LATEST WS. FJIOM WASHINGTON. INTERSTING TO THOSE WHO FLED FROM THE DRAFT. .o FURTHER PROCEEDINGS TO BE TAKEN AGAINST THEM. I 'omplriion of General Grant's Report of the Closing Campaign of the Rebellion. DECREASE IN SOUTHERN MAIL SER VICE EXPENDITURES. nrxinliS KKnARDISH TIIEVASil OP THE ANDERSON VI IJ1E JAILOR, Ac, . Ac, Ac. VAnisGTONt Oct 24, 1805. oENEKAU GRAST'8 KETORT OF MILITARY OPER1- tioxs tor 1SG4-C3. General Grant's official report embracing the ' .m live military operations of 18G44 is just cou rt udctl and will soon tc sent to the Secretary of War. Its. prejniration has cost much time and l.ilnir. The reiort is said to bo brief and concise lroiic of its character, though necessarily much longer tlian any former oik of his. It iimpics tioiiuldy alKmnds with interesting facts l-uring iiHiti many disputed subjects. Its publication will I hi deferred in till probalility until after the meeting of CongrcF. fNTEUESTINO TO lESEKTERrt FROM THE DRAFT. An order 1km been promulgated, from the War IKpartintnt releasing all persons held as deserters for mm compliance with the terms of the several drafts, aud promise that no further prosecutions sl Ik; made for evasions of the Conscript law ainunuiiKuumciMo. i'iv. "i gii.iuimiu ;ciicrsity is expected to release many thousands f able tKnlied voters from theirnclf imj)scdban-i-'nin iit in Caiuida anl elsewhere in fact, to fill up the ranks of the producing jopuiation of scv- r.d Slab-. almost as rapidly as did the 'disband n nt of the armies last ppring. THE CASE OFWIRTZ. Uejtorts arc in circulation that the finding of tin" Military Commission Jn the Wirtr. case have l en submitted to the 1'resideiit and approved, IhhI tliat the eulprit will certainly lie hanged on next Friday. They are by no means improbable although not certain. I AM INO OFF IN THE KXI'KNIMTI'KE FOR SOUtll-' ERN MAIL Ei:VICE. Aiimng the gratifying featurct of l'ostuuister General Deimisoii's loithcming report will be Hie eKb nee of a grc;tt falli:. . :n the expendi tt:re for Southeri mail tcrvi'. .i compared with I !n o.l of such st ivice before the war. For iu lauee, one contract for u jostal route that for iiicily was awarded at one hundred and fifty -three thousand dollars now lets at nearly one-third less ; ne -at thirty six thousand knocked down to h-vciij thousand, and ojie at forty four thousand ri Itu-rd to iv thousand dollars. In addition to Ihis evidence of economy-, upwards of live thou : and inilcs of service lave been saved or rendered uiiiicces.-ary in the "late restoration of postal routes in the Slate of Texas alone, and yctjiot otic ltoint formerly touched by mail has been milted.1 This is explained by the fact that for iii ily the iul'S were made so numerous that lit- were iu a great number of instances necessi tated lo Iravi rsc the same roads for many miles, though ultimately diverging for sejKiratc ioinls. I'.v t tiy raeting for service merely from the point v. I i re a route diverges, and not for any part of the di-.incc. traversed by another, this great .-.iVnig has be y accomplished. MKMF.S FOK THE ClUASlZAT10S OF. TUE FREED MEN. II is gratifying to know that, now the couutry has Itccomo entirely blessed with the maintenance tf the noble African, a few philanthropic minds are sicculatiiig upon what it should and can do with him. Among the latest projects of this kind is one advanced by a reverend gentleman from Florida, who 1s now in consultation with Secre tary Harlan and in waiting to sec the President, which pnqoscs that the nineteen millions of acn s or public domain stretching iu a vast belt through- tiic centre of the a bo to State, froni the coast back towards the northern boundary, shall In" appropriated to, the colonization of negroes, estimating, that four huudred aud .seventy-live thousand can Ie furnished with homesteads of forty acres each by the graut sought fur. v , PERSONAL. " General Grant, accomiuiuicd by Mrs. Grant and part of his staff, will visit New York city early next week and remain there for several days. On former visits he stopped at the Astor House, but will probably select some up town hotel tin this occasion. Col. T. S. Bowers, General Grant's Assistant Adjutant General, started this evening on visit loliis home in Illinois, expecting lo be absent j : evcrai w eeks. t . ... it- i i ..r ii... I mui.ui -t ,l SSlt. ?nttt .MtVl IklV a HIV IJt'UMVii 77. and (;- tt., arrived in the city to night. Senator Cre&w ell, of Maryland, and Congress man Price, of Missouri, are in the city. .Dick Tay lor is slill in the city, and, his friends assert, endeavoring to' obtain icriiiissioir to visit his brother in law, Jetf Davis. He