- 1 ft'tlll iri - VOL. II. WILMINGTON, N, C., SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 29, 1866. NO. 381 hi Mr i r . i i ii i i. t ji i THE VILMIUOTOn DISPATCH ROBINSON & SMITH, Proprietors, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY. Terms of subscription, Invariably In advance : Daily, one year $10 00 " six months . . ttr, 5 00 " three months. . . . . 3 00 " one month.. 1 00 Weekly, one year 3 00 " six months 2 00 RATES OF ADVERTISING: Advertisements will be inserted at $1 per square for the "first insertion; $3 50 per week, and $8 per month. Ten lines or less constitute a square. t3T" No publication made without a responsi ble name. LINES OF TRAVEL. Wilmington & Weldon Railroad. i Office Chief Ekoiheeb A Suft., ) Wilmington, Nov. 3, I860, f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON AND AFTER MONDAY the 5th inst, the following fast Schedule of time will be run over this Railway. I GOING. NORTH. Leave Wilmington at 4.45 A. M. V " .......11.15 A.M. Arrive ai uuiuBuuro at. vJ.sso A. M. 2 57 P. M Arrive at Weldou at '.'.'.'.'. '. '. '. '. '. '.'.2.00 P." m! " 44 44 6.35 P. M. GOING SOUTH. Leave eldon at 11.00 A. it U -It 7 Oe f Arrive at Goldsboro' at 3.00 P. 44 44 44 44 11.50 P. Arrive at Wilmington.. 8.00 P. M. M. M. M. M. 4.30 A M. Close connections arc made by both trains go iucr South. The 5 A. M. train from Wilmington, and 11 A. M. train from Weldon, do not run on Sunday's. Close connections are made by the 11 05 A M. train both ways between New York and New Or- Inarta ' By the train that leaves here at 11.05 and the o!& that arrives here at 4.30 A. M., close con nections are made between New York and New Orleans. Connections are made by the other trains but more time is required. To go North by Bay Line, leave at 5.00 A M.; to go by Annemessix, leave by the 11.05 A. M. tTam. Either train connects by Richmond. , Close connections atOoldsboro with the N. C. trains by the 5.00 A M. train, and by either to Newbern. 8. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent, nov 13 ' 343-tf Wilmington & Manchester R. R. Office Gen. Supt. Wil & Mjlh. R. Road, i Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 3d, 1866. f rK AND AFTER MONDAY the 5th of Nov. the followinff Schedule will ero into effect on the ,v llmlngton and .Manchester itaiiroaa. EXPRESS TRAIN. ' Leave Wilmington daily at...... 4.50 A.M. Arrive at Kingsville 44 , 3.30 P. M. , Leave Kingsville 44 ...... . 1.45 A M.? Arrive at Wilmington daily at . . . .10.45 A. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily at. ..... . 8.20 P. M. Arrive at Kingsville 44 , . . 8.00 A. M. Leave Kingsville ! 44 ....... 4.30 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington daily at.... 3. 45, A. M. tVti n rnnntinn marie hr both trains at Wil. 'lugtou with the Wilmington and Weldon Rail road ; at Florence with the North Eastern Rail road for Charleston, and at Kingsville with the South Carolina Railroad. f Wm. McRAE, . General Superintendent, nov 4 - 336-tf Office Master of Transportation, Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 31st, 1866. m. j NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. REGULAR THROUGH FREIGHT TRAINS leave here on Mondays and Thursdays. Returning, arrive on Tuesdays and Fridays. Persons wishing to ship by said Trains will please Lave their freight in warehouse by 11 A. M., on Wedncsdavs and Saturdays. WM. SMITH, Master of Transportation, uov I 333-tf TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, Wilmington, Chaiilottb A R. R. Co., 1 17ROM AND AFTER JUNE 1st, 1866, the Mail 1 Train on this road will leave Wilmington at 6 o'clock, A. M., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and arrive at Sand Hill at 3 o'clock, XhtUiUlUK Will 5, UUUU . " v T A. M., on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and arrive in Wilmington at 4 Qclock, P. M. WM. H. ALLEN, Master of Transportation, may 31 203-tf For Bent. THE STORE AT PRESENT OCCUPIED BY