J - i . - i. ' 'local department. lU'KDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11, 1S65. lit K ADVERTISING COLUMNS. lit ptirntlon or the public la particularly ft.'' to? he fellow log Ust of mw advertisements, '.. i ... f'iHiJ l iMue-: BOOTS AND SUOES. J-,!v- M. Barry offer the remainder of hi W of boot and shoes, at coat. SOTICE TO sportsmen. F. Potter warn all person again t buuliog v;i s. in ,n3 waJ ,rt,PMln8 on to lnd of j. . '-tor plantation, a he will enforce th law J: ..i any one o engaged. j tRT WWW, CLOTHIXU, 1TC. mi-i Aaron, No. 25 Market street, whuleaal ,, r t il! tlcaler In atopic and fancy dry good, m,; uiiid'.- elolhin. oil dotba, carpeta, ate. SALT BXPBCTBD. Win B. Hauuer ! daily expecting, per bng K:'.r. MTcrKXl and American ground alum "IMI-OKTANT INFORM AT ION. . r P. tJc-jrge, offlce with Cronly te Morris, is . -rpt far . lie Atlantic Fire Iruumncc Company of Hr....kln. Nww York, the Hartford Iuuraac4 i ,:i; nuv, ;'of Hartford, Connecticut, the Travel .1 v.ident Iiiiiuranc Company, of Hartford, . liiivctrcut. . FLOL'l!. li .-ll V Ellis hare, now lauding from ehouner Belle, choice brands floor. Family Market Wilmington, November 1, 1S65. li t N.- -Horn. eanva.icd, fc lb., ?0c3V. ; law. N. C.3Tlc.tt40c; shoulders, Wttcrn,2So. ..-.; ihouUlers, N. C, 30c33lc. ; aides, a c . , i.tinz to quality, 2Sc.334c. BEEF. Choice cut, fl., 20v."; fore quarter, irJo ; ribs, NmISIc. " lU'TTER. Goshen, from store, p Jb., 00c. ; ' .uatry. from stores, 5Sc. rilEESE. p SOc. ' LAKD. Western, none offering; N: C, 1? IS.. EGGS, dozi-n, 40c.(s50c H.OCR- p bbl.. 112114; lb., 7c. FOWLS. Chicken-. V pKir. l(gl 25; Dackn. FI?II. Jimmie, p huuch, 20c. ; muUcta, ac- j niititf to size, 20c:ff."i0c. .; kipjcka. 25c; trout, : 5v.; drum, 25c.(?50c. "r' piece. i FISH ROE, V dozen. 75c.(rfl. HOMINY. J bnshcl. l 50. LAMB AND MUTTON. V according to ! ','uiity, I5c.(220c j MEAL. H bushel. 50- .MILK. Butter, -quart, ioc; sweet,-25c. OYSTERS. Sound, in fhell, bushel, $1: ! S"w river, 1 50; Souud, open, V quart. 25c. J PEAS. Lady, ? Pck. 50c56c: black eye. , "'; jrray eye, 5)c" .' VEGETABLES. Sweel potatoes. bushel. ; Sl'HJl 10; Irbh potatoes, W; turuips, V buuch, Wets, V-kbel, f2; onionsf K6Kg$2; eaV- I aje. V head. 15c40c; collards, 20c,': ' . i The market Is at present, and ba been forsouir . time pest, very well supplied. with all the article , aboTt mentioned, and many other which come J to market irrecularly anl which we cannot there- j fore rsport. A Store Entered bt BcROi.ARS.We learn ! that on Thursday night lat, as a policeman, after tUr ii.-ual custom, was going his round about 'f icht and a half o'clock; P. M., cud trying the dooM j ir.t . t . ,V. . vfr i rwv ' t tl.c 6lorcs, fuiuid th uoor ot Mr. i. lton? j rTv uiiiHSieiiru. lie rv unlHsleueu. lie reioriea mc iaci 10 in; A-itant Captain of Police, who wcut for Mr. L1..N-. He retumeil with Mr. L, when they t.ivhtd the houe but found nothing but a gii;!et and a W of iron, withi which the burglars attempted to get into the safe. Only a few piece." f goods, were misled from thoslore. It is thought that the persou orjH;ions were locked up in the -t.n- lv Mr. Lyons when he left it that night. 3 :t.-i al Moih'tkates' Court. J.J. Couoley l ie in;. i o. Davi. in cuiored man.) who was charged :h bating in hi possession a gun said to have en stolen from Fred Brown's store, (another olort-d man.) It appeareo that Ben. Lane, (col- nd.) had found the gun iu the Farmer's Hotel h idle eleauine out the same on Monday last and l.ad-old it to ;eorgr who kept a stbre. The: truer of the gun. Mr. L D. Potter, happening j logo into the utore recognized it and caused latU toU arresled. A there wai uo evidene j ..f cuilt a-aint either of the above mentioned i rti . thev were