WILMINGTON DAILY WTCH 'r VTJL. II. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 18(57. DTS1 NO 398. THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH. ROBINSON A SMITH, Proprietors, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY. Terra of subscription, invariably in advance : Daily, one year. . . . " six months . ... fC 00 4 00 KATES OF ADVERTISING : Advertisement will be inserted at $1 per square for the first insertion; $3 50 per Week, and $H per month. Ten lines or leas constitute a square. tap" No publication made without a rrcpon-i- ble name. j r LINES OF TRAVEL. Office Chief Engineer 4 Supt., -Wilmington, Nov. 31 WW. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER MONDAY the 5ih Inst, the, following fact Schedule oi t ime will be ruu over this Railway. GOING NORTH. Leave Wilmington at i M M Arrive at Goldsboro' at. ... . . Ml it (M N Arrive at Weldon at 4.1". A. M. 11.1.1 A. M. S A. M. . :7 P. M. . 54.00 1. M. . o .35 P. if. GOING SOUTH. Weldon at Leave .ll.W A. . ?.:; P . . 3.00 P. J1L50 P. A K.00 P. . . 4.. 'XI A. M. M. M. SL M. M. it ii it Arrive at Goldsboro' :it i it .i M Arrive at Wilniington. -Close connections are made- by both trains go in South. J - The 5 A. M. train lroni Wilmington, and 11 a. M. train from Weldon, do not run on Sunday's. Close connections are made by the 11 0." A. M. train both ways between New York and New Or leans. By the train that leaves here at 11.05 and the one that arrives here at 4.30 A. M., close con nections are made between New York and New Orleans. Conneetions are made by the other traius but more time is required. To go North by bay Line, leave at 5.00 A. M.; to go Dy Annemessix, leave by the 11.05 A. M. train. Either train connects by Richmond. Close connections at Goldsboro with tlie N. C. trains by the 5.00 A. M. train, and by either to Newbern. 1 8. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer aud Superintendent. nov LJ 343-1 f Wilmington & Manchester R. R. office Gen. Sipt. Wil. & Man. R. Road, WfLMiNGTON, N. C, Nov. 3d, lSCC. ON AND AFTER MONDAY the 5th of Nov.. the following Schedule will go into effect on he Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily at. 4.50 A. M Arrive at Kingsville " 3 .30 P. M. Leave Kingsville M 1.45 A. M. . Arrive at Wilmington daily at 10.45 A. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily at 8.30 P. M. Arrive at Kingsville M ....... 8.00 A. M. Leave Kingsville - . 4 30 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington daily' at.... 3.45 A. M. -.o e connections made by both trains at Wil-r-utigton with the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad- at Florence with the North Eastern Rail road' for Charleston, and at Kingsville with the South Carolina Railroad. Wm. McRAE, General Superintendent, nov 4 336-tf TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, OFFICE, ) Sc R. R. Co., V May li'J, 18k. ) WlLMINOTON, CHAKLOTTE & Wilminirton. jN. c. May fROM AND AFTER JLJNK 1st, 1SU0, the Mail ' Train on this road will leave Wilmington at G o'clock, A. M., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and arrive at Sand Hill at 3 o'clock, P. M. Returning will leave Sand Hill at 7 o'cloek, A. M., on Mondays, Wednesdays aud Fridays, and arrive in Wilmington at 4 o'cloek, P. M. WM. II. ALLEN, Master of Transportation, may 31 303-tf For Rent. , gdhpiIK STORE AT PRESENT OCCUPIED BY JL Messrs. Moffltt, Bro. A Co., and the office over the store occupied by Mr. Alfred Martin, In -m trie 1st ot uct., isoo, to tne ist oi wet., i. Nr further particulars, apply to Mr. J as. An- rr c derson, daring my absence. AV. D. SMITH, Agent. REV. C. BRUCE WALKER. 