j f m I tfOL. II. WILMINGTON, IV. C, THURSDAY MORNING; FEBRUARY 14, 1867 NO- 421. J w Dra h i ' ' 1 ", ' " , ' ." " " - " 1 1" ' ' - " i THE YJLLIINQTOll DISPATCH. ROBINSON & SMITH, Proprietors, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY. Terms ol subscription, invariably in advance : Daily, one year ......... ; ; . . . 6 00 ,' six months 4 00 RATES OF ADVERTISING:. Advertisements will be Inserted at f 1 ir square for tbe first insertion; $3 'SO per week, and S per month. . ' Ten lines or less constitute a square i No publication made without a resoonti- hlc name. - .. , LINES OF TRAVEL. r . ----- - - j Wilmington & Ncldoii Railroad, j Orricit Chief Engineer A Sltt.. Wilmington, Nov. 3, 1806. f . T.I CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER MONDAY the 5th Inst., the following fast Schedule of time -will be run over this Railway. GOING NORTH. Leave Wilmington at.. . -L45 A. M. i - tt 1L15 A M Arrive at Goldsboro' at. ..."."."..".".".".! 9.25 a! m! . .:.-. i 4 ... 2 57 I' M Arrive at Weidon at 1 2.00 p! I-:-44 44 ............. ... c. p. m. GOING SOUTH. Leave Weidon at... ..1,1.00 A. ..7.35 P. , . . 3.00 P. M. M. M. M. M. M. Arrive at Goldsboro' at . . ii i i tt ii Arrive at Wilmington . . , . .11. 50 P. . . . 8.00 P. . . . 4.S0 A. Close connections urn made by both trains go- ' inij South. ! The 5 A. M. train from Wilmington, and ll.ii, M. train from Weidon, do not run on Sunday's. ! Close connections are m:idc by the 11 05 A. M. 1 train both ways between New York and New Or- j leans.' By the train that leaves here at 11.05 and the one that arrives here at 4.D0 A. M., close con nections are made between New York- and New Orleans. Connections are made by the other trains but more time i.s required. ! To go North by Bay Line, leave at .5.00 A. M.; to c;o by Aunemestix, leave by the 11.05 A. M. train.! Either train connects by Richmond. Close connections at Goldsboro with the N. C. trains by the 5.00 A. M, train, and by either to New hern. ; 1 S. L. FREMONT, ! I Chief Engineer and Superintendent, not 13 ; :M3-tf Wllniinsfton & iManchestcr R. R. OrriCE Gi iKjr. Sun. Wiu & Man. R. Road, mingtos, N. C, Nov. 3d, 1SC6. j Wilmi ON AND AFTER MONDAY the 5th of Nov. the ibllowiag Schedule will into ellect on the Wilmington and M mchester Railrortd. j EXPRESS TRAIN.; Leave Wilmington daily at .1.50 A. M Arrive at Kingsville 44 ....... 3 :J0 P. M. Leave Kingsvillc ! 44 ...... . 1.45 A. M. Arrive at Wilmbigton daily at.. ..10.45 A. M. ACCOMMODATION T11A1N. : Leave Wilmington daily at 8.20 P. M. 5 Arrive at Kingsviile j 14 S.U0 A.. M. ; Lrfkre KiJigsvillc I". 4 30 P. M. Atriveat Wilmington dail' at.... 3.45 A. M. Co e connections uilade by both trains at Wil i ington rith the Wilmington and Weidon Rail road; at Florence wita?the North Eastern Rail road for Charleston, aiul at Kingsville with the South Carolina Railroud. Wm.McRAE, Ocueral Superintendent. mix I i t OOO-II - -f- j TRANSPOUTjATION OFFICE, PFICE, ) II. R. Co., av 2.j, 18(K. ) Wll MIOTON, CllXKLOTTB tS K. J 1 i - IWilminL'toh. N. C. Mav jlROM AND AFTEli JUNE 1st, 1800, the Mail !? Train an this road will leave Wilmington at 6 o'clock, A. M., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, i and arrive at Sand Hill at 6 o clock, P. M.; Returning will leave Sand Hill at 7 o'clock, A. M., on Mondavs, Weduesdays and Fridays, and larrivc in Wilmington at 4 o'clock, P. M. I ! WM. II. ALLEN, j J" Master e-f Transportation. may 31 ! 1867T U.).