dischAnrcd and the cac coutin- i u d for further examination. lVt'T. An inquest waa held on yesterday by .Toner over the body of Hknrt Howard native of Smithville (h did on that day,) and aft. r a post mortem examination by Doctors An- ir.K!K! and Mehwav the jury rendered the fol lowing verdict; The jury find that the deceased Henri How aku .nme to his death by rupture of the Madder canned by external violence, inflicted in some manner uuknown to the jury in or at the store of R. Bate., situated on Market between 'Front and Second street, on or about 2 P. M. on Tu sdav Nov. Tth 1S55. Mr. Bates ha been arrested and committed to Mil by order of the Special Magistrate, to await further examination to-morrow. Samtart. We were gratified to obervs a i.umN r of hand? engaged in cleaning ths streets vetNlay. We hope thi good work will be prosecuted with energy, until the city is thor oughly cleansed and purified. The impression trevai U that that terrible maladv. the Asiatic: l.olera. will ere loo reach the United States, and it bchoovca the people everywhere to adojtt mch precautionary measures as may be necessary to prevent it appearance; or, in case it should ome among them, to mitigate ita severity. Matoh's Coi rt. November 10. HU Honor the Mayor prcaiding. Ljnk Spiccr, a colored youta irom mc couuiry j charged with the heinoui oflTenceof stealing wood ' from St. John church, was committed to the j , . w . . e.U for nve data, on bread and water. J. T. Powers, poUceman, charged with sleeping ci ixt. wa relej-cd on account or His lormer i jooa! character. The race between Mr. II. A Baoo aud Mr. John Smith, for. the office of Superior Court Clerk, is exceedingly close, but It U conjectured ; hat Mr. Bago i elected.. Our own opinion la j that it will take an official count to decide the re nlt. P.cv. H. L. Sinolkton, of Baltimore, will preach in the First Presbyterian church, corner f Third and Orauge streets, to-morrow, at half past teu o'clock A. M. and seven o'clock P. M. 2Jm We are indebted to the courtesy of the -entlemanlv messenger of the Southern Expre j xr lleJ 7 . balea cotton, 41 barrel spirits torpen Company. for files of late Petersburg papers. ; tine. Murray t Murchison ; 1 barrel spirits tur- Pardoned. New Hanover Bknj. W. Beert, Wv. G. Fowlek and Wm. A. Beert. COMMERCIAL. ' :r v. r TTTT T WILMINGTON MARKET. WiiJiiuToy,'Knimbr-la Jsftf COTTON. No sales., ... ' ..,..:, TURPENTINE.-Salea of 10V2 barrcU atfcfyo TArL220 barrels at 5. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Sale Vf TO I wrrcl at 70c for white, 5a67tc. for colored. ROSIN. M barrels comraonj at 5tale barrels. TIMBER. 3 rafta common mill, ot do ordinary at f 12. J ; LUMBER. 1 raft 35,000 feet flooring, at ? 50c; 15,000 feet scantling, at $30, in the water. $37 WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. Friday," November a, 1HG5: 0040 Otard, . . .. IS (jo&ou to Beeswax, t fi azzr Cattle, V 100 lb. .8 00&12 00 Barrels, Spirit TurpJ New X. Y. 5 00(50 00 2d hand do. 4 004 30 Baggjnu, inc. . Madeira. 12 00(ccl6 00 Port ... .. 12 OOfjTiio t J Sherry.. 12 OOfaOO OO Rum 14 OOfuOO 00 Whiskey, Bourbon. 10 OXVu'OO 00 do. old. . . 1J Oi00 0 I Scotch... 13 00(2.00 CJ Bitters, . Gunny... :iO(fh Ropc......... Coffer, V lb., Java Laguyra 3Gm Rio.... ....... St. Domin.....S0a. Candles, $f lb.. Sperm. U0a Adamant Tallow 00 Domestics, v yd.f Sheetinc: 4-4.. 33a 32 4.") 37 Drakes.. 12 OO.aOO 00 34 Self...... 14 OOiOO 00 00 Bokers . . 1 7 ObY 00 ( 0 Lime, fi bbl.3 5oVc 3 7.'. 00 Molasses, V gal.V 33 Cuba :..0Ovi 0 00, N. Orleans.. 00(i 00 Sugar House, 45j 50 33 Nail, y lb.. . Osuaburga 3-4. 25 Cut. 5 HViii ot Yarn bun.3 50VcO 00 Wroutrlit..U O0;vt 0 00 Fish, bbl., Peanuts, - . Mullet. ; y bushel. .2 7.V Oak bbls.00 00(14 00 Potatoes, 'bC W fine d.o..l2 UXaVi 00 Irish 2 50ftt Mc'lNol.20 00(00 00 Provisions, lb Mc'l No 2. 