- . . .. r;' w xr, : "nh a tft; v V OL. II. WILMINGTON, N. 0., SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12, 1867. NO. 393. V V 1 V ! THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH ROBINSON & SMITH, Proprietor, j PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY. j -Terms of subscription, Invariably in advance: rpHE CITY HOTEL 13 OPEN -FOB THE AC Dallv on vwr " t m I JL - comtnodation ot the travelling public, and .!'5l,n "" JK the Proprietors pledge themselves to conduct ' " " ' the House in a style that will tfve satisfaction to RATES OF ADVERTISING : i iu patrons and guests. Advertisement will lc inserted at fl per 6i uare ! ' FREDERICK fc SI1F.MWEI.L. for the first insertion ; $3 50 per week, and t$ ! dee 1 ST-tf per month..' -; " ): .. . ...,. "' Ten lines or Ics constitute a square, ,137" No publication made without a responsi ble name. LINES OF TRAVEL. Wilmington & Weldon Railroad. Office Chief Engineer fc Scpt., Wilmington, Nov. 3, lWti. f i-.wr ... V HIV CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. N AND AFTER MONDAY the 5th iust., the- following fkt Schedule of time will be run over this Railway. GOING NORTH. Leave ilmington at 4.45 A. M. 11.15 A. M. 9.25 A. M. 2 57 P. M. 2.00 P. M. b35 P. M. Antve at Goldsboro' at. " " . ". Arrive at Weklon at ti 41 it GOING SOUTH. Weldon at. ..... it tt Leave .11.00 A. .. 7.S5 P. . . 3.00 P. ..11.50 P. . . 8.00 P. M. M. M. M. M. Arrive at Goldsboro' at ti it -it it. Arr,ive at Wilmington. 4.o0 A. M. Cloac eouueetionri are made by both trains go inir South. 1 t The 5 A. M; tmiuTroin Wiliiiiutou, aud 11 M. train from Weldon, do not run oh Sunday's: Close coiiuections are made by the 11 05 A. M, train bot'i ways between New York and New Or leaua. '. 1 IJy the train that leave here at 11.05 and the one that arrives here at 4.o0 A.. M., close tun ueetioiia are made letweeii New York aud New Orleans. Connections are made by the other trains but more time is required. " To, i;o North by Bay Line, leave ui 5.00 A. ML; t ;o ly Annciuessix, leave by the 11.05 A. M. trahi, Eitlier train connects by Uicliinond. Cios- connections at Goldsboro with the N. C. trains by the 5.00 A.' M. train, and by either to Newlwi'it. S. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. nov Vo 1 ' S43-tf ViImiiig( 011 & Manchester li. It. f fi e (Jen. Suit. Wiu fc Man. R. Koad, Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 3d, I860, i f N AND AFTER MONDAY the 5th of Nov I J the following Schedule will go into etfeet on the. Wilmiugtou and 'Manchester Ilailroad. ' EXPRESS TRAIN." Leave Wilmington daily at 4.50 A. M. Arrive at Kings ville , " J.30 l M.' . Leave Kiugwville ' ' 1.45 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington daily at ... . 10.45 A. M. - ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily at. 8.20 P. M. Arrive al Kinnsvillo 4 . ....... 8.00 A.M., Leave Kin;s ville " .. 4 IJO P. M. '. Arrive at Wilmiugtou daily at.... 3.45 A. M. c connections made by both trains at Wil irtou with the Wilmiugtou and Weldon Rail road'; at Florence with the North Eastern Rail road lo Charu'stou, ud at Kingville with the Sou til Carolina Railroad. . W.m. McRAE, General Superintendent, j nov 4 .' : IFK1CE M AT.K OF TltANSrOUTATlON, W11 mi.noton Welimin Raii.koa'u, Wilminoton, N. C, Oct iilst, 1SX). NOTICE TO MERCHANTS. I EG ULAR THROUGH FREIGHT TRAINS X leave here on Mondays and .Thursdays. Returning, arrive on Tuesdays and Fridays. Persons wishing to ship by oaid Trains will please have their freight in warehouse by 11 A. M., on Wednesdays and Saturdays. ; WM. SMITH, Master ol Trausportatiou. uovi mr TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, iFICE, f