- . , . . v. j. , . . ' ' :: I VOL. 11. i! :' J ' ' WILMINGTON, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 13, 1867. NO. 420. -t- - THE WimifiQTOH DISPATCH f jKOBINSON & SMITHfrorrietorfe, PUBLISH KI DAILY AND WEEKLY: Term8o! subset iplinii, invariably in advance Dalit, one year..., t in cm t s - t 00 ' MX toOUlti.. KATES OF ADVERTISING: ' Advcrtisemcut? will be inserted at 51 wr square tor the tirst Inscrjtlon; $.i 50 per week, and fS Ten lintb or lesa constitute u square. j 'r " lubllcatjlon inudc without a rcepoiisii l.fe uarne. j ....... j . j.. - j M LlXESl OF TRAVEL. ' I i , Wilminslon & Ueldoa Railroad, OFFICi CuiEf ENOINEEK t SUIT.. Wilmington, Nov.; r., j 7 ' CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. i 7NiAND AFTEU MONDAY the 5tb inst., i y j tlit; lollowinjc fart Schedule of time will W -rnj!1 over inisi uaiiHay. GOING NORTH. Lhive Wilmington at.. I: ii j' ' Arrive, at Goldsboro' at. .4.45 A. ...11.15 A. . . u.as A. ..: a r7 p. . . . 2.CK) P. M. M. M. M. M. Arrive at WeUlon at Mil - ! GOING SOUTH. .. 6.3o P. M. 11.00 A. M. .. 7.35 P. M. .. 3.00 P. .M. .11.50 P. M. .. 8.00 P. M. . . 4.:,0 A. M. Iieave Werdon 'at tt 44 rri've at Gtildotjori at I . Arrive at Wilmington .. . . . . . . . t 'tt i tt . j j ClOfcC eounectiojns are made by both trains go iu: SOUtll. ' ' j ' '' I The o A. M. train bom ilmington, and It a. M. traiu from Wtklon, do not run on Sunday's, j j CIoj-c connections are made by the 11 05 A. M. ji train both ways bbtween New York and New Or- jj .'leans. . - . j , jj Bv the train thiijt leaves here at T1.05 and the t ' oiie'that arrives hiere at 4.".o AJM., close' eon-' ii- ctions are mado between New York and New 1 Oiieuus.; Connetjtioiirt are made by ttie other trams but moretifine is required. To go Noutli bj Bay Line, leave at 5.00 A. M.; to go by Anneinebsix, leave by the if .05, A. M. train. Either train connects by Richmond. Close .connections ntGoldsboro with the N..C. Iraiim by the 5.00-A. M: train, and. by ' cither to Newbern. i ! S. L. FREMONT, . Cliicf Engineer and Superintendent. iiov 13 :"4:5-tf Wilmington & Manchester R. U. rricE Gen. Suit. Wil. .& Man. R. Road, Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 3d1, f 1 1 ON AND AFTER MONDAY the th of Nov. the following Sehedule will o into efl'eet on thw Wilmington and .Munehester Railroad. j 'EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily at. .... . 4.50 A. M. -Arrive at Kimville 3 30 P. M. ! Leave KlnVille ' 1:45 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington daily at. . .10.43 A. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave 'Wilmington. daily at S..U0 P. M. I Arrive at Kinuhvillc , . . &.00 A. M. Leave King&villc " ....... 4 30 P. M. Anire at Wilmlntou daily at.... 3.45 A. M. Co e connections made by both trains at "Wil- .'luton with the Wilmiuton and Weldou Rail road ; at Florence with the North Eastern Rail road for Charleston, and at Kiiussville "with the South Caroliua Railroad. Wm. McRAE, ! j General Superintendent. nor 4 ' ! ' -tf j ! TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, PFICE, i 11. R. Co., av 20, !Sa3. ) Wilmington, Charlotte & II Wilmington. N. C. May 'ROM AND AFTER JUNE 1st, 180, the Mail Train on this road w.ll leave Wilmington at . M., ou Mondays, Wednesdays and i ndays, And arrive in Wilmington at 4 o'clock, P. M. WM. 11. ALLEN, Mater st Transportation. ; may :1 , ; ' iMf ! 1867:11111011867 TO WHOLESALE BUYERS OfUY. T HUE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PLACED his entire stock of Dry-Goods,' &c., in j the hands of Messrs. Cronly fc Morris, w itli the intention of retiring from the retail business, i' bogs leave to annouuee to WHOLESALE BUYERS UEMsRALLY ; that he will open about the 1st of March uext on the 21 and 0d floors of the building, known as Exchange Corner, an entirely new and eom-i ; pic stoek of ? FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS,! READY MADE CLOTHING, ROOTS AND SHOES, , ! lIATS, NOTIONS, Scc, &c.i Also, 44 Cedar Falls," "Reaver Creek." and other favorite. jSheetimrs and Yarns at Factory' prices, which hd will olfer to the trade in General at WHOLESALE ONLY, at the lowest Market prices. ' Terms : "A credit of sixty (60) daysfor nc;otia-1' ble paper, or 5 per cent, discount lor cash. Entrauce 2d doors from the Southwest Corner of Market or Front streets. J. II. ANDERSON, J Exchange Corner, Up Stairs. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. CO, 1807. : 4(K.i-tf IJppittV Confectionery. THREAD IN ALL ITS VARIETIES FRESH, MORNING and EVENLiG. FANCY CAKES AND PIES TO SUIT THE MOST FASTI DI0US, i ! FRESH EVERY DAY. ! net 31 3S2tf AGENTS WANTED FOR the Life and Campaigns of en. stOMciyall.;. Jacksou, Prof. R. L. Dahnnv -T) T nf Va G o'clock, A. M. on: Tuesday?, Ihursdaya and Saturdays, and arrive at Sand Hill at 3 o'clock,; P. M. Returuinz will leave Sand Hill at 7 o'clock, r STANIARD BIOGRAPHY OF THE iztd bv?-rt.lJllero- Tue on,y edition rnthor ary bt-n? ldw' and published for her pecuni Chitfor tnff iLe autlir apei-soual friend and an A ctnt f tlie Christian Sdldier. Wc want and see ou?f every county- Send lor circulars AddS WLat thC PreSl.6a3'3 of tbf Corner 7?0N.L PUBLISHING CO.. 1 jn 15 Cr 7tU and sts., Richmond, Va. 395-lmdAW J toL gSe P PE SCHOONER BEN 50 7 genuine Peruvian Guano for sale by jan 10 MURRAY & CO. 8861m HOTELS. THE CITY HOTEL, Corner Market anil Second W IL3r I NGTON, X. Street, xv FREDERICK, Proprietor. riMIE UNDERSIGNED X opened the HAS RECENTLY CITY HOTEL and bespeaks fu-r it under it uewj1 ma.uatraent the patronage of tLe traveliing'public He gives the asuranee that it will be conduiled n a ttyle lully equal to the demands of the times. the Parlors and Room?. iil be thoroughly refitted AND ELE GANTLY REFUIiNISHEI). The table will be well' kept and loaded with aii the ' 7 DELICACIES AND LUXpKIES that the Market affords. The servants rill be at tentive and polite to "guests ; and everv depirt ment completely organized in tuch a inauncr. us to render it an attraetive m anv eUnilar establish ment in the South. 'I I... !-....-:... : . - u. a luputiur promises mai no pains or ex pense shall be spared to render thi3 HOTEL a N. FREDERICK, . i Proprietor. W ilmington, N. C, Jan. 22, 401-tf Journal copy. j ' MILLS HOUSE, MEETING ST R i E T Charleston, S. C. T 1113 UOLSE HAS BEEN i liUKOCGHIA repaired and relurnished. and cannot be ex- eelled by any in the city. 1 JOSEPH. PUECELL. Proprietor. iam 28 i 05-tf warn PROFESSIONAL.! JOHN W. 15IXSIAI,:? Attorney and. O oiiti sellor sl1: Law. Ao. 2 ISny Street, ' -FAYETTE VI LLE, N. C. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY to all business intrusted to hia care. Claims eolleeted anywhere n North Carolina. ; jan 'Jd 4".T5-tf i JOUN A. RICHARDSON. THOS. H. SL'TTOX. RIGHARDS0N--&'.8UTTOHr Attorneys... and lOotiii ( ' selloi-ss ait Lav9 E L I Z A It E T II T O W N , N . C . All business entrusted to their care will have prompt, attention. jan 404-tf 4 JAMES C. DOBBIN. A T TORN E Y A T' t A AY I'aye'teville, X. C, OFFICE CORNER BOW & GliEEX STREETS. w ILL ATTEND rilUiin'Ll TO TIIJS. olleetion of Claims and other business en trusted to his care, uov G NEWS ! , NEWS ! FROM DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS; Heavy Reinforcement t 1 :' OF -. ; CL.OTIIIXG HECJKIVEBV AT '. HAAS & C O'S. , R MR. JACOB HASS jt "returned from a business tour through NORTHERN CITXES, and having purchased a stock much cheaper than I heretofore, we are prepared to offer to the ' . - 1 CITIZENS OF WILMINGTON,. and the public generally, the finest assortment of I . HEADY ' MADE CLOTHING. GENT'S FUliNISHING OODS BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Ac. at a HEAVY REDiCTI from what they have been sold this season. " ' j j . We wc uld most respectfully call the attention of the .' . ' t! LADIES i - . . i .1 to our beautiful assortment of BOY'S AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING. ir - " v... ... " ji They arc of superior make to any ever offered ii - ' i -. . ' ' II in this market. Our rf 1 IIT"11TT ri mitmnft'n TM70IDTUPWT jui.nL'XiAiM i AiiAMviv urrfltt"imw attends to orders oromotly. and suits are guar anteed to fit. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. T3Leleus ;& CO, , . Front Street near Market, ' 'Old Stand ol Hedrick & Ryan pleasant ana agreeable resting place for thewav- larer, und tne in everywav worthy ol the support ll:ilIiam Jiooru, ot ilertlord, 3Iorehead, Mor- i and encouragement of those who desire to tus- ' Ml rril1, Xvikl, Pattou, Ferry, ot Wake, tain a well eouducti d Hotel. .. liiehardson, Rountree, RusS, Scoggin. Scott. ' has i I THE DAILY DISPATCH WILMINGTON. FEBRUARY 13. lStJ7. NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. SEC05D SESSION. HOUSE OF C03IMONS. atleday's Proceedings Coxclcded. on the stay law. Raleigh, February 9. ilr. Crawford, of Rowan, asked the jeaa and nays on the passage of the bill. Ttie yeas and nays were ordered, and the bill parsed its second reading, as follows XT . .. r m . . . y;is -rM-n t den, Beasley. Black. Blair. Blvthe. Bovd. Rnvo Brown, Br son, Carson, Chadwick, Clark, Col- ..u-, 1ai-jn, uauutuu, iuruam, ji,Tereii, rar- row. Freeman . Gambril ' Garrett. Garria. God- win, Gorham, (iranberrv, Gues Henderson, llenrv. Hinnunt HnMnrhv Tirrir. nfu'.f., llorton, of Wilkes, Houston.1 Jenkins, of Gran- vilie, Joues, Jordan, Kelsey, Kenan, Kendall, i-ainam, 01 asningtout Lee, Lyon, Lutterioh, ufacturinS Connuny. the Xef Market Fun iiay J.tUammy, McGocgan, McKay, Moore, of i nn., M!innf r(lin.Lnr -cf PhM. Dunlin. Smith, of ( vvtt.i v..n w.,r...K wi.t.u ' wii ' 1'rrn.n ,v,n, U -illl,.m f Pi.f UMl vl ' i Yaneev. Wonihii- VurU s.i ' 7. ' - ; ais.-Messrs uaKer, elements, cowan, Craw- 0Ja il- V;c 'ln: . VV. OI wK?D' Harper, iofCarVeVerReindV' ton, eimoreianu in. On voting, Mr. Patton stated that he doubted the constitutionality of any Stay Law, !ut being in favor of relief, was wil ling to Rave that question to the decision of the Courts. 3Ir. Peebles, on voting, asking that the i puciiou, oiniu;oii, cnuin 01 foilowin protest be placed on the journal, i corporate TaIe Rock baminary. Burke .;. I acknowledge the r.ecessity and justice ! county ; to incorporate the Merchant at id olrelief to the'people, and would cheerfully I Planters, Mutual Benefit Company ; tocstah vote for the bill, if amended as I propose'd. j !isu the dividing line between the town if Bui as the bill stands, it is the honest con- j' Salem and Winston ; to amend the charter victiorbof my heart, that, instead of afford- f Bingham Gold M.ining Company; to ii:g reiiet, it will cause three-fourths of the , incorporate the Hibernian Benevolent Soj honest debtors of North Carolina to be sold ciel' of the city of Wilmington ; to incor- out of house and home, within eighteen months. And-in the name of mv constitu- ! ents I protest against it. Mr. Ilodnett addressed the House in op ; position to the bill. The bill then passed , its third reading, and was sent to the Sen ate for concurrence in the House amend-' i mcnt. Mr. -McNair, from the Committee on Cor porations Reported favorably on the bill to incorporate the Wadesboro' Savincrs In stitution . Air. Davidson introduced a bill to 1 mak'l i valid the official nets of justices of the peace I'durinjr the war. Mr. Hutchison, a resolution appropriating j x il .. I . I ..11 C ' ten luousauu noiiais ior nie encouragement of immigration and the influx of capital to tue stare. Mr. Stevens moved to reconsider the bill extending the corporate limits of the town"! ot Elizabeth City, and then that the motion to reconsider lie on the table. The motion . nrvMilf.l A messenger from the Senate announced the concurrence of that bodv in the House amendments to the bill transferring the Land Scrio to the Cniversitv. The Ilouoe then adjourned. SENATE.. Raleigh, Feb. 11. The Senate w as called to order at 10i o'clock. REPORTS OF COMMIT1ES. M.r. Cunningham, trom the Committee on Propositions and Grievances, to whom was referred a bill to increase the fees of the in spector of naval stores, in the city of Wil mington, recommended that it do not pass. Mr; Hall, a resolution in favor of Ed mund Bradford, referred to the Committee on Finance. ;Mr.- Hall, a bill to incorporate the "Wil mington Hook and- Ladder Company, re ferred to the Committee on Corporations, CONSOLIDATION OF RAILROADS. Bill to consolidate the Atlantic & N. C, North Carolina and WTcstern N. C. R. It Companies, having been made the special order for 12 o'clock, was takenup. Mr. Love offered sundry amendments, which were agreed to. He then presented a communica tion from Governor Morehead, addressed to the Stockholders of the N. C. Railroad, wme time' since, which was read. Mr. Love urged the passage of the bill, that the same scheme had resulted in much good to other States, and he believed it would be of immense ben- to l)rlvate Stockholders as well as i those ot the State, f Messrs. Wilson, Hall and Speed opposed the bill, raised a constitutional question that , the object of this bill could not be accom i plished by a majority vote of the Stockhol 1 ders, as it was inconsistent with the present ; charter. If the Legislature pass this bill, it ' would be a direct instruction to the State ; proxy to vote for this measure, thereby over ' shadowing completely the interests of the orivate Stockholders. - f The .question recurring on the passage of j the bill, on motion of Mr. Harris, of Ruther- ford, the ayes and nays were called and the bill was rejected. , j Mr. Speed offered a resolution" relative to s 1 the subject of the reconstruction planrecoui- mended by Southern men. ! 1 On motion of Mr. Johnson, it was ordered j j to be printed and referred to the Committee f ir,i i ti: i Dr. Speed, in presenting this preamble and resolution, upon Federal Relations, said t that he alone was responsible for them. He ! drew them, and presented them upon his ! own responsibility. He had patiently waited to see if no one would move in the matter. ! The session was rapidly coming- to its close; he thought some expression or tue opinion of this General Assemblv ought to be made, that would strengthen the bands " of our Northern and Administration friendsyjf we . . TT 11 m mll(ua hltt AtPII mn . . jlac '""' " I rmininn miw hfiwnnld. eXDrcss himself at I the proper time . if . Eeccssary. :Thc resolu- ! tiou was in the possession of the' Senate.' He sliouict maKe no motion ai present, uiregatu tO it; A-messasre was received from the House ; proposing to io wiu iae jcicvhuu wi wuugc 1 of the SDecial