T f 1 TAT DAILY ... - VOL. II. WILMINGTON, N. C., TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 29, 1867. NO. 4C7. DISPATCH TAm va H i ,xm THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH. ROBINSON A SMITH, Proprietor, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY. Terras ot subscription, invariably in advance : Dally, one year $6 00 nix months... , 4 00 RATES OF ADVERTISING: Advertisements will be inserted at ?1 per square tor the first insertion; S3 .V) per wwk, and $8 per mouth. Ten lines or leas constitute a aauare. No publication made without a respocs ble name. LINES OF TRAVEL. Wilmington k Weidon Railroad. OrricK Chief Enginiek A Sm., Wilmington, Nov. 'J, 18.56. f ti3a5Vatf CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER MONDAY the 5th inst., the following hod Schedule of timewill be run over this Railway. GOING NORTH. Leave Wilmington at 4j45 A. M. M 11.15 A. M. Arrive at Goldsboro' at . ,i it it Arrive at Weidon at 9.26 A. M. 2 57 P. M. .......... 2.00 P, M. 6.85 P. M. GOING SOUTH. Leave Weidon at. , I L00. A. M. 7.35 P. M. . 3.00 P. M. 11.50 P. M. Arrive at Goldsboro' at. tt ti Arrive at Wilmington S.O0 p. M. .. .... 4.80 A M Close connection- an; made by both train eo IMT South. The 5 A. M. train from Wilmington, and 11 a. M. traiufrom Weidon, do not run on Sunday's. Close connections are made by the 11 Go A. M. train both ways between New York and New Or- ', leans. By the train that leaves here at 11.05 and the , dine that arrives here at 4.30 A. M.. erose eon-' nections are made between New York and New , Orleans. Conuectloafc arc made by tin- other J trains but more time i required. To go North by Bay Line, leave at 5 00 A. ML; to go by Annemessix, leave by the 11.05 A. M. ! train. Either train connects bv Richmond. Close connection at Goldhboro with the N. C. trains by the 5.00 A. M. train, and by either to Newbern. S. L. FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Superintendenti nov 13 43-tf Wilmington 7k .Manchester K. OtfioeGen. Slit. Wic. Wilminotom, N. C. & M an. R. Koai, Nov. 3d, 166. f ON AND AFTER MONDAY the. 5th of No the following Schedule will go into effect on the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily at. . . . . .. 4.50 A. M. .... 3 30 P. M. ... 1.45 A. M ...10.45 A. M. TRAIN. Arrive at Kingsville " Leave Kingsville " ... Arrive at Wilmington daily at , ACCOMMODATION Leave Wilmington daily tit 8.20 P. M. Arrive at Kingsville " ....... 8.00 A. M. Leave KingsvUlc " 4 30 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington daily at 3.15 A. M. t .o.c connections made by both trains at Wjl i initon with the Wilmington and Weidon Rail road ; at Florence with the North Extern Rail road lor Charleston, and at Kingsville with tin South Carolina Railroad: VVm. McltAE, General Superintendent, nov 4 ; 336-tt TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, i Wilmington, Cuaki.ottb & U. R. Co., V Wilmington, N. C. May 29, 1806. ) 17ROM AND AFTER JUNE 1st, 1866, the Mail 1 Train on tins road Will leave Wilmington at 6 o'clock, A. M., on Tuesday. Thursdays and Saturdays, and arrive at Sand Hill at 3 o'clock, P. M. Returning will leave Sand Hill at 7 o'clock, A. M., on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, and arrive in Wilmington at 4 o'clock, P. M. WM. H. ALLEN, Master f Tranhportation. ma 31 203-tf for Rent. rMlE STORE AT PRESENT OCCUPIED BY X Messrs. MofHtt, Rro. & Co., and the office over the store occupied bv Mr. Alfred Martin, Horn the ,1st of Oct., 1806, to the 1st of Oct., 1867. - For further particulars, apply to Mr. Ja. An derson, during my absence. W. D. SMITH. Atfent, REV. C. BRUCE