17 000 00 Bacon, N. C. .Ma'lNo3.14 00& 15 00 Hams......32rt :x 2S 'Si ::i Mackerel o. 1. . Kitt5....0 00(& 3 25 Herring, Nova ;eotia' bbls 9 0010 00 Herring, Smoked, ! inboxcH 00 1 00 Codfish 10i Hake..'. 0St 09 Flour, p bbl.. Family... 11 OOX5I4 00 Super... 10 00(10 50 Fine. 9 25 9 50 Grain, $) bush.. Wheat, wh.2 7. 3 00 Wheat, red.2 OOff 2 50 Corn, II. K. . .OOYflr 90 HogRouud.2?S( Bacon, Western Side 25' r Shoulders ..21(' Hams Canv . .30.7 Pork, V bb!.. City Mess40 03(41 00 Fa mi ly ... 36 00r o9 00 Prime... 34 Woioti () Beef 00 00(500 () Butter, V A'- Country.... 40V '00 Goshen 45f 50 Western. . ..43ir 15 Cheese, E. ).2(rt 3J State 22( 4 ji rd, N. C.SOYff 32 Western.... 3067 (H) Corn, vcfcl.00($ SO Oats TOTo" 00 Pcas.......l 00(rt 1 05 St'GAU, lb., Rice, rough. OOYtf 00 Crushed 0)? Rice, clean . . 15(g 00 A B & C Cof .20 E. I. Rice,:.10'tf 00 Porto Kico. .l&vr Hat, Ea&teru N. Orleaua. .00 NewYork.l 2V 1 40 JSugar Houe,10(3. Hides, Green. 05(fl 00 Hav. Br'wn.lii" Diy 121f 13 Salt, V sack., Hoor Iron, w Liverpool. 3 50v ton. .165 00175 00 Alum, bush. 00 Liqcors, f gal., SOAr, V lb.. Whiskey.. 2 25YS 2 50 Brown .1071 Wolfs ScnNArrs.AViNns Tobacco. N. C. and 'Si 17 00 00 17 J 75 u VP - A asd Liqcors. Mauufac. ,'...20( ' Schnapps, Tallow, lb.6i(- )Qfrt. ... 13 50 Wood. Oak.. 3 00(; 3 i 50 Brandv.R. L. A Ash ...... .2 2.W 3 00 file, tts.,.. 15 00 Pine 2 (Krf 4 Wilmington Money .Market, .Nov. IO. BROKERS BUYING RATE. .eJ. " Exchange on New York, par. 1 4? 1 40 . Carolina Bonds old sixes, witii all tne . coupons on since .May, isoi SO 60 55 '.lo nncsaec Coupons".'.'. '.V.'.'.'.'. ,Y.'.'. Vinrinia Coupons S. Carolina Coupons. v. . . ... . . Confederate Bonds 100,0 v,Oo0vLiir, 00 on qqq - T BANK NOjJTK$. Cape Fear Bank of NVC Farmer's Bank . . . ." ." . Merchants Bank Boxboro Charlotte : Thomasville : ... i ....... . Lexington Miners' and Planters'... Wilmington Wadesboro' Commerce Commercial Greensboro Mutual. . v. Fayetteville Clarendon... Washington . Yancey ville . I t- ,-. sr.! so 30 ' 30 ! 2S 2; i 20 1C 15 15 15 15 bt maiu YORK MARKETS. .NEW ; Novemrlr 0, lbx. COTTON. There i not much dtniau'd. The market is irregular, as some holders will make concee.ion in the price, while others an very firm. Tlie tran&aetious have tK-en mad'- on a 1,500 lower basis than yesterday, aud ineliulc bales, at 50c. for middling. NAVAL STORES. Spirit- turpentiuc rule very firm, at l 12r'?l 15. Kohk- are steady, at 7 371(37 50 fopcommon ; Mraiaed and No. 2, at Mi fiill; No. 1 at 12V?$1S 50. Tar at 7'257 j for Ncwberuc aud Wilmington. i BREADSTUFFS. The market for St.te and j Western flour is stead v, but int active. We ! - quote :r-r " 1 Superfine State.. Extra State Superfine Western . . . .r h S lioui S 20 y S TOT i 7 t 25 if 40,i? S IO . 9 102 o : '. C5o2- 12 25 tcady rates; sales Extra Western. Extra round hoop Ohio Extra trade. CORN is in some request at atSlc.(a87c. for unsound; bSc..'KV for sound Western mixed; 91c. for high mixed. WHEAT opened dull and heavy, subsequently declined lc. to 2c.; sales at $1 7o;al 79 fo? new- Milwaukee club; $1 S051 S2 for Amber Milwaukee; f2 25 for new Amber state.' PROVISIONS Pork. The market i? dull, heavy and declining; sales at $32 50yi $33 for Mess cash and regular way, closing at ?32 62 i cash, and f27 25g27 50 for prime Mess. ' BACON SIDES. There is no material change in the market I Consignees per Schooner Ocean Belle, from New York. JiA dereon vt Co., Paruialee & Dcwcv. P. Dasher, L. Vollers, Worth .t Daniel. G. A. Peck A Co., Z. H. Greene 1L G. Hashagan E. A. Ktith, IL R. rernn, O. G. Parslev Co., J. Bremer, D. A Smith! W. T. Huggln, Jos. H. vefr R. Bate, F. W. Hever. Wallace t Souther- land, v. lv jrecman, uw. i.. irencuv.u.. Z. liail, Jl. AlCinsis, -r - cv .uiuu- eU, W. and W. R. R-, E. Lcgir. W. B. Flanner. Russell fc Ellis, A. H. Neff, Harris A Howell. V RECEIPTS BY RAILROAD. Wilmington Jfc Maaxheser Railroao. Nov. 10. 