IMS P AT wii.viixrrow DAILY VOL. II. WILMINGTON, x C, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 15, 1867. o. a?5. i ! . THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH ROBINSON A .-MITH. Proprietors, PViLUHIl) DAILY AND HKEKLY. ferns ol svtiacfiyuoa, knvwWbl iiidance :- Italic I one car . . . . 4t OU i tiion'i KATLfe OK ADVERTISING: TrtTrrtlTHU li1 s will be inserted at $1 pe r square lor the Ural iuncrtioa; f3 50 .i.r fri-d. im1 f lcr month. Ten fme4 or i'b ' o?i-titutt h iiwn "T?f" No publication mad', without a reepojad- LINES OF TRAVEL. W i lining (on & We Irion Railroad. Drrtca VUlKW;k A Slri., Wilmington. Nov. , I'SOti. CHANGE OF NC'IIEUI I.E. i N AND AFTER MONDAY the 5th inst., f the iolloM ini' fust eklu-duW ! time will be ran er tln Kailvsav . GOING NORTH. LeavC Wilmington at ii VrnvK lit Holdi Imh at K rrivje ;t W Idon ki , ' f i it i' .At1 ;oini; wi th. ( ;i i VV'fldoli at . 4.4o A. 11.15 A. 9.26 A. . 2 57 P. . 2.00 P. M. M M. M M 0.35 p. M. . ll.OU A. .. 7.35 P. . . 3.00 P. .11.50 P. M. M. M M. X i ri v f iit Ooldrtbonr atr. rive at VV'Umina ton . . . M P. M. t.30A. M Jos', eoin'evtioiit. ,.r' mart' l -jtli truing st. WZ rfolltb. The 5 A. M. train front Wilmington, and 11 t. M. truin from WYIdon, do not run on Suuday'e. CkaM connection! re made b the 11 05 A. M. Main ! -th wayn bet ween New Yrk and New Or teaBs. B th train thai lea es here at 11.05 and the one that arrives here at 4.;J0 A. M.. eloae eon ieetloii are made between New York and New Orleum;. CouueeUous are made by the ther '"iiin!- but more time h required. To -jo North bj Ba Line, leat at 5.00 A. M.. t-t go . Annemebbii, leave by the 11.05 A M. (rata Hither train eounecta b Richmond. c,!o-i. eoim tiotie t Uoldaboro witlrtbe N. L 'miii- in th, no t r rain, and b either to S.-.l'.-rn. 40 2. L. t REMON l, Chief Knjjiueer and Superintendent Id 343-tl Wilmington Manchester R. R. " 1 ice ' e n Sen. wtv. A Man. R. Hoai. Nov. 3d. lm I U ii M VN AND A K'I'JTt MONDAY the 5th of No V . the folio" inr Sehedule will jro into efl.'-! on tn VYHtniufctou and Manchester Railroad. EXPRESS TRAIN. a Lea e W ilmitiiftoti iluih tit i.du A. M A r i I at Elniraville . . . . L.30 P. . . .. 1.45 A. . . . 10.45 A TRAIN. M. M. M f.eav' KmMlle Arrive at VVIhuiiiprton tlaih at VCCOMMOUATION i avi Wihniuirtou duilv t ".20 P. M. lirrivi at KimroviHe " ....... ?i.00 A. M. Leare Kiiiii-ville M .......4.30P.M. Arrive at WlladaKtou tlailx at 3.45 A.M. Cio i nneetioiip made bj both trains at Wil- tinrioa v ith the Wilmiugton ami Weldon Rail road;,at 1 loience with the" North Easteru Rail road for Charleaton. and .it Kinrville with the uth CaroiMtia Railroad. Wm. McRAE, General Superintendent. .,o, i . 336-tt TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, A II.MINUTON, C'UAKM'ITB Jl R. R. Co. G. f je Ma Wilmimrton, N. C. May S9 lio. -'kjiVI V ) 1.'TKK .11 NK Ut. lfMili. the Mall Train on thi road will leave Wilmington at 6 o'clock, A.M., on Tmesdafs, Ihursdays and Saturdays, and arrive at Sand Hill at o o clock M. Returning w ill leave Sand Hill at i o clock M., on Moudaya, Wednesdays and Fridays, and arrive in Wilmington at 4 o clock r. Ja. WM. II. ALLEN, Master wt Trau?portatiou. may 31 J03 tl For Rent. 1 I MIL STORE AT PRESENT OCCUPIED BY M. -m. Motlitt, Rre. & Co., and the office ovei the store occupied bv Mr. Alfred Martiu, b om the 1st of Oct., 1300, "to the 1st Of Oct., 1S67. For further particulars, apply to Mr. as. An' ih r-n, diwint: mv absence. W. D. SMITH. Agent, KEY. C BRUCE WALKER, mg 31 '-JW-tf LipiU Confectiooery. I3REAU IN ALL ITS VARIETIES, r KESH, MORNINti