nr joD rni!fTin. We are prepared to execute all order for BtK K AND JOB PRINTING, on short notice and rca- 1a published daily (Sundavs excepted.' at Wil- r 1, 7 - - ,TIIE DAILY DISPATCH , , i ttrms orsrmcRirno? : Que year f 10 00 Six months 5 00 Three months...;... 3 00 One montlt 1 1 00 tT All . subscriptions iayablc strictly In ad vance ? Office N- 41 Market slrwt, opposite City IIoteL ' - . ' LINES OF TRAVEL. WIL.YIINfJTON. CIIAKLOTTE AND ItUTIIERFOIip KAIL, HO AD. OrncE Wiu, CnAii fc Kctu. R. R. Co., Laubixblro, Nov ember Ttb, 1SG5. ( h4 sonabtc term. - . -..-.- fiP'Ordcrs from aeecible points In the coun try iiromptly flud,and forwarded hy mail or ex- I'" . - . ... , I. .' ; : t3T, Orders must be acco"nlcd by the cah. X3T Office No. Market atvett, opposite City VOL. I. WILiM INXxTON, N;'- C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1865. JNQ? 65. ! yotcL i ' ... . : BARRY A BERNARD. i 3; On and after Monday, the 27th insL, a Freight Train, with Passenger Coaches attached, will run as follow : . Schedule. IRTKAIN WKD.NESDiT ASD SATfRDiT. I.eave Wilmington 8.00 A. M. Arrive at Sand Hill , G.yO IV M. IMIWX Tit A IN MON 1A T ANt Tilt KS OAT. Leave Sand Hill '. r.r A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 5.00 I. M. ' W. II. ALLEN, , Mauler of Trs,nortation. - Freight intended for shipment by above train lnu.-t be delivered ut this depot by 10 o'clock, A. Mr? Tuesdays and .Friday. ' J. T. ALDERMAN, j Frcigut Airent, nov 27 - - r 43-tf H ILMI.XJTON A MANCHESTER R..R. OrncE(iEN. Slit. Wiu fc Mak. R. Roao, I Wilmington, N. C., Nov. 11th, 105. f HUE FOLLOWING? TRAINS ARE RUN ON tin. Wilmington and Manchester. Railroad, Willi Hie lollowm coiineetions : Leuve Wilmington dailv at . f.l! A. M "Kincsville 7.HT P. M. Arrive ;tt Wilmington daily at 3.051. M. Kinirsville 1.25 A. M. . At Florence thchc tmiQA connect each wav with 4 ruins on the Northeastern Railroad daily . for i'harlctii. At Kinsville they rop'nrct each way with tniins on the Soutli Carolina Railroad daily lor UtliiiniiM Hinl AniruHjta.: In jLfoin to (Join in iia, p:u.rM-!ij;er ia;c inijni liopkm lurnout, on Siiitn Carolina Railroad, to Columbia, "a dis tanec of twelve miles. In yroinK to Au;ruta, they narre lnm i rane:omirj' n rsoutli euro una K. K. to Jolmston'ts Turnout, im South Carolina R. It.,. a distance of lifly-two nlilfii. At Florence thce trains (-onncet witli Cheuw and Darlington Rail road, which rad runs Ul to Cheraw Tuesdays. Thursdays aud Saturday, and down from Cheraw to Flon-uev evcrv Monday Wednesday ami Fri day. There i daily stae romniunication from Sumtfr",- C., to Camden, A C, connecting wth iiiitc iram.s. me eteumer connecting witu these tr.niw arnvc and demrtn from the vYiliuimrton and Weldon R;ulroad .wharf. The freight orHcq of theComiany is for (the .present on Wftte?. .treet,"at the wharf formerly used by steamer North Carolina, rnnnincr to Fayctteville. TJi office of the President, Jlcncral Superintendent and Treasurer, for the prt-pcnt Ls on the sontheasf corner of v ater and Cluvuut streets, up 6tairs." HENIJY M. DRANE, Supt. . 'nov i:J . (.'. ' ai lf- wil.minc;ton ani weldon r. .r. WlLMI.NUTllN it WKLlJtON R. IL C'OMI'ANT, . II.MIXUT.ON, NOV..2S, ISOJ. nsscugcr Trains Schedule. KO,M THIS DATE TjiAINS ON THIS ROAD I1 will run as follows: Leave Wilmington at ". .4.30 P. M. Arrive as Weldon at . . i .7.00 A. M. Leave Wehhi at .'.... ..4.30 P. M. . Arrive at Wilmington ut ,5.45 A. M. l onnecimir ai'AV eition ;ioii ways wun Trains io and irom retcir.urir, iv tiaston rcrry, anu on direct to Norfolk and ashinton ; connects at tioldsboro with trains to Raleiirh and Newbcrn. A1m citnocets at Wilmington M'ith the Winnim;- 1 tn t: Manchester Railroad south to Charleston, Columbia,' Atlanta, Savannah, Montgomery, fce. L. FREMONT, Engineer and SupL nov 28 : I ' . ! 