i. r. Co., y av 2; IStki. ) Wilmington, Charlotte 1 1 Wilminrton. J. May 17ROM AND AFTER JUNE 1st, 1S0(; the Mail J, Train on this road Will leave Wilmington at ( o'clock, A. M., on TuesUay?, mureuays auu Saturtlays, and arrive at Sand Hill at 3 o clock, P. M. Returning will leave Sand Hill at 1 o'clock, V. M., on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and arrive in Wilmington at 4 o'clock, P. M. i ' . WM. H. ALLEN, Master of Transportation. may 31 203-tf For . Rent. rpUK STORE AT PRESENT OCCUPIED BY X Mers. Moffitt, Bro. it Co., and the office over the tore occupied by Mr. Alfred Martin, from thclst of Oct., 18CG, to the 1st of OcUibd?. , For furt in r particulars, apply to Mr. J as. An derson, diiin' my absence. j r W. D. SMITH, Agent. REV. C. BRUCE WALKER, augol 280-tfi Lippitt's Confectionery. I BREAD IS ALL ITS VARIETIES, .' "'- ; FRESI1, MORJflNU and EVENI NG. FANCY CAKES AND PJES TO SUIT THE MOST FASTIDIOUS, FRESH EVERY DAY: oct 31 ' 333-tf FIR i z sjsiy LIFE 3 Aj insurance ency. We represent, in this, city, the following Iusur- ance. Compauies, viz : THE SECURITY INSURANCE, of N. Y. THE NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSUR , ANCE Co., of New York. . i THE EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE Co., of New York. THE MARYLAND LIFE INSURANCE , Co., of Baltimore. " ,..ty TZr rf.:;" tliom t. tl onnfionoo rf thU Pnnimnnitv I . Losses Promptly Adjusted and Paid. 1 Major MATTHEW IV TAYLOR . will be with us, and give this branch of our bu--. ATKINSON & SITEPPERSON, - - II and 12 North Water street. - dec 13 S2S-3m WANTED. LADY WISHES A SITUATION, SA Uoiuekeeper. For particulars, apply to A the XOAKs and FURS. A L81TPPLY CONSTANTLY ON HAND HEDRICK & RYAN. I 1 3H HOTELS. Ciij Hotel. WlLMISGTOX, N. C. Nov. 27, 1S66. MILLS . EOUSE, M EETI N G S T It E ET,, . Charleston, S. C rpiIIS-HOUSE HAS BEEN ; i iiui.GUGHLi X repaired and refurnished, and cannot be ex- celled by any in the city. JOSEPH -PL'RCELL. Proprietor.' lau 'M . , . U5-lf i CITY HOTEL DAUBER. HAVING thoroughly "refitted and refurnished my Shop, I am jfepared to shave, cut hair, aye ana snauiixon m tne latest styles. ueirtleinen visiting my a nop may iop may bo aeiircd with politeness and mat tuey win oe waited on ' promptness. . , ! , EIVVAH) HE1D. ' Jan 0 yy-u PROFESSIONAL. ' v, . . . ... .. .... ..; i: .... JAMES C. DOBHIN, ATTORNEY AT L A Fayc'teville, N. C, oFFJviJ coitXKi: no u l- oiIeks streets. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE collection ot Claims and other businesrs eu- truU-d to hw cans. " nov 0 :j7-ir DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, &c. james Mccormick, ;..11LIICUT TAIfl.OIt, No. 33 Broad Street, Charleston, S. C. Wholes ile and Retail Dealer in CLOTHS, CAS31MERS AND VESTIXGS, GENTS' AND BOYS' READY MADE CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS,. etc. iuly 13 . 23y-tt NEWS'! NEWS! FROM DEPARTjIENT HE Vl CI VRT JE JEL ?S . Heavy SteiiirorccitieiBt - ' OK : . ' ' ' AT " '' HAAS & GO'S., O I'll MR. JACOB HASS h'ao just rtUniicd lroin a business tour through the . . NORTHERN CITIES. and having purtliased a stock inui h c'henper tliau . ' ' ' . heretofore, we are prepared to offer to the CITIZENS OF WILMINGTON.' and t lie public gcuerally, the, tkiest'. assortment of Rl-LVpV MADE CLOTHING. ' ' ' : ' GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS, SHOES, J '. HATS, o:e. , at a ' -''' ' ' IIKAV V ZtmU ITIO .from what they have been sold this bcason. . We v uld most respectfully. call the attention of the LADIES to our beautiful assortment of ' d BOY'S AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING. ! They