i 3 DISPATCH OL. 11. WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23, 1867. NO. 402. DAILY BSM ' -UB. 111 THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH. ROBINSON A SMITH, Proprietors, t I BLISIIED DAILY AND WEEKLY. i - rmsol subscription, invariably in advance : taily, one year. ...... . ...1000 -ix moiit in '. 4 00 KATES OF ADVERTISING: AdvertUcStenta will be inserted at $1 per square or the Iii'7t insertion; $3 50 per week, and $8 , er month. Ten ii or toss constitute a square. r No numicatiou made without a reponi- . uatne. LINGS OF TRAVEL. Wilmington & Wcldon Railroad. Oerio Chief Em.inkbk A Srrx., Wilmington, Nor. i, lH0ti. ( CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. N AND AFTER MONDAY the 5th hist.. the following fast Schedule of time will be rati over this Railway. GOING NORTH. L i ve S ilmington at . m ii Arrive ;it Goldshoro at A rrive at Wcldon ut "n tt M M 4.45 A. M. 11.15 A. M. 9.28 A. M. . 'i 57 P. M. . 2.00 P. M. . 0.35 P. M. GOING SOUTH. Wcldon at .11.00 A. M. .. 7.:i5 P. M. .'. 3.00 P. M. .11.50 P. M. . . 8.00 P. M. . . 4.30 A. M Arrive at Golds boro' at . it .( M i reive at Wilmington . Close connections arc made by both trains gO iN Sont ll. Tbe 5 A. M. train from Wilmington, and 11 a. ' M. train from Wcldon, do not run on Sunday's. llose connections are made by the 11 05 A. M. train ' th ways between New York and New Or leans. lis t he train that leaves here at 11.05 and the one that arrives here at 4.30 A. M., close con nections are made between New York and New Orleans. Connection are made by the other trains hut more time is required. To go North by bay Line, leave at 5.00 A. M ; :, l: by Anneuicssix, leave by the 11.05 A. M. train. Either train conneets-by Richmond. yiose connections at GoloVboro with the N. C. Main- by the 5.00 A. M. train, and by either to New hern. S. L. FREMONT, Chid Engineer and Superintendent, inn 13 ' - 343-tf Yilzuiiigfou k Manchester R. R. . tK.s. Suit. W'il. fc Man. R. Road, I VI wington, N. C, Nov. 3d, 18!fi. V the following Schedule will go into effect on Uie Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. EXPRESS TRAIN. Lea-.. Wilmington daily at.. Arrive at Kiugsville " Leave Kiuville " ... Arrive at Wilmington daily at cco in M o n a tion Leave Wilmington daily at... Arrjve at Kingsvitle ' Leave Kingsville- " ... 4.50 A. M . . . . 3 30 P. ML . . .. 1.45 A. M. . . . 10.45 A. M. TRAIN. ... 8.20 P. M. ... S.00 A." M. ... 4 30 P. M. Ami ut Wilmington daily ut o.4a A. m. : connections mude uy both trains at VVil nglou witli tbe Wilmington and Wcldon Rail road ; at Florence with the North Eastern Rail road tor L'ttarieston, and nt Kingsville with the - M5t! I laroltea Railroad. W m. McRAE, l General Superintendent. ,i t 8M6-tl ff K ANSPOKT ATION OFFICE, . II MfKOTON. Cll.VKl.OTTE & R. R. Co., Wilmington, N. C. May 90, 18t, j "'ROM AND AFTKK .1L.NE let, the .Man X? Train on tliio road w.ll leave Wilmington at 0 o'clock, A.M., on Tuesday-, Thursdays and Saturdays, and arrive at Sand Hill at 3 o'eloek, ; P. M. Returning will leave Saud Hill at 7 o'eloek, V. .M., on Mondays, Wednesdays aud Fridays, intl arrive in Wilmington at -I o'clock, P. M. WM. H. ALLEN, Master mi Transportation. , ma-, ol 208-tf For Rent. T nil K STORE AT PRESENT OCCUPIED BY Messrs. Mollitt, Bro. x Co., and the office t.ver the -tore occupied by Mr. Alfred Martin, lrom liftJIst of Oct., INK), to the 'st ol Oct., IOY Por'fttnher particulars, apply to Mr. Jas. An ii ! -n, aurlnjc my absence. W. D. SMITH, Ageat, REV. C. BRUCE WALKER. :i