also contcm- p'alcs rganiiting a joint stock association for growing cotton on a large scale on abandoned and other lands in the Mississippi valley. CABINET SESSIOX, All the member of the Cabi-t, excepting Mr. Seward, wen in lit tendance lo-lay. No business of special imprtauee was. tRuisiictcd so far as as certained. rilK IIS1SAI. OF MIMICAL. ANI IIOSF1TAI. STORES. It wa estimated just after the close of the re Itcllioii that the medical and hospital stores of the federal army remaining tm hand amounted to altovc tw elve millions of dollars, a large proior lion of w hich were iu stomge at the central Tn Washington. The recent order f the Surgeon General providing for their disiosal to army of lic i-s and their families at moderate scheduled ptiees h:is caused an aetivcale of those gOow aiintng the persons priilegcd to buy- them, and considerable unfavorable coiumeut from outside jrarlies relative to tle exclusiveness practised in the premises. It is very generally claimed that the tine bargains offered at these sales should not Ik- restricted to the lciicfit of ollicers only, and that if civilians are not admitted to the right of purchase least private soldiers and non-com-mUsioncd officers should have an opportunity, of furnishing themselves from the vast assortment f household goods how offered in common with i hi ir officer, to whom cheapness of purchase is of f.u- less moment' 'rULITICAb MATTERS. Mr. Sumner's theory of apportiouiug rcpresen tulion according to the number of voters excites lively comment and opposition iu his own house hold. He probably never reflected that it would operate more hardly on his own State than on the South. The latter and the New England States will yet act in concert against the West, and on I hi very question and that at no distant day. The Excelsior Club of New York Rrpublicans held another meeting at the UnionXcaguc rooms to-night. There were present : about four hnnd dred Unionists, who want to go home for a day's shooting or bunting at the commencement of No- vcmber, when the election 'occurs, hud thus kill a couple of birds with one stone.; It .was- reported to the meeting that half-fare tickets and furloughs' were, ready for such Republicans as w ished to go home and vote, aud that plenty of ballots would be furnished New York officers, t oldiers and en listed clerks foruseat the polls here, feeveral good speeches were made, endorsing President John son's policy, and unaccountably eulogistic of Gen erals Slocuiu and Patrick; to the, neglect of the heads of their own ticket." However, all the ar rangements arc perfected, and the Excelsior Club w ill go Lome and vote right no' matter what tin y think. " ' THE CASE OF GENERAL IJU-ISCOJ. Nothing definite has yet transpired iu regard to Bris-oc's sentence by tlie Military Commis sion, although it is stated by parties intimately acquainted with the tone and temper of the officer com'posing the Commission, tliat the sentence will be made as mild as it can be made consistent ly with the evidence, duty and tin? regulations. Briscoe, meanwhile, is in gHd quarters, at the old Capitol, wearing the neatest of full dress uni forms, displaying the badges of his rank. His friends arc in good spirits and praise the' beauties fa military commission for the trial of military offenders. FREEMAN CLAIiKE ANI GOVEUNOlt riEKI-OlNT. . Freeman Clarke, of the Treasury Department, has replied to the card of Governor Pierpoint in yesterday's New York Tribmu, and substantially endorses the JlraUTn first version of the ntfair. Mr. Clarke Says that while the recise lan.iruajje. reported may not have been u?c"d on the occasion Alluded to, he Is confident the general tone of the conversation was even more olfcusivc and unjus tifiable than that which the Governor is charged with, ami that he did not order him to leave bis office unceremoniously. Mr. Clarke's .-latement is venncu uy me amciavi! 01 an cyc-u unos, ami both will soon appear in print. i 1)1 HECTORS OF TUB IMON 1'ACIFM; UAII.UOVO President Johnson to-day appointed the follow ing directors of the Union Paeilie llailroad Com pany on the part of the government: .Jc.-s.: L. Williams, f Indiana; .Charles T. Sin rinan, of Ohio; Gtorire A.