Court "df Wilmington on to- morrow, J. X . Jirures JU uuiuiuauun ; ly lu the Honse. Concurred in. . " " r " lni maKing provsiuii iw ujc psjuicuw w-r the State bonds :now. due, and the interest j . on the debt of the State. Messrs. Berry and 1 Wiggins urgd the jasa-e of tLJ U!l, aid neiu las iuese note would be taken at tArt tbey Ua4 been so in South CitTulica atiJ would b- .l hT. T1-w ! t,-l'n-.j.l and ihisU the lcat nittho! f r t o, iogit 5r.HaUoppoeI the hill: his -tt-t objecUonlo it tw tuat he beliered it tvoqld be tbe xntana of driving out of the State other circulation. 3lr. Gash ftvorvd tlic principle of the LilU but coukt not vote (or it unless it was amended, to suit his vici. IPendtngiUdisctiion.iheSenalteadjoaraL-d fc w vw.w.n. HOUSE OF-COMMONS. L 7 RaLEJGI n, Feb. 11. The House was called to o'clock. A. it. order at IP Mr. Richardson, from the the Judiciary, reported back. Cmmtttee be ntavoniblyL e ! bill to extend the jurisdiction bf JusUces ot the Peace. ' Oa. motion of Mr. Cowan the Private Ckd- enaar was iau.cn up. I tu- .n 1. i- The following bills and restalutiona passed -'na ana rfi reauina unuer a suspension! ot ! tnc lulcs : bills to incorporat the -Newborn ! Memorial Association, the Wilmington M.Mtn- lips Episcopal Singing Society, ; .-Jcrus:dcim Lodge, No. 95. 1 1 . and A. M., Tucka-eiec ! dcA( atA Cnnurr "Iinin Coinpanv, the Vnamoei oi uomntra oi tl e City of Wi!- miDUtOU, aD(l JLCk Old 31 and Female , heminarv. in aurrv Count v. ' ... , . j A resolution w layor or Jicoi siut, a res- i olution in favu of Ilwrtou S. Reeves, a bill in fav.u: of the legal representatives of Wm ' E. 3Iann. late sheriff of Pasquotank county. a kill to incorporate Wilson Lodge of Frfe and Accepted Masons; ,& bill to autliori?e the lormation ji tue Lnghli and Auu-rican Wool and Yins-growing. Mining and Mao ufactaring Conipiny ; to incoi porute Caro lina Lodge, Fiee Accepted Masons; to ia- ! porate Lexingtn Mining Ciunp.my ; to m corporate the ravetteville Street Kailwav (Company; to incorporate the, -Wilmington j Institute, and to incorporate the Wades boro Savings Institution, severally passed second and third readings. j A message from the Senate anuounced its concurrence in House amendments to the Stay Law. , On motion of Mr. McClammy a message was sent to the Senate, proposing that thie i two Houses proceed to the election of Judge lor the criminal court of New Han over county, at 11 J o'clock A. 31. to-mor row. The nomination of O. P. Meares for tha pownon nas made bv M!r. Cowan, and ae quently o.ic'urred. Ihe Periitentiaiv Bin was . postponed ou motion of Mr. Kenan, and made a special order tor Thursday next. 'ON PC13LIC CALENDAR. A bill. to authorize a revisal ! the Status laws of the State, a bill to amend sec. 52, chap. 60, Revised Code: a bill in relation tio set on; a bill giving debtors wlioe tanas have been sold under execution the right ff redemution: a bill to repeal sec. 2,. chap. 3 Revised Code: and a bill to authorize al ministrators to pa'v for the sehoo!i;ig minor heirs; were severally rend the sicoi time and laid on the table. A bill to amend sec. .12, chap. .'52, Revised Code, and a bill to incorporate Pythagorhs Lodire. Free and Accepted Masous. pusd second reading. The House then adjourned. SHIPPLNG. LNGt lWi Baltimore and WilmiDSfton V L. 1 X 10 THE A 1 S "Si .. ffr?t- 'EAMSHIP J A M S ; A . A ll X J. II. WILSON, Commander, ylLL SAIL FOR BALTIMORE, on WED NESDAY, the ISth idsl., at 12 o'clock, M. j ATKINSON 5c felifc.PPtKSON, f1 tx i .iuiiu n aicrttrrti.i feb 10 41S Ui DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER SHIP. Wilmington, Feb. 2, li&' nnilE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing bd- X tween Abrahani Weill and Joseph Ledercr, under the name and stla of A. WEILL tz CO,, : ed to said linn, at Market Street, wi 1 make j payment to! A. Weilj fc Co., No lb Marl et Street, wno alone has the nght lo.ettle the fame. ABRAHAM WEILL, JOSEPH LEDERER. 