2S0-tf aug ol , j Lippitt Confectionery. -f)READ IN ALL 1 VARIETIES, ' oa.i UAL NINti and E VENINC FANCY CAKES AND PIES TO SUIT THE MOST FASTILl0L S FRESH EVEK Y DAY- oct 31 FIRE jKJST LIFE Insurance Agency. We represent, in this city, tho following Insur ance Compauie, viz : (K THE SECURITY INSURANCE, of N. Y. THE NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSUR ANCE Co., of New York. THE EQUITABLE LIFE Co., of New York. THE MARYLAND LIFE INSURANCE INSURANCE Co., of Baltimore. These companies are all flret class, with large surplus capital, and we can sately recommend them to the confidence of this community. Losses Promptly Adjusted and Paid. Major MATTHEW P. TAYLOR will be with us, and irive this braueh of our bu- siness his exclusive attention. ATKINSON & SHEPPERSON. 11 and 12 North Water str. et. 328 3 m dec 13 WANTED. LADY WISHES A SITUATION SA Hoasekceoer. For Darticulars annlv ti tue DISPATCH OFFICE. qt;c9 Ma tf " TEXAS Wanted. IOUR ABLE-BODIED YOUNG WHITE . men, wUling to work on a farm to go to lexas. Passage paid, and f 10 to $ 15 specie, per Also two yonng white women to do house- work Address at telegraph Car rw t tt Ai A McBRIDE, vTSlV H- BUWIM' Au8tin 6t Gal JlM 353-tf X'taff rmediEE U NPLEAaA T AND U N HOTELS. lily Hotel. VlLUOTOH, N. C, Nov. 27, Wj. npHE CITY HOTEL IS OPEN FOR THE AC- X eommodatiun ot the travelling public, and the Proprietors pledge themselves to conduct the House in a style that will give satisfaction to its patrons and guests. FREDERICK A SHEMWELL. dec 1 '.Wi-tf MILLS MEETING HOUSE, STREET, Charleston, s. C. rpHIS HOUSE HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY A repaired aud refurnished, and cannot be ex celled by any in the city. JOSEPH PURCELL. Proprietor, ian lib 95-tf CITY HOTEL BARBER. HAVING thoroughly refitted and refurnished my Shop, I am prepared to shave, cut hair, dye and shampoon in the latest styles. Gentlemen visiting my Shop may hi assured that they will be waited on with politeness and promptness. . EDWARD REID. Jan W ; WMf PROFESSIONAL. J AMISS C. DOBBIN, A T T O R N E Y A T L A W . Uaye'teville, N. C, office cony Kit no w x- qreen streets. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE collection of Claims and other business en trusted to his care. nov 0 i.37-lf DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, &c. JAM US McCORMICK, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 35 Broad Street, Charleston, S. C. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CLOTHS, CASSIMERS AND VESTINGS, GENTS AND ROYS' READY MADE CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, etc.. july 13 239-tf i NEWS! NEWS! FROM DEPARTMENT : HEADQUARTERS. Bfft'sivv Reiiilbrcemciit CLOHll(, RECEIVED AT . HAAS & GO'S., O UR MR. JACOB IIASS has just returned trom a business tour through the NORTHERN CITIES, aud having purchased a stock much cheaper than heretofore, we are prepared to offer to the CITIZENS OF AVILMINGTON, and the public generally, the finest assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &c. at a HEAVY REDUCTION from what they have been sold this season. Wc w uld most respectfully call the attention of tin to our beautiful assortment of t BOY'S AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING. They arc of superior make to any ever offered i in this market. Our CHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT attends C or(ltiV1 pruuptlj, and suits are guar I -j auteed to tit. Give us a call bfcrc purchasing elsewhere. Haas St CO. t Front Street Market, Old Stand of HedriC Ryan t dec 19 a37-tf FOR HALE. A VERY VALUABLE COTTON FARM, JlA. situated eight miles from the Wilmiuif tou, Charlotte and Rutlierfo d Railroad, at Al