ii P A.IIL YT PATCH WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 4, 18G7 NO. 403. S OL. II. ill if THE WIMM llirail, ROIilNSON A SMITH, Proprietors PUBLISHED DAILY AM) WEEK LV. Trui ! Mih-cription, invariably in advance : : iMilv, tiwy ar - ' -iv inoiil Ii-. . 00 i in V'"' KATE "oK ADVERTISING: V.Ivci tiecni. nth will b-in.- rted at 1 per ?iU;re (or'tlie lir.-t insertion; :J -V jr week, and j T month. Ten lin: or l f eon-tifufe a t-'juan. ' jiultlifatioti maJ' without a repoiifi Me name. , ' '. LINKS OF TRAVEL. :vorri W., C. A 11. 11. II. CO., t t , Wii.m iNoTo.sy March ;'0th. lo. ) rhr' will Ik- mad' except r- the Company '" I,a- WM; H. ALLEN, . Ma-ter oj.Tran.-portatioii. . meh -Jl 4"!1,,i U'ilmintoii & Maiiciii(cr R. R. f i rricE G en. Slit. Wii.. t Man. R. Roam, Wu.MfNaTov, N. C, March 12, IS;7. i f2;!-i VAViiWlQi w w tt tt" .V tJOk . MNwAN,D:FTrE,R W.EE,SIVY .V1311.1 'ol yj March thefollownigScheduk-w.il go into. " f Jltefon the Wilmington, and Manchester Rail- o;d EXPRESS TRAIN. Lea v-Wilmington daily at :lo0 A. M Arrive at Kingsville 41 1.30 1. M. Leave' Kingsville ' 1.45 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington dai) v at 10. -IS A. M. ACC03I3IODATION TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily at 8.20 P. M. Arrive at Kingsville " s.00 A. M. Lean; Kingsville " 4. 15' P.M. Arriye at Wilmington daily sit :i..V.) A. M. iro.;e eoyneetions made by both train? at Wil .mgton with the Wilmington and Weldon Rail road ; at Florence with tlrv North Eastern Rail road ' for Charleston, and at Kingsville with the South Carolina Railroad. m. McRAE, (Jeneral Superintendent, m-ireli I 414-ti til'Iieral Superintendent S OfllCe, : f flUS CQMI'ANV lias no Throu-li FrtxM ar L rantr mcnts to New Vork 'with any Steams hi (oiniany. (iood will b rcM-eiveil .and forwar .i.v .-.irllcht onwrtunitv cither way, and no w -r U- .Tf. n .rnfr,r i -Wil. iVi Man. R. R. Company. Wilmington, N. C, March 5th, 1807. NTIL' FURTHER NOTICE the following rates will Oe charged n .(train, fioiu Wilmington To Charleston, . - - loc per bushel. To Cheraw, - - 12c. " To Columbia, - - 12c. " " To Augusta, - - - l.jc. " ki WM. MacRAE,' Genl. Sunt. .Mareh Jj 4:iS tf .1 Wilmington & Weldon Railroad; ; Okfick Chikf Engineer fc Sltt., . ; Wilmington, Nov. 3, 1800. f i " ' ' I tiros ?"sUl nssJrF" . i ! CIIANtiE OF SCHEDULE. I ON AND AFTER MONDAY the 5th inst., I the following fa.t Schedule of time will be I run over this Railway. c;oin; NORTH. Leave Wilmington at '. ... . 4.45 A. M. 11.15 A. M. . 25 A. M. 57 P. M. . : 2.00 P. M. ... .: P. M. Vrnvi at Ooldsboro' at, ,t it tt it Arrive at Weldon at...: ti (;OIN(.' SOUTH. Leav Weldon att 11.00 A. M. " ?.; p. m. Arrive at (Joldsboro' at. 3.00 P. M. 44 " " 44 .....11.50 P. M Arrive at ilminlon. , .00 P M i . 4.00A. M. i Close conneetions are wade by both trains ro- '"iWm , , , , , ilio A. M. tram Irom Wilmington, and 11 i. i M. train from Weldon, do uot run on Sunday's. ' . Close connections are. made by the 11 05 A.M. ; train hot l wavs between New Vork aud New Or- leans. i By the train that leaves here at 11.05 and Hit one that arrives here at 4. :0 A. M., close con nections are made between New York and New Orleans. . Connections are made by the other .... : 1 ... 4 : . . 1 numb uui iitoieiiiiie is ienuireu, To go North by Bay Line, leave at 5.00 A. M.; ! 