44 tf .1 JP J'i JS . L, . ; TO FOKMBH University of. North Carolina. Their Acquaintances, and Friends to the Jwite Confederate States i Throughout the South: 7 E ARE DIRECTED BY THE DIALECTIC Society, a well known and venerable litera ry Innly of this University, to extend to you the following apjH'ul: . f In the. recent strnggle for Southern indepen- I. tlkAn w - k tiimi Vfirv mauv members off our Society ; some of them were young, fresh -front their collegiate duties. others: more rije with years, which had made them a source of just pride, and reflected honor jikthis SiH-iety". S lie laments the death of every worthy member, but more intensely does she sor row o"cr the loss of her' patriot sous. She vene- rat-s their memory ,tuid is anxious to have a re cord of each one of them. "To this end, she begs all who would assist in the accomplishment of a work so natural, so praiseworthy, to furnish her. with the name .of every member of J he Society who is known to have died in (he Confederate army, front wounds or disease. It is our unUap pmess to know that the sad Iitt will be alorig oue, representing every Southern army and every Southern Slate ; but mingled w ith unhappiness will be the consoling reflection that their very inini!crs is that of which .we arc with rcasoii proud. . f The name should be accompanied with thetimc, place, and circtiiustances if tlte-deathr-and ad tlned to "The llistoriau Dialectic Sooiety,: Hiap.1 Hill, N. C. . f . Although the war for serration and self-government has terminated unsuccessfully, we value its history. We lclievs tliat yon wouhl, with'us, .te pleaiscd to. see established, on an important fcaic. and under proier auspices, " A MUSETJTr1or the etl lection and preservation of all curiosities and relics, or matters of auy sort, connected w ith, the late Confederate States, or incident 'to the war for its establishment.' Our Society 'has re alized the fact that such a musenni must be gotten uj, if at all, by literary association, whieh can iunOway tie reckoned , Hlittcal, and from ma terial uow'in private hands. She has therefore determined to make the move, and. looks to'yon for encouragement. The museum 4s designed to Ik- a receptacle for whatever mayv-i interesting to lovers oflitcrtyvor admirers of patriotism, aud valAr; whatever is dear to true Southerners, whethcrif ,te because of its iutriiisic worth and beauty, or whether because of its association. You arc therefore earnestly invited to assist us, by contributing whatever your taste may suggest as appropriate; and thereby cueourugc that which may become a vaTuablc exhibition, grateful to the eyes of those who in time to come may appreciate the motives" and achievements of the Soutliern eople in the late war, and who have sympathized with them. Each article should be arcornpaTiled with a full descriptive label, carefully wrapped or iaeked. and sent to "Museum," Dialectic Society, Chapel Hill, N. C. f hen possible, article may te sent by hands of studeuts ; otherwise,! friends will please for ward them by express j at expense of Society. Articles, when received, will be carefully labelled with the narao and residence of donor. , ; W.CRENCHER, JNO. W. PEARSON,. T. C DsHOSSET. nov HO ' : ' . C-tf FOR SAIiK BANK BILLS: 1 ARTIES due Notes in any North Carolina Bank can be supplied -with Bank Notes at lowest market rate. " Checks on the MARINE BANK NEW YORK; at nar ia sums to suit. ' - - Checks on PETERSBURG, RICHMOND, BAL TIMORE AND rilILADLPHlA;. iu sums to suit. , p ...... . '4 .WASTED.' United Stvri' &-10- In Boi J A G DAWSON, . dec W ' cTj i Bonds of 500 and 1,000. Exchange Broker. 63-lw 1 DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, &c. OVERCOATS A5D G-ents' Shawls.. 