MM, -a - W 1 1 , DAILY DISPATCH V OL. II. WILMINGTON, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 1867. NO. 411. IMlSBlMMIfMnBBBrtHaaBaatSBaM .nMUm mi- m.m mum iiArtSVimni m m -iy- - JBBBBku.' -i -,. ,,mM, -M,-.rmiirtlMttn,aMIk - SBBBSBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB MTTSCTON v THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH. ROBINSON A SMITH. Proprietor!, PUBLISHED DALY AND WEEKLY. Terms of conscription. Invariably in advance : Dailv, one year. f6 00 " six months 4 00 BATES OF, 'ADVERTISING: Advertisement will' be inserted at 1 per square for the ,fir-t insertion; 50 per week, snd $S per month. Ten lines or lrss contittit- a square. lgT" No publication made without a responsi ble name. LINES OF TRAVEL. Wilmington & Weldon Railroad. Ornct ( im.r Eaginjcbh A Sen., Wilmington, Nov. 3, lfctJ. 4 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. N AND AFTER MONDAY the 5th iuM,, the following f ; -1 Schedule of lime will be () run oyer thia Railway. GOING NORTH. Leave Wilmington at. M Arriv; at Goldaboro' at ,i it "... Arrive at Wcldon at U4o A. M. 11.15 A. M. y.25 A. M. . 2 57 P. M. . 2.00 P. M. 6.35 P. M. GOING SOUTH. WVlilon at..-. Li 11.00 A. M. . T.S5 P . M. . 3.00 P. M. .11.50 P. M. . 8.00 P. M. . 4.30 A. M it 1 , " . Arrive it Gnldshoro at. w ' . Arrive at Wilmington . . Close eouii t ion me made y both train go- ing South. j The 5 A. M. train from W ilmiugton, and 11 M train frota Weldoa,do not run on Sunday's. Close connections are made by tin: 11 05 A. M. train both ways between New York and New Or- Ibv tfed tihi that leaves hi re Jt 11.05 and the one thatlaMveihereat 4.30 -A. M close con nections are made bet ween New York and New Orleans. Connections are made by file other trains but more time is required. To go North b 15a v Line, leave at 5.00 A. M.; to go1y Anncinessbc, leave by the 11.05 A. M. train. Either train connects by Richmond. Close connections atGoldsboro with the N. C. trains by the 5.00 A. M. train, aiid by either to NeWl,Cm- ft. V. FREMONT, Chid' Engineer xnd Superintendent. 1:; ; gjg tf Wilmington & Manchester R. R. OKKICR GRN. SUl'T. WlL. A M.S. R. Ro.vo, Wilmington, N. C, Nov. lid, I860. ) m tx ON AND AFTER MONDAY the 5th of Nov. the following Schedule will go'into effect on the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily at.. Arrive at Kings vllle " Leave Kingsvillc " Arrive at Wilmington daily t ACCOMMODATION .... 4.50 A. M .... 3 30 P. M. .... 1.45 A. M. ...10.45 A. M. TRAIN. Leave Wilmingtdn daily at. . . . . . . b.20 P. M. Arrive at Kingsville , .. 8.00 A.M. LeaVe Kingaville " 4 30P. M. Arrive at Wilmington daily at. ... 3.45 A. M. Cioc connections made by both trains at Wil 1 ungton with the Wilmington and Weldon Rail road; at Florence with the North Eastern Rail road for Charleston, and at Kingsville with the 8011th Carolina Railroad.' v - Wm. MtJRVE, General Superintendent. Hnov 4 J 3K0-tf m TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, i U ILMOTON, CllAUI.OTTK R. R. Co., Wilmington, N. C. May 20, ISO). ) 1ROM xVND AFTER JCNE 1st, 180b, tlie Mail V Train on this road wU leave Wilmington at o'clock, A.M., ou Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays, apd arrive at Saud Hill at 3 o'clock, P. M. Returning will leave Sand Hill at 7 o'clock, A. M., on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and arrive in Wilmington at 4 o'clock, P. M. WM. H. ALLEN, Master 1 Transportation, mav 31 303-tf For Rent. rpilE STORE AT PRESENT OCCUPIED BY JL Messrs. Mollltt, Bro. & Co.. and the office over the store occupied by Mr. Alfred Martin, from the 1st of Oct., 1806, to the 1st of Oct., 1867 For further particulars, apply to Mr. las. An derson, during my absence. W. D. SMITH, Agent, REV. C. BRUCE WALKER. ante 3 tf Lippitt's Confectionery. OREAD IN ALL ITS VARIETIES, FRESH, MORNING and EVENING. FANCY CAKES AND PIES TO SUIT THE MOST FASTIDIOUS, FRESH