89 barrels rosin. Bradlev A Woehler. 67 barrels rosin, 22 barrels spirits turpentine, M. Mc- mnis; xiv. oarrcis ro&iu, wins apuiLe- imu Jtr XimAim- 1 K1 Mttnn C f Hall T 90 biUTel ronin Wallace Southerland. BY RIVER BOATS, FLATS, Ac. Yi- ij rr turn "Vrtts-r1 aT a uai rxr t-wr V a TTTT V Dentine. Worth A Daniel : 36 barrel spirits tur- pentine, 3 bales cotton. 16 barrels rosin. A. E. ILU1: TGbmrralstar, Wallace Sontherlaud : 14 barrels tar, J. C. Smith. 3IARINE INTELLIGENCE. Tide Table. COKEEtTEU BT O. W. WILLIAM?, UARBOB MASrSB. Full Moon, 3d.... Last quarter, 10th.. New Moon, lSth..L First quarter, 25Lh. 3:9 Morning. 0:19 Morning. .... .5:39 Morning. . 9:22 Evening. DATS. err RISE. PCN lOOX I niGH SETS. SETS. WAT 0 Monday 6:23 7 Tuesday 6:24 S Wednesday.. .. 6:25 il Thursday 6:26 10 Friday..., .... 0:27 USaturdar 6;2j 12 Sutidar 1 ...... 0;29 5:3 !k3 5:2 5:1 3:0 5:0 4:5 I ' 8:37 : ' 9:J7 i 10:35' i 11:31 MOEX. ' 0:27: 1:21 ; 9:49 10:40 11:30 0:22 1:13 2:6 3A High ater at Wilmington" 2 hours 56 minute later than at the bar. Port or Wilmington, North Carolina. ARRIVED. TT. Nov: 10. -loo.p Pine, Davis, master, from New bernc, in ballast, to Bradley & Woehler. Lctterioh Line. Steamer North Carolina, Luttcrloh, master, from Fayetteville, to master. Nov. 9. Schooner Ocean Belle, Emory, maater, from New, York, to W. B. Flanner. CLEARED. Nov. 10. Lctteuloh Line. Steamer North Carolina, Lntterloh, master, for FayettCTillc, by in;i.tcr. Nov.-lo. Steamer Kciudscr, Johnson, uinster, for Fayetteville, by master. List of Vessels up Tor this Tort. AT NEW YORK, NOV. 0. su-uiiihip Twilight, to sail Nov. 11th. Steamship W. P. Clyde, to 6ail Nov. 16th. Schooner J. H. Burnett, to sail Nov 11th. Briir Maine, to sail with despatch. Brie Fredonia, lo sail with despatch. AT BOSTON, NOV. C. Schooner Henrietta, to sail with despatch. Lit of Vessels Cleared for thia Port. IHOM NEW VOKK. Su ambhip Commander, Nov. 6th. Steamship Fairbanks, Nov. 9th. Brig Ann, Nov. Sth. rr.OM BOSTON, "Brig Win. Pickering, Nov. Sth. FROM PHILADELPHIA. Schooner Atlanta, Nov. 1st. Schooner W. L. Springs, Nov. 3d. ' FKOM BALTIMORE. New Schooner Nadab, Nov. 5th. HOTEL ARRIVALS. City Hotel, November 10. 1865. B. D. Drake, D. S. Brewer, W. N. Reid, New York; P. Murphv, J.-W. Giddens, Sampson; N. Holland, J. P. Smith, Philadelphia ; R. G. Pitman, N. C; W. S. Starbnck, J. 8. Hascltine, Boston; J.Miller. Citv: C. B. Cock: E. Moreton, Fay etteville; L. G. Close, U. S. Mail Agent; N. Mc- ! Phaul, W. G. Baldwin. Whitesville; Jno. Frink, . roliimbns: B. .1. Bncklr. U. S. Mail Azent : F; 1 I Flovd, S. C; T. H. Blount, Washington, 2. C; L. ; drtn; E. A.'BroVn, So. Ex. Co.; B. W. Wilkin., t U. t: M. i. 1.; U 1. tvercit, k. k. I iinilfv' Hotel. November 10. Taos. Lvuch. N. Y.; E. Allan, N. Y.; L. J. Jea- : nings, England ; J. M. Brown, Fayetteville; Thoa. j ! etteville; James Z. Culver, U. S. Vols.-; W. B. ! I Turner, Wahinrton, D. C. ; A. Kahn, Washing- j j ton. D. C. ; Dr. II.. Drennau, Abbeville, S. C. ; S. j S E. Dav. Smithville; Dr. A. F. Mallett, Bayviile, j N. C.;II. C. Duncan, Mo.; S. D. Timmonds, S. C; ' . Au tin Beek. N. Y.; Archibald Comer, N. Y. Passengers per Steamer North Carolina from Fayetteville. Juo. Miller, Geo. Stanly, Mr. Blateu, Sam. J. Phillips and son, Thos. Brown, Jno. Smith, Cbaa. B. Cook, 'Mr. Morton. Thos. J. Greene. NEW A DYERTISErENTS. DAVID AARON, Wholesale and retail dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY I! t: J D V M A 1) E CLO T II I N O Oil Cloths, Carpeting, Ac, Ac. No. 25 MARKET