art; of superior make to any ever offered in this market. Our MER CHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT attends to orders promptly, and s-uits are uar r ' "; ; auteed to lit. Give us a call before pun-basing, elsewhere. Front Street near .tlarket, "Old Stand of lied rick A Ryan ? dee' 1 t .. FOR SALE. VERY VALUABLE COTTON FARM, -rsituated eirht mile from th? Wilmin- A T 1VT1 I llttPlif t A o r d Kutherfoid Railrad, at Al- fordsviUe, containing 000 acres of land. 250 of .which is cleared and in a very high '-state, of culti- each successive husband was named Torup ! vation, well improved, buildings of every kind , k.ins. ' ; and the health of the place unsurpassed by any ! iu the State. I will sell the land for th pro-' The total amount of tobaeco annual! v . of it of one year' work of ten hands. - A I ln amount of provisions and stock on the I place can be bough with the laud, at market indofa purchaser than can be had anvwherlin ' the South, as my present cropCthough a ehort . 'one) will ahow casli prices for alton the place. References : Ron. r! S. French, Tcttewav & Moore, E. Murrav & Co., Worth Vt TXinicl, WU- minjrton. Hon. Thes. A. Norment. Capt. . b. JNorment, A. W. Fuller, Berry Godwin, Lumber- ! 'f -7.. FULLMORE. r in i - .'' ; -.; '..' "? sa5'lm'L- r rinnf?. nWnil V Woii laipp 1 ti7S ISrClll V , a OH. , ! V7ILL DELIVER BREAD, CARES, o ThswUtiiB5 Bread or Cakec deliver 1 ill i 1 picas leave tueir orura a iije store on fro&t street. i tf DAILY DISPATCH. WILMINGTON, N. C, JANUARY 12, 157 r f A Confederate Coinel Cowhides a r New Voi:k Lawvkj.. Yesterday afternoon, ( about : o'clock, the denizens of the commer cial region of lower Broadway w ere much amused and interestcd in witnessing one of fchc choicest scenes of "cut ami come again, in the shape of a racy cowhide case on ,thc part of an ex-rcjbel Colonel and a lawyer of the class recently termed in one of the "French courts ";i Xevv York lawyer." A certain rcnt!enian, named Mr. , is an attache of a It-al linn in Wall street in this citv, and Colonel , of Broadway, has lecn a client of mi id firm. A few days ago Colonel satisfied the monetary claims there by paying a very modestly figured up bill of $2,500 for .'rvices rendered." Of this sum the gentle man attache claimed f 103 upon some inexr plicable pJta for "mysterious influences" ren dered, that produced an imaginary tn-and result unknown either 41 the practietrer the ' theory of law.- This sum the Coionel refused 10 pay, wnereupon , r.sq., wnois a semi- prpiessimal "bruiser,7 about 200 pound i weight, gave notice, both verbally and epis tolary, of HsticulTs for two, at sight. The gallant Colonel, nxt t'o be intimidated by any such -.process of collecting debt?, even if hon estly due, immediately had recourse "to arms." Just about 0 o'clock , Esq., en- I entered the Colonel's olrice and. asked him I : out to a "rough and tumble,"" which thev; Colonel responded to by producing a stout i cowhide, which he most vigorously laid on ; the head, lace, shoulders and principally the i ... . 1 I, , 1 . " . ia'ck of Ej.-, who ran some twenty feet, "yelping and crying, yet still receiving ! the generous lashes of the now excited Col : onel. An immense crowd liad gathered to l.teho'kl the castigating Colonel and the cring ing lawyer. Oue hid-worn and the other ?o.rc, and the interposition of third parties ended the -ceiic. xV. Y. Time. " 9 . Tiik lioAO to Poort Fakmino. 1. Invest ! all.--your, money. in laud and run in debt for ; more. ' . 2. Hire money to stock your farm. ! Have no faith in your business, aud be ever ready to sell out. 4. Buy mean cows, spaviued horses, poor ; oxen and cheap tools. 