1 T1 T'H i 1 t J' , ." 1 - V i. K - VOL. II. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY ;MORNING, FEBRUARY, 7, 1867. NO. 415 w 'MM 1 JJ. V 1 THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH. ROBINSON A SMITH, Proprietors, . IMJIILISII El) DAILY AND WEEKLY. Terrusol jojbi'cription, invariably in advance : Dally, one year o 00 41 six months . 4. CO HATES OF ADVERTISING : Advertisements will be inserted at $1 per square for the first insertion; 3 iiO per week, and t& per month. ; Ten line6 or lesr- constitute a square. ! No publication made without a respons ible name. r LINES OF TRAVEL. Wilmington & Wcldon Railroad, Orrice Chief Ekuikeek fc Suit., j Wilmington, No. S, 18bU f 1 MMtamuK 9JL in 2l CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND-AFTER MONDAY the 5tli but., the following fat Schedule of time win be run over this Railway. GOING NORTH. Leare Wilmington at.............. . 4.45 A.M. 44 11 IS A- M ArrlT at Goldaboro' at.-. ............ 9.25 A. M. ; . 44 2 57 P. M, Arrive at Wcldon at 2.00 P. M. V " 44 44 6.35 P. GOING SOUTH. M. M. M. M. M. Leave Weldon at 11.00 A. Arrive at Goldsboro' at k 44 . 4 4tt - V ' .. S.00 P. .11.50 P. Arrive at Wilmington . . 8.00 P. M. 4 . 4 4 A M Close connections are made by both trains go- ; ipe South. The 5 A. M. tram froin ilminton. und II l. .M. trtiln from Wcldon, do not run on Sunday'. i Close connection are made by the 11 05 A. M. train both ways between New York and New Or- j leans. , i By the train that leaves here at 11.05 and the ! one that arrives here at 4.30 A. M., close :on- ! nections are made between New. York 'and New Orleans. Connectionb are made by the other i trains but more time is required. 1 I To co Nortli by Buy Line, leave at 5.00 A. M.; to go dv Aunemcsftlx, leave by the 11.05 A. ; train. Either train connects by Richmond. j i Close connections atGoldbhoro with the N. C. trains by the 5.00 A. M. train, and by either to Newborn. . ' S. L. FREMONT, I - 3 Chief Enpineer and Superintendent. j iiov 111 'M- tf Wilmington & Manchester R. R. i KKK C (ilJN, Supt. Wiu & Man. R. Roap, ) WiiiTON, N. C, Nov.. 3d, I806. ) ON AND AFTER MONDAY the 5th of Nov ; the following Schedule will uo into etleet on , the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. EXPRESS TRAIN. ' Leave Wilmington dally at...... 4.50 A. M Arrive at Kiugsville 44 .3 80 P.M.;'. Leave fTingsville 44 ....... UU. M. j Arrive at Wilmington daily at. . . .10.45 A- M. ' ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. I Leave Wilmington daily at. . . ... . 8.20 P. M. Arrive at Kiugsville 44 -'8.00 A. M. ; Leave Kingsvillc 44 ....... 4 30 P. M. ! Arrirc at Wilmingtou daily at...', ii.15 A. M. CiO-c connectioni made by both trains at Wil- j i-pingtou with the Wilmington and Wcldon Rail road ; at Florence with the North Eastern Rail rpad for Charleston, and at Kingsvillc with the South Carolina Railroad. 1 Wm. McKAH-, General Superintendent. , ' ( 3:?G-tf M . a TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, J Wilmington, Chahlottk VC R. R. Co., - Wilmington, N. C. May 29, 18(30. ) tT'ROM AND AFTER JUNE 1st, ISM, the Mail X; Train onthis road wll leave Wilmington at 6 o'clock, A. M., on Tuesday?, Thursdays and Saturdays, and arrive at Sand Hill at 3 o'elock, P. M. Returning will leave Sand Hill at 7 o'clock, A. M. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and arrive in Wilmington at 4 o'clock, P. M. WM. II. ALLEN, ' Master t Transportation. - mavSl ' ' ' . 