ilti 80-ti Lii)ill'!s Confectionery. D IN ALL ITS VARIETIES, FRESH. MoKNTNti and EVEN Ui. FANCY CAKES AND PIES ft I lsCIT THE MOST FASTIDIOUS, FRESH EVERY 13 VY. .... t 31 " :2.tf A (HINTS WANTED FOR the Life and Campaigns f Ueu sr-ncwall Jackson, By Prof. R. L. Dabnev, D. D., of Va. T "'HE STANDARD KIOGKAPHY OF THE luimoitnl Hero. The only edition imtlior- izedTby his w idow, and published for her pecjuni ury lu netit. The author a personal friend aud Chief of Staff of the Ohristian Soldier. We want an Agent in every county. Send for circnhirs. antNee our terms, aud w hat the Press says of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., i Diner Tth and Maiu ts., Richmond, Va. Jan 15 3V5-lmdaw XOIICE. f-fNDER AN ARRANGEMENT ENTERED U uito between uiv successors and mvselt. debts due the Dispatch office or subscription are made payablo to Messrs. Robinson, Smith A Baker. 1 bosc-due for advertising arc payable to mvself. Parties will please take notice of this. JNO. D. BARRY. w-pr MMV 7 WANTED. L4p WISHES A SITUATION SA- keener. For nartieulars. anulv tu the DISPATCH OFFICE, dee 9 3tio-tf Wanted. ?oUR Ai' .K-BODIED YOUNG WHITE . nu n, r.4... ,ng to work on a farm to go to csas. Ptac paid, aud 10 to f 5 specie, per month, Kuaremied. Also two fing white women to do house- ork. Addrtfa tf telegraph r Dk. a. A. McBRIDE, . L H. Baldwin, Austin st., CJal- m,v -4 . CS3-tf qiAKE NO MORE LNP.LEABANT AND UN JL sate remedies ibr uupleasauV and dangerous HOTELS. City Hold. Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 27, 1600. THE CITY HOTEL IS Ol'EN FOR THE Ac commodation of the travelling public, and the Proprietor pledge theraseUcs to conduct the House in a btyle that will give satisfaction to tts patron and guests. FREDERICK A: SH EM WELL, dec 1 8BSff MILLS KOtJSE, . 9 MEETLNG ,S i R E E T , Charleston, S. C. "pilla HOUSE HAS liLEN iuuiiOLGHH X reimired and refurnished, and cauuot he ex celled tbt any in the city. JOSEPH J'URCELL. f ' i - Proprietor, tan 4 .'.-): CITY HOTEL UAUIIER. . TTAVING thoroughly refitted and refurnished JLAniy Shop, I am prepared t huve, cut hair, . dyo and shatnpoon in the latent stylet . Gentlemen visiting my Shop may he assured that theyowill be waited On with politeness and promptness. EDW v w REID. Jan M) ---1 i PROFESSIONAL JAMES C. DOBDIN, A T T O It X E Y A T L A W . Fave'teville, N. C, OFFICE CORNER BO R'dY OR BEN STREET Wi ILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE collection ol Claims and other business en trusted to his care, nov G : ;j7 if DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, &c. James Mccormick, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 35 Broad Street, Charleston, S. C. Whole?, tic and Retail Dealer in CLOTHS, CA881MERS AND VESTINGS, GENTS' AND BUYS' READY MADE CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, etc.: july 13 339-tf i NEWS! NEWS! FROM DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERH. II e a v y R e i 11 To r c e a lie 11 1 ok- - CLOTH I ii U EC JK K V IO AT HAAS & C 0'S. , O UK MR. JACOB HASS has just returned lrom a business tour through the NORTHERN - CITIES. ' and haviug purchased a stock much cheaper than i heretofore, we are prepared to offer to the eiTJZENS OF WILMINGTON, nnd the public generally, the finest assortment of 1 READY MADE CLOTHING, CENT'S FURNISHING GOODS ROOTS, .SHOES, HATS. i &c at a UK 4 V V It EIDLCTl o n from what they have been sold-this season; Wo wi uld acj?t respcctfull) esill the attention ofthe LADIES to ourbcut!ful trssorttndtit ol BOYS AND