4 LAR'JE AND WELL SELECTED, STOCK V of J LOW, MEDIUM , AND FINE, , ' t. - At t 8. M. SIMPSON'S;-. .K imd 35 Market street, and " 2 and 4 Front street, N. E. .corner. dec 11 i 55-tt . KAIIXWI21L12JR & BRO.; IMPORTEIiS AND JOBBERS IN FOREIGN ' AND DOMESTIC nnv g o o n s, OLD STAND, EXCHANGE, CORNER FRONT AND MARKET STREETS, NOS. 22, 24, 26 MARKET ST., ? AND NOS. 2 AND 4 FRONT STREET. O FFER FOR SALE THE LARGEST AND iK'st selected stock of Goods ever offered, in tins market, to which thpy invite the attention of pur chasers. The stock consists iii part ol'P- - 1200 PIECES ENGLISH & 'FRENCH.1 PRINTS. 3500 PIECES DOMESTIC PRINTS. T 500 PIECES. HICIyORK STRIPES. 500 PIECES BLUE DENIMS. 500 PIECES BLEACHED COTTONS. .'Or PIECES BROWN SHEETINGS. 500 PIECES BROWN DRILLING. 500 PIECES BED TICKING.. 50 BALES N. C. SHEETINGS AND YARNS i ra t iie"'vss in i'k' iipm uu'I rri'ii -J- 500 PIECES CANTON FLANNEL. 500 PIECES ASSORTED COL'D FLANNELS. .500 PIECES BLUE AND GREY FLANNEL. 500 PIECES ASSORTED LINSEYS. 50A PIECES BLACK ALPAC&YS. . 500" PIECES COLORED COBURtiS. 500 PIECES FRENCH AND ENGLISH ME RINOS. 500 PIECES COLORED POPLINS ASSORTED. f 500 PIECES COLORED DELAINES. : 100 PIECES ASSORTED COL' DCASSI MERES 500 PIECES GEORGIA CASSIMERES., -, . 500 PIECES SATTINETTS ASS'D COLORS. 1000 PAIR WHITE BLANKETS. 1000 PAIR COLORED BLANKETS. Jn additign t o the above vtock they havethand a large assort uicnt of fancy Skirtings, Hoop Skirts, White aud iJrey Corsets, Jackonnets, Cheeked Muslins, Towels and Towelling, Lhfen and Cot ton Sheetings, Linen "and Cotton Diapers, Habre- dashery, Stationery, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Umbrel las, Parasols, Trunks Valises, Readymade Olotlw ing and Gentlemen a-Furnishing Goods oct 13 -tf rjHE UNDERSIGNED OFFER FOR SALE, in their Retail Department, the following goods, which have.bceu selected with great care by one of our partners; in Europe and the Northern cities, : viz : . , ' . PRINTS, ALPACCAS, COBUIiGS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOES, LADIES DRESS ! MATERIALS, iu all the latest styles and patterns. : .' , CHENIES, and Plain Colors iu all the new fabrics, , ' . V PLAJN AND FANCY SILKS, RICH BLACK SILKS, MOIRE ANTIQUE, Plain ad Colored, MANTLES, CLOAKS, BASQUES, SAQUES, AND SHAWLS, in great variety. . 1 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FURS,' GLOVrESJ HOSIERY AND KNITTED GOODS, iu large supply. , ; . FRENCH MILLINERY, Consisting of. Bonnets, Hats, French J? .lowers, Plushes, Silk Velvets nd Silk Bonnets, Silk1 and Beaver Turbans all of the; latest styles, Bonnet Ribbons, Dress Caps, Head Dresses, Bonnet Orna ments, and a choice variety of Fashionable NovT cities of the season, to which we call the attention of the citircus of Wilmington- and surrounding country. v, ""jf OCt IS , ! t t-tf SJIOES! SHOES!! SIIQES ! ! ENTS, LADIES, MISSES AND CIULDV reus Boots ahdShoes, a larg stock for sale by KAUNWEILER & BRO.- oct 18 - "i tf ni:mtic k & rvaiv. ,UR FlilENDS ARE' RESPECTFULLY IN- cd that we have opened a small but' well assorted STOCK OF DESIRABLE GOODS at the WHITE STORE, Next door south of the Cape Fear Bank, on Front street, (four doors from Market,) where they, are respectfully invited to call,' when we hope to of fer such inducements in prices and. the character of our stixjk as will prompt a renewal of our , . - ' OLD TIME BUSINESS INTERCOURSE. Our 6tock comprises ' ' ...... i 1 - DRY GOODS, SHOES AND HATS, Which. hav been bought for cash aud will b sold at fair prices. -. .'. . 5 Tlie facilities now offered ;liy 6team communica tion with ' New York enable us to renew our stock weekly. ' ""'" .HEDRICK ARYAN, nov 25 , ; ' ' ' :J J ' '-' ' 42-tf W1 E OFFER A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT of Dress Goods, Cloaks, Hosiery,- Gloves, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, etc., with every. variety of City made LADIES SHOES. Our stock Is re newed weekly. . : Black Merinos, Alpaccas, De Laines, Empress Cloth and double Reps. Cloths, Cassimercs, Satinctte, Tweedi,. Kentucky Jeans, Flannels, Blankets, aud House-keeping Goods. Every va riot r of enta' and . Boy's Soft Hats Fine Calf and Heavy Boot&V Balmoral