ft C1 6.H 1 CJT 3 a r fie; 1 a 4 ft. 4- it: Ti. CAXDIjmES CARDS." ELECTIONS. The f lection for GoTernor, Representatives to ConrreM . and Members of AnsemblT. Sheriffs scd Clerk, will take plate vo Thursday, Jth day ci November, ix . , . I l i-ri retnrnln my sincere thanks to my tl frtend. I bes that thev will no kmirer con sider me a candidate for Sheriff of New Hanover County, as my business engagement are quite pressing;. I can be found at mr old stand, where I will be pleaded to ace them. HARRY WEBB, No. 'JO Market treeL act 23 l-3t "We are requested to announce that the friend of Mr. J.oxathax Worth, of Randolph county, present hi name a a candidate for the office of Governor of the State, at- the approach ing election. . , . oct 19 10-tc XSJT We are requested to announce tlJht W. W. HoLD, of Wake county, will be voted foras the National Union, Andrew Johnson candidate for Governor of the State, at the approaching election. oct 19 10-te For Clerk of County Court. ROBERT B. WOOD. Jr., announce him.elf as a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Countj Court, for the. County of New Hanover, at the J eiction to oe held on rhur)dar, November 9. wt -4 ; 14-te We are authorized and requested to announce the name of If. A. BAGG at a candidate for the race of Superior Court Clerk for the County of New Hanover, at the election to be held on the 'Id Thurvdav C.nhj November next. rt34 14-te To the Voter of. New Hanover Count v I hereby announce my self a a candidate for the office of Sheriff at the election to be held on THURSDAY, tnh NOVEMBER, pledging mvself if elected to dischar- the duties of the office to the bet of myabititv. "WILLIAM M. HARRIES. octjLv . lite . FOR SHERIFF. We arc authorized to announce V. V. KICH- ARDi?ON as a Candidate for the office of Sheriff -f Columbus Count v. ocSrt . ' 13 te NEW; YORK CARDS. ;?iEW YORK CARDS I, GROCERIES, &c. Copartnership Xotice -Hi i HORACE H. BARRV, i S. Jtt. PETTENGILL CO., J CITT AST) COCXTRT ' ' nMirP rvnppr.vpn ti vr n-r. r v N X cl ArLK AU V JlAS I 1LN i AliilNC 1 . i formed a copartnership under the name and 37 Park Row, corses or Beekmax street, fPnririlvvinri ril-KlHArjT style of Ja. L. Hathaway A Utlev (formerlv YEW YORK 1 I ! UUIil III 1001 Ul IiJ CnUrlMlf I , liataaway & Co., Wilmington. N. C), for the, transaction of a Shipping and General Commis sion Buainess, in the citv of New York, at 171 Pearl street. J AS. L. HATHAWAY, men, who have extensively uaed bur Apencyt WM. K. LTLEY. New York, Oct. 4J, 1C5. SE W YORK. . j J No. 10 State street, Boston. '! 4 We confidently refer to the following gentle-1 T J " ' i I X I AMES L. UATHAWAT. WM. K. UTLEV. Jas; L; flaihairay & Utley, (Fonncrly Hathaway A Co., Wilmington, N. C.) SHIPPING AND COMMISSION JtElTCUATS, 171 Pearl street. New York. ( i Messrs. Jeremiah Curtis fc Son.1 ; , ; Meters. John Duncan fc Sons. Orange Judd, Eq., Proprietor of American Ajrriculturist. " j Chaa. A. Batchelor, Eq. v Messrs. Morgan fc Allen. I Messrs. S. R. Van Duzer & Co. ' i 3Iessrs. Fisk A Hatch. ' . M. PETTEXQILL. W. H. BATES. oct 9 : l -2m TrE SOLICIT CONSIGNMENTS OF COT- J WYLIE & KNEVALS, T T ton. Naval Stores. Sheetincs. Yn rn Tn. t ii'Tfi ivi t r -n nn.rnn a -vm rr- r- , t . bccond other Sonthf n)nV.."V Ji,..'