-tI 11 1867. TO WHOLESALE BUYERS ONLY. 1 PHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PLACED 1 i his entire stock of Iirr lioocls, vc., m thej hands of Messrs. intention of retiriuif Crouly c Morris, with the lrom tue retail liuiuess, beijs leave to aunounf u to i j ; . : WHOLESALE SUYERS GENERALLY that, he will open about the Ht of March next, onlhe 2d and 3d floors of tbe building, known as Exchange Cornerj; an entirely new and com ple stock of 1 . 1 ' FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOOD:?, READY MADE CLOTHING, I BOOTS AD SHOES, ( HATS, NOTIONS, Ac, &c. lAlttO. "Cedar Ffdla," "Uearer Lreek,'- ana other favorite Shettmes and iarn$ factory prices, which he wil offer to the trade in General at WHOLESALE ONLY, at the lowest Market "prices, f 1 ' (Terms : A credit bf sixty (00) days for neotia- ble paH.-r, or 5 per f cnt. discount for cailu ( Entrance 2d doore from the Southwest Coruer f Market or Front 1st re ets. J. II. ANDERSON, Exchauire Corner, Upstairs. Wilmington, N. (f.. Jan. SO. 107. XMfj Lippiit's Confectionery ITS VARIETIES, B READ IN ALL FRESH, MORNING and EVEKI G, i FANCY CAKES AND PIES Ii r ... I ' - TO SUIT THE MOST FASTIDIOUS, FRESH EVERY D i.Y. octal 333-tf AGENTS WANTED FOR ' the Life and Campaigns of lieu. Stonewall JacLson, By Prof. R. L. Dabney, D. D., of Va. TIJE STANDARD BIOGRAPHY OF THE A Immortal iierp. ihe only edition ruthor- ! ized by his widow j and published for her peeuni- i srv benefit. The ( author a personal friend and' Chief of Stuff of thK t:hriitian Soldier. Wc want ' au Agent In everji county. Send lor circulars and sec our terms, ;and what the Press says of the work. Address! NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., cr 7th and Main sts., Richmond, V ' Corner jan 15 a. SU5-lmdw '.o.-l OPeriwian Guano. TCST RECEIVED PER SnTTnnvT'R rtjv sn tM tons genuine Peruvian Guano for sale by 1 MM STOIK HOTELS. THE CITY HOTEL, Corner Market and SeeouJ U31INCTOS. N . Streets, WU3IINCTOJI, N . C . S. FREDERICK, Proprietor. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED JL opened the a HAS RECENTLY CITY HOTEL, and bet peaks for it under its new management the patronage of the travelling public. lie gives' the assurance that it will- be conducted 5 n lully equal to the demands of the times. a 6tv!t? ihe rarlors and Rooms will be thoroughly refitted and LlLE- GANTLY REFURNISHED. The tables will be well kept and loaded with ail j th DELICACIES AND LUXURIES that the Market affords. The servants w ill be at tentive and polite to guests ; and every depart ment completely organized in such a manner us to render it as attractive as any similar establish ment in the South. The Proprietor promises that no pains or ex pense bha.ll be spared to render thU HOTEL a pleasant and agreeable resting place for the way farer, and one in everyway worthy of the Eupport and encouragement of those who desire to sus tain a well conducted HoteL N. FREDERICK- Proprietor, Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 22, 401-tf Journal copy. MILLS MEETING HOUSE, STR EET, . Charleston, S. C. rpiIIS HOUSE 1IAS BEEN iUOKOUGIILI J repaired and reluruished, and cannot be ex celled by any in tlie city. j JOSEPH" PURCELL. "Proprietor. lau 20 'J5-tf PROFESSIONAL. -A-ttorney guild. Ooiin sellor "sirt X-iSlw. i ' Xo. S Hay H Ir e e 1, FA YETTL V.ILLE, N. C. WILL ATTEND PUOMPTLY to all bus-incss intrusted to his care. Claims collected anywhere u North Carolina. , ' , j jan 2o 405-tf JA.1IES C. DOD1IIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW Faye'teville, N. C, I. OFFICE COItXEli BOW t G RE EX STREETS. WI' trusted nov G 7ILL. ATTEND . PROMPTLY' TO THE j L-ouection 01 llamis ana other business en- trusted to his care. ! 1 ; novti 37-11 iL..'. - Li iL-i ' ,' ,. gj g t NEWS! TTTl T7"0 f j Jj Jjj I ! j j FROM DEPART3IENT HEADQUARTERS. 