STREET. Wiliiiimrt-ou. N. C. j nov 11 Important Information. j rytiE undersigned, having opened an office in i I Wilmington. N. C, for the transaction ol a GENERAL INSURANCE BUSINESS, exclusive- j lv, hopes, bv close attention, moderate rates, and ! the hih character of his -companies, to secure a share of the public patronage. . COMPANIES REPRESENTED. The Atlautic Fire Insurance Company, of I Brooklvu, N. Y. The well known Hartford Fire Insurance Cora- j panv of Hartford. Conn. ; The Traveller's Accident Insurance Company, j of Hartford, Conn. Let every one come aud take out a policy, aud j therebv .guard against loss ; or in case of dis-! abling or fatal injury secure a competency for their loved ones. s The papers of reliable j Lile and Marine Com nanies are dailv expected; nlso. of other Fire j Companies. P GEORGE. Agrent. Oilioc with" Cronly sjreet. nov 11 Morris, North Water ;30-iw BOOTS SHOES. BALASVE OF STOCK FOR SALS AT COST. HORACE Mi BARRY. Water streat. Foot of Chestnut 30-lw nov 11 SALT, SALT. f f SACKS LIVERPOOL GROUND ALUM. OUU Do. AMERICAN do. do. j paily expected per brig Maine For sale bv W. B. FLANNER. 30-lw nov 11 Xotice. 4 LL persons arc hereby prohibited from hust- A injr, nsuinir, or m aat way irespassim; uu 9 J a- i 2 a. -k the lands of Point Peter Plantation, under th I severest penalty of the law.- POTXEH. nov 11 30-lw Flour! Flour! 100 BARRELS CHOICE BRANDS FLOCK, landing from schooner Ocean Belie, and ior sale by. RUSSELL & ELLIS, No. 10 North Water street 30-3t nov 11 Tvrv vl'l T rtl ANTVV ' A1" For Medical purposes. . The purest and e-t : ever imported, at 11 and IS Front Street !- - : CHAS. D. MYERS, Airent uov 10 . - ... 2tf WiUiisoTON, N. C. Nov. S, 1SG5. I) ARTIES having goods on board steamers ar riving here to the undersigned, are requested I either to attend to the receipt of the goods in per- son, or designate the drayman authorized to receiv J . them. H.UIRI3 A HOWELL, j I 1 A SHOCKING CASUALTY. Three Yobbe Ladies' Drowned Sinkiag of a Boat. by the . fFroin the Peoria (I-1L) Democrat, Oft. 27.J ; One of the most allocking castialties ;lf drowning which vc have foir ii long time re corded, occurred on Saturday afternoon -last at Spring Lake, about sixteen! uiileis below Pekin. According to the statement of our informant, a family by the name of Clayton reside near the lake, and tvro young ladies from Iowa relatives of the family of the ame name were on a visit to them. On Saturday afternoon it was propo-jedjto take a nue upon me ' iaKe, to wnicn au joyiuny assented, and a boat was procured which ft was thought would answer the purjiose. al though old and leaky. The party consisted of the two yountr ladies from Iowi.the cous- - j ins, the two Misses Clayton, of Spring Lake. ancl another young lady by th; name of Kane, together with a young man and lioy by thenamc of Clayton, also relatives, and another young man by the name of McLean in all eight persons. U " . - The youthful party left the bhorc iu .thf best possible spirits with the expectation. of enjoying, a pleasant afternoon? upon the water, little dreaming that iu! the short space of an hour, three of their number, then in the bloom of health and happiness, would be in eternity. "When in about the middle of the lake the boat suddenlv filled.' and in less time than we are writing the; paragraph, the party were floating upon the water. The boy managed to reach the shore, and young Clayton by almost!" superhuman exertions, succeeded in saving hi twej sisters, although his endeavors w ere equally exerted to save the lives of all the young ladies, but were fruitless. McLean managed tol, reach the shore by swimming, lut what exertions he made use of to save the lives f anv of the party, is not known. The bodies ot the two