13 Market St 13 Market St. ORIGINAL STORE, OLD STAHD To the Ladies and the Public Generally ot the City of Wilminzton and Surronndin? Conntie. A; WEILL. G. ROSENTIIAU. aHANKFUL FOR the liberal patrona-e ei X tended to our firms at 13 and Market Street, we announce to the XADliBS AlVD PUSLIC, that our connection entirely ceases at No. 19 Market Street, and we 6hall be under oblhjatiorjs to our friends and customers to bestow that no eral rwtronaare on our OLD ESTABLI3KD i STORE, No. .13 Market Street, where we shall t.U wnft t.ft for t f . r . . . - . Ur. nw rr1 fnvh trwL- nf l.nTC' GOODS. North ana we will in ft fw H ir hp !n 1OSealOri f f n all its branches, generally. TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE. T BiMiUnn w shall .ntlnne to ifflOTOTe OUT j WHALE i gomblc terms. - - - very respecuuii. . fv; a! vvelll & co. i f Ri Remember the Old Stsnd, and no Sac- lessor to our Bnjlneta.' feb 5 113 U 1 COH MISSION DOUSES. JM.. T. PTTCWAT. EXX-.tX MOORE. I L1 1 hll .i I a MUUHb in.vrn r-.u.mcctAv r-ttt t "uaa.c, $ : N OUT II WATER STREET nv; vVflrnv V ' WUtfiW.C. Q(PV.IT. CONSIGNMENTS OF 'COTTON. cul.mki tku- uviiil: .Ait r. i ur inr .vinuucinrm ltc prv(and to til. on the most reasonable terra, oidcis !ur i GEO. KIDD'S CELEBRATED' COTJOX GUN'S, ' ZELL'S RAWBOXE SUPER-PHOSPHATE, BROWN'S COUNTER, PLATFORM and RAIL- ' ROAD SCALES! IUvc constantly on band FERTILIZERS of all d&cripliouft. . jan '.'7 40Vtf i WM- b. mits, jxu. n. bktan, jk wji, cvixr n cmitu 9. nnrinMK iuia u gitiiin s uuiiirHii 40 A 42 FayetteTille St., Rnlrifb, If. C 82 Daronnc St., New Orlenn, PUDLISIIEItS, nOOKSELLERN AN STATION E ILS. ICCU2R5 AND UXALEKS IS ALL CIXCS OF I - . School Hooks, Standard and Mlsc-llane- ouv orkft. Masonic DooVs, Jeweltj jcegaiia, I'liotert' supplied, Ate. an -'0 400-tf JAMUS SUACKELFORD, SHIPPING' AND COMMISSION MEW-f CHANT, WILMINGTON. N. C. ld?T Con? ij.meut of Merchandise and Coun try Produce tulieited; and all business entrusted to my eare will have nay pcreonal attention. Lumber order will have attention. oet 10 SH-tJ fcAM'L. N. CANNON. JAJkfES STOKLT. CAXXOX A: 8TOKLEV, GROCERS AND COMJIISSION MER CHANTS, No. 4 South Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. oet 1 3l-tf 8. W. "VICK, C. r. MIB1SK, of Wilmington. of Alamance county. W. V. HKYNOLLS & BKO., ol Norfolk, Ya. yiK, MEKAXK ifc CO., QROCERS, ' FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . Corner Chetsuut and Water street, Wilmington, N. C. bcpt SO .,. , . , ... - :S06-tf ALEX. JOJI.srCX, JR. E. T. MCKETXL4N. ALEX. JOHfgSOfJ & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 8 South Water Street, WILMINGTON X. C. tept Pi 20-ti c. k miadlmull m. r.wiiiTAKEB,'!. MCHOL3 Cum bcjo, N. C.;Enhcd, N C. j Baltimore . fi endeiiliall Ac Co., Cotton, Tobacco, and General COMMISSIO N M E R C II AjN T S ; ANl W II O L E 3 A L E O R O C E R S, :;7 .fc South Calvert L, Corner of Water St., Ballimore, Sid. I' july'J taO-tjang A.. J. DEUOSSE r. W. L. DEROS3BT. GKAJLA.M OAT w UlillOSSET & CO., I (Fomterly Deliostet & Urotcnh EsTAiiLiauio 183U. . j , GENEILVL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. G North Water Street, (up stairs,) WILMINGTON, N. C, WILL GIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION TO the purchase and sal of produce ot every description, aud to receiving and