-limau, of Massachust Its; Timothy J. Carter, of Illinois, and Springer HarbYou.'b, of Pcnnsylvnnia. ' ' i:kchnith)N of covsti-s. The 1'residciit has recognized Antonia Muria De Cea as Ctuisul of Spain, in Mobile; also Chris ten M. Hoist, as Vice Consul of' Denmark, ami Louis Casual, as Vice Consul of Spain, both to reside in Savannah. NEWS FROM THE GIT LI'. rhe Military and the Ilcction in Louisi ana KUbrts to Kiin Ex-Governor Allen for CJoernor Interesting to Pardon Seekers in Texas, &c. , New Orleans, Oct. J0, I.V. Geiiei-id Cat i by has issued an order that no mili tary interference shall be allow'cd at the ioils on election day except to Mipprcss dialurbance. The friends tf ex-Governor A41en, who is now in the city of Mexico, are making clfoWs tt run him for the next Governor. Governor Hamilton, of Texas sayr; that to ob tain his ciulorsemcnt for pardon the petit ion nn:A aflirui tluit the petitioner has not particiated in outrages' on any citizen because of Union senti ments, nor belonged to any ' vigilance committee or secret organization for the prosecution of Union men ; that hehashad no propertyrbelonging to the United States or the so-called Confederacy in nanus ; mat no proceedings nave Itecn in stil iitcd against his property under the confisca tion laws; and that he must al.o ghc true state ments regarding tfie present feeling and future conduct of the petitioner, touching the question of slavery and secession, and. his loyally, to the United States The steamer Majestic, from Shrevcport, with 650 bales of cotton, was burned yesterday, at Point Coupee. The fire commenced in the hold. Noth ing was saved, though no lives were lo.-t. Arrived, the steamships Evening Star, and K. R. Cuylcr, from New York. .THE FENIAN CONCiRESS. Final Adjournment and Departure of Delegates .Ieinbcrs of the Senate Pro ceed taNcw York to Hold a Meeting The Officers to he Selected The Bonds, etc., etc. .. - . - PUILAUKU'IIIA, Oct. 2-1, lft. The Fenian Congress met at $ -.o'clock this niorniiig, and proceeded to finish up the busiuess of the session. , They adjourned at 11 o'clock, and the various delegations took their .departure for their homes. The members of the Senate pro ceeded to New York, where a meeting of that body will be held to-morrow. Secretaries of the treasury and of the military department are to be jelceted. ' In about a Week it is expected all the ollicers will be at'their posts, and the- operations on the bond loan will commence in earnest. Specimens of the bonds were exhibited to del egates Kfore adjournment. It is 'supposed tliat they will not be ready for general issue before"! the beginning of November. They are issued in five denominations 10's, 20's, 50's, 100's and 500's. The devices, vignettes, etc., are tasteful and original. Arrival of the Passengers of the Steam ship Circassian at Halifax. Halifax, Oct. 124, PCo. The steamer Delta, with A' portion of the .Cir cassian's passengers, arrived to-day. - The passen gers were furnished with comfortable quarters at the dock yard. .The Royalist, with the.balance, is expected to-night. The Steamship New York Puts Into Nor folk. Norfolk, Va., October '24, lSOo. The steamship New York, with four hundred and fifty passengers from Aspin wall for New York has put into this itort short of coal. She. reports haviug encountered very heavy wenther. Mississippi Legislature. Tlie Mohilc Times has a dispaN-Ti" dated Jackson, Oct.'17, which stated that tin? Leg islatnrc'met yesterdny, and Gov. Huniphroys was inagiiratcHl. Jas. Ml Sinionton wasrcv titl. lrcsidcut of the Senate, and 1. Fortcr, Secretary; S.J. Gholson,. SK?aker of the House; 11. C. Miller, Clerk. tJov. Jliunplirey's, iiuuuraJ- :wldress was in suhstancc as lollows:' NoState has a right to" secede, 'and it is" to lc regretted" that tlie ty-hool iof Slate Rights jKIiticians could not iind some other moxle of solving the question than through the arbitrament of war. Ho favors the nlxdition of slavery, but ab solutely opiHJscs equality of race, cither po litically or socially, using words in effect that this is a white man's government, arid 'White men must carry if on. , . General Episcopal Convention Final Adjournment. rmLADKLi'iiiA, Oct. 24. In the Episcopal Convention to-day, a Committee of Confer ence was appointed upou the standard prayer book, to sit during the recess.. n;,imn! in4i in tlihmrndmpnt fothe Constitution of the? Theological Seminary, . Roth Houses met aifin this cvenimr. and when (lie sessions' of tli Convent ion were i closed hvitb'relitjtous- services, -after which the Ikxjv' adjounieu stne die. I'rior to the adjournment of the Conven tion, Hon. JG. R. Haggles oTercdaresolntion, whif-lr w.vsjnioited hy the laj memliers, de-j c-iarin" tii:tt in view oi tue lncreasexi cosi oi living', the salaries of the cjerjry ougut to be increased -it let ouohiill ; the amount here tofore paid in coin, i t A Sjierch by Frank Blair. K r. I a if t s; OctoWr 2 1 f Frank Blai r made a characteristic set h at Holla, in this State. n:glit lKt.r- last, lie stated -that.-around tin: r,-rk.