$7.00 a Year. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1878. ,nts a Copy Tilt: ELECTORAL. RILL. Senator Edmunds' hill to regulate Pres idential elections will -come up for final ac in the Senate tcwlay. On Tuesday Senator Morgan, of Alabama,' a straight Democrat, made a speech in faror of the measure. Unquestionably tome legislation is needed by Congress. It ought, though, to be verywell guarded. SI VLKillT. IJaltimtrc's William claims to be 149 years old. illustrates him. Scott, The colored, Bulletin Dr. Mary Walker's reason may be re etored. Edition is said to be at work on an invention to keep pantaloons from bag- Talmage may 1 benefiting something or nomebody by his recent course, but neither men nor newspapers have, 4,-singlo good word in his faror. ' The Senate of Virginia decided by rath er a close vote Monday, that their body was in regular Session, and that its meet ing had bo reference whatever to the proc lamation of (ior. Holliday. Northern independent exchange: If there isn't an investigation of something or another pretty soon Mr. Jay Gould's New York newspaper will undoubtedly go Vrazy that is, rather. more so than is tiovr the case. The latest about the Breathitt county, Ky., civil war is that .15111 Strong, leader of one of the factions, is encamped in the mountain fastnesses with eighty men. The town of Jackson is quiet, all the dead hav ing been buried. Mr. Norman Lockyer has not found the philosopher's stone, for in a letter to the London Daily News he says : "It would take too much time to refer to all the erroneous statements now being made con cerning the nature of my work, but I beg you will allow me space to make a correc tion as to a matter of fact. There was no meeting of chemists in my laboratory yes terday, and no dissociation of calcium into strontium." ." : - Philadelphia .7Ymes: It doesn't make any difference, perhaps, but it is worth while to notice how some of the alleged South Carolina election frauds pan out in the courts a trial of the Clarendon coun ty" offenders, Democratic! judges, who were pharged with neglect of duty in fail ing to count the votes 01 the night of election, as required by a reueral statute. An acquittal was the result, although the foreman of the jury was a Republican and there were two negroes on the panel. ltcvcmie Reform Proposed Secretary Sherman. Haltimore .S'm. In the bill which Secretary Sherman sent in to the House of Representatives Tuesday, in addition to changes in the schedule, several other sections embodying impartant reforms were suggested for the consideration os the ways and means com iiuiicc. jwc suction proposes to give u the Secretary authority to either discon tmue all ports of entry or delivery where the revenue does not exceed $10,000 a year, or else to consolidate two or more such " . - a mi pons into one. mis s eems to be an ex cellent idea, and if carried out it will enable the department to reduce the cost oflcol- lectiug the customs very materially, 'flia secretary's bill likewise contaius, in a mod ified form, a suggestion for a revival of the moiety system, viz : Where a person not in the customs service shall give material in formation to the- department whoreby frauds are detected and recovery of Revenue is made, he shall receive one-third of the penalties and forfeitures' thus accruing. The difficulty in such a case will be that the special agents of the department, as -soon as they come across a '"fat" and prom ising case, (and they are the most likely .l)ersonsto make such discoveries,) will be tempted to resign or take an outside part- er in order to secure their thirds. Dismal Swamp Canal. Wathimjton Letter in Xorfolk Led(j,r. Last winter,' in response to the earnest efforts of Mr. C. W. Newton, of Norfolk, and Messrs. Goode and Yeates, of the House, the House committee on roads and canals reported a bill for the relief of the Dismal Swamp canal. This, it will be re membered, provided for the endorsement ef $400,000 of the company's bonds by the government. The bill went on the calen dar aud was not reached. Just before the close of the session a provision was in serted in the river and harbor bill, which became a law, providing for a survey of an inland route along the Atlantic coast, in eluding the Dismal Swamp and Albemare Chesapeake Canals, with a view of aseer taing the best means of avoiding the dan gers of Hatteras and