.. " " lwr.Mxx, uhialib mu wjuii J: men. our promnt OeronaJ attention will Vu given. We will make liberal advances upon receipt of invoice and bill of lading. All merchandise and produce shipped to us is insured from tne1 point of shipment, with or with out advice. Invoices should always accompany each shipment Both of u having had over twenty ' vears ex perience in the South, and our J. L. Hathaway wiivc imiB in .u'w iorK, we reel confident we ; can secure full prices for our friends who will favor us with their consignments. ' octSl ' - : l2-3m f . WHOLESALE DEALER IN i : ' ' " " " . " -. - - . GROCERIES, PEoViSIOKS, ' A S 1 ' s Geiiemli Mercliandise. RY' GOODS, CLOTDDJG, &c. ' A. DATID & CO jTo 53 Market street, MAS UFA CTUlt KRS OK AKD , Wholesale and Retail Dealers in READY 3IADE CLOTHING ASD ' ' Gents' Furnishing Goods. , oct24 ' U-l ENTLEMEN WILL FIND A VERY ELE- I ITT ' i iT v"n oTnft' iv 4 f f f IIP WW STVI P9 SIOX .MERCHANTS, DRYi GOODS, fCLOTHINC;, JmporieW and Jobber. ';. v FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC; ! n r itLjg o o n i;OLD3TAND EXCHANGE, COKnm NOS. 2 2V W -MARKET s AND N0& 2 AND 4 FROM . y . -, STREET. ' SOFT FELT HATS At Nos. 11 and 13 Front street. AND CAPS. O FFER FOR SALE THE LAKGL I AN l, 84 Front & 83 Water streets, Xew York, j L1BEKAL CASH i ADVANCES MADE ON CON GEORGE W. WTLIE, CAXZB B. EfEVAI-S. OCt 9 JAMES M". DIGGED. GEORGE A. FBIK. l-3m SIGNMENTS TO ARTHUR LEAR Y, XE W YORK. I MILLAR, PLUMPER & CO., WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL DEALERS IX ALL KlXDtj OF PRINTING PA PE R, 167 TTilliam street, New York. oct 9 . 4-3ui CHAS. D. MYERS, oct 24 W ECAN FURNISH AGENT FOR THE STEAMSHIPS Starlight and Commander. HENRY 31. MORRIS, c; ENERAL .COMMISSION MERCHANT, No; 00 Pearl Street, New York. I vM. U HILL, formerly of Hill fc Nor- I. KlCiimOUd. a.. and fllARTFS TI HILL, of North Carolina, are associated w ith mi -1 1 1 l 1 l ,-. ' ' l,u " w gau io serve our aouthern friends All consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, Manu factured and Leaf Tobacco, and other Southern Produce, shall receive our prompt personal atten tion. We purchase all articles of Merchandise, c, for Merchants and Planters. Liberal advances made on Consignments ... , HENRY M. MORRIS. W m. L. Hill, formerly of Hill & Norfleet, Rich mond, Va. Charles D. Hill, formerly of North Carolina. MESSRS. ATKINSON .fe SlfEPPFRsnv i Prineess street, next door to Water, Wilmington' JN. C, will give attention to anv consignments to my house, FREE OF CHARGE, and arc author ized to make advances on merchandise or 'oods delivered for shipment. t ' l-3m FOR SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce R. J. Jone (the Resent Incumbent) as a candidate for re election. Election to be held on the second ('2d i - - . v ' Thursday in November next. oct 'I 12-te To the Voters of New Hanover County. I take this method of announcing mvself as a iandidate for the office of Sheritfof New Hanove County at the election to be held on Thursday November 9, 1G5, pledirinff mvself. if elected, ti disc harge the duties of the office faithfullv and