Misses C! lavton, from Iowa, together with that of .Miss Kcan, have been recovered. The two young ladies saved have since been quite low, ow being so long in the water raid the: mg to conse- quent excitement at the closing m $ucn a melancholy manner of an afternoon die voted to pleasure. MERCANTILE. FINE ASSDIERE SUITS, CUSTOM MADE. Just receired at BEAR & BROS. nov 10 20-lm j FUIC IfOOtS forGentSj ; ! OF EVERY STYLE, I BEING WELL MADE, ALSO, ! LADIE AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, ! OF EVERY" DESCRIPTION, j 8old at reduced prices, ot ' : . .5. BEAR A BROS. 29-lm hot 10 3 o o ' ' Bovs- Facket and Pants, I FINE WHITE LINEN ! - ; AND UNDER -GARMENTS, 1 For Gcnta W?r. j W will sell at i fl. M A L L V U O F I T At No. IS Market Street. ; 1 i S. BEAK A BROS. , 2r-lm UOT 10 ) TOADIES'. MISSES' AND ' . CHILDREN'S JFine ami Common Shoes , AT VERY LOW PRICES. At II and 13 Front Street. ; . CHAS. MYEliS, Agent: 20-tl nov 10 H ATS FOR MEN, ' YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN. Every style every quality. Price elsewhere, at , 11 and 13 Front Street. lower than CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent SJ tf nov 10 I CHOICE TABLE BUTTER, ; t At Geo. Mvers', 11 and 13 FronTtrect. CHAS. D. MYERS, Accnt. 2y-tf noT 10 "YT HOLE. HALF AND QUARTER 5 BOXES R A I S I N S At 11 and 13 Front Street. CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent. 2U-tf nov 10 PERM AND ADAMANTINE CANDLES. I At 11 and 13 Front btrcd. CHAS. D. MYERS, Ag't. 2tf nor 10 i mtpov t vn rrui? tvT J At 11 and 13 Front Mrct. CHAS. D. MYERS, Ag't ' 9 tf DOT 10 TrNE APPLE, ENGLISH DAIRY AND STATE ; A CHEESE, I t 11 ud ti Front Street. CHAS D. MYERS, Agent. 23-tf . uov 10 .j "pSTRA FAMILY FLOUR. L At 11 and 13 Front Street CHAS. D. MYERS. Agent. 2(Mf uov 10 TpvRIED BEEF, j- j S A 11 and 13 Front Stre t. CHAS, DeAfYEJtirAireiit. nor to "PLANTATION, BITTERS, ALE A PORTER. ". - At 11 and 1 Front Street I CnAS. D. MYERS, Agent. 29-tf .1 nov 10 :It ATES O F ADVERTISING". ? 5EW ARRAK0EME5T. ' 'The UBdt rsirned. Proprietors of the Dally Press of Wilmington, regarding the annexed Schedule of Rates lor Advertising a lair ana moderate, and belieuuirlt to be as low a can be afforded. offer it to the public; and nereby mutually agree iaitiuTuiT to ooiuc vjr toe same. V: : T. M. COOK CO BARRY A BERNARD, -sr-: isi FULTON.-A? PRICE.- '"3 c :s t , o " ' ' s ' o : a a? ' x l B '. x o 0 -t : .2 r b" 'a a c 2 x ' w I ; jr. jj - S : m i r-K , X ' , . - :X r . " .. 2 ..-..'.at . r x i T" CJ sja. susy? i s, s l z i s s 3 s :? rs s ? . v, .-' . - f . I;.,, iff ''. ": 3- g S 8 3 I 8 1 U j li j C j X i i ii S- SISLL2JL8S J5 . . T , P, P I ' r P I . ?: w "sj I sJl s s '" ii . jL ' - . r f r - S 5 -5 7 3 i- 3 "5 3 8 8 v8' 8. 5L . i " i: : jZ rT - - .a. 1aL 8i8 8 ; S .k ..- 5 S s IV 2- r j ' 8 J8. 8i i.;8J..8 J .L S d I S & it . A 3 .8.. .8. 8. ..Sj.83.: f 1 1 -J 1 g.l -is s S S L8 I Sj 8 8 3 I t-3 J3 C. 8 3 1 S s; 3 .i? v 3 S 8 , JHL 3 8 S I i, S K s g . k 3 8 8 ' 8 8 I 8 ! 8 ,4 Ten lines of solid? minion type, or about one inch lengthwise of the column, constitute a 6quare. . Special Notices, in leaded minion, will be cou j tracted for at the office, at not less thau double the rate of ordinary advertisements, i j Inserted as reading! matter, with approval of : the editors, fifty cents per line, j Advertisements inserted irregularly, or at in ; tervals, 25 per cent, additional The rates above printed are for standing adver j th BJients. ' One or two squares, changeable ot discretion, j 50 per cent additional. j ! . More thau two squares, changeable at discre- : tion, per square of ten lines, for every change," P-1 ti Five squares estimated as a quarter column, and ten squares as a half column. Bills for advertis ing, whether by the day or year, will be consider ed due and. collectable on presentation. SPECIAL NOTICES. W. II. LIl'PITT, DRUGGIST A lV2 C II E 2d 1 $ T . .Always on hand a full and select supply ol PURE MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, : SOAPS, BRUSHES, i FANCY ARTICLES, etc., etc. Prescriidions accurately and neatly componndad. S No. 55 Market street. i - Pf 8. Store open from O A. M. to 5 P. M. Persona wishing . prescriptions compounded ' at nigut will ilcase call at my. residence on Sond street,- between Dock and Orange. . ' j net o ..