aud EVEKlNtt NCi l AKE AND PLEti ro s i rr.1 ii e most r ASTiDiou, FRESH EVERY DAY. oct3i .MT PIBE AJNIY L.IFTE IiisiiraAtioe upnc. ' Wc represent, iu this city, th following lunar ttiee Compsuiea, viz : THE SECURITY LNSLRAISCE. ot N. Y. THE NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSUR ANCE Co., of New York. HE EqUlTABLE LIFE INSURANCE Co.. ot New York. THE MARYLAND LIFE INSURANCE Co., of Baltimore. Thcstpouiuauiea are all unt clas, with large -urplua capital, and we can satelj recommend 'hem to the couhdence of this community. Loss Promptly Aajvate and Paid. Major MATTHEW P. TAYLOR w ill be with Us, aud give this branch of our bu sines !n xcluai ve attention. ATKINSON & SREPPERSON, 11 aud 12 North Water street. dec 13 328-3m WANT. A LADY WISHES A SITUATION SA tta,a.tkee-ier. For particulars, apply to the DISPATCH OKTICE. dee oJ5-tt TEWS -Wanted. rutK AJIA.I!-UU1ED VOL Nj WHri'L A- I mi wauu iu worn ou tt larm to o to A. m, - Teje. s paid, and 10 to 15 specie, per month, xaarantied. Also two yanug white women to do hou-e-Aork Addrsas a telegraph Care Cant. L. H. BAtnwuAit.fAai. W AmmL T til B " w C Jiou. m nov 24 a&a-tf TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AN UN safe remedies for unpleasant and daaflaroos ?VEL6' S kxtk act BOCHL and IMPROVED ROSE WASH. or i- HOTELS. Ky Hotel. WlLMIHOTO, N C. Non. 27, lbu& rpUt CITY HOTEL If OPEN F K THE At L commodatiou ot the travelling public, and the Proprietors pledge MMefa to conduct the House in a stvle ttiat a ill give satisfaction to its patrons and rne-t FREDERICK A 8 H K M WHLl dec 1 &S-tf MILLS HOUSE, MEETING T B E E T . Charleston 1. THIS HOUSE HAS BEEN iti'JKULbHLl repaired and reruraihcl, .oid cannot be ex celled ! hii it the city. , JOSEPH PI RCELL Proprietor. . I an 'JO Uo-tl 4 , ClTa' HOTEL BARBER. HAVING thoraahJy refitted and rUuiubkcd my Shop, I am prepared to shave, uttl hair, dye and ehampoou iu the latest stylea. Geutlemen visiting niy Shop may be a.-?uix-d that they will he w?tTt'd on with pwitenea nhd iwompliHSu Jan g W-tl PROFESSIONAL JAMES C. DOBBIN A T T 0 K N E Y A T L A W i Fayefteville If. C, ffjPFjt'M I 'JRSEH Hon d HRKES STREETfo WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO j THE eollection of Claims and otbt.1 basmSS tu trusted to his core, nov t -. y-lt DRY CiOODS, CLOTHING, &c. jaxes Mccormick, nKRHAT TA1L.OR No. :I5 Broad Street Charleston $. C Whoks de and Retail Dealer in CLOTHS. CASSIMEKS AND N ESTINGS, GENTS1 AND BOYS' READY MADE CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS. TAILORS TRIMMINGS, etc. july lb j 239-tf NEWS! NEWS! FROM DEPARTMENT i Heavi Iteiiifbrt'emeiif 1 nl r i in X4, rixesv - AT HAAS ft CO'S.. O L R MR. JACOB 1IA&S has inst retrained irom a bnaiaeaa tour through the VORTtlEHN CITTE, and havlnfc parchaeed a stock inneh cheaper than heretofore, w re prpisied to offer to the CITIZENS! OF WrLMIN?TQ5, and the public gem tallj, tin- nuesl asaortmont of READY MADE CLOTHING GENT'S IT RN1SIUNG H V'TS, HOES. HATS. &c at redi tno from what they have been sold thl season We m u id most respectfully eail the attention of th- J " to our beautiful assortment of BOY'S AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING. The arc of superior make to auj ever offered ; in this market Our V MER CHANT TAILORING DEPARTMEN i . attends to orders promptly, and 'sun itc .guar auteed to tit Give as a call before purchasing elsewhere Haas & CO. Front Street near Market. Old stand of Hedrick A Ryan dec 19 - Si7- ii FOR SALE. AVERY VALUABLE COTTON FA KM, situated eight miles from the Wilming