-tof Yick5;l:irjr, fverc captiux-d ly Gciicraf ifraht over one h'undreit thousand hales of c otton,, and turned over to the go v- enniH iit, and not a thousand hales of it ever j accounted ftr. He said. the Provost Mar shals of the'Wit were a set of thievinfr plunderers generally-, and rohljed the people and swindled the government. He made hitter war upon Stanton; accused him of hcin.iiti original traitor, and said that Alex- uiU r 11. Sti-phcne,lhe Vice President of the Southern Conicacracy, was a loyal man a nunc loyal man than Stanton. Drake, Fletch er, or any other radical; anil that when Stan ton had Stephens' locked-up, the good, loyal aud tiU': .man vva- divide, and the radical and traitor upon the outside. lie came '"down noon thc'oinVers of the Western am rv with one fell swoon. He "charged them with all sorts of corruption. 7 I , Dr.ATn or a Fokmkii Offict'ii of thk U. Nay v. Luut. William F. Lynich, fonnerly a lieutenant in tho United States navy, died at his residence, on East Baltimore street, last eyenimr. in the (Hh year of his age. The Ioceu'd was well known In this city, where lie had mans ixTsixiial friends, lie entered tin- naval s'Vvice ahout the year 1820, and soi ne 'eighteen veal's ago he coniniahded the fa i nous Dead Sea exploring exiH?dition.- He was a popular oJlicer, nnd for. many- years was in active s'-rvice. At the outbreak of the iel"iiiou he resigned his 'commission, fre moved to the South, aii'.J was made a; Com modore in the Confederate navy. He was a native of Norfolk. Va.- Hull I more Hun. ;?"'I'Vis pv- stopping the water pipes in .Yew I fa veil, -and .!-! 'iit ing water wheels in Merith-n. 4)n the l-".ii. t he works of the Mc- riden ('uilerv Coiin:Mi at Hanover, were stopcl ly eels get! in- into t he water wheel. Seventy pounds .were taken out. Two of them weighed resp. ciiw'v :;evcn and live pounds each. Our Fa jet lev i He i u'i-oiidenee., Tin' thf IxHilih(j ( !un ". . Hhniy National iUliik Nvhd Tin: '(,' ;.- " ..-: -- TItt ('jallt(l Iron II'7.n '' t 'iofi4itjt A: : -' S'i uu r.t, tic. . .Favkttkvjl? ic, -ct.', IS05.' Mkssus, Kiutoks Ve haw at last hau copious ihow-erj;, and' the river is again in boating order. 7 " ' -O ..... Several boats haw ai rivcH from ' below, stores are being rapidly- filkrd. w ii b -goods. The Buy- (is Ironi the country are coming in ;uiu our streets have assumed an active, busjucs like ap peal auce. " TJie utward cll'ccis of the War are last being oblik rated, and Fay el t eville i al.ioui o take her position again as one 'of I fie lirst of the commer cial towns of. the State. We mu !i peed a National P.a'n.U h ie, and it is lo be hoped that inch of capital will in4 neglgeP the opportunity offered them for in-fitting themselves as well as the commuuii- Indeed, it- 13 m- opi ning is here presented lo capit.d, industry and energy. 'The cotton laelories are to be nl.nil'1, and all our iiKinurael tiring facilities develoied. The cs taMisiimeut ol Calico Print Works on -the site of one or more ol the destroyed factories at this place, would yie ld an immense fortune to ils proprietors. It is a matter of wonder that this had not been done years ago. Now7 that Northern and Foreign capital is seeking investment, no better; oppor tunity is offered to enterprising capitalists. Arrangements are in progress for' commencing work again at the Coal and Iron iw oiks in Chat ham county. , , . At present, only Naval Stores,1 Lumber and count ry produce is brought down our . railroad, but with .this 'alone it appears to !. in a. flourish ing condition. , ' ' " Mr. new steamer is1 -completed, and will make her first "trip in a few days. This, with the addition of several others ordered .from Wil mington, Del., will give us juit e a luniiber of line steamers ontthe river, and tin ompctition will necessarily produce 'cheap lates of freight and passage, and ijuick trips. It has been feared by the more cautious of our business men that more good.- were being brought to this place thanf ould lind a re:-dy market. Ac cording to all theory Ihis would d ice appeared to lie true, but practically, ii .- bee'u otherwise. Scvcrakof our merchants !i..v4 acted upon this idea and bought cautiously, l a! bey have found such ready t ales that " it. ha i been necessary for them to replenish their stocks,, in some cases two or three times. And stilt i her.