V 0 Hicrsday Monxixc. -Jxxr.vKY 2, 1' YAtUKTIrX JIm the iirl.H Flayed it on J. ' . - CMrtotU Ubtemer: . Yhe peoplc of Sharon are dy in laugh- nif about caa minwcii .l.rsrnnMr.rBnrrfIUl ' 1CKP which was playe(l last Kveek upon ouo of 7.en"C lie hil- in process of ft their. iti- atumnjr a fino rlargc torkev which He gave om u to iewc'aja holiday, (linncr far a .stag i. arty which h" proposed ' t" have at his House en a certain day between Christmas and- New Years-a; stag party m the tric tc-t tense of i that term and one whore no woman need apply. The news of .this iliniier was con?idcrahly noised about the neighborhood ; it got the ears of the jimales, of coarse, aod a parcel of yoirn lad icssirW eight in numbe r- de terra i n ed to frustrate,. the p!an3 of the' householder who owned the turkey, and.' not only so, hut to. rebuke in a 'proper arid effectual manner the 'sex? discriminatio'ns which a man would thoughtlessly" and recklessly inaugurate in a peaceable and .well regit- mien community. . r .. . , Animated jy'thefcd, lofty sentimentsj the girls hitched up a train, arid getting inlthe wagon together, drove, the day before the tag feast waa to haye been given, to the honse ofi the man with the" turkey. With out any ;unneceaary "ceremony, they-went 1 in arfjl took possession of the .premises, kille the fatted turkey, caused the anah of "the house to make a frre, cooked the treasured bird aud off itmade a most bountiful repast, if the owner uf the property, which- was tljus confiscated made any resistance at the beginning, he was bulldozed into submission, and what witlt. 4., waiting on the table, carrjing water, wash- mg uisnes, carrying wood, keeping up ii res and doing about generally in such manner as directed, this man Vho had cal eulated cm having the holiday shindig ex perienced one of thihmost active; days in the line.of solid work' that he lms ever had in all the days of his Jjusvaml eventful life, ;! - ' --- "' 'i'liejeelriinvited giTls spent the day very .comfortably and departed for their koines w'heh thy Had stayed long enough. But the householder mourned when he looked, after their departure, on the pile; of bones and feathers which were all that was left to represent his handsome-gobbler ; and mouths of the: neighborhood stags drip water like a fountain when they think "of tlit1 holiday dinner the eating of which was taken off their hands. , It is 'calculated that this circumstance has broken up at ledst three. matches in Sharon! : ' -1 ' '--.". A New Way of Not Paying Old A good story is told in Uhe last number of Tt'iple of Bar of Balzac,,' th& famous French, author, who, not unlike many other literary celebrities, was- often vexed with duns. Once, when he had gone to bed, olie.of these unpleasant personages pre sented himself, and insisted on seeing his debtor: In vain was he told that M. de Balzac was ill 4hat he. was out, that he was' in bed -he refused to budge. At last the- servant in dt'spair,' told Balzac, who waidown stairs, and, to his great amaze ment, received orders to show the importu nate visitor up. The- tradesmith, already a little modified, was ushered into the sleep ing apartment. M.'de Balzac sits up cour teously in bed, makes his creditor a charm-' iug bow, and inquires to whatcircumstauce he may attribute the pleasure of his early nsit. Flattered, by the warmth or his recep- tipn,, the fournfsseur murmurs ometbirg in which the word ''money" is alone audible VAloney iuy deair"Telldw?'rries the man ?f letters, with his broad - smile, full of bon-. hommie, " money'do you want? Look in the right-hand drawer of the : 'dressing J table-'!" Becoming instantly as supple as a glove, thejOthcrirnns-to the drawer, opens fit, examiries'it, puts his hand to the' back there is nothing.'