fordsville, containing (XX.) acres of land, 250 of which is cleared aud in a very high state of culti vation, well improved, buildings of every kind and the health of the place unsurpassed by any in the State. I will sell the land for the pro ceeds of it of one year's work of ten hands. A large amount of ' provisions and stock on the place can be bought with the land, at market prices. I offer better inducements to the right kind of a purchaser than can be had anywhere in the South, as my preseut crop, (though a short One) will show cash prices for all on the place. References: Hon. K. S. French, Petteway fc Moore, E. Murray fe Co., Worth & Daniel, Wil mington. Hon. Tho8. A. Norment, Capt, W. S. i VTVTh A" W" FaHer' Berry Godwin, Lumber- ' Z. FULLMORE. jan 4 385 lm JLippitt's Bread Wag on. WILL DELIVER BREAD, CAKES, mz., to customers, morning and afternoon. Those wishing Bread or Cakes deliver 1 will please leave their orders st the Store front street. THE DAILY DISPATCH. WILMINGTON. JANUARY IS. lbt7. We borrow from an exchange the follow ing concentrated "milk in the cocoanut" of a recent affair in Memphis, occupying more columns in the papers of that city than we have leisure to wade through : One of tie Beecher family Dr. Peyton D. Beecher. lt Memphis has gotten into a Very ugly predicament. He is not only in this ugly predicament ;. he is also in jail. Among the adventurers who came South with the Federal armies was Dr. Beecher. He stopped in Memphis. The property erf Dr. Early, a Confederate surgeon, was sold for United States taxes, and Beecher bought it. Alter the war Dr. Early went back to Memphis, and attempted to recover his prop erty, offering to pay all expenses. Fearing that he would succeed, Dr. Beecher deter mined to et him out of the way, and hired a fellow named Walker H. Reck ford to mur deruini. Reekford, concluding after a white, 1 that he could make more money out of Ear ley than out of Beecher, made a full confes sion of the conspiracy to the former, not knowing that four or five of the most promi nent citizens ot Memphis, were listening to his story. Beecher and Reckford were ar rested, the grand jury found true bills against them, and they are now in jail. Beecher lias been one of the noisiest of the Memphis Radicals since the war ended, and ! hence nobody is surprised to find him in the ; hands of the law, with a fair prospect of 1 going to the Penitentiary. Invention' for Gkttisg Tukpe n t ink. This article of commerce has heretofore borne a large share in the trade ot this State. Many ot our pine forests have heen destroy ed, hut much remains from which the tur pentine may be obtained, and anv real im- provement in the still important. mo le oi obtaining lt is A Mr. Carpenter, of Brooklyn, N. Y., who called to see us on yesterday, has recently invented a plan by which be thinks. a large amount of turpentine might be saved and the article improved. He is desirous to settle in this State and is looking for a location. His plan is, by the use of small tin troughs and a box, for which he has obtained a pat ent, moved regularly up the tree as the chip ping renders it necessary, to catch all the turpentine as soon as it exudes from the tree, preventing the bad effects of the sun and atmosphere upon the article, as it runs down the tree, evaporating the spirits and leavinsr the hard article on the tree. He thinks, from the experiments he has made, that, by his plan, the entire crop of turpen tine will be saved is a mJX state, and that there will be no more hard turpentine ; sec ondly, that all the turpentine will be virgin or equal to it, and (ill the rosin made from it would be No. 1. If his calculations are