i ; ''.' f". 1 ' V v ;; ' " ' ; - - ' ' - - - - - ' . , t . ' " . I - ; .jf . . . '. " . . ; . -v- , - . -.-v - . -: ..-..-j-"." ; -, ;r rv .' ' "'."' ",:' i -'''':" ' . -'. . ' 1 ' - . . ; . - - . . - ' s--&.i:rtr"--r-L:-'-?----m .- - ... . 4 ' . - . ! stol.-ii. THE;. VILMinQTOH DISPATCH. ; ROCIKSON & SMITII, rroi-iktort, PUBLISHED DAILY AND EEKLY. Terms ol subscription, inrarlabljr In advance: Daily, one year. . . . ... . ..... . i .......... f J 00 i " aix months. .'........... 400 ! RATES OF ADVERTISING: ; Adverttoementa will be inserted at tl per square for the first insertion ; t3 50 per week, and $$ per month. Ten lines or less constitute a square. 1ST So publication made witbout a responsi ble name. LINES OF TRAVEL. Wilmington & Wcldon Railroad. Orricr. Cuief Enoinebk & Burt.. iiuiuiuiuu, JUT, O, 1WA . CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. 'NAND AFTER MONDAY the 5th inft., the following fat Schedule of time will be ; run over thi Railway. GOING NORTH. Leave ilmiujton at. 4.45 A " '.. 11' 15 A Arrive at Goldsboro' at..... ........! 9! 25 a! M. M. M. 2 57 P. M. 2.00 I. M. 0.85 T. M. Arrive at Weldon at .... It ti , 4 GOING SOUTH. Weldou at Leave .11.00 A. M. . 7.35 P. M. . 8.00 p. M .11.50 P. M. . 8.00 P. M. Arrive at Goldsboro at. Arrive at Wilmington . . . 4.:.0 A M Cloee counections arb made by both trains io- ing South. - . ; The 5 A. M. train from Wilmington, and It M. train from Welduti, do not run on Sunday's. , Close connections are made by t he 11 05 A. M I train both ways between Saw York and New Or- leane. . i By the train that loaves here at 1J.05 and the ! one that arrives here at 4.o0 A. M., cloe con ; nections are made between New Y'rk and New 1 Orleans.j. Connections are made by the other 1 trains but more time is required. ' j To 0 North by Bay Line, leave at 5 00 A. M.; j to o by Anneinebsix, leave by the 11.05 A. M. ; train. Either train connects by Richmond, j Close connections at Goldsboro w ith the N. C. trains by the 5.00 A. M. train, and by either to Newbern. I S. L. FREMONT, 1 Chief Engineer aud Superintendent, nov 13 ' X4:( tf Wilmington & Manchester R. R. vrKiCK Gsn. SurT. WlL.A MAN; R. Roaji, I Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 3d, libW K. ON AND AFTER MONfAY the 5th of Nov the following Schedule will o into effect on the-Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. I J3XPRESS - TRAIN. V - Leave Wilmington daily at 4.50 A. M. Arrive at Kings ville . ....... 3 00 P. M. Leave Kingsville " ... ;. 1.45 A. M. S Arrive at Wilmington daily at . , . .10.45 A. M. ACCOMMODATION TllAIN, i Leava Wihnln?tQndailv aL..i. - 80P-W -Arrivo at Kiujcsvllle 44 f SR" f Leave KlngHvltle "r 4..AI I . M. Arrive at Wilmington daily at.... 3. 4a A. M. Co c connections made by both trains at Wil iun'ton with the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad"- at Florence with the North Eastern Rail, road'for Charleston, and at Kingsville with the South Carolina Railroad. Wm. McRAL,' General- Superintendent. 3o6-tf ' nov 4 T ! TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, 'i i WlLMlNOTON, CUAULOTTB A R. R. Co., T: I Wilmington, N. C. May 20, lbOb. ) 1?ROM AND AFTER JUNE 1st, IStki, the MaU i Train on this road w.ll leave Wilmiugton at 6 o'clock, A.M., on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays, and arrive at Sand Ilill at 3 o clock, P M. Returning will leave Sand Hill at 7 o'clock, M., on Mondays, Wednesdays .and Fridays, and arrive In Wilmington at 4 o'clock, P. M. WM. 11. ALLEN, Master of Transportation. mar 31 Mf 1867. SPRING STOCK "1867. TO WHOLESALE BUYERS ONLY. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PLACED JL his entire stock of Dry Goods, &c, in the hands of Messrs. Crot ly & Morris, with the intention Of retiring from the retail business, begs leave to annouuee to WHOLESALE BUYERS GENERALLY that he will open about the lut of March next, on the 2d and 3d floors of the building, known as Exchange Comer, au entirely uew aud com pie stock of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, II ATS, NOTIONS, -&cM &c. Also, u Cedar Falls," "Bearer--Creek,; and other favorite Sheetings and Yams at Faetory prices, which he will otTer to the trade in General at WHOLESALE ONLY, at the lowest Market prices. . -' " - " v ' , ' Terms : A credit of sixty (GO) days for negotia ble paper, or 5 per tent, discount lor caah. Entrance 2d doors from the Southwest Corner of Market or Front streets. J. II. ANDERSON, sPr - Exchange Corner, - Up Stairs. Wilmington, yC, Jan. 20, 1867. 400-tf Lippitt's ConfccUoncry, THREAD IN ALL ITS VARIETIES, FRESH, MORNIN and EVENI iG. FANCY CAKES AND PIES TO"SUIT THE MOST FASTIDIOUS, , FRESli EVERY DAY. oet 31 : 332-tf : AGENTS WANTED FOR the Life and Campaigns of "cn. S tone v all Jackson, By Prof. R. L. Dabney, D. D., cf Va. -rPIIE 8TANDARD BIOGRAPHY OF THE A. Immortal Hero. The only edition ratbor iZC cy Ul8 Ww. and published for ber pecuni 7 benetit. The author a personal frieud and B11 1 of iStalT of thp Christian Soldier. Wfc want cgent m cvcry county. Send lor circulars .ee 0U1 terms and what the Press says of the wulk Address - NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO ,Hn .mcr 7tU and Main sts., Richmond, Va. , --J-j5, . 3D5-lmdAW No. 1 Pernvinn (ruano. TH5IAECVED PER SCHOONER BEN 50 w fccuume Peruvian Guano for sale by Ian in E. MURRAY & CO. WILMINGTON, Nl C, TUESDAY MORNING, FEJBRUARY 12; 18K7. .ii.ihiii ! - in - hi 1 - ' - HOTELS. THE CITY HOTEL, ! Corner" Market and Second Streets, j h ujiixctos, W. c. jl openea iDe .. . - CITY HOTEL, and bespeaks for it under its new management the patronugu of the travelling public He ive the assurance that it 1li be eond acted n a sty It fully equal t6 the demands of the times. The t'arlors and Rooms will be TliUUULt-IILY REFITTED AND ELE- GANTLY REFURNISHED. The tables will be well kept and loaded with all the . DELICACIES AND LUXURIES that the Market affords. The servants will be at tentive and polite t quests ; and every depart ment completely orirai.ized In such a iinnt-r n- to render it as attractive as any similar establiah nient In the South. The Proprietor promises that no pains or ex ptnse hhall be spared to render this UoTtL a pleasant and agreeable recti n place for the way larer, and one m everyway wuitby o theeuipori and encouragement ol those who deaire to eu tarn a well conducted Hotel. N. FKEDEHICK, .., . ' . Proprietor. VV ilnnnirton. N. C, Jan. 22, 401 tf Journal copy. MILLS HOUSE, 31 E E T I N O S T K E E T , Charleston, S.'C. 'piIIS HOUSE HAS BEEN iuiMOUGIlLv X repaired and relurnished, and cannot be ex celled by any in the city. JOSEPH PURCELL. Proprietor. ' : . ' . . .. . 95-tf ian 2G PRUFESSIOiNAL. JOil.V W. IIIiVSDALK, Attorney, and Coun sellor at Law. jVo. 2 Ilay Street, FA YETTE V I LLE , N. C. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY to all 'business intrusted to his care. Claim's collected anywhere u Jorth Carolina. , jauti - 4- 5-tf JOHN A. KICIIAttD-ON TDOS. H. SUTTON. RICHARDSON & SUTTON, Attorneys and. Coun sellors at Law, E LIZA1) ET'II TO W N . N . C . All business entrusted prompt attention, jan 25 to their care will have 404-tf JAMJKS C. DOBUIN, v ATTO R N E Y AT L A W , Fave'tcville, N. C, WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY collection of Claims and other business en trusted to his care, nov 6 37 If NEWS ! NEWS' ! FROM DEPARTMENT HEAD QUARTERS. Heavy Rciiirorccmcnt OF CLOTHING RECEIVED AT HAAS & CO'S., QUR MR. 