Messrs. Moffitt, Bro. & Co;, amd the office over the store occupied by Mr. Alfred Martin, from the 1st of Oct., 1866, to the 1st of Oct., 1867. For furtner particulars r appiy w m.t. oaa. .u- derson, during my absence. , W. D. SMITH, Agent. REV. C. BRUCE WALKER, aug 31 280-tf Lippitt's Confectionery. gREAD IN ALL ITS VARIETIES, FRESH, MORNING and EVENING. FANCY CAKES AND PIES . TOSUTTHE MOST FASTIDIOUS, , I ' '-. FRESH EVERY DAY. oct 81 m-tf FAYETTEVHiM, N. C. November 21, 1866. To the Creditors of the Bank of Claren don at Fayetteville, Jf. C. ATVT4E FALL TERM, 1866, of the Court of nf VT 5iuy for Cumberland county, in the State oi .North Carolina, the undersigned was appoint ea Commissioner of the Lank df Clarendon at u7!r Vvr&xixnt to the provisions of the ' art fC Marcu 12th tlUed "an busies.-6 thC Bank6 0f the State to cl06C the VSA0 N0TICE Is HEREBY GIVEN to St3S?to,f9ieBMf Clarendon at Fay" JStVreerKani sh their demands t OOHN W. SANFORD, nor 27 - ? ' ' ft -: i Commissioner. TAKE NO MORE UNPIEA8ANTA3fDlfv safe romftdip fn ,i7ZlJT.y fuAi UN ooa-xawow V .-- WOW 11X and IMPROVED HOTELS. City Dotel. WiucntGTOx, N. C, Nov. 27, ISCd. THE CITY HOTEL IS OPEN YOR THE Ac commodation of the travelling public, and the Proprietors pledge themselves' to conduct the House in a style that will give satisfaction to its patrons and guests. FREDERICK & SHEMWELL. dec 1 . 358-tf MEETING STREET Charleston, S. C. . THIS HOUSE HAS BEEN TUOROUGULI repaired and refurnished, and cannot be ex celled by any in the city. JOSEPH PURCELL. Proprietor. ian26 5-tf. CITY HOTEIj BARBER HAVING thoroughly refitted and refurnif my Shop, ram prepared to sKive, cut h hed lair, aye ana snampoon in tne latest styles. Gentlemen visiting my Shop may be assured that they will be waited on with politeness and promptness: EDWARD REID. Jan 30 W-tf PROFESSIONAL. JAMES C. DOBBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, raretteville, N. C, OFFICE CORKER BOW & GREEK STREETS. ILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE collection of Claims and other business en trusted to his care. nov 6 37-If THOS. B. CARR, M. D., DENTIST. Office and Residence No. 35 Market Street, next to Willis Drug Store. A LARGE STOCK OF ARTIFICIAL TEETH for sale to the Profession at m. small nHvnnop on Philadelphia prices. ocx , 3io-tf DE GOODS, CLOTHING, &c. james Mccormick, MERCHANT TAILOR, No 35 Broad Street, Charleston; S. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CLOTHS, CASSIMERS AND VESTINGS. C. GENTS' AND BOYS' READY 3 MADE CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, etc July 13 . 239-tf INSURANCE AGENCY. We represent, in this city, the following Insur ance Companies, viz : THE SECURITY INSURANCE, of N. Y. THE HARMONY FIRE & MARINE IN SURANCE CO., of New York. THE NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSUR ANCE Co., of New York. , VVV-' ixxju xii uiouftdi the ranks -o., ui mew xum. THE KARYLAND LIFE INS Co., of Baltimore. These companies are all first class, with tergei surplus capital, and we can safely recommend them t6 the confidence of this community. Losses Promptly Adjusted and Paid. Major MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, will be with us, and give this branch of our business his ex clusive atteution. ATKINSON & SHEPPERSON, 11 and 12 North Water street, dec 18 ; . 368-3m AARON & RHEINSTEIN, No. S3, MARKET STREET,' iXQNTINUB TO OFFER BARGAINS IN J their line. They deslro to efcll the to their stock of e attention of the public r y Gf-ood s 5 consisting of Foreign and Domestic, Staple and Fancy Articles of every Description. Gentlemen can be supplied with Ready Mode Clothing and Furnishing Goods. They also have, for the ladies, a large and handsome stock of MILLINERY, in which all of the late styles can be found. Besides these stocks they have a handsome as sortment oi superb Carpe tings. Wholesale buyers are particularly requested to exMBi tfeV ock. .AARON & RHEINSTEIN, N 28 Market street. 