5. Feed poor hay and mouldy cornstalks 1 exclusively, in order to keep your stock tame; fiery cattle are terribly hard on old rickety wagons and plows..' 0. Use the oil of hickory freely whenever i your oxen need strength; it is cheaper than hay or meal, and keeps the hair lively, and i'also pounds out all the grubs. T. Select such calves for stock as the batchers shim beauties of runts, thin in the hams, and portbellied ; but be sure and keep their blood thin by scanty herbage; animals are the safest to breed from that have not the '.strength to herd. - i Be cautious about manufacturing ma nure; it makes the fields look black and mournful about planting time; besides it is , 11 deal of work to haul it. i). Never waste time by setting out fruit and shade trees; fruit -and leaves rotting around a place are unhealthy. Lou ago, in Massacliusetts, it was the custom for a person to go about the meeting houses, lluricg divine service aud wake the sleepers. "He lorc a long wand, on. oue end of which was a ball and on the other a fox tail. When he observed the men asleep, he rapped them on the head with the knob, and roused the slumbering sensibilities of the ladies oy drawing the brush lightlv across their faces." A Calilornia wife in San Francisco, writes thusly to her liusband.in the interiot: "Dear Sir : It may be proper, and perhaps my duty to inform you that about two mouths ago I succeeded in getting my di vorce from you, and also that I have since married again. You may continue your , monthly remittances, as I may need them for your three children." A wicked wag says the reason young la dies look so bold and tierce in these latter days is, that they tie their hair so tightly on the back of the head that they cannot shut their' .eyes," which gives them their iierce look, and then their tremendous waterfalls ; so balance their head's up that they seem to cock their chins" at everybody, hence their bold, detiant look. ,. "It is announced that' a party of twelve tierce-looking Camanches, on their way from the far West to the Paris Exposition, have, arrived in New York city. They are a del egation from one of .the. wildest, most blood thirsty, treacherous and eiuel tribes of the Plains, aud the public generally keep at a , respectlul distance from them. j A party of one hundred and fifty Chey enne Indians, on the morning of the 1st in-, staut, surrounding the telegraph office at Sweet Water Bridge, killed and scalped the operator, named Callicott, and burned the ' station. Three soldiers were with him, one of . whom was found dead. The others haveL not been heard trom. , f ' . ; ..'' ' ! t'i bequeath,'' said an Irishman, in his will, "to my beloved wife all my property j without reserve, and to my eldest son, Pat- rickfoue half of the remainder, and to Den- nis, my youngest, the rest. If anything is left it may go to Terrance McCarty." A subscriber writes to a Western editor "1 don't want your paper any longer."" To j j which the editor replies: 4I would not make j it any longer if you did: Its present .length j -aits me very well." A L'tica paper says that during the fitful fever of her life now ended, a woman in , city had leen married three times, und rofturftl throughout the world etiinat- A r,i . nn oaa nnn .,.Ta us Toi o i i -n ia 7 Africa. 24,300,000: AustraUa,T 14,000 :mak- - irjf in aJl 905,039,000. , Z, . . . , . . ( It is now stated that three hundred people perisheJ by the burning of the steamer t ash- i0n on the lower Mississium Thev were ; freedmen who were abroad on a I holiday excursSon. - ? 