v. ". .A - 1 .- ' ' " ' , . Mi L ( i SPECIAL NOTICES A New And f; ran J Epoch in JZedicioct Dr. Maootju. It the founder of new Medic! Kuirm! Tnnf Marian. bot rat Internal dost enfeeble the atooaebe and- paralyze bowcll, faait ffle precedence to tbo njn lO III Au WOO I from one io twoof IjU extraordinary ndcnrc the mo. t rlrnU'.l .nnt with t btlt OrlOOf hi WOU nd i! tK!i2 Hlre. Tbetwo Jfrtrt pcctOc nvmnng u wv . "1 ! -i ii ...... r.. lot intu-npiiinr' an iuo ncur i . j ........... ffbrfr. Kxtraord narycnrts - . . t ly Magsriel's Pllla 'and alre have .ojned the j eyt oi the public u vce 'BCW;i3",TtT ! UrSSi nllaarenot of the r !.-. that are wallowed by I the doien. and orwhlct.cTery box lull taken ere- ; atet an aUolote nrtrelty tor another. One or fio f Zdd'i Pilla .uflce to place the bow- el in perfect order, tooe the atomch, creaU an ! Petite, aud render the epirit. light and booy- ; .. . Ti.ra t no irrt&lnif. and no reaction in the ?orm of cLnsiipation.' 11 the Urer ia affected, lu .,. . r.. rontuni! tnd If the ner ton a erttem ! t J II V W f J 1 u inh!t: It la inviirorated. Tliia-laat Quality nAke IbeiBwJiciUfca rery Ueairaoieior me warns - . . . m mm.' uf dUic-teTtmAlea. Ulcerous and emptiro di iitr-itv .tiuuuiiifd br thn di4nf. t-i. i ant pow-r t! Magnet saive. ia uti. u ia ' hvre announced tluit Mapgiel's Dillioo-, j Ursneptic and Diarrhoea Pills cure, where i III out r. Uih' Wtille for Burn., Scalda, CWL bhtln. Cut! and all annulon of the akin 3Iair- 1 all annulon of the akin Slag- eiel's halve b Infallible, bold by J. Magoiel Waive la Infallible, cold by J. Magoiel L 1 line Street, .New York, and all DrnxicUU, ax f ept 14 . 592-1 r. ! .' ' - ' ' . i. . A CARD .TO 1 2M V A L I P s- A Clergyman, while realdlng in South Ameri t t m a nilaaioaary, diacorered a aafu aod aimple remriJy forth Cure of .Nervous Weak ties, 'Early lK.a$, DievM of the Urinary afid Semiral Or Oiii,ttuJ the whole train ol dlwrdcra brought iy: b neful aud rlcioas habits. Great earn , have been already cured by this noble Prompted by a deairc to ben :fit the nd uufori.uua.te, I Mill seed the recipe .mug aud Using this meutclne, in a pealed to any one who needs IL rt qj 'Ji.try.. ' : .i'h-e loelose a post paid envelope, addressed :o yourrclf. Address, JOSEPn T. INMAN, Statioj D, BlBLI UOL'St, New York City. Vs9 S05-ly W. II . LIPPIT T , DRUGGIST AND CM MIST. Always on hand a full and select supply cf PURE MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, - DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, BRUSHES FANCY ARTICLES, etc., etc. Prescriptions accurately and neatly componded. 4 ' No. 55 Market street. .. P. S. Store open from 6 A M. to- 9 P. M. Persons wishing prescriptions compounded at night will please call at my residence on Second street, betweea Dock and Orange. Oct n . ' S:i4-tf TO PLANTERS AND FARMERS. The Lodi Manupactukino Compant, ( stab liohcd luce 1S40), having ihc cx.lu?ive control ol all the i.ight o'tl of New York City, offer lor Sale, exclusively for Caeh'a. new article of. Double Rcfiued Pondrette. Warranted free from impurity and rubbish, which tiny will sell for ..Twenty Five Dollars per Ton, delivered ou buard ot vessel in New York cUy. fThla artlc'e, which Is pulverized as fine ae flour,! has no equal for Corn, Cotton, and Tobac co, atd is equal to No. 1. Peruvian Guanj iu the proportion of two lbs, for one of Guauo, and bet ter than tue'best brands of Super-Phosphates, "' ' - , .. . a coarser ariicia at iwunty Hollars peP WiT Sample seut b mail, free; ou receipt -of 3 cent stamp. Bend lor pamphlet, and be convinced. Address the Lodi Manufactudng Compauy," ... COCourt'audt Street, New York. Rocky Mount, Edoecomb Co., N. C. Jlr. Jlxmes It J)cy. , Sir; In reply to your inquiry of the results of our experience in the use of your improved Pou drette, purchased of you for this yeair's Cotton Crop, we would beg leave to say that the present season has been one quite unfavorable to the ac tion of all fertllir rs. Several klult of Manure vxrt uxd by w, with the exception of your Jbu drette, wltu llttfe or no etret to the crop. TFAre the Jhudrettt xcdut applied a gave im near half abate , more per acre, and caused the Cotton to open, much earlier, and we would therefore re:omtuend the same aa a concentrated'manure for the growth ol Cotton, as wdl as improvement to the noil. Yours very respectfully, - v -J1 P oTULTS fc BRO. Nov. IStb, 186d. . 