'JACOB II ASS has lust returned from a business tour through the NORTHERN CITIES, and having purchased. a stock much cheaper than heretofore, we are prepared to offer to the CITIZENS OF WILMINGTON, and the public generally, the finest assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISHING GOOD.- BOOTS, SHOES, ; ; ' . HATS, &c; at a . HEAVY REDLCTIOX from what Upy have.becn sold this season. We w uld most respectfully call the attention of the ' to our beautiful assortment of . BOY'S AND YOUTH'S CLOTIIINU. They are of superior make to any ever offered in this market Our " MERCnANH TAILORING DEPARTMENT attends to orders promptly, and suits are guar- antcedtoflt.- Give as a call before purchasln elsewhere. , Front Street near Market i: iQld Stand of Hedrick & Ryan- dec 19 837-tf THE DAILY DISPATCH. m iLlIN(JTuN. FEBRUABT 12. l7. XORTII CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. SECOND SESSION. SENATE. Raleigh, Fek 9. Tbe Senate was ralli tn nr,r.r ini od.K-k. Mr. Hall pr son ted a oetition from a riti. zen ot Wilmington, Dr. James F McRae ,c""-;uJuy xd iiiecmzens or r.it -en , pntesting aginst the paaeaire f the .connt -i" remark bad l-v -ad upo.i bill to amend the charter of tbe Witininirton neWPf r tements that bail nut been cwu Railivaj Bridge Companr. fa t radiant I S KEPoUTS or COMMITTEES. Jir Clark; from tbe Committee on Cor- poratuins, reijiorted Iavrably on tbe follow o bill to incorporate the frrklcnKnrrr Tv j a. " --.rws ..a v . . It'll - ... Uili to li.curporate Duplin Manufacturing Comuanv." ! ., .1 am til reoeal a riiirt nf tin. 11 2b chap, entitled ( ov-. mi me corporations, of tbe Re- ic(t Code. Bid to incorporate M iiii n; Company. the Agricultural atd Hy .Mr. Avery, from the Committee on In ternal improvements-to wbom was referred t I'll! j to me Itiilrojid Con iporate the North Western jjany, recommended its pas- sage. xV. m ssaire was receivpfl f mm thn tTnn ll':in.iiilltii,,r I,,, ".11....: I ru . n?. . ""- uu- i'Miiin jn inns, VIZ: 13111 t ea.Miso a en mnKii court in the county oi vt.mn, uuu ii m 1 1 ro es'aousn a criminal court 111 tlie county f New Hanover, and "H -motion ot Mr. Hall, they passed their eerai readings under the suspension of the ruies. j 1 ..-...! On motion of Mr. Wiggins, the bill ex tending !imne&ty to females was taken lrorn the caitiular ami referreri to the Committee on rropositnms aul Grievances A message was received from the House transmitting aii engross rd resolution in favor of disabled, sojdiers, who are unable to use limbs iiirnishcid, allowing them' to "return I taul limb ami dravv commutation m lieu iherei'f. On mot ion of Mr tin, rni- eiu uspenuc 1. aim tim resolution passed I Its several readinir. A mesisuge Was received from the House proposing to raise a joint select committee I f on the subject of sine die adjournment. Mr. Love moveo to lay it on the table ; upon this, on motion! of Mr. Cunningham, tbe aves f and nays were called and the motion to lav on the table prevailed. Mr. Gash, a resolution nrouosinrr to hold night sessions fiom and after Monciav next. Rejeuted. ON CALENDAK. Resolution.ini favor of Hon. D. G. Fowle. Mr. 'Hal I stated that he had been tuthorized to withdraw the same, and on his motion its further consideration was indefinitely post poned. I ' The following "bijs and resolutions passed Bill to incorporate the South Union Man ufacturing Company in the county of Rich mond. -Bill to incorporate the Rocky MountMan ufacturing Company. Bill to incorporate the Board ot trade in the city of Newbern. Bill to change ttic name of Wayne Female College.! j j A. message was received from the House transmittiiur abill to change the jurisdiction of the courts and the rules of pleadin rr therein, with sundry amendments, which were concurred in. On motion ot Mr. Ferebee, the Senate ad journed. J HOUSE OF COMMONS. I Raleigh, Feb. 9. Tim House was called to order at 101 o'clock A. M. I Air Rirth. nrpspnterl ii netition from citi I .a'!- rtomlurunn rnmitv niklnor reiiet I against the collection of debts. Referred. i ! REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. aUo a bill to protect the fishing interest on rht. r.-i f-North Carolina. In resuonse to tire prayer ofj memorialists from Onslow county. ; j ; RESOIXTIXS A2JD JILLS. Bv Mr. Htwlnett, a resolution to raise a Joint Committee on sine die adjournment. Adapted. j By Mr. Granberry, a resolution on tne con dams, of Pitt, the vote was reconsidered, ami ...v.. ... . 7 ------ - . .was relerreu to me vuimuiee ui nuanu-, with' instructions that they report on Tues day next.) j By Mr. Latham, of Washingbm, a bill to anie'ml section o, chapter 29; Revised Code, entitled!" County Trustees.; . i 1 . I t Z A. m, By Mr. Clark, a bill to incorporate the town otlfccotland Neck, Halifax county. By 3lir. McClammy, a bill to incorporate Rocky Mount Academy New Harioter county, j . An engrossed bill to change tbe jurisdic tion of the Courts and the rules of pleading therein, ! had its first reading. Mr. Danran moved a suspension of the rules, that the bill might have immediate consideration.! " Mr. Rnss opposed a suspension of the rules. He was a friend of relief, but wanted time to examine the '.bill."- It evidently needed amendment subjecting., ultimately, the property of debtors to the payment of creditors. - j - . Mr. Dargan earnestly urged tbe necessity of immediate action. Amole time bad been had for perfecting measures of relief ' 3s0tb J ing had yet been doue, anaioepeopie were clamorous. We bad all beard of the outrages committed in Pitt county recently tbe stop pa cre of the 'j Sheriff on .the. highway, and the forcible seizure of bis official papers etc Tf rfliff is not cranted such scenes would be re enacted. The county court of" Haniett. would commence its session on Monday next, and tbe passage of the bill to day would af- r..nl nlipf tnr manv. - . ? Messrs.. Hutchison arid McNair opposed j basty action in tne premis, au further time for examination of the bilL i . I- , ' "1 . t iuihrnients granted on debts contracted prior eultuml proJucib'n. Mr. Waughjforthe Committee on Propo- J" 'b '-already rendered shall be The or-aiiU- part con.lsU-or the excrernenl sitions and Grievances, reported back, fa u f1 , go monri,f trum the d itc ..f ! of d i-olubie salt, of naiHM.i- vorablyja bill to lay off and establish a new J J r 's Uu,n a 'tu ,,l,uJ....-t.