4 U Rev. Paul Whitehead, the newlj appoin- , ted Persident of Murfreesboro' Female Col-4 1 . entered uiKn hu duUes, and is making g impression. The Rev WML 'Wellohs purpos?sto revive t tJje chrstian Stra at thfe fofrn or place of pu-! I bcatiorv Suffolk, a. MISCELLANEOUS. I1REAT REDMM IV PRICES ! ! M. M. 23 3Iarket St. KATZ & CO., 23 Market Si. .-yTE ARE WEEKLY. RECEIVING IV E "W Cm O O T & at the present low prices, and have aloo reduced the prices of our WINTER STOCK Hf a good variety of SILKS, . f POPLINS, EMPRESS CLOTH, MERINOS, DeLAINES, BOMBAZINES, VLPACCAS, PLAIDS, DOMESTICS, LINENS, S1IIKT1NG. 31 1 11, 1 IS JE JsL 11 ATS. BONNETS, PLUMES. HAIH NETS. AND COILS. Ready 3Jjiclt, GJlotliing. BOOTS AND SHOES. NOTIONS, BROADCLOTHS, PANTS STUFF, To as Low Rales as lhey arc Sold j IN . INTE-Vv" YORK Tl'E ARE' DETERMINED TO MAKE ROOM ARE' DETERMINED TO FOR OUR ro ck. M. M iau 1 . KATZ & CO., . 23 Market street. -Sb3tt BIBLES FOR SALE AND iiISTRIBUTION. rpHE NEW HANOVER BIBLE SOCIETY has JL made a deposit of Bibles at the City Clothing Store of Messrs. MUNSON & CO., Market street, where all in need oi a copy of the Scrip tures can be supplied, (ir-.ituitous Distributions can be made to person ot the City and New Hanover County only. Sales to any one de siring to purchase. E. l'. GEORGE, ecretary New Hanover . Bible Society, oct :i!6-tf XOTIE. T o Pa rties Forwarding Freiglxt or Money OUR COM TAN Y . VOU ARE REQ TESTED TO HAVE AR ri I clef to go forward in our office by, or be fore, 6 P. M., if not they will lay over for the next day s trains. J. MACOMBER, AgL, Southern Ex press Co. 332-Sai I li T A It It 1 V E n. 0 Tons of Rettlewcls Manipulated (inano. orders accompanu:d with the cash, Promptly Filled at $90 per ton. MALLETT fc HOFFMAN. eept S 27-tf Ucceived bv Steamers. RARRELS NEW YORK CITY MESS PORK, not o TDICTt PATiTnV HALF AND QUARTER BOXES LAYER j RAISINS, ! ROYRS ADAMANTINE CANDUES, PRESERVES various kinds JELLIES, ; PIC ' ELS, in pint, quart and 1 gallon Jars, j COD FIS1L SALMON, MACKEREL and j r. M. BEEF. I For sale by " CANNON & STOKLE, No. 4 South Water Street UNDER AN ARRANGEMENT ENTERED into between my fiuccessors and myself, debts due the Dispatch office or subscnP"0? are made my ablo to Messrs. Rpbinri,Sniitn t". 1 rrt j . c inff mm v y.i n zr. rri mvlf. Parties will please take i.oticc of this. ' JNO. D. BARRY. aug ff 553-tf TO REaT, - . SIX OR EIGHT ROOMS, PLEASANTLY .situated on Front street, between Dock and Orange.; ' - r , nov 7 . 'X ' ' RAD LET. JAXUARV 1st, 18C7. ri:p. AmnnXTS ABE MAD1! OLX WE K) hone our ralron will -onie in and pay op. i ' M. M. KATZ A CO., 23 Market ftreet. COMMISSION HOUSES. I. 6. WORTH. S. . Diltl. worth & daii:l, COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, W IL3IINGTON, X. C. Amenta for Goodspeed New York Weekly Steamship Line, Philadelphia Southern Mali Steamship Line aud Cape Fear Steamboat Line to FajetleviUe. nov 1 I Wtl JA5IKS SIIACKCIrORU, SIIIPriNO AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. t-tf' Consignments of Mtrchandise aud Coun try Produce solicited ; aud all business entrusted to my care will have my jcronal attention. Lumber orders will Lave attention. oct 10 S14 tl 8AM' U S. CANO. JAMES 8TOKLT. CAWOX cV STOKL.KV, GROCERS A'D COMMISSION JIER CHANTS, No. 4 SouthWater Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. oct 12 316-t 8. W. TICK, ot Wilmington C. IV MEI1AKE, of Alamance county. W. 1. UEVNOLDS BKO., ol Norfolk, Va.' ' VICK, IIEB WK A: CO.? i ROCERS, " k FOHWAHDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner. Cheeniit and Water btreettt, Wilmiugtou, N. C. sept 30 SOfr-tf J. J. cox. (Late of Cox, Kendall 3t Co.,) (euerul Commission and I'orwnrdLnp Merchant, s XO. ZZXOllTll WATEli STliEET, ; ' Wilmington, ' N. C, . WILL TJl'VE PROMPT AND PERSONAL I attention to all business entrusted to him. Cash orders solicited. Advances made on con-1 siguments, if desired. f i septl . 