363-tf The Policies of the Old Hartford Fire Insurance Company are' as good as ever. Call on the Agent. E. P. GEORGE, No. 3 North Water Street. 316 t oct 13 FIRE WORKS. FN ST ON & SCSnLD, General Agents for Lilliendahrs EXCELSIOR FIRE WORKS, Importers and manufacturers of CHINESE GOODS, FIRE CRACKERS, TORPEDOES, LANTERNS, FLAGS, Ac. No. 9 Dey Street , New York. oct 16 31-eod3m TTEXAS Wanted, OUR ABLE-BODIED YOUNG WHITE men, willing: to work on a farm to go to Texas. Puaage paid, and f 10 to $15 specie, per month, guarantied. Also two young white women to do house work. Address ot telegraph Dr. A A. McBRIDE, Care Capt. L. H. Baldwin, Austin st., Gal veston, Texts. m nov24 353-tf NOTICE. To Parties Forwarding ITrei&tvt or Ivloney - BY OUR COMPANY. YOU ARE REQUESTED TO HAVE AB Ti des to go forward in our office by, or be fore, 6 P. M., if not they will lay over for the next day's trains. J. MACOMBER, Agt., Southern Express Co. oct 31 ;' i! 3g3m N, C. Backir heat and Butter. OA TUBS PRIME N. C. BUTTER, 4v 10 bags Extra nckwheat llonr, for sale low tQ clqse consignment, by ' nn 6 PETTEWAY & MOORE. dec 23 - 378-1 w THE DAILY DISPATCH: WILMINOTON.-N. C., DECEMBER 29. 1566 THE BATTIVEOF SHILOH. Interesting and Vind Southern Account Narrative of General Basil Duke. We make the fojlowing extract from ad vance sheets of a new forthcoming work, sbon to be issued in LouisTille. We allude to the history of General Basil Duke, of Gen. Morgan's Partisan Rangers, of which Duke was a leading officer. It relates to the bat tle of Shilob, and commences on the morn ing of the 6th of April : The afternoon wore away and, no sign in the enemy's camp4 indicated that he bad discovered our presence. The night fell, ana the stern preparations for the morrow having been all completed, the army sank to rest. The forest was soon almost as still as before it had been tenanted with the hosts of war. But, before the day broke, the army was astir ; the bugles sounded the reveme on aa siaes, ana ine long lines oe- gan to form. ADoui nve o ciocjc tne nrst gun rang on iue ironi anoiner ana anotner, . succeeaini; as our skirmishers pressed on, until the mus ketry grew into the crackling labored sound. which precedes the roar of real battle. The troops Beemed excited to frenzy by the sound. It was the first fight in which the majority of them bad ever been engaged, and they had as yet, seen and suffered noth ing to abate the ardor with which the high spirited young fellows panted for battle. Every one who witnessed the scene the marshalling of the Confederate army for the attacK upon the the morning ot the 6th of April must remember, more distinctly than any men, their buoyancy and spirited impa tience to close with the, enem.y As each regiment formed -upon the, ground where it had bivouacked, the Toici ofi its comman der might be heard as he spoke high words of encouragement to his men, and it would ring clearer as he appealed to their regimen tal pride, and bade them think of the fame they might win. -When the lines began to advance, the wild cheers which arose made the woods stir as if withna rush of a mighty wind. - Nowhere waa there any thoughts of fear everywhere were the evidences of im peteoua and determined yalor.V Forborne distance the- wodds were open and clear of undergrowtbajid the- troops passed throngh, preserving their array with little difficulty; but ajs the point where the fight between the pickets had commenced was neared, the timber became dwarfed in scrubby brush, and at some places dense thickets impeded the advance. The ground too grew rugged and difficult of passage in unbroken line. .Frequent halts to reform and 1 . 'I' 11 i-l ' -,. . oecame . necessary, ana at . - .Lurh;timeseJohhstoa'l magnificent bat-i'l?Avi.