other storm points. There has been no report made of this sur vey to Congress, nor will there be, I hear, until spring. The effect of this delay, will be to defeat any relief for the Dismal Swamp Canal at this session, because when tho bill comes up its opponents will say the House has not the data for intelligent action and cannot have until the engineers make their report. .Memorial Asking for the Remov al ot Judge. Xorfolk Lf.thjer Baltimore Correspondence. A memorial signed by nearly all the members of the Hampton Bar, and ad dressed to the General Assembly, asking that Judge Montagu?, of the Third Judi cial Circuit, be removed, came under the observance of your correspondent to-day. It criticises the Judge very severely. They want him removed because thev say he is unfit for the place ; that he is a politician and not a lawyer ; that he delays in an swering plain ouestinns nf 1 that he lacks dignity and decorum ; that cucuurages instead ot suppressing per 1 onal alt for & u omers aooui matters , ")8 decision, out of the couit house. ""with la t j uuYvare is wen ruboeu lime uSJ then with common unslacked rust ffi ei?& Put awaJ ill never rust 13 also the Pla to remove 11 KTAAl sun tklegHams.1- EARLY AND MIDNIGHT REPORTS. THE FEDERAL CAPITAL. Fori j -Fifth ( 011 greNH Agricul tural Report. Washington, Dec. 1. Senatk Mr. Anthony of lihcxle Island ' called up the Senate bill, relating to the public printing and binding, and it wa3 passed, ft auth orizes the public printer to pri.it papers and documents for the Senators, Represen tatives and Delegates in Congress, upon the payment of the cost thereof and 10 per cent, additional. Mr. Windom of Minnesota called up a fortification appropriation bill, and the amendments proposed by" the committee, increasing the appropriations for the arma ments on the sea coast fortifications from 5125,000 to $250,000, and for the protec tion, preservation and repair of 'the forti fications Jgmn $100,000 to 200,000. were agreed tJ; ud the bill' was. then read the third tiyie, and passed.. Rill for correcting the error of the last session in t lie J lot springs 0111 was passed. The vote on Mr. Edmunds' bill to amend the revised statute.-, with regard to count ing the electoral vote, will be taken to morrow. . 'I he President nominated to be L". S. Marshal for the Jere Murphy northern dis- trict of Alabama. The Senate confirmed Ililihousc to be assistant treasurer ;it New York ; Sidney W. Rarnes to be United States Attorney, at New Mexico ; -.Martin Davis, Joseph Albright and Maximilliau Ferdinand, to be coiner, assayer and refiner respectively of New Orleans M int ; James -W. Thomas to be Postmaster at. McKinney, Texas, and a la re number of promotions in the navy. IIorsE. Mr. Wood of New York, rising to a question of privilege, offered the fol lowing : "Whereas, it is alleged that at the elec tion held in the city of New York on the 5th of November, 1878, LT. S. Commission er J. J. Davenport, acting as chief super visor of election for the second judidicial district, was guilty of illegal, unjust and oppressive exercise of pretended authority in causing the arrest, detention and im prisonment of citizens innocent of offence, by which he deprived them of the rights to vote and subjected them to indignity, insult and intimidation without warrant of law or justification, which arrrests have since been declared illegal in a test case by the Judge of the Circuit Court of the United States, and. whereas, if these alle gations be true that officer should be forthwith removed a'nd punished. .. "Resolved, That' the committee on the judiciary be directed to proceed without delay to an investigation of the conduct of said Davenport at the time aforesaid, with power to sit in the city of New York, by sub-committee or otherwise, that said sub committee shall have all the authority of the whole committee for said purpose, with power to administer oaths, send for persons1 and papers, to sit during the session of the House and to report at any time.'- Consideration of the resolution was post poned until to-morrow. A resolution was 'adopted ordering a recess from 20th of December to (th of January. During a brief discussion in the Senate to- dav as to the order of business, it was agreed that the vote on Mr. Edmunds' bill in re gard to the counting: of the electoral vote should be taken to-morrow. 