ton, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad, at Ai fordaville, containing 000 acres of laud, 250 of which is cleared and m a very high ttat' of eulti : ration, well improved buildings of every kind and the health of the place unsurpassed by any ' in the State. I will sell the land for the pro ' oeeda of It of one year's work of ten banda. A large amount of 'provisions and stock on the place can be bought with the laud, at market ! prices. I offer better inducements to the right kind of a purchaser than can be had auy where in : the South, as my present crop, i. though a short one) will dhow cash prices for all on the place. References: Hon. R. S. French, Pcttewav & Moore, E. Murray & Co., Worth & Daniel, Wil minirton. Hon. Thoe. A. Nonhenl, Gaf. W. S. Xonueat, A. W. Fuller. Brrv Godwin, Lumber ton, S. C. Z. FI LLMORE. last 5-lm Lippitt Bread 1 agon. YTTILL DELIVER BREAD, CAKES, to TV cast customers. niorninsr iiwBc.BUMu oma or ea.ce unuw . ,r oaSnOIW' CM ne Sav, ' atrect rdW Storemi rr09Axeiy good but tkty do t rocA u tf ' So T tries him mit a greenbax ! l nose aTstuaf Bread or X will DAILY DISPATCH. WILMINGTON, N C., JANUARY to, 16 an Wteenn and his Greenba the Bowery. A Tale of ' i irate. Mister Btnriroy Good morning. 3Ir. Van S tn) It iT-f' ? . Vu lusv tlii morning Mister Bum r Sv r Xooo" Veil, vou -Iiust Uiiike an anebor an comes to lyoiuaeU uiit dat work bench, and I dells x 9omt thiwsn hpw 1 makes notbtner by ter wai :" Is it a long -toiy. Hans'' Nice, Mr. Dunuoy. It bees not to long it is drue. aul I dells clem to vou nttt OBCe, Lnd I wants, you to make put emnstt voiir baber. so Tern older klk know hov much I made mit te-r war. " Y em see I bees a Dutchman of influence. Jh names is Hans Van Steenix. 1 geeps a lagir beet stoore in der Iowen.Janl my son Sain be un gnt poy as ever pees in any sthore in the guutry. In day he hears der fift beats and der drums play, and he goes mit der crowd to a .giuiting shop, and he make- hh ears lisen der life und dc drummer, and he gets Latriotic, und he nike himself ; go tor a soblier lor his Lncle Sam, and gets I hvc hundred to liars bocratv in greenbax to -rliiii li li52 but rb if im I. nil T hM liutriofip orkl makes war speeches, uud takes care of Sum's money, und all de great mens drink at mine sthore, miel pats me on der buck and say, - Hiilly for that Hans Van Steenix ot ter ttowen !" Und I reel glad, unel T ijets to ! a big uiau. tor mv son Sam i a sol dicr. und all dar prg men -av Tsr a bully man from der poor gnatn. "I nd iny Bam he gji?a mit der wars. He goe to Manassas, and he gets mit der BJ" Bet tel. unel In i:oes mit all tier boys to New Orleans, v.uO ron d iy he gctb his leg killed mit a gannum ball and goes to der hospital to see himself die. Und he Writes me i letter, and 1 gets um and reads dat my sou Sam be dead mit his leg on. and wants to see Die his old tadder and tumbler before he gets well. ?ow I love dat poy Sara, for he peer a good poy. so I leaves my sthore and goes to W ashington, and gets a bassport from Mr. Stanton. Und 1 goes into der War De partment and I sees that nice batriotic war man. und I savs. A h. u jod morning. 