realized, it strikes us as a very great improve ment. His invention is a cheap ore. Rah Sentinel. Got the Best of Him. A story is told as to how a "young man from tbe country,' jfitb rather more sharpness than visitors from the rural districts are wont to display in tlie Metropolis, got the best of offe ot ur modern jebues: Having a lady with him, lie took a carriage at the depot ; upon reaching the hotel alighted and asked the price for the service "Five dollars,"' said Jehu. Handing him a five dollar greenback, tlie gentleman inquired, "What is your Number f" ''Four dollars,'''' be answered. "Here are four dollars. What is your Number V "Three dollars,'' said the fellow, sulkily. "Here are three. Now, vour Number, Sir?' "Two dollars little 'null', too, " rejoined driver. "Two, then ; here they are. What is your number ?"' "One dollar, Capn one dollar 'il do " replied whip. "Here is your dollar," said our friend, civilly; "all you are entitled to. It's no consequence as to your number now. Good morning," And the parties separated. N. Y. Ejqirevs. Largt seizures oi imported brandy, and at her spirituous liquors, are daily being made at the principal ports of entry in the United States, in consequence of ignorance in regard to a provision of the tariff act, passed at the last session of Congress, which provides that no importations of brandy or other spiritu ous liquors shall be made in casks or other packages which contain less than thirty gal ons. Sd far, the goods have been delivered to the parties on the payment of a fine equal to the amount of the duties on the liquors. Importers would save much trouble by pay- ; ing attention to this provision of the law. m , M i Is it a Joke. At a recent meeting of the j Boston Numismatic Society, a silver dollar j of Maximilian, -Emperor of Mexico, was ex- ' hibited. The Emperor's peculiar beard is so I drawn as to present, when the coin is revers- i ed, the appearance, of the head of a donkey. The members entered . into a curious and! learned discussion as to whether this was to I be an intentional piece of satire on the part of the artist; but it is not impossible that it may have been caused by the difficulty of re presenting the style of beard worn by his Majesty. James E. Campbell, whoever that may be, writes to the New York Times, that he was in Calcutta in July, I860, and saw a bet made and the money put up. for five hundred pounds sterling aside, that J. Wilkes Booth was alive, and wotihl be so proved inix months; and that the person who maintained the affirmative was Lieut. William Martin Tolbert, ot the Confederate war steamer She nandoah. "Swapping the Devil." A Washington correspondent writes that a petition from a numl)cr of leading loyalists of North Caroli na lias been received by Mr. Stevens, in , which the petitioners set forth that they S prefer his (Steven's) bill to tbe one prepared ! by Gov. Holden and Mr. Pool, and which was presented to Congress before the holi dava. The Hon. Fernando Wood arrived in Charleston on Tuesday last from Savannah, Oa. MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT REUITTI05 B PRICES ! M. M. 23 Market St. KATZ & CO., 23 Market St. ARE WEEKLY RECEIVING NEW GOOZOtS, at the present low priecs, and have also reduced the prices of our WINTER STOCK of a jrootl variety of SILKS, POPLINS, EMPRESS CLOTn, MERINOS, DkLAINES, BOMBAZINES, ALP A CC AS, PLAIDS, DOMESTICS, LINENS, SIimTING. MILLINERY HATS, BONNETS, PLUMES, HAIR NETS. AND COILS. TZGStily Made Clotliing. BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS, BROADCLOTHS, PANTS STUFF, To as Low Rates as they are Sold IN INT E "VST" YORK. WE ARE DETERMINED TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR PRING M. M. K ATZ & CO., 23 Market street. 