YOLTIIS CLOTHING. They are uf superior make t an ever offered iu this market. - Our MER CHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT attends to orders prompt j, End uit are guar anteed to fit. Given? a call before barchastng elsewhere Haas ik CO. Front Street near Market, i Old Stand of Uedrick A Ryau dec 19 337-tf lOJR SALE. . VJ J J ri VERY VALUABLE COTTON FARM. ituated eicht miles from the Wilminc- tou, Charlotte and Rutherfo d Railroad, at Al fordsville, containing 000 acres of laud, 250 of which is cleared and in a very high state of culti vation, well improved, buildings of every kind and the health of the place unsurpassed bv anv in the State. I will sell the land for the pro ceeds of it of oue year's work of ten hands. A large amount of "provisions and stock on the place can be bought with the laud, at market prices. I offer better inducements to the right kind of a purchaser than can be had anywhere iu the South, as my present crop, (though a short one) will show cash prices for all on the place. References: .Hon. R. S. French, Pettewav St Moore, E. Murray A Co., Worth & Daniel, Wil mington. Hob. Thos. A. Noruicnt, Capt. W. S. Nonnent, A. W. Fuller, Berry Godwin, Lumber ton, N. C. Z. FILLMORE. jan 4 3S5-lny Efippitt's Bread W a n. 1TTILL TyEijyER BREAD, CAKES, A:., to tt customers, morning and afternoon. ino lose wlshirur Bread or Cakes dellvere 1 wiU yieuae leave uuar oraera at me oiorc u T18 . i.tt THE DAILY DISPATCH. WILMINGTON. JANUARY 23. 1367 THE DAILY DISPATCH FOR 1867. KEDl t'TION OF TERMS. Tlie proprietors of the Daijly Dispatch having determined to largely increase the circulation of their paper, offer the Dispatch tor 1807, at such greatly reduced rates, as to place it within the reach of every body rml they trust that under the new arrange ment, it may le their privilege to add many new named to their list, both of city and country subscriber. Ifotice was given a abort time since of an intention to enlarge the Dispatch; has since been deemed best by the pro prietors to make other arrangement. The Dispatch wiH not be enlarged at present; but such improvements will be introduced, as it is confidently expected, will make it, as a newspaper, more interesting, valuable and reliable. Particular attention will be paid to the. Commercial Depaktmext. The home and foreign markets will be fully and accurately reported. To this end, the services of a geu ticman, every way fitted for the purpose, have Ih30 engaged, who will give to thi bis whole time and attention. TKK1CS : Daily Dispatch, one year, - - $G 00 ix months - - - $4 00 i'he subscription prices must, in every instance, be paid in advance, and no name of a. new subscriber will be entered on the books until this is complied with. Subscribers who have paid in advance at old rates, will be credited with the amount due them, from the 1st January 1807, at the new rates. Bills will h.: forwarded to those who are indebted for subscription, and they hiust be paid at once. Appreciating the liberal patronage which has been conferred on the Dispatch, the proprietors confidently promise that it shall hereafter be more worthy than ever of public favor. Jim Greeley's Jumping Frog nia Tale. -A Califor- Jim Greeley ketched a frog one day and took him home, and said he calkilated to educate him ; and so he never done nothin for three months but set in bis back yard and learn that frog to jump. And you bet he did learn him to jump too. He'd give him a little punch behind, and the next minute you'd see that frog whirling in the air