13 SX-6 w DATCUELOIW HAIR DYE. ; This splendid Ualr Dye Is thob.-stiu the world, rhe only true and perfe t Dye Harmless, h'elia 'le, hibtuntaneous. No disappointment. No ri dietilous liuts. Natural Black or brown. Rente die the ill effects of Bad! D e. InvUrorates the hair, leaving it solt and beautiful The genmue is signed William A Bateheior. All otLers are mr Imitatlous, and should be avoided. Sola t-.VUJ. Prussia and Perfumers. Factory SI iitu-iay ftrevt. New York. ' Jti?BliWAHB or COCSTEKFEIT. , Vv.V I LBERfi'i GERMAN OINTMENT. Warranted a certain cure, without the slightest 3 ''ffvr, lor pues, old wounds, scrolula. salt r.ieum, all bone and skin diseases, c: 8ole Pro-V-iietor, F. SCHiLBERG, 93 Bowery, New York, at,'t!. or sa'e by all respectable Druggitts through out the ited States. ' 0 j -- ' - V., , 418-v - THE FRANKLIN BRICK MACHINE, JUST VT CELEBRATED for perfect simplicity, great strength, and immense compressing power, is GUARANTEED, with eight men and two horses, to self-temper the clay and make 3,000 to 3,500 elegant brick per hour. J. 1L RENICK, Proprietor, r i , Xo 71 Broalway, New York, Room C9. fcbl ';, , 410-3m ; MARSHALL OFFICE, : ; Crrr or Wilmington, N. C, i "u - January 22d, 18G7. f THE IOLL AND EAL ESTATE TAXES in iLls tity forlSOti are now due. All parties ow h.g these taxca will please pay the same ut this ofuce hefore the first day of March next, as they jtuuit be collected ty that time. ' - ', v;. !f.'::': r. ransom, .... . " V.: ; ' . . Marshal. : 402t.6tMch TO 3IARRY v OR NOT TO MARRY T WHY NOT? ; ;' .r- . ' .5 ' Serioua Rcflccilons for Young Mtu, in Essays of the Howard Association, ou the Physiological Errors, Abuses and Diseases Induced- by Igno rance of Nature's Laws, in the first age of man. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free d charge. Address, Dr. J.SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Ho waVd .ssociatlbn, Philadelphia, Pa. . jaulS . .;. C5-3m COLGATE'S MONEY SOAP. This celebrated toilet soap. In such universal demand, Is made from the choicest materials, is mild and emollient In Its nature,' fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the skin. For sale by all Druggists' and Fancy Goods Dealers. - . f . march 13 113-ly - sruc.vD tiic truth. i "-t i.t. it. i undiiruifiCu - '.. ; ' " -.fj It ' ma I'M ! adr'rtwe wTi r;;: be. yaecr rexsoning mi. t .....- . i .. . ,- . vAfi rut nrm au a-iicJewblch the worid need ! hn a corner-that Uneflt and blessings may be 1 . r ,t 1 wiucij uui:w- 7- --. --o t and reatorlii beallb Hiouia oe acioseaooopoiy 1 nd not axc.lb; to aw.- ldc rniawii mo. I it Uvor lhn that: t f'MAitfWar ?SurtK 1 - - . . . k r T" t i' L' E r ' u u i i iiusil.1 Biuwu BITTERS an b- i oIa.c ipcflc for djspejit, bU4ouc4 and nenous debility bad nerer been known bejond e9'oJ the ftcttj. 1t wooM . tKrtn the consequence? Instead of caring aDd Inv,sonain; millions the good effect of the . . - 1 A - preparation would hate Uca confloed to a corn paratlTe few. There is the highest antbortty lor x that ht shoald not tc ux under boah- r J ... .. . . , , . ; tuat wLaterer u excewen, snou.u u j that whateter U exceUeut should be placed as a citr on ahilL where ail men Cin take cuu- 4 r ' it Tt Tii,rm thla nrininle that the tTTTna .,iriffu and continue' to v" ; " f ,Bri)raml be dvertied in every newLaper of any promi- nence in tae western nctni-ipaere, uvi iu ll)ODU,K.OU4 'u-stimonUls in it tavor have be n t ... . ,r - lttnm ,..,,., . xh.m.and translated into alf written Uuuarses. Thuand enjoy perfect neJtn to-oy uu wyuu . c enjoy perfect beiltU to-dy ;.t,ihlnr on titds ot icknes trulshinsr on beds ot icknes if the newspapers d tJ lhetruth KiUl regard to thu u yuacf iruyorant and Ojrrtrtive far and wide. Su ikvic profit has been naped Irooi this pablicit. une- P ity. i i - . . -. -'-- - - . . - ' ... f Is thai .my armament ag ilast tt ? If .the public ; . . . u . )...n f iiu r a nBcn : Tin ii rn l i iiai i. ux.'vm aneed: if the fet-ble have been itrenjjthened and the sick restored, great good ha. been aecomplithed ; and who o mean a to grudge to cxertioua thu directed their fair reward ? ftb5 r 413-codlw-wlt Coal Coa1! t( TON? BEST RED ASH COAlnow lOU Undinir and for sale at $3 ou . vrhfirf, Or ts 50 per ton delivered PETTEWAY dec 23 WILVIfNfiTO.N. N. C . FEBRUARY The correspondence between Mr. Seward and Sir. Motney haying evoked a resolution of the U. S. Senate, requesting a copy of the letter upon which Mr. Sswakd's letter was based, the following epistle was submitted to that body : . To the President of the United States : PAitfs, Hotel Maurice, Cct, 23, 18U6. Mr. President: I have traveled a good deal in Europe during the last year, and liad occasion to see something of our Ministers and Consuls in various countries. A large majority of those whom I met with were bit terly hostile to you and your administration, and cxpressed that hostility in so open and offensive a manner as to astonish American travelers, jnrid to leave a very had impression ' on Europeans who were present. This was particularly true of those from the New-Eng" land States,' tf whom a large majority of our foreign representatives seem to-be composed, and a very indifferent set Uicy are individu ally and collectively. . ilr. otley, Minister at Vienna.-does not uretend to conceal his "disgust," as he styles it elegantly, "at your whole conduct. Having been appointed ex clusively by Charles Sumner, he applauds him anil his revolutionary doctrines, despises American Democracy, and proclaims loudly that an English nobleman is the model ot perfection. is not in all . , . i . c . T T7- T " ""r- ,.. traveler in.ii ourancr is eniireiv lustineci. and yjusi xnai, yeu nave cieseriea your principles in common with Mr. Seward, who, he says, is hopelessly degraded. At Frankfort," the Consul Murphy, "who is said to have cleared more than 100,000 through his ofiice. de clared repeatedly that the threat of his friend Z. Chandler would be made good and ought to be, by your impeachment. This is notori ous, and a public scandal. The iellow himself is vulgar, ignorant an1 unworthy, and is one of Chandler's tools. Kale at Madrid, con denied your course in a malignant manner to various Americans, and so did Morris, at Constantinople. Some of my friends who went to Moroccn, heard Mr. Moth, at Tan gier, rail violently, and shamefully against you, saying lie was ready to retire from such h concern, Perry, at Tuni3. was equally of tensive in his language. There are' many others in the same boat, and it is time that letter men were appointed men who will at least respect the President and the dig nity of hi 3 office. Radicalism, of the worst sort, makes wiTTm you, and your frionds, under every pretext, and yet the instruments of that taction are blatant all over Europe in condemnation of both. It is a shame and a stigma to permit this longer. Massachus etts seems to monopolize a lion's share of the Consulates, and B ston hasn le tha i three first missions, Messrs Adams, Burtingame. and Motley. Is no other part of our founta in be considered worthy of notice ? .'-Mut Gen. Butler, Phillips, Chandler and the like engross all the honors fr their statellites? I want nothing at your hand, of any sort; but tit and decent men should be sent abroad, who will' not slander the Chief Executive nnd the Government. The Consul at Genoa is a common drunkard, and a disgrace to the country. When sober he abuses th 3 Presi dent in the hearing ot everybody. Respec table Americans are very much mortified by the presence of such 'unworty persons in places of trust and responsibility, and few like the task of letting their experience be known, as I have done. There are hundreds who know more, hut 'prefer to remain silent. Most' respectiull v, GEO. W. McCUACKEN, of New York. A friend will deliver the note personally. Since the publication of this letter, the New York Tribune annoyed at the exposure which Mr. McCkackex makes, respecting affairs in Europe, has the following unworr thy and unjust criticism of Mr. McCrack ex, who, though evidently a Democrat in the broadest sense ot the word, seems to be from hi-! letter a, decent and intelligent gen tleman : G. W. McCiacken. of New York.; is the man who w rote the letter to the President alniut the iufamois conduct of our Ministers and Consuls iu Euroje; of which Mr. John son spoke to Mr. Seward; of which Mr. Se ward wrote to 3Ir. Motley; of which. 