203-tf FOR SVLIiI. VERY VALUABLE COTTON FARM, .J. -situated eight miles from the Wilming--; ton, Charlotte and Rutherfo d Railroad, at Al-j lordaville, containing (XX) acres of laud, 50 of '. which is cleared aud In' aver' high tate of culli- ' vat loir, well improved, buildings . of every kind and the health of the : place -unsurpassed by any in the State, I will tell the . land for the pro- i ceeds of It of one Tcar' work of ten hands. A large amount, of provisions and stock on the i place can , be. bought wiih the land, at market 1 prices. 1 offer better inducements' to th right ; kfad of a purchaser than can be had anywhere in i , thie South, as my present crop, (thougJi a short j I ffireneV. I Morc, E. Murray & Co., Worth fc Daniel, Wil mington. Hon. Thos. A. Normeut, Capt. W S. Norme.nt, A. W. Fuller, Berry Godwin, Lumber- nn V I - - I . ton, N. C. 9 j jan 4 Z. FULLMORE. i ' 885-1 m ! j Lippitt's Confectionery. JgREAD IN ALL ITS VARIETIES, ; FRESH, MORNING and EVEN! iG. FANCY CAKES AND PIES TO 8UIT THE MOST FA8TIDIOUS, V . FRESH EVERY C YY. t ' . bet 31 332 tf j s - AGENTS WANTED FOR '. j . the Life and Campaigns of , jCeii. Stonewall Jackson, .. ) By Prof. R. L. Dabney, I. D., of Va. HpHE STANDARD 1 BIOGRAPHY..' OF THE Aj. , Immortal Hero. The only edition iuthor iaed by his widow, and published for licr pecuni ary benefit The author! a personal frieud and Chief of Staff of the Christian Soldier. We want an Agent In every county. . Send lor circulars and see our terms, and. what the jfress says of the werk. 'Address ? l . . NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. . f Corner 7tlr and .Main sts.,- Richmond Va t jan 15 - ' -. .. ; . - 3U5-lmdAw ::.T l-NOTICE;';;,.- A MEETING - OF ' THE i STOCKHOLDERS of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Ruther ford Railroad Company will be held in Wilming ton on the 25th day of February, 1WJ7, to consider the act f the General Assembly now in session, . groposing an amendment to the Charter of the ompany. , . I; T, ALDERMAN oecretary. jan 25 - ": T ;- 404-tm , JUST RECEIVED BY . I A T E A R R I Y A L S . i ' u BARRELLS NEW YORK CITY MESS PORK, BARRELS BEST FAMILY Fi OITfr B ARRELS BEST EXTRA SUPER FLOUR, , 1ULT0N MARKET BEEF. ? . , SUPERIOR FRESH GOSHEN BUTTER." V SALMON, MACKEREL, CHEESE. Fdrsaleby 4 - . CANNON & STOKLEY, u o 1 4 8outh Market Street: HOTELS. THE CITY HOTEL, Corner ' Market and Second Streets, V IL.11 I JfGTON, N. C. N. FREDERICK, Proprietor. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAS RECENTLY ! X opened the I CITY HOTEL. , ; and bespeaks for it under its new management ! the patronage of the travelling public He ive ' the assurance that it will be conducted n a style ! fully eaual to the demands ot the tithe. The Parlors and Rooms will be thoroughly refitted and ele gantly REFURNISHED. The tables will be well kept and loaded with all i 1 - DELICACIES AND LUXURIES tbatthe Market affords. The servants will be at tentive and polite to guesta ; and every depart ment completely organized in such a manner as to render it aa attractive as any eimilar establish ment in 'the South. The Proprietor promises that no patus :or ex pense ehall be apared to rendcr this HOTEL a pleasant and agreeable reetinj; place for the way farer,! and one in every way worthy of the support and encouragement of those who desire to sus tain a well conducted Hotel. N. FREDERICK, Proprietor. Wilmington, N. C."r Jan. 22, 401-tf Journal copy. i2lLlL, EOUSE, MEETING STREET, Charleston, S. C. I 'HIS HOUSE HAS BEEN iMUKOUGHLl repaired and reiurulshed. and cannot be ex celled -by any in the city. JOSEPH PURCELL. V Proprietor, ian 2fi ' 95-tf PROFESSIONAL. Attorney stud. Ooun sailor ai-t Law. No. l2 Hay Street FA YETTE VI LLE, N. C. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY to all business hit rusted- to his care. Claims collected.anyvrherc n North Carolina, jan 2t - 405-tf JOHN a! .'KICHiUDSON. . THOS. H. BUTTON. RICHARDSON & SUTTON, Attorneys and Coun sellors at Law, ELJZABET II T O W N , N . C . All husiuess entrusted to their care'will have prompt attention, jan 'S ' - 404-tf JAMES C. DOBUllV, A T TO R N E Y A T L A W . . ravetev'illc, N. C, t. OFFKJE CORNER 7J.0 W k GREEK STREETS. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY , TO THE collection of Claims and other business en trusted to hU care. . nov ti 237-lf NEWS,! NEWS FROM DEPARTMENT ' Hli:A.ICtlJJV.K.TEIiS. v - Elcavy Reinforcement OF-- iB,OfiIII RECEIVED AT HAAS & CO'S., O UR MR. JACOB IIA88 has just returned ' rom a business tour through the ' - . NORTHERN CITIES, 1 . , - an having purchased a stock much cheaper than J heretofore, we are prepared to offer to the ' CITIZENS OF WILMINGTON, and the public geuerally, the finest assortment of READY ' HADE CLOTHING. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS ROOTS, . . - . l SHOES, i. j 'i at a HATS, Ac, ; iifmvy REDUCTIOX if . I ,, ... , ' - -.- trl. f thnv K.o. caM V I r- m n a nw ' I Vy.ll Ti lly 1 LA KJ UQYb V.VM DUIU IU1I DliUVU. I .'": . " ' " ' We wt uld Miost respectfully call the attention of the f LADIES ' to our beautiful assortment of r i . . - . - ; . ; . " ; -; BOY'S AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING. They are of superior make to any enr offered . :.. - f ' , ' :- . ..; :- ' .... v - '- '. ' in this market. Our - -.- 0 . MER. CHANT TAILORINO DEPARTMENT - ' '-"' ':r :; ' -'' '-, " '; ' ', attends to orders promptly, and suib are gnar- ; : . ... . -. f ; r ' . ' -anteed to fit. . - ' Givena a call before purchasing elsewhere. ',"i: :.3BCabdS.;.J5cOp.' ',' v i- - ' : - - .7.- v Front Street near Market, Old Stand of Hedrick & Ht' 4 237-tf THE DAILY DISPATCH. I WILMINGTON. FEBRUARY 7. 17. NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. SECOND SESSION. SENATE,. - - Raleigh, Feb. 5. The Senate was called - to order' at 10J o'clock A. M. Mr. Kichardson presented a memorial from the citizens of Monroe county, the pro ceedings of a public meeting held in that county, praying that the General Assembly will pass some bill, for the protection ol the debtor and to protect property sold under execution. Ilef erred to the committee on the Judiciary. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Mr. 'Cunningham, from the committee on Propositions and Grievances, to whom was referred a memorial relative to emigration, reported that they had maturely considered the subject and that it was one of impor tance, but "that it private capital could not accomplish the purposes contemplated,, they believe the financial condition ot the State will not justify any expenditure of public funds to secure it. They, therefore, adhere to a torraer report on the subject, and ask to be, discharged trom its further considera tion. . " Mr.-' Moore, from the committee on the Judiciaryt to whom was referred a bill to 1 amend and re-enact an act. to chance the jurisdiction of the Courts and the rules ot pleading therein, reported that having con sidered the subject in the former bill, ask to be discharged from its further considera tion. ... Mr. McCorkle. from the committee on Ju diciary, to whom was referred a bill to pre- i vent unnecessary costs onrmcial bonds, con sidered the same and recommended that it do not pass. Mr Speed, from the committee of Insane ! Asylum, who was instructed to. report on j all out-standing claims, held that the claims were just and should be paid, : and recom- ; mended the passage ot a resolution making an appropriation to pay the same. j RESOLUTIONS AND BILLS.-' 1 Mr. Kelly, a bill to amend the charter of ! u ri i.:l, r.:i ii : i r- referred ' to the committee on Proixsitions ! and Grievances. Mr.. McLean, a bill to set apart and per- petuate Mclntire cemetery in-the county of i Cumberlantl . By the same, from the Committee on Fi- 1 nance, a bill to authorize the issue of new', bonds in place ot bonds' issued by tho State 1 for the benefit of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherlord Railroad in.l8G2. 3Ir. Cowles, a bill authorizing the Presi ntofthfl Wpstum IlailrrmH (Inmnnnv tn dent of the Western Railroad Company to borrow money on the faith and credit of the State, referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements. Mr. Avery, a bill to .incorporate-the North--western Railroad Company. On his motion it was referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements, and on motion of Mr" Har ris, of Rutherford, it was ordered to be printed. A message was received trom the House transmitting a message from the Governor covering a report from the Attorney Gene ral relating to the. Carje Fear Navigation Company, proposing to refer the same to a ( T yQ i r i . i 1 Joint Select Committee;, concurred m, and j the Speaker designated Messrs. II all, Wil-. j liams and Lloyd as the Senate branch of the i Committee. j I j STAY LAW". ' - Bill to change the jurisdiction cf the t r.,-fo u -,,1.. u - i Courts and the rules of pleading therein, ! having been made the special order for 12 , o'clock, was taken up and read by sections, : sundry! amendments were adopted, and Mr. pted and Mr the whole nnd tnewuoie aria ;n lavored tile Moore ottered a substitute tor urged its adoption. Mr. Leach original oiu, unu at me ciose oi uis remarKS, moved jthat all the bills on this' subject lie 'compounds, nffordinir Jour per cent, vj pun recommitted to the Joint .Select Committee ! anunoma, apart from that .obtaiued li oui huuiu on thp iudicial vttpm Air AfrT n-m thmio-hf . eon.ponnds These are proportion, which espc on the judicial system. Mr. JlcLeao tliouglit : . has demonstrated a., furmiu-' a we'l-lvd iue luea a L'uou one. uui leareti aeuon on I if 1 bis RiiItiM't. wnuld b if;'voA tiu Ion the reference is made. Ulr. Oorinrrton fW- ! j voredthe substitute offered by Mr. Moore. miuicu.aicuuiun. Mt. AKviy ;,on) orto excite the product ion ot gr' It can proposed to amend the motion to refer, by j.not'be used in connective fceae-oub, as the B. I). ; iyuni CCA! C RIIYFRR tlFMPRAI I Y limiting llie UOinmittee, at iartnest, to report ea-i)OWl uuano can ue, a iue laiier itaea ier , by Friday next, and the motion to recom- Uilizbitr matter in the soil ea. h tm it I applied, j ... ' " i ir w. ., w j and Ihus'addsT ermanent value to; the lard. . mit was withdrawn. Mr. Wmgins thought .m- hii f....rtH-him. n. ! 4Jt proper to refer the bill, and Mr. Jones jreirewed.. the motion to refer. iue ones- tion on! its recommittal recurring; the ayes and nava . wr nailed, and the motion i to recommit - i was carried, by a vote of 25 to i;. i The bill to orotect. Landlords airainst in solvent tenants, was taken up, the question j , . .p . .. e l ... . Uing put on the adoption ot the suostitute lor tne original oui, penning us. uiscussion, i on motlonaof Mr. Avery, the Senate adjournr ed. HOUSE OF COMMONS. . . , Raleigh, Feb. 5. , i The House was called to'order at half-past f, ten o'c lock. - . :' - i RESOLCTIOX6 AKD BILLS. ! By Mr. Waugh, a resolution authorizing ! the Governor to pay freight on supplies fur-1 By Mr. Wilson, a resolution instructing -an inquiry by the Judiciary .. Committee, as ; to the expediency of legislation to. author- i ize Executors, &c, in certain casca, to sell j notes of hand, bonds, etc., belonging to their estates.! - By Mr. Cowan, a bill to incorporate the ! Wilmington Institute, and a bill to incor- porate the. National Loan and Trust Com- pany. ! . j j By Mr.Autry, k bill allowing debtors the : privilege of paying their fA debts in State ' Bank Money, or its equivalent Via current i funds, j (This bill was made the specLil or: ; der for Thursdayt the 7th instM at 12 o'clock; I ; M.) i .