1 he Geneva Award bill was discussed and postponed for further action. After which a substitute for the Pension Ap propriation bill was passed. A bill was introduced to repeal the duty on quinine, which was appropriately re ferred. The House Committee" on Commerce will to-morrow consider the Immigration bill regulating the imposition of leat money, etc. " The committee have not yet- decided what course to take with regard to the ap propriations fr improvement of rivers and harbors. The disposition seems to be to make" the appropriations only for the prin cipal ones. Action is delayed until the detailed estimates -are received. The House passed a bill for the removal of the political disabilities of ex-Senator James Chesnutt, of South Carolina. The petition therefor, was presented in the Senate, and referred to Committee on Ju diciary. The report of the military commission was made the special order for January 9. The returns this month at the Agricul tural Department, from which the final compilation of the crop raised this year is made, show the acreage is about 2 per cent, greater than 1877, an -amount not large enough to materially affect the total product, being only 208,503 acres. The October and November returns showed a condition eleven per cent, higher 'than the same months last year. Owing to the re- i markably fine weathor for picking, which has lasted up to date, the yield of lint per acre is much higher than in 1877, only three States reporting less, viz: Florida, Alabama and Louisiana, while all the others report an increase. The average production for 187S is 191 pounds per acre, thus making the crop ef 1878 in round numbers 5.197,000 bales, allowing 450 pounds as the weight ot a bale. The House Ways and Means Committee to-day appointed a sub-committee, consist ing of Gibson, Phelps and Garfield, to invite the Secretary of the Treasury and others to appear before the full committee on the 17th ult., ia reference to the duties on sugar, and also to collect information relating to trade. The Committee further resolved to give hearing on the first day after the reassembling ef Congress, to all persons concerned in the question. The Joint Committee on the Transfer of the Indian ..Bureau closed the hearing of. evidence to-day. It is authoritatively stated that Devens will not retire from the Cabinet. The bill for reorganization of the army which was presented to-day, becomes the special order in the Senate on January 8th. A Savannah dispatch says the schooner Glenwood with a general cargo from New York for Key West, put into Tybee last night m distress. Sampson, Wallace & Co., organ makers at St. Johns, N. B., hare failed. OVER THE ATLAVTIC CARLE. A New ' Italian M inistry Spoken or-Death or a French States man The Iat Fenian Pri soner to be Released Before ChrifttmaM. Rome, December 12. King Humbert has summoned Signor Defretis U advise with him concerning the formation of a new ministry. Coxstantixoim.e, December 12, It is reported that Safvet Pasha will be aj pointed ambassador to Paris. . Paris, December 12: Gustavo nor land, a French statesman, is dead. The appointment of Admiral Gaurez as ambassador to Spain is announced officially to -day. Advices from. Constantinople say that considerable excitement exists there in consequence of the discovery of a conspi racy to depose the Sultan. Owing to a dissatisfaction with the Ministry, of which the articles in the Na tional are an expression, a movement has een begun for the transfer of Dnfaure to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs while he remains President of the Council: and offering AVaddington as Embassy to Lon don and placing him in the Ministry of Justice. The Republicans are willing to make a radical change in the magistracy. Loxdo.v, December 12. Edward O'Kel- 1 the last Fenian prisoner, is to be re leased before Christmas. His friends arc endeavoring to secure permission for him to reside in Great Britain. In the House of Commons to-day Sir Stafford Northcote, replying to an inquiry in reference to his statement of the 9th inst. that the' Hussion envoy had left Ca- bul, said he had since been given to under stand that only the Russian envoy, not the Russian mission, has been withdrawn. He declared England had not and would not acquiesce in Russian interference in Af ghanistan in any form. St. Petersburg, Dec. 12. Prince Gortschakoff has been received by the