3Ir. Motley wrote to Mr Seward : as to which tue Senate inquired, and winch we - present to the public to-day. George W. McCrack cn, ol New York, is thcmau who peeped through the key -hole, who listened at the crack, who was u'p the chimney, and who has been dragad out from under the table by the. cose; The Senate of the United States now hai George t 'McCracfcen. of New York, by that prominent feature, which he has poked about so industriously, and if the Senate should pull it lx:fore letting it go, we hopethat honorable . body will take Major DeBoot's adviceand pull it gently, gently, 'gently." ? . . , . s v. :' I ' ' & MOfillE. ; $7 tf . THE DAILY DISPATCH: , , T 11. ISti. There Xork t We have looked In rain for his name j n the New York J Brooklyn, and Jersey City rirectoricsL Nobody teema to know Vta, ' Directories. Nobody -mt nrot,ahlr nobodviwants to f r - . i lie is apparently me -wenj wwac i1 v irjXfjKli 1 u(L . Tnhi.i Jli. cuuiuii uiviuvi ....... -- - i rightful wbettier there is saco a person Geofe w i McCracken, of New York, for ercn ttie m ercn the mlaa rnljrar enoorfrto write txtclt 1 .-l- u .tnniH :.nn.il tn , tifrn lit trn rm GeorM W. 3IcCrack 1 1 i. i v "i'"'" c- - t.n fff York.! is, poibly. assnroe! to ennccal A man who. tbouirh not ashamed to do a 'dirty thiot was aibaroed to be known as the author. I V y " ' i Yet, upon such a letter as this, from be f innini? to ! end maliirnanC ditmstinsr. and I unmistakably false, Mr. Seward could ques- lion tUe patriotism m a rnn n L"'i"''"7 Mr. Motler. and ak him for a connrroa- i j a linn of the rfoWst slanders. A letter whkh j Crtila one "I me represemau ii mc utir.. ! Stat in Earooe a flunkey, another a Tolcar, ignorant tel!w. another a common drunkard I It is surprising that 3Ir. Sewanl did not at once perceive that the President was insult ed by such a letter, and inform Mr. Johnson of, the fact. It is more surprising that he should hare made it the basis of official action. When his correspondence with Mr. Mottev was published, it was leliered that, thou"h nothing icould eicue the tone of Mr. Seward's letter, lie must hare had ?wt . . - f . - 1 . A authority lor supposinmuav gcminaiu nn (rpntlpnian and a renerrade. let. even ' - - - - r this-oresumotionl this atoIoirv for the Sec- retnrv,' was unfounded. George W. Mc Cracken, of New York, was ail the authority Mr. Seward had. George Y. McCracken,of New York.: n the mean little mouse which hH jcrawlcd out ot this mountain of scandal, and-hereafter, ve greatly tear, when Mr. Seward utters hiis prophecies. of wars ending in ninety days, the ; implicit faith of his countrymen will scarcely continue useless he distinctly affirms that "it was not George V. McCracken,jof New York, who to!d him so. The Tribune; charges Mr. McCnACKEv with having peeped thiough key-holes, lis tening at cracks and other indecent things, by wliich it exhibits no more than its usual 1 malignant disposition. It was perfectly compatible with the highest sense of honor for Mr. McCrackes to have reported any public officer, and it was bis duty to do so if he believed the allegations made to be true, as he evidently did believe, nor is there, anything connected with this whole affair to justify the faintest suspicion that he exag gerated any fact or was actuated by any but the highest motives of patriotism. It was much more disreputable for Air. Motley to retain the position held under the administration entertaining such senti ments and seeking to conceal them from the President, though publicly abusing and rid iculing him abroad ; and such a course on his part was in keeping with what might justly be anticipated from a Boston yankee. As a citizen of the United States, having at heart the fame of his native couujryy Mr. McCracxen wrcte the letter in question and sought not to shield himself from the respon sibility of this action, which fact is a conclu sive answer to tltie slanderous slur ot the Tri bune ''"that he was ''dragged out from under the table by thej nose." For unless lie had uithorized the yielding of his name, as the t lieTresTdehT," colim na VUlTO tfofa f?Ieceeaca to the Senate's demand for the letter. Perhaps, as the Tribune and Mr. Sumxer charge. Mr. McCracken is an obscure person, still he is nevertheless worthier than the hy pocritical Massachusetts Senator, the calum nious Tribune, or the "disgusted" and dis gusting Motley. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. Scaecity of Labor. There are now in this city some dozen planters who want from five to twenty-live farm laborers each, and who find the greatest difficulty in pro curing any. They offer good wages and good quarters ; with steady work for the spring, summer and fall, but to no avail. Ye understand, too, that there is a gentleman here, who wants a large number ot hands for Texas, who oilers transportation and support till they arrive there and then good wages and constant employment, and who has suc ceeded in getting but one man. As yet there are perhaps thousands of strong, lazy negroes 'oaring about this neighborhood. What should be doue with them. Xevbcrn Com mercial. A Good Crop witii a Small Force. Dr. J. P. Redding, of Bay river, with eight hands and two mules, made 55 bales of cotton, 250 barrels-"of corn, and between three and four thousand bushels of potatoes during the past 'season. Jfevc hem Commercial. Engraving. by 3lACrriNEnY. We have re ceived from J. C. Guerrant and B. J. Field, ot Leadesville, C, a very jiicc little speci- liitu ui uy ineir maenme, patented Dec. IS, 18G6. They Jptorm us that it will do all kinds of engraving; that it can engrave the "Declaration of Independence" io a circle cf one quarter ot an inch di a me ter, and that it be read distinctly wifh a magnifying" glass. -.Tjie macjin.e is adapted to engraving the inidvs of finger rings and all other surfaces. We hope shortlv to pub lish an illustrated description of this ine nious machine. American Artuan. " Eighty-five students have entered at the Deat and Dumb Institute at Rak. -a this year. The Magic Laxterx Impostzr. We stated yesterday that one J. T. Leak, the proprietor and exhibitor of a magic lantern, was seeking to make money out of the good people of North Carolina, by pretending that his enterprise was in aid, and that he was the accredited ag.nt, of the Ladies' Memo rial Association of Oak wood Cemetery. Since the publication of the article we have " re ceived the following fmm 3Irs. M. IL Smith, President ot the Oakwtod Association, which we hope our 'North Carolina changes will copy : j " ex- hditor of the Richmond Time: ' Mr. J. T. La,k had never been authorized ? by us to exhibit his magic lantern ' in the name, or lor the benefit of the Ladies Me morial Association of Oakwood. Nof has he ever been invited to aid us tn any - 1 MRS. M. H. SMITH- Prts't L. M. A. for D.'of Oakwood.' wi 6 Solium . Wulum ti. XT- TTl.l .t. . f editor of the Standard. left the city, last! night in post haste for. Washington." There's a screw loose no doubt, at it is past mending by the Ex. E. G- we leara that he is alxnt as well known in Washington ai he ia in North Carolina. RaUigh Sentinel.- UISCELLINEOUS. J.' E. FREEMAN,". 1 THE UNDER signed inform hla old pat mm and the publiv jrenerally Uml be has taken an Of fice at hla o d land on the cor ner of Mat ket and Send Btrwrta. nearly opplte the City Hotel. Bein In toe lon of all the modern improvement he i pre uAred to extract teeth withont pain by means cf txiUEOSani KIIIGoLENE. llarim: veen m this trofesftIon sixteen years be is confident of ; idvinir sa Ufactkm, aad will warntut all work ex-1 T,Sa h- kirn.-4 M'i..., in Terms "rvaaonabe to suit the times. J. II. FKEE3IAX. feb d . ! ' V 410-tf DISSOLUTION OF COPARTfJER SHIP. , WlLMlNOTOH, Vcb. liT. THE PARTNERSHIP hirctoforc cxistlci; be tween Abraham Weill and Joeph I-rderer, ooder the rame aid etle of A. WEILL 'A: CO,, is dW'Olved by mutoal consent. All parties indebt ed to said Arm, at 129 Market Street, wi-1 make payment to A Weill fc Co., No 13 MarVct Stnet, who alone has the right to r-ettle the fame. ABRAHAM WEILL, JOSEPH LEDERER. 13 Market St. 13 Market St. ORIGINAL STORE, OLD STAHD. To the Ladles and the Public Ceneratly, ot the City of Wilmington and .Surrounding Counties. A. WEILL. G. I! OS E NTH A L. THANKFUL FOR the liberal patronage ex tended to our firms at 13 aud J9 Market Street, we announce to the 1VADIES AXD PUBLIC, that our connection entirely ceafes at No. 'JO ; Market Street, and we shall be under obliirations to our friends and customers to bestow that lib H! n FTAHLTSF.n STORE, No. 13 Market Street, where we shall j" studv to ilease. Our senior partr.tr, A. WEILL, hs left for tl North and we will, in a few days, be in posee-siou ofanew and fresh stock of LADIES' GOODS, in all its branches, generally. TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE In addition, we shall continue to Improve our , WHOLESALE tvTOCK in every suitable to ; the Country t ad e, which we will sell ou very I reasonable terms. Very respectfully. A WEILL & CO. ' Remember the Old Stand, and no Suc cessor to our Business." feb 5 413 tt VAIiUABIiE JPROPJERTV FOR SALE. HHHE UNDERSIGNED offer at