WALKER. rtUif 31 280-tf Lippilt V Confectioner) . B' READ IN ALL ITS VARIETIES. FRESH, MORNING aud EVENING I FANCY CAKES AND PIES TO SUIT THE MOST FASTIDIOUS, FRESH EVERY D-Y. oct 31 . f. AGENTS WANTED FOR the Life and Campaigns of Uvn. K iouc all Jackson. By Prof. R. L. Dabncy, D. !., of Va. THE STANDARD WOOBAPHY OF THE Immortal Hero. The only edition puthor ited by his widow, and published for her pecuni arv benefit. The author a personal friend and Chief of Staff of the Christian Soldier. We want an Agent in every county. Send lor circulars and see our terms, aud what the Press pays of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Corner 7th and Maiu ets., Richmond, Va. jan 15 305-1 md aw .NOTICE. NDER AN) ARRANGEMENT ENTERED into between my successor and niyseli, U debts due the Dispatch office or subscription are made payablo to Messrs. Robiusou, Smith & Baker. Those dnc for advertising are payable to myself. Parties will please take notice of this. JNO. D. BARRY. ' aug 7 t6y-tf WANTED. A LADY WISHES A SITUATION 8A Hokeeprr. For particulars, apply to the DISPATCH OFFICE, dee 365 tf L TEXAS Wanted. 1 COUR ABLE-BODIED YOUNG WHITE A? men, willing to work on s farm to go to Texas. Passage paid, and $10 to f 15 specie, per month, guarantied. Also two young white women to do house work. ' ' Address or telegraph a Da. A. A. McBRIDE, ' L,dIT Capt L. H. Baj-owin, AnFtin tt., Gal Teaton Tejts. 2 853-tf ENEBLED AND DELICATE CONSTITU- ; llONRf Ku XJIPI VinrU. TVS : v x . n ,m mo.. SjJtfTBUaU. Itwlllgivabri. and ergetic leelinm. and baM. v 0 -leeD well sexes, use niDoi o sriva Dn- ana en- , , ii -" -Pj4rv JUn25 ' ftt.Qavm HOTELS. THE CITY HOTEL, Comer Market and Second Streets, w i l u i n g ton , n c. N. FREDERICK, Proprietor. THE UNDERSIGNED opened the HAa RECENTLY CITY HOTEL, and bespeaks for it under it new management the patronage of the travelling public. He Jjivea tlie assurance that it will be conducted ;n a style lully equal to the demands ol the, times, The Parlors and. Rooms will be THOROUGHLY REFITTED AND ELE- J A NTL Y KE FURNISHED. The table will be well 'kept and loaded with all the DELICACIES AXD LUXURIES that the Market affords. The servants will be at tentive and polite to quests ; a:;d every depart ment completely organized in sue!; a manner as to render it a attractive a anysimrlar establish ment in the' South. The Proprietor promises that no pains or ex pense ehaii tje spared to render this HOTEL a pleasant and agreeable resting place for the way farer, and yuc in everyway worthy ot the tupport and encouragement oi those who" desire to sus tain a well conducted. Hotel. N. FREDERICK, Proprietor. Wilmington, N. C, -Ln. 22, 401 tf Journal copy. MILLS HOtJSE, MEETING STREET, Charleston, s. C. 'I'HIS HOUSE HAS BEEN lliuKOlGHL JL repaired and refurnished, and cannot be ex celled by anv in the city. JOSEPH PURCELL. Proprietor. ian 26 95-tf PROFESSIONAL. JAMES C. DOBBIN, A TT O R N E Y A T LAW. Fave'teville, N. C, OFFICE CORNER BOW A G REELS STREETS. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE collection of Claims and other business en trusted to his care. nov 6 L37-lf DRY W CLOTHING, &c. james Mccormick, MERCIIWT TAILOR, No. 35 Broad Street, Charleston, S. C. Wholes-lie and Retail Dealer in CLOTHS, CAS8IMER8 AND VESTINGS, GENTS' AND BOYS' READY MADE CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, etc. july 13 239-tf 1 NEWS! NEWS! FROM DEPARTMENT Bftenis Reisirorcemeitt OF- - (LOTHl RECEIVED At HAAS & C 0'S. , . ' R MR. JACOB HASS has fust returned Iroin a bulncs? tour through the NORTHERN CITIES. : and having purchased a stock much cheaper than