. Ah, says monsieur from ; the bed, " perhaps ; the left-hand draverVr Same" scrut in v and same resul t . X hOr tke middle aue.V-Jjliotkiiig. 1 i nnusi irauoje you iiuoiv unucr. ijuu ureas- is ai jlesisnre tro-Uti to binu) hi cred-: itor . pita has bedd 4 down-io ii'In this way the "jffhjHg I uxaituj3B6fthe room.iss ex anuned, and even the-' 'chimney. "Now," says the, author,lookir.g . sternly upon the crestfallen tradesman in all the majesty 6f a tasselled nght-cap, "if there is no money in tbe ieft-hand drawer of the dressing table, nor in the right-hand draw er, nor the middle drawer, nor under it, nor under the. bed, nor on the' wardrojje, nor up the chimney, how do you suppose I am to srive j you any :?" With that he lies down flat upon- his back, and the creditor departs j anathematizing the .poet. .. j The Andre Jlonniueut. Xeir York World'. I ' i The suggestion ef Deaji" Stanley that a ! ijinonument should be erected on the-spot j where Major Andre was hanged, and the I promise of Cyrus "YV. Field to build such a j memorial,-have been the subject of some severe criticism. The sreoeral imnression. so far as letters to the newspapers give it expression, is that such a monument would be an insult to American sentiment." Yet "lean Stanley was not the first to suggest a memorial,. nor. was Mr. 1- leid. the hrst to take action to. mark the' fatal spot. In 'Lossing's j"ieid Book of the Revolution" yol.II., p. 204, -note)- there is a descrip tion oifthe place, which is designated by a'j stone with the inscription : "Andre, .exe cuted October 2, 1780.' The author adds: "This stone was, placed there and inscribed in 1847-by a patriotic merchant ' of New York. A more elegant nd durable monu ment should be erected onthe spot." , This note may sfrve to exonerate Dean Stanley from the charge of bad taste-and Mr. Field from the chame of toadyism. If the mo- tives" of both are honorable, if " the monu ment furnished by the latter be modest, and if the inscription prepared bv the for- jner be characterized . by ' good sense and xigiu ieenng, mere is no danger that over zealoas patriots will conspire to pitch the memorial into the Hudson. . Pe frees, the public printer at. Washing ton is in trouble. JJr.iFinley, chairman of the special committee of investisration. sa js he has discovered great extravagance lu,aQ management of tne otnee- ana nag- lit violations of law, bj4heS public prin The report will recommend that the ' Hatwg. for the departments : be done by .MraeV ihe work to be awarded to the oEeStvbidder' tne Government printing jce Ving; allowed-to bid for this work, will ffaaorcd"that articles of impeachment ter' r! ?.re,fered against the public prin. . .,0 ?oUtfns the law. Christina Letter of Charlotte II route.'. .1 Queen, JJeeeuiUr T, Charlotte Bronter with an int'ellr-rt far f stirpasing that of ail female writers of the ! present day (with the exception of the one i' who is herpeer), differed Widely from such ' women. While conscious of her power and strength of purpose, she never forgot b 5 was, m the truest sense, a Iady-?he lived ' the character throughout her whole life; j she had no ambition to .be called "'fast 'she smoked no -cigars swore no diceVs I oatW, blasphemed not (he religion of her race, and believed, in the existence of vir tue and honor among women. .' s , A few weeks since 1 (linrprwl ; scrap-book at an old lKXk-stall a letter written in that microscopic writing which is familiar to all readers of Mrs. iaekell'a hie oP Charlotte Broute, in' which a photo- f:idj)uij iac-simno a page of Miss i5ronte's manuscript is" given. "The written letter bardly occupies the space necessarv' to reproduce it in type ; the uorb are net nearly as large, but the. distant V-etween thp-lines are wider. Of the letter itself little need b' aid, 'I'he warm sisterly Christmas welcomethe sense of hep rel igious feeli ng. the consci ousness of intellectual power and ability, are all characteristic o( the writter, whom the little touch of feminine tenderness at the end proves to have bii a true woman. It is us follows : i . HAV.oiiTii, I'ccenibcr 1." t , M lHAit Fmii.v : Christinas dar Christinas is rapidly lipproaching, and the time is drawing en apace for your appear ance among us again at the ingle nook. I yearningly desire -rafter this prolonged sep aration to press '. yoiif oinio again to my heart, my dearest sister. Vhat a joyful meeting on that 'day of 'alldays :the anni versay of the birtji pf our '-blefsed Kedeem er ! 'The cold air i bracing and exhilara ting as I open my window this-genial'morn-ing in hoary l)e.;embcr, aild I have' a rosy' glow playing around my hearf , ' for I am .truly -.'happy. Ef.ru ma I Ah ! you too must be bappyTfur the chord; vibrating, is sympathetic is responsive in your own dear breast. We have, in good sooth, both reuson to thank the Giver, of all things ; for have we not many blessings ? Do we not possess the " great poetic faculty -the ideal the mirthlal the imitative ? Are we not both acknowledged authors ? The creative faculty makes us truly happy. c If. you start next Thuisday week, 1 wjll be waiting the coach ; do not-hamper your self with unnecessary, clothes. or luggage :t you can have everything here- even tothe wearing of my old slippers, cut a little at the tors. ours afleetionatelv, " ClIAP.l.OTTE liliOXTE. When " Lvigh Hunt published, in his Journal, the v Eve of St. Agnes.'' by his deceased frieird Keats, lie said that1 his readers ouglitte send lain pearls, not pence, "in payment for. the poem. AVhat do mv fair readers oive me for this letter from Cira riot te? IJronte? Tliejir Christmas good wishes, 1 hope. , ' ' ' ' ' Y- J3. Tf.i;etmeikr. The Boweri Belle. ' " . ; -Xitc Yvjk Snn. Dashing alons, in the. pride" of her feather; '. ,JIoppiiiir alonir, with alauirh atthe wcathei : L ' . ' I - . : 1 ' il... T. 1 I 1 Ain't hc a darling ! ' ' Ain't she awell! ' ; With herlittlc coy hat,. That' nestles so pat, With Cupid'fc bright spear - Behind her small ear. O, the. Bowery belie .' the Bowery belle ! She's -plump and rollicking, bright, and gay ! And she loves the oysters from Oyster Ray .' Ain't'she a charmer ! Ain't she a swell ! . AVhere'er she.goes, , Every one knows, By the l.rip of her toes, ' And her cardinal hese, 'hc'.'isthe.Bow-ery belle. . . ,' V3- ' The CjS ay Admiral. "-Baltimore. Bttllcthi . '-, Admiral Porter appears in anything but an enviable light in a batch of letters to ia -Airs. Wetmore, which have Tecently been published in connection with a suit for divorce,- instituted by Mrs.. Wetmore's hus band. The letters may, of course be for geries, and we hope they are, for they cer-, . tainly-reveal a mental and moral condition on the Admiral's part, of which' we should not like to believe so distinguished an offi cer capable, -lie is made, lor instance, ki one of jlhein 'to speculate , on the probable early death of his own mother, while in another he is reported as promising to disclose to the fair Mrs. Wetmore the "plans, of a torpedo which will destroy the whole French navy a government, or -at any rate a personal secret, whichwould scarcely be. any the safer in the possession of a young and, as the narrative .shows, a rather "dashing" woman. It is onlyfair to add that the accusitioa wears a suspi- cious lok of blackmail, and that it is "claimed by the Admiral's friends to be a I shrewd attempt in that direction. - "OIl Si' Bunged L'p. Among the Atlanta Christmas episodes was an. attack on Mr. S. M. Stsall. of the Constitution, by three men, Tom Thrash,' Joe Pate and AVilliam Gorman. The at tack was made because it was reported that. Mr. Small hati stated that:one Wells, a brother-in-law of Thrash, had stolen some cotton just after tlje war, Mr. Small was knocked down and "badly bruised by his three assailants, but at. last accounts was doing will under medical treatment. MrSmall was unarmed when attacked. Mr. Thrash publishes a" card in the Con stitution of Saturday, iu which, he says the affair;, was" entirely between himself and Mr. Small, that no one else interfered, and that the difficulty would not have occurred on any other day than Christmas. Tlie Coolest jinrderer. Richards, the Nebraska herdsman, vho confesses the murder of nine persons, tells 1 wun perieci coolness and , apparent pride how he killed at one time a , woman andher three children! They were to start in the night on a -long journey, 'aiid he calculated that it would be safe to murder them, be cause the neighbors would not readily -suspect anything. ,Iie"we&t out and dug" their graves before committing; the crime. "1 was not," he said to a reporter, "anyj more exc-itd than I am now. I had studied the matter oVer for a long time. I had calcu lated the risk I ran. and I knew thorough ly what I 'was doing. I went at it exactly as if I had been butcnering so many hog?." Tlie DukeofKagenta Better. . Mr. lierillard has Feceived information that the Duke'of Magenta is in a fair way. of recovery front the serious illness which followed almost immediately 'after the colt's arrival in England There is no doubt that the Duke has been so seriously ill that it ntay possibly prevent his erer again being, got. into first-class racing con dition.: He not only taught a bod cold on his arrival in Eengland, but he contracted a diseasp ofthe blood, which caused kim to breakjouJ, in sores. ..These sores . suppura ted to such an extent that he was little better than a skeleton. , AFPI-ETOX'd New Handy-Volume Series. Uritliiinl XpreltitM; Jlemance, .iJewfre? Traril Humor; HitXoric. LiUraay. - atvl Socirtt Monograph. 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Caldwell Edmund Jones. Dem Camden' S. J. Forbes, Dem. Carteret A. II. Chadwick, Dem. Caswell Wilson Cary, col'd., Harrison, Reps. Catawba R. B. Davis. Dcm. Tlionias Chatham-;!. M. Moring, J. Dems. T. Goldston,! i Cherokee Bruce. Rep. i Chowan If. If. Hobbs, Rep. . ' ; Cl.iv J. S. Anderson, Dcm. - Cleveland L. E.. Powers, Dem. Columbus- V. V. Richardson, Dem. Cumberland Thos. S. Lutterloh, John C. BIwher, Reps. Currituek J. M. WoodliQuse, Dem. Craven W. E. Clarke, W.;D. Pettipher, ,. . Dare L. Fulcher, I). Davie F. M. Johnson. Dem. Davidson Julian Miller, Republican, G. i ramcun smith, Dem. Duplin G. W. Lamb. '. Colwell.i 'i l'd.,) Dred Denis. Edgecombe Clinton Baltic, (e Wiraberly (col'd.,) Reps. Forsvth W. A. Lowrie, R-p. Franklin C. M. Cooke, Dem. ' . '. ' . Gaston Harley lluti'stetler, Dem. .'Gates J. J. Gatling, Dem. Granville J: E. -Burroughs,. Rufus Amis,' Denis.- ... ' - Grecne-r Joseph Dixon, Rep. " ' ; Guilford C. J, Wheeler, J. A. McLean, Dcn.r.. ' Halifax J; A. White, Juo. Reynolds, (col.)f Reps.- ' ' ' ' i Harcett C. A. Coffleid,.Dera. - j Haywood F. M. Davis. Dem. "il Henderson A. J., Bird,' Ren, ' Hertford J. J. Horton, Rep 1 ! Hyde Thos. P. Banner, Dem. ' i , Iredell J. R. McQorkle, J. D. Click, Dems. Jackson' Capt. Ledtherwood, Dem, Johnston. E. A. Bizzell, E. J. Holt, Dems. Jcnes C. D. Foy, Rep. : ' ; Lenoir V. W. Dunn, Rep. " i j Lincoln B. C. Cobb, Dem, - . ;l ' Macon John Reid. Dem. ' !j .Madison B. F. Davis, Rep. ' . - Martin N. B. Facran, Dem. ' ; ', McDowell J. T. Reid Dcm. ; Mecklenburg Jno. L. Brown, W. E. Ar- j drey, Dems. ' . i Mitchell-Saniuel Blalbck, Dem. :- Montgomery :W. T. H. Ewing, Rep. i Moore Neil Leach, Dem. , ' Nash