like a doughnut see him turn one sum merset, or may be a couple, if he got a good start, and come down flat-footed and all right, like a cat. He got him up so in the matter of catching flies, and kept him in practice so constant that he'd uail a fly every time as far as he could see him. Greeley said all a frog wanted was education, and he could do most anything and I believe him. Why, I've seen him set Daniel Web ster down on this floor Daniel Webster was the name ot the frog and sing out, " Flies, Daniel, flics !" and .juicker'n you could w ink, he'd spring straight up, and shake a fly otf'n the counter there, and flop down on the floor again as solid as a gob of mud, and fall to scratching the side of his head with his hind foot, as indifferent as it he Hadn't no idea he'd done anv more'n anv frog might do. You never see a frog so modest and straight for'ard as he was, for all he was so sdfted. And when it come to fair and square jumping on a dead level, he could get over more ground at one straddle than any ani . tnal of his bread you ever see. Jumping on the dead level was his strong suit, you un derstand, and when it come to that Greeley would aute up money on him as long as he had a red.- Greeley was monstrous proud of his frog, and well he might be, for lei 1 era that had traveled and been every wheres. all said he J;id over any frog that ever they see. Well, Greeley kept the beast in a lattice box, and he used to fetch him down town sometimes and lay for a bet. One day a feller a stranger in the camp, he was come across him with his box. and says : " What might that be vou've got in the box r And Greelej says, sorter indifferent like. " It miuht be a parrot, or it might be a canarv, may be, but it ain't it's onlv just a frog.'' Aud the feller took it and looked at it careful, and turned it round, this way a d that, and says, M H'mso 'tis. Well, what's ' he good for ?"' . M Well,'" Greeley says easy and carelc-s. he's good enough for one thing, I should judge; he can, out jump any frog in Cala veras countv." The feller took the box again, and took another long, particular look, and gave it back to tiroeley, and says very deliberate, ' Well, I do'nt ee no points about that frog that's any bctter'n any other fro. 'Maybe you don't," Greeley says. "Maybe you understand frogs, and maybe you don't understand cm; maybe you ve had experi ence, aud maybe you ain't only a utneturc. a it were. Any wayvI've got my opinion, ami I'll risk $40 that be can outjump any frog in Calaveras county. And the feller studied a minute, and then Says, kinder sad like. "Well Vm only a stranger here and ain't got no frog but if I had a Irog I'd bet you." And then Greeley says, "That's all right that's all right if you'll hold my box a minute I'll go and get you a frog;" and so the feller took the box, and put up bis $40 along with Greeley's, and set down to wait. ( So he set there a good while thinking and thinking to himself, and then he got the frog ' out and priecThs mouth open and took a teaspoon aud filled him full of quail sbott and tilled him pretty near qr tu his chin and I set hiq; c,n; ;ho floor. Greelfcy. he went to the swamp and slopped' around in the mud for a long time, and finally he ketched ; frog and fetched him in aud give him to this feller and savs : i i nw it" vnu'r r:4ilv Hft him iitnmii1i I , 0 D&n witn nfi forepaws just even with j g the word." Then he say, "one, two, three, jump T him and the teller touched up the frogs from behind, and the new frog hopped off, but Dan ! give a heave, and