383 tt jan 1 ATKINSON k SHEPPERSON AGENTS FOR THE EQUITABLE "LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES. From the Insurance Monitor and Wall Street lievieir, Decemlter No., 18GG. EQUITABLE LIFE. ttEXT TO THE MUTUAL LIFE, J. i among New York Companies, stands the EQUITABLE, insuring during the last annual term, $26,347,000, and issuing 0,376 Policies, be ing an increase of 3,024 Policies, and $15,768,150 over the respective products of the preceding year's business. Thia is a. surprising advance, and the gain is solid all cash. The present to tal yearly income of the Equitable nearly reaches two million dollars, and its assets now amount to almost three millions. Notwithstanding the colossal strides it is makiug onward, its expen ditures are comparatively u.ueh lower than the ! general average. Success, so complete in every ; respect, as this, evinces unusual skill, and we do I uot hesitate to ascfthe it to the indomitable en- ergy, perseverence and assiduity of its officers j and general agents, who work w'ith a determin ation to make the Company second to none in the United States." Call on Major MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, and have your live insured in a First Clans Company, At No. 11 and 13 North Water Street Jan 10 385-lm PRICES REDUCED ! At Exchange Corner. 1AM xNUSY SELLING OUT MY STOCK OF 1 DRESS GOOD8 at as low figures as j tney can ne Dougnt in .ew i ork. The stoc k comprises a great many very desira ble tcoods, such as all wool french merinos, delaines, empress cloths, PLAIDS, SILKS, POPLINS, COBURGS, De BEGES. Ac. &c. SALO, CL JAK8, 8HAWLS, AND ZEPHYR KNIT GOODo at very low prices. Tbe Ladies should call and get some of tne ' EMBROIDERED GOODS AND M LITTL- 1 rlAINGS," which we are offering at a 8ACR F1CE. In fact my entire stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ; will be sold very low, as I am determined not to carry any of them over into another season. J. H. ANDERSON, Exehariice Corner. jan 2 3S4 tf FIRE WOKS FNSTON 9CC 1, D , ieuerf Agent for Lilliendabrs EXCKLSIOR FIRE WORKS, Importers and manufacturers of CHINESE GOODS, FIRE CRACKERS, TORPEDOES. LANTERNS, FLAGS, Ac Ho. 9 Day Street New York, oct tft at eoriam EN FEE BLED AND DELICATE CONSTITU TIONS of both sexes, aae HI hJJoLD'S EXTRACT BCCHU. It wiU give bri and en- enretlc leadi s. and enable yon o sleep weU jnneae COMMISSION D. Wi.RtU. x. a. DAX1U. WORJIl DAMIX, COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS. WTLMINOTON, N. C. Aircnt lor Ooodptcd's New York WocBly Steamship Line. Philadelphia jouth m Mail Steamship Line and Cape Pear $temuat Lin, to Favettevillr. nor SI :iO-ti JAMES MlACkl llOKI), SHIPPING AND COMMIB8Klf MER CHANT. W ILIICTtN, nl c. V ( 'on.innieu!t of MervbanUic und C'.i:n tr Produce soiieiied ; aud all business ntrntcd to my cure Mill hav.- my ptreonl attention. LumUer orderb will have attention. - oct 10 gl4-U JMKA STOKlT. AWO!V QROGKB8 AND COMM188IOM CHANTS, So. 4 South Water Street, MER- WILMINGTON, N. C. oct 12 310-tf 8. W. V1CK, C V. MEBJU.E, 1 of Wilmimrton. ot A anume county. . 1. HKYNoLDb Mk'., Of Norfolk, Va. VICK, MEBANlj fc CO., UOCERS, forwarJding AND C( I MERCHANT? ).MMISSION Corner Chesnut and Water streets, Wilmington, N. C. septao aos-ti Al.EX. JOHNBOX, JH. i. T. Mi KETIi AN. ALEX. jGKNSOH & CO., GROCERS AND COMM1 (HANTS, o. $ South Water WILMINGTON, X I sept 12 SSION MER- Strcet, C. 2MMJ HBTEM MA.'