--' . ' :' By Mr. Holderby, a bill extending the ju-.-risdiction of the Justices bt the Peace - :u j . By Mr. JIcKay, a.biU::toi ainl anj act concerning nefrro and Ticrsnri of color or; -t-- V GOSUIiN BUTI EK,, r m?Si SlS .l110 Wr7LaWeat Vock of Groceries In ti State at1 ' of mixed blood.1 ;T - ' - , r ( r . - - ; ; 4 CW MTKIW, - - A-iso, a. oiu xp ainemi cuapier o-, beciioo, 16, Itevised-CodeC so as to compel the return ' of Executions issued by J ustices of the Peace., i- w -m 'a ' t -" w Vk. a 1 a '- uj Mr. x-eeoiesva tan xo aoonsn usury; and a bill to change the. tenure of he office of sheriff.-. -' -. , -...;.r-' ; : MKKnn j)irescntea a niemonai iirom.xu" Mayor una, Commissioners of tue city of h(t company, h v j ai f Raleigh, praying relief froia prospectiTe cSZ&ZtZZSL j j Committee on Propositions anl Grievances :-, anner protest from the cliaimian of :8am-, cuuiumice. CXFIXISITED BUBrXESS. Tbe House resametl con4i!erat:on of the Revenue bill on its third rta lin- ftn'-tinn 1.4 f ..1... I..t - . . .1 j on motion of Mr.'Loan by provilinjj for i the deduction of the grosk aaaount of cxpen- sea m listing income tax , , . , j Section 9, .of the eame schedule, - was , amendcfl on moticm of Mr. Moreheatl' bv S exempting: from taxation tcs-els ot more j than 5 tons burthen . Sec. 14, of clas, 3, schedule A, was umeml- eel on motion of 3Ir. Harding, bv jroviltnp, in addition to the t jx on iUto', lirk &c.m that on failure to prty sah tax,' the weapon ; shall Le forfeited, and sold bv the 'Sheriff, the , I proceeds ol sale to' be. appropriated to the j county lund, . ' : r Section 14 ol schedule B, was amended on ! motion of MrDurham,' -by striking oot the tax of ten cents per gallon on brandy litiUel ; .from fruit. ' ,'.' ; ": - 3Ir. Perry, of "Wake; moved to stnkc 4ut 1 the whole of section 14, whicn taxeis distil lers. Not agreed to. . ' I r j ,i . 'fl i rending iurtuer consideration ol the itev- enue bill the House atljourntd.' The report of the Attorney General, read in the House on yesterday, i wuS relative to t an investigation 61 the all iirs of il.e Cajie rear JNaTigation Company, instead ot "t e Cape Fear and Deep River Navig ttion Com pany,' as erroneously stated.' Thtr- .report was highly favorable to the company. FOR KI2W -TO 11 EC G-oodspeed's X-iine. ! THE FINE HRST CLAS STEAMSHIP 1 i -: .M .-V ' 9 ! i :, J. F. BECKETT, Commander, A'JLL SAIL TROM NEW YORK, P;SI- " Xkr.rT an 7w nd of February, pi'iy to : - D I ' ' WORTH & DANIEL. Agent in New York : C. GOODSPEED, ; 46 West e-trei t. ! 407-t8 jan 21) CTn A TPOWT (111 A 1VTH UJjil"! U V ii JUiliW. DR. HAYES1 OPINION I OF THE B. D. . SEA-FOWL GUANO, ANALYSES OF THIS GUANO, MADE IN -' , the way of learning he proportions - of the j active substances present, and ' their mode of I changing in composition,' show this Guano to he J admirably adapted to the great staples of agri i cultural product ion. i The organic .part 'eonsii-ts of the excrement f of fowls, orgntiic ard-soluble salts of ammonia, , animal matter in'-a state ot decay, with oily and ' tibnUH substances, uud huimis These afford about t per eent of ammonia, j j the soluble part contains i phosphates of va- ; rious bases, cqualto about Mjicenp.r cud ofbu pno&trfi'itr f. owe; "while the whole phosphates .ni amount to 44 per cent v counted as bone phosphate of lime. : Sulphates, chlorides, and ereuates of alkaline basch, make up the regaining parts of this Gua- no, the whole being In a condition to dissolve in the soil, and bec'onie