G. N. J.ewis, Dem. New Hanover II. L Scott, W. II. Wadueil, -i (col.) Reps. . " i : Northampton J. W. Grant, Dem. ; Orange M. A. Angler, Dem., Josiali Tur- 1 ner. Rep. Onslow C. S. Hewiit.iDcra. ' Pasquotank iiugh'CSTe, (col.) R'ep. Pender Thos. J.'Arm'strong, Dem. Perquimans J. W. Blaisdeil Rep. Person Moritford McGehee, Dem, ' '' Pitt D. C. Moore, Germain Bernard, Does. ! -Polk Ne&bii I)iiasdale,.'Rep. RanUolph X. C English, Dem., G. II. mghaia,-Rep. Richmond D I. Henderson, Rep; Oliver, Dem., R. M Robeson- . Nor- : rnent, Rep. ' Roc-hinghanc-- T. L. Rawlev and Wm. R." 1- Lindsay, Dems. j' Rowan II. p. Cost, Dem., David Barringer, j Dem. . ' i i Rutherford Nathan Young, Dem.. i Sampson rL. R. Carroll, J. C. Ilines, Dems. i,: Rtsmlv Dar.i! TJith- Tiom Stokes Squire A enable. Rep. . Surry N P. Foard, Dem. fj Swain T. D. firyson, Dem. . ; Transylvania jr II. Fasten,, Dem. . i Tyrrell W. G. Meison. Dem. ; Union D. A. Covington. Dera. Wake W. E. Richardson, Dem : R. W. Wvnnc. J. J. FerriH, Stewart Ellison fcol.) Reps. ' 1 ; I Washington Rep. i Watauga W. B. Council," Dem. : j Warren L. T. Christina?.: Hawkins Carter, (col.) Reps. Wayne G. C. Buchdn; Dtm.,W. A. Beans, Rep. - , Wilson Dr. J. M. Tavlor; Dfm. Wilkes Dr. Tyre York, Dr. L. Harrill, Dems. M -Yaikin Brown. Ren, Yancey D. G. Carter, Dem. Total Democrats 73; .Republicans 41; Dem ocratic maioritY' S. On ioint ballot 56. ! ; r - 1 Bill Heads. TiARGE SUPPLY 1SN HAND and orders filled promptly at LOWEST- RATE. igdec 8-tf "JACKSON & BELL. H air; Tcoih &, Nail Brushes, An elegant assortment just received. TOILET ARTICLES in great variety at LOW PRICES. Cod Liver Oil, Porous Plasters, Simmons' Liver Medicine,- Patent Medicines in great variety. Mired Paints, Glass, Oils, &. ; ,Mi. ' ForEala Jar kt 51 ;t : . " . GREEN A FTANXZR'S, BrugsG,. ' dee 11 tf . .. l -- s - . . Market etreei. ca -! "i w p, ; WfSmf "Met WILMINGTON, COUTlBfA t AU6.51. R. f a, Office of Gex'l Scperixtexdext, i Wilmington, N. C, November t, isrs, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, j ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOvJ loin, 17, the following Schedule will be run en this Road : ' DAT-EiPKESs AND MAIL LeaVe Wil minion. .' Arrive at Florence. ....... Leave ' " Arrive at Wilmington Thaix, Daily. ....... s:35 A M ........ 12:35 r M ):50 " Night ExrnESs Tisaix, Dailt. Leave Wilmington ', . .... ....... , U:42 P M Leave Florence'. 1 iJ2 A M Arrive at Columbia , Leave Columbia . .10:50 P M Leave Florence.. . :v . 2:-17A M Arrive at Wilminsrton. .'.:... v. ... . 037 " This Train will only stojj at Flemiugton, Whiteville. Fair Blulfj Marion and Florence, amd alLstations between Florence and Coluni-. bia. ' ' Passengers for Augusta, and beyond should take Night, Express Train from Wilmington. Through SJeeping Cars on' night trains for Charleston and Augusta. JOHN F. pi VINE, nov I0-tf General.Sup't. WilMIM & WF.LlliP.VlL itOAlUU, Office ofGen'l Scperixtexdevt, Wilmington, N. C, November 23, 1S78. ) IS i2 W CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV. 24th, 1S7S, Passenger Trains on the Wilming ton & Weldon Roilroad wil' run as follows : I Day Mail And Expuess Traix, Daily. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 638 AM Arrive at Weldon." '. . . 1.KX) PM Leave . " 232 Arrive Wilmington, Front St. Depot 9:53 " Nioiit Mail and Express Thais, Daily. Leave Wilmington, -Front St. Depot, 9:20 PM A rrive at Weldoji 3 0 A M Leave . .. 2:13 " Arrive Wilmington, Front St. Depot 8:1G " Trains on Tarboro Branch Road leave Rocky Mouutfor Tarboro at o:00 P. M., Daily, and Tueedav, Thursday and Saturdav at 5K)0 A. M. Returning, leave Tarboro at 10:00 A. M. Daily, and Mondav., Wednesday and Friday at 8:30P. M. " " r The Day Train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North, via Bay Line, daily 'except Sunday, and daily via Richmond and all-rail route,. Night train makes close connections at Wel don for all points north via Richmond. Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trains. JOHN F. DIVINE, dec 17-tf General Sup't. First National Bank. ClIE DAWSON BANK IS NOW -' U corf SOLI DATED AVITII THIS BANK. The Depositors of the former are notified that their deposits and Certificates are assumed by ,. . . The First National Bank-. DIRECTORS : E. E. Bi-rki j-, James Spuuxt, d. g: Jas. Daavsox', Aj.rr.ED Maktix, i WOJITH. . OFFICERS: E. E. Ruhruss. President, Ja. Dawson, vice-President. A. K. Walker, Cashier. ; Wm. Larkixs- Assistant Cashier. II. M. Bow i; f.n, TeRer. fW if oc THE WORLD, Daily and Sundays,, oie year, ?10 : eij months $5.50 ; three months, $2.75.' j Daily, without Sundays, one year. $S ; six 1 months, '$1.25 ; three months. ?'2.2.v; lee's than ' three months, $1 a month. The Sunday World, one yeai, $2.- The Monday World, containing the Rook Reviews and -'College Cnromcles, oneyear, 41.50.. The Sem-Weeklv World fTuesda ank Fridavs") 2 a vear. To club agentt, an tra copy for club of ten ; the daily for club of twenty-uve. The weekly World f Wednesdays), $1 year. To club agents, an extra opy for club of-ten ; tne semi-weekiy for cam oi iwenij the daily for club of fifty. Specimen number sent free on application Terms cash, Invariably In rdvancc. TO xewsdEalers. Nowsdealers may ttain supplies of the World ia any quantiV ad at an early hour at tSe up-town oflice. -Orders should be left be fore 2 p. in. TO fVS READERS. If yoa cacs&t find the World on the newt stands creator at th hotels, you will con fir favor informing bo publisher of the f let. ' ' - ' All eomnicaUons. should . be addressed t , THE WORLD, . 1 as Park Kow. New York Howj to Make Honeyi Buy vour GROCERIES from GEORGE MYERS, And save 10 to 1 . per cent. Our Stock, tie Largest, Ikt and Cheapest in the. Sut, con vinces cah buyers of this Hiving. We invite all to save money. Our Goods are Freh with an immense' SUck U mdect from. New Deli cate Butter, Foreign and Domestic Chr, Fulton Market Beef, Pig Hams, Pi Pork. Ne Mackerel, Beef Tongue. Our GOLD CUOP TEA is pronounced' the Beit ever offered la Uils market. 40 to tM) cent per Pouud. j Our WINE AND LIQUOR DEPARTMENT is uneq-ualetl .in the SUt for the OLDEST and PUREST Wines, Brandies, Whikev, Ruiii, Gin, Fancy Brandies, New Champagnes, and all at Wholesale Prices at Retail. i Unl y ;eompare rrices and Quality and then nana j-Qur oruers to GEO. MYERS, 9, 11 & 18 SOUTH FRONT 8T. Oct 22-tf Reading and Writing Tables. CO OT5 'Adjustable to nearly U kinds of ARM Chairs; can be set at any angle desired, and Is a great convenience in reading or writing; makes a good cutting or lap-board tor ladies,', or dining-table for invalids. The frames are hard wood, carefully selec ted, and thoroughly seasoned, not kiln-dried; driven as tight as possible and not split, the wood, glued, and finished with coach varnish. The eats are of ash splints, split from young, tough timber; are made by experienced work men, under my own supervision. Any chair bearing my stamp is warranted, and if it fail in any' part by fair usage, the price will be. re- pense. ' I guaranteeatisfaction in every ialeA .The Sex is the ncwpaer for. the' of my chairs, haviEg thirty Years' eKrlcnrc 1 'It If not for the rich roan against-the. in in chair making. I do not make the cheapest chair in the market, but I do claim it to be the best in every respect. Rockers and Chairs to order, any. tize or height desired. Small chairs packed inside large ones without extra freight. Send 6tamp for I llustratcj Price List. Before purchasing, see. that the Chair has my address stamped on frame