heretofore, we are prepared to offer to the CITIZENS OF WILMINGTON, and the public generally, the finest assortment of ' . Ti READY MADE CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &c a HEAVY UEDITTIOA from what they lhave been sold this season. We w uld aiost reepeetfully call the attention ' of the LAD I E S to our beautiful assortment of BOY'S AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING. i offered ' They are of'BUpu-ior make to any ever in this market. Our MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT attends, to orders promptly, and suit are guar anteed to it Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere Unas & OO. Front Street near Market, Old Stand of Hedriek At Ryaa dec 19 337-tf Store lor Bent. THE MOST DESIRABLE STAND FOR riRY flfhl'M IN THE CITY. TWILL iRENT AT A REASONABLE PRICE. A until the lt day ot uctoocr uc-, (1st) floor of the building rirvTOr if nnnli cation be , Known as .j.tuu6t - tf It ;, K rouf hV the 15th Ot 1"'""?" i tr x K TYERSON. rcurusrv nau " ... . KTrnanire torner. ETchanire Corner, Wllmmgton, N. C, Jaa. 90, 18S7. -tf THE DAILY DISPATCH. WILMINGTON. JANUARY 29. 17. THE DAILY DISPATCH FOR 1867. REDUCTION OF TERMS. I The Drourietors ol the Dajly Dispatch i a having determined to largely increase the , circulation of their paper, offer the Dispatch j for 1867, at such greatly reduced rate, as to place it within the reach of every body and they trust that under the new arrange- riieut, it may be their privilege to add many new names to their list, both of city and country subscribers. Notice was given a short time iince of an intention to enlarge the Dispatch : bat it has since been deemed best by the pro prietors to make other arrangements. The Dispatch will not be enlarged at present: but such improvements will be introduced, as it is confidently expected, will make it, as . a newspaper, more interesting, valuable and reliable. Particular attention will be paid to the I Commercial Department. The home and foreign markets will be fully and accurately reported. To this end, the services of a gen tleman, every way fitted for the purpose, have been engaged, who will givs to this his whole time and attention. terms : . Daily Dispatch, one year, - - - $G 00 " I six months - - $4 00 The subscription prices must, in every instance, le paid in advance, and no name ol' a new subscriber will be entered on the books until this is complied with. Subscribers who have paid in advance at old rates, will be credited with the amount j due them, from the 1st January 18G7, at the new rates. Bills will! bj forwarded to those who are indebted for subscription, and they must be paid at once. Appreciating the liberal patronage which has been conferred on the Dispatch, the ; proprietors confidently promise that it shall hereafter be more worthy than ever of public favor NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. SECOND SESSION. SENATE. Raleigh, Jan. 20. The Senate was called to order at half )u-t 10 o'clock. Mr. McCorkle, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred a bill au thorizing the Justices of Warreu county to sell certain property, recommended its pas sage. On motion of Mr. Thornton, the rules were suspended and the bill passed its sev eral readings. By the same, a bill restoring to married women their common law right of dower, recommending that it do not pass. resolutions and bills. Mr. Adams, a resolution authorizing the issue of duplicate bonds to C. S. Mills, in ' consequence of the destruction of bonds; ; referred to the Committee on Finance. ; Mr. Wilson, a bill to incorporate the Meck i lenburg Female