8hen eral Sthanton" ''Und he looks mit me. and says nothing ! Den I say, "Doivt&ou know me 1 I bees Haii:? Van Stcenix. Use from der Bowery ! I make w ar speeches. You drink lager beer at mine sthore. My son goea to der war. He is killed in hospital down South mit a gan num ball. I wants to pring him home before he goes cloud, ! w aul a busport to go uick, lor my son Sam goes dead Den he say Hump " i never heard of you " "Den I tiuk I want to see my aun Sam So I try him mit a greenbax ! Den he say u'Ah! what is your name? Den I say. ' Hans Van Steenix, from der Bowery ! Den he shakes hands mit me and says " . rt4Ohyes 1 know vou now, Mr. Van Steenix from der Bowery. Glad to see vou. Heae's your bassport Go and see your son .Sam." " 'So 1 goes to Memphis. Und I must go bv boat to New Orleans. Und Sheneral Washburn says my pass is no good. Den I ,rralls on him und he looks at it aud says, it don't reach P Den I say ; 'Don't yeu know me i My name is Hans Van Siecni.v Use irom der Bowery. 1 makes war speeches, und sends my son Sam t: der war. He killed himself mit a leg in his gan non ball, und I goes down der river to pring him home before he dies.' Und he shakes his head and looks wise. So I try him mit t crreen'a : l ni ne !i'ks maseo au'i nr ways : " hat is. your nauie . Hans Van sti.enix. from der Bowery ' Und he says : ' Oh, 31r. Van Steenix. I recollect jou ! , Sit 'down. Glad to see you. How is Sam ! Here is your bassport." "Den I goes to der gaptain of ter -denin boat on ter river. I show him my bassport. He says nothing. Der boat is diuat going. . He tell rue to go ashore. I tries him rnitfa crreenbax. He takes the srreenbax, and says : V'Oh vou are Mr. Van Steenix, Ah! I'm i jlael to see vou Never mind your bassport it's all right Hope you'll find your son juiet ! Und I s;oes to New Orleans. Lnd 1 goe to Shcueral Banks. I show him my bassport. Hes-.iya; 'Ah, conic next month, when I e'ome back from Red River !' Und I tell him I want to see my son Sam who is dead mit a gannon ball, and . wants to see ,me before he gets well. Und I tell him my name is Hans Van Steenix, from der Bowery. He tells me tp go ofi. So I try him mit a green bax. H Den he say : What did I understand your name f ' Hans Van Steenix frem cler Bowery. O. I'm glad-V se you, like to forgot you. it T all means. Certaiab Take this bassport ! Go see your son Snm, He was a brave boy !" Den I goes to der hospit d, and knocks on der door. Und a guard wants to ktvow what I want. Und he no lets me in Den I show all my bassports. Und he say I can t read. Den I ask does he know my son who was killed in the battle, and is he alive ? Und he says yes ; he is in dare. Den I ray : 4 Don't you know me ? I am Hans Van Steeaix ? Den he say. Move on 3 out of the way. So I try hiin with a green ' bax ' Und he say ' AH right. Mr. Y an Steenix nevermind eler bassport go in." " Deu I meets der Surgeon, and he asked me where I am going. Den I say ' To see my son Bam who killed ina gan non ball in his legs, und Wants me to -joinc und sec him pefore he gets no better.'" Den he ay Can not go in it's against der rules." Den I tells him mv name is Van Steenix from de Ifr Rnwerv. umi I diAu.him mtlms-v. I . rt r uujk saw oui J orry, hut i-nrt don't , run g$ can t go in. " So I tries him mit a greetibax y , Und he say ' Ah ! Your name is Hans Van Meeniv Go in. Find your son Sam.' Den I nnn der gaptain, and wants him to go nut me and wMtf an OAue, jnajt tings snt bv der Sauitanr Y . m : a - bassports. Und he say IT. una nd be goes Bail me to help look at my son Sam, who shot tier off mit a hall in one leg-. Und I tind my son Sam gone dead two r weeks. So I gone home work my pa wage. I lost my Sam loot my green bax. Dej make laws while I am gone dat my athore in der Bowery sell not more laoer beer. Und I ehust tell you bow I get fooled once, but rn more " 1 1 - A- Good Hoax Pirated cfok a Cot pl. of Nokth C arolinians bt a Negro of Memphis. Two of the moat respectable citizens ot Wilmimrton. North Carolina. 