EVERY DAY. oet ol 338-11" AGENTS WANTED FOR tbo Life and Campaigns of Oen. Stonewall Jaeksoii, By Prof. R. L. Dnbney, D. D., of Va. rpHE STANDARD BIOGRAPHY OF THE JL Immortal Hero. The only edition author ized by his widow, and published for Ber pecuni ary benefit. The author a personal friend and Chief of Staff of the Christian Soldier. We want an Agent iu every county. Send lor circular? and 6ee our terms, and what the Press says of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Corner 7th and Main sts., Richmond, Va. jan 15 395-lmdaw NOTICR A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Ruther ford Railroad Compusy will be held in Wilming ton on the 25th day of February, 1867, to consider the act of the General Assembly now in session, proposing an amendment to the Charter of the Company. L T. ALDERMAN. Secretary. jan 25 . 404-tm JIST RECEIVED LATE ARRIVALS. BY -a?i I 1 I . w Br J i i BARRELLS NEW YORK CITY MESS PORK, BARRELS BEST FAMILY FLOUR, BARREL8 BEST EXTRA SUPER FLOUR, FULTON MARKET BEEF. SUPERIOR FRESH GOSHEN BUTTER. SALMON, MACKEREL, CHEESE. 1 or sale by CANNON fc 8TOKLEY, 4 8outh Market Street. -J 3 401-41 D REMOVAL. R. CARR HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE and residence to the South side of Market street, directly opposite his former place of bu siness, h,erc e is prepared to perform any ope ration belonging to his profession, with all modern improvements. Charges in all eases will be moderate, and proportionate to the mate rial desired. Teeth extracted without pain Wilmington, Jan. 3, 1867; 384-tf HOTELS. THE CITY HOTEL, turner Market and Second Streets, WIl,3II?fGTO?f, !f. C. S. FREDERICK, Proprietor. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS RECENTLY opened the OITY HOTEL. and berpeaks lor it under it.- new management the patronage of the travelling public. He gives the assurance that It wiM be conducted n a style lully equal to the demands of the tun?. . The Parlors and Rooms will be THOROUGHLY OANTLY 1 REFITTED A: ELE- REFURNISHED. The tables will be well kept and loadad with all well kept and loaded the DELICACIES AND LUXURIES that the Market affords. The servant will be at tentive and polite to guest ; and every depart ment completely organised in such a manner a to render it as attractive an any similar establish ment in the South. Th I'i optietor promises that no pains or ex pense shall be spared to render this HOTEL a pleasant and agreeable resting place for the way farer, and one in everyway worthy ol the support and encouragement of those who desire to sus tain a well conducted Hotel. N. FREDERICK, Proprietor. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. '32, 401-tf Journal copy. MILLS KOUSE, MEETING STREET, Charleston, S. C. rpHIS HOUSE HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY A. repaired and refurnished, and cannot be ex celled by any in the city. JOSEPH PURCELL. Proprietor. an 20 5-tf PROFESSIONAL. JOHN A. KIOIIAKDSON. TltOU. H. SCTTON. RICHARDSON & SUTTON, Attorneys and Coun-fselXoi-H at Law, ELIZABETHTOWN, N. C. All business entrusted prompt attention, jan 25 to their care will have 404-tf JAMES C. DOBBIN, A T T O R N E Y AT LAW, Fayc'teviHe, N. C, OFFICE HORNER BOW dc GREEN STREETS. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE collection of Claims and other business en trusted to hi. care, novo 37-lf DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, &c. james Mccormick, MKRCIIAXT TAILOR, No. 35 Broad Street, Charleston, S. C. Wholcsile and Retail Dealer iu CLOTHS, CASSIMER8 AND VESTINGS; GENTS' AND BOYS' READY MADE CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, etc. julv 13 239-tf i IVTTT A 7a t IVTTT AATCJ I 1N JP4 TT.