hysted up his houlder. o, like a Frenchman, but it wasn't no use. be could not budge: he was planted as solid as an anvil, and couldn't no more stir than if he was anchored. Greeley was a great deal sur prised and he was surprise 1 and disgusted, too, but he didn't have no idea what the matter was, ot course. The feller took the money and start e I uway. and when he was going out the door he sorter jerked his thuml over his shoulder this way at DanT, and saji agaiu, very delilerately. "Weil, I don't see no points about that frog thst's any bet ter'n any other frog." Greeley he stood scratching his head ami looking down at Dan'l a- long tine, and at ' last he says, "I do w onder w hat in the uatiou ! that frog throw'd oil lor - 1 wonder it there . ! ain't something the matter with him he he ketched Dan"! by the nap of the neck and lifted him up and sa, " Why. blame my cats if he don't weigh live pounds," and turning him upside down he belched out double , handful of shot. And then he see how it was, and he was the maddest man he set the frog down and took out alter the feller, but he never ketched him. A Good Joke on Economy. Not a thorn and miles from this city there a lives a wo man ot the African persuasion, much iut-.-d for her economy in household matters, and very industrous in putting everything to the verv best use. Christmas day her husband made her a present ot a air ot plumpers, which are exceedingly nice ami add much to the voluptuous appearance of a feminine bust, telling her, a j: sort of presentation speech, that he desired her to k ep pace w ith the fashion and emulate the example of other channel's. Imagine his surprise short !y after when he discovered that she had di vided them into two pairs, one for each of her two little gir!. who are aged respective ly six and nine verfis. When questioned by her husband us to the why. she said she did not need them heiseil, and " brctt de children, it make um look so healthy." Li Crone TJt inner, it. Eternity has no gray hairs. Rase ball on ice is a new wrinkle. Scandal w ill rub out like dirt when it. is dry. ' a The dearest child of all is that w hich is dead. The chamber of sickness is the chapel of devotion. . Death bits nothing terrible in it but what life has made so. Ten thousand 'people live under the pave ment in New Yoi k. The pen of the tongue should be dipped in the ink of the heart. The New York police scooped forty (jramblers in one evening. SHIPPING. FOR XEH VORKl G-oodspeed's Line, THE FINE FIRST CLASS STEAMSHIP PRO 1E II E IT H . J. F, BECKETT, Commander, WILL LEAVE OUR WHARF FOR THE ABOVE Port on Tuesday, Jan. -d. For Freight or fasage, apply to WORTH & DANIEL. Atreul i'.i New York : C. GOODSPEED, 40 West street. jan 16 388 t- FOR m:v yokk MURRAY'S STEAMSHIP LINE. THE FINE FA8T SAILING SHIP STEAM JUNO, B. S. SMITH. Commander, O AILING FROM NEW YORK POSITIVELY 5 on Ynesosy, '."-'i i ir.-t . -A4i'i -nil a? above on Saturday 2' th. ; For Freight. ;.pph to 0. G. PARSLEY A Ct Agents in N w Yurw : MURK , FERRIS & CO., fii aiu' 88 Smith St.. jan Mi .' :.N-t FIRE AM LIlE liiMiirrtiice Agency. We repre.-ent, in this eily, the GRPuwtefl nir-ur-anec Comiamcs, vlf ; TU SECUHITY INsLlLVNCE. of N. Y. THE NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSUR ANt uE CfiU l New York. THE KQLTTARLE LIFE INSTRANCE Co., ol New York. THE MARYLAND LIFE INGRAM B Co., of Baltiuvre4 The.-e ynuuiyh- are all hist class, with h.rt urplbs eapiurt, and we can salely rceommcud them to the confidence of this community. Losses Promptly Adjusted and Paid. Major MATTHEW P. TAYLOR will be with us, and give thl? brunch of our bu 4ne- his exclusive attention. ATKINSON fc 8HEPPERSON, 11 aud 12 North Wwt- r ttre&t dee 13 SSjS-ly KK.HOVAL. DR. CARR'HAS REMOVED Hid OrFlCE and residence to the 8onth o; Market street, direetlv opposite hs former p!aie of Jn Biness, where "hi. U prepared to perform auy ope ijii'iii bt-louglng to his prolesalon, with all modem improvements. Charges iu all esses will he moderate, and proportfonfte to the mate rial desired. Teeth extracted without palu. WUmington, Jan. 3, ltvi7. USt-tf CSV MISSION MOUSES. J.VMI SUACKJEJLFORD, SHIPPING ANl COMMISSION MER CHANT, I LHlX. ru, N. c. BflT C nnrumcnt of Merchandise sad Coun tr Produce fcottctted; and all bosiness entrusted to my care will have my personal attention. Lumber order will have attention. M0 314-U mm u. ... . axnon. nun CAX0 Al VIOkLDV. QIIOCKR AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 4 south Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C oet I- 8t-tf a. sr. tick. ol ilmmntou. c. P. small ML of Alamance county. w d. ut. i xoi is aao., i Norfolk, Ya. V1CM, MEBANG X CO., Q ROCERS. -t forw arding and commission merchant, Corner Chesuut iiud Water 6treets, W&miagtou, N. C. sepl 30 SOI ti ALEX. Joll:, JK. Mm T. MCKXTIAN. ALEX. JOHNSON & 60., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, ,o. 8 south Water .street, wjl mjnq to.v, a. c s. nt la JiH) U m . t i I'ETFR MAl.LKTT. CUSK1XS IIOFPMAM. GEO. U. BAKER, WITH MALLETT & HOFFMAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 16 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. nux 'Hi , -77-tr ATKINSON Ar SUEPPERSON, GENERAL CommiMioit aud Forwarding Merchants AND INHUKAffCM AGENT 8, 11 North Water Street, W ilmington. w TE KKEP CONSTANTLY on hand GUANO and FARMING IMPLEMENTS, ot im proved rtyles ; and solicit consignments ol COT TON, NAVAL STORES and COUNTRY PRO DC CE generalljr, for sale iu this markct'or by our friends in the Northern cities, upon which lib eral ADVAJfCKs will be made. Lile, Fire ami Marine Insurance, in the best companies on the continent, granted at the low est rate-. MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, WITH ATKINSON .v SUEPPERSON. :n r :t Id5-u ocj. uaaaisa. w. v.. iiahhiss. a. j. howxll HARRIS & HOW LLC, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NOKTU WAT Bit STREET, IVilmingtou, N . C. AM) CO WATEIi BTKEET, NEW TOIIK.. L1 1 BEL AL ADVANCES MADE ONCONSIGN- mriit. to onr New. York House on Produce, which will be forwarded through, free of com missions. Consignments, are covered by Insurance from ports and places in North and South Carolina, by Railroads, Steam Rout.- and Flats on the River to a shipping point, and thence to New York. All shipments should be accompanied by ship ping receipts aud Invoices from point ol ship ment, when Insurance attaches through to New York oct 8 ypi tf wSd-ti A. A. MoFI 1T7, W. U. MOFKITT, JOHN M'LACJUN. MOFFITT, HftfK V CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. -j South Wahjh Stueet, ilmiugtoii, N. C. WILL give proiupt pcrsouiU attcuUou to the sale or shipment ol Cotton, Naval Stores, General Produce, etc, etc. Also to receiving and forwarding r' d. Orders solicit -d and pnmiptly tilled, nov 'T -lit-tl l-w6m P - . - . . - i I MIUHiflKllV ilU.l IV )IIIjI I LlltlV.C AGENTS FOR T II L BQtllT ABLE LIKK ASM HAM K SOcjlSTY Ol' Till. UNITED STATES. From the Ituurttnce Monitor and WaU .Strct fistiietr, December No., 180(5. EQUITABLE LIFE. yEXT TO THE MUTUAL LIFK, among Nea York Companies tands the EXCITABLE, insurlnjr during the last annual term, 4f,47,(XX, and lrwuiusr ,:t?o Policies, le iug an increase ol ?