1 were terribly hoaxed about a week since nv a negro of Memphis. He represented himself to the gentlemen aa baring formerly lived near Memphis, and that previous to the war he had been the confidential slave ot his master. He also slated that when the Union army advanced on Memphis, his. master, with hio assistance, had buried $4-5.000 in gold ; that bo escaped North, and soon afterward his master v a: killed, and none knew the place of the deposit ot the treasure hut himself. He applied in vain to several parties, but at last succeed ed in getting two of Wi lining ton's moat prominent citizen to come with him to the city, premising to remunerate them with the treasure. They accordingly started for tlii- point with the negro, who eat and drank of the best in fact, lived like a lord by the way, md, arriving here, went in the night with the negro to dig for the treasure in Elmwood Cemetery. While they were digging the negro made some excuse to get away from them, and then, making a sudden bolt, left them with their spades and shovels j to get away the best way they could. The operation cost the parties about $300. Ex-Gov. Harris, of Tennessee, has returned to that State. lSCELUNEOrS. GREAT II I M. M. 23 MHiket St. KATZ & CO., 23 Market t. E ARE WEEKLY RECEIVING GOODS at the present low prices, and have also reduced the prices of our WINTER STOCK of a good variety of SILK- v. POPLINS. EMPRESS CLOTH. MERINOS. delaines, bombazines, alpaccas. PLAIDS DOMESTICS. LINENS. SHIRTING. MILLINERY. HATS. BONNETS, PLUMES. HAIR NETS. AND COLLS. Ready Made Clotliing. - BOOTS AND SHOES. NOTIONS, BROADCLOTHS, PANTS STUFF, To as Low Rates' as thej are Sold lSrE"W YORK :WE ARE DETERMINED TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR i hpring stock:., M. KATZ A CO., 23 Market streeL 383-tt jju 1 RE5IOTAL. DR. CARR HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE and residence to the South side of Market street, directly opposite his former place of bu siness, where he Is prepared to perform any ope ration belonging to his profession- with all modern improvements. Charges In all cases will be moderate, and proportionate to the mate rial desired. Teeth extracted without pain. Wilmiagton, Jan. 2, 1867. abs-U CLOTHIXW AT COST.' WILL SELL THE REMNAST OF MY A T O C K OF ClOTHIMfl at . ta ntte4 do weU to call amine mv toek. aa BARGAINS a ill he alam 3 H. AAJaMCau, Exchange Corner. ,an - u mm & HEREBY GIVEN Will be made to the ItMmVm AFPLACATION mm oi i in Tin l In if man of mm srt to Xhe "RI.i4mi T nvA rmilMBT aa act to rate tb- ad Manalaetnrtng Com dec 31 COMMISSION HOIiSCS. O. WOBTH. V . I A. MAI WORTH s U Ml I COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, H ILMINGTON, II. C. Agents for Good peed' New York UVeesU Steamship Line, Philadelphia Southern Mafi Steamship Line and Cap Fear Steamboat Line 10 rayetrevuie. nov 21 JAMES ll ( KI IJ OKI) SHIPPING ANlT COMMISSION MEI CHANT, &- mm m as t -fw & mi mm m , iml.i.iiiivi1 n v Z-tT Conalrnmcnta of Men handiae and couu try Predue solicited ; ud all badness entrusted to my cart will have my personal attention Lumber order w ill have attention. . oct 10 au-u r- -M L. X. CANNON. JAMtS STOaXAT. tlWOV .V STOKLEY, GROCEKS ANV COMMISSION Tn3SH CHANT8 No. 4 south Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. act ia 8. W. VICSL C f. KLBAKR. oi Wilmington. W. ! of AianAaaee county KEY?(Ol-b5 a bKO ot NorfoUtyVa. ll It M t II h 111 lltVI A m mm. , . m m i mm . m 4 m mi .W ROCERS, FORWARDING AND C03IM1SSION MERCHANTS, Comer Chesuut aud Water fctioctc, WUminton, N. C. I septJJO aurx. jouNsoa, j h 306-tf E. T. MCKETHAS. ALEX. JOHNSON & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 8 South Water street if tfaa.M i WILMLVQTOy, y c. sept Vi 200 U PETEK MALLBTT. CHARLES HOmiAIt. ' GEO. B. BAKER, WITH Ev it '' i M1LLETT & HOFFMAN. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 16 North Water Street, XMT T T f IrTi V I auK xn-tf ATKINSON K HEP PERSON, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Merchant AND ntaUMANCK AGENTS, 11 North Water Street, Wilmington. WE KEEP CONSTANTLY on hand GUANO and FARMING IMPLEMENTS, of Im proved styles ; and solicit consignments of COT TON, NAVAL STORES and COUNTRY PRO DUCE generally, for sale in thhrmarkefor by our friends in the Northern cities, upon which lib eral .ADVANcas will be made. Lite, Fire and Marine Insurance, in the best companies on the continent, granted at the low est rates. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR. WITH ATKINSON & SHEPPERSON. apr iT 106-tl oeo. hjlbhiss. w. w. HAaaiss. a. t. howbxx HARRIS dt HOW ELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NOKTH WATSH STREET, Wilmington, If. C, AUD 190 WATER STREET, xNEW YURh. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGN mcntb to our New York House fon Produce, which will be forwarded through, lrec of com miisioric. Consignments are covered by Insurance from portfe and places in North aud bouth Carolina, by Railroads, Steam Boats and Flats on the River to a shipping point, and thence to New York. All shipments should be accompanied by ship ping receipts and Invoices from point of ship ment, when Insurance attaches through to New York. Oct y ' 313 tf w3S-tf A. A. MoFriTT, W. D. MomTT, JOH M'LAVKIM. MOFFITT, BRO. A CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. South WA-iiia Street, Wilniagton, N. C. WILL give prompt personal attention to the sale or shipment of Cotton, Naval Stores, General Produce, etc., etc. Also to receiving and forwarding goods. Orders solicited and promptly filled, nov 27 43-tI 1-wGm A: KIIi:iSl I IV No. 2S, MARKET STREET, C1 CONTINUE TO OFFER BARGAINS IN tbeir line. They deairc to call the attention of the public to their stock of Dry G-oods consisting of Foreiga and Domestic, Staple and Fancy Atriclea of every Description. Gentlemen can be snpplied Readv Made Clothing Goods. rith Famishing a large and In which all Tbej also have, for the ladles handsome stock of MILLINERY, of the late styles can be fonnd. Be;-idea ?hee stocks thev hate a handAome aa- sortmcot of superb Carpeting-. Wholesale buyers are particularly requested to examine this stock. aarun 5fgHH& f leu ac Sardine. HALF and QUARTER BOXES, at 11 and 13 Front Street, CM AS. D. MYERS, jau HO OWN I T RO WN SUGARS, LOW GRADES IJ Lowest cash prices, at OEO. MYERS. i LI aad 13 Front Street, CHA8 D. MYERS, Agent. 3 tf jau - T1R1ME TO CHOICE, lowest I GEO. M Yl 1 ! aud U Front Staset, CHAS. D MYERS. AaeuL t City j JjACON SIDES aaHOrLES SMOKED BEEF, HAMS, BEEF TONGUES. i r Lcrret caah pricer, at - ! chW1 t ..-4 CM3WSSI0N HOI SBS, WILLI AJU Xl KCSlBOlf COSfMISSlON MERCHANTS. WJI0L hSALh' Oh KB8 U ilaoiagtoa, N.C., HAVE REMOVED TO THE NEW STORE u North Water street next North of Oas- 4 3S-U SOL. HAAU Ot., SHIPPING ANT) COmiB8iqN W ERCTI A NTS Water asrrc . Nivt door aqS adjlUnU.vtarao! IT k. Barry. i vmiv - m v nfi v. Kn , Particular attention a roeata of lombrr . oct il on be ft tLMt JAJIEH A. UIM.UD, VoiLW. titW s irVwV ' 1 GENERAL FOJIWAHDINO AJrO CO. MISSION MERCHANT, a wd aoswt rda JSTNA LIFE UNSTRANCE COMPANY, OF IlAKTrOKD, COSh , No. 