1 univi-, 1 ; ottb fc 11. R. Co., j N. C. May29, 18G0. J UNE 1st, 1SG0, the Mail Wilmington, Chaulottb fc Wilmington 1 7 ROM AND AFTER JUNE 1st, 1S 1? Train on this road will leave Wi Umington at 7 o'clock, A.M., on Tuesdavs Thursdays and Saturdays, and arrive, at Sand Hill at o oVlock, I P. M. : Returning will leave Sand Hill at 7 o'clock, A M.,- on Mondays, edncsdays and Fridays, and arrlvein Wilmiugtpn,at 4 o'clock, P. M. WM. H. ALLEN, Master of Transportation. '""v ! aos-tf OLD PRICES REVIVED- HA,F HOSE, GOOD, 121c 15c. J2lc. 15e. lc. 121c. 1 00. liic. LADIES' CALICOES o 0 BROWN COTTONS, COR3ET8, BLEACHED COTTONS, lor ca.sh only. HEDRTCK ARYAN, march 17 443-tf Staple andFancv Drv Goods. T3RINTS. - -' 1 uuuaviiiji' uiiu MUSLINS, CHALLIES, DROWN COTTON, LAWNS, POPLINS, SHEETINGS, HOMESPUNS. CAsiinn,lCrt,ton drills, tvc. Very cliein for , ,. mrcU 17 HEDRICK A RYAN. 44$ tf to go by Anuemessix, leave by the 11.05 A. M r,11.111 iUi0 "tvoie oue noPr 10 luc i All. ; wh,ci, js 0, c of Uie train iMtii..r tr..?., k.. t:..i.. i ' TRADE. Posscssiuir the advantaires' of ample : ... .. T.,. J ' v mJ .' T . v v w-r , '11 -1. - .1 A. .1 A . A . T" m A mm I -. vwuiiwio u) itiviuuuuu. i .. , , , . t . ,. . . " . HiNvei amis, ami 11: Chtec connections afGoldsboro with the N. C. capital and having Goods direct trom the Manu- j 1 1 ''v ' ' t ruins bv the son a r trntn k.. ,.iM.. i facturers at the lowest prices, they will be able niciu to cnaoie aim Newbern. J to otter GREAT INDUCEMENTS to purchasers, i The city authorit Chief Engineer and Superintendent. j o, c pi ayeucviuc, n. c., will j d for yfiS6Qu and 1 ' 1 ........ I lnt-n phnrirp nf fhr liiicii-iocc . ' ' . TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, i ! with the NEW YORK. HOUSE, but will attend ! but while they have Hoc i:oi'Kn "aeon. KIELL, ELLIS A COX, feb 23 1 a ' Nfrth Water street. ' 428-tf SHIPPING. FOR BOSTON, .SCHOONER JESSIE L. LEACH, capt. J. endicott. Will have di-oatrh a- aoe. For freight en- jr.v'ments apply to o. (i. PARSLEY A CO. aj.til 2 431-1 w FO It V E W V O R K . THE FINE AND FAST SAILING s( 1 1 oo n i: it :m v ho v i: h , HUGHES MASTER, Will have dilate b for th- above port. For . irvv'hl i naj;c iner.ii, a u u RUSSELL, ELLIS A COX. aj.ril 2 ,; 4U t- FOR PIIILADEIPMIA. . .... . ... . . v.. fini THPiiv i IMIII.ADKLPIIIA MAIL .STEAMSHIP COMPA 1 . , TI IK FINE AND FA VOIUTK STEAMSHIP . PION 13 E JZ :9 J J" II E N N E XT, Commander, will arrive sunday, march cist, and leave our wharf between Dock and O ran ire . w . . . ..1 streets) lor the aoore port hDfcSDAi , April : : J. Through bills ofladh g to LIVERPOOL, ! BOSION, " - P-ROV IDENCE. ' NEW " ORLEANS. 1 For freight or parage apply to ! WORTH A: DANIEL.: j Agent, in Philadelphia, ) oil South Dee Avenue. meh IS 457-ta . . J.. . , 1 HOTELS. MILLS .HOUSE, MEETING STREET, Charleston, S. C. rpiIJS HOUSE HAS BEEN THOKOUGHLI J- rpairecl and retumished, and eaunot be ex- JOSEPH PURCELL. Proprietor. 95-tf I I lllllIIIM ian 26 PROFESSIONAL. .10 ii v w. iiixsoam:, Attorney stiici Coun sellor at Law. o. 2 Hay Street, j FA YETTEYILLE, N. C. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY to, all business ntrustcd to his care. Claims collected anvwhere n North Carolina. jan 20 405-tf ja.m'es c. DODDIN, ATT O II N E Y AT L A W , J W1 r 1 I m.T aT . a,c.,ci..e, . v., 1 OFF I UK COItXEJl B0W.it OREEX STJiEKTS. 1 t-tttt 1 ATTFvn promptt y To TTiF ! ' W collection of Claims, and other business en- ; 1 I ci-ii ii trusted to his care. nov G i . .. . . , . lj rUOSrEK r. SHAW & CO., OF NEW YORK, I N CO N N E C T I ON WIT II l, n a BRANCH HOUSE, at Exchange Corner, Wilmimrton. N. I) . 'under the firm of JOHN M. WALKER & CO. , . , , . , , They will keep a large stock pf ' i()OTS and SHOES. . HATS, CAPS; TRUNKS, Ar., Ