rrn VOL, II. WILMINGTON, N. Gm SUNDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 10, 18G7. NO. 418. w -w THE VILMItlQTOU DISPATCH. ROBINSON & 8MIT1I, Proprietors. PUBLISHED DAILY AND EEKLY. Terms ol subscription, invariably in advance : Daily, one year 7 six months.. ...... : 00 4 00 ' I RATES OF'. ADVERTISING r Advertisements will be Inserted at $1 per fciuare lor the flrst insertion; $3 50 per week, and per month. Ten lines or less constitute a square. 2f" No publication made without a responsi ble name.. LINES OF TRAVEL. Wilmington k Weldon Railroad . ! OrriCR CuiEr Enqinekk & Supi., i Wilmington, Nor. 3, 185. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. CN AND AFTER, MONDAY the 5th inst., the. following fatt Schedule of time will be run over tniu Railway. I GOING NORTH. Leave Wilmington at . . 4.45 A M. M. M. M. M. V " ....11.15 A Arrive at uoiasDoro' at a. . a m . 2 57 P. . 2.00 P. Arrive at Weldon at b.35 P. M. GOING SOUTH.4 Leave Weldon at. Arrive at Goldsboro' at , . . Arrive at Wilmington . . . 11.00 A. . 7.35 P. . zm P. .11.50 P. . 8.00 P. . A. M. ' ;Close connectloufi arc made by both trains go- ; lug South. ' v j The 5 A. M. train from Wilmington, and 11 n. j M. tralu from Weldou do not run on Sunday's, i Close connections are made by the 11 05 A. M. j train both-ways between Ncav York and New Or- j leans. p ! By the train that leaves here at 11.05 and the orte that arrives here at 4.U0 A. M., clore con nections are made between New Y'rk and New Orleans. Connections are made by the other trains but more lime i.- required. . ? , 'Togo North by Bay Line, leave at 5 00 A. M.'; tp go by Annemetbix, leave by the 11.05 A. M. train. Either train connects bv Kiclnnuiid. Close conneetions atGoldsboro with the X. C. tr'ains by the 5.00 A. M train, and by either to Newberu. .' j S.;L. FREMONT, !! Chief Engineer and Superintcudeht. ; nov 13" :4:? tr i Wilmington & Manchester R. R. I Office Gen. Supt. Wil. & Man. R. Roai, Wilmi.noton, Hi C, Nov. 3d, liSWi. 1 H irgmmil (jN AND AFTER MONDAY the 5th of Nov J the following Schedule will go into effect on the Wilmington and Manchester Itaijroud. j EXPRESS TKAIN. j Leave Wilmington daily at 4.50 A. M. Arrive at Kiugsville " 3 30 P. AI. Leave Kiugsville 44 ;.. 1.45A. M. Arrive at Wilmiugton daily at. . . i 10.45 A.' Al. 1 ACCOMMODATION TKAIN. jueuvu iTiiiaiugiuii uuiij m. ...... v.w i . Arrive at Kiugsville 44 ,.. 8.00 A. Leave Kingsvfllc 41 4 30 P. Arrive at Wilminirtou daily at.... 3.15 A. t urti. ii.. n u n ir M. M. M. M. C.o.e connections made by both trains at Wil- rungton with the Wilmington and ueluou ttaii road ; at Florence with the North Eastern Kail road for Chanestou, and at Kiugsville with the South Carolina Kailroad. ; .'. VM. McKAE, General Superintendent, nov 4 ;G-tt TKANSPOliTATION OFFICE, 1 ilminoton, Chaklottb & U. H. Co., Wilraimrton. N. C. Mav 29. 18otf. ) Wii FROM AND A FT E It JUNE 1st, 1800, the Mail Train on this road w.U leave Wilmington at tt o'clock, A. M., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and arrive at Saud Hill at 3 o'clock, P. M. Returning will leave Sand Hill at 7 o'clock, ' . . . . . , ... i .1 I J .VI., on Momiays, weauesuays auu r nuajw, and arrive in Wilmington at 4 o'clock, P. M. I j i - v il . 1 1 . iV L. i fj rN , f" Master of Transportation, mav 31 :Mf FOR H A VERY VALUARLE ALE. COTTtN f FARM, : . situated eight nines .irom the filming- ton, Charlotte and Rutlierfo d . Railroad, at Al fordsvilh containing (MX) acres of land, 250 of which isTeared and iu a very high state of culti vation, well improved, buildings of every kind and the health of the place unsurpassed by any iu the State. I will sell the lnd for the pro ceeds of it of one year's work of ten bauds. A large amount of provisions and stock on the place can be bought with the land, at market prices. I offer better inducements to the right kind of a purchaser thau can be had nny where in the Souih, as my present crop, (though a short one) will show cash prices for all on the place. References : llou. R. S. French, Petteway & Moore, Er Murray & Co., Worth fc Daniel, Wil mington. "IIon. Thos. A. NTmeiit, Capt. W. S. Norment, A. W. Fuller, Berry Godwin, Lumber- ton, IN. C. : ' . iULLMUttK.. jan 4 " ' ' ' 885-1 ni i Lippits Confectionery. JREAD IN ALL ITS VARIETIES, , 1 j i FRESH, MORNING aud EVESiNG. FANCY CAKES AND ; PIES J TO SUIT THE MOST FASTIDIOUS, FRESH EVERY D VY. " 332 tf oet 31 ! AGENTS WANTED FOR the Life and Campaigns of Gch. Stonewall Jackson, I By Prof. R. L Dabnej, D. D., of Va..' THE STANDARD BIOGRAPHY OF THE Immortal Hero. The only edition author ized by his widow, and published for her pecuni ary benefit. " The author a personal lricnd and Chief of Staff of the Christian Soldier. We want an Agent in every county. Send for circulars and see our terms, and what the Press says of the wprk. Address ! i NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Corner 7th and Main sts., Richmond, Va. .an 15 . ,S95-lmdJiW: NOTICET A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS rV of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Ruther ford Railroad Company will be held in Wilming ton on the 25th day of February, 1W7, to consider the act f the General Assembly now in session, proposing an amendment to the Charter of the Company; ; : - I. T. ALDERMAN ?'- Secretary; i JTl ' 404 tm , JUST RECEIVED BY BLATE ARRIVALS. AiSKFw yore city mess pork, wVSH.1 BKST FAMILY FLOUR, f-1 r , S 1 inMRJRESI1 GOSHEN BUTTER, i For sale by ' M ACKEREL, CHEESE, !-'!-! CANNON i& STOK LEY, lin 22 4 South Market Street. J 4 401-4t HOTELS. THE CITY HOTEL, Corner Market and Second Streets, W I i 31 1 N GTON 9 N . C . . i FREDERICK Proprietor. TnE UNDERSIGNED IIA3 RECENTLY ! opened the I IC IT Y HOTEL, I and bespeaks fur it under iu utw uia&aement the patronage of the travelling public, lie give.- , the assurance that it will be conducted u. a st vie ; Jully equal to the demands of the times. 'ft e Parlors and Rooms will be thoroughly refitted and ele- GANTLY REFURNISHED. The tables -trill be well kept and loaded - with" all the - DELICACIEsND LUXURIES that the Market affords. The servants win be at tentive and polite t guests ; and every dejmrt iuent completely organized in such a manner. a to render it1 ns attractive as anj'eimilar c&tabliah tuent lh'-the South. The Proprietor promises that no paios or ex pense ehalhbe-spnred to render this HOTEL a pleasaut ana agreeable retting place for the way tarer, and one in everyway worthy ol theu port and encouragement ot thuse who desire to sUs- tain a w ell Conducted Hotel. N. FREDERICK, Proprietor. Wilmington, N. C. Jan. 22. 401 tf Journal cbpy. ! . MIILLS MEET IN G KOUSE, S T R E E T , Charleston, S. C. T IIIS HOUSE HAS BEEN luuKOUGHL'S repaired aud relurnished. and caunot be es- celied by any iu the city. JOSEPH PL KCELL. Proprietor. 95-tf ian 2G PROFESSIONAL. JOI1X W. ULVSDALi:, -A.t1:oriiey' eiiid. Coun sellor at Law. jVb. 3 flay Street, , FAYETTE VILLE, N. C. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY to all business intrusted to his care Claims collected anywhere 4"5-tf n .North Carolina. jan 2d, JOHN A. KIcilARDr-ON. THOS. H. SUTTOX. RICHARDSON & SUTTON. i . Vttoitrieys and Oou.ii t;scllors at Xsxw9 E 1j I Z A B E T II T O W N , N . C . All bu.-in'ejss entrusted to their care will have prompt attention. - an 25 404-tf JAMES C. DOJJIIIN, ATT jo R N E Y AT L A W , ii Fave'teville, N. C, VFFIVE QdRNEli BOW Jb ORE EX STREETS. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE collection of Claims and other business en trusted to his care. - nov 0 ' 37-lf NEWS! NEWS! i . FROM DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS. Heavy Reinforcement OF ! CLOTHING RECEIVED AT- HAAS & C 0'S. , QUR MR. JACOB HASS has lust returned - . V Irom a business tour through the ', NORTHERN CITIES, and having purchased a stock much cheaper than heretofore, we are prepared to offer to the CITIZENS OF WILMINGTON, and the public generally, the flnest;assortment of READY . MADE CLOTHING,; G ENT'S FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS j SHOES, HATS, c, at a HEAVT REDlCTIOiV from wliat they have been sold this season. We w txld most respectfully call the attention of the L AI IE S to our beautiful assortment of BOY'S AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING. They are of superior make to any ever offered in this market. Our ' MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT attends to orders promptly, and suits are guar anteed to fit. . Give v&jk 'ea)l before ptirchaslng elsewhere. .'Haas" & CO. - - .'" ' ' i ' . " ".:' : V .; " l yrbnt Street near Market, ! Old Stand of Hedrick & Ryan ..10 I 837-tf IIJE DAILY DISPATCU. W I L M IN G TON. FEBRUARY 10. l7. NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. SECOND SESSION. SENATE. Raleigh, Feb. 5. The Senate was called tr order at 10 J o'clock A.M. ' A communicatiun from Henry R. Black well, ol New York, making suggestions re ative to the course the South should pursue, was referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. REPORT OF COMMTTTEra. Mr. Hall, from the Committee on Educa tion, to whom was referred a communica tion from the Governor, President of the Literary Board, relative to Common Schools with a bill providing for the preservation of suid property and the transfer of all funds belonging to the Common bchool sy&tenj to the Literary Board, reported back the same recom mend ng its passage. Mr. Johnson, from the Committee on Corporations, to whom was referred a bill to encourage immigration, considered the same, suggesting sundry amendments and recom mended its passage.- Mr. Battle, a resolution providing that no Senator shall speak longer at one time, on any question, than fifteen minutes. Adopt ed. : Mr. Speed, a bill granting amnesty and pardon to females. Filed. Mr. Jones, a bill authorizing the sale of the Chatham Railroad. Referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements. On motion of Mr. Thompson, the rules were suspended and the .bill to create the County of Vance was taken up, and tnadi the 't-pecial order for Wednesday next, at 12 o'clock. A message was received from the House transmitting the Revenue bill, which was read. Mr. WiUcn stated that in consequence of the numerous amendments adopted by the House to this bill, he did not think th Senate could act intelligently upon it in its present condition, ana moved to re-print me same lor the use ol the Senate to. 4 Agreed UXFINI3IIED BUSINESS. Bill to change the jurisfliction of the Courts, and the rules of pleading therein, came up, the question being on the amend ment olfercd ly the Committee, which was agreed to. .Mr. Avery proposed to amend by stiicking out, in the first section, the word. six, and insert twelve, thereby giving a longer period to make the first payment. Agreed to. Mr. Speed; then offered to amend by strik ing out all after the enacting clause, and in sert his bill as a substitute. (This bill pro vides that the civil jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, the County and Superior Courts of law and equity in this State be suspended, from and alter the ratification of this act, until the 1st of Jsm., 1868, and that the civil jurisdiction of the Supreme Court be suspended to the same date, and author izing the Governor to appoint Courts of Oyer and Terminer to be held for every county in the State, for the trial of all viola tion of the criminal laws and statutes of the State, at least twice in each county in the State, between the time of ratification of this act and the atoresaid 1st day of Jan., 1868, and to appoint one of each of the Judges of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity to hold the same in each of the Judicial Dis tricts of the State under the same rnles, reg ulations, laws and restrictions as heretofore prescribed for the holding of Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and authorize the Governor to convene the Supreme Court of North Car olina at the city ot Raleigh, by and with the advice and consentof his Council, at any time after the 1st day of July, 1867, to hear and determine any criminal cases that may be brought before it, by appeals from the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and for no other purpose.) A discussion ofconsidera- j ble length ensued, in which Messrs. Thorn j ton, Speed and Paschal favored and urged I the passage of the substitute. Messrs. Wil- I ...... TT..n e : ; 1 and Avery, opposed the substitute. " They bHieved it to be fraught with much mischief; a fatal blow to the judicial system ot the Kfsittv nd a rUrrr mov th Hirpptmn nt repudiation, and held that this body had no authority to paralyze the arm of the Judici ary. If it has this power, it has the right to paralyze the arm of the Executive. They were lor the relief of the people, but oppos ed to unconstitutional measures. The question recurring on striking out the original bill, on motion of Mr. Adams, the original bill was amended, and on strik ing out. the ayes and nays were called, and the Senate refused to btrike out, by the fol lowing vote : Yeas Messrs. Bullock, Ferrebee, Harfias? of Rutherford, Jones, Matthew, Paschal, Perkins, J Speed, '1 hornton, Wiggins 10.. i Nays Messrs. Adams, Avery? Battle, Barnes, j Berry. Bi n, Cardwell, Chirk, Covington, ! Cowles, Cuunintchani, Edwards, Etheridge, tJash, Hall. Ilairies, of Franklin, Hill, Johnston, Kelly, Eoonee, Leach, Love, Lloyd, Marshall, McCor- kle, MeLean, McUae, Moore, Riehardsou, Thomp I son, WiHey, Wilson 32. . :. j The question then recurring on the pas- sage of the bill on its second reading, the bill passed by a vote ot 40 to2. On motion ot Mr. Leach, the rules were suspended and the bill was put on its third reading. Mr. Matthews offered an amendment which was reje: ted. 1 Messrs. Wilson and McCorkle stated that they were as much in favor of giving relief to the people as any one, but they could not I consistently vote ior. it, ,as tiiey Deneveu it unconstitutional The bill passed its third reading, ayes 40, nays 2. , ' : v On motion of Mr. Leach, the Senate ad- lonrnefl. ... 1. j HOUSE OF COMMONS. Raleigh, Feb. 8. The House was called to order at half-past ten o'clock. , "'. -. - ? On motion of Mr Co wait, the House pro ceeded to consider a. bill to establish a crim inal court in the county of New vHanoTer. Passed second and third readings tinder a suspension of the rules. ;t '-c By Mr. Dargan, from the - Judiciary X?om mittee,acmrWy. a bill to ' authorize the ap pointment of inspectors of crude turpentine, by the county court oi Cumberland. - ukfxhishsd Busnncsa. ' The House resumed the consideration of the bill to tmnsAr the L.md Scrip dn it d ( hr the United State for the establishmei t of an Agricultural College, ' i ine question leing on the su sttta'e f- fercd by Mr.Logan.oa jetertlay. thechik, Urbm nd ? aCtut vongressy passed in I860, extending the , time allowed the several State, in which to avail themselves of the Land Scrip previom ij donated. Mr. Durham said that since the mcctinn ; of the substitute which he -hail offciel, lie preierred a postjjonement of the whole mat ter. . The Land Scrip ifwtd now would ''ring but fifty cents pt-r acre. . Delay would no be injurious, a3 the titue hal fet-n ex tended, and the scrip woukl incrtaie in val ue. He moved an indefinite postponement of the bill and substitute. Mr. Cowan stated that he as not aware of the existence of the act extending the time in which the Land bcrip might le ac cepted. He was6till pixset to iosti)Oi.e .7 IXL . . VT """""'V, V . t the benp to the University. 1 hiv opponent of the bill were hoHr!cssl v divided on the f question of location, and he sawno rvaoii , why the State should lie nut of the benctit , of tlnWund for four years longer. ; 31r. Durham again .dlresed the House urging postponement. He alleged that the friends of the bill Lad endeavored to press it through in hot haste at iuu last session. on the plea that immediate action was uec essary in order to secure the donation. It was uov shown that haste was unnecessary. He adverted to prejudices existing ag.iint the University under its present man.igc uiunt, and urged at sonie length to show t,.e impt)licy of bestowing the scrip upon that Ins itution. Mr. Davis stated in reply that it was well known that the Iriemis of the bill had urged its passage at the last tes-i n because ot iutormation by teiegraph, that a ieoib tion retracting the donation hid pased one House ot Congress aud was likeiy to p.isa the other. Among other arguments in behalf ol a transier of the scrip to the Uoiverity. Mr. Davis allutled to the establishment at Chapel ' Hill ot a departmeut devoted "to instruction : iu Agnculture aud the Mechanic Arts. Toe gentleman froui Cievc and (ir. Uunotni) iiad characterized tliis aciion of tlie .Tju tees as a bid lor the lanu scrip. If it was a i bid for it, it showed that they Had the intc- ! rest of the State at heart. To the argument j that the value of the lauds wouid We en hanced by delay, he replied that the States; had power tt- scil ttie scrip, but could not I locate the lands. We couH only hoiu the! scrip as speculators. Similar action had n sulted in heavy loss to the Stat'e ot Rtode. j Island. Most ot the Stales had traii-lered i tiieir scrip to .mie cslalniiieil ctln-g-, ba onlv. having foumled a new one. . ! Mr. Russ lavored potpotlelneht. Owing to the distressed condition ot the countiy, lands could not' be sold to advantage. Toe value ot the seiip, would in his opinion be materially enhanced by delay. After a general and protracted discussion the House refused to postpone. The subbtitute was then rejected yeas 47 -nays 08. The bill then passed its third leading b a vote of 54 to 58. Mr. Waugh moved to reconsider the vote just taken. Mr. Davis moved to lay the motion to re consider on the table. This last motion prevailed as fol'ows i the Speaker giving the casting vote ea J 49, nays 50. j Iwm. l" . . . , ? 1, 1 1 t lne 101 lowing uius passeu seconci anu tu m i'UB u;. " oucmu ..v ralei, viz : A bill in tavor of widow., a bil, to repeal an ,rdinaiice ot lie Cmiven m. ; changing the time tor holding State . elec- tions, a bill authorizing the County Court ot Cumberland County to fund the interest on j their : bonds, a bill to authorize the Ma or j and Commissioners of the town of Fayette- j ville to fund interest on bonds, and a lull to ; ;nv.,r,u.rt. rhH N. f?. Ayricultural and Man- "w f - 7 ulactu ring Company. Bv Mr. Murrill, a resolution in favor of J S. Ketchum, a disabled soldier. This reso lution, after discusion, passed its several readings, having been amended ty extend ing its provisions to sundry other disabled soldiers, authorizing the payment ol com mutation in jieu of artificial limbs. The House then adjourned. (The hill authorizing the appointment of inspectors of crude turpentine in CuuiUr land county, introduced a day or two biik-c, was introduwd by 3Ir. Lutterloh not by Mr. McKay, as heretofore stated.) 1867. $111 STOCK 1867. TO WHOLESALE BUYERS ONLY. THE UNDERSIGNED ITaVIVt PLACED his entire ttock of Orjr t.oods, Ac, in tbt hands of Messrs. Cro ly c Morris. itli the intention ol ret irimr. Irom the retail business, begs leave to auuouuee to WHOLESALE BUYERS GENERALLY that be will open about. -the 1st of March next, on the a1 aud od lloors ol tle bui dm":, known as Exchange Corner, an entirely new aud cui ple stock of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, . BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, NOTIONS, &, &c. Also, "Cedar Falls "Beaver Creek," and Other favorite Sbcetintrs and Yarns at Factory prices, which he will offer to the trade iu General at WHOLESALE ONLY, at the lowest Market prices. Terms: A credit of sixty (fiO) days for negotia ble paper, or 5 per cent, discount for caoh. Entrance 2d doors from the Southwcit Comer of Market or Front street. . - ...... J. IL ANDERSON, - Excbaige Comer, - . , .'. v ' " i . r. TJp Stair. Wilminfftoa, N. C, Jan. iX) 1867. 40o-tf - tore ; ioi Ren t. THE MOST DESIRABLE 8TAND" FOR r - DRY GOODS IN' THE CITY I J WILL BENT AT A1 RKAiK) ABLE PRICE, until the lat day of October ntt tb First ( 1st) floor of . the building; known as Exchange Corner, If application be jsade .by the - I5tt of February next. W , J..H- ANBKUSON, 2 . - Exchange Corner T. Wnmlnston, N. C."T"Jan: 20, IC6T; ;4W-tf OVbi 1 Pertrvian Guano. JUST RECEIVED PER 8CHOONEK - BEN 50 tons irenuinc Peruvian Gnaao for sale by E. HUKRAT A CO. Jan 18 26 la touaiissioN (lousEs. ; J js. t. rrrrrwAT. BOOUMOOU. PirTTiMV t V t imnnn I Ll 1 till ill & UUUub( GENERAL COSIMISSION MERCHANTS, NORTH WATER St REET, WLJflXGTOX, X. C. C'UIVJJ. l"N-1CNMfcNT3 JT COTTON. oi'i au ro. Bcin- AGKNT3 for the Manufacturers' are ) preHr d to till, 00 the most rvvOaOic terms, , widers lor , GEO. KIDD S CELEBRATED COTTON GINS. j ZELL'S RAWBONE SUPERPHOSPHATE, j BROWN'S COUNTER, . PLATFORM and RAIL ROAD SCALES. Have coni-Uutly on hnd FERTILIZERS 01 all dereriptiou. jan 27 , 40Vtf 1 'M- " SM,TU- o.i. dkta.n, in., wjl Evixix. VVM. B- SMITH & COMPANY, . . ... . ... . . , . . ' 40 A 4Z ayetteviUe M, ltalt ih N. C, 82 Daronne St., New Orleans. rUULISIliniS, BOOKSELLERS AND M 1 lOtllS. . JUBB-KS AND DEA1.CKS IK ALL KINDS Or School Hook), Standard and 31 icllanr ou orks, Mhmilic Uuu s, Jewelt Kegalla, li iuter supplies, A c , jau o 4O0-1! ' SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MER- 1 CHANT, M ILMlXiTU.M, N. C. . f Con?itfiiiueits ut Mcrchandij-e . and Cou'u i tr I'roiluee inieitid ; .ud all tnieiiu-Kf eiitrticted j to 1113 care will hve my eioni I attention. l-uinber ordt r will i.ae alleuliou. oet 10 314-tl I SAM'L. N. CANN..N. JAK SIOIil.KV. CAXXOX &l STOIilJ-l , IHOCEltS AN?) CMMlSlt'N MER Cil ANTS. No. 4 South Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. oct 12 :l'-tf !. W. VK.'K. C I. MbliANK, l Wilnouutoii. of AiHtnance cuunt). W. I. Kl VMM. I b'A lKO., ti Nwrfoik, V. VICIi, HHRA.Mv .A: CO., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Cheeuut and Water streets,. Wilmington, N. C. sept 30 . 'ftii-tf ALEX. JoHNTON, JR. K. T. MCKET11 AN. ALEX. JOHNSOH & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. ft South Water Street, WILMLXU TtfNt N. V. sept 12 200 tt RY GOODS, CLOTHING, &c. james Mccormick,. fvIREtCIIAX'r TAILOR. Su 35 UroHd Street, Charleston, S. C. Whnles-ue and Retail Dealer la . CL0TJ1S CAS81MEKa AND VEST1NGS, -CENTS' AND BOYS' READY. MADE CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, . TAILORS' TRIMMING?, etc. ilv 13 , 23-tf , ; 11 1 j. , , , 1 y OT1 A T?ATa7T. : H-TT A "rVTH OHlUri! J W JJ VJUxLll U. DR. n.VYES OPINION OF THE B. D. SEA FOWL GUANO. A -NALYSES OF.THIS GUANO, MADE IN the way of leurniiijf he proportions of the relive feubtdauees present, aud their mode O' changing in CKmpotilion, bhow tbia Guauo to he admirably udapted to the great staples of ajrri cultural production. ! The orjrauie part consit-ts of the excrement of 'owls, organic ai d soluble salt