-..; 'order Was read to the Tgiments, and its , AJanlv.. herme lancnmcre was listen p.rl tn with the feeling it was intended to evoke. The gray, clear morning was. ere long, enlivened kwith a radiant sunrise. As the -great light burst in full splendor above the horizon, sending brilliancy over the scene, many a man thought of the great conqueror's augury and pointed in exultation and hope to the "Sun of SbilQh." Breckenridge's division went into the fight last, and, of course, : saw or heard a great deal of it, belore becoming itself actively engaged. Not far off, on the left and center, the fight soon grew earnest, as Hardee dashed reso lutely on; the nneasy, broken rattle of the skirmishers gave way to the sustained vol leys of the lines, ,; and the artillery joined in the clamor, while away on the right, the voice of the strife swelled hoarser and angri er, like the growl ot some wounded monster . furious and at- - bay. Hardee's lines car ried all before it. At the first encampment it met not even the semblance ot a check. Following close and eager upon the fleeing pickets, it burst uporhe startled inmates as they emerged, half crad, from their tents, giving them no time to form, driving them in rapid panic, bayoneting the dilatory on through the camp swept, together, pursuers and pursued. But now the alarm was thor oughly given the "long roll" and the bugle were calling the Federals to arms; all through their thick encampments they were hastily forming. As Hardee, close upon the haunches of the foe he had first started, broke into anoth er camp, a long line of steel and flame met him, staggering, and, for a little while, stop ping his advance. But his gallant corps was still too fresh for an enemy, not yet re covered from the enervating effects of sur prise, to hold it back long. For awhile it writhed and surged before the stern' barrier suddenly erected in its Iront, and then gath ering itself, dashed irresistably forward. The enemy was beaten back ; but the K&r dy Western men who filled his rank al though raw and for the first time under fire could not be forced to positive fight. They had once formed, and at the stage of the battle they could not b routed,. They had little discipline, but plenty "of -"staunon courage. Soon they tqrned for another stand, and the Confederates were at once upon them. Again they gave way, but strewed the path of r their stubborn retreat with many a corpse in gray, as well . as blue. At half-past seren the first line began to give signs of exhaustion, and its march over the rough ground while struggling with the en emy had thinned and impaired it. It was time for Bragg's corps to come to the relief, and that superb line now moved up in set tled strength. , The first sign ot slackening upon the part of the Confederates seemed to add vigor to the enemy's resistance. But bravely as they fought, they never recovered from the stun of the surprise. Their half of the battle was out of joint at the beginning, and it was never gotten out right during that day. They were making - desperate efforts to re trieve their lost ground when Bragg's disci pline4 tornado burst upon them. The shock was met gallantly but in vain. Another bloody grapple was followed by another retreat of the federals, and again our line moved on. ' - ; ' ' " Those who were; in that battle will re member these successive oontesta, followed by short periods of apparent inaction, oing on all the day. To use, the illustration of one well acquainted with its plan and inci dents, "It went on like the regular stroke of some tremendous machine." There would be a rapid charge and fierce fight the wild yell would announce a Confederate success then would ensue a comparative lull, broken again in a few minutes, and the charge, struggle and horrible din would recom mence." Aboot half past ten Polk's corps prepared to take part in the fight. He had previous ly, by order personally given by Gen. John ston, (who was all the time in front,) sent one brigade to reinforce General' Bragg's right, where the second line had been most hotly engaged. He also sent, by order ot General Beauregard; one brigade to the left. The fight at this time was joined all along the line, and urged with greater fury than at any other period of the day. Almost im mediately after parting with these two bri- gaaes, ueneral Folk, became engaged with the remainder of his corns. The enemv had now disposed his entire force lor resistance - tne men fought s if aetexnaned to 'not ac cept defeat and their stern- tenacious leader was not the man to relinquish bone although his lines bad been repeatedly bro ken, ana tne ground was piled : with his slain. The corps of Hardee, Bragg and Tn ; -1 . i . " , , jtuik. were bow striving aoreas or mxngiea witn eacn otner. In reading the reports of the Confederate generals, frequent allusions will be lound to regiments and brigades fighting without "head or orders." One commander would sometimes direct the movements oi tmops ueiongwg to anoiuer. ai ims pnase oi the struggle, the narrative should dwell more upon "the biographies of the regiments than the history of battle," But the wise arrange ment of the lines, and the instructions giv en subordinate commanders, insured harmo nious action and the desired result. Each brigade commander was ordered (when he became disengaged) to seek and attack the nearest enemy, to press the flank of every stubborn hostile force which bis neighbors could not move, and at all haz zaras to pres3 forward. Gen. Johnston seemed to have adopted the spirit of the motto, 44 When fighting in the dark, strike out straight," fle more than onoe assumed command ot brigades which knew not what to do, and led them to where thty could fight with effect. Our successes wefe not won without costly sacrifices, and the car nage was lavish upon both sides. MISCELLANEOUS. Fall and Winter Goods! 23 M m;'katz 23 Market St. Market St. WE TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN AN normcine to onr numerous friends and cus tomers that we have on hand now a large and well sslected stock of - FALL AND WINTER GOODS I consisting in part of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC PRINTS, DeLAINS, POPLINS, REPS, EMPRESS CLOTH, FRENCH MERINOS, COBURGS, SHEPHERD AND SCOTCH PLAIDS, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, BOMBAZINES, ALPACAS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, DOMESTICS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES in eyery style. 3?aj?is Styles CLOAKS, BASQUES AND SHAWLS, BALMORALS, AND HOOP-SKlRTS, every style; LADIES', MISSES', MEN'S AND BOTS' BOOTS" AND SHOES; BROADCLOTH, DOESKIN, CASSIMERES, SATTINETS AND JEANS; MENS' AND BOTS CLOTHING; FURNISHING GOODS AND NOTIONS. TO WHOLESALE BUYERS, we are enabled to offer the beet inducements, as 'one of our firm is continually in the Northern Markets to watch for good Bargains. M M. KATZ & CO., 23 Market street MILLINERY. OUR STOCK of the latest styles BONNETS, HATS, CATALINES, GLADIATORS, CENTRAL PARKS, RISTORI'S, ORNAMENTS, FRENCH FLOWERS, OSTRICH FEATHERS, Ac, Ac, is complete. Our lone experience IN THIS LINE enables us to aell them at New York prices. Call and you will be conTinced. M. M. KATZ & CO Market street. LADIES FURIf ISIIIJf G " GOODS IN THE SAME DEPARTMENT WITH MIL LINERY. M. M. KATZ & CO., ;rr ... . . 23 Market street, oct 23 325-tf Sasrar and CoCbe, XT1 VERY QUALITY very low for , cash, at 11 XU and 13 Front street. CHAS. D. MTTRS, 'Agent: dec 23 1 ! k-u comiissiox HOUSES. IX O. WORTH. S. . VAJUXU WORTH Sc DAXIEL, COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, WtLMIXGTOX, N. C. Amenta for Goods peed' New York . Weekly Steamship Line, PuiUdelphl Southern Mali Steamship line and Capo Fear Steamboat Line to Fayetteville. nor 21 550-U JA31ES SHACKELFORD, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MER- WlLJtllXGTOX, N. C. tT Consignments of Merchandise and Covin try Trod acc solicited; and all business entrusted to my care will have my personal attention. Lumber orders will have attention. oct 10 SH-U BAJTL. 