Czar and has formally resumed ' direction of the foreign office. Versailles. Dec. 12. The Chamber of Deputies adjourned sine die, after em powering M. Gfevy to summons them in the event of necessitv. Rome, Dec. 12. Premer Cairoli has an nounced that the present Minister will continue the administration pendinsr the King's decision on their proffered resigna tion. 7 Sydney, Dec. 12. The Ministry of New South Wales has resigned. M. Robertson will form another Cabinet. The Times Paris correspondent says ap parently on authority, that Dufaure would not resign and Waddiagton wonld not represent any Embassy whatever. The Republicans would 'thus lose DeFaure's immense influence over the moderate Lib erals and Waddington's resignation woald expose the government to distrust Foreign Courts whose good will he has won. From China and Japan. Sax Francisco, Dec. 12. The steamer, CityK)f Pekin have arrived from Hong Kong via Yokahama, bringing Hong Kong news to November 17, as follows : Shanghai, Nov, 1G. Tho Chinese in habitants of Hong Kong have sent an ad dress to the Queen of England, expressing admiration for and confidence in Governor Hennessy. English opposition to the Gov ernor is somewhat checked by the an nouncement of his successful financial ad ministration this year, which surpasses all previous experience in the colony. . Insurrections continue in the Island of Hainan and Province of "Hulangsi, and there is considerable excitement over the quarrel between English missionaries and the Mandarins near Foo Chow, which re sulted in a riot and the destruction of mission property. The government is making fresh exertions throughout Europe to suppress opium smuggling, but is assist ed by no European authorities except Gov. Hennessey of Hong Kong. v Frederick Huffum. registrar of the court of Hong Kong, has been sentenced to seven years penal servitude for. embez zlement of a hundred thousand dollars. Yoka iiama, Nov. 26. The official an nouncement in. the Tokio Times, called out by the persistence of speculations in cornering Mexican dollars and so injuring J the Japanese credit, show that the whole amount ot paper money in circulation is only about one hundred and fifty million. It -is reported that 'British Minister Parker will be succeeded next year by O. F, Adams, now secretary to the British legation in Paris. The Lottery New York, Dec Men Triumph. 12. Judge Benedict. in the United states Circuit Court, to-day granted a motion to quash the indictment agaiust H. B. Porter and others, for send ing lottery circulars, through the mails on the ground as raised by the defeuse that the indictment should have been indicated at length, (by setting forth lottery circular in full) alleged offence. This decision affects some twenty other similar case3. Redueing the X ninber of Geucrals. Washington-, Dec. 12! The bill ac companying the report of 'the joint com mittee on re-organization of the armv. which was presented to the Senate todav by Mr- Bumside, provides that the irener- t ai omcers shall be reduced to six, namely : Two maior jrcnerals and four brioradipr I ot. ...4 . . . . . O- I generals for the permanent organization Instead of eleven as at present. The re ductioH to take place by casualties, and that the. present i organfzaliou shall not consist of more than 2,000 enlisted men inclusive of sijnal soldiers. Jlore About the Storm. Washington-, Dec. 12. Heavy and des tructive floods caused by the late .storm are reported in Pennsylvania. New York and New England. The Passaic river is within a foot of the highest mark reached in the great flood of 1854. Tbe Delaware is so high at Bordentown, that the rail roads are all submerged and no trains hare passed since last night. A large part of thfe town of North Adams, Mass., is under water and the inhabitants can only reach their houses in boats. Immense damage is said to have been done to the Lehigh Val ley Railroad in Pennsylvania. I-ovewt Rarometer Range Known. Oswego, N. Y., Dec. 12 The barome ter at the Signal Office on Tuesday night, indicated 28,71, the lowest ever know, here. There was a total rain fall of over 4i inches. Nearly 230 of the Western Union telegraph poles are blown down be tween here aud Syracuse, and telegraph communication cut off. About 200 poles are prostrated on the Syracuse northern line. Dispatches are sent from here to Svracuse bv cars. . . I'nion League on the Rampage. Philadelphia, Dec. 12. The members of the National Council of the Union League assembled here yesterday. Po litical issues were discussed and resolutions embodying the views of the council as to the surest method of securing the political rights of all men under the Constitution, were adopted. Adjourned. Colquitt Completely Exonerated. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 12. The commit tee who were appointed by the Legislature at the request of Gov. Colquitt in his special message to investigate his motives and'eonduct in signing the bonds of the North Eastern Rail Road, have made a unanimous report. They completely ex onerate the Governor, of being influenced bv anv unworthy motive. Marine Xcws. Fort Monroe, Dec. 12. Passed in steamer, supposed to be the Saragossa, in tow f a Charleston steamer. Saxannah, December 12. The schoon er Glen wood, from New York for Jack sonville; put in here for repairs. She had her sails blown away, lost two anchors and had two men disabled. Xew Steam Line. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 12. Messrs. Murray, I arris Sc Co., of New York, to day, completed arrangements for establish ing a direct steamship line between this port and Nassau and Havana, and carry ing the United States mails. The first steamer will leave this place about the 31st of December. Ihis line was formerly run from Savannah. Survey of the Yadkin River. Charlotte Observer. It is learned here through persons who recently talked with members of the corps engineers attached to the United States coast 's irvey, now engaged in making a survey of the Yadkin river, with a view to ascertaining whether or not it can be made navigable from Wilkesboro to Salisbury that the work is progressing satisfactorily, havinjr been more than half finished. It is understood that the surveyors will un hesitatingly inform Congress that the en terprise is practicable. One of the en gineers remarked that he had made sur veys of streams, afterwards made naviga ble, which presented far greater difficulties than he had encountered on the xadkin The work is being pushed forwarded as rapidly as possible, with a view to pre senting th report to Congress during the present session rut ii t i a . i jne interest wnicn congressman kop- bins has manifested in this manner is high ly commendatory, and he especially de sires that the matter should come up while he is a member ot Congress, having thor oughly familiarized with it. l ne distance irom w liKcsboro to fcalis- bury is about forty-five miles by the pub lic road, but by the river it is estimated that it is more than twice as great. If the scheme can be carried out and even the smallest boat pass between the two points, it will be one of the most use fui internal, improvements in the State since the building of the North Carolina Railroad. It is a notorious fact that there are no finer lands within the borders of the State than those which line the banks o thi3 river. Give the owners of these lands outlet, and they will be the wealthiest o our farmers. t'orbin and Kellogg Likely to Re tire to Private Life. Washington-, Dec. 10. Mr. Corbin, the claimant of Gen. Butler's seat io the Sen ate .from South Carolina, is not likely to succeed in his present pretension, although he has the report of the Committee on Privileges and Elections to help him. Certainly he was never elected by any le gal Legislature. Judare Davis had creat doubt in regard to the constitutional qual-; incation ot the Legislature which chose Gen. Butler, and therefore could not vote directly for his admission. But he has none about Corbin's case, and must vote against him. Two and perhaps more Re publicans entertain the same view, and they are sufficient to defeat his claim. He will be abundantly satisfied to fare as well as Pinchback did, by getting full pay for all the years he was seeking to get a place to which he had ne color of title When tho time comes, Mr. Kellogg will be apt to find Republican precedents vis ited on his head. The pretended quorum of the Legislature by which he was seated was made up illegally and fraudulently, as will be demonstrated hereafter beyond any reasonable doubt. After that shall be done, the illustrious carpet-bagger will have abundant leisure to revisit his native scenes in Vermont, or to return to his adopted home in Illinois, or to spend his remaining years abroad