of auiinonia. animal ina'ter in a state ol de&y, with oily and tibr.'U bub'i-tanecs, and humus- . These afford about 4 p -r cent of ammonia. The soluble part contain phosphates of va i iou. bases, equal to about ixUeu p-r cent ofb -tu pfu nrph-its' f Uint; while the whole phosphates present amount to 44 per cent, counted as bone j phosphate ol lime. j Sulphates, 'chloride?, and crenatcs of alkaline j baser, make up the remalnin? part of this Gua f no, the whole bvb'g iu a condition to dissolve In i the soii. and become aiwilnila'ed by the crop j This Guauo has also a lenn-ntatlre power, ano !-ii!l tmt only induce th'j.s action, hut It "ill eX i fiti-t!i Immti in th aotl to rrndrr tin ant ammonia tney contain. It will be- seen that phosphoric acid, tfptol U ab"Ut gixUm .per crt vf butt phopfate vflh.tf, di solve f ee y - icater, and that the lrty four pel eetr, of bne photphate i alt soluble, moisture a 1 d time beinir 000 id With tt;et? phofphatr tht re will be atxmt twelve oer cent, of oriranh i eoinpoui ds, afforlinr four per cttd. of pun n.,. m .ri Irmn tliit .Ki xi iicct Irniii hnniii e.iii uo..ti(ts These r prouonion . which eJpv j ru-nee ha demonstrated forming a we'l-hal aneed Guauo, o! sK.-eial value in cotton eultiva 1 tion. and aUu .idaptt d to other crops. I Coin pa --cd with I'eiuxiati Guuo, the latter ap ! pears a a, saline, vxci'.iu (iu 110, tell adapted ' to hastening f.rwaul a crop in a backward Mr j -on. or to excite the pnducliou ot gra. It ca 1 t ot b- ued in const ctive season, a- the B I). Se. Fowl Guano cn be, a tue latter UaVes kr 1 1 lizintr matter in the soil ea.-b t m b applied, and thus adds eriuaueut value to the land. The er:aet I'-alati'-e found bei ween tbeaolubtv pho-i t.at-, of ditferei.t baw, and the ammtil producei, a well a the conditioit ol ne lea sOiuble pliosphates. I a most important feature to tbi.- ttuauo, and - one wuich p.acca It by tU side of Peruvian Uant. In all applications where the heat of firrnien tati-m nectiry to hasten the' trvrtnlnatlon, ano the food adapted to the mwintf plant In all It stages, are n-qyired. this Guauo ! of great va! ue, -nd it may be u-ed with cwtjldtur in utakiiiy anv of the staple crops of p auUliou culture, as substitute for Peruvian Guano. t' "Jteaprctfolly, - A..A. RATES, M. D. . s ' Stale Assaer. lSTiTC St., Bostox,28 December, US08. For sale by Jan lfl E. MUKBAT A CO. COMMISSION ANO SUIPPINU UEKC1LANT8. Atrnts for New, York 8teamshlp Line, (tiood peed A trnt In N-w York,; Southern Mall Stem auip: Company of Peiladelphia, Jonaa Smith's Line of Sa ill ok Vessels, Cape Fear Steamboat Com pant 8tramer0or: Worth and A. P. Hurt, Dralerain Freh 8tone IJme, Cement Plaster Hair, Gnaoo Baugh's Raw Bone Super-Phosphate, W hann'a do. , Jan 20 ; iOC3-w r ;; : Coil hissioa mistis. RUS&EULi. ELLIS A. COX, siniMMNo r AND CO M M I S S I O N MERCHANTS, AVUmlaston, N. C. jaol5 St5-1y MTLL1AJU JU'JlllllNON, COMMISS 10 N. M liltCll A MS, - wn 0 lssal eg nock lis , Wilmington, N.C., , K HAVE REMOVED TO TliE NEW ST(d:E on North Wir trvt, next North ol Cu loui lluuc nov 4 ygi tm SOL. 1IAA3 At CO., SIIirPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Water street, ' Next doer and diutrg the store of II. M. Rairj. CASU ADVANCED md on nltri n i tr Particular ttentlou ulll be vhtu tukiitii. uiiiu vi tuuibvr. Kl 11 SI5.li JAjIKm A. WII.LUU), (roiCMCHLT W1LLAKHA (lltTI,) GENE R A L F O R W A R U I N U COMMISSION .i FIlC II ANT, AND AGENT fH ' .ETNA LIFE lNUlt. M K COMPA NY . ir I1AU1 tuNN., j No. 30 North Water Street, XV l luliitftoM, N. I WILL tliVE p fonal i.tt tifti tu the pur chac and rale l Prdue'.i d A irel.midlx ' j o-i,H : 11 :. u mutsvM, J c. in," r ul' mhiinm, j ALkli. K.'0MtTII, cl toiil-inU. j JtOlil NSU.N. S."UI 1 Jt t O,, , (Succovoi, lu C 11. l.o o..l. V V... kin! ttln j GENERAL COMMISSION : MKIK ll.NT. iluiiMKlcu, .. t ept 1 ulll T. Ml'hKAl, k. Ml I.KA), New Yirl;. - A Mi.n.kioi.. .N J. T. It A V A t . cor.UiiisstOrt tuLncr.AtiTS - . i8 I'uiiif Mml. Ni omI. K. .U l; It It A Y A ( t).. w nol.iLAl.t , j GUOCEILS A COMMIrh. MKl;t il 1 : . YlLMt.u ?., . .VI au( . St 1 1 C. P MEN Of Ml K. r. w iu'iam.h, p mi n.i It It 1 t It', p . ,t . ! Llil ol. N I. ! bH.lliutfe t T. 1IciKtrnl.aU V i o.. tuttOU, T Ut'Ht-l'ti ItUtl bfUflHl C O U M I a & I 1 . i 1 h lu ll A N Tm W H O L E S A 1. E G U t CLUB , p 3y South CaUert St., Cbinvr ot W ater hi. ' . llaltitiMr, Mil. ! 