2. CA2I2SO. JAMES ST CAXXOX & STOKLEY, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 4 South Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct 12 31i-tf 8. W. TICX, of Wilmington. dr. MEDaKZ, of JLlamance coaDtj. W. P. R1T50LXS A BKO., ol Norfolk, Va. VICK, HED AXE & CO., QROCERS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Cheaxxut and Water streets, Wilmington, N. C. sept 80 3ob-tf J. J COX. (Late of Cox, Kendall A Co.,) General Commission and Forwardinc Merchant, NO. 2Z NORTH WA TER STREET, WILM13IGTO, N. C, W ILL GIVE PROMPT AND PERSONAL attention to all bosiuess entrusted to hi in. Cash orders solicited. Advances made on con-2SI-U signments, If desired. sept 1 sxxx, JOHHson, in. b. t. mcketiiax. ALEX. JOHNSON & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 8 South Water Street, WILMINQTO& N. C. sept 12 j 290-tl FBTBB XAIXSTT. CHARLES UOTtHJLX. GEO. B. BAKER, with MALLETT & HOFFMAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 16 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. aag2S . ' 2TT-tf ATJiTNsaN t siiepperson; GENERAL CommissioB and Forwardinr Merchants AND INSURANCE AGENTS, 11 North Water Street, Wilmington. TTtTE KEEP CONSTANTLY on hand GUANO Y T and FARMING IMPLEMENTS, ol im proved styles j and solicit consignments ot COT TON, NAVAL STORES and COUNTRY PRO DUCE generally, for 6ale in this market'or by our friends in the Northern cities, upon which lib eral ADVAxexs will be mode. Lile, Fire and Marine Insurance, in the best companies on the continent, granted at the low est rates MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, VlTH ATKINSON & SHEPPERSON. apr 17 l&5-tf GEO. H4JUUSS. W. W. HX&BI8S. A. J. HOWZ1X HARRISS A HO WELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NORTH WATEB STBJCST, . Wilmington, N. C., ' AND 196 WATER STREET, NEW YORK. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ONCONSIGN ments to our New York House on Produce, which will be forwarded through, tree of com missions. Consignments are covered br Insurance from ports and places in North and South Carolina, by Railroads, Steam Boats and Flats on the River to a shipping point, and thence to New York. All shipment should oe accompamea dt snip ping receipts and Invoices! from point ot ship ment, when Insurance attaches throngh to New York. oct 9 818-tf w38-tf C. DtTNBXJL, J. A. NICHOLSOK, I. H. .rxiRLET. B. !. FAIKLET. DUNBAR, FAIRLEY A CO., racToas and OOM3II8SION MERCHANTS, No. 38 Nobtb Watib 8tbist-L Staibs, Wilminsjton, N. C. STRICT personal attention paid to the sale oi Naval Stores, Cotton and Country Product consigned to them. Orders solicited. jan TO.tJ5jan l-wtf II ED KICK & ttYAX, A RE NOW OFFERING AT THEIR NEW Store, No. T FRONT 8TREET, Great Bargains in Foreign and Domestic O OD S Their stock Is now very complete, and arrange ment bare been made for retiring additional supplies, weekly. The LADIE6 are respectfully us a call, nor 27 I invited to give H. & R. 355-U VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE SPACIOUS STORE HOUSE AND LOT tn the town of Graham. N. C. formerly known as J. S. Holt's Store, with $1,000 worth of BOOT AND SHOE MACHINERY, up stairs, with a capacity of making 100 pairs Shoes per day with very little cost. The abave lot contains half acre, a comfortable kitchen with two fire-places. The store has two fire-places, euitable for either a store or dwelling. I will also Sell or Rent the Carter sville Tannery and Shoe Factory in Chatham county, N. C, which contain 16 acres of Land, 5 Dwelling Houses, and an excel lent Srore House, the best 8tand for a Country Store in Chatham county." ' ; Any person wishing to Rent or Purchase, can address or find me at the Graham HoteL Tu OS. DUNCAN, By 8. 