-yii Polu ieo, ud I5.7D,lftO over the respective yroducip of the preceding yewr'n business. Tlifs Is a siirprUing advanct , and the train is so'ld all cash. The present fo ul yearly income of the Eqnitalde nearly reaches two million dollars, and its assets bow amount to almost three millions. t ilhsWudtng the colossal -trick's it 5c. :.: iking onward, Its rTpsil ditures are cotapaialively n.uch lower than th guticrai averag' . Sw cess, so complete In ererj i ispect, as this, evinces unusual skill, snd we do not hesltsic to aeerihe it to the indomitable eu ergy, pcrseverenct and acfciduity ot ila otlicers and geUClUl agents, who a ork with a determin ation to muke the Couiny -cond to none In the L uitcd aiau 11 C-ll on Majok MAT i HE W P. TAYLOR, UUS your H ;- ltd in J'irU CUuu f oniasns. ' At No. 11 and V, North Viter StrcA-W Ian M lUA cw Mouther ii WwiML 1 EE AND HIS OBMSSsAtA, b Capt. Wm. Parker Sut n WAP. IMiiTTRY OF THE SOUTH, by W. Gil more Simnit. SOUTHERN HISTORY iF THE WAR. Uy Edward A. Polbrd. For sale In ruh.-criptiou oui). Cauvawers a-uUd, m4j) for circulars to r RANK D. SMAW, Ja., Genor.il Agent for Ea.tern North Carolina, No t06 Princess street, Wilmimxton. N. C M 14 " SSVM NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLICATION will be made to the fr-nt session ot the Leh!..turc for the passage of an set to tuearpo rate the "Bladen Laud Company," sad sn act tc incorixrate the "Bladen Manu acturi'j Com pany' dec MM 37S-1M lift: HIYll ttt HCHOOIs, Mcbaiu'ville, TV. C? SESSION OF MMJT BEGINS MARCH Ct.. O Course uf iastruction, CLASSICAL, MATH EMATICAL aud COMMERCIAL Address COL. MM BINGHAM. j" 3 SmUsa o. 1 Peruvian Gruano. JUST RECEIVED PER SCHOONER BEN SO toia geuuiuc Peruvian Guano for alc bv E. MURRAY A Co. ION MOUSES. HI SHt LL ELLIS A COX, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilssincton. !f . 1. WILLIAMS Ml HI II ISO , COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WaOLKSALB G HOC Kit. Wilmington, N.C., HAVE REMOVED TO Till MAW STOKE on North Wtter street, nest North of Cus tom Rouse, aov 4 MMu-lsn SOL. 11AAU Ar CO., MH1PPINQ AND COMMISSION MERCHANT Water Street, Nut dour aud adjeiuiug the store of 11. M. Sarr) CASH Ai ANOa Psrtlculsr rttcution a utadc ou cons iKun ut 111 be Klven to consign SlVti mruts of lumber. oct 11 JAM EM A. .VILL.IKII, (ruasiaaLT wiixaan c cutis, GENERAL FORWARDING sun COMMISSION M I IK II A .NT , sun aobkt roa .ETNA LIKE INSURANCE COMPANY. ok n amtk ii i, cons.. No. 30 North WsterStrt-H. Wilmington, S t WILL GIVE iKTsonal attention to the pur ihase and sale ol Produce nnd Mt-rvhaadlas. oct 8 aotMt C U. HOBINSOS, AS. C. SMITH, W. O RoMXO. aijix H. SM1TU, of Cumberhuid. ROI11NSON. SMITH A CO.. CSnee.nsors to C. II. Roblusou A Co., and Cstln A ?mith,) GENERAL COMMISSION MKE HANTS, Wilntingtoa, N. C. sept 1 SMI J. T. MCMUAT, K. Ml it R A T , New York. Wilmington, N. C. J. T. Ml K K A Y A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 1 Front Miect, New York. B. Ml RMAY A CO. WHOIJEAALK GROCERS A COMMISSION MERCHANTS WlLMJXVToy, A. C. sug 7 ' i's tl C r. MESOESHALl. M. T.W lHTA SUM ' 1 MCU I k Greensboro, N. Fntiel.l. N C. 1 Baltlmon C. I. Itleiitlriihall eV Co., Cotton, Tobacco, aud ;enrral COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MMUtt W II 0 L E S A L E (i KOCKKB. 