'I"-" i- Ileavv Reinforcement OF AT- HAAS & CO'S., O1 kUR MR. JACOB HASS has just returned lrom a business tour through the NORTHERN CITIES, ' ' ' and having purchased a stock much cheaper than heretofore, we are prepared to otfer to the CITIZENS OF WILMINGTON. and the public generally, jthe finest assortment of 1 j READY MADE CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS: BOOTS, SHOES. HATS, ore. at a HEAVY RlEDtlCTIO X f rom what they have been eold this, season. Wc w old most respectfully call the attention ' of the i Hi DIE S to our beautiful assortment ot BOY'S AND YOIJTII'S CLOTHING. Thev are of superior niiike to auy ever offered in this market. Our . MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT j . I . i ; ! attends to orders promptly, and suits are - guar j j- : an t ecu to ht. - - i - ; . i Give us a call beJore purchasing elsewhere. Haas i CO. . . i : Front Street near Market, Old Stand of Iledrick A Ryan 337-tf dec 19 N. C. PRESBYTERIAN. hipt T? T fiF.ORGE is our authorized J Agent for the City of Wilmington, to solicit ; nrt rwi-te fenoscnDViuu u - - n.,t..T,a UrrMt rrniation in m ei, can offer'uun.uaf advanUges for . r K;n mn. We will make con tracts for the quarter,half; or whole year, t Tery J moderate rates, - vjjllbk Editor N. C- Presbyterian. Fayetteville, Jan. 4th, 17. ggi- THE DAILY DISPATCH. WI L M INGTON. FEBRUARY 1C 18Q7. NORTn CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. SECOND SESSION. Raleicr, Feb. 12. The Senate as called to order at half-past ten o'clock. Prayer ly Rev. Mr. Atkinson, of the Pres byterian church. HEPOftTS OK COMMITTEES. Mr. Cunningham, from the committee on ProDoMtioas and Grievances, to whom was referred a bill to irrant amnesty and Dardon I to females recommending its passage. Mr. Johnsou, from the committee on Cor- j porationi, to whom was referred a bill to in I corporate the Wilmington Hook and Lad fder company, reported favorably. Mr. Hall, from the Joint Select committee, to n horn was referred a communication j j trom the Governor, covering a report of the I j- Attorney General, relative to the Cape Fear ! Navigation company, report the following : ! i. HefohtJ. That the Solicitor of the 5th Cir- ! cuit be authorized and instructed to file an ! infV,rnH.ti;,n 5 r, tho natiirAnf. V """"'tw Mr. Averv, from the committee instructed tq report some plan to change the. Judicial ' system of-the State, reported a bill, and on his motion, it was ordered to be printed and made the special order for 8 o'clock Friday night. On motion of Mr. Wiggins, the revenue hill was made the special order for Thurs day next. rxrrxisiiED business. Biil making provision for the payment of the State bonds now due, and the the interest jsjs. Wilson ! oil the debt f the State. Messra. Wilson i and Berv discussed the merits of the bill at borne length. Xv. Lerry, at the close of his j wucnj apprcation mav be"made tor further par remarks otlerm an amendment which - was ticulars and explanation), and must be accompa ngrted to. 3Ir. Speed ppoke at 5ome length ! nied with the names of two good sureties, in opposition to the bill. Mr. Wiggins favor- i The advertisers do not engage to take the ,i u -Tr rnvJn.tfnn tii-,.itt i? I lowest bid, nor to accept any unless, the charac- edit Mr Congton thought it as not t er means and suretie3 of the bidder are sati.fac Iree trom objections ; he had been anxiously torr, and the amount of tlie bid within a certain waiting for a better plan, but as nothing had sum.