private eale. the JL lollowing valuable real estate, situated iu the i town of Morebead, N. C. , Three lots of land, situated in Morebead City, ; being numbered 6, 7 and of block b0, aud j further diseribed as follows : Beirg at the corner I j of said block, which isthecoruer ot Bndgva - and. : j Sixth street, measuring ouo hundred and tiity i feet by one hundred feet. . : j . Also a two -torv wood frame building, forty j 1 feet souare. double oiazza front ai d nar. con-i tainiug Parlor and Dining room, connected by. j loldiug doors, nitre sleeping rooms, besides four . rooms in the altie, all pluetered. Conmctcd j with the house is a kitchen 14x24, containing; cook room, wash room and store room. Iu the rearot kitchen is another building 14x24, used as a wood house, with two-large water closets. 'J he , Beaufort, N. C. i 40S-tf jan SO For Sale. FOR SALE OK EXCF1ANGE for City proper ty, a desirable firm in Moore Couuiy. hea ed about two miles iroin the Westeru Railroad, a the intersection of the Raleigh and Carthage and Fayettcvilie and Egypt Couutv roads. The farm consists of 337 acres of laud 10J of which is cleared. Ube dwelling, kitebtn, barns, &e.. are all in good repair, ou the prem ses is a tine fctorehouse (formerly one of ike , PiJStotliees ol the Couuty,) at which a good business was done. There are also on the premises 100 very good Apple Trees that have been bearing about live years.- .. . . Any one wishing to pui chase, or exchange city property for the above, cau get the particu lars from L. F. BUNN, or WM. LARK1NS. feb 9 . 417 lm Cotton Yar-n. BALES ASSORTED YARN. For sale at WILLARD'S, 30&31 North Water street, 398 1m an IS Guano. TONS NO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, NOW landing, and for sale low, at I WILLARD'S, SO & 31 North Water street. Jan la - r i SUS-1 m Pork. '10K Bbbs- PORK New CitvMes, Kumo and jfrims Mess. For eale at WILLARD'S, 30 & 31 North Water i-treet. 3-lm jan IS JQ nUDS. CLAYED CUBA, IO IIIID3. PORTO RICO, To anive'per steamship Juno,' for, sale from wharf, by O. G. PARSLEY & CO. .Ten 10 412t Corn, Corn, Corn. AAA BUSHELS PRIME WHITE CORN, OxJW ' expected daily. . : 2,000 BUSHELS, now in store ard for sale at lowest market prices, by " O. G. PARSLEY ac CO. feb 10 f13-1. 1 Hcary Cily 31cs Pork. QQ BBL3. FULL WEIGHT, IN STORE and to airive per steamship 44 Juno,' fqr tale at lowest ! 'price,:by ' ; ... 4 O.G. PARSLEY A CO. feb 10 '". l?vlt v - Bacon. - f 1 A II ! II B3.. WESTERN BACON. - If or sale at WILLARD'S, North Water street. ' - r .- KUclm i Vr;u-' Cheese; ; - - - qQ.EOXES STATE AND DAIRY CflEE3i2 .. :vV''Joraaie - .-. Vi ' 3 I !-J Vf : r ' WILLARD'S, tZO&Zl North Water street. , - I , ... snippiNc; FOR NEW YOCIEC G-oodsteed's X-iino THE FINE FIBJT CLASS I? R O I ETHEUS,' J. T. DCCKEIT, Commander. tnt t i.faVE OTR. WHARF, foot of Dock and Orai.ge streets for above port, oa Tuesday, 12th iat. ' For. Freight or Faarr, arn-iy o WOKTUdi DANIEL. Ageut ic New York : C. GOODSPEED. 40 West rtrcct. 41G-U feb S Baltimore and AYilcilcon t z. a yi ship ia i x e TI1E A 1 STEAMSHIP A tt E S A. GA It Y J. II. WILSON, Commander, ILL SAIL FOR BALTIMORE, on WED i NE-DAY, the 13th inst., at 12 o'clock, M. j ATKINSON & SIIEPPEHSON, ! 11 fc 12 North Water street feb 10 418 ts A NEW AND GRAND EPOCH IN IVIElDIOIISrE! PILLS AND SALVE. ''pilESF. wonderful medicines are now so fa J miliar to the people that but little ecdorae ment of their value as a physic need be made. The Pills of Dr. Maggiel coutalu no... mineral, i Thev do not gripe, and they do not enfeeble the j; system by extreme purging. They are universal in creating I A VIGOROUS APPETITE ! j And correspondingly strengthen the digestion. They tone the liver, clear the head, and steady j the nerves. To those who are not familiar with ! t tie use of DR. MAGGIEL'S. PILLS j as an anti-billious remedy, the following extracts j from various letters wi'l be, it is hoped, of sulli- eient importance to justify the quoting of them here : i WHAT THE PATIENTS SAT Or DR. MAGGIEL'S PILLS AND SALVE X lie U151 1 1110 iui utauovut 1 v 1 v 1 u.u( t " My liver works like an engine," thanks to ; your Pillf." I "I am pleased to say to you. Dr. Mairgiet, ; that 1 would not be without a box of your ; Pills for curing me ot morulng nausea for the ', world." - ! 44 You will tind enclosed oue dollar. Your Pills are only 25 c nts, but Iconsiderthem worth : to iii' one dollar." 