1ulV2 230-tian2 ' 1. J. UBKOSSBT, W 1 O K HOP'S It T, OhAllAM HAT' lEUOSMKT Af i tl.f . (Forfturrty lteli'rt f Unnrn.) GENERAL CoMMISSRi.NVMERCUAN'i No. 0 North W ater Mreet, 'U tMir, WILMIN(JTON,..N. C . , ' , WILL GIVE VEKSONAL ATTENTION TO the purchaae and ealv ol product- of every dcucripliou, and to rcevlvliitf and forwarding tfOOUs. , feb ) . 117tl A . A. WILL A It II, WHOLESALE DEALEll IN OKUCEKlKS ANT ' GENERAL MEUCIIANUIZE, . Commiitnioii nud ronvardiutt Merchant Ne au NOKTU WATEH &TKEET. 1 . Wiiuihufioij, N. 0. Raraas to Jease II. Lindsay, Esq., Canhler Rauk Cape. Fear, GreenilMjro, N. C p " ' Kev. C. IL Wiley, Sup.iitiieiident Public Schools for the State ol North t aoHlna. ' Measrs. James Corner Sons, Iktltimore. Mwsr. Dowley, Corncru a Co., New York. jau V . - Hug GEO. ILlKKISa. , W. W. IMXKISS. k. 4. UOWILL IiARRl8SAr 1IOWCLL, GENERAL COMM ISSION M ERCHANTS, NOHTIt WtTIK ITKtCT, ' . Y i I m i n g t o n . N C . ''.. 'd . . 100 WA1GK flTHKKT, IKW trKK. ' LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGN uiciita to our New York lloute on 'rtdu-e, which will be forwarded through, free ol com tnUaiona. . - ' Coupiunuienta are covered by Insurance from porta and place in North and u1h Carol I ha. by tailrouds, Steam HoaTs atid Klxts on the Klver lo. a fthlppin Mtiit, aiMl It it'ii c t Nr York. '' All hipiiieht ahould be accmuptinied by hip- pintf receipt and liitoitea from pdnt ol hi tueiit, wheu li.urie- tiuct.t through to New York, i - ' - - - oct 9 i ' 3t3lfTSSaf , . A.. MOrriTT, W. H. MOTlTI. JOHN MLl'KIJ. laiorFiTT, nut vto. GENERAL COMMIT S MEItCllANTS. (No. 4 8ttw v rTKrrr," j - TV ilminctott . A. C - ' ' . -' WILL aek piMt jerxi.i atla-nth.n Iu thr naif or hiptuefil o, C'otlon. Natal tore, leneral Prlute,' etc.:, etc At rwetvltii uid !orwardin X1- , Order poUrited and prompt I) Hr.ed. nov '11 ' .i-lt l t- fCTEK MALLrTT. CU I e llor M. ... , GEO. D. UAItEK, if .- 1 . ;': '..WITH .. ' .. ; MAlf-ETI K HUFFMAN. GENERAL COAIMLloN. Mhlit llANTs: No. PA North WntcrMree', r r LMlNG IoN, N. C auzf? .-.'' ft AGCN'i f-'OllTilLl LlUIT Itl.L LITL A.SSl-HANCi:MCiirrYOFTIJK UNI I'KI) 8TAT12 Prom the burakce ihmttor nut! Wall Street lUt'tene, LfrcimUr A"., 16G(i. EQUITABLE LIFE. ifr-VTEXT 1 ""TUB 3JUTUAL LIFE, X vtovng Net 1 oik Companies, tauu the EQClTABLETinaurlnir uuni.tf l lie lat annual term, aUM,347,OOU, aitd Uulnc Pohclra, te- inan lucrruae 01 8,v4 Pul:le, and $t$ 1 ,I50 over the respective or ducts if the jmctdin year's .bolne. . TbU I m surprish'K advance, and the ealu Is ao id a 1 iab. i Ue pnaeiit to tal yewH ioconiu Of th Kquitable nearly reachea twamlUiou dollars,' ud i imU low aiuoutit to almost thre: millions. NotwiIhataiidu.fr tho colaal -at rides U Is tuaktn'ouwrd. iu expvu ditarrs are et'tnparativetr u ucu kw-r tho tbe general average. &uccestso coiupt lo ey reape-t, thu.'evlucca uuuuat kii, and we no not hesitate to lueribtf It tu tu lod.'Uiltabii t n- .. nry, peraevercner ,and aaaiduity of la oCScera and jroral agt-nta. woo work with a deteiuiln- atiou to make the Cottipany ' second to vim la the United State ,B vlftn . Call on Uio MATTHEW P TALOR. nd Aoaw you ti iMtmrrd in m W Vtw Vumpauy, At No. 11 and W Nortn WiUr SirwL Jin 10 8&3-la UVV aw

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