- ALFRED DOCKER Y been presented, he should support the bill. 1L J. STEELE, Its further consideration was postponed for 0 . . . v. l01A StlOIjlTlilOCi E ., . .. if .. Rockingham, N. C, Jan. 21st, 10b. the present. . ! jaa25 404-iawlw-w4t A message was received trom the House, 1 proposing to go into the election of Judges j for the Spec ial Courts of Craven and New ; Hanover. Concurred in. Messrs. Meares, I Wiight arvl Waddell were put in noruina- t tihn for thf rnnntr nf pw TI:innvpr ivliirb r nn A s . . . f. . f. n j. .. ,r 01 ir. Jieaies. The Senate proceeded to ballot for Judge of the Special Court of Craven countv. es""rs- G-eoige Green and David Carter in nomination. Mes-rs. Perkins ;and Koonce superintended the election, which stood as 1 follows, in the benate: Green 32, Garter 3, j viz : Messrs. Harris, of Rutherford, Snead and Gash. l I,ECIAL OllDKK. j Bill to abolish imprisonment for debt, was taken uj). Mesai-s. Wilson and McCorkle ' opposed the bill in speeches of some length, j Mr. Speed favored its passage. The qnes i tion recurring on its passage, on its 2d read ing, the ayes and nays were called, and the ! hill passed by a vote of 24 to 12. Mr Cun- ningham moved to suspend the rules and ; put the bill on its 3d reading. Lost. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Raleigh, February 12. The House was called to order at 10 o'clock, A. M. REroKTS OF COMMITTEES. A large number of reports were made from various standing committees. Of these the following were most important : From the Judiciary committee, by Messrs. McKay, Kenan and Richardson, unfavorably, ! a bill to be entitled ''the Mechanic's Lien ! Law;' a bill to make valid official acts of i Justices of the Peace during the war, rnd a : bill in relation to hunting on the Sabbath. A resolution to republish Winston's re- ports was reported back, favorably, from ; same committee . ; Bv 3Ir. Waugh, from the committee on ; Propositions and Grievaiices, unfavorably, a j - bill to repeal the ordinance 01 the conven- tion,prohibihng tlie sale, ot spirituous liquors at Company Shops, By Mr. Harper, from the committee on Finance, unfavorably, a resolution appro priating $10,000 for" the encouragement of immigration the influx of capital, &c HILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. ! By Mr. Everett, a bitl Sujierior Curt Judges to empower the to hold special terms. By Mr.. Perry (from the Judiciary com - mi t tee) a bill to authorize courts of taw 'to. grant relief in cases of lost negotiable lxnd, j bills and notes, : By M-. Harper, for the committee ou Fir. i nanee, a bill to change the mode of appoint ing auctioneers. By Mr. Holderby, a bill in relation to final settlements fetween Guardians and Wards. : The House proceeded, to rote tor a Judge jot the criminal court of New HanoTer county, 3Ir. Guess having nominated Hugh ' Waddell, Esq., and Mr. Murrill, Hon. -Win. f AWriijht, of New Hapover. " ' The Coniaiittc that superintended this I election subsequently reported as follows: i Vhole vote-cost 139, necessary to & choice 70, For Mr. MearesvC3. vFqr Mr. Wadlell, 159. For Mr. Wnjrbt '14. Scatterwig, 3. i No election. ' ..! Our senior partT.cr, A. WEILL, has left for the t 1 A rnnd bllnt vras had for Jndire of the rNdrtliud we will, in a few da tp, be in possession i Criminal Court of New Hanover, resUlllU I as lollows ; hole nuuiDer oi rotes cast j I Necessary to a choice 71. 173. For Mr. Waddell 58. For JLr. Meares,, f i or Mr. V ngnt I 7. Scattering 2. 3Lr. Meares elected. r A bill to incorporate Black Rock Lodge Tr- r,.i k.iaA Mauu.a nrl in relation to dormant Judgments, ; passed their ! second reading. : j ! A bill to charter the Oxford Branch of the f sed 2nd and 3rd readings. - SPECXALfc-OIlDEK. r Tlie bill to authorize the Public Treasur er tn neirotiate & loan for the relief of the Treasury, and to establish a North Caro lina Savings Bank, was put on its. second reading.