Shoes and Brogans, good and cheap. . . $ -". ' , . UEDR1CK fc RYAN nov 25 i. 42-tf. LUMBER, ;; ORDERS for export or local demand pirouiptly ' tilled by , , . r ' PETER MALLETT, No. 23 .North Water street. dec 15 DRY G00DSfcL(ninNG, tic: Fall and Winter Goods. Wholesale and He tail. "ITTE have removed from our old stand, and are V . now opening in the former Commercial lank building, a large assottm'ont of Merchandise, consisting of ' ' - - BLACK AJS'D COLORED SILKS, POPLINS, 1 " SCOTCn PLAIDS, DELAINES, ; i : BOMBAZINES, -f ALPAflAS. FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS, And all the latest styles of . DRESS GOODS; PLAIN, STRIPED AND FIGURED " CALICOS, SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, , ; , i ' ' LINEN.- . LINSEY, TICKING, . DENINS, - CANTON FLANNEL, WHITE, BLUE, , RED AND - YELLOW FLANNEL All Shades of, Sack'FIannel, . BROAD CLOTH, BEAVER, - SATINETS, JEANS, ; BALMORAL -AND HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, . 1 CAMBRIC EDGINGS, ; INSERTINGS AND BENDS, , COLLARS AND SLEEVES, JACONET, SWISS AND . ' - CROSS-BARRED MUSLINS, TOWELING S, CRASH, TABLE CLOTH, . r HOSIERY, ' GLOVES AND NOTIONS. Boots, Shoes, Bats, Caps, CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. vi ; . MILLINERY. SILK AND VELVET BONNETS, I . HATS, hair Nets, WATERFALLS, rolls, VELVET AND' SILK RIBBONS; FEATHERS, ; FLOWERS, CRAPE, BAREGE, TISSUE. - . LOVE AND ' ., CRAPE VEILS. CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. ; F. L. BAUER: M. M. KATZ,fAgeJit. 23 Market street. A CARD. i. . Iu thanking the citizens of Wilmington and vicinity for the kind patronage heretofore receiv-' eJ,' I hope they .will contiuue. the same in the new stand, former Commercial bank. It is usoless to say we. have the handsomest and. cheapest 6tock here ; I only ask, Call arid price, "and you can get suited. " . Respectfully,' , ; .. ' . . ' - . M, M; KATZ. oct io 10-tf PROSPECTUS. TUe-rnUicalUm vf the NORTH CAROLINA PRESBYTERIAN vill he retntmtd in PayeUtvtiU, tm cdnexi1ayy the 2a of January next: . Confidently relyinc: on the hearty support wh ch we have heretofore received, we shall endeavor to render the paper more attractive .both n appear ance and matter, than it has ever been, sparing neither pains nor expense, in the accomplishment of this purpose. , With the passing away of old things, anew spir it of activity, energy and enterprise has been in fused into every department, of secular thought and business. . "Why should not the phurch, also, partake of the progressive advancement? Why should she, of all the agencies, brought to bear tlU ...... 1 . . r.n ihn'fili.ofiAn of the present time, be inefficient, laggard and, almost hopeless in the working, out other own destiny? . I To arouse the church to the importance and ne- cessity of work ;- of unceasing,- restless, tireless enenrv in the service of her Master and ?Head : this shall be our first; and chiefest aim. In tbhv we nee.d assistance. We arc not, alone, sufficient for these thinjrs.. Our brethren must help us In every way; by contributions i fromjeirjow.8.t otjliougntrana stuay ; Dy zeaious co-operauou in a common cause, for the benefit of all; by extend ing our circulation throughout all our borders, and thus giving us the means and the opportuni: ty of performing well the work to which we have consecrated all that we have, and all that wo hope foron the earth. ' i TERMS. , ' I Subscription for one year, ; . : 1 . .$4 00 ". siimonths,. .............. 00 AdJrCss B. FULLER, ) . . ; Editor of the N. C. Presbyterian. 39-tf nov The Watchman. ABOUT THE FIRST OF JAflUAKi, iw, there will be commenced in the City of New Y'ork, a weekly journal designed to taKC ine nigii est practicable position in its line of literature, Eaeh number will consist of eight (8) large pages, vith six (6) columns to cachage, printed on ex cellent paper in a superior style of typography. It will discuss all the topics of Religion, Soci ology, Science, Literature,' Art; Politics, Com merce, Finance and Agriculture,-; liberally, care fully, thoroughly, and from a platform far above all purtisanship. The chief editor, the Kev; vr. Deems, qf North Carolina,: will, be assisted by distinguished gentlemen in th several churches, so that Thb WatChmax may be 'unhesitatingly introduced Into the families or any unnsuau . w-v A. A. T"fc . Af sTl commumom A nome.uazeiie, awiienurj the best current Literature, a Summary-of all im portant Intclllgenccin every Department of Hn lnan Effort, an Advocate ot Truth In all tilings, a Friend, a Guide, a Blessing-this is what Th Watchman is intended to become. - ( Price, $1 for three months, $2 for six months, strictly in advance. . . L 5f-Subscriptions may for the present be made at the office of the Southern Land Agency, ! No. t Broadway; N. Y. Editors will confer a favor by giving iu prospectus as many insertions as their conveni ence may allow, and send their papers In exchange as above. " t ... '. 1 dec 1 " 47-u . ?t 500 Sacks Salt, 1A A; GUNNY BAGS, 4-baaii. ; U V 1,000 Gunny Bags, 3-bush. ; 10 bales Gunny Cloth; . 30 eoUs Bale Rope. ow landing. O. O. PARSLEY A CO. CO-lw dec 16 DRY GOODS CLOTHING, &c. A. WEILL &, CO. DEAUE&8 III . Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, READY-MADE CLOflllNG, (JENTLEMENS FURNISHING GOODS, Boots and Sbpec;y; No. I3 Market street (old stand), "y-OULD .call the articular attention of Country tIerchatitH Uo the following well seleoted stock, consisting. art, of a large variety of t MESTIC PRINTS, " ; 8 t BLEACHED COTTON, . i - : : : BROWN, SHEETINGS,- -V. BLUEf)ENBIS, BED TICKINGS, ASSORTED FLANNELS, - v ; : ', BLACK ALPACCAS' Z ENGLISH AND. FRENCH 31ERINQS, r . ;.,( Colored cobiIrgs, COLORED POPLINS,. V FIGURED AND PLAIN DELAINES, . FRENCH CASSIMERES, .-.:- , ;;. :; r"":: PLAIN AND FANCY SATINETTS, COLORED AND WHITE BLANKETS. tSf in addition to the above, they have on hand a large assortment of JACONETS, . : . HOOPtvIRTS, ' ; r ') C1IECK.MUSLINS, .' :V , TOWELS AND TOWELING, BOOTS AND SHOES, " ; UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS,1 v VALISES, HATS AND CAPS, : .. CUTLERY, and a general assortment of goods suited to the country trade. . ' , . , T ': . - .20-tJi f MISCELLANEOUS. NEW GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS, At CJreatlv RtMliiccd Prices. rE ARE DAILY RECEIVING, AND WILL eceive durincr the holidays, an extensive and carefully selected assortment of .. -. . ' NEW CiOODS, ' ' Consisting in part of,. rt. j. 1 ' - " 250 PIECES PRINTS,LATEST PATTERN. 100-PIEGESl JDET,AINES -LATEST PAT- . : r j TERN. - 50 PIECES! 3IERINOES. . BLACK SILKS, LADIES' ilANTlLLAS, CLOAKS AND SHAWLS latent etjles. HOOPS and clBALMOitU-kHtfS, SH IRTING 2! .'. . ; ' .' AND S HEETING'S. ' LADIES AND GENTS j ':J I, v: j BOOlk AND SHOES Of evry stylo, of the best quality. ALSO j -. 1 ... BLACK BEAVER SILK MIXED CASSIM ERE, a ml ; j FRENCH BLACK CLOTH, . V '" . - 'v r ' velvet AND.SILK VEST- V INGS AND VEST PATTERNS, Latest syles.T - ? ; 9 ' ' ' . . - . . 500 8UIT8 OF CASS I MERE AND.4 ' 'r ; . ! OTnER CLOTHS FOR GENTS, Made aeeording to latest lashions, and of superior finish expressly for this markL ; CARPETmpBLANKTS , , , ; . : . STATIONERY, JEAV'ELRY . . . I AND JFANCY pQODS, Of every description, which, we offer at, lowest rates at- ; -l ' M,VV: "."'"; ' SO. 18 MARKET JJTREET. 80L. BEAR & BRO. ' 58-1 m dee 14 i-r - X -"i yr f,-,f - 50 Kegs Goshen Huttcr. -X KEGS j Ohio Butter, 5Q bbls. cityi jmeas Z O Pork, 75 bbfa. family Pork, 1Q0 bbla. prime Pork, Lard, in large and small packages ; Candles, full and light" weights : ' Liverpool and American Salt, Huct and Drop snot, Ktae rowaer oy tne keg, at ' -. r GEO. Z.' FRENCil A CO.S - ? - j iiio. 10 Soutn Front street. , dee 15 1 " . ::.r; . 5'J-tf U DO REAL ESTATE, A Splendid Opportunity yOflcrcd or a ,G6od;InTepnlV Y FINE AND LARGE PLANTlATIO N. SIT- ifJL uated In Onslow County, on New river, con- tainuig 3,000 acres of arable land, ajkd 4,700 acres of rinev land, tosrether with four acta of boxes. wUl be leased to the highest bidder on the 1st day of 'January,. liSGo, unli-ss sooner disposed of on private terms. : The appurtenances belonging to tho place con sist of a fine Cottou Gipand Horse Mill. The last mentioned is capable of turning out, with four mules attached, forty bushels of meal icr dayv The Plantation is adapted to the growth of conon, corn, peanuts, potatoes, field peas, wncat, Ac. Two good landings are on thcplace, there by affording fine facilities "for shipment of pro duce ; Jiesides tlie river abounds iu the finest oys ters and fish in the world. length of lease, five or six years. ' For further ixirticulars apply to - ! iCOOPER IIUGGINS, Warsaw, N.C. nov 18 3G tf; Valnable Plantation for Rent ' Lease. . or r"fHE sufscnbcr offers for, rent for one or five JL . ' years, his plantat ion - on To wn Creek, ten miles below Wilmington. 500 acres are cleared and fenced, .well adapted to'! the -production of. corn,- eoiion, w neai, pouwoes, jxc, anu a pan is excellent ground pea land. In" addition to which there is a large orchard of fhiit trees, bearing large quantities or truit. Un tln place, there are two frame dwelling houses, large barns and sta bles ; also seventeen frame houses for laborers, now occupied by freedmen, most of whom may probably be liired to work on the place. The -proximity of this plantation to Wilminir- ton,- tne easy approapn or large flats at ail times to its several landiugs, insuring shipments to any point," offers, inducements 'to -.enterprising especially those familiar with hired lalwir, that tew places -possess. - Address , . ; Dr. JOHN D. BELLAMY, .Wilmington j N.X'.V or call on him at his City residence. dec o , e 00-tf oe' Super-PJiospIiate of Lime, OR BONE W A lt R A N T E D G E N U I N E BEING MADE OF THE BEST MATERIALS, artd in the most ' approved manner, it is rc- commendedto tlie pjibiicj,a8 superior to any .other in the market. Aifrhb have jscd it speak of It in the highest terms of praisCj-and those engaged in its manufacture will continue their best en deavors to advance the high reputation which it' ias acquired. ; '! v - We, ijuarantee the Pljospliale to bo well man ufactured, and recommend- it in preference to anyother artificial manure in the market. ' We consider it nearly equal to the best Perurian Guano, although furnished at half the price- Messrs.-IS. 11. Allen A Co., the well known manufacturers of agricultural implements, say of it :. ; - : i ; - , ; " We take pleasure in stating that we have sold . F. Coc's Super-Phosphate of Lime for four years, it has given universal satisfaction to our customers. We most cheeriully endorse It as an article worthy' of t,hc confidence of the: public, anu me jpurcuaser may reiy upon securing an article honestly and carefully manufactured. " We. would state that, afler carcfui examina tion,' we believe -this Phosphate has been im proved each year since its introduction 1 in this market, and that it will continue to maintain its present high standing. - , i " Very, respectfully., ' ? J ; "R. H. ALLEN A CO., , ' " No; 191 Water street, New York.' . E. Fuank Coe. Esq. : ' 1 Annexed please find result Of my analysis of. sample of your Suier-Phosphate of Limo left with me. ' j, . : :- - ' . This bciug'such a superior articlo iu every re spect, Lcannot refrain from . congratulating you upon.such manufacture, which .undoubtedly will "meet 'withtgrcat success. 1 . Wishing you every suecess", I am, f -. Respectfully yours, - - J G.: A. LEIBIG. Baltiuoke, August 3, 1864; .:. . - Of Free J.'hosiihoric Acid Hvd.....?t 10J8 containing of Anhydrous Phosphoric ; Acid.. 7.45 . Of Bi-phospbate of Lime....t. . . . . . . .. .10. '. containing pf Anhydrous Phosphoric Acid.................. 3.70 OJ Neutral Phosphate of Llnie. . . U. . . . i . 