to . the hot of my abilitv.. S. R. BUNTING. New Hanover CorTV, Oct. 21, lMix ct 21 12-te FOR CONCRESS. Mr. toiTOR: The friends of C. C. Clark, rjq., oi craven County, announce him as a can didate to represent the 2nd Congressional Dis trlct. In th next United States Congress. Jt20 lite Third Congressional District, C winded of t4t Count of Uriotxtcick, Columbus, lilalen,. Stit)mHy Harnett, Cumbtrltnt'l, Robtmm, . Kufunomt, .Ij.ttvj, Stanly, MonUhttntni a tut Moore. TnoM.vs C. Fixler, of Cumberland, announces mmseii as eanuiuaie to represent the Tlurd DU trict in the next Congress of the United States. - oct 21 . . 12 tc Third Congressional District. Hon. Tuos. S. Asue, of Ansou count v, will be Aoted for as n-prctentatlve in the next Con -rcs of the United States from the Third District. oct2J . . lo-tc six hundred and the price of ' , MISCELLANEOUS. Great Gift Distribution. 250,000 Watches, Chains, Diamond, Riug Ac, VtOHTII OVKR OXK MILLION IhVlLAKs, All loK'old for One Dollar each, w ithout reiranl to value, NOT TO BE PAID FOR UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TO RECFI VF During the month ending March 31, lx T A: II. Uaughau Jc Co. have had the honor of dis- irirjuiimr aniODir tneir pa ninety Oold and" Silver V Mie Dollar cacli. SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLES. All to'be hl forUne Dollar each: 1 . 250 Solid Silver Diniiur Sets . . .73 to Km , .(X Silver Salver and Unis. .VMo 2-jO ow toiler Oliver lea frets complete.. ; to 150 Rose wood MuMeuI Boxes, :iairs. 75 to 200 Mahbgany Musical Boxes. 21 airs 't0 to 250 Cold Hunting Watches.... "75 to v"iK' Latins enamelled tiold Watches W tients' Huntiug Silver Watches.. MU ien-faee Silver Watches 250 Diamond Rings OUO Photograph Albums, alUizes". .".! 2.000 (iold et and Neek Chains. ::,000 (;o!d Oval Band Bracelets... . Mi00 Chased Gold Bracelets. ......... -nfX) Chatelaine and Guard Chain 7.000 Soltaire and Revolving Brooches 2,000 I-iva and Florentine Brooches... VW t oral. Opal tuid Emerald do MEECU, SAGE A CO., : ' GENERAL PRODUCE ANP COMMIS- ! SION 3IERCHAXTS, ! 331 Greenwich street, New York:. ! ALEX. MEECU, J. H. MEECH, O. C. SAGE, 'O. ' V. SAGE, i REFERENCES. ' . John Maxwell, 41Jay street. . Garbut, Black fc Hendricks, ld c 170 Chain ; bers 6treet. ! Archer & Bros., lf3 We&t street. D. H. Bertholf, at the Irving Bank. 1 Quackenbush fc Hamilton, 180 West street." C'atskill National Bank, Catskill. T. L. Tavlor 6c Reed, Bankers, (5 Wall street. oct U 1-ly MISCELLANEOUS.' THE FOLLOWING GOODS NOW ON ILVND AND FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST MA R K E T K AT E S : Small Dealers 800 bbls. Fine, IN HATS AND CAPS, V WHETHER LOCATED IN TOWN OR COUNTRY, . AT LESS TILN NEW YORK JOBBING PRICES. Super and Family Flour, Our stock wao inauulkctured' TO ORDER, 150 barrels and half barrels Pork, 125 barrels Sugar House Molasses, 30 hogsheads of Sugar House Molasses, and paid lor before the late rise in prices. ' . : - ,1 ; CHA, D. MYERS, Ageut,' W. R. MALLORV, Formerly of a. s. 1KNA.V. Formerly of Petersburg. At .Vo. 12 Market Street. You can iiad X LJ P S 75 bbls. Brown Coffee and White Sugar, 5 tierces superior quality Hams, V oct 24 