-.CT 1 JLl JJJ f f O i FROM DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS. Hcavi Reinlbrceiiieiit OF CLOTHIX RECEIVED AT HAAS & CO'S., O OR MR. JACOB HASS has fuet returned from a business tour through the NORTHERN CITIES, and having purchased a stock much cheaper thau heretofore, wo ara prepared to offer to the CITIZENS OF WILMINGTON, . and the public, generally, the finest assortmeut of READY MADE CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &c., at a HEAVY REDUCTION from what they have been sold this season. We wt.uld most respectfully call the atteution of the LADIES to our beautiful assortment of t BOYS AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING. They arc of superior make to any ever offered in this market. t Our MER CHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT ; . - attends to orders promptly, and suit are guar- I an teed to fit. - BvessiTcainefbre purchasing elsewhere. Haas A CO. Front Street near Market, Old Stand of Hed rick A dee 19 THE DAILY DISPATCH. WILMINGTON. FEBRUARY 2. IW7. NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. SECOND SESSION. SENATE. Raleioh, Jan. 31. KUM.ItU OK COMHITTELs. Mr. Avery, lrom the Committee on Inter- : : nal Improremcnta, to whom was referred a j bill to incorporate the Yadkin and Cape Fear Canal Company, considered the saine and as there is no appropriation asked for, . recommended its passage. By the same, from the Committee cm the Judiciary, to whom was referred a bill to amend an act more effectually to secure the i maintenance of bastard children, recom mended tha'. it do not pass. Mr. Johnson, from the Committee cm Cor porations, to whom was referred a bill to In i corporate the Albemarle Swamp Land Com i pany, proposed an amendment and recom mended its passage. Mr. Hall, Horn the Committee on Educa ! tion, to whom was referred a bill authorizing : incorporated towns to establish public schools, proposed an amendment and re ' commended its passage. By the same, a bill to amend an act to in corporate the Military Academy at Hills : boro', recommending its passage. By the same, a bill to incorporate the Edenburg Medical College in the county of 1 Robeson, reported favorably. , RESOLUTIONS AND BILLS. I Mr. Gash, a bill to prevent unnecessary ! costs and suits on official bonds. Referred I to the Committee onxhe Judiciary. On motion of Mr. Cunningham, the rules 1 were suspendeded and the resolution mak : ing an appropriation for the marking and I protecting the graves of North Carolina sol j diers, near Richmond, Va., passed its several ! readings. A message was received from the House ' transmitting a communication from the Gov i eruor, enclosing documents relative to the i Cape Fear Navigation Company, with a proposition to refer the same to a joint Sc i lect Committee. Concurred in, and the ; Speaker designated Messrs. McLean, Wil ! liams and Paschall as the Senate branch of ' the Committee. CHATHAM AND COALFIELD RAILROAD. Bill to declare valid an act to amend the ; Charter of the Chatham and Coalfield Rail- road Company was taken up. Mr. Leach urged the passage of the bill and denied that it was a war measure. Mr. Robins then : offered an amendment and intimated that if j the amendment was adopted, he would sup . port the bill. Mr. Wilson opposed the bill ' in a speech of some length, and at its close, j moved to lay on the table the amendment 1 offered by Mr. Robins, which motion, if car I ried. would take the bill with it, and on his motion the ayes and nays were called, and the motion was carried by a vote of 25 ! to 19. I On motion of Mr. Hall, the rules were sus j pended and the bill to secure proper indexes of the journals of both Houses and of the private and public laws, was taken up, and ' passed its several readings : Mr. Cowles, by leave, introduced a resolu- ! tion instructing the Committee on the Judi- I ciary 10 report ouck. uio 0111 snow 11 as me ; stay law so that some action may Ihj taken I upon it by the Senate. Adopted. Mr. Covingten, by leave, from the Com i mittee of Finance, reported a bill to amend ; an act to extend the time for the returns to I the courts of lands to be sold for taxes; on i his motion, the rules were suspended, and j the bill was amended and passed its several readings. Mr. Moore, by leave, introduced a bill to re-enact and amend an ordinance to change i the jurisdiction of the courts and the rules j of pleading therein. Ordered to be printed i and referred to the Committee on the Ju- diciarv. . ? . 