assimilated by. the crop. This Guano has alo a fermentative power and will not only induce this action, but it will ex dlt(! the . ImraaK., i the soil : to render up any ammonia they contain. It will be 'seen 'that phosphoric acid, equal tc about tsuaeen per cei oj oone pnoxpuue oj tuie, uu ' vf reefy U teatcr, aud that the lorty four per . . ccnt oflM,neplloSp.'jatow all "soluble, moUture 1 t ar,dtime being allowed. With these pho-phateb ? about sixteen percent of oone pho-waie tj iwie, au there will be anout twelve per cmmh. ot organic j aneed Guano, of special. value in cotton cultiva. ; ! tiou, and also adapted to other crops. ' . Compared with Peruvian Guano, the latter ap- 1 Pf n ,u.:" W pltopphates, of different babes, and the ammonis- j s Licbango Comer, au entirely new and com orodueerr. as well an the condition of the It pie btoek of '.. '. j soluble phosphates, i- amo-t important feature j in ibis ua"i ouu l"a"B ll.'uJ LUl cim' in rri u mn iiinin'. In all applications" where tbr heat of f.rmen ition necessary tohasteu the ireriuiuation, and the lood adapted to the growiujr plant in all it- stages are required; thb GHftiio w.i .r grrat val ue. nd it may be n-ed with cortfiJ&icc in nrakini; a ' of tne gtaple croj)3 )f p.iu2aioU cuitare, 9. substitute for Peruvian Guano. Recpeetfully, A. A. HAYES, M. D. ' i State Asacr. SOStatk 8t., Bston. 20 Deceuiber, Itv if. For sale by E. MURRAY A CO, 'JJ0 lin I AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. O A BARRELS - APPLES AND ORANGES, To i BARRELS FAMILY FLOUR, 80 BARRELS CITY MESS PORK. 80 BARRELS SUGARS, 4S BAGS 15 BAGS , COFFEES, PEPPER AND ALLSPICE nrvv-ca M, t '-' liUAl.M-. i tif.n ... ' :-" SOAPt, i 100 200 BOXES ,i.v ; . - CANDLE3, 100 BOXES., : - - noTnnrt Vn r vn v n 1 Vtw 50 KEGST . 4 JiESTiAiiD,- .20.KEGS. GOSHEN BUTTER, .fe "TV Company. pec 23 400-lm i i . r;t;r i tU and 13 Front street, - Comer, r i.pj.ucmtioo t zona by tn ism ori COMMISSION AND 8IIIFPIN( MERCHANTS.- UkI st. rCHAS,.').JMYEUS, Areut ; f February nexu e .. v , J. IL ANTJEION. ; ! '. 'i,;. rA, v.- R.Mn,.Mn Unr. n.'ooJ." JLiT i TmiUon; NCV Ja'gV iSr SSx " n, In New York;) Southern - t; if W.?3VnTint,s' y? t t ....... , ... ... - ?f SUip Company Ot : I'liihKlelpbl. ifouas crouu 9 i: - iM'it!!,,: -sr.i-i lVo.-l IPorxrvian Onnn A ' v-is. .c-pe rear si. boat . . i"!. i - u .-,.w f -TriTsTiiirrPivpn prnRninnvPB nrw-MiniL rL 1 1 fn..nt imju.. " cnMiss0N houses. T. jttwat. K0GEK MOOKE. PETTEWAY & SIOORE, - 1 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NORTH WATUIl 8IRECT,' WILXIXG T0X; X C. oo LICIT CONSIGNM ENTS OF COTTOS O NAVAL-SToKES AND COUNTRY rKO 1LCK. I -iK-tms . AULNTa for tht Manufacturer are .Pr,; "n,d 10 fiI, on lhc no1 .rentable term, , "rucrs ,or I : , GEO" KIDD'S CELEBRATED - COTTON GINS, ZELL't? KAWIJONE SUPE I PHOSPHATE, HHOWN'S COUNTER, PLATFORM aud ILIL- : ROAD SCALES. IUtc cqptantly on hand r KRT1LIZER3 o' all deei'riptiuu. , . I ". jan7 ' -j 4oa.tf WM. h. SM1IU, J0 H. BUT AN, JR., WJC. vn. VM. B. SMITH & COMPAtlY. j 40 At 4'Z 1 Hyetltville M., ltalrisk, N. C. ad. ' j '- Baronne M., New OrleMBS, . 1 '' PCBLISIIEKS, DOOHHE I.LEH8 AND - ST VI IONEUS. JUBB"K AND OSAIJBKS IN ALL KIDS OF ; i school Hooks, Maudard and MUcllane t!U V orkw. .2riMt.ic Uo4sf Jewels . negalla, Piinters Supplies, c f - J:n M . 400-tl ja12: miackelfohd; HIPPING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, Wl IsSl I N G TON , N. C. i i?