37 A 39 South, Calvert St., Corner of Water ft., ' Hn I U snore, Md. july gW-tJau- A. i. PEHOSBBT, W. L. nEBOSSET, OKAHSJI DAT DERO88ET CO., (Formerly DtMomM f ,'vtra.) Ehtablisiiku lAiJO. GENERAL COMMiSMoN 31 ERA Ji AN I S, No. 6 North Water Street, (up stairs, ) WILMINGTON, N . c . , WILL GIVE PERSON L ATTENTION lu the purchase and sals ol nxlwc ot every dei.crij.tion, and to rcceiing aud forwarding goods. fcbiX) li7-tl A . A . t I L L A It l , WHOLESALE DEALF.K IN GLoCKRlAO ANT GENERAL M FK 'II A NDIZE, Commiftftion and Foruanhsg Mcrcbaal N JO NORTH WA I KK STREJET. WIlBiuiKton. N. C. Rr.rr.K- .. JeUM EL Liiils:i, Esi aahkri Rank ('ap. Fear, Grocuaboro, S C. R v. C. H. Whey, u,. i mteudelit Public Schools for the 8tatc ot North Carolina, Messrs. James Corner A Suits, Haiti more. Messrs. Dowlcy, Corn i A ( , N York Jan 9 so-u SEA-F0WL GUANO DR. HAYES OPINION OF THE H D. SEA FOWL 01 . NO. ANALYSES OF THIS GXJAMO, MADE IN the wsy of learning ihe proportion of tin active substauces present, and their mode ot changum in couuposiUou, shvu this Gumuo to be sdmlrshTy adapted lu tne great staples of agrl cultural production. Tlae orgauic part constU of the escrcin. nt of fowls, organic and tutublo salts of aminvDia, animal matter in a state of decay, with oily snd ii broils r -.instances, aud hum us These sfford about 4 per cent of aiuuiouln. The soluble part coiiIud phoaphatea of t$ rious bases, eiiuai to nlout nirtrm jtrr r. J I,, pXwfJuite uf Ikm; white the a hole phosphate jrcscnt amount to 41 per c nt, counted a lou phosphate of lime. Sulphates, chloride,, iuid it-iwu. ot aikalun baaof, tntke np the rcmaiuhi" parts of thl Gua no, the whole being lu a condition to dissolve n the soil, snd becoojc ass4uiHated by the crop. This Unsno has slso a fermentative poa r, and will not ouly induce tul actkiB, bm It will ex cite the bumatoa in the soli to render up nn aromoula they contain. It will be seen that pttmtikwW mritt, "it rfeet frtriyin tttttr, mu H.at the hirty lour p. t cent, of bous phosphate U all soluble, tmil-tun aud time being allowed. M'ith those puosphstc there will bu about twelve jer cent ,.f organ i eoiupouuda, affording four prr etui, mjf pmn jLiM.nonin, apart from Unit obtaiued from buiab com pounds These are proportion . a bleb expe rtence has demoustratou as forming a well-hal a need Guano, ot special value in cotton cultlva Hon, and arso adapted to other crops. Compared with Peruvian Guano, the tatter ap pears as s saline, exciting Guano, well adapted to hastening forward a crop in a backward sea son, or to excite the production ot grass. It can not be used in cousccUve seasons, as I be tt. D. Sea-Fowl Guano can be, a tbe latter loaves far tilizing matter in the soil each thus ft is aMUtUi, and thus add permanent value to the lansL The exact balance found between the soluble phosphates, ot different bases, at id the ssb moots producers, as well as tbv condition of the lea soluble phosphates, Is a naost Important f. at up in tkfo Gnauu, aud oou which places tt by Usc side of Peruvian Guano. lA aft appttcatiofis where tbe heat of feroteu uuou uereasary to hasten the sjESusJaaaSoa, ssv the lood adapted to the growing plant in all its tug-re, are requirt A this Guano la of great ral ue, ami it asay be used with t isffslraj re iu isaklaK aay of the stsple crops of plantation culture, ssa sabafttute for lrueaun Gauao. A. A. 11- ILVYES, M IK Stair Assay er. A) Statu St., ttoSTua. ' Deceuiuer, MMML For sale by jaa 10 CO. IVo. 1 Peioivian Gtuino . . a vi v a? a ii 50 TONS, TO ARRIVE PK h.iiu"sb "Wlde Fo; ...J by WILLIAMS A Ml RCIlic M jan to hiN

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