-r In a.u.e ol dccy with .il .nu 1 i, ! ..;. t V.nr--ti be formed the ratification ot this act. , tibr-u mbtnee-, and humus The afford county by the:name otAdnce totoraea Mr Hutchison offered the following , ub,,ul 4 p r I Ull of m.nni. of nortions of Cherokee and Macon counue; .. s, fnrl,r 4nieil that! Ti.e ..lublu oart contain- pb'vphjtes of rs If fcHa,7 TV! protection should be accorded lu cred- ; mt'Z ploorie oeUtat raxaiioii lor u.e pmc..v ... itors. , , ; h,LtLrUru r cn.t of &tu iJ.opfiaU vfli,. public debt. (Ibis resolution. was aaopieu, 1 T(ie amendment was rejected. IC-f kh. and li-i the lurty lour our subscQUcntlv. on motion or jir. vn-t r,r.....f.,r(i ,f Rowan. t tiered the fol- .tm. ot hone iiiouliate U all soluble, moUt llr. Mimre of Hertfnl en.loreetl tin iew of tfce gentleman trutn Ann (Mr. Daran) nl hoped the rules wool I lie u -r4lt-d. ;Mr. : WUKams.of Pitt, adverting ti n-cent oceorrences in Pitt county, (alludeU to l.y Mr. Dargan) asserted that bb cguaituents were loyal and Law-abiding. . TUe suteuicnU made by tbe genfleman , from Anson, were unjust to bis people. Tliej were nt rrr lutioiary. Tb facts wens ainipljr tb'ese.; Ti e SlieriS was met on tbe bighway and rul1cl. His ctBce at Greenville bad l;n sulRQut-nu ij lOLunwDui ibe irourtiioi'. a erniie I oUi,J stUJd iJT.the newspaper f this city .... specially. M ; - V; f?.urgn dm 3lr. Dargan disclaimed anv din t re- JrJ: NaVA He favoreil the immHibt i,A-,rP of tht bill. I ' Thn rtilrft irr cncrtonrll V.. Rl . f k-l a r 1 ji a ij 1 ! I Vilt Kill tT'fift rouil ftlm rxr , t?...n j a vr iiiw cv 1 s 1 1 1 . m Mr Peeble offered tbe lodowing tu. ud- ...1.1..: 1 . ... : f7 ... . ukui as an iluiltillHl MX 11)11 ; J3C II JUilH- 1 " (nuvicu. 1 imi u wcei i 111 irui ir i lull t:age tor real tr perMmal vtwte. made. hii.- ed. or n'flristered riurimr the mxt tui in- I montIi!, ucceeding the ratitiration ! thi j act, shall le valid nt law in pass any prop r- ( tj as against crelitors, or purclMx.-is lr a i valuaMe consideration lrorn the (lou.r, Lar "ainor or mortgagor.'1 . . , 3Ir. McNair moved that the Mil be print- ' ed ahtl made the special order lor Tliurslay f nexr, at 12 o'clock, 31. " j This motion was huls quently modified (at Mr. Durham's instance) si as tu fix the the hour oi l 1 A. M. on Monday next, fo, consideration of the bill. .Messrs. Dargan, B.iyd, Everett, Guess, and ntlicrtt iiniwiu-ii ilii. iiiniiiui Mr. McKay said lie had examined the bill carefully and was in favor of it. He thought, however, that no provision had Ieen made ; in the case of small iudgments' ' issued bv 1 . ...v. . "' 01 constaoies. iteiier was needed in this uarticular. and he would sourest .1 rrw of the bill for a half hour, with a view to I amendment, if these msm were not rilrendv 1 embraced in the bill. Mr Won.rii .,ntrin,.,i ,-;uua reeard to small ludirment in the hands of Cfinstubles. His mn t itm-ntH nHt-fl from these more than all others. If these cases were not wovided for bo would vote against the bill, through a friend of relief. Mr. Dargan stated that the provision of tbe bill extended.ample relief in this in- stance. The motion to postpone was rejected, yeas 25, nays 72. The question reenrnnp on the amendment oflered by Mr. Peebles. Mr. Waugh opposed the amendment and all amendment. Mr. Peebles deprecated the disposition evinced by friends of the bill to prevent amendment. Every stay law stood, he said, hv tJie suffrnnr-p ot creditors, and -their rights srolffcl not be left wholly without orotec in the premises, adding iiSdtr,AhnltGnSYu bill pass without amendment, appeal alter appear would be taken to the Supreme Court and every barrier to the collection of debts would be swept away. Mr. Whitfield favored the Mil and opposed ithe amendment. Mr Perrv, of Carteret, was opposed to the bill as it stood. The Senate lud stricken out the provision, requiring - debtors to make oath at the Spring Term, that they could lmt raise the tenth required by the existing btay Law, without a ruinous sacrince 01 pnyenv. With this provision liecou.d navui-uppwuu the bill. Tbe bill as it stood was alike le- nana rfthp ricrlits of creditors