1 i ii. i"n 1 HOUSE OF COMMONS. Thursday, Jan. 31, 1SG7. The House was called to order at half past ten o'clock. Messrs. Jordan and Williams, of Martin, were permitted to record their votes in favor of the bill, passed on yesterday, to abolish imprisonment for debt, j A message was received from His Excel- lency, transmitting the report of the Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Company. Sent to the Senate with a proposition to re fer to a Select Committee. RESOLUTIONS. By Mr. Wilson, of Perquimans, a resolu tion instructing the Committee on the Judi ciary to consider as to the propriety and ne cessity of legislation looking to comptomises between Guardians, Executors, Administra tors, and the debtors to their respective es tates. Adopted. BILLS. By Mr. Richardson, a bill to incorporate the North Carolina Land Agency, for the encouragement of emigrants. ON CALENDAR. A bill to punish persona who knowingly j entice or persuade minors to leave the ser- , vice of their parents guardians, or masters : ; a bill to change the present jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace; a bill for the relief of poor debtors, and a bill for the relief of the people, were severally read and laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Rogers the House pro- ; ceeded to consider 'a bill for the relief of the people of North Carolina," introduced j a day or two since by Mr. Latham, of j Craven. Mr. Williams, of Pitt, moved to amend the bill by adding a proviso that it shall not ! be construed to prevent the collection of I debts contracted since the loth of May, 1865. Mr. McKay moved a reference of the bill ; : to the Judiciary Committee, being opposed to its passage until its provisions were first investigated by some committee. Messrs. Long, Waugh, Peebles, Dargan, w- a ar 1 . a va - a nenry, untcnison, aicviammy ana rucnara- son supported the motion to refer. Messrs. Latham, of Craven, Lyons and Williams, of Pitt, opposed a reference. Mr. Crawford, of Rowan, opposed both I bill and reference. He deemed the bill a re- j pndiation measure and so viewing it, would j ! Bot grve the shght Mr. Martin moved to lay toe Din on the table. Not agreed to. I -- . . B a aa At I The question recurring, tne Dili was re- terred to the Committee on the Judiciary. REVESTt. proceeded to The House consider the special order, viz : a bill to raise Revenue. on its second reading. On motion of Mr. Latham, of Washington, it was ordered that the bill be read by sec tions. Pending its discussion and amendment, sundry engrossed bills from the Senate had their first reading and the House adjourned. SH1PPLNG. FOR XEAA YORK . THE A. No. ISchr. D. C. BULBS, TY LER, Master, will have auick dispatch . aoove. for freight applv to WORTH S DANIEL, jan 36 5 tf FOR XEW YORK. Q-oodspeed's Line. THE FINE FIRST CLASS STEAMSHIP FRO ME T IX EL8, J. F. BECKETT. Commander, w ILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK. Posi tively, ou Saturday, the 2nd of February, For 1 rtight or rassajre, apply to m WORTH & DANIET?. Ageift in New York : C. GOODS PEED, 46 W.