forwarding goods. feb 20 i 117-tl A. A. WILLARdI WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES aKI) GENERAL MERCII ANDIZi Commission and,, Forwarding Slerchant. N 'ii) NORTH WATER STREET, Wilmington, N. C. Refcks to JeeiC H. Lindsay, Esq., Cnshler Rank Cape Fear, ureenstioro, N. C. Rev. C. II. Wiley, Suiierinteiident Public School ior the State ot North Carolina. Meters. James Corner A Son, Baltimore. Mcg&rs. Duwiey, Corners Af Co., Kew York, jan 'j 30-tl UEO. UAKHIS3. W. W. HABRIS. A. i. HOWKLI. H Alt HISS & HOW 2 LL, GENEKAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, t NOKTIl WATKH STRCEt, n ilmingtoot Ti T'.Ki WAICtt STREET, NfcW YORK. T 1BERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGN- MLd incnta to our New York Houbc on Produce, winch will be forwarded throughl tree of com- m'sions. f ' ports and places in North, and couth Carolina, by MCgOUT ?,arnr' y ind 'f1.0! "I plTer to encetoNew lork. , Railroad?, bteam iioats and a shipping point, and tht All i.liiiimentw lIkhiIiI ho lpninTian1f-n nv cmn. ping ing receipts and Invoices from yoint of ship- aent, when Insurance attaches through to New ment York oet 9 A. MOFFITT, W. V. MOrFlTT. JOHJI ltTLAUSIS. JlUmi li IW(U.i.U,t ( GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. Sorrir Waieh Urn) XT. ' Wilmington, X. CJ TTfTTLL riTfetrombt t)cronal attention to the ' VV sa!,; or shipment of Cotton. Naval Store. General Produce, etc., etc. Also to recelvln aud forwarding good. Orders solicited and promptly nil nov 27 ttftl 1-wtJm C H. ROBIN SON, JAS.X. SMITH, F. O. alex. a. smith, of Curoberhkod. - . HODINSON. S 31 ITU & to. fSneecssors to C II- Robinson & Co.l and Cos tin GENEILVL COMM:ilcSION.MERpnANT3, Wilmioston, If C. 2Sl-tl . SOL. HAAS CO.. SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS ; . Water, Street, A, . ' j Next door and adjoining the store of Hi M. Baxrj, CA8U ADVANCES! oafle on consignmenU i. Partlculsr at un tlon will be given ip cocslgn menu of 1 amber. - oct 11, , X 1' 5 , 315-U cofljiissiox nouses. SH U'PIXO C03lMISSIf)X ME2!pIIA2fT8, Vllminctao, N. C jan IS UllLiAJU4 At itt ltCIIlSON, . COMMISSION MERCII AKT3r ' AJtr . . . . n'UOLLSAL'Ii OKOCEJiS, Wtlmin(ton9 X.C., HAVE REMOVED TO THE NEW ETURE on North Water Hrrt. tx jewrta ol Ctu tom lloune. 1 not 4 i yut-lta j a 3i lis a. wuAimr"" . (rvxvt< wtLLAJina cikti,) t GENERAL FORWARDING AND 7 " , ! COMMISSION MEnciIAM, j AND AOtST rO 1 -ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, ; or HARTroRD, cxxx.t No. no North Water Street, WRinltigtou, N. C, WILL GIVE jeronl attention to the ptif ch.-ue and eal of Prod ue and Mrrcl aiidUe. : oct s sttj-tr i t. uruHiT, New York. J. T. JL M UK RAT, WUmlugton, N. 31 V Illl A Y A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. IN Front Street, Nw York. i:. MURRAY J CO., r BBOLXIALS GROCERS AC031MI6SION MERCHANTS WTLMIXOTOX, X. C. jui7 U&Stl rXTEX XALXJCTT. CBAftLKt UOTTUXH, GEO. II. 1IAKER, WITH MALLETT & HOFFMAN, ' GENERAL COMMISSION 3IERCHANTrJt No. 10 North U'atcr Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. atw ami DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, &c. JAMES McCOIt.MICK, 02ERCII AXT TAILOK, No. 35 Droad Street, Chnrleton, S. C. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In CLOTHS, CASSIMERS AND VESTIN(iS, CiENTS' AND HOYS' READY MADE CLOTHING, FUKNI81IIN GOODS, TA1LOIW TRIMMINGS, etc Jul? 13 - sri-tf SEA-FOWL GUANO. DR. HAYES' OPINION OF THE B. D. SEA-FOWL GUANO. ANALYSES OF THIS GUANO, MADE IN the way of learning the proportion of tho active substances present, and their tnodo oi changing in composition, thow this Ouauo to be admirably adapted to the great staple of agri cultural production. The organic part conoit-ts of the excrement of fowls, organic ard fcoluLle fu!U of ntnnionlft, animal matter In a state of decny, with oily and fibrous substance, und humus Tlasu fljrd about 4 per cent of ammonia. ' " The soluble part contain pboiphatcs of va rioiii bascifi. eoual to hbout lrletri r cent i f b iti i phwpfutt rf lime; while ihe wuuio piiop'iatei present amount to 44 n.r cent, counted o bout ! ihosphateof lime. ' ' i i Sulphates, chlorides, and crnat cs of fclkaliue ; base, make up the remaining parts of this Cut- no, the whole, being la a condition to dlsolrc In the soil, and become assimilated by the crop. i This Guano has also a fermentative power, and will notonl Induce this action, but It will ex ' cite the h'umatcs In the soil to render op any ammonia they contain. ! It will be fccen that ho.p?iori: ocU.qna!to ! about tixlttn ptr cent if fane photpJiate qf lirn, du ! tultw f'f'j in water, and tLat tho forty four per i cent, of bono phosphate Is all soluble, tnoUture . ! and time being allowed. ' With these phophati i there will be about twelve percent, of orgtnlcj j compounds, affording four r cent, .of pure , ammonia, apart from that obtained from hurulc ; compounds. Thec are projortlon.4 which expe 1 rlenee ha deroonstrtttd us lormlng a wM-bsl- j anccd Guano, of special value In cotton cultlra ' tlon, and aleo adapted to other erppe. i Compared with Peruvian Guano, the latter sp ' pears as a saline, exciting Gunno, well adapted to hastening forward a crop in a backward sea ' son, or to excite the production ot grass. It can not be used in consective seasons, as the B. I). Sea-Fowl Guano can be, as the latter leaves fer- i tilizine: matter In tho boil each tlmu It is applied. ! ana inus auas ) ennaneni vaiue.m me iana. . The exact balance fonnd betUecn the solublo phosphates, of different bases, and the ammonia ; producers, as well as the condition of the less soluble phosphates, is a most Important feature ' In this Guano, and one which places It by the fcide of Perurian Guano. . In all applications wherr thr hent of fernien- tation necessary to hasten the germloatlon, and ' the food adapted to the prowin plant In all IU stages, are required, this Guano Is of great ral j uc, and it may bo ued with ccmJUenc In making : any of the staple crop of p'antatlou culture, asp Rcsncctfullr. A. A. HAYES, M. D. State AsMijcr. -0 State S r., Botok, 36 December, law. For sale by jan lii E. MURRAY Jc CO- CVJ-lm VALUAB M3' ' FROPISliTY ! j v r t t v " i rPHE UNDERSIGNED offer at private sale, ihe : L following valn-ble real estate, fcltuatcd In the ! r.r S, .a -m r ' M. . . -. . . . . . !,... DCjnr D further numbered C. 7 and 5. of block bO, and furtber dbcribed as follows: Bel up at the corner of said block, which U the corner of DridirM and Sixth street, measuring one hundred and fifty i uuiiureu iv. ' ! f . AnrttJr. via front Tear, i ron- i tainlnir Parlor andbininc room, connected by 1 rooms In the attic,; nil plastered. Connected with the house Is a kitchen Hxvi, conuming ! fnntr rmim wnnh l-fom and fctore njoin. Iu the I rorr.r LifrhmUanntbrrbnildinrMxiM. uedaa ! buildings wliL be sold with or without tho land. ; For particulars address ' ' " . . . - il i ALLEN &. 6UYDAM.1 1 ' . . . Beaufort, N. C. JSS W 1 . JUST 'RECEIVED I V late arrivals: ' ! I iodpt t a vrw V(n ir niTV ivil POPTT i JL BARRELS HKST FAMILY FLO UK, ! FULTON MAKE ET UK F. - wv v w-. a. . tiii i If Vi TJI'TT - SALMON, MACKEREL, CIlEEaE. ; - CANNON STO K LEY, 1 if-r Preserved CJiiicr, ' GUAVA JELLY, at II and IU Front meet. - : ,-iUiAS. l. MYERS, 'AsruL V