Nos. 11 and 13 Front street. H-tf 20 barrels Nos. 2 and 3 Mackerel, DILL'S. LORILLARUS FOR-. RAILROAD, Petersburg. MALLORY Jsc DONNAN, GENERAL C03DIISSI0N AND ...wuuiu ju,nwi,VAi&. . SOUTHERN STAR, ,No. 5 Water street. New York City j An? , , f 10NSIGNMENTS OF COTTON, NAVAL I JIK&. M1LLLL J Stores. Grain. Leaf and Man bacco Solicited, also, orders for the purchase of I Merchandise. Promot oereonal attention 1 GOODWIN'fci BEST SCOTCH. ... . . - r " r an ousiness entrusted to us. Forwnrdino- PmHiw,. or Merchandise to Europe or elsewhere rromptlv attended to. - ,' Refer, to W. A. & G. MAXWELL & CILS. M. FRY..Esa.. Leaminnn F, H' I C. R. SOMMERVAIL A Co.. lnd.'.n T?,',.. aim to me EAGLE 3HLLS. t o n .i c c o s. Merchants and Farmers of Virt ahd North Carolina genera 11 v. oct 11 una ALL QUALITIES NORTH CAROLINA. 20 kitts Nos. 2 and 3 Mackerel, 75 boxes State Cheese, 75 barrels .Pinkeye Potatoes, 20 barrels Onions, 10 boxes Green Tea, 75 Adamantine and French Candles. y-im 50 boxes Colgate Soap, K.. M. Mcrchisox, i. .mtrrat. New York. E. MURRAV, D. R. Mi-rchison, 'Wilmington. IO . ito . ."X) to 5 to . 15 to . , 5 to 0 to 5 to ' 5 to 4 to 4 to 4 to J to i to :i to to 3 to ii to 5 to 3 to 4 to 4 to :J to ::to 5 to f to hOto V to to 5 to t; to 10 to JS to 15 to 'JOUr. MX) 250 J00 ffiO '200 100 ,j0 100 50 :w 10 12 20 10 10 10 10 s 20 10 10 5 10 8 10 10 ,1 10 10 12 15 20 o0 10 12 15 10 50 50 MURCHISON Ar MURRAY, C O M MISSION M E R C H A N T S . 188 Front Street, New York. ALL consignments to us are insured from point u. wi oujpmnn, w iieiuer acivicc oi shipment is received or not. Liberal advmiee-s made on consignments when desired. . Murray k Murehison, Wilmington, N. C., will ly Taxes, Railroad freight; e.. on consign ments to us, and fonvard through that place tree of commissions. ,Krt i V 1-tf ROBERT K. COXE A: CO., . GENERAL Co m m ission .71c r c h ft n t ! . No. 40 & 42 Broadway, ! j (Commercial Bl'ildings,) . . : . NEW YORK. WILL GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE NEW YTJRIC C5 boxes Lyman Soap, lOO boxes Windsor Soap, VIRGINIA. '..MARYLAND, A.ND POUNDS AND HALF I'OLNDS. FINE CUT AND SMOKING ; ' . ' ! ! . FRESH FLOUR, FROM THE BEST i 25 boxes Madison Pearl Starch, MILLS IN OHIO. I j. S 57 n W W JR ki : ! 75 b Herring, CROCKERY, RROOMS.. 20 boxes Codfish, BASKETS. SIEVES. BRI'SIIES. j SO boes Soda Biscnit, PICKLES, 20 barrels Soda Bisc lit. PEACHES, SALE IN THE - .,000 Mosaic, Jet and Lava Eanlroj . . 7,500 Coral and Emerald Eardrop. . . . " 5.000 California ITiamond Pins 5,000 California Cluster Diamond Pins. :!,0l0 sets Soltaire'Ruttons and Studs.. ;MWW (Sold Thimbles. Pencils, c. Lockets, double glas..: -WX) Lockets for Miniatures. "1,000 Gold Toothpick. Crxsscs, iVc.. 5,un plain tiold Kings ' . 5,000 Cliaoed Gold Ring . 'HUM) Shield and Shruet King....-.... HAOiiO California Diamond Kings 7.500 sets Ladies'-Jewclry, jet k . . .. 5,(.X.K.)seta Indies Jewelry, coral. 5,0X) sets Ladies' Jewelry, onyx 5,000 sets Ladies Jewelry, lava ... i500 sets Indies Jewelrv, mosaic 10.000 Gold Pens with Silver Holders. .VuUGold Pens with (,'old Holders... 0d0Gold Pens and Holders, superior. 