.I.Urj. . li VRI.ES UOPfM VN. cifSO. It. BAKER, MALLETT T HOFFMAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 16 North Wuter Street, WILMINGTON, N au 98 c. :77tf ATKINSON A SHEPPJBRSON, GENERAL Commission and Forwarding Men hunt AND INSURANCE AGENTS, 11 North Water Street, Wilmington. TE KEEP CONSTANTLY U hand GUANO V and FARMING IMPLEMENTS, ot im- proved styles; iand solicit eonsianmcnts ol COT I TON, NAVAL STOKES and COCNTltY PKO- DLCE generally, lir8ule in thia ami ket.or t)your friends in tne Northern cities, mpou which lib era.1 advances will bp made Lite, Fire and Marine Insurance, in tho best companies on the continent, graptcd at the low est rates. MATTHEW P. TAYlLOK, WITH . ATKINSON & SHEPPERSON. apr 17 Hi5-tf qeo. riAjauss. w. w. marriss A. J. UOl IIARRISS A HOWELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT XORTn WATEK STItEHT, Wilmington, . . C AND 196 WATKK BTKKKT, H H V TOKK. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADB ON CONSIGN mcntfl to our Ni'v.- York Howe 00 Produce, which will be forwarded 1 1 j 1 1 I , tree of com missions. Consignments are covered by Insurance from ports and pieces in North and oiitli Carolina, by Railroads, Steam Boats and Flats on tbe River to a shipping point, and thence to New fork. All shipments should tie accompanied by ship ping receipts and Invoices from point 91 ship ment, wheri Insurance attaches through to New I ork oet y :ju tf wZmVU A. A. MOFFITT, W. D. MOFF1TT, JOHN M'LAUIU.N. MOFFITT, BRO. A CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. SOCTH WaUH JtfKEET, Wf llminston, N. C. WILL give prompt personal attention to the sale or shipment ot Cotton, Naval Stores, General Produce, etc., etc. Aliso to receiving and forwarding! goods. Orders solicited and promptly filled. nov '47 43-tt 1-wOm a A it ox ajiui:isti:i, No. 8R; MARKET STREET, (CONTINUE TO OFFER BARGAINS IN J their line. They desire tjo call the attention of the public to their stock of 13 r.y Gr o o d. s constatfag of Foreign and Domestic, Staple and Fancy Atricles of every Description. Gentlemen can be supplied with Ready Made Clothing and Faraifthinft Gooda. They also huvc, for Ubs ladies, a large and handsome stock of MILLINERY, in which all of the late styles can be found. Beside these stocks they have a haudsome as sortment of superb Carpeting Wholesale buyers are particularly requested to examine this stuck. AARON A RIIEINSTEIN, 28 Market street. j 883- tf c iC&h'm Hardin en. TTALF and QUARTER BOXES, at XA H a- d 13 Front rttr. t. CHAS. D. MYERS, Air. nt. :.-1 1 jan 80 BARBELS DROWN SUGARS, LOW GRADES Lowest cash prices, al GEO. MYERS, 11 snd 13 Front Street, CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent. Mf jan 8 43 Bags ColTee, RIME TO CHOICE, lowest essh price, st GEO. M i EKo, 11 and 13 Front Street. CHAS. D. MYER8, AjrenL 3s y City Metis Pork. BACON SIDES sad SHOULDERS, CHOICE WESTERN HAMS, SMOKED BEEF, BEEF TONGUES, Lowest c ih prices, at 11 sod 13 Front Street, CRAB. D. MYERS, Agent jan 8 fittitf commission eorsEs. ELLIS Ml vm SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilminrtoa, Jf. t . t, jani:. SVft-tj. WILLI A MX A XI KTIIN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. US WHOLESALE G HOVERS' Wilmington, Ff.C, WE REMOVED TO Til K NEW STORE H on North Water street, ucxt North of Cu torn llonae, nov 4 SStlta SOL. II A AS A CO., 8H1PPINCI AND COMMISSION MERCIIAMS Water Street, Next door and adjeinlug the store of 11. M. Barry. ASU ADVANCES made on contljrnmmtft Particular attention will be given to eonii:' mi nt s of lumber. oct 11 . 