-".' I -Cm i3one Wanteds A GENTLEMAN WISHES TO RENT a small ! dwelling, with four or fiva rooms, aud near the ' business centre of the city. r '' ' ' . Apply at the . ' j "DISPAtCH OFFICE." nov S 27 tf n i ii Friends and the Public To HIT Gencrall) THE. SUBSCRIBER TAKES PLEASURE IN Annouucing to his old friends and customers, and the public in general, that he has resumed busi ness at HIS OLD STAND, where hi will carry on as formerly, the , . . II 1 l.. nA. . !.... !,.,., fiuruttaic ciuu ii j uuuus dumjicss In all their Varioas Branches. His present stock is large aud carefully selected by himself, while the facilities for rapid and reg-! ular communication with the North bv steamer, enable him promptly to supply any article which j may be deficicut, and to keep his stock constant-- j ly up to the demands of the public. ! He trij.sts that after a business Intercourse with j the people of Wilmington- aud the snrToumliiig country, of nearly forty years duration, he is suf ficiently well known to justify him in dispensing ' with any more lengthy j announcement, w hile he I feels confident that his j long experience f ' the trade and of the wants and wishes of the people, will enable him to render .satisfaction to all who mv. favor him with their custom. : JOHN DAWSON. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. '47, 1&65! oct 7 ' : 17-tf DR. A E. WRIGHT Offers his professional services to ths sitixus of Wilmington. ' OFFICE :v " 4 ' Mark. trcet, between Sacond a ad Third, nov 4 21-lw ilSlanks. jgLANK MANIFESTS A BLANK RECEIPTS For Wilmington aad Wftldon Railroad, For sal at tat DISPATCH OFFICE. .hot 10 Harrr Webb, -if. IlI'ORTB.B A3LV ALEK IN l,mq cons mMrjp.. HVUVES. Tkm only Foreign Importer ia the estate of orth Carolina. Sample can be obtained froui the bonded ware- houaa, Wiknington. N. C. T Apply to I - 1L WEBB, No. 20 Market street 10-lm et iv Pistol Vartriilses f INK TRAPS, COON TRAPS, RAT TRAPS, 3 A Glaziers' Diamonds, Bru-.be, Paibs Brooms, Powder, Shot and! Caps, all kinds of Hardware, Willowware. Earthenware, Jloliowwarc; all kinds Of Skins and Leather; every variety of Twine, Thread and Rope:; rrery description of Saddlery SlewsbaW At., At., at WILSON'S HARDWARE AXD HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT. Market Street, near the wharf. nov 10 -2t EDUtlTIONiL. Xollco. I J HAVE -REMOVED MT; SCIIWL FKOM Frout street to the comer or Fifth and Trlnccaa trecb. ....... This U a quiet placa. tlcc locatiou for a ach'l, and In a J. C. McLEOD. , ' 29-lif .'dot 10 . School twice.-, S . I EW ETT WILL RESUME HEK place-in the WUmingtuu Male and FciualeAem lnary on Monday, November 13th. . ; A limltetl number f youftger poplU of either sex will be received at reduced rates. 