-are buyers; still the country, which 'supported t wo armies m their progress through it, sends produce to market, aud there is no appearance of depletion Vet. It-! is a hard matter to utterly impoverish such a country as this. Articles w hich had long been dispensed with have again become 'of prime ne cessity, and something will be found to exchange for them. Iu a very few years' we will have re gained our lost prosperity; and with a proper sys tem for the control and direction of labor, we will become at least a richer, peopk' fjum before. - s Yours, tc., M. , cpMMUicATEP.J ' j Willmingtun, Oetobir 2tJ, 1SG5. Dei;k Ci'SEN Wiij-iam : I aint got a lethur from yue in a long thyme so as how I t hough t-e I woud w rit you thcasc fue vyhieh as how I hoapwill tine yoit wel. T' have heme dat you fuled olde Amce and that as how He maul you Gtivuar. for ef he Irrvr berne howc you writ in the Stitiofr'n? and withe 'yor.e speeches sicked on the btiys lie wood not hay- maid you" Guvirar. I here thateyoue aire go.eng to run befoar the jcple. Doanl yue due il eusiu WiLLi AM. for ay ho we they wil beet you ami oure famaly pryde be goune. That air spet che y ou tuk & maide bout the last 'man and doller will as how it Will injer yu. Dont yerrun cusin. Cant yer take back that air speach an J them thingsasthat airyu had in the Stamlfrd. S&V myne cusin William donlc yer run youl be beet for ail de peple say e yu air a rasehal and that y n dun moar to'bringe u the War than euy .laan in the Staytc: I heme that Unkle Jchn T'ENNEii roN he did run for fWcc eonvenshuu aud gote Kullay lH-etc'that lice oiiley got a fewc votes ui Rawly whar hee maid the most fuss. Nowc cusin Bill dont yer run. ' -? ' Yore feet ionate eusin, JIM CROW. P. S. Please ask VJnkle John 16 senile down a pitchur of lembnnaid like that hec soald In the k:irkis sevcrel years ago for it is mity siklcy hear, hec had better go at his olde businiss as the peple have losle all kontideiice'm' liim and think he has dun muchc' to injur the Stait Tell hymn to send roc for myc babey to play wit h one of theme brass buttuns cum of his kole When he was in Unklc "Jeffs armee at Newbrunc also wun of his papers whare he urgede on this ruanous war. - -To Gnvnur IIolhiso, Rawly, n. c. ' LOCAL! DEPARTMENT MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER SO, .1863. OUR ADVERTISING COrAJMNS. The attention, of the public is iartieularly i "aiwwiisoi tw ativeriiscuieDis, to be found in this issue : ! FOR THE LEGISLATURE. Edward D. Hall is announced as a candidate for iuc oenaie, ana j Messrs. liobcrt IL Cowaiwand John R. Hawes,ifor the House of iCommonsfrom ew Hanover County. 1 . 1 FOK THE HOC8E OF COMMONS. Tlie friends of Dr. Joshua C. Walker announce him as a candidate for the House of. Cdmmons, irom .New Hanover Countv. ,r CLOTHING, GEJfTS FL'KN'ISniSO GOODS, ETC 8. M. Simpson, S3 and 35 Market Street, has a complete stock of clothing, gents furnishing gPOdS, tC J ;.; ..; . LIFE IlfSURASCE. Atkinson & Shepjtcrson, Princess street, next door to Water, are agents for the Maryland Life Insurance Company. IS?" We met yesterday our old friend, A. Mr. Weill is " Weill, who we welcome back. well known toi the community nis name is u synonym of fair dealing. - He Is tack. among us and we bespeak! for him that liatronage which his real worth commands. He lias aj splendid stock of goods, and wc recommend ouij1 friends to call upon him at No. 13 Market street. , The military commission which adjourned on Wednesday last to meet on -Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, was postponed on that day until Monday morning, on account of the absence of the President, Capt. J. C. Mann. Jjff" We learn that the store entered on Friday night by the party of negroes, belonged to Mr. Blossom, and that they stole ten dollars in cur rency and several bags of flour. We retuijj our thanks to the Express Com pany for repeated favors. In the present deranged- condition of the mails, the Express is an institu tion that editors' know how to appreciate. Mr. J. CJ Mokkiss will accept our thanks for late liles of N"w York papers. IIOTE L'iTr IY A IiS. 1 . - r -t I '. '. ' - Bailey's Hotel, October'28, 1865. CJ. W. Dickinson, Fayetteville E. T. dilbert. New York; W. B. Cutter, New York; A. W. Alex ander, Goldsboro; H. B. Touscy New York;. J. Foster, JNew Xork; J. 11. Wheeler, :v.)tli.U. 8. colored Irooips; j C. II. De.chc.te, 38th Michigan In fantry; -Peter LfeClair, Burlingeoh. VL; Geo. H. Twitmar, Theo. Sehunde, New YOik. City Hotel, October 28, 1805. Mrs. E. Parker, Luiuberton; Jas. Wilson, fleo. Redmoud, Wilmington; D. W. Mellae, Shoeheel ; J Major tl. It. McDonald, Uaycttcville ; C. r . Dewey, . Goldsboro1 ; A.IA. Lane and ladyl JNew York ; C. W. Poulsou, Baltimore; Capt. AJ H. Cults, W. Y W. R. R. ; C. Lipscomb, V. S. Mail Agent; II. E. CaiT and daughter, Rocky Point ; W. H. Nutt, W. A; v. K. 1C; . B. 'Jennings, Jfeacock s; r. JBass, Columbus county ; C. C. -Morse, 1 Julius Dsher, Smithville; W. F.' Pearsa'll, Duplin ; W. .D.'