5.000 Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups 3,000 Silver Castors und Wine Holders J.VOO Silver Fruit and Cuke Baskets... Messrs. T. & If. GAUGHAN ct CO., No. 116 - Broadway. .New York, extensive manu&cturtrs and importers of all the leading ami mo4t fash ionable styles of Watches and Jewelry, desiring to increase their business to an unlimited extent hate, resolved upon a Great Gift Distribution' - subject to the regulations folloifing: Certificate uaming each article and its talue arc placed in Scaled EnvelojH's and well mixed. tn i iu-e envelopes win oe sent bv mail to auy address on receipt of twenty-live cents. Alt irrtWr Kul(l it ihi IhjLtr Air,, -itht rryuil . halt. On receipt of tiie certificate you will see 'w hat t ou arc going to have, and then it is at your op tion to send the dollar and take the article or not Purchasers may. thus obtain a Gold Watch, Dia mond Ring, or any set of Jewelrv on our list for Ouc Doljiir, and iu no ease can thev get less .than one dollar's worth, as there are no blanks. The price of Certificates is as follows: One for 25 cents; five for?l; eleven forrJ; tliirtvforlo; six- It-live for 10; one hundred for $15. , .geui w in oc aiiovrcu ten cents ou everv Cer tificate ordered by them,, providing their remit tance amounts to p. Agents will collect 25 cents for every Certificate, and remit 15 cents to us cither In ca.h or postage stamps. , J. t& 1L G AUG HAN Jsr CO., . . ' No. 116 Broadwav, New York ' iK t JS " 18-lm New York and Liverpool Markets, - or C O TTO.Vy TOMS.M C C O Anvnl stores. Goods imported from the Markets of Europe, or purchased to order from Amer ican Manufacturers. ' COXMGXXEXTS AXD 0RI)EIi SOLICITED. Robert E. Coxe, Hexht D. Capeks, Late of Montgomery, Ala. South Carolina. M. J. LOAVE, t MATCHES. . POCKET KNIVES. KNIVES AND FORKS. WRAPPING PAPER, UMBRELLAS. PAILS. CIGARS. fTAt auy Price you tvant to pay.ijj J. Va.nSICKLE. oct 14 Saddlery, 0-3iii A XI) oct U Georgia. l-2m TEUXKS e. coiz.vemiz,se.vs mtliard A Uoiclinz Saloon, j NO. 4x EIGHTH A VFXITF. ; r . ' NEW YOKK. Imiorted Wines and 13-2W La ge r Liquors, oct 'Si Bier and HORATIO NICHOLS. DEALER IN NAVAL STORES, AND MAXIT ACTl'RER Or AND DEALER IN Kerosene, Carbon, Coal, Sperm, Lard and W hale Oils; Lamps. &c. 3y Greenwich street, between Chambers and Y arken Streets, I New York. .1 lly oet I Jaiue S. Tophaiii o., NO. y SOUTH FRONT STREET, MANUFACTURERS . WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN . MW.lIt.YES8, TRUCKS, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC SADDLERV, IkUWWAREi dc, dr., dc. A LARGE assortment of the foilowiu" xootts on hand and comtantlv beiiiL' S. E. HULL, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIEIC No. -J4U GREEStVIt n ST., CORNER RoBINO.N ST., : ! . 1 NewiVork, . . . i DEALER IX OEXTS' ECRxislIXG GOODS Jhiiimlar tittrntw paid to Varment hutdf lovnltr. . octU l-m ..'.. .3LRS. RELD'S : yiViemnatie Ointment. " , 'I SURE cure for RHEUMATISM. . A rwidv JT. relief for NEURALGIA, TOOTIL ACHE, SORE THROAT, and any PAINS arising from COLD. Send for circular containing certificates " of thoe who have used it. Price $2 per box. ; Sold by - D, T. CARRAWA Y, . - ' Raleigh -N. C., and ' W. II. LIPPITT, Drut.