College. Referred to the Committee on Corporations. J Mr. Wiggins, a lesolution instructing the i Committee on the Judiciary to incpuire into the expediency of passing some law empow ering Executors, Administrators and Guar dians, to compromise claims with persons who may be indebted to their wards and f estates, and to report by bill or otherwise. Adopted. A message was received from the House transmitting a bill to change the time bi i holding the summer and winter terms of I the County Courts of Mitchell and Buncombe counties. On motion of Mr. Gash the rules I were suspended and the bill passed its scv j eral readings. On motion of Mr. Covingtou the rules : were suspended and the resolution in favor ! of the county of Stanly was taken up and passed its second reading. (This resolution asks a loan of $3,000, to relieve the needy of the county.) On its third reading, Mr. Robins offered to amend the bill by insert ing any other counties which may be in a 'similar condition. Whereupon Mr. Leach stated he should like to put himself right on this question. He should oppose the : amendment, because no other county had I appealed for assistance. If the citizens ol Randolph are represented as being in a starv ing condition he would gladly vote to assist : them. The jeas and nays were called on the amendment and it was lost by a vote of 24 to 14. Mr. Wilson offered an amendment which was adopted. The question recurring on motion of Kobins, the yeas and nays were called and the resolution passed by a vote of 26 to 11. On motion of Mr. Covington the rules were ! suspended and the resolution granting aid to the counties of Union and Chatham, was taken up. Mr. Covington stated that the only object he had in view in taking it up was to get rid of it, as his people had re quested its withdrawal although their con dition M as as needy as he had represented it. xet thev thought the amount asked lor i i I" ' fR?i ' t TooZdUh mnVh uld not be sufficient to accomplish much ; wo and miffht be the means of doin? harm. , c O A message was received from the House transmitting an engrossed bill to amend 5th Chapter of the revised Code, entitled ap 1 prentices. On motion of Mr. Berry, the rules were suspended, and the bill passed its sev- i eral readings. Also a bill to prevent the destruction of Ginseng in the State ot North Carolina. On motion of Mr. Love, the rules were suspended, and the bill passed ita several readings. PRIVATE BILLS. On motion of Mr. Harris, of Rutherford, the rules were suspended, and the bill to in- romorate the Union Canin crrouud in the , f- luuuiy -tt?. w F. nA nnri imkum) its WPT IMril v " ETZT i- f i TiT" readings. rales were vu muuuu vi ivjj, mc , , , , .,, suspended, and the bill to incorporate the Bladen land Company was taken up, passed its several readings. On motion of the same the rales were su pended, and the bill to incorporate the Bla den Manufacturing Company was taken up and passed its several readings. On motion of Mr. Thornton, the rules wire suspended, and the bill to amend the char ter of the town of Warrenton was taken up and passed its several reading?. Bill to incorporate the Lexington Mining Company was taken up, amended and, on motion of Mr. Adams, it was recommitted to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. Gash, by leave, introduced a bill ! , amend the charter of the to tn of n nders'n. in the county of Henderson ; on his motion . the roles were suspended. nd the bill passed its several readings. (The object of this bill is to prevent the snle of spirituons liquors within a mile of the incorporation.) , On motion of M;r. Johnv:j. the rules were suspended, and a resolution in lavor of Mes srs. March imd Peebles, of the county of Davie, wa taken up and passed its several readings. On motion of Mr. Averv, the Senate ad journed until half past 10 o'clock Monday morning. HOI OF COMMONS. SATrnDAv, Jan. 26. called to order at half M. The House w as past 10 o'clock A. The following bills were introduced, viz: Bv Mr. Bmve. a bill to amend section 6. Chapter 00 Revised Code-. Authorize Guardians tp invest funds belonging to their wards, in bonds and other securities of the : United St By Mr. Drhhon, a bill to amend the charter of the Cheowa Turnpike, so as to establish a Ferry or Bridge across Tennessee River. By Mr. Whitfield, a bill to amend an act, entitled an act to prevent enticihg servants from fulfilling their contracts, or harboring them. By Mr. Patton, a bill to incorporate the Holston Annual Conference of the Methodist ' Episcopal Church, South, i -By Mr. Murrell. a bill to amend the char ter of the town of Jacksonville, in Onslow county. (This bill yassed its several read ings under a suspension of the rules) By Mr. McKay, a bill giving to the Coun ty and Superior Courts authority to sentence criminals to work the public roads. Also, a ci i iuinais io oi k me miotic roaus. .a iso. a bill to authorize the Public Treasurer to ne- gotiatc a loan for the relief of the Treasury, and to establish a North Carolina Savings Hank. (Authorizes the Public Ireasurer to borrow, in Europe, a sum not exceeding ten minions oi uo uars, ana to istue, ior tne pay ment of the same, the coupon bonds of the State running thirty years, the coupon? bear ing percent, interest per annum, pay able semi annually, said bonds not to be sold for less than eighty-five cents on the dollar. The bili creates a corporation by tne name of the North Carolina Savings Bank, to be located in the city of Raleigh, authorizes the Stnte to subscribe from the loan nego tiated, rive millions of dollars to the capital stock of said bank in shares of $100 each, individual corporations to subscribe a like amount, constituting a capital stock of ten million. By Mr. Jones, a bill to enable the repre sentatives of W. E. Mann, late Sheriff ot Pasquotank county, to co lect arrears ot taxes. By Mr. Bryson, a hill to amend the char ter of the Western C. R. R. By Mr. Simpson, a bill to tax firearms kept for any other purpose than for military use. By Mr. Jordan, a resolution in favor of A. H. Sanders, former Sheriff of Montgomery county. OX PRIVATE CALENDAR. The following resolutions were rejected on second reading, viz: in favor of Joseph Marshall, Sheriff of Stanley county; in favor of W. J. Murray, Sheriff of Alamance county; in favor of Joseph Cobb, Sheriff of Edge combe county: in favo: of Sam'l Eagle ; in favor of E. B. TabbA Co., and in favor ol Robt. Bynum, of Wilson county. The last of these were subsequently recon sidered and re-committed. A resolution to pay Jno. II. Wheeler one hundred dollars for services rendered, in procuring the Land Scrip, appropriated by Congress, for the establishment ot an Agri cultural College in this State, was put on its 2d reading. Mr. Moore, of Hertford, thought the reso lution should be amended, deeming it be neath the dignity ot the State, to pay so small a sum tor the service rendered. Mr. Davis said that the Governor aud Pub lie Treasurer were empowered to employ an agent in this matter and fix his compensa tion. He moved au indefinite postpone ment of the resolution, which motion pie vailed. A bill to incorporate Perquimons Male and Female Academy, passed its 2nd and 3rd readings. OX 'iENKRAL CALEMAU. A bill to amend sec. 12, chap, lib Revised