-Consignments of Merchandise and Coun tr Pruilui-e .iiiited; und all tUHnet entruvted 'to in v dre ill havt- my vronai atteutiou. Lumber urdvra will uave atUution. . -hi U) 31441 M'l- CANNON. JAMES SToKLCT. : CAXXO.V fc 8T01iLi;V, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, r,Xr Ho. A South Water Street.1 WILMINGTON, N. C. ct 12 31fMf ! s. W. VICK, I ol Wilniint-oti. C. P. MCBANE, of Alamauce touuly. W. 1). KLYNOLHI A UKO. ol Norfolk, Va. vicK, ise:ii vi: & co.,: Q ROGERS,.. ' j FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Comer Chestnut and Water streets, Wilmington, N. C. ' I W-tf sept 30 a lex. jon:eoM,'jR. , j B. t. mcketuan. ALEX. JOHNSON & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 8 South Water Street, wilmixgtox; a: a sept U . , ' . . - , . 290-tl DRY OOODS, CLOTHING,' ke jamuh Mccormick, 3I2;KWXT tailor, No. 35 Hrntd Street, Charleston, 3. C. Wholes de and' Retail Dealer in . CLOTiiS, CA.SSIMER3 AND VESTINGS, G 11 NTS' AND BOYS' READY MADE T.OTH1NO,' FURNISHING (i(K)DS, , TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, etc juiv 1 sra-tr 1867. mm stock ;i867. TO WHOLESALE BUYERS ONLY. r . .1; HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING placed hi.- entire et(ck oi Dry f.'oods. Arc., In tb liai.da of .h'tM6. -Cro: ly : Morri. with the L" ".?. .? ol ictirinir trom the' retail buiu. nouneo to that be will -open about the lt of March next, on tlie 2'1 and Sd tloors of the buildiug, known FOREIGN A DOAIESTIC DRY GOODS - HEADY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HAtK NOTIONS, Ac, &c Also, "Cdar F-li,'! Bearer ' Creek," and 'other favorite . Sheeting's and Yarn at Factory ' prices, which he 111 offer to the trade In General i at WHOLESALE ONLY, at the lowest Market j price. ' " . ; '..'." t Terms : Accredit of ixty (U0) daya for orjcotla- j bl- piipt.r. or 5 per tht. dineount for cab. , , ... Entrance id doors trom the Southwest Corner i of Market or Front HreeU. j : J. II. ANDERSON, : ' Exchange Corner, Lp Stairs. Wiliainton. N. C, Jan. U0, 18C7.. 400-tf O SI S FOit K.IMIjR OJD "Ami Oilier Sluchinery. WE 0FFF.U FOB SALE ON "MANCFACTUR ERK accottnt.'thv following varleile. rlxr ENGINE OlL.V.-;.-,.v,U- . . I- EXTi: F.MilNEOIL.- i . HEAD! KillT OU BUiwNING OIL, , LUBKICATnK No; 1, ' LUBKICATOK No; 2. ' , The En'-dne Oils are good substitute for Sperm, and the Lubricators are wi ll adapted for car wheels' and niathim-ry jcenerally. None of them "Kum," nd all are warranted tp lreatU- i factum in .vtrt j reppect. -V ' - . i We keep supplies for delivery here, or will ; take ordtir for direct di livtry at any point aece- v si file by Railroad, at factory price, witn coat of I i ran portal urn added. . , ; .;' DkEOSSET AT CO. f ' ; -' ' - ' 1 . ' Store for Kent, Titr rnT rtpcrn inrt? T cr tttit? JL- M- Mi - W m-T 4mw m T WlLL.iiE.NT ATA IIEifO.VADLB FWCE, f A until the Ut day f October next the Flrat 0U tonr vt- the buildinp. known m Exchanr tj tons genuine resnrUnGaano Cor sale by, i ? - - i -x .- E. MURRAY & CO. lan 16:..,.,.;,;, : . I A . I V . . . . J B . ..... . . CSJ la J C031HLSSI0X DOISLS. nU!LL ELLIN & COX SIIIPPINO . r AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS . ' ' TYIImiBicton, X. C " '" WILLIAMS Ml ItClILSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I ' ; ' AKD ' ... ... iYJIOLESALK GflOCL'IlS'r Wilmiagtoii, M.C., HAVE REMOVED ll'TliE NEW- SToltE on North Water trrt, next North ot Ct " tout llue. ' "v S:,0-ltn SOL. HAAS & CO., SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Water Mreet, Next door aud adjtoiiig the storror 11. M. Barry. tAoU AUANGb nd on ioii.1l.-i.ii t i.t Particular atteutiou tntU of lumber. K't II ill Ur fhtn to t ii v S15.1t JAMliS A. UlLUill), " (roKMEHLT WIL1 AKt 1 1 KTH.) 1 GEN E HA L F O R W A R I) I NO COMMISSION MERCHANT, ; . TNA LIFE INSURANCE COMI'ANY.. OK UAUTrOKU, tll.N.N., No. 30 North Water Strrtt, Wl mli.toii, ,N. WILL GIVE peroul atUution to i'.ic iur- chase and alvol l'rKluc wid .Vvlrhmidllr. ort X C U. KOWINUN, JAA. C. tMITII. T. u. KOklXoK, aucx. K. tMiTii, ol CnniUilaud. HOUIASON. SMITH A CO... "J (Successor to C. II. Rol h.oii Co., muU Cotln t Smith.) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ilmiuittou, N. C. Cpt 1 - 23MI J. T. MCHUAT, New York. J. T, C Mt'HMAT, WilinUitfluu, N. C. W Vlll A V r CO.. ! COMMISSION MERCHANTS No., Front ttrect, New ork. C. M U lt It A V Ar CO.', . WIIUI.CSALB -' G ROCERS A- COM M I SSI ( )N M ERC 1 1 A NT 9 . t JLJilAU 1A A. ti UK i8 II C P. MKNDEMtALUM. t. WIIITAKEU.il. Klt'lloLft , Oi(iirbvio, N. Cltntield, N C. Usitluiore C. P. .Ilciitleiiliall A: Co., Cotton, Tobacco, nud General C O M M 1 H S I O N M E U C II A N T R ; '.; '. - .- ' ' AM ':f - ' , V II OLE S A L E G ROC E R 8, :7 A 3'JSonth Calvert St., Corner of Water Ht., . llaltimore. Aid, July 2a0-t)ani 1. J. lSROSSKT, W. U DKROASET, OKABAlC DAT' 1 DEROSSET Ar CO., (Formerly JkltouX db.lircvn.) ESTAULISIIXO 1KSV.- OENERAL COJ1MI8SION MERCHANTS, No. 0 North Water Street, (op stairs,) WILMINGTON,; N. C . WILL GIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION TO the purchase and sal ol produce of avery -description, aad to . receirlnjr aud forwarding floods. feblX) . 117-U . A . A. W I L L A It D, WHOLESALE DEALER IN OKOCEHIKS ART GENERAL MEIUJUANDIZE, Commission and Forwarding Merchant Ne SO NORTH WATER STREET, . Wllmlngion, N. C. Rercas to Jesae 1L Liuday E., Caahlcr bank Cpe ' Fear, Green boro, N. C. Rev. C. IL Wlky, autK nutctident Public -School tor the. State ot North Carolina, Measrs. Jue Comer V Son, Rallfmore. , ' Messrs. Dowlcy, Cornrx A: Co. New York. ' UuV . -...,,' ' . , hO-tf 1 fl SO. BABBISS. W. W. HARKIS9. A. i. UOWKZ.I ' IlARRlSHAr 1IOWCLL,- GENERAL CO3IMISSI0N 3IERCnAT8 KOKTR WaTEK 8TMEET, Wilmlncton. ft. C, ' AMU .. ' " ' 190 ' VTA1 HU ST11EKT, KKW 'toMC'.'' LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ONCONSION meiit-to our New York lioue on frinl uec, , which will be forwarded through, tree of com mixtion. , ConsitrnmenU arc covered by Insurance from . ports and places iu North aud south Carolina, by . Railroads, Steam Boat and Flat on the !Cler toV; a shipping x)int, and thence to New York. All shipments should bo aceoiiijmnlcd by ship ping receipt snd Iuvolees from point ot hlj meut, when lujurance attache through to New York. , oct ' . 313tf-wSS-tf a. a. Morrirr, w. d. mrrirrt oni m'lal'kih. MOFFITT, IIICO. ir CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. . NO. 4 flotTTH A1C5 STKEET, , lVAlminctow, A". C. ' "'.'',' WILL tive prompt enioiiai attention to the , sale or shipment ol Cotton, Narsl Stores, , General Produce, rtc, ete. Also lo rveeirlti and forwarding i;ood. k '.),,., Orders solicited and promptly Oiled. ; nov 27 ' tl l-r,tu " rrrsH jtallett. ; cukixs uorrMAi. . GEO. D. BAKER, ; BIALLETTS" HOFFMAN. . GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS,;' . No. IJ North Water Htrei, TTLMINOTtlN, N. C. - SUgPS . r . ; 277 tf ' ;t ATKINSON Sll EPPERSON,. . . : GENERAL . Commission and Fortrardinp Merchants AMD IXSUUASCE AO EST,' 11 Honk Water Street, Wilmington. fE KEEP CONSTANTLY ou baud GUANO MAa trm m m ww m as sv rtr r .a f ana r Anjii-u iiriz.ir. ic, oi un proved styles; and solicit cousUxuments ot COT T(N. NAVAL STORES aDd COUNTRY PI :0-" DUCE tjenerally, for sale in this market or ; 'tir , frieiMUlo Ibe Northern cities, upon which lib end APVA5CTS will be made.' ... Lite, lire and Marine Innrnce, In the best . corarsnirs on the continent, grouted at the low est rates. , . MATTTIEW P. TAYLOR, " " ' '-' with t.. . , ATKINSON & SIIEPPERSON. atr 11 HVWf Hair. Riijnn 13 j ugh'' Raw lioue Super -Phos- ;i Co.r-"'".." -'.; . ' pLatr, W luiia' ivjan 3... t j 0 tr to i n-. ry

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