'JO North Watt 1 Wnmlugtoa, K C, WILL IVE mrsmal attentioW to the pur- VE 1 le of cnase ana ?tx Prodta t f rrhndlS. oct a c. u. uobiso, j as. c. nursr. a. aosissoiu AUBM.. ti. SJ4TTM, of Cui1. JelauL KOHiNM). SMITH A CO., (Succeora to C. 11. Kohinsoa 4k Co., ami to tin mm X Smith.) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCaANTB, WilmitiKtou N. i C J l 1 J. T. Ml UK AT, New York. WUmjfcMSSisN c. J. T. MURRAY CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS No lSbFruatom- t, .New V orkl. E. MURRAY A CO., waoLBSALr. i GROCERS & COMMISSION MERCHXNTH WILMJXOTO. A f aufc 7 -jfctl C. P. nXOEnAM.!M. T.WIIITAKT SlCVOCt (jrecutboro, N. C. Enfield, N C. Cnttliu . P. Mt iitk nl. nil , Co.. Cotton, Tobacco, and (. ncraf COMMISSION MEKCn ANTSj . , . r WHOLESALE G R O C t R 8 , 67 cV :i9 South Cal l i t Si , Corner of Water St., Baltimore, M4, ttfO-tjavft" uaaosssT, w. i uaaussaT, ouaham ua DKHOSNLT Oi CO., ( Formerly Deliouct '& Btvun.) Jj ESTABLMKBD 1689. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCUANTb, No. C Noi th Wati . Sttoet, ( stairs,) WILMINU'lON, N . 4J., ILL GIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION TO thf purc hase and sal of produce of eenr description, snrt to reiCiTi' - td forwarding goods. febaO 117-U A . A W 1 f, I. If l," ' ' " AN fi )LKS ALL DEALER IN GROCERIES AND tJENERAL MERCHANDIZE, Commisaion and Forwardiag Merefaaat. Ofa 80 NORTH WAlKR' STREET. Wilmington, K. C Reveks to Jesse H. Lindsay, . Cashier Bank Cape Pear, Greensboro, N. C Rev. . II. Wiley, i tintfudcii' Public Schools lor the Stute oi X.irtli Carolina. Messrs. Jsmes Corner A Sot'-, Baltimore, Messrs. IMl. y, rT ye, Newo i . C. DL'MBIE, i. A i. U. EAIRI-ET a. N. Fi DUNBAR, FAIRLBY A CO., FAOTOKS AJTD C'OMMISSION MERCHANTS, No of, North Wateh street L r SxAxaa, Wilaiiagtoa, N. C. STRICT personal attention paid to the sale oi Naval Ston-?, GuUaa uii ikmntrf Brodoct consigned to them, Ordei - li itcd. j jau b 7V Wian 1-wtl '-.I...' . . Valuable Real Estate. Iv no: I wm NOT DIBPOLD OA AXI UIVATE liU" ii oner at rnoitc Anct a ...... Uic Court-. House in EUxabetl win rtotro. aaiae. iiit M rmi I Frbrnanv ftsxt tscl A desirable Brick XmLW "i Maai sUaaA erected la tSM, from a Mb ot Cair-n Vatnt, containing six rooms of good sire passages, cioseta, feranaaii-. iv- , ti ntui tae wm rial, and cart fully executed A n of the n Out RuikUasareenttir ufemlae-. whiehi Three Tou Lots, stocked Uh ruit mental Trees. oltuatod near theCwurt Uvum tiqaate, JsiaOmV ces and a Stable And near the lauding, a large Warehouse. The Plantation, one mlc above EUutx Thtown. on the Gaoe Fear Riter. contain mg thirteen hundred aaras. five haadrid of which arc under fence, and pair handrea and twenty improve A One-third ef tbit qnastity ta good Cotton Lasd. Improvements are a Urge andwronvenicnt Dweittug oofitaiaiug sixteen raotas altatse- ceasary Oat Buildings, two small r IrweiMas, Servants Hottaes, Barns, Stable. Shops, Milt Sheds, Ac Tnere Is a Brick Yard upon the t aiisescoaira nieat to aavteatloa, with good brirk- aad porce lain clay. The am lasted mmtaanaeeawy growmv . .f n.V -.nd Tiirif nruin 11 HlS v. wh r y , I to 11 WIU UV Ul lUl-J Hiaaera. Taans. -Six ij ceaL eash. Bahucs extoa- I Jul BIBLES FOR SALE AL JaSTklBtTlON. rnnr. SEW UANoViE UkliLL SOCIETY ha I made s deposit of Bfbfes atOi Cl tdag ft& aC Meskra MfJNBON A CO . Marks where all i need ol a coin of tt "?rtp- rmn be strooHed. fi nlf. as Dhtti itftMM can be made to petaoc v4 mm City Maaorer County on!v. Sales ta aa owe de- alriag to pnrrsiias. IL P. GEORGE, mmi.p Sfw Maaar 130 BOXES FANCY r i vrT Mmt JOBTED EO M I i.- !! and JS Fi VIl-VJ?- v. jama lowinrRHU jLflia a mate audOraa. mm