Co. - " . . ....... 1 N. C. Bonds--Old Ex-Coujns " Funding 1864. . . v 1868... 1 " New ) " Special Tax... " to N. C. Railroad.. eli:ixo. Par. 4 dic't. 80 75 nw .14 . 5 .5" . 5 - 1-A'J I Atgusta, Noi ember 14. Cotton steady at j h ! cents for middling; net receipts 880 bales. 1 ChaulestonJ, November 14. Cojton stead v ! at 9 cents for middling: net receipts 3049 ' lales. ' PUECELL HOUSE, WILMINGTON, N. C. DECENTLY THOROUGHLY OVER 1 hauled and renovated. FIRST-CLASS I W.iW.R.R.-Bouda 7Ec(Gold In.)100, in every respe,t. Location desirable, being Carolina Central K. R Bonds, O c.W situated near all business houses Pottothce, Custom House, City Hall and Court House. RATES. 912 and $2.50 per Day. Our motto is TO PLEASE! COBB "BROS., oct 23-tf Proprietors. Wil. Col. At Aug. R. R. " . . . . .30 i Wilmington City Bonds, !c, .75 " 44 old 7 Vc.74 I j- " ' ijew6"c..70goldin. ! T . . - .4 m r- 41 Strained Good Strained t'E" ''G"'.'.'..':..'. ' H". 4'I ''K" "M" ... Window Glass Tar Wilmington . . Pitch eitr . 1 80. . 2 05 . 2 25 . r : 2 0 3 25 3 75 (4 2 75 101 $ 3 50 " 4 00 2 25 1 85 f.o. b. j Foreign Market. ! Livekpool, No?emter 14. Cotton steady i j middling uplands 5d, middlng drieans ! J 6 l-16d; sales 10,000 bales, for speculation and i I export 1,000; receipts 20,000 bales, of which ! j 300 were American. " j Middling uplands, nothing below low raid- ! ! dling, November delivery, 5 7-lGd. j Middling uplands, nothing below low mid- i ! dliag, November and. Decemljer delivery, ; s;d. . 'V- ; j Middling uplands, nothing below low mid- j '; 41ing, Pecember and January deliverv, I i o&d. ; ! Middling uplands, noiLinsr below low mid ; ling, January and February delivery, llz32d 1IAAM ..1 A , .1 ; " . , " 1 DeRQSSET& HORTHROP, I .Februaryar.d March deliverj, ' ' j Middling uplantbj, ifothing belw low mid- FIRE AND l!.PilE IBOmCE AfiEXTS. j MMoiuupLindsumig T EPRESENTING STANDARP AMER- fltfoKi April and MayeUverv, 5 7-l6d. X, ".' The sialea to-day include 8,500 bales of I CAN AND ENGLISH COMPANIES, American, 27 North Water Stree WnyiyoTQX, b.C. Loxtxis, Not ember 13. Spirits turpentine oct 22-J m -7 2l8 6d. ' ' SALT, FISH, &c. Qnnn SKS- liverpool salt, ' OHO BBLS-IIG KOE MULLETS, Qfl nnDS CUBA MOLASSES, 1 0H BBLg-CL BA : MOLASSES, PKGS. NE)V MACKEREL, 200 CREAM CIIEESE 1AA BBLS. PORK. , lUlJ For sale by uoy64f HALL fc PEAIJSALL, THE WeC Saloon EMPLQY3. 1 IKST-CLASS UAKDtttB 8having and Hair-cutting in the best New Ilinovt r County Boudg, 1 "c.70 W. Ac W. Railroad Stock. ........ . .45 North Carolina R. R. Stock; ..... . 40 WIL Ga Light O. Stock. . . . .57 W'lmiugton Cotton Mill. .. .. . . . 100 THE BALTIMORE SUH. PUBLISH KD IJAILaLVPtt) A. .S. A BELL it CO slyie or the art. nov7-tr - E. ARTIS. Pkices por MAiLiSG.-4SiegIe opy, threv ceuU, one month, fifty cut; two months, on dollar; three month, one dollar gnd fity cUA idz'monthf, three dpllari; one year, dollart. Postage pre-paid at the pfliee by t'ce Publfcber. No paper put longer than y&$ for. ' ' ' ' ' ; ' . The Weeklt Sex. One dollar and a hall a year, and one dollar for mx monw, great inducement to Cl ubs. It is the bet and cheapest : jpurpal puldUhfrl and of pnivers clreulAtlon.

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