44 Deak Doutok My tongue had a fur on it ; every morning like the back of a cat. Your ; Pi Ho took it away." ' ' " T aud VtTf-ltnYfjer.y'to 'LiVliuie babe for ebole ra morbus. The dear little pet was well in three houie a'ter." f "I suppose it is bardh worth while to tell vou my burned foot has got well from the use ol your Salve. Enclosed tind cents for another box to keep in the bouse." 44 Send me another box of Salve." 44 Enclosed ti.d 75 cents lor two boxes of your Mngiciei's Pills and o;e of Salve." '1 he most gentle yet searching medicine 1 ever swallowed." , . MAGGIEL'S PILLS AND SALVE Arc inmost universal in their effects, and a cure can be almoot always guaranteed. I5 FOR BiLLIOUS DISEASES Nothing can be more productive 01 cure than these Pillo. Their almost magic iutlueuce is felt at j once; and the usual concomitants of this most j distressing disease are removed. These reme- dies are made, from the purest VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS, j They will not harm the most delicate female, j aud ean be given with good effect in prescribed doses to the youngest babe. ! FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS J And all eruptions of the skin the SALVE is most ! invaluable. It dots not heal, externally alone, j but penetrates with the moat searching effects j to the very root ol the eviL j 4 DR. MAGGIEL'S PILLS j IUfVARIAllXY CLEE THK roi.LOWjro DISEASES : j AMhma, Headache, ' l ....... I I . t . t 4 . ' j uuncn vuujuiLis, inuiesiion, tOUgUS, lnlluenza. Cotdb, iiiflamation, Inward Weakuess, Liver Complaint, Low nets 01 ipiriU, Ringworm, Rheumathm, Salt Rheum, Scalds, '. Cheat Diseases, j Costiveuess, Dyspepsia,. ; Diarrbuiu, ! Drops v, j Debility, i Fever and Ague, t Skiu DUeacs Each box contains 12 Pills. ONE PIEL IS A DOSE. 1ST Notice. Noue genuine without the tn- graved trade mark around each pot or box. signed. j wwivn j. .MAintiKL, rew xor lork, to conu- scrieit wl.icb is Icloiiv. l ; ol l oy all respectable Dealers in medi eines llirougbout tue Unit ted States and CanacL.s i at 25 cents per Lor or jot ; sept 14 203-It LEA &, PERRIN'S CELEBRATED WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. peosocscid cr .EXTRACT of a Letter from a MEDICAL Gent I em a n at Madras, to his Brctfcer at WORCE&TER, May, 135L "Tell LEA A PERRINS that their SAUCE is i-lLIy esteemed in India, and is. In. my opinion, the uiOt-L palatable as well as the most CON N OISSEURS to ur ths " Only Good SauL1 aai applicable to E r e r f - Vtriitf 1 -' or wholesome Saucs that la made.' DISH The success of this most delicioua and unriv aled condiment having caused many unprincl- j to Spurious Com.- pled dealers to apply the came to Spurious Com pounds, the Public is rwpedfuUy aud earnestly re quested to see that the names ' of Lzx At " Pra kiks are upon the WRAPPER, LABEL, STOP PER and BOTTLE, j Manufactured by - 5 - LEA 6 PERBIN3, ' i Worcester. JOIIN DUNCAN8 SONS, Menta., STEVMSniP i . - ..si I SI UEDICINAL. S. T. 18CO X. V n, bnrnire bfcatsre and experience demoti 3 at rates, that tocTtr would enjoy tb plcasom I wf fod the bmtties of landscui tbo Joys ol j com inionbi p the richness of literature or the j btHMjrs or station and renown preserve their I fTetfthm , m ,, . 1 . t The stomach u tLe rvcepiacic oi an nmu. mnt,d tb fountain trom which all part el the body, dcrUc sustenance The effect of foul Injurious food entering the stomach, ts to dersngt tlc digestive organ and produce leudjche, to cj mtiprtae, nurrfrt4l VrA, fitted breath, Uw epirU$ crrruA tumiy cxnMhmUivn. imevpneity Utprrfvrm My incut or duty, dr., aud are the SJUip- totiiS of that horrid disease. DYSPEPSIA, Which assume a thousand shapes, and points towards a mimeroLU life and pmMoiure decay. The Medical Faculty has labored for generations to discover reliable appetizer and the proper mtaos of overcoming stomach derangements. Certain ingredients have U-tn Jong known as partially el ective. Among these were CALISAYA HARK A- ST. CROIX RUM; An Invalid physician, sojourning In the Ironical Island of St. Croix, observing the habits of the natives, gathered the recipe lor the final accora piisbment of this most imiortant cud. The arti cle ws first um1 as a private medicine, when Its salutary eficeU becoming known, It was brought out uudt r the name or DRAKE'S PLANTATION HITTERS. They act with inorring power, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage They perform most wondeilul cures in stubborn cases of D)tj tetvla. Liter Complaint.