-' . ' : 'v Mri Williams, of Martui. said that lie did nn holipr tht the loan ol ten, million of dollars contemplated by the bill, could errer be raised. - The scheme was utterly imprac- ticable. He mored that the bill lie on the j table, but subsequently withdrew the mo j Ml -A 1 . . - . uuu,i me request, oi .nr. Jictxay, wuo pru- s cecded to address the House in support of the bill. . " Mr. Harper replied to Mr. 3IcKar. de- ? fending the report of tbe Finance committee adverse to the bill under consideration. ; Pending further di-cussion the House adjourned. ; SHIPPING FOR XEW YORK. HURRAY'S STEAMSHIP LIRE. THE FINE FAST SAILING SHIP STEAM B. S. SMITH, Commander, AILING FROM NEW YORK ON WEDNES KJ LIAI.ine 13U1 inSl., Will Sail 8S SDOVC OU DAY, the 13th in :dnesday the 2Uth. 'or Freight or Passa "Wednesday the2Uth. For Freight or Passage, apply to O. G. PARSLEY' & CO Agents in New York : MURRAY, FERRIS ic CO., tl and b2 outn st. 4i0 ts feb 13 To Builders and Others. P' ERSONS WILLING TO CONTRACT FOR the Work, (all the materials to be furnish ! ed by the proprietors.) in the erection 01 a wooden building for a Manufactory, at South Union, in Richmond county, N. (2.,"may icspeet thcdaaw'.ngs and specifications at Rockingham iu i'said county, from the 21st day of the 2ist day of February, utiw'nex! January until i the 2tsfday of tcbruarv'. uow next ensuing.- ! A bTevma lat -wnimg seaua. ana aa flPDUn k PYX( SURSTITI1TP ! ! UjllUllAlV UlAilU lUDMllllL i i BAUGH'S It A W B OA' E SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. 1 T ANUFACTURED UNDER TIIE FORMULA originatcd in 1854 and patented by 1 13VTJGMI fc SONS, SOLE rROPltlETOES, ; DELAWARE RIVER CHEMICAL WORKS, Philadelphia, U. S. A. ; ITiis old established MANURE is manufactured j : from Bones that have not been burned or stea.n- I j ed, and it contains nil their original organic mat- , ! ter. It is active iu its operatiou,and is a fertilizer ! ; it great darabiiity. It does not exhaust the soil j j like .Peruvian Guauo, but on the contrary perma- ; ! uently iuiproves it. j Previous to 1801 it was introduced into the j outherh 'States to considerable extent, and again i iu 1S05, w here it has been used with remarkable ' j uccess upon ; Cotton, Corn, Tobacci , and all Crops. ; A trial w.ill convince any planter of its merits, j ! Pamphlets containing well-known Southern evi-. ; denee furnished upou application to New York cr" j : Philadelphia offices. j t Testimonials of most reliable character eau be i obtained from well known Planters in N. C. - i53Sold by Dealers in all the principal cities land towns throughout the United States and ; i British Provinces! ' Baugh & Sons, 1 . : Sole Manufacturers ! Oolce No. 20 South Delaware Avenue. ' PHILADELPHIA. ! B AUG II BROTHERS & CO GE.NEHAL WHOLESALE AGENTS, 181 PEARL STREET, NEW YORK. WORTH & DANIEL, Agents. WILMINGTON, N. C. jan 'JO 400-2m DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER SHIP. ! Wilmington, Feb. 2, ISoT. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existinsr be-! tween Abraham Weill and Joseph Lederer, under the name and style of A. WEILL M CO,, j , dissolved by mutual consent. All parties iudeht- t ea io saia urm, ai cj jcarKei circei, ia iuum; : j payment to A. Weill fc Co., No. 13 Market fcjtrret, i wuo aione nas me ngui to feetiie inuHine. t ABRAHAM WEILL, JOSEPH LEDERER. 