on the fruits of his enterprise in Louisiana. Facts About Chewing Gum. Xcir York Svn. Among the quiet little 'manufactures of the country is that of chewing gum. Only one factory exists in this city, and the few others are in New England, Xew York State, Ohio, Illinois, and Tennessee. The gum is sold by druggists, grocers and con fectioners in cities, and any country groce ry that hasn't it is considered incomplete. Gum from spruce trees wa3 exclusively used until recently, when it found a rival in gum mastic, a white a ad attractive arti cle made from paraf-fine, which is sweet ened. The consumption of this chewing gum in the United States is about thirty tons yearly ; that of spruce gum somewhat less, and that ef a gum made in Tennessee from balsam tola, aud sold in the Souther States, about twenty tons. Lately a ma terial has been used" styled 'mbber gum." It is from tbe sap of the sapotee tree of South Mtxd Central America. The sap, like that of tbe indfa rubber tree, has a milky look. XOTF.M XORTII CAROLINIAN. M rs. Kliza Yaurban, aired 50. died sud denly in Henderson, recently. Mr. Kccles has leased the Central Ho tel, Charlotte, for another year. A suit for $130,00 aeainst R. &. A. Air- Line is before Federal Court, Charlotte. The CharUtte Obttrvtr notes the few ness of railroad accidents this season as compared with last. The correspondents and the editors of of all the State papers are "going in" for public schools with a vim. Judge Bond will not attend the Federal Court at Charlotte this week, as he is now holding court at Columbia. Oxford TorchltglU : Mrs. James Wheeler, an aged and respected ladr f Dutchville Township, died fait week. The Raleigh News wants a better mode of heating the capitol than that now em ployed, viz : wood fires. Right. Let's all urge it. - Among its sansible discussions of "Pop ular Wants," the Raleigh Neics devotes a column and a third to the advocacy of the restoration of the whipping post. At the present term of the Federal Court in Raleigh Mr. Charles F. Warren, of Washington, and Mr. Clement Manly, of Newbern, were appointed United States Commissioners. The Carolina Fair Association, at Char lotte, has just made a reorganization. Mr. J. S. Myers was elected President, Mr. ,D. P. Hutchison, Treasurer, and Col. C. R. Jones Secretary. Graham Gleaner': Israel Cable, an old, respectable citizen of the Shallow Ford neighborhood in this county, died recently from the effects of a fall from his barn, as we are informed. Raleigh News : Sheriff No. 5 settled taxes with the State Treasurer yesterday. He was R. McMillan, of Robertson county, and he paid in : Public taxes, $8,852 87 ; special taxes, $2,992 16. Governor Vance has appointed Samuel L. Taylor a Commissioner of Affidavits for North Carolina, resident in Philadelphia. He has also appointed Armour C. Ander son to be a Commissioner of Affidavits for this State, resident in New York. Raleigh Observer, 12th: The Governor on yesterday appointed W. H. Leather wood a Commis'sioner of Haywood county, in the stead of Walter Brown, who de clined to qualify. Also John Green, a Commissioner of Polk county, vice Jesse Rhodes, who preferred not to serve. Charlotte Observer : It is said there is some talk of the Air-Line Railroad build iug a narrow gauge road from some point near Toccoa, Ga., into North Carolina, probably terminating at Macon, Franklin county. The people of that place, we are informed, have hopes that the enterprise will be shortly undertaken. 'M.," in the Raleigh Observer : With such a Bar and Harbor as Beaufort, with out the necessity of expending a dollar from the State, or the United States, with a railroad extending to the Tennessee line and the Mississippi, saying nothing of the port of Wilmington, now crowded with foreign vessels, why should North Caro lina continue a day longer to pay tribute to build up the ports of her sister States ? Shall we forever bow and drink in humble submission to the toast once given in Charleston : "To North Carolina, a strip of land between two States?" Charlotte Observer: A compnny com posed of Dr. J. P. McCombs, of this city, Dr. Chattard, of Philadelphia, and Mr. E. Motz, a gentleman who has been for some time connected with the mining interest in this section of the State, has purchased a lot of improved mining machinery, a por tion of which has already arrived in the city, and will shortly begin