ami the' gaAaiw0 v w O obligation of debtors. Mr. Baker was in iavor o ituct t ucihmd but unwilling to ignore tiie rights f credi tors. He feared the reiiet proposed by this hill would urove a delusion ami a snare The question recurring the amendment was rii p.ted. veas 31. nay CI. ?! ' Tlw. t'.tlbtveincr aniendmeltt ollercd Mr Bryson was adopted : Provided, That executions on Justices amendment noiumg in iu., "?".:' . orevent Ouartlians co.iee.ung one itnio claims due their ward;, at Spring term, 18b7. accordin" to the provisions of the late 01 di- nance to change the jurisdiction ' ut . the Da, make up me reuaiump win. ui vu. nance, 10 J I n,-wnt.le IhIi.it In condition to dlssolre Ii. COUI'tS. . ..,. Mr Hutchison said that be favored relief, but held views similar to those advanced by Mr Pi rrv of Carteret, and thought that ..t..n f... I !i iroi I. , ow M u.iiHndnii nt f....l.... t,.t -jit Wri! 11 . .IMS u lunuei ""- actions on v contracts made In fore the 1st tlay f May, I860, shall constitute a lien upon .. A..fn.i ... 1. .i aftpr -aid bid.rmi'nt. tiro- 1 .tr. ....tt innliHl rata without re- Via O U Muua-v - ' T I vara to priority, in iwic . u " Mr. Crawford was tor relief, but could not support the' bill witbout an amendment of this nature.; : Mr. Brown urged the adoption of this amendment. - The question recurring the amendment was rejected. Mr. McNair ottered an amenuuicuL aiio- - v Jl A. 1 1 ing Executors, Administrators, Trustee and Guardian's, who qualified prior to the 1st ol May, 18G5, until the year 1370 to settle t.beir estates. Rejected. Mr. Westmoreland oflered an amendment fhat tbe provbions of tbe bill should not ap ply to the counties of Stokes and Forsyth. Rejected, f . ; . (Anxious to give tbe several positions of gentlemen on this important bill, we are re luctantly compelled for the want of time and apace to stop here and 'defer, the rest of the proceedings till Wednesday's issue.) ' JlJSTlr;nKCEIVEI BY LATE ARRIV AL S. T ARBELLS NEW YORKCITY MESS TORK, JL BARRELS BKST FAMILT FIXll BARRELS BEST EXTltA .SUPER FLOLR, , . FULTON MARK ET BE F . SUPERIOR FRESR GOSUEN BtrTTER. SALMON, MACKEREL, CREESE. ; ror by ' cannJn & stoklet; . : 4 8outb Market 8reet. Jan 23 COUilliisloN ROUSES. i a. t. rrrrtwxr. ' accuutooaa. PLTTE1TAT & MOORE; GENERAL COMMISSION 3LERCUANTS, NORTH WATER Sill EET, rrLMrsGTOX x. c. Sm.KTr CoNS.GXMfcNTS "F COTTON. N..L SliiLa AND CoU.NTttY rRO- BtUtf AGENTS for the Mana'scUrr'S are prijr d lu til, uu IU butt IVMUb. KtUlK 1 ders lr GEO. K1UD S ( ELEURATTD I COTTON GINS, ZELL'S RAWBONE SUPER PHOSPHATE, BROWN S COUNTER, 1 PLATFORM and RAIL ROAD SCALES. ; Have roo.tanlly on band ERTILIZERS o all ' den ripli.u.. jan -1 40rttf j wm. k tiinu, ;nu ij. duyan, j., m. jviu.r.. ! WM.B. SMITH & COMPANY, I 40 V rrnretievi le M., Ilalrigb, M. C, t Al ; 82 Uaronne M , evr OrltMns, PUHLISllFIts, DuOKnEI.LEUJ A.1D JoBB'KS AND DSALCKi IX ALL &XXDS OF school Hook-, standard arid JlUcilanr uu in.t., hmi ic IJ..0 , Jewels r itcgulla, Piiuiem ftnpplies. Ac j JAMES IlACIiIJI.FOftD, jslIIITINU. AND COMMISSION MER- CHANT, WI LMlMiTO.N, N C. ,r' 01 "UVC na iannymmx Lumber urder will n'ave attention 1 SH-tt SAM'U K. CANNON JAMES ftTOKLST 81 Oil LE Y. GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER pii avtu ' . ... 0. 4 South U ater Street. VY ILvSUUT024v N. C 31K-tf oct 12 s. w. VICE, ol Wilmington. C. P. M EUAN I. of Alamance county. W. I). KETNOLCS BkO ol Norfolk, Va. TICK, lERAXE Sc CO., QKOCERS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Cbeouut and Water streets. Wilmington, N. C. sept 30 0-tf a Lex. JOHK?OS, JK. K. T. MCKETUAN. alex. joiinsort & co., GROCER. U2( 'PMAUSHiaTT AIKR sept 12 '.' 