.'Mcf- Adoo, Greensboro; : W. II. KellyJ Wilmington. Oct. ITJth. Wi C. Jessup,.wite and servant. Miss Carfield, Jona. Kerr, Georgia; R. W. Ker nodle, (ireensboro'; Col. J. A. Peck, Philadel phia; 11. B. Short, Rocky Mpimt ;.E. N. Belt, Baltimore ;Thos. Dick, J. JVi: poole, Wilniiug- ton; Jno. J. Ivey, Weldon ; II. V. Moore, Chi cago;-!. W. foster, H. r. ;iieevei', v. w.fttnKer, Jr., New York ; C. M. Parsons, -r ; E. MeNair, Laurinburg. ; i How the Western Indians Fight. A correspondent of a Cincinnati paper, de scribing a recent attack ton ii Government train on tne wcsiem plains, iras rue iojjow- mg as tQ the Indian method ol hghting: Tliey rarely, if ever attack except on horse back ; and each man keeps his horse on the run riding generally in a circljj, so as lo avoid shots, discharging in the meantime ' showers of bullets and arrows, and shouting to stam pede the animals. When a weapon' is point cd at one of them Irc shelters himself almost entirely by hanging over one side of his horse, and from this position continues firing. Dashing suddenly upon a train in this man ner, they can often discharge a great number ot shots before the teamsters, taken by sur prise, and encumbered by tliti care of their teams, can make any organized or enecuvc resistance, and it unsuccesslub in their at tempts to shoot the drivers or stampede the animals, they are often ulMe; to make good their retreat without serious loss. The prin cipal defence against an attack of a lormid, able nature is to form a corral, ' .which fur- T 11. A . J ? . -1 nisiies a consiaeraDie protection, anu cases have occurred where corrals have been be sieged for several days, by -large bodies of Indians too numerous lo be encountered, on the open plain. " Although arrow s are still ninch used, many of the Indians are well armed with rifles and revolvers, though some of them at least do not understand the use, of the breech-loading guns, and 'they have I wen kiunvit to have captured west pejus of that descrij)tion, after breaking so as to render them useless. ErisriiKNCK j in a PoliCk Court. A humorous writer of the Chicago Post de scrilies how he got out of a liad scrape in the Police Court, in the following manner : The next morning the Judge of the Court sent for me. I went down and he received me cordially, j Said he had,' heard., of the wonderful things I had accomplished tit Brvan Hall, and was proud oi me, - A w'as a romising young man, and all. that. Then he offered a toast : " Guiltyr or not guilty ?" I respdnded in a brief but eloquent speech, setting forth the importance of the occasion that brought its together. After tlie usual ceremonies I loaned the city ten. dollars. Maximilian! Showing His Tketh, Maximilian, under the impression that Juarez is no longer on tlie soil of Jlexico, has issued a manifesto of .extermination against the armed adherents of the .republic. This may, however, prove a dangerous ex eriment; for,! if vc are not mistaken, the republic of Mexico is still recognized at Washington. JV. Y. llerahl. V MARRIED At Smithville, on the 2Gth inst.T by Rev. G. W. Pcugh, Mr. GEO. PRICE to Miss ANNIE S. DREW, both of Smithville: ' ' At Smithville, on the 2lh inst., by Rev. W. M." D. Moorr, Mr. tiEO. M. CRATON to Miss MARY E. PINNER both of Smithville, f Spirit Barrel. 1AA SELECTED SECOND JIAND SPIRIT A vv ' barrels, j , T For sale bv 1 ' MURRAY & MURC1HSON. oct 27 -'- -1 . i ' 17-3t , , IIoop Iron and Glue. fA TONS HOOP" IRON AND 10 BARRELS 1U:JGLUE, ;ff . - "ff ;--? j ' ' For sah? by h? by T MURRAY & MURCHI8ION. . . . :J : 17-31 ,1 - i oct 27 9QQ BARRELS PRIME UPLAND CORN, For sale rv ; ' "" " MtJRRAY fe MURCHISON. oct 27 . . I 17-3t COllMERClAL. WILJUNGTOIf' MARItET, 5 5 ' 8ATCRDAT October 28, 1SC5. , Although there has been considerable shipping business done to-day. bnt ' little - pnduce has changed hands. We note the ales of ROSIN. 50 bbK common at 1325. TIMBER. One rait, good, at 16 per 1,000. There was no. transactions in crude turpentine. spirits, tar or cotton.) MARINE INTELLIGENCE. . , Tide Table. CORRECTED BT G. W. WILLIAMS, HARBOR MASTER. Full Moon. 3d..... 3:9 Morning. 0-.19 Morning. Last quarter,TOth..., New Moon, 18th.... , First quarter, 35th ......5:39 Morning. ...... 9:JtJ Evening. o H H i -1 . , SC3f SUN sioox . Hion ' rises, sets; sets, wat'r ...I &17 5:9 1:55 "3:26 .... &13 5:8 3:3 4:32 . . . 6:19 5:8 4:9 1 5:33 ... 6:20 5:7 5:17 6:28 ... 6:21 5:6 rises. 7:20 ... 6:22 5:5 6:41 8:11 ... 6:23 1 5:4 7:36 8:59 DATS. SO Monday... 31Tucsday... lj Wednesday 2, Thursday. -S Friday v.. . 4 Saturday.. 