to put it up at the Brewer mine, in Chesterfield coun ty, S. C. The machinery is valued at about $10,000, and the company propose to buy as much more next spring. It con sists mostly of hydraulic works for exca vating and moving the ore. Neicbeiiu'q'n : This is the amiversary of the foundation of our city. On the 10th day of December A. D. 1710 Baron Chris topher DeGraffenraid and Louis Michel!, two Swiss gentlemen, landed at the conflu ence of the Neusc and Trent rivers, with a colony of Swiss and Germans, whe were called Palatines, and founded a city which was called Newbern in eompliment to Ba ron DeGraffenreid, who wag -a native of the canton of Berne, in Switzerland. By the way, how is it that our city council have not made an appropriation to procure the journal of DeGraffenried, the existence and whereabouts of which was discovered by Mrs. Clarke more than a year ago? This would doubtless throw great light upon the early history of the city, concern ing which we know but little. We learn the whole cost of copying and translating (for the journal is written in French) would not exceed one hundred dollars. It ought to be in the archives of the city. Don't Fool with Powder. Coif mint (Oa.,) Timet. Little Gu3sie Baifrd intended to go hunting tolay. To that end he bought a dime's worth of powder yesterday, and last night proceeded leisurely to pour the same from the package in which it was contain ed into a small bottle, while he was sitting in close proximity to the fire place in the sitting room of the Raiford Hosse. Sud denly a spark from the fire blew over and ignited and exploded the powder, burning the little fetlow's hands and face badly, re sulting, however, in no dangereus wound. His sister was sitting aear him, and her dress caught fire. It was, however, quick ly extinguished, and, barring a great fright, the young lady escaped unhurt. Utilizing Tame Indians. The plan inaugurated by Major Pollock, superintendent of Indian affairs, ef em ploying Indians to do the government freighting frm the Missouri river to tfce Rosebud agency, a distance of 150 miles, ia said to be successful. Of the 100 pony wagons loaded for the first time the 5th alt. 93 bad delivered their second loads at the agency inside of twenty days. These wagons are all loaded and driven by In dians, who thus far have proved themselves to be as faithful, industrious and reliable as their white laborers. NEW ADrKRTISRXKXTS. OPERA HOUSE! ONE MGflT ONLY, M0MU1, DEC. It The Reigning Favorites, THE MOST SUCCESSFUL DRAMATIC OR GANIZATION IN AMERICA. . i I EDY COM Will apjH-ar in the powerful Amerkao Comply Drama, writU-n by Milton Noble, now tu its FIFTH SUCCEPMPUl, IS AMIS. entitled THE PHCENIX. jS?Bta:"-!" ;...... Other principal characters by Mise Fauiiie L. Burt, Minnie Florence, Amy Lee, Grace Page, Alouzo Schwartz. Sam E. Ryan, llarry Wentworth, J. W. Sum mers, J. II. Ready, llarry Mack, eU Admission, 75, 50 aud 25c.; Reserved Seat. $1 00. Reserved &caU for ealeat IIeli8berri r' Book Store, commencing Fridav, Dec. loth, dec 13-2t Itun OPERA HOUSE! One Night Only ! NATi;itIAY, DECEMIIKK II. THE INIMITABLE TT C T T ! IN MARSDEN'S DRAMA OF Seats can be secured at Heini-bergerV, com mencing Thursday morning. decll-4t Hair, Tooth & Nail Brushes, An elegaut assortment just received. TOILET ARTICLES in great varirtv at LOW PRICES. Cod Liver Oil, Porous Planter, Simmons' Liver Medicine, Patent Medicine in great variety. Mixed Paints, Glass, Oils, A:c. For sale low at (JHEEN 4t PLANNER S, Drmi-iM, uTc 11 tf Market street. YOU CAN BUY A BOTTLE OF Speer's Port Grape Wine, FROM JAMES C. MUNDS, Dm .t;isT, 3rd St., opposite City Hall. 1 r,;eriptions comjKuijded at all hours. ir OK SKillT. dec S tf Tuning and Repairing Pianos yOriKPH UESCK from Columbia. S C, fl is in Wilmington to tc.vk and kepaik Pianos, Melodeons, Reed and times. - . IX Orders left at Ileinsberger'u' Live Store will meet with prompt attention, nov 12 tf in Book Ruling and Binding. I. HOSE IN NEED OF WORK IN THIS line would do well to obtain figures from us before givltig orders elsewhere. Books rebound in bes,t os ible manner at reasonable rates. . Gilding promptly and neatly executed. JACKSON 6i BELL, dee 8-tf Printers and Binders. Bill Heads. I jARGE SUPPLY ON HAND and'or.brs filled promptly at LOWEST RATE dec S-tf JACKSON & BELL. Letter Heads, A. FINE STOCK OF LINEN PAPER suitable for Letter Heads, Bills of Exchange or Bills Ladiug. dec 8-tf JACKSON & BELL. HOWELL COBB. C. I. M. CO B. PUECELL HOUSE , WILMINGTON. N. (.'