-st ttrett. jan 29 407 ts FOR WW YORK. MURRAY'S STEAMSHIP LINE. THE FINE FAST SAILING SHIP STEAM JUNO, B. S. SMITH, Commander, AILING FROM NEW YORK POSITIVELY on Tucbday, 22nd inst., will sail as above on Saturday 2')th. For Freight, apply to O. G. PARSLEY & CO Agents in New Y"ork : MURRAY, FERRIS & CO., 61 and 62 South st. jan 18 36-ts SEA-FOWL GUANO. DR. HAYES' OPINION OF THE B. D. SEA-FOWL GUANO. A NALYSES OF THIS GUANO, MADE IN the wav of learning the proportions of the active substances present, and their mode ot changing in composition, show this Guano to be admirably adapted to the great staples of agri cultural production. The orgauic part consists of the excrement of fowls, organic and soluble salts of ammonia, animal matter in a state of decay, with oily and fibrous 6ubstances, and humus. These afford about 4 per cent of ammonia. The soluble part contains phosphates of va rious bases, cqmil to about sixteen per cent of bout pltosphate f lime ; while the whole phosphates present amount to 44 per ceut, counted as boue phosphate of lime. Sulphates, chlorides, and crenates of alkaline bases, make up the remaining parts of this Gua no, the whole being iu a condition to dissolve in the soil, and become assimilated by the crop. This Guano has also a fermentative power, and will not only induce this action, but it will ex cite the humates in the soil to render up any ammonia they contain. It will be seen that phosphoric acid, equal U about sixteen per cent of bone phospjtatc of lime, dti solve free'y iu water, and that the forty four per cent, of bone phosphate is all soluble, moisture and time being allowed. With these phoaphates there will be about twelve per cent, of orgauic compounds, affording four per cent, of pun ammonia, apart lrom that obtained from humic compounds. These are proportion which expe rience has demonstrated as forming a well-bal anced Guano, of special value iu cotton cultiva tion, and also adapted to other crops. Compared with Peruvian Guano, the latter ap pears as a saline, exciting G uauo, weii adapted to hastening torwara a crop iu a Dackwurd sea ; 8on, or to excite the production of grass. It can not be used in connective seasons, as the B. D. Sea-Fowl Guano can be, as the latter haves fcr tilizing matter in the soil each timo it is applied, and thus adds permanent value to the land. The exact balance found between the soluble phosphates, of different bascsl and the ammonia producers, as well as the condition of the le? soluble phosphates, is a most important feature in this Guano, and one which places it by the side of Peruvian Guano. In alHipplications where the heat of fcrmen tation necessary to hasten the germination, and the food adapted to tbe growing plant in all it btages. are required, this Guano is of great val ue, and it may be used with coifulemr in making any of tbe staple crops of plantation culture, as; substitute for Peruviau Guano. Rcspectfullv, A. A. HAYES, M. D. State Assay? r. 20 State St., B stok, 26 December, 1866. For sale by jan 16 E. MURRAY & CO. 3961m WILKES MORRIS. Auctioneer. By CRONLY A MORRIS AUCTION 8 ALE or- DRY GOODS AT- Exchange Corner. JJY REQUEST, AND FOR THE ACCOMMO- dation of tbe Ladies, we will continue our sales, f commencing at II O'CLOCK, A. 2H. AND m w-, -- Vt JfwA, Mr. .vx,, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND fliWntvw.TT " 1 , And every EVENING, 7 o'clock, lor Oaa- tlemen. jan 20 40S-tf COMMISSION B01SES. ja t. rrrrxwAT. toou PETTEW1Y M00RE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. NORTH WATER STREET, WILMISGTOS. X C. SOLICIT CONSIGNMENTS OF 'COTTON. NAVAL STuRES AND COUNTRY PRO- DUCEX B-!n AGENTS for the Manufacturers are prepared to fill, on the moat reasonable term, orders for GEO. KIDI) S CELEBRATED COTTON GINS, ZELL'S RAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE, BROW2CS COUNTER, PLATFORM and KAIL ROAD SCALES. Hare OoasUntlj ou hand FERTILIZERS ot all description, jan -7 40-tf WM. B. SMITH. JNO H BKTAN, JR. , WB. KVKLTX. WM. B. SMITH & COMPAKT, 40 A Fayetteville St., Ralcia, N. C, AMD N2 Baronne St., New Orlenas, Pl ltLISllERS. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. jobuxus am dzaleks in all kjmds or School Books, standard and Mincellaae on- ork, MasBic Books, Jewels, Keiralla, Printers' Supplies, Ac jan A) 4O0 U JOUV W. HI DALE, -A.t1:oriiey and Coun sellor sit- Law. o. 9 Haj Street, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY to all' btulue intrusted to his care. Claim collected anywhere u North Carolina, jan 26 405-tf JAMES Nil At Kill OKI). SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. l-iff" ,oiiaiunients of Merchandise and Coun try Produce solicited ; and all business entrusted to my care will have my personal attention. Lumber order will have attention. oct 10 314-tl sam'l. n. CANNON. jam STOKXBT. CA.WOX A: STOhLLV, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 4 South Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. oet 12 316-tf 3. w. vicK, c. r. m euan a, of Wilmington. of Alamance county. W. 1. HETHOI.ns BKO., ol Norfolk, Va. V1K ME R AXE V CO., o J ROCERS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION . MERCHANTS, Corner Chesnut and Water street, Wilmington, N. C. sept .:-0 806-tf ALEX. JOHNSON, JK. B. T. MCKJKTHAX. ALEX. JOHNSON & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 8 South Water Street, WTLMIXGTOS X. C. ecpt 12 2W-U 1867. KP k 1867. TO WHOLESALE BUYERS ONLY. rpHK UNDERSIGNED HAVING PLACED A bis entire stock ol Dry t.oods, Arc., in tar hands of Messrs. Cronlv & Morris, with the 1 intention of retirimr from the retail business. I bejrs leave to announce to . ' WHOLESALE BUYERS GENERALLY that he will open about the 1st of March next, on the 2d and 3d floors of the building, known as Exchange Corner, an entirely new and com- ple stock of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRV GOODS, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, II ATS. NOTIONS, &c., Ac. Also. "CVdar Falh," "Beaver Creek," and other favorite Sueetimrs and Yarns at Factory prices, which he will offer to tbe trade In General ut WHOLESALE ONLY, at the lowest Market prices Term- : A credit of abcty (G0);days for negotia j ble paper, or 5 per cent, diwount for cash. Eutranee 2d doors from the Southwest Comer of Market or Front streets. J. U. ANDERSON, Exchange Corner, Up Stairs. Wilmingtot.. N. C, Jan. 20, 157. 400-tf OMJLS FOR RAMW R O.iiP And Other Machinery. WE OFFER FOR SALE ON MANUFACTUR ER'S account, the following varieties, viz: ENGINE OIL, EXTR ENGINE OIL. HEADLIGHT OR BURNING OIL, LUBRICATOR No. 1, LUBRICATOR No. 2. The Engine Oils arc good substitutes for Sperm, and the Lubricators are well adapted for car wheels snd machinery generally. None of them I will "gum," and all are warranted to give sat is - ! faction in very respect. n .,111 v.... 1. en I TV C njll crp rUJJIICB IUI ULIItCIj ucic, VI Will , take orders for direct deliverv at any point j sible by Railroad, at factory prices, with cost of i transportation added. DrROSSBT A CO. sept 22 2W-2wtf I .mm T II .111.. tore lor Kent. THE MOST DESIRABLE STAND FOR DRY GOODS IN THE CITY. T WILL RENT AT A REASONABLE PRICE, X until tbe 1st day of October nest, lb First I Oat floor 0 the building, known a it floor ol U ner, if appl ! Corner, if application be made by the 15th of , rhmrr nprf IL ANDERSON. - cnng uorner. usniogtou, f. c. 4u. m, isau. IN THE CITY, at 11 A 18 FRONT STREET, m CHAS. D. MYERS, Art jan i II I! ST0 1 mmm .1 " COMMISSION B01SES. RISSELL. ELLIS COX, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WilMiBflnn. N. . WII.LIAMS XIKl U1SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BI WBO LKSALM Q ROC MRS, WtlaiiBfteB, N.C., HAVE REMOVED TO TUB KBW TOKI on North Water Hre4, neat Nortn ol Cw- torn hook DOT 4 SOL. ANI I HAAS CO., 8H1PPINU COMMISSION ME III HANTS Water Street, Next dour sad edjainiug the store of II. M. Barry. CAAII ADVANCES made on cotlarniBte rarucnlar attcnlioo U1 menta of lamber. oct 11 be given to consign Iltl JAJIEtt A. IVILLARD, 1 foKBIKL T WUXilPS f t KT1S. ' GENERAL FORWARDING Aim COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND AOKNT fOU AiTNA LIFE INSFRaNCE COMPANY, or UABTronn, com.. No. SO