5 Sunday i... Hhrh water at Wilmington 2 hours 50 " minutes later than at the bar. Port of Wilmington, North Carolina. - ARRIVED. 4 , Oct. 2S. Steamer A P. Hckt. Skinner, mas ter, from Fayetteville, to Worth & Daniel. Oct. 29. Steamer Cowm avdkr. Terry, master. from New York, to II. M. Barry. - -"-.'r1 ; -v.'" cleared. Oct, 2S. Steamer A. P. Hltkt, Skiuner, mas ter, for Fayetteville, with two flats, by Worth A Daniel. ' DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. BY RAILROAD. . B' AVlLMINOTDN AJSD WELDON RAILROAD. 13 bales cotton, 13 bags peas, Andrews & Bardin ; L3 bushels iotatoes, Jos. uilsou;, 17 bbls. black cad, 15 do. saltpetre, 1 lot blocks. 1 box ordi nance, Capt. II. B. Blackman. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR THE HOUSE OF COMxHONS. T HE FRIENDS OF DR. JOSHUA C. WALKER respectfully announce him as. a candidate for i scat in the next House of Commons from this Comity. ' MANY VOTERS. oct30 . lu-te THE NEXT LEGISLATURE. rpilE NAMES OF THE FOLLOWING iEN- M tlcmcn arc presentea to tne voters oi isew lanover County as candidates to represent I hem in the next Legislature of North Carolina. They arc well known citizens, and wilt make faithful and efficient representatives,'' and it is believed will consent to serve at whatever pcrsoual sacrifice : For the Senate, r E D. II ALL. For the House of Commons, R. H. COWAN. JOHN f r : H A W E S, MANY VOTERS. 10-te oct 30' THE MARYLAND Life Insurance Company. L 1FE ASSURANCE PRESENTS THE Op portunity by which every man can provide a home, - support and education for Jus lamily, iu the-event ol ins death, it is, tnereiyre, every man's moral duty who has: a family to i.nsnre his life. ATKJNoON iVr Sllfcl'l'EKSOJN, Agents, Princess street, next to Water. ' ' T9-lw oct o0 in CUtS ATurnislUn Goods. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, - .V '. :;..'-''.-'..' " ' - :' ": OVERCOATS, ALL STYLES, And a comnlcte stock of CLOTHING of all descriptions and styles, at - - -. . . . ' . Nos. 33 & 35 Market street, N. E corner of Front. 19-tf oet30 MISCELLANEOUS. r NOTICE.' v ' A LL persons are hereby cautioned against en- x tering into any bargain, contract or agree- mem wiui m.. iojeiIuaji, i. lorj.nAii or it. mjlsii ARDS, ot Marion, S. C, for the purchase or sale of their several lots of Cottpn, amounting in all to two huudred aud sixteen bales,, tue said, cotton having been sold by them the vth day ol October, 18i5, to Iloraei? M. Barry, of Wilmington, N. C, and a contract, of the safe having bear. regularly executed and signed by each of the above lmrt-tes. HORACE M. BARRY. IK t 20 , ' ' ; . 10-lW NOTICE. A LL PERSONS ARE WARNED NOT TO :2x. .cut wood or otherwise tresjmss on the lauds known as '"Hilton," situated on the Northeast river, north' of the town. ' : '. t H JAS. F. McREE, Jr. oct 2:i , Vi-tf Choice Table BuUcr, ' '.- ,...'.,;", , ' v '-; t. - " -' "' SUPERIOR GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, CUT LOAF, CliUSlIED, POWDERED, AND '. . ' - r.t ' , , - - BROWN SUGARS. .-"''.-.: .- . JAVA, LAGUYRA, RIO COFFEE. SPICES OF ALL KINDS. .. . - . - t i NO. 1 MACKEREL IN KITS. PICK LES, PRESERV ES AN D S A UCES At Nos. 11 and 13 Front street. '- ' CIIAS. D. MYERS, Ae't. : 14-tf octl Imported Wines Genaine ! t HAM PAGNE, SHERRY, ! . : - IORT AND MADEIRA. At Geo. Mvirt Nos. 11 and 13 Front street. CUAS. D. MYERS, Ag'L oct 24 14-tf r - . , '. i .. i a .', i i . i JAVA COFFEE, . - - - IN MATS OF FORTY POUNDS. VERY SUPERIOR. '". CIIAS. D. MYERS, Ag'L Nos. 11 and 13 Front street - 14-tf oct 24 BEST GREEN ; INDIGO, HOOP IRON. . For sale by 'L'5 " ' ' ' :' : ATKINSON & SHEPPERSON. ' ; ' - v. - - Princess street, next to Water, oct 25 - 15-lw WANTS. . Information Wan led. OFmyon WESLEY. 13 years of age, light complexion, mlscd; In Richmond count y, N. C, by Mrs. ElTy (JilehriM, left there about-let March with thr Federal troops, Itiwrd of pn ning through Wilmington aUut the lot Jane 1V. His Father and Mother can be found at! Mr. IV den houe, Wilmington. Any in-r&on that knows of his wbenabouts will please let tne know JAMES ILVLL. Coloured. oct 25 1 15-1 w "EDUCATIONAL. MISS M. RANKIN, 18 prepared to cive Ictmon In FRENCH, PAINTING AND MUSIC. For. terra. Ac.r PP'J l hc residence of Jas. D. Cumming Orange street, between Fourth and Fifth, oct 25 15-2w French and .TIiinIc.' MRS. COl fl ASTON MEARES ofTeM herself a an tnstractrc in SINUINO, MTSIC ON THE PIANO, AND, F REN CI I, at the residence of Dr. DeRosset, corutr of Second and Dockatm-t. oct: 15-M WIL3ILXCT0N Male and Fcinalo Seminary, Corner of -SECOND AND CHESTNUT STUEETS. oct l-t , ;i . v- ' o tr IIILLSI10RO NORTH t'AHOLiN A , MILITARY ACADEMYJ aIIE EK11ITH ACADEMIC YEAR OF' Til IS . Institution