- Nervous Affections, ! Loss of Appetite, Intermittent Fevers, Diarrnara, Mjur Stouiacu, JleaUaelie, iever ana Ague Weakness, Mental Depoudency , tc. As Mrn ij ajitucr and ajler dinner Uxic, they ehvuld le in every family. 'J hey are a delightful, exhileratlng ptuftulant, tciltout any tvbfHetd etupefying rrac thu. IMPORTANT CERTIFICATE. Rocuestiu, December 23th, 1661. I llessrs. P. 11. DttAka.' Gentlemen: 1 have tat fered terribly with Dyspepsia for three or four years, and tried many remedies without effect. I liad to abandon my profession, aud suffered grest ,ly from ever thing I ate. I have now tried the Plantation bitten they helped me I continued their use, and am now nearly a well man. I know Ot several similar cases. Rejpectiully yours, . Ret. J. 8. CATHoaK." S. T. 18C0 X. Intelligent persons and physicians can judge o the eCicacy of the Plantation Bitters from the fol lowing partial formula: CASCARILLA It ARK ' Was kuown and used in Germany for Dyspepsia, Chronic DIarrhura, Cholic, Dysentery,' and Dis eases of the Ston.ach and Bowels, as early as 1CJ0. DANDELION. For Inflammations of the Loins and Spleeni Dropsical Affections and Biliary Secretions, Obstructions of the Abdominal Viscera. CALISAYA, OR KING'S HARK, in Whs unknown to civilization until the middle of the 17th century. Humboldt makes favorable mention of the febrifuge qualities o! this article as an Antidote to Fever 4 nd Ague, Intermittent and Malarious Fevers, lu his extexsive South i American tmvcM. The Countess, wife of the lAieerov of Peru, having experienced the beneri- 1 tiaivuects-vi ims utiH, rui it 10 Europe lit H40. 11 was soiu uy me Jesuit roi tno cn&rtnoue un of Um owt. tceigld in eilver, and was thus called .U suits' Powukr. Iu 165JJ, Sir John lalbot cm ployed it with great success In France, hi the treatment of Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Nervous Affections, Loss of Appetite, Weakness and De bility, Palpitation of the Heart, Dlayrbea, Ac.,1 uuder the name of English Powders; and in lu7t', he sold the secret of its origin to Louis XIV, by' whom It was divulged. It is now a standard rem- j edy in all Pharmucopceia, and is employed in pre- lti.riu iuc rmmsiion oilier. Cuimotnillc Fluxxr, for enfeebled Digestion; WiuUryrern, valuable for Scrofula, Rheumatism, i nd Nefratlc Affections; Lavender Vows, aro! i matlc, stimulant and Tonic, highly Inrlgoratlne In Nervous Debility ; inly, au aromatic carmina- tive, creating flesh, muscle and milk. Much used to nursing. 3. T.- l8GOrX. t Another Ingredient of remaikablc and wonder ful virtue used in the preparation of these Bitters, is a native of Brazil, aud as yet unknown to the commerce of the world. A Spanish writer says : "administered with SL Croix hum, never fails to relieve nervous tremor, wake fulness, disturbed sleep, dec, and that it is us-d wiih great effect by the Brazilians, Spanish ' and Peruvian Ladlea to heighten their eolor and beau ty. It Imparts cheerfulness to the disposition, vigor to the appetite, and brilliancy to the com plexion." We withhold Its name from the public for the preseuL ' To the above are added Clove Buds, Oranre. Carrsway, Coriander, Snake Root, Ac, all pre! served in perfectly pure i li ST. CROIX RUM. The tonic properties ol 8L Croix Rom, and Its powerful iuvigoratiug effects, have Urn lour known to, the physicians of the world. Bilious, intermittent aud Chill Fevers, e&gen dered by the change of water and diet of travel eiw, particularly on western rivers, are preven ted aud cured by the Plantation Bitters. They are also reliable to prevent sea sickness. WHAT OTHERS AV I PuiuADEXnxiA, 1st month, letu day. laui Txuiujrjussi.-.WU thoa senJ me an other dozen ofthi Bitters f Nothing has proven so bcneritiaJ to my Invalid wife or rnVselL aa tha Puliation Biturs. . , . Thy &lf tt9 . Isaac HowLaso." r - N. B. The secret of the immense sale of the 2fnD Bitten U their yuaranlmi purlty. VlrrfSLlrV nd eTtr7 article 'uaed! 1. tv. r. 1 Dot represented. if.T bi,ttlc sold byallreaUbleDrug iwtlJ r"! Hotels and Resta u ran U through OUt the World. Be InHlrnUr tt.,. K,.l- r the fac-MimiU of the Proprietor's slgpatnrv - - T tt - rr itrn i. P. II. DRAKE Ac Cb. . N. 21 Vark Row, New Yorkw apriH6-lC4-eodir or, r octSO -4 i ' t .

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