North Water Street, Wilmington. N C . WILL GIVE ieroual attenUon to the pur chase and sale of Produce and M r. liain'.it. oct S j aus-tf . B. ROB1KSOX, AS. C. SBltlt, f. O. BOBtBaoM, ALBX. a. Mm, of Cuuibrrlend. ROBINSON. SMITH A CO., (Suceeasors to C. B. Bobial A Co , and Costlu A Smith,) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WiiBtiBftoB, n. c J. T. MIHKAI, a M CM RAT. New York. Wilmington, N. C. J. T. MURRAY CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 18 Front 8treet, New York. URRAY CO., WUOI.BAAI.B G ROCERS & COMMISMoN MERCHANTS WTLMSGTOX, X C. aug7 25s 1 C. P. MKM'EMI AI.I.'M. T. WUITAKBB, ' D. BICnoi.S Greensboro, N. CjEutield, N. C Baltimore C. I, lendenlinll A ( o., Cotton, Tobacco, nud (eaeral COMMISSION MERCHANTS; Al WHOLESALE GROCERS, 37 A30 8outh Calvert St., Corner of Water St., Baltimore, Md. July a Mtt-tjsuf A. J. DKBOaSBT, W. L, DNtOMIT, ORAHAB DAT" OEROSSKT A CO., (Formerly DeRoet dt Brotcn.) ESTABLISUBO 183tt. - -awii' ' 'rw GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHAM1 S, no. o nioria t aier street, (np stairs,) WILMINGTON, N. C, WILL GIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION TO the purchase and sale ot produce ol every : deacriptioti, and to receiving and forwarding good ! fcbao 117 ti . A . W ILL A It U 9 t WHOLESALE DEALER IN GKOCERIS8 AND GENERAL MERCHANDIZE, . Commission and Porwarstiag Mrrchasl. N Ml NORTH W A KTRtlfT Wilmington, rf. C. RrrKa Tu Jeaac H. Lindsay, Esq., Cashhr Bank Caj Fear, Greensboro, if. C. Rev. C. H. Wiley, Su rmtrudent Public Schools for the State of North Carolina. Meesrs. James Corner A Son, Hal tun ore. Meaars. Dowley, Cnn r C., New York. jan sou OBO. BABBia. W. W. IBiHll A. i. UOWBU, HABBISsa HOWELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHAN I rt, BOBTB WaTBB rtrbbt, WilBliBgtOB. 19. C, BJBBj 196 WA1K H'I'hthT, JTKW VOH. T IBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGN B - - m. V . . . X-i menu to our New York House on Produce. which will be forwarded throwgb, free of com missions. Consignment are covered by Insurance from porta and places In North and south Carolina, by Railroads, Steam Boat and Flat on the Ervaff to a shipping point, and thence to New York. All shipments should be aecmiiniud by ship ping receipt and Invoices from point ol ship ment, when In urtD'-r attache through to New York. oet 9 ill tf wSS-tf . a Morrm, w. d. m r itt, ioan af la 1 bin. MOFFITT, BRO. s CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 4 SOCTB Wilth 8TB8ET, ftilaBiaajtou, Km C. WILL give prompt personal attention to the sale or shipment ot Cotton, Naval Stores- General Produce, eU, etc Also to receiving and forwardlnr good. OrdenaoUcued and promptly filled, nov 27 4S-U 1 CBABLB lOmiS. GEO. B. BAKER, WITH MALLETT k HOFFMAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 16 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C aug 28 277-tf ATKINSON At SIIrJPPKRSON, GENERAL CoBasaiswioB and Forward iag Mereaaats AND INSURANCE AGENTS, 11 North Water Street, WilsaiBf tea. ! WTY. KEEP CONSTANTLY oa hand GUANO I YV and FARMING IMPLEMENTS, of lin ; proved styles ; and solicit eoasignntcnts ot COT TON, NAVAL 8TORE8 snd COUNTRY PRO 1 DUCK generally, for sale in this marketer by oar friend In tbe Northern clue, upon wnicn lib eral advajicbs will be made. Lite. Fire aad Marine Insurance, in the beat oa the continent, granted at tbe low- rates, T. TAYLOR, ATKINSON A 8HEPPERSON apr 17 aav sts u t a. an a v 1 ' COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MKRcHANTSl Agents for New York Steamship Line. (UeesV Bpead Agent la New York.) Southern Mail Steam ship Coapaay of Philadelphia, Juoa Smiths Lhae of SaTUna Veaaels, CipeFaar Steamboat Company Steasawra Gov. Worth snd A. PJIsA Dealers la Freak Stona Lisa. Cataent PUsfa Hair, Gaaao. Baaah's Raw Boa Slip r Phoa- 1

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