-I No. 55 Market etreet, Wilmington, N. C- B. F.GRADY, EXCHANGE BROKER, (Recently of Raleigh, N. C.,) HAS returned to the town 'of Wilmington 4--fnd.rpulncd the CHANGE BROKER- twrr iuMiiw) in an us various branches STOCKS AND BONDS, NORTHERN EX- A?1 BANK yoTE OLD.ndSILR COIN, Ac., bougnt and aold. Collections made Deposit received.-. , - Ofliee in the store of Messrs. W. IL McRarv Sc Co.. at their old stand op Water street " ' :lrL: 15-lw. ' Bills of Exchange andl DraR, Books. A" SUPERlbR article pot up "in th bot stvle "XJl, for sale-at - , . . , Mesr. HACKXLF0RD: HAAS CO S DOUBLE HARNESS. (SINGLE CARTA DRAY do. WAGON do. LADIES' TRUNKS, SOLE LEATHER, Uo. WOOD BOX PACKING VALISES, TRAVELING BAGS, . . . LADIES' SATCHELS, POCKET BOOKS, PORT MONIES, FINE BITS, SIDESADDLES, MEN'S " ' BOY'S ' " ' GIG - ' ' - HORSE COLLARS, --.MULE,-.- . ..", -.CARRIAGE, RIDING, AND CART WHIPS! FEATHER DUSTERS, SWEEPING PAINT, WHITE WASH AND HORSE BRUSHES, COTTON CARDS,. PLANTATION HOES, - A N 1 I 50 boxes .Superior Candy, ; ; V j-.: . : ; . j 50 gross Fine Cut Tobacco, i ' I 30 bales Superior Smoking Tobacco, ! M ' ' 73 dozen Low Grade Smoking Tobacco. .. . i ; . f 800 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 150 barrels Liverpool .Salt, lOO kegs Parker Mill NaiU, I ' 250 coils Rope, t 20 bales Gunny Bagging 10 crates Crockery, 50 cases Lemon .Syrup, ' 25 cases St. Domingo Bitters, 1 i 150 cases Boots jand Shoes, 20 barrels Bourbon Whiskey, ' - f .".:'..''" 220 kegs Dark Brandy, t - . . i . 3 . : . IO kegs American Gin, ! 500 boxes Wines, Liquors, Cider and Ale. 250 boxes Segars, Fall and Winter oodsi W holesale and Retail. s "IT7"E have removed from our old 6tand, and are. TT now opening in the former Commercial bank building, a large atbortmeut of Merchandise, consisting ot BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, POPLINS, SCOTCH PLAIDS, DELAINES, BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS, . FRENCH AND ENGLISH 3IERLNOS, And all the latest styles of DRESS GOODS, . PLAIN, STRIPED AND FIGURED " ; CALICOS, SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, LINEN. LINSEY, r TICKING, DENINS, CANTON FLANNEL, WHITE, BLUE. RED AND YELLOW FLANNEL. All Shades of Sack Flannels, BROAD CLOTH, BEAVER, SATINETS, JEANS, . BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, CAMBRIC EDGINGS. - INSERTING S AND BENDS, COLLARS AND SLEEVES, JACONET, SWISS AND CROSS-BARRED MUSLINS', TOWELINGS, ; CRASH, TABLE CLOTH, HOSIERY, GLOVES AND NOTIONS best selected stock of Goods etcr oCere.l ., .. market, to which they Invite the attentiiu ,.; ! !' chasers. The stock consists in part uf ' 1200 PIECES ENGLISH fe FRENCH prim 8500 PIECES DOMESTIC PRINTS ' 500 PIECES HICKORY 8TRIPES 500 PIECES BLUE DENIMS. 500 PIECES BLEACHED COTTONS 500 PIECES BROWN 8HEETINGS 500 PIECES BROWN DRILLING. 500 PIECES BED TICKING. 50 BALES N. C. SHEETINGS AND Y 100 PIECES BLACK BROADCLOTH 500 PIECES CANTON FLANNEL 500 PIECES ASSORTED COLD FLIN.M 1 s 500 PIECES BLUB AND GREY VI Yv vi 500 PIECES ASSORTED LtNSEYS 500 PIECES BLACK ALPACCAS. 500 PIECES COLORED COBURGS 500 PIECES FRENCH AND ENGLISH Ml ,. . .. RINOS. , .. . ' . 500 PIECES COLORED POPLINS AssoiM Hi 500 PTECES, COLORED DELAiNES. 