8 35 . containing of Anhydrous Phosphoric Acid.,. 4M Of Sulphate of Lime hydrated . .1 ........ 45.38 containing or Sulphuric Acid (ooz.). .i.M Of Alkaline Salts as Sulphates...,:....... 1.11 Of Organic Combustible Matter. . 23.58 capable 01 producing Ammonia .7b Of Animalcoal and Sand .. . ... . . . . . . . A Phosphoric-Acid soluide in Water. . . ...11.15 Phosphoric Acid insoluble in Water. . . . 4.36 5.OO Ammonia. . . .... A, : . . ... ....... 3.76 Manufacturedaby ENOCH COE, Hautcr's.Poiut, L. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE BEEN Alf -Appointed agentsfor tlieStateiILNrth Caro lina and will supply' this superior fertillzcr-a,t manufacturers prices. W 1 . ' .'" . rut up 111 oarreis 01 aoou( aj pounos wciguu 700 Barrels Now un Store, .1. and for sale by dec 13 .. . .' ,t . . PARSLEY A CO. i W. II. McRAlW & CO., General Commission Merchants, TTAVE RECENTLY BEEN APPOINTED XX agents for the State of -'"North''- Carolina, of Pacific Guano Company ; , and alsa agents of. the ' j - .v ? i . ' Unadulterated Floor of Hone Company. We exiect a supply of these invaluable fertil- lzers in a snon lime, anu soi same from our old customers, crally. " ' - -'""" ' ' '-,.' ' ; dec 1 . '. '-'.' at orders, for the and farmers geu- i 47-1 SHAM DOItEa AND EtlQUIE T70R . sale cheap, for cash.) Engine 12 horse X; power ; cylinder t Boiler; 3 flues. 20 horse power. Apiny to ... J. T. GOOfc'H, Weldon, N. iX . i ' r - - w-2wt .1 i ' decTS rinWENTY CASES VERY ! SUPERIOR OLD X BOURBON WHISKEY. 10 BBLS. A-'KELLAR BpURBON." ' V 10 BBLS. .WHISKEY. - - V-! to BBLS. OLD JIONONtiEHALA. n ,r 20 BBLS, OLD COPPER DISTILLED. - '- -,. ; . For sale by1 V-M "iii"'i " ' : - O. G pABSLE Y A CO. - dccW ' V. 1 ' , t j ... GMw- WiLt Char, and Ratkerford IL. R. Orncx Wiu, ChjuL A Rcth. R, B. Co.", I. " Xal-kisbcbo. ri. t;.i ucu la. irx 1 AN adjourned meeting of the Stockholders of the Wilminsrtoh. Charlotte A-Rutherford Railroad Company will be. held at Lincolnton: N. I fC, on Thursday, January JSth, lWO. - , M W3L IL ALLEN, Secretary! . oct4. 10-td EDUCATIONAL. I TIIE CLVGIIA SCHOOL. MEBANEVILLE, K C. rpiIE NEXT SESSION BEGINS MARCH TTH JL 1808, and contlnun fortv weeks; presenting to the icoplc of the East the advantages of a Summer session and a Winter vacation. . Boys thoroughly prepared either for college or for business. Address . WILLIAM BINGHAM, . , Mebanevllle, N. C. nov 33 ' 1 4tlJ Pfttsboro Scientific Academy. C. D. DENKON, Priacipal. . rpiHS INSTITUTION will be opened on Mon X day, 'JOth November, for the flnt term of the Scholastic year, continuing twenty week, under the Superintendence of CLAUDIUS JV DEN SON. formerly Principal of Franklin Sclen title and Military Institute, Duplin county, N. C 'There will be three courses nf Instruction r; CosfVEUCUI CLASStCAU An SciSMTirtc. Ill; the Commercial course, Prhmanshlp and Book keeping will be taught according to theSiencertn system, with all the late charts and Improvements,, and the adjunct branches necessary for buslue'- ItfC. : , -- i ;j In the Classical coarse, will be taught the Gram mcr and Literature of the English, Latin. Greek, French, (and if desired German and Italian Uni Iu the Scientific eourse, all the various dltUlons of Physical Science, will tc comprised. III ut rated by the latest Mai's, Chart. Models, Ac, with fine Cabinet;' of Chemicals, Mineral, Fossils,- Jtc., and Iliil6soihical and Astronomical Apparatus. Freauent lectures will be gtren, embodying tb results of dis?vrry, down to tho present year. Younger pupils. Will be Instructed by Object Teaching, kud the teautiful charts of IVof. WIImhi will be introduced. - The situation is delightful, and society of the finest character, J TEUMS rZR SKSSlON or TWKMTT WEEKS. Senior Deiartment i . . Junior Deyuirtmcnf ism ' Board, $10 per month, excluslTe of fuel, IlL'hl and washing. Terms iwyable