8. CARTER, Agent Graham, Alamance co., Dee. 12, 1800. dec 22 373-2w , -4 0JUXT coimissioif ccuscs. ' WIXLIAJII A MURCIILSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. axz WHOLESALE GROCERS Wilmington, X. C. HAVE REMOVED TO THE NEW STORE on North Water street, next North of Cus tom House. nov 4 S30-lm SOL. UAA8 A CO., SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Water Street, f Ntrt door and adjelnlng the store of IL M, Barry. CASH AD VAN CES made n coDslgnmcnU Particular attention will be riven to consign meats of lumber. oct 11 ...... -'SlS-tf JA51ES A. WIIiIaAIID, (roufKBXT wuxaao a craTts,) OENERAL FORWARDINO COMMISSION MERCHANT, AD AQBNT roa , JETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Or HARTTOKD. OOXX.. No. 80 North Water Street, Wilmington N: C. WILL GIVE personal attention' to the pur chase and sale or Produce snd Merchandise. oct 3 r aostr f B. IQSUIOI, JAS. C. SMITH, W. O ROtvX, iUti. a smith, ol Cnnibcrlsnd. ROUIKSON. 8UIT11 CO., (Successors to C. II. Kob!itMn x Cu., uU Couo A euiltu,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Wilmington, N. C. ept 1 , M T. MCKRAT, New Tork. JE. Vt'HKA), v Wiiiu. . ., N. C J. -T MURRAY A COMMISOIOtl MERC!' No. 1st Front Street, Ne ' E. M UIIR AY A CO. wuolkmaLs GROCERS & COM3IISS10N MEHC WlLMIXUTtjA, A f. aug 7 . , - . C. J. MXUDXIinALLtM. V.WHIT k EH, ID. ICli I b Gricntboro, N. ClEuttild, N C- Kaitiuiutv C P. Slciidenliall Co., Cotton Tobacco, and C.euernl COMMISSION M E R CHANTS; ai ' WHOLESALE O IO C E R 3, 37 A 39 Sonth CalTcrt St, Corner of Water St., Baltimore, Aid. Jnly2 230-tJan2 a. J. OXK088XT, W. L, DXBOftSXT, O&AHAM DAVI-, DEROSSET A CO., Formerly DeRouet A Jlrotcn.) , EsTABiasnzn 1839. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 0 North Water Street. a D stairO WILMINGTON, N. C., WILL GIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION TO the purchase and sale of produce ol every description, and to receiving and forwarding goods. fc-pa) - 117-tf A. A. W1LLAI1I), WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES AND GENERAL MERCHANDIZi., Commission and Forwarding Merchant ' No 30 NORTn WATER STREET, I . Wilmington, N, C. RxrcKS to Jesse H. Lindsay, Esq., Cashier Bank Cspo Fear, Greensboro, N. C. 1 Rev. C. 1L Wiley, 3airinteudent Putllc Schools for the Sute ot North Carolina. Messrs. Messrs. Jan 9 James Corner A Sou. Baltimore. Dowley, Corners A Co., New York. 4 Ot A. A. MOIT1TT, W. D. MOrTlTT, JOTTS W LAV HI. MOFFITT, IIRO. CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Na South Iiaiek Srxxrr, . Vfilminflon, N. C' YX7TLL glv prompt personal attention to the Y V iale or shipment oi Cotton, Natal Stores, General Produce, etc, etc. Also to receiving and forwarding goods. Orders solicited and promptly filled, nov 27 . 43-U 1-wf.m Wnoiehale Bujera WHO 8TUDY THEIR INTEREST, WILL not purchase before they rxaiutue our Stock and Prices. Onr experience, tuetlu-r ltu the extent of our business In the Jo bum Oe parttnent srive us advantages not possessed by any other House in the State, and bat by lew Houses in the South. Ou stock of - DRY GOODS, I SHOES and I ; HATS. Is now complete, and will be sold at Great' 11 r gains for Cash or City Acceptance. HE&UCK A RYAN. nov 27 ' &VVtf BIBLES FOR SALE AM DISTRIBUTION. THE NEW HANOVER Bill I E SOCIETY Us made a depositor KIM f the City Clotlitug Store of Mwsrs. MLNKON A CO., !rkt street, where all In need ol a eupy f the Scrip tures can be supplied., Umtnltous iriributiyi'S can be made to persoo ! the C Nc Hsnover County only. Sa'es Is ia de siring to purchase. . K. . r'- ' 8ecreurT Ne - oct 12 " dress c;ooiU. ARE SELLING OUR DUEoo . at New York prlcea. HEDRICK & RYAN. nov 27 WANTED, T7K)R APPRENTICES. TO A DtaiKAUi x. JO trade, two stead j WHITE BOX 8, uuncen to fifteen years oia. nov 21 Armtv at ' THIS OFFICE. 650-tf fiipp.U'B Bread JVason. WILL DELIVER BREAD. CAKES, At., to customers,' morning and afternoon. . Those wUhlng Bread or Cakes deliverei will please leave their orders at. the Store oa front street. dec 18 Ut PORK, FLOUR, lie - NEW CTTT MESS PORK, rrmm FRESH FAMILY JuNfaSERn-OUR, STATE ANDFACTORY CHEESE, CHOICE GRADES SUGAR, . RIO CO FT E Ac. , ' . FAYETTEVILLE YARNS, o to For tale cheap by a JOHNSON A CO. deo2a ; . 3TMw w - si

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