1 asl-tl ALEX. JOHNSON, JU. E. T. JICKETH AN. ALEX. JOHNSON & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 8 .South Water Street, . . WILJIIXGTOX, X. C. eeptia yyo-u I'ETEH MALLKTT. CUAULES XlOFrUAN. OEO. II. I1AKEII, WITH MALLETT & HOFFMAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 10 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. au2S jrl7"tf 1 ATKINSON Ar SIIF.PPP.RSON- I GENERAL Commissioa and Forwarding Merchants AXD IXSUItAXCE AGEXTS, 11 North Water Street, Wilmington. TE KEEP CONSTANTLY on hand GUANO i T T ana DAlOlLNU DlfLt.MEMS, ol im- ; proved styles ; and solicit consignments ot COT TON, NAVAL STORES aud COUNTRY PRO- : DUCE generally, for 6ale in thia markctjor by our j friends in the Northern, cities, upon which lib eral advances will be made. ! Lite, Fire and Marine Insurance, in the bc6t companies on the continent, granted at the low est rates. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, WITH ATKINSON A 3HEPPER30N. u: r ;7 nwvtf GEO. hakriss. w, w. iiakkiss. a. j. uowell 1 HARRIS Ai HOWELL, ' GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I I au t'aibll lkA.Ia Ay i Wilmington N. C.,i j : . " AND ! ' ' li)G WATEIl BTItEET, NEW VOKh. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ONCONSIGN mcnts to our New York House on Produce, ' ijwhichwil! be forwarded through, free of com-i i missions. , J Consiments are covered by Iusurauce from j porta and places in North and couth Carolina, by i Railroads, Steam. Boats and Flats on the River to ' a shipping point, and thence to ew i ork. All shipments thould be aeeoiujwiiicd by shii- ; ping receipts and Invoices from point of sliij- i ...v-wi, t.v.. ' vrvwv ,u.vj,.. .. York. oct 9 313 tf wtf MOFFITT, HRO. V CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 4 South avuh Street, Wilmington, N. C. YITTLL give prompt iersonal attention to the V sale or shipment of Cottou, Naval Stores, General Produce, etc, etc. Also to receiving and forwarding goods. Orders solicited and promptly tilled. nov 27 : . ' 43-tl I-w6m iii:drick v iiyax, AKs RE NOW OFFERING AT THEIR NEW tore, No.'? FRONT K T R E E T ' Great BtirsainH in rorcisn and Domestic -- 4 y-v -r-v-r ID JrC C3 O OD S . 1 Their stock is now very complete, and arrange ! incuts have been made for recciviog ffiitional supplies, wcekiv. The LADIEfe are rest'cctfully invited to rfvc I us a call. II. & R, 355-tf CADY! 130 BOXES FANCY AND ASSORTED CANDY, at GEO. MYERS, , II and 13 Front Btrcct, CHAS. D. MYERS, AjrenL Usa tt r jan S Ten Cases Sardine. H A LF and QUARTER BOXES, at 11 and 13 rront etretl, CHAS. D. MYERS. A rent. jan 8 itJ T3ROWN SUGARS, LOW GRADES. Lowest cash prices, at GEO. 3IYERS, 11 and 13 Front Street, CUAS. D. MYERS, Aeut. Jan 8 43 Bajs CoiTec, " .1, PBIM2 TO CHOICE, lowest elth price r.pn Mvri'n . - 11 ajd U Front Slrtxij CHAS. D. MYERS, Axrul.. Jan ' . :iMC r COMMISSION CGULU ' j WILLIAMS A JIUIICHISON, ; VOMM IS8ION M E II C II A N TB, ; " . ash ' WHOLESALE G HOC Elm, WiImiuctony N C. 4 HAVE REMOVED TO TnK NEW STORE on North Water street, cst North of Cus torn House ' nor 4 SSMta SOL. II A AM At CO., SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Water Street, Next door and adjoining the store of 11. M. Barry. CASU ADVANCES made on eubAirnmrnU Particular attention will l Rhcn to cvDsljrw ? menu of lumber, oct 11 ja:tii:s a. v i M.Ann, - (roEMCJU-T WILUlUIi A tVETl,) i O ENEU A L FOUWAltDlNO ) COMMISSION MERCHANT, f . AND AGENT r0 j-CTNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPAQ V, I Or