in n.ele, or iu equivalent' in prtiTlsious at secle rates: Bill rendered thirty days after entrance. llttsloro readily accessible from Ecypt. or froia Morritvllle, (12 miles above Raleigh) by previously addrcsiug the-Principal. ' nov 25 . , ; v ,4tf FATETTEVIllE II. C. qillTMlT riHE exercises of this institution ha? e been re- JL sumed without the military feature, and an re. and an reived for I terminal I nary, lhdC. n will be ." additional numwr or pupils will lc- rrcrh the balance of the session, which will twenty-six weeks from the 1st of Januar The discipline and courscrof Instruction the sanio as In similar schools, with the exception of 'a thorough coarse In the An cient Laniniarea. embraclnir Latin and Grei-k comitositiou. In Surveying and Engineering the instruction will be both theoretical and practical. Arrangements will bo made at an early day to secure a complete set of Chemical and Philosophical apparatus. No tmins or ex pense' will be spared to make this one of the Nut schools in the country. The building are located on Haymount, which overlooks the town of Fay ctteville, and which Is remarkable for the healthi ness of the location, the beauty of the socnery. and the intelligence, refinement and high moral character of the people. There is almost dally connection between Wilmington and Fayctteville by steamboat, and this is suggested as the lcst mute to the latter place from almost any quarter. Students will be received at any time, and will Im charged from the date of entrance,' though It will be best to enter about the 1st of January, Terms for twenty-six weeks from lsUof Jan uary, 18oC,.xayabIe in advance: Tuition... 150 Board and lodging.... ...... .150 Washing, fuel aud light. , ... 1. .: 'M Applications for admission rnuv Im addressed to ' Major WM. A BANKS, Supt. dfc20 tfltjaul ' ' Wight School Itc-Opcncd. I WILL RE OPEN MY SCHOOL AT NIGHT, for the benefit of young men engaged in business during the day, on the 1st of January, ' 1SG6. Every exertion will be used to make U exercises Interesting and Instructive, and young men wUI find it to their interest to avail ! hem . selves of this opportunity. Terms Four ($4) dollar. jkt month, In ad vancc. ' " 1 School Jtoom at corner or nnn and J rinee streets.'' JNO. C. McLEOD. dec 21 $4 tf EXTEND TOUR COUriTRT TRADE. C. 8. McD AN 1 K L, - . GENERAL ADVERTISING AGENT, WILMINGTON, n! C. Being the duly anthorited Agent In tbicityfor Mme of the moat extensively circulated ncwMia per published in the Interior, among whieh arc the following : ' FAYETTEVTLLE NEWS, T: -r -",JilALEI(,i II PROt J R EM, GREENSBORO PATRHrt ; ; s ; SALISBURY UN ioN BANNER. CHARLOTTE DEMOCRAT, ; , CIIARLOTTE TIMES, , ' STATES VI LLE AMERICAN, - and GREENSBORO MIRROB," I will be pleased to receive and forward advertise ments atrtbc publlshersMo'iri'st rates, or to funiMi any Information that may be of InterVst to buil net men in regard to the Subject of advcriUiiitf ' so a to reach and Induce interior trade. Call on me at the C0MIO$INU KOOM of thej "DAILY DISPATCH.' ' AG EN C X or v : TO TILE CITIZENS OT WILMINGTON, N. C, TjMR the convenience of my customers In your X city, snd also of your state.. 1 have etabliad a DEPOTHn Wilmington, and aipolnted .r ' r ?in. iiorace ttJ d aiui y . . . . , ... . ;.;!' ;"'," UT SOLS AOZXT. : 7 ' .. f i ' Who will keep on hand a lanre stot k of all my bottled Wloes and Llnuors , and which will be ' sold to the trade at New York prices; adding' freight and insurance. I take pleasure In recommendlntr my A cent to my friends and customers, with the fuu assurance Uiat they will receive from him the same favor as If they purchased direct from mer : s . UDOLPUO WOLFE, - ' 23 Beaver street. New York. pct9 "?;' ' ' ''' ' ..a : l-Zia 1 T .Talloiv ivhnlcd. ; T.WILL lay the hlghcstiuarkct price for TALLOW . Call at the cheap store. No. 39 Market street ' north sld side. II. MARCUS. nov 23 44-lm v