31Vtt JAMM A. WILLAUU, v GENERAL FOR W ARB I Ma AM COMMISSION MERCHANT, im) aoi.st roa .U1XA LIFE INSURANCE COMPAKY, OK UAHTFOltl), tnSS., No. North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, WILL (JIVE iemon:il attention to tho ur-chuM- and tvule ot Produce and Merchandise. oct iw-ll c. ii. itouiNftox, jas. c. hMiTit, r . o . Ronrraoa, ai.ex. n. 8MiTii, ot Cuuihctland. ItOHINSON. SMITH A CO., (Succcaaoni to C. 11. Kobtnion A Co., and Coaliu A Smith,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS 11 llmin.lnn if. (Tf- test 1 v v mm mmm iiiiH mm. w m m mm 981 -U J. T. Ml UK VV, New York. J. T. K. MLRAAT. Wllinlnpton, N. C. M I IE K A Y A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. lss Frout Street, New York. E. MURRAY A CO., WUOLEaALR GROCERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS YILMJNUTOA X V. 7 JSS-tl C. P. MI NHKMIAI.L M. T.WHlf AKEB.lD. RICUOLS Grccnsl oro, N. C. Enfield, N. C. Baltimore C. P. Icndciiliall A. Co,, Cotton, Tobaccov and (eueral COMMISSION MERCHANTS; AMI 11 O L E S A L E G 11 O C E U S , 37 & 30 South Calvert St., Corner of Water St., It ultimo re, Md. july 2 230-tJau2 A. J. DBROBBT, W. U DKHOS8E1 , OR AD AX IAV R DEROSSET A CO., (Fomtrly DtRmtt at Broun.) Established lSBtf. GENERAL COM3IISSION MERCIIANTB, No. 0 North Wnter Strfct, uipMtnira,) . umi.m. 1 (uag . , pnM aud Pprod ufT eflfy n, and to rcueifKg aud forward I n 117-U A . A . W1LLARI), WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES AND GENERAL MERCHANDIZE, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. No 30 NORTH WATER STREET. Wilmington, N. C. Rkpkks to II. Lindrav, E., Cashier Bank Otpv Fe;ir, (ireellrSOTO, N. C. Rev. C. U. Wiicy, Supciiuteudent Public Schoolo ! r the 8t.J: of North Caroltata. Messrs. Jumes Corner A Son, Baltimore. Messrs. Dowlcy, Cornell A: Co., New York, jan 0 tKM.1 Valuable Real Estatfi. TF NOT DISPOSED OF AT PRIVATE SALE 1 I w ill oil, r at Public Atactica, at the C'ourt lioose in Elixabethtown, on the fir-t Monday ol February, next the folio ing Real Eftfctc : A det-irable Briek Collage on Main street, erected in 1HTH, from a dctdgii of Calvert Vaux, containing fix rooms of good r1rt pssssgrs, t losets, verandahs, Ac, built of tbe best mate rial, and carefully executed. All of the necessary ut Buildings -ire on thf premises, which embrace Three Town Lots, stocked with Fruit aud Orna mental Trees. -A-lso, Ctttaated m ar tBe Court House Square, Biz fMM ees and a Stable. Aud near the landing, s Isre WarehoUbc. Also, 1 Tlie Plantation, one lullcabove Elizabethtown, on the Cape Fear River, known as ttmrt eontaininK thirteen hundred seres, five huudr. d of wldch are uudtr fence, and four hnndr d twenty improved. One third af this iuantifya good Cotton Land. Improvements are a large and convenient Dwelling, containing i-ixteeu rooms and the cesssry Out Buildingi. two n r DwciUnsTf. m rvanU Houses, Barns, Stables, Shops, Mill Shedb, A;e. There is a Brick Yard upon the premises eottve nieut to nsiationw ith "! brick and p . lain clay. The uncleared laud bass heavy growth of oak and pine upon it. " . It will be divided into sections to suit pur chasers. Tkkms Six p r e. nt. rh. Balsnce, ext 1. ded ere lit on bond and mortgage. H. n. ROBINSON, jan 1 taM-lwts BIBLES FOR SALE AND iMBTBlBl TH fi. 'rilKNKH HANOVER BlBi fc SOCK-. JL mui 4 deposit of !des at the City Cloth In Store or Messrs. MISSON m CO., Market -t n et, where all in need ot a copy of the Scrip ture cn be supplied. Gratuitous Distributions can be made to persons ol the City and lw Hanover County only. Sales to aar oae d piring to purchase. E T. GEORGE, S-cretary "New Haawser JKaie Society. oet 3!-U I OJLlSl ' TXT rjfood-.. 1 feb JO 11 A WiXE8 FANCT AND ASSCiHIr.D lOU CANDY, st GEO. MYERS'. II snd 13 Front street. CHAS. D MTEKf, Asmni. blB ft W. INo. 1 Pernvlan Guano -Q TONS, TO AKBIVK FEB SCHOONER "Wide WorlA" For ssJe by ,.1 WILLIAMS MUBCHISOJL jaalO 1

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