will begin on Monday; the 2d day of October, V&. ' Excepting the Mililarv.feature, theccnend plan of the Acaitcmyj discipline, course oft inly, iVc, will be as heretofore. - ' Terms: One hundred und live ( 10V) tor the first three months of the 'term, Payahlu in Ad vance. This charge will cover all cxik nc for board, fuel, lights, 'washing, tuition, urs of text books and medic:d. attendance. Each student must furnish clothing for a single bed. Circulars furnished on application to J. B. WHITE, Sueruitcndcnt II. M. A. Late Sup't of 8. C. Military A-adcmy. . oct 9 l2aw4w . REAL DSTATE. Important to Capitalists. A Rare Chance. TTOR SALE, a tract of laud conlaininc W75 ares. X situated iu Bladen county, on the eiut lde of the Cape Fear river, IS mile In-low FnVcttcvllle. About 325 acres EXCELLENT FARMlSti LAND, about m acres CLEARED : 100 Acres SUPERIOR SWAMP LAND UNCLEARED. .. The whole tract is WELL WOODED hnd TIM BERED will yield hutito 1.000,000 CV PRESS SHINGLES, 'several hundred hum-Is Lf TAR, ahout three raits of TON TIMBER. Ankple ui- ly of timber for running a Steam Saw Mill nevernl . mouths. 1 Ins land win he sold lor lea value before the war. For further imrtieulars cnuulrc ut the office. oct 25 I;ff a bl e it vat Miniate ran ale. ' riMIAT DESIRABLE AND BEAUTIFULLY X situated ' FAMILY RESIDENCE; ' In the village of Lillington, and tweijily inib-s from Wihnimrtoiv recently occupied hV the sub scriber. ... ' T The dwclliner house contains SEVEN ROOMS. with pantry and all the, usual conveniences of a comfortable dwelling, and is surrounded hy a HEAUTIEUL 'GROVE OF TREES. Attached to the premises, and immediately on the street, is a neat and convenient PHYSI CIAN'S OFFICE, and is. an cxcellan't stand for a young man desiring coiuft ry practice. i The lot contains TWO ACRES, and i-mbraccM a good BARN, STABLE, 'GARDEN, unit other valuable improvements; and the place Is gene rally regarded as the most desirable residence iu the village. ' .1 I . , The above described valuable proinrly, Iu con nection with a "j THIRTY ACRE FIELD OF GOOD LAND, adjoining, will be dld on reasonable, terms. Apply to , A. O. BRADLllY. oet 17 Klf ' FCirin3NT. - rpHE BUILDING AND PART OK LOT ON JL Third street adjoining Grant Apply to DR. J. F. 'McREE. oct LUf MISCELLANEOUS. V .VO TJES MjO S T. qHE FOLLOWING NOTES WERE TAKEN JL from me by tonic of General Sherman's army, on Jheir late Invasion of Fayetteville. Note on Miles N: Mitclull, for dated Jan uary 1, 1801. , I Note on Duncan McNeciu, for !, d.itcl Janu arv 1, 1861. I Note on James Gadnhy, for (k, dated Janu ary 1, 1801. ' i Note on R. J. Troy, forflG. Iti, dated January 1, 1801. . ' . . riote on A. I.. .vicair,,ior fl'Xt UZ, dated .Janu ary 1, 1S0L . Note on Miles W. Mitchell, for fil .so, dated January 1, 1801. ' The 'above note were all payable on demand, to V ilson, and endorsed over to me by Wilson. TW All persom arc hereby cautioned auint trading for any of the alKvc notes. i JOHN II. FKEKMAN, ' Fayetteville' N. C. oct Zi 17-lt' ANDE'R.SON, T h e am mm mw m. .11 a n a H ry H , -T" 41 j ' RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE CITIZENS of "Wilinlnirton and c-ouutry tr n-rally, tlmt he bu returned to Wilmington, for the purpose of TRANSPORTING THEIR ILiOA(JE . . - I i toand from the Railroads and Steam boaU, to any part of the town. . . ' I i . Ou your arrival at tue ui-pot, please can lor una ?-;ive your Checks to AnderKn,I Who will dispatch your baggage with promptness, oet 27 , I lT-lm Wil., Char, and Rutherford It. tt." , OrriCE Wil., Char. fc Rctii. IL R. Co., I Laukiwbcko, N. C.,X t. 1, 1VVJ . .. AN adjourned meeting of the Stockholder of the Wilmington, Charlotte Jc Rutherford Railroad Company will be held at Llncolnton. N. C-, on Thurbday, Januarr 18th, lNW. WM. II. ALLEN, Secretary oct 26 10 td Ski'ketaui's OrricK, ) -Wilmington and SIanciiesteu R. It. Co., t Wilmingtos, N. C, OcL 20, lVi. J The eighteenth annual luei ting of the tH k olders of the Wilmington and Manchester llail road Comiany will te held In Wilmiiiirtm. N. C, on Wednesday, the 2Vth proximo. I , . WM. A. WALKER, Secretary Wil. and Man. R1L Co. oct 21 ' " ' 12-td ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE WIL MINGTON UAH COMPANY, sro re quested to call at nnr office, at the COurtliousc, and fay the same before the let of November. AH trills unpaid at the expiration of that time will be tut iu suit. " ' ' 1 '. ' . JOHN J. CONOLEY, . " ' '' ' Secretary and Treasurvr. oct 20 ; I n-iot ' ' : IV. C. Family Floor. BARRELS, j-.l'l Oct 27 For sale by . A MURRAY A MURXJHISON. 17-St. than Its 15-1

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