I'. A. SINCLAIR, Mottville, N. V.. nov 12-lm EUGENE L. HARRIS ART 1ST IX CRAYON PORTRAITS, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. i BEGS LEAVE TO CALL YOUR ATTEN tion to his Portraits in Crayon. Person wishing good 'pictures of themselves or dct ceased friends, can have them nicely executed by sending him a photograph to work from A good photograph is necessary to insure a good likeness. The prices below include "postage bv mail, on roller. , A neat frame of Walnut and gilt will be furnished to tliose who desire it at 11.50 and 12.00. . j Prices :,'' Size 14x17 inches... ... ...".'."I. 5 00 Life Size (bust). lftOQ TESTLMOrxiALS : , j " Mr. Harris posaesees the rare gift of bei ing able to delineate, accurately, from a plit tograph or other picture the exact Ukenew of anyone. We guarantee satisfaction" ' Oxford Leader.; ' "We have eeen his workl and consider it; excellent. Try him." Central Protestant. "We have seen a capital portrait of Hon. A-i W. Venable, by Mr E. L.' Harris, that reflect, additional lustre on his genius, in that depart ment." ' Torchlight J t'lOtf International Byiew. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. The great internatioiial bi-oouthly. Tlie ablest writers, In loth new aed old world s contribute to iu pages. It is solid in tharae ter. Address, . A. S. BABXES k CO - jpct23-tf -'. Nev York. Agents Wanted ! To TAKE SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR " The South Atlantic, ft (A Mouthlr Marrazine of Literature, Science and Art) Ia every county In Virginia, North and South r Carolina and Georgia.- Liberal Ter&s,- For particulars 4dreS " - " (JOdDWiN & LEWIS, Genera! AgenU, 37 N. Calvert St-, nov SO-lf Baltimore, lid Ruling and Bindmg. TnOSE IX NEED OF WORK IK THIS line would do well to obtain figures from as before giving orders eUewhere. Books rebound In best possible manner; t reasonable rates.-' ."'r - Gfldine prompUr and ntlT ex cm tO- T , ; JACKSON & BELL, dee 8-tf Printer and Binders Blackwood's Magazine. THK I.KONAim S OTT i rBi.u, INii f t. : ." ' ' - HlxsTK: iiKviKiv it rau hi:iTWt QVAj;. TF.nt.y iu.vikw. -. . tiunwftiD-s ii!wt,g!i mm. Th Ktftu rt. xttt , & . art ' !r,Wr f'4 .Wtk' ' 11 j i , -t I'l'l.Sl'X ! rSTirJf" ,n' JTrtaJcel ftf Lu.ra . i. m in Lirtatur, frvm JJ"r than arr.. Kn ka of ftEs Otdadns Pu.USr, ParaLlr strkUy 1: adatr. J ur any cue Rric w For py to Rrtr or anj ihtr Htt For alLfour Rftirwa, v For Ulark ' 7 M) SO W i itr I w T tW 10 0) 13 CM IV 00 F U or . MHUiW fnd 1 Hex km , For For Fur id 2 Rrv i a)! 3 and the 4 CXI B : A db.UBtof tmenty fir e;t Mill I- al lowed t claim of fuur 6r ou.re iVr..u. 11m. , U OM "Wra' f.,f $ U : four f, B4 w on. ' , - uunruui, a copy itral to theetter up of the clut-. a py trati ui bo aiiuifr.! i. I KfcXIt M ew Mlbm-ritxtra (mitin ...i. i .j ear 194 may have, without t;hnrr , - U 1 i iiumbrr for.the lat quarUr. .f ls;7 .1 m, Ierilirala a thvy mar- ut-n- for, si ..0r lr,d' m-w ..u!rrltr. to. any three, or four of the aUve i it.MUalt ,,a, J have one of th. "Four Kevu a" for lr ! suhBejtlrs Ut a I. fire may bare two of tfa j ''tour Reviews," ur one aa of iUiciwiH.!' ' i Magazine for 1-577. ' f - 1 Neither premiums t t.utt ritH-rV'r tl! , count to clubs can be allow 1 oihert th jr money is remitU-d dlrecrtd the bulIbhrr.'N j premiums jrlven U Clubs. - -; J THE LEONARD SCOTT Pl'BLISniNG CO , j t oct 25-tf 41 Barclay St., New York. ' THE SUN FOR 1879 Tue Si n will be priiiUHi eyt ry day during tlie year U)couie. - Its purpoec itid ntU will be the same f, lii the pat : To freictit all the news in a rradabir Bnd Ur tll the truth though the heaven falL - The, '8cjf has Ixtcn, U, and wifl continue u be indeiendent of evervbody simI t v ryUiln save the Truth aol Us on convk-tions of duly. That Is the-otdy policy