IIAKTTOItD, CoNX, 'No. 30 North Water Street, Tlmlngton N. q, ! WILL GIVE personal attention to tie mr- 'chase and saloDf Produce and Mtrthandlxe, f oct 3 30 tf C H. KOUINSON, JAS. C. tMITU, T. O. KOBtXtOJT, alkx. n. smith, of Cumtx-itaud. ROI1INSO.N. S3IITII V CO., (Successors to C. II. Robinson V Co., and Coliu f A Smith,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilminctoti, N. C. eqt 1 251-tl J. T. MfKRAT, E, M UK RAY, New York. Wilmington, N. C. J. T. MlKKAY A CO., nnMiiiAOinii pirnnitiuvA i No. lSiJ Front Street, New York. I'. M U R R A Y A CO., . I WUOLUALE GROCERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILMIXOTOX, A a 1 C. P.' MOUEMIALL M. T.WIIITAKER.tD. XIC1IOLA j Crcentboro, N. CjEnftcld, N. C. llaltlmore i CV 1 Icitdciiliall & Co., j Cotton, Tobacco, and tcneral 'COMMISSION MERCHANTS; i : AND . j W II O L E S A LE G ROGERS, 1 37 te 3J South Calvert 8t , Comer of Water St.. 1 Ualtimorc, 3Id. .... 1 july 1 JU0-tjau2 A. J. DRUGS SET, W. L. DEUOSSCT, OUAUAM Vk 1 DEROSSET Ai COi9 ; XFurmerly DcIloUet Jt Brown.), Established lbC'J. GENERAL COM3IISSION MERCIIANTS, No. 0 North Water Street, (up Rtairt,) WILMINGTON, N. C; WILL GIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION TO the purchase and cale ot produce of every description, and to recdvlM? aud forwarding goods. feb20 v 117-U A ..... A A. WILLAItD, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES AJI GENERAL MERCILVNDIZE, ComniiiAion and Foruardinf JtferckaaU ! No GO NORTH WATER STREET, ) '- Wilmington, N C, , " Refeks to -. Jeebe 11. Liudsar, s.t Cashier Rank Cape ! Fear, Gre-n&loro, N. C. j Rev. C. 1L Wiley, ci.iiutcudcut Inblic ; Schools for the State oi North Carolina. ' Mesprs. James Corner fc Son, Baltlmjore. Jan V i bu-ll - --. c- ak, J. A. NICHOLSON - Ji. rAlRUBT. DUNBAR, FAIRLEY Ac CO., FACTORS ANI COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. CG Nortii Wteil Street Vr Stairs, Wilmiucton, N. C; J. Naval iOT(:t , Cotton aoJ Country Product co.uijrnea to tbem. Orders solicited. an u TU-tian 1-wtl " " ' r ". " " ; . Tll0lCSliC litlVCrS T-Tliri HTHIlV:T!iril.IVTPItaT Will i VY not purchase before they examine onr Stock and Prices. Our experience, together with j the extent of our bualnca iu the JubbibgDe tiartment rive ui advantage not ioe&ed by mm. m a a ... - a any oiner nouse in me cuie, auu uuv iy lew ' Homes In the South. Ourilovk of ! DRY GOODS. t I SHOES and J, ' . HATS, I is uow complete, and will ! .old at Great ' Bart I gains for Cash or City Acceptance ? HEDRICK .'JL RY AN. hov 27 -tf iiu:s ;oods. RE SELLING OUR DRESS GOODA we I TT at New York price. HEDRICK fc RYAN. nov 27 XX &. HIIKIXSTEIX, 1 No. 2S, MARKET STREET, i "10NT1NUE . TO. OFFER , BARGAINS IN )Kj their line. They d---elre to fmll the attention or the public to their stock of Oifir itnrl' of -t . Dry-G-oo d. s cousLstln of ; ' Foreign and Domestic, Ma ; Atricles ofercrj V nil Fancy n. - J: : Gentlemen can be iuppilcd. v . . : ReadT tfade Clothing n ' Goods, , . They also have, for the Iadif- ; handsome ttock of MILLINERY, I of the Ute atylec can be found. - Besides these atocka they have a Li.. . aortment of superb Carpctin s '; TiolcwJc buycri are partltaLuly rcutti- ' eAihiue thh stock. JJ.V. AARON- & RIIEINSTXIN, , J3 Market trttt. I WILL ' SELL THE REMNANT- OF !MY STOCK OF CIiOTIILIC it actual coat. . Parties in need would da u. II t ill aJ ex amine mv stock, as BARGAINS win ' " riua. . 1 ... , :, . ' ,.,. - r.tehz: .5 Corwr. ' ' : jan 2 Z A tf TAKE NO MORE L'.NPL' safe retncdU- fr uw aisea. Um HEM ' and IMPROVKD i;usm'A . -. . AND UN 1 .' trout 't liCCHU DOT 27 SS5-tf dec 13 ... V.'

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