13 Market St. 13 Market St. ORIGINAL STORE, OLD STAND. To the Ladies and the Public Generally, ot the City of Wilmington and Snrronnding Counties. A. WEILL. G. ROSENTHAL.. THANKFUL FOR the liberal patrunaze ex tended to our firms at 13 and C Market Streat, we announce to the LADIES AXD PLBfUt, that our connection entirely ceasca at No. 'JO Marliet Street, and we shall be under obligations to crur friends and cuatomfers to bestow that' lib STORE, No. l'S Market Street, where we bll 1 stndvtoulease. : r i. . ..i- r f nTfv1 GOODS, j 1I ;,, K-..TV.i Mnllr TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE. t addition, we shall continue to improve our j WHOLESALE STOCK in every line, suitable to 1 the Country tade, which we will sell on very ! rea&onaole terms. Very respectfully. A. WEILL & CO. Remember the Old Stand, and no Sac " cessor to our Bnsines.' feb5 - 413ti STORES FOR BEXT ITixtTiire s For Sn.l. BEING DESIROUS OF CONDENSING OUR STOCK into one store, wre will rent for the balance of the year oar stores on Front and atar-k-t streets, next to Exchange Corner. .0 . . ear "-.Sifem BBO. COJIMISSION ROUSES, iSi. t. rrrrxwAT. koozsmookb. PETTEW1Y Si 3I00RE. ' GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NORTH WATER STREET, WILyilSGTOX X. C. O AVAL STOKEa AND COUNTKX rRO- DUCE. i Beini: AGENTS for th Mnufcturer are prrpartd to fill, on the most revabie terms, j orders lor . . GEO. KIDD'S CELEBRATED . ; COTTON GINS, I ! ZELLS RAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE, IiilOWN'S COUNTER, PLATFORM and RAIL- , ROAD SCALES. .Have constantly on hand FERTILIZERS ol il 1 descriptions. jan .'7 40o tf ' WTC. B. SMITH, JJJO. H. BHTA. JK., WM. ZTCLT7. WM.. SMITH & COMPANY, 40 A 43 Fnyetteviye St., Ralrl'h, ?T. C, ' AND 82 Baroone St., New Orleaas, PL il LIS HERS, nOOKSELLERS AND STATION EKS. JOBBiH? AND DEALERS IX ALL KlXr5 Or ; School Dooks, Standard and 31 isc Ma ne on Works, .Masonic Iloolrt, Jewels Itegalla, Printers Supplies, 4cc. ; jau 'JO 400-tf .1 AIES SHACKELFORD, : SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. jp7 Consignments of Merchandise and Coan tr Produce solicited; and all busiue entrusted to my care will have my personal attention. Lumber orders will have attention, oct 10 314-U. ! SAM'U N. CANSO.N. iAMSS STOXLXT. CAXXOX A: STOKLEY, GROCERS AND COM3IISSION MER CHANTS, No. 4 South Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. j oet 12 , 316-tf 6. W. TICK, CP. MEBiHE, 1 of Wilmington. of Alamance county. W. I. RETWOLCS A BUO., ot Norfolk, Va. ' VICK, A: CO., i QROCERS, FORWARDING AND C0M3IISSI0N MERCHANTS, Corner Chesnut and Water streets, , Wilmington, N. C. sept o0 306-tf alex. Johnson, ju. E. T. MCIlETHAN. ALEX. JOHHSON & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 8 South Water Street, wilmixgtox, a: a sept 12 - 200-tt C. r. MEDINUiLL'M. T. WHITA KER, ' I). 5ICITOL8 Greensboro, N. C. Enfield, N. C. BsJtimore C. I. Icndcnliall A: Co., Cotton, Tobacco, and enerhJ COMMISSION MERCHANTS; AD WHOLESALE GROCERS, 37 fc 39 South Calvert SL; Corner of Water St., Baltimore, Md. July 2 230-tjan2 K. 1. PEROSSET, W. L. PEROS3ET, OltABAM DAT UEROSSET Ai CO., Formerly )elogct & Brotcn.) Established li&TJ. GENERAL COOIISSION MERCILiNTS, No. 6 North M ater Street, (up stairs,) WILM INGTON, N. C, "TTTILL GIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION TO Y V the purchase and al of produce pt every description, and to receiving and forwarding goods, feu 20 117-tl A. A. WILLARD, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES AND GENERAL MERCHANDIZE, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. No 80 NORTH WATER STREET, Wilmington, N. C. Rcrnta to Jesse U. Lindiar, E., Cashier Bank Cape Fear, (Jreeneboro, N. C. Rev. C. II. Wiley, Sapcrinteudcnt Public schools for the State ot North Carolina. j Messrs. James Corner t Sons, Baltimore. Messrs. Dowley", Corners & Co., New York. :an 9 W-tl GEO. IL4.KRISS. W. W. BA&K1SS. Ju J. HOWELL IIAKRIS8 A IIOWELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NORTH WATIB JTRKT, Wilmington, N. C, AKD 106 STKEKT, SEW YORK. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ONCONSKiN ments to our New York House on Produce, w hich will be forwarded through, tree of com- ; mli&ions. Consignments are eovered by Insurance from I port3 and places in North and fcouth Carolina, by Railroads, Steam Boats and FUts on the River to a shipping point, and thence to New York. . All ebipmeut should be accompanied br ship i ping receipts and Invoices from point of ship- ment, when Insurance attaches through to New i York. oct i . 3l3-tf-w5$:tf A- MorriTT, w. d. Morrirr, ioun iTLxuxm. wnvpiTT im(i) Am ; fiFNTRAI COMMISSION MERCHANTS. i VA.iRnrrfiU tiMTrit "-ww --i Wilminon, S C. ! XTTILL eive prompt personal attention to the I 111 . . a a Q a - ft. saic orenipmemoi voiion, avai ownt. j sale or shipment of Cotton, NaTal Store. General Prodttce, etc.,, etc Also to recti Yin and forwarding goods: .- . ' Orders solicited and promptly filled. not 'SI 43-tJ l-w6m roduce, etc.-, etc Also to recttTin i C. H. KOBCTSOJI, IAS. C. SMITH, ;F. 0. OBLSO, i alex. a. smith, cr utunoenanu. . ; ItODINSOX. SMITH A CO., ( (Successors to C. II. Robinson & Co. and Costio t Smith.) GEKTIIAL?COMiIISSIOK.MERCnAKTS. i . lVilsninftoa, If. C. sept 1 2S1-U i aUL. UAAa cc to., ; ... I SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS j . - Water Street, Next door and dinln the store of IL M. Barry. ; CASH ADVANCES made on consignments ments of lnmber. - I ' octU f - - ... S15-U COHJIISSIOaV douses. HUS8ELL, ELLIS 0. COS, sniPPiNo AND COJniISSlON MERCHANTS, Wilrolntton, N. C. WILLIAM A. ill RCIIISON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLES ALK OllOCEllS, Wilmington, N. C. HAVE REMOVED TO IliE NEW STORE 00 North Wirr stri, n North cl Cus tom 11 0 use. .-); pot 4 I SJB-lta J ARTIES Al AVILLAaD. i (rORULT WLLAU 4 CCXT1S,) GENERAL FORWARDING UsiD.'' COMMISSION J1ERCUANT, aj(D ao iyt rox ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONK., No. SO North Wvtt Street, Wilmington, N. C, WILL GIVE penonai attrnUoo to tht put- cdjlsc ana m:c oi iToaure ana jicrcL&fiauc Vet S SOS-tf J. T. MCKHAT. I. MVKXAT. New York. Wilmington, N. J. T. MURRAY A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 1SS Front Stret,-Nw Yok. E. MURRAY A W HOLES ALK CO., OKOCERS A COMMISSION .MERCHANTS V7LX2XGT0X. X C aug7 . I 2&SU rSTER MALLET Y. CB AKLEUorrMAX. GEO. R. BAKER, . SULLETt & nOFFHAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 10 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. tug 28 I 277t DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, &c. JAME3 McCOIUHCK, 91EKCUANT TAILOR, No. 35 Broad Street, Charleston, 8. C. Wholea-de and Retail Dealer In . CLOTHS, CAS31MER3 AND VESTINtiS, (iENTtv AND HOYS' READY MADE CLOTUING, FURNISHING GOODS. TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, etc. July 13 ; . : SPi-U SEA-FOWL GUANO. DR. HAYES OPINION OF THE B. D. SEA-FOWL GUANO. ANALY8E3 OFTHI3 GUANO, MADE IN the way of learning the proportions oftha active substances present, and their mods ot changing in composition, show this Guano to be admirably adapted to the great staples of ari cultaral production. The organic . part coniltts of the excrement of fowls, organic And soluble salts of ammonia, animal matter in a state of decay, with oily