290-U DRY POODS, "CLOTHING, &c. J.AMES McCORJIICK, . SIEKCIIAXT TA11-OR, .o. 35 Ilrrd Street, Charlestouj ,S. C. Whiles die. aud Retail Dealer in CLOTHS, CA6S1M ERd AN l VEST IN OS. ( KNT8 ANm KoYfc' READY MADE CLOTHING, FURMbllINO (tOnDS. TAILORS TRIM MINO f, etc. julv 13 . -U SEA-FOWL GUANO. DR. HAYES OPINION OF THE B. D. SEA-FoWL GUANO. A NALYSED - OF THIS GUANO. MADE IN the way or learning he proportions of the active Buts.tHuee preut, and their nvde O ciiangiiiir in eimp'lf Ion, .uo tl l Guan to i wdumabiv uU .uteU to iue izreai iapic w nu 1 iou baej-, equal to bout -irtten p r ctnl ofbw ! h.nh t .f Iwu: white the who!. plioun1r .r f ,,,, ii,M.rM.nt. counted ma bon- . pllos,,i,Mte .,f lime. Sulphates, chlorides and crenates of alkaline : tl.,. uml Ixoiinc uwimilt'ed ItV UicCroD. t --i,iS uuau lia lo a Ierm nativ power, aud . 0t ul induce this action, but It Illex cite the huuiatc In the so to render up n pel ure ai:U time oem aoowea uiu uictc liuTu.i,r WW ,HI W .HMH iwri v- w. . fr t-i-,ilw.M..H. atrorJinir- four rxf tent, of pun I 1 -in p. r U . 'UP M J J j ut9TX tntm tuat obtained lrorn hum'u coj10..ihIs These ar- proportion- which expe ! ri.-nce has detuoDstrated as fomilnc a weM-bal ced Guano, of special value in cotton ctiltiva tin and also adauted to other crop. Compared with Peruvian Guano, the latter ap pear aa a saline, exciting Guno, well adapted to hastening forward a crop In a backward ea eon, or to excite tbe production ol gnu. 1 1 can not be used in connective seasons, a the B. D. Sea-Fowl Guano can be, as the latter leave fer tlM Aoil eaeh tlm tt U applied. and thus adds j ermauem vaiue o me imu. r . v i j Th. HTirt halance found between tbe soluble I m. . f j! ftamuM m tKat animnnli . rtliAi T if 13 T 4 C1 IllUtrrCUl LW1B. lUU UW biuuivij r'.. iia. the condition of the leaf soluble phosphates, is a most Important feature li m w v. v a " in this Guano, and one wlncn places n oj iue tn ail onniiratlon.1 where the beat of fermeo- Utlon necessary to hasten tbe germination, and the food adapted to tbe jrrowmg pianv in aii iw .t.-M .re rfnnlred. this Guano Is of rreat val ue. nd It may be ud with conJLUnc in making any of the staple crops oi p-anuuion cvuwuc, substitute for Peruvian Guano. ; t - r " Kepectfully, A. A; HATES, M. D. . - : ... State Aaaajer. 20 Stite St., Dotox, 20 December, IiSo. For sale by Jan 16 1 E. M URRAf & CO. , IVOItTH "& DAT I E 1, COMMISSION AND SUIPPINti MElUJUJL.rTS. AgmU lor New York 8teamahip Line, (Good peed Agent In New York,) Southern Mall Stem blp Company of Pulladelpbla, Jonas Smith's Lin of Sailing Veel. Cape Fear 8tramboat Company Steamtrrs Gov. Worth and A. P. Hurt, Dealer ui Fresh 8tone Lime.' Cement Plaattr I lair. Guano Baotjh'a Raw Bona tin per-Phosphate, Wnanaa da - r v Jan 30 Vw KG. 419. COliUINSlON' UUl'SbV CO SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Wilmington, N. C. Jan 15 11 1 w umiib m I COMMISSION M LLC II ANTS, .... AJkU1 . t WHOLESALE GHQCKliS, UVE!EMt.Kino 1I C MW.S1I.I.E uu North tr strut, u.xt .uitui Liu. ln 1 1 oue. , 4 Si Itu i hOIM llAAf A ill., SIIirPlNO A.ND COMMlfcU.N XLUllAMh ter lttteiVv " j Next door and dj-lnh Jthc .lorof if. M. Pafrj. CAtJU ADVA.MI , nude H 1 1 Lrlj. 1 1 t anruiar ailthUoii alll,t ylM MieiiU t IUMlt.