Code, entitled ' Widows," and-a bill to tax Revenue Stamps iu bills of Costs, panted their third reading. A bill allowing fees to Justices of the Peace wa put on its third reading. Messrs. Peebles, W lugh and Richardson j urged its passage. Messrs. Dargan, Latham, of Craven, and Allen opposed it. j Mr. Perry, of Carteret, moved to amend the bill by providing that the fees prescribed shall be paid only in those counties, in which the County Courts may so direct. Not agreed to. On motion of Mr. Richardson the bill was amended bv the addition of a proviso, that where tne party convictea snail De unaoie to m 1 1 1 1 1 tla Pav the Magistrate's costs, the same shall W be tAX a8 costs of the State. An amendment offered by Mr. Durham al- , ttCl r.. :;t ; ';-t lowiu" iiivc iee iu nwi oo m -wuai was also rejected. Sundry mctious to adjourn, to lay on the table, to postpone indefinitely, etc., were successively made and rejected. The bill passed its third reading by a rote ot 62 to 39. An engrossed bill from the Senate author izing the Commissioners of Jones county to sell the jail lot in said county, passed its several readings. j Mr. Williams, of Pitt, by leave, introduced m resolution that the Committee on Propo sitions and Grievances enquire as to the ex- j pediency of reporting a bill empowering the , r , . rt-T& tr rmlt th f of ; - " f ' " , T . . , anoniex ami vv""1" , the table on motion ot Air. 31c a air. j The Honae then adjourned. COMMISSION HOrSES. smmmm n ki i tom S1IIPPCXG AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. CtSHrn meats of Hsw Viatti i Mid coau trj rrod'Jc; soUcitodi aud iW business ro trusted to my i-urr hvt- my j roni itmtivn. Lurebt r orders wul have attention oct 10 314 tl sam i-. . ruwayi. i k was sToarai (ilKX'EKS AND COMMISSION MF.H CHANTS, Hontk U ater Slraet, WILMINGTON, N. C. 31ft-tf oct 12 a w. vu a, of WlusungtOn c r. HKBajta, of Alamanc cuaoty. W. D ':! T.s-: LB A UKO of Norfolk, Va. ROCERS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . Corner Ciiesuut and Water streets, Wiluiinrtoa, N. C pe pt oU tr AJUBZ. X. T. V( WKTIUN ALEX. JOHNSON & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CIIANTjS, No. n sooth Water Street, WILMmOTOE, X C. ee pi 12 TETEU HALLETT. t. U A Kl.E? HOFFMAN. CEO. B. BAKER, I with MALLET! & HOFFMAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 16 North Water Street, WILMINGTON. N C. iuk 2 277 tf ATKINSON A SIIKPPERSON, GENERAL Commission aud Forwarding Merchants A&B WSURANCW AGENTS, 11 Noith Water Street, Wilmington. ..rr im-pd vtt . vnY -w . . .,.....-. W and FARMING IMPLEMENTS, ol lm- proved stvbs; and solicit cooahnMssaU ot COT - TON, NiAVAL STORES and COUNTRY PRO- DUCE generally, lor sate in tbis market fr bv our friends in the Northern cities, ujon wbieh lib- erai. aovancbs will be made Lile, Fire and Marine Insurance, In the beat companies on the continent, granted at the low est rates. MATTHEW P. TAYLORl WITH ATKINSON SIIEPPERS I)N. ai r :r lAVtf OSO. HAUK1SS. W. W. IIAUK1SS. A. 1. UOWBLI. KARR.ISS Aj HOWELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NOHTH WATER SI IJEKT, Wilmington, N. C, AND 190 WATEK STKEET, NEW YORK. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CON8IGN incntd to our New Vork House ou Produce, which will b'-' forwarded through, tree of com- ::iisiion6. CotWisrnmeTitb hio core'd by Insurance front ports and places in North and south Carolina, by Kail roads, Steam Boats and Flat on the Kiver to a shipping point, and thence to New York. All shuMiK'Tito e!i uld he accoinoiinieii bv ahlaw 1 pirnr receipt? and Invoices from point of ahip- w,1u Iuurauee attacho through to New oct 9 313 tf w38-tf A. A. MoFFITT, W. 1. MOKF1TT, JOHN M'l.ALKl MOFFITT, HRO. A CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 4 South W iiJt Street, V 1 1 in intiton . N. C. L tjive prompt personal attention to the bale or shipment of Cotton, Naval Stores, General Produce, etc.. ete. Also to receiving and forwarding tfod&. Orders solicited and promptly tilled. nov J7 43-tf 1-wf.m SHfPPING. FOR NEW YORK. MURRAY'S STEAMSHIP LINE. TIIE FINE FAST SAILING SHIP STEAM atf "r-TV J U N B. S. SMITH, Co o ander, SAILING FROM NEW YORK POSITIVELY on Tuesday, 22nd ioct., will -ail as above ou Saturday 2;'th. For Freight, aprh to O. G. PARSLEY & CO Aire: u in New York : MURRAY, FERRIS A CO., 61 and 62 South at. jau 1" 3 t tul soli.m: oil COMPANY, MA?fr .v. tvrek4- or THE SOliNE BURNIHC Olt, THE CHEAPEST AND BEST IN USE. No Smoke, No Smrll, Nou Explosive. OFFICE, NO. BROADWAY. J HIS SUPERIOR OIL GIVES A BEAUTI rVt light,, equal to Ga In briHtoacy : to it muen cnea. er; peneeliy aie, as ll l noa ..-nin-ivfi ua r-r fcuut:rior to anv other , Oil or Burning fluid ever ofCred to the pnhlk. The Company will alo funi'ah the trade, at manufacturer price all Mnda or rsteniwety ! Lamp-, Iainterna, Chandelier, etc., admirably t.t t,r MotU ( ..nr. iifc Private residence 1 mm - , StOler. Warehouses, Office. Steamboat. Rail and for Plantation uc. Id fact,' tbej . uoaoa. ! are better ior any purpoac wnawcrcr, iw wmeu a j tight 1 naed, tftau any other lamp invented, 1 and are aoid at a price that comes Within the i rnii-ii of evi-rv on. . . , a t 1 1 tAmraCl8 iaae ior lUUllOK uwn uu - iairea. 1 For further oarticularb. terme. ate., addrcaa the . . . ti t . f nr J ATI t ,,,P"" r JNO. . BAXKS, General Agent, i fi8 Broadway New York. Jan 4 flWI lln. l'AT!lP A Fr-f.i;Ant?i wil 4 FPUCATIOW WILL BE MADE TO THE Oenerml Arxmmr, in aeealoo, to la - , Crem setae capital atoca. of the Cape Fear r Steam r bteam boat Company. Dec aw jjaahatik--; COM VINSON HOI SO. III 9l-:iaL. FLM St COX, SHIPPING AND CCMMiaSION M E R HANTS, WilsaiMtoa. . C. n lg H4-ly HILLIAMS A COMMISSION Ml RllJlaON. MEJIt UANTS. a. WHOLESALE GROCERS. WltBitO, Pl.C, HA VI I REMOVED TO TKE iEW STORK on Viirl i ,i ..t m. v . ... i ... mi fviiu vi v u - tutu Uoasr. nov 4 OL. II A AM 4t CO., SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MEECIlA NTS Water Sttret , Scat door and adjluiujf the ttorsof 1LM. Barry. CASH AUVAMLa made on coK&ftaitnts CiMaUa a 1 . . III A . t """ iikmivh win im rivru u cauian oienU of lumber. rti-t II i. U II L1KD, (POBMKSXT W1LUIDS CI); TBS,) GENERAL FORWARD IN G COIMIbsION M Kit I II A VI , and soa t voa ATNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, or HAitTroao, oonii.. N' o. 9U ortn WaUT Street. Wl n.lncion. N. C i I r " WILL GIVE persoun! attention to in. tmr , chase and sale of Product sod Mcrcitaudilsa. o i i WOb-U C. M. BOBISSOM, jas c. asiiTH, r o. at loviai lSo, SMira. f Cumberland. ROBINSON. SMITH A CO., (Successors to U. Ill Kobinaou A CO., and C alfji , Smith,) (iENEliAL COMMISSION MERC HAM s. Wilasiastoa, N . C. JR T. ftvptl 2bl tl M L K It A V . a. MIKK1T. New York. Wllnioictwu. N. C. J. T. MURRAY 4k CO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. IBS Front Street, New Toi.k. E. MURRAY Jb UOL.BSAXB CO 1 i r-vrr t - 'Axitnuji.iv ... i . v MIL fJ(JTO N V r ) 1 .U(r 7 " ' ' ' r.k 1 . : r1?- H 1 c. r. mkmeua1.i. m. r.uiiiukUi, i Km iioi.s t Grttnaboio, . (.'.;Entieil. N (. , BaJttiuore . P. Monde n linll A Co., Cotton, Tobacco. aul Ceueral COMMISSION H K H II A N T S ; AStl WHO LBS A L K (i K o c E U 6 . 