and fibrous substance, and humus- These afford r about 4 per ceut of ammonia. Ihe suiuhio pun contains phosphates or va rious base?; eanal to about tiiim per cent offrtu phntphat vMint ; while the whole phosphates present smount to 44 per ceut, count Cd as bpoe phosphate of llinej . ' 8ulpbutes, chlorides, snd crenates ot alkalins bait, make up the remaining parts of this Gua no, the whole being iu a condition to dissolve In. the soil, and become assimilated by the crop. This Guano has alio a fermcntatira power, and will not only induce this action, but it will ex cite the bumatcs I In tha toll to render np any ammonia they contain. . It will be seen1 that p)-ophoric odd. equal to about tixtten per ett of lint pAatpfiaU f(fltne dU tolvti fieey xm. oatrr, snd ttm th forty four per cent, of bone phosphate U ail soluble, moUture aud time being allowed With these phphte there will b about twelve percent, of organic compounds, sffordinr four per teut. f purt ammonia, apart from that' obtained Iroiu ttumic compounds. These are proportion which expe rience has demonstrated as terming a wa'J-bab anced Guano, of special value In cotton cultiva tion, and also adapted to other crops. - ; Compared wltb'PeruTlan Guano, the latter ap pears as a saline, exciting Gosno, well adapted to hastening forward crop In a backward sea son, or to excite the production ot grass. It can not be used in cousecUve seasons, as the IS. V. Sea-Fowl Guano can br, as the latter leaves fer tilizing matter in the soil each tlm it is applied, and thus adds permanent value to the land. The exact balance found between the soluble phosphates, of different bases, and the ammonia producers, as well aa the condition of the less soluble phosphates, is a most Important fcaturw in this Guano, and ooe which places It by the side of Peruvian Guano. In all applications where the beat of f era en- ; tatlon necessary to hasten tbe germination,' and ' the tood adapted j to tbe growlog plant In alljts. stages, arc required, this Guano Is of great val ue, and It may be nttd with omfUlenct In making . any of the atsple crop of pisntatiou culture, as a substitute for Peruvian Guano. Respectfully, , , A. A. ILAYES, M.D. State Assayer. 30 Statk St., Boston, Ji December," &A. For sale by Jan 16 Z. MURRAY & CO. . VALUABLE ? IX DPfiiOT F O II S A L El'' V- " rrH E U NDERS IGNED offer at private sal the i L following valuble real estate, situated la th9 ' town of Morehead, N. C. - - , Three lota of Land, sitnsted in Morthead City. being numbered C, ? snd tf, of block bO, and i further discribed as follows: Btiogat the corner, J of said block, which Is the corner of Brldgss aud j feet by one bahdred feet ' . 1 Also a two story wood frame bnlldirg. forty ; ttnintV!r and T; Mnneetrd bT t foldinr doors, nine slcetiipz rooms, twsidea four . ... - .1 A r.wt.i Ith the house Is a kitchen nxzi. coBTaimrz vnt room, wash room and store room. In the ' - . . . m k J rear of kitchen Is another building 14x4, ued t a 1 wood house, with two Ure wur closets. The i buildings will be sold with or without the Uni. buildings will be sold with or without i For particulars address ..J1. 4 1- ALLEN A SUTDAM, . : Beaufort, N.C JanSO -tf JiST XIECEIVED 1 t LATE ARRIVALS, f T ARRELLS NEW YORK CTTT MESS FOB, BAKKEL3LEST EXTKAtfUPEIt FLOLR,- I FCLTON MAKKETIiEkF. SUPERIOR FRESH G03UEN BUTTER. SALMON, MACKEREL, CUEl II For sale bv I 7 CAXNUN A STOK LET, I. i SouLh Market StrttL jan 22 " tfMf 1; Prcscrrcd Ginger, NtTivi irrt Y t II mud Vi Front ktreet. a - CIIAS. a aj:s, AZ'CL - 413-tf I lt 13 - , jaal : ; 8991m ;X;ial0

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