-r. .It. I ft ' ' t I ul II X. II.I.AIIEK ir..kVIHU I1.UH, ((lit ,j 1 GENERAL KUKW A It D I N t. AMI . C031MINSION JIl;milANT, , am. ot.NT n.a .ETNA LIFE INRaNCE COMPANY j or IMKlMlltti. CtiX.V, No. SO North Wmrr Strvvl, AVI lulmoa, N. C. WILL GIVE per4ital atttntioii to ihr pur etnlv and ol I'roJuw ud Xri hstidlie. : ' ' ' " . , Ht - j r, it. aoaiMKa, c. mitm, r. ... kohsm.s. alcx. k. smitu. ol CnutUitai.d. . , .j RODI.NSON. S.'UITII A I o.. (Successor to C. II. ICuMbM.n a Co., aiio Cu I lu t binitb,) ; , GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Yt ilmiugloa, N. C. 4. T. Ml'KRAT, New York. K. ML'HHAT, Wilmington, N, J. T. MURRAY A CO., COMMISSIOM r.lERCHAtlTO No. 1N4 Front Street, New York. v ... E. MUIIRAV 4 CO.. ' WUOL.CMALB ,1 GROCERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS VILXLUTU X l g7 USS tl I C r. MEXrSKHAl.LM. T.WlllTAKBk,I. KIC1IOLH Greti.loro, N. C.lEutttld, N C. Hsltluiorr , C. I. Mciictciilinll Co., j Cotton, Tobncro. iiuil (iencrnl t C O M M I S S 1 O N Ai K R C 11 A N T S : , All ' t . j W II O L K S A L E O R O C E R S,1 :f7 3 South Calvert !!,. Corner ut .Water St., llaltimore, Md. H i 4. V. OKKOSSKT. W. L. EK(CSCT. (1HAUAM IUt DEROSNET Ai CO,, . ., r F f f -' ' - No. O Worth W Mtcr Mreel, tup miitj , W 1 1;M I N i TO X, N . C, WILLCilVE PEItd'ONAL ATTENTION TO. the purchase andaU ul pnaluet every iWrlptioii, aud to reevh Inic . and forward ii l , feb Jtf . 11741 A . A . V I L I A It II, WHOLESALE OEALEU IS iiltUCKUIfc.3 ANT tiK.NEKAL MKIU HANIUJCK. ' , Commiwiuu HUd IorvHiduf Jlerchant. N. ao NOUTR WAIKK PTItKkT. . . v llum.iwu.. N. C. : ., , . ' REfKh To ' ' 1 ' ' Jesse II. L1ndM, Em.. Cashier Hank Uptr Fear, treeulorw, S. C. ... Kev. C II. Wbry, bB.Ktmlrudilt robllc v"cIhhU fur thf tftatt Xori. 'r..lina. i Mmrk. Jauie Cornet .V 'n, lUlt buore. ( i Mcfr. Dowlry, Corn r & Ct., Ne York. 1 jau ' ISO. MAHKIS. W. W. lUKHIII. A. 4. IIOA ILL. UARKIXKA UtMVCLL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. OHTH WATIH iTKEKT,' Wllmiuf ton. W C, ; 1JW WAlfcl 8TMKET, KKW TOMK. IHKKALAriVANCO MADE N CoNiIllN- iiieiiu to ur New A ork IIoUMf on rrodttew. vhieh will be forwuntitl thruuK'h, li- ol com- uUiou. i CoulictimenU r covered by lnumiicf frtnn ort and plai- In Ninh aud utb Can.Hua. by . Uilruad, bteaOJ Bt aitl VX thf Klvcr to i thippinir iti1, sml tlienee to Nrw York. All thlpinentbould bti aceoiiijunlcd by ship plnj rrcripu nd lnol-r from tlnl ol fbl nient, when Insursuvw titUchc through to New Y oct 9 5 ' ' 313tf-C3tf A a. MorriTT, . w. n. Mornn, ion Wlai-ki; ' . . MOFFITT, ilUO. V CO., ' GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 4 Sotrru U Altai dtkckt, ;J WilmincAou. A. C. WILL rIveroiiit4 irrsoiial attention lo altf or shiptwent ol Cotton, 'avt tito the orti. fiunl Prodace. etc.. etc. AUo to rwlrlu Aud firwardlni? ihkU. , . , . Orders o 11 cited and promptly uiieo. j nor -J7 4:m-.6m rtTER mallxtt. cnsKLxa HorrMAn. GEO. D. DAHEIt, : I wnu I MALLETT' L DOFFflAN, ! GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS:, No. 10 North Water Street, . TYILMINGTON, N. C. anz - " tnti omIjS for njiM&no.mt And Oilier Slacliinery. it WE OFFER FOR SALE ON MANUFACTLR- ER8 account, the following varieties, vlx: ENGINE OIL. EXTRi ENGINE OIL, 1IEADI IGRT OR BURNING OIL, , , LUBRICATOR No. 1, LUBRICATOR No. . - - i" The Enjrtne Oils are pood aaUU tote for Pperm. and tbe Lubricators are w.lt adapted for-car . wbeela and matblnrry generally. Non of ibem will gam," and all arv warranted to p tl- fiction In - vfry re-pect. . . j We wll kep snppilta for delivery brre. or will take order for dirtd d- Jheryai any i-I"t accc-- . , title by Railroad, ai t.etor prici, with cost ! transportation added. .,4'.-,, , . . . . . v, DzKOSSKT & CO. " pt gf s : ' - r.-.ttf The Iolicici ol llxe 'OVA ARE AS HOOD AS EVER. . - Call oa tb ' e. r. oroKGE, ; lortU Water Mrrrt. Oct 13