'DOT 10 i Jt INSTRUCTION on the PI AN Of 'O RT E JISS JEWETT, HAVING RETURNED TO Wilmington, will resume, giving iutructiou on the Pianoforte. For particulars Inquire of G. W. Jwett, corner of Second and Chcsnut Streets. novlO 2U6t WILMINGTON Male and Female Seminary, Comer of SECOND AND CHESTNUT 8TREETS. G. XV. J EWETT. oct 14 T 6-lw AUCTION SALES. AUCTION. MULES., WAGON AND HAUNTS. (N Saturday licit, 11th lunt, at 10 o'clock. A. M., w will kill at Exchaujcv comer. Six No. 1 YOUNG MULES. ' WAGOND IURNEW CRONLY, A MORRIS. Auctioneer. ': ' .' . .wtd. 1 i - i ' n nov 9 WANTS. Owner Wanted, 1 T?0R four boxes marked JESSE WHEELER X. sessor Internal revenue, G r eensboro, rccciTwl per steamship W. P. Clyde " from New York. T . BRADLEY &-IWOEIILER, AgcuU. nov 0 j Iw . Owner Wanted J70R thirty-flvc kegs white lead, twenty c?cb -. boxes glass, 3 barrels and 5 cases points, Marked P. D. in a diamond, received per itrnniblo W. P. Clyde " from New York. . BRADLEY. A WOEHLER,! Aleuts; FRED. C. HILL, t DESIRES to obtain a situation'as Teacher, lu tor, Editor. Reporter, Newspaper Correa pondent, Proof-Reader, Book-keeper or any iol tion by which he can make an hojet livelihood Wilmington. N. C. i nov 1 . , . . H it REAL ESTATE. la In ft bl e It cat Estate FOR SALE. " ! T HAT DESIRABLE AND BEAUTIFULLY situated - j . FAMILY RESIDENCE, In the village of Liiliutrtou, and. twenty ' uile from Wilmington recently occupied ty the ub bcriber. The dwelling home contains SEVEN ROOMS. ith pantry and all the nsual couvcnleuees of a comfortable dwtUiug, aud is surrounded by a BEAUTIFUL GROVE OF TREES. Attached to the premise, .and immediately on the street, is a-ucat aud convenient "PHYSI CIAN'S OFFICE, and is an excel lint stand for " young man desiring country practice. . The lot contain TWO ACRES, and embrace ; a good BARN, STABLE, GARDEN, and other valuable improvement; and the place l gene j rally regarded as the mvfet desirable rvsUb-nce In i the village. i I ue above acseribeu valuable property, iu cm- uectiouwitha thirty ;acre field uf good land. aujoimng, w in uc boia on rcMonaoiu terms. . Applr to : A O. BRADLEY. oct'17 ' , mtf Rocky Point Land for Ilent. T WILL RENT TWO HUNDRED ACRES OF first class CORN AND GROUND PEA Land for the next year, - L , ? Apply to ' ...... K W. W. LANE. Ex tr. 27 2w ' - " ' " ' Qn RENT. .riMiE BUILDING AND PART OF, 'LOT ON ! JL Third str-rf. adjoining Grant's Stable. Applv to 1 - IJR. J. F. McREK. oct 'Si ' 13-U .STOCK iLDER'S MEETIXGS. Bank of Wlimlngton, N. C. flMIE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF L the Stockholders or thl Bank will Ik; LcM. at their banking" houf-c in WllmtugV'ii, N. C.oii Tuesdav 21st November, lutant. . WM.'L8MITH. . CsLier. nov 7 21 2w OrricE W. A W. It R... Com r ant, ( Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 4. 1W. i - I qilE thirtieth annual meeting of the atock S X holders of the Uxolugtoo aud Wcldon Rail road Company will i bo held In ilmlogton on Wednesday, the 22d Inst. J. W. THOMPSON, Secretary. Goldsboro News, Tarboro Sonthemer, Bafelgh Standard and Sentinel, copy till meeting. Oct 6 . , 25-td WiL, Char, aad Ratherford R. R. Omcx Wil., Char. A RrTit R. R. CVx. LAtTilS BL'MO, N. C, Oct. li, 1S05. ( AN adjourned netting of the Stockholders of the Wilmington. Charlotte A Ratherford Railroad Company will be held at Llueolnton, N. C, on Tbursdav, Jaauary lbth, 1J. WM. II. ALLEN,, Secretary, oct 20 - - . - l-td i Seceetart' Orricx, i Wilmington xsd Manchester R. R. Co., ' - Wilmington, N. C, Oct 20, 1W5. ) Th eighteenth annual meeting of the stock holders of the Wilmington tod Manchester Rail road Company will be held in Wllmingtou, N. C, on Wednesday, the 2Vth proximo. wm. a: walker. . Secretary WIL and'Man. KR. Co To Tax PajersrTExtcnsioa of Tinic. TTHE REQUEST OF 1113 HONOR. THE i XX. AlAiOIt, the time for the receipt of lax I Lists and Taxes, has been extended to the 1st De- ccraber. I will receive them daring all the work ing days of this month, at mv office In the Court House, from A: M. to-12 ii. - ' ' JOHN J. CONOLEY; J. P. nov 7 : ' jrvtlD ? Coffee an ft Sugar. JIRECT IMPORTATION. . PER BRITISH SCHOONER J . SETTER,'' -Foir sale by , ...... , v IL A. KEITH. 29 Ct nov 10 i 1 i t ! I I