which an honeti new paper necu Lave. If. railiAl I7ie i-x.r iuu, uniirwie ior roan againxt tne rich nim. but It seks bj do equal justice to all InUn sU in the cowmuult .11 ia ugt the organ f atiy" periD, class, sect ur party. Their tiro! m uo nojatery aboutlu Iotc attd bales. It U for the honest man against the hgufs errry time. It is for thebnetImrM ratas agJnt the dishonest Republican, and for the honest Republican as against the dishonest Democrat, it docs net take its cue from the utterances c.f any politician or politka! organization. It gives iu support unreservedly when men or measures are to agreement with the Cooiitttu tion and with the principles upon which thf Republic was founded for the people. When ever the Constitution, and comUtutlopal priu-' clples are Violated as. in the outrageous cob spiracv of 1876i)y which a man not eirtl was placed in tlie President's oflice, Ure he stills remains ltpeaks out for tbe-rlgbt." That U THScs'a .idea of independency. I this respect there wil) be uo change in its pro gramme for 1879.. ' . The Sex has fairly earned the hearty hatred of rascals, frauds, au4 humbugs of alt mru . and sites. It hopes to d-erve that hatrel uol 14S m the year 1S79, than In 1S7H. lSTf , tr any year gone by. The f cx w ill continue to shine on the wicked With unmitigated bright ness. " - . . . While the lessons of the pawtalyuU 1 con- ' stintly kept lefore the pimple. Tue St- dies not, pro pot to make itself in 1S7V a.msaxine of asiclent history. Ills printed for. the Jtneu nd women of to-d;y, who concern Is cftiefly with the affairs Of tolay. It ba both the dhh position and the ability to aXTord its rtajra the promitt, fullest, and moat accurate in telligenceof whaterer In the wide world Is worth attention. Jo this cod the rrsourrrs belonging to well Established proeperitj'-iwill be liberally' employed. .Th present disjointed condition of parties -in this country, and the uaeerUmty of the future, lend an extraordinay signifleance to the evt rita of the comJngyear. The dlseasstotis of the press; the dtbUr and icts of Ccjugres, and the moyemeDta of the leaders la every section of the Republic will have a direct ear iDg on the PresldtnUsl election of TMsM b erect which, must be regarded with the most anxions Interest by every patriotic American. ' whatever his polhieal ideas or allegiance. To these elements of Interest may be . added the probability that the Democrats will control both bouses of Congress, the tncrtrslng feeble- i Bess of the fraudulent AdxninietraUon, and the spread: , and strengthening eterywbere of a "healthy abhorrence of fraud In any form. To present, with accuracy and clearness the- exact situation Lb each of its varying phasea, and to expound, according to Its well known sutth ods, th priociples that should guide us through the Ubyrtotb will be an important part f The 8c3r' work fpr 1S79. , .We have the means or waking Tan Scxrasv 3 SapoUtteal, literary, aiid ageneral newtpap' I more enterialilug -d more umful than try. I before; and we mean to apply thTm freely. i nnr M.Mrnhrrintlon remain Bocfcaured. . For the DAttfScif, "a four. jge sheet f twenty-eigtt colomns, the price fey maU.post nkl, Ls?enta month, or S0 J?l 7 iDdaduiir the Sunday paper, an etght jge sheet offifty-rtx columns he price 1$ cenU a moatl or 17.70 yr4ir, postage pid.f -r The Sondsy editiou of Tat fcv i aUo fur nishecli separately at L20 year, postage, paid- -'-"'' I "r ,Tbe price of the Wmu 8c eight pages, fiftywrfx column. U tl a year, posuje paid. ForcJubof teasemlin? 10 we will send au extra eopy free. Addrese . . v i .- -- . . ' I. W. rXGLAND, ' ' h Publisher cfT 8cs, New York City.; THE OERM AXD FRESH LCNGCICES TAUGHT BT G- Lvori Jacrnahd Dr PhIL !.. . . ... v-. '. y e 1 w m s "-' -"A i ,' f ' -1