. 1 ) ECEN'TLY THOROUG II LY O V E R -V hauled and renovated. FIRST-CLASS in every respeU. Location desirable, being situated near all business house Powtoffice, Custom House, City Hall and Court House. RATES. ........ 2 and f 2.SO pr Iay. Our motto Is TO PLEASE! COBB BROS., oct 23-tf Proprietor!. If You Would Know"" Come and see how ciikap you CAN BUY GOODS at dee 1-lf PARKER. & 'TAYLOR'S. Envelopes. 25,000 JUST RECEIVED, Which we ofltr at a kinall advance on eot, with or without printing. JACKSON & BELL, Printers and Binder. dec 8-tf TO RENT, WITHOUT BOARD TWO LARGE A VD COMFORTABLY FCR nlhed BED ROOMS, to a good neighbor hood, and near the business portion of the dty. Convenient to tbe Potoffiee and Ball road Depots. Apply at DurlHf . TULS OFFICE. EMPIRE HOUSE, WILMINGTON, N, C. I. JL. DOLBY. Proprietor. Board 92.00 per Day. fff.1t ms4 T nr lm Room attached. rSTOpen Day and Mjrht. hot 12-1 m a Drst-cuM car. nuiiaru PAN BALTIMORE AND WILMINGTON, N. r. Steamship Line. -, The Steamer 1 eie: M t, OUVl-H. WILL SA If- h'HOif n ji t. UStORE. VTI KIIY. o. J. leamrm ait inm aturta) proa ittnlagtaa ' eerv pUy at t M. tlw PRO MKT SAII f ! -arifr idrrrtWtt ia- THUOKill HILLS OK- LADING ritrn U. and from PHILADELPHIA, an! .PROMPT DISPATCH Guarantee!. For Freight t'lfcanirnu pph U I. I A.At'X. Arnt, AI1.M1NUTON, X. t' ; L. S. MELD K.N Sotl.Jtltur A unit. REt'HKN MISTER, (General Agent, oner and I.iht Stm-U, BaltiiiMire. nor . CLYDE'S NEW Vhl'tk AMI WILTON S tea mship Li ne. The Steamer U VAi U L A TO K, Cant. DOANi:, WILL SAIL WOM SEW YOllK, I'.DN i;!A V. Xo . 'iOtli. S-t?Shlpi-M-i .ran rely tj.n thf PK-OMIT SAILING of Steamers a advertised. l For Freijrht Encasements or !' ye applr to A. I. t .V.Ai;X, AgrM.' .WILMINGTON, S.-i . L. S. BELDEN, Soliciting' AcenU W. 1 CLYDE Al CO.. IJcim ml Ak nu, Bowling Green or Pi nov 12 tf n N.'H.; New York. YICMIO : T THE AT Till Crutennial A'ijtoitton r'.rjnt'oi tit'nllt Pliila., Wo. " Pari-, 1G. Thw ' S!iU ""unrivalled . Urand, Cjiht and S)U;tre Fiaiiot-, t he rei-ipiefilaltf inore titan ixty nrM premium and Gold and Silrer Med alf, including the Medal of Merit and Diploma of Honor at the Centennial Epoltlou in 170, have arh lev ed at the EYjfillon L'nlvernelle, Pari, 173, over all American and many fr eijju competitor, their c:rm chowninc; thiujihii: TIIF AKGKNT au a D IIONNKI'II. MKDAILI.K D IM.OMK IU- Toether with a Se ial Certificate of Merit to .Taeob GrM, Suerinteiident of the SlirtT Factory, for hU extraordinary rkill displayed " in every part of their construction, the whole MTinlnif a Grand Award, higher by fai than that of any other American EahiMt, and dein onBtratiwj lcyond doubt the irnitienre Ui! riority of the Sfietr inttrument- The "Stietf" combine etery quality ucc arv for pcrf tion in a Piano. It rk h.jrrand, mellow and -werfui tone ban never been ex celled bv auv other instrument.' Especially -in the treble doe the " StlctT " llano uow lu superiority over all other, by the bell-Jike clearne, wet-tr;- and uvu( quality of tone, which K-iid to it an Inestimable charts. For quick ne of rctpoitM: to the fiujcer and evenue of touch throughout the entire aeale, faultle action, unurpa-d durability and artiUc rinUh, thin llano ban jutJy earned a world wide reputation. SECOND-HAND PIANOS of all maker constantly in otick, at from 175 Ut Sole Ajent for the Southern States of tlr peloubet, Pelun ti Co., and other makes of ORGANS. Catalogue of Piano and Orjjan -nt on. application. Addres CUA. SI. HTIKFF. 9 North Liberty Street novli-tf Baltimore, MJ. VOW IF ANY ONE WISHES TO FIND' N Axe or a Hoe, a IUke or a Sf-de, rysOOLA for the farm of er ry kind, . "I TERE be can bu thm cheap aa Uey are 4 NDIRONSnd Shovel. P ker aodTonff, JA. a. .. ... . . -.1 .It t.t t b.nvtt ; 'S firUU atore in Ue Haflwarw line, ' ELEGANT machines to chop atiae Une, 4. - OVO'roII ft Jarsre of Twine! ' T TUTE tinea for your plow, and cotton ote too. 4 HALTER for your Iiore, a pistol for yon. 'BBT Combo, Bntliea(ralntt In ev'ry hue Or the raintiow a arch that apans tit ether blue. "JE iure to remember aud give me a tall, J Have a warm welcome and bargain for all. N. JACOBI, No. 10 South Front St,, oy 19-tf Wilmlrx TRIUMPHANT: THE A j JjJLCOBll y axe.

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