37 A aw South Cadvurt 81.. Caracr ut WattriH., Baltimore, ld. July a.j. nanossKT. w. l oraosaKT, ouauam oat DEROMttfcT A CO., (Formerly Ifelhwt d ;otrw.) EHTAHUftlitM Ifftflji GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHAN'JS, No. G North H hi r Ntreet, up hIiiio, W 1 L t 1 i T O N . N . C , I17ILLGIVE PEl&MNAL Al TKNTJuN TU V? the pureliMt. mid itl ! j.i..!ute d evrrj (io'Crlptioti, uiid to reeriv.i' . out! forMrardlUJI iruuda. teb 4 U7 U A . A. WILL AMI, WHOLESALE DEALEK IN W CKRl.3 ANi GENERAL M E.K . i I ANIML. fommiioiou and Forunrdiai Merehanl. N ) NORTH IVATKtt pTKEET, a iiuioiauu, N. C. KKrana Mi Jesse H. Llndftay, K?4 . CaaliJer Iiank Cape 1 mi, uitvuiinu, ... Vy. Kct. C. H. l.ey, - i. 1 1 intendeut Pul.ia Sc hoola for the Htatu ol oi tl ('udina Mesara. Jn:ea Corner JV. buii. Haltliuiore. Mcrsrs. Powlej, CJohk r 4t ( t , N Voik. Ian . no SEA-FOWL GUANO a .' DR. HAYES' OPINION OF Till: air i SEA TOW L GUANO. A NALYAES OF THIS OUANO, MAiHE IN the way of leuruiug the uiuporUon of the active aiihstitnces present, and tuvir mode o cl nginw'tn eonapoaition, show ttiia Guuno to be admirably adapted to the grcilt Staple of agri cultural production. The organic part coastals or the iercnj' ut I'Sfi Mil owls, oraanic and aalabl salts of amuiuuia. mal matter in a atate ot decay. With oil) and ous subaUmccit, and hatnu Tuesc nff rd about 4 per cent of ammonia. Tne rotable part contain paoafdaatc of vi rion base, cauai to about izUen par cent tfbvm phoupJtmU Ikiu ; while tbc whol phopt.t present amount to 14 per cnt, counted a bone phoapbate of lime. I Uulpbulea, chloride-, and ereiiatc of alkaliaa bases, make up the remaining part of this Gua no, the Whole betag Io a condition iu diaaolvt la 1 the soil, and become aaslfni'alvd tj the crop tun uuidu uu tuo a it 1 Luvmnmc power, ana will not only Induce thl action, bat it iti ex cite the hamute in the soil I render any ammonia they contain. It will be seen that photpkoric arid, equal io bout $iiUm ir cc( f Unu JkmiJiiU 7 ' , du fieety in water, and that the forty four per cent, of bona phocphate to all soluble, ni" t ura and time being allowed. With these puotpUatra there will be about twelve per cent, of organic corapemnds, affording fenmr per ri -j j rt atinamia, apart from that obtain 'i trout butuic ' com pounds These are proporii which expe rience baa demon atrat cdT aa forming a a qJ I-balanced Guano, of pecial value in cotton altiva tion, and also adapted to other c Compared with Peruvian Guano, the latter p peara as a saline, exciting Gumo, well adapted to hastening forward a crop la a backward sea son, or to cacite the product ioa ot graaa. It can not be used iu conaective aeason--, as the B D. Sea-Fowl Guano can be. aa the latter leave ler i Ulizing matter in the aoil each time ill applied. ana inu aau eriuauvni aiu-: The exact oaianr-c ioana oeiwecn w phoaphate, of diUereut Imscs, and the i UinMaato producer', a well a the conditloii of ii.e lea aoluble pbocphates, U a moat Important feature la thl Guano, and owe which paca it by the aide of Peruvian Guano In all MtnlifjitioDi wUcre the heat of fi-rmen i tation ncemrj tohatcath neruiiuatiuu, and the lood adapted to tle growing plant In all it ,' Mage, are required. thi Guano to of great al ue, and it may be tted wf U ajkmc$ iu uiaking any ol the alaple crop ot p uiauou cuiturv. i . . . . I . . . . . . i ...... uuiure wr wu imu. uu... iicaptclful ly , A. A. UA YES, Jt. l totals Aeaajer. Btx Sr., Bosroa, 26 Dcccmhar, Uou For ale by n IS tMUit-tATACO. 11LTZ a a- ixrt (wiin mo. 1 ... I T18T BEttlv" r Vf ...... , l w l; ii L v 60 ' el ton reDUine rmiu" ummmv v. wmmm W r" MUltKAY A CO. toalS - r-. v. ... . , i r UaSM li 1m mk

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