100 PIECES ASSORTEDCOL'DCASSIMHa , 500 PIECES GEORGIA CA83LMERES 500 PTECES SATTINETTS ASS'D C0L()K 1000 PAIR WHITE BLANKETS. 1000 PAIR COLORED BLANKETS. 1 In addiUon to the above stock they have on !.;.!) a large assortment of fancy Skirtings, Hoop Skin White and. Grey Corsets, Jackomiet, Cheek. ,j Muslins, Towels and-Towelling, Linen and ( ..; ton Sheetings, Liuen and Cotton Diaper. aU dashcry, Statroncry, Boots, Shoes, Hat, L'inl.r.i las, Parasols, Trunks, Valwcs, Readymade CM:, ing and Gcntkuiuir Furnishing Good. oct 18 1 ii rpiIE UNDERSIGNED. OFFER FOR SAI.l": in their Retail Department, the following e,. which have been selected with great cure hv .i of our partners, iu Europe and the Northern it i. . viz : PRINTS, ALPACCAS, COBURGS. FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINoKS LADIES DRESS MATERIALS, i,V:i the latest styles and patterns. i CHENIES, and Plain Colon, in ,.n the new fabrics, ' . PLAIN AND FANCY SILK 1 RICH BLACK 8ILKS, MOIRE ANTIQUE, Plain and Colored' . MANTLES, CLOAKS, BASQUES, SAQI KS AND SHAWLS, In great variety. i . rUKEIGN AND DOMESTIC FURS, 4 GLOVES, HOSIERY AND KNIT'll-iD GOODS, in large supply. FRENCH MILLINERY, Ulisth,,OB.0nnet8' !Hatf4' French. How, Plashes Silk elvets and Silk Bonnets, Silk and RmS Fnb an7Uofthe latest stvk;, Bonne. Ribbous. Dress Caps, Head Dresses, Bonnet On., ' ?n,di a choice Trlety of Fashionable N.m ' S lZ,hC ae&ii?n? WDlcn wf theattentioi, of the citizens of Wilmington and surroundi.r eountrj'. . KAHNWEILER A: BK K oct 18 1 tl SHOES! MIOCS !! NIIOEHI! LADIES. MISSES AND CHILI) ENTS, reus Boots and Shoes." large stok for hI.- ,v u KAHNWEILER & BIUY JAJflES JIcCOIUIICK Boots, Khoc Hats, aps, CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. MILLINERY. SILK AND VELVET BONNETS, HATS, . : . HAIR NETS, WATERFALLS, V ' ROLLS, ' ' ' VELVET AND SILK RIBBONS, FEATHERS, ! FLOWERS, tL CRAPE, ! BAREGE, i TISSUE, LOVE AND CRAPE VEILS. CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. F. L. BAUER. M. M. KATZ, Ageut, . 23 Market t recti ' In COPPERAS, SPADES, SHOVELS, VINEGAR, HOOP IRON, KEROSENE OIL, A CARD. thunkiujr the citizens of Wilnmurt,,,, . . . v b wv,,a vicinity for the kind patronage heretofore receiv ed, I hope they will continue the same In the new stand, former Commercial bank. It is useless to bay e nae tiie handsomest and cheapest stock here ; I only ask, call and price, and you can get suited. -Respectfully, M. M. KATZ. oct iy 10-tf Boot and Shoe. , 150 ES BOOTS AND SHOES, received SLE by da-and ffermg. low at; WH0LE- x. xr ", S- yi SIMPSON, i Market st., N. E. corner of FronL oct 18 - - - . ' i 9-tf W1UTE LEAD, SNUFF, CUTLERY, A geueral assortment of HARDWARE- and trerj anitie in me 5-VUULJiKl BUSINESS.' -.X. K. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR BEESWAX, FURS AND DEER SKINS., ! it INK, SPICES, - , BLACKING, POTASH, f oct 11 H-tC SifcuritjTire &t Marine Insurance vCompany o( New York. Oi Assets,; . . . s i ,C00,000 Dollars. FIR RISKS TAKEN IN TOWN AND COUN try, and on Produce in transitu from point of fife Av-ogint dl1es4Bation. Also, MARINE INfeL RANCE granted, at lowest rates. APP'J to im , ATKINSON A SUEPPEKSOV- i ' Princess street, next to Water. BROOMS, PAILS, CONDENSED MILK, AXES, PICKLES, SIEVES, SARDINES, BRUSHES, PLOWS, CLOTHES PINS, INDIGO, TO THE LOVERSOF THE FINE j i, C M VANORSDELL WOULD MOST RE- spect tally announce ta tii itiAn. r xrST mington and surrounding country that he h-w tttrned fro.m the Kteni c tTea SoromrSir Posted in everv hrurw-h nt Tk , uuijulJ . J . x uuiugrBpUJ, ALBUMS ! ALBUMS !1 iT tiiTM. FRAMES I FRAMES! of alf size and styles. CASES AND TRAYS, OF EVERY STYLE AND QUALITY KNOWN. K Photographs fipm smaU pictures enlarged and colored in ail styles. , CARTE DE VISITES, PLAIN AND COLORED 4 -.iujivy riws, littu 1 1 rjes. MELLA- ' . NEOTYPES, 7. And all other styles of pictures known to! Uie irL TOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM Ills J ' friends here and throughout the South generally, that he is again at work and prepared to do a ' GENERAL MERCHANT TAILOKlNt ' BUSINESS. He thinks that he can give satisfaction to ;dl who may favour him with a call, as he is a i; r, cal Tailor, whose long experience warrant liii.i in saying tliat any work lie may turn ouLwill i , made and cut In the. best and most feshloiiaMe manner. ....... He flatters himself that the people of thi, tion of country need be under no iiccihitv m sending to a distance for their good or of ':( ronizing those Mho neither have or express n.n fidence in their cliaracter or responsibility. auenas to the Catting Departmeut h.n, self personally, and Is therefore sure of the lit ..i each garment. , He can .furnish any goods in his line ju-t a. vjeap as they can be bought in New York. Being constantly In receipt of goods, hr will always keep on hand the latest styles and pattern. The following arc among the good reeeivin daily ; ' BLACK BROADCLOTHS, . BLACK DOESKIN-. FANCY CASSIMERES, A . SILK and SILK MIXED VESTING.. BLACK SILK VESTS, Gents' and Boys' Ready-made Clothing GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, LLVEN BOSTON Sill RTS.' WHITE and FANCY LINEN COLLARS, -GENTS' Half Cottdx and JIekino NECK Tl Scarfs, LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, ! UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWER., LADIES' UNDER VEST. ' LADIES' MOURNING HANDKERCHIEFS, ' Do. LINEN 8TITCHED, ..; DRESSING COMBS, . s ' V ",V7.; HAIR BRLSllKt. : . Perfumery, Ac., Ac. WTImington, X. C, Oct. , li5. Mm I'll" ' .- t .. ..,... if- , " c-M- VANORSDELL, Photographist and Stock DesU.; t No- "i Market street, WUminrt WASHBOARDS, oct fcc, fcc.t &c 1-lm t.X'tf: Xillies' PAJSiT , mON CTHLLED-siFES X ETOOd order fir -.1., r TZYT. ' oair- ckordThaas & cos. IN ; ;. : f 7a: soipsox, WUOLESALS DZAUZU A.NU J()Bn.K l. Drj Goods, Rcadj-Madc CJotfiiii FELT AND AVOOL HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS, Ac. Ac., 33 At 35 Jf arket street, aad 2 & i Front ''J'' street, NorthEast corner, - ' - ifxuOTcrmv, a: c. ;.' . i . 1 ... .( , - , ; . -. i y Merchants will find the various deiartuitnu welUtockecL'at New York market rates. 'f -oct 9'. '' n V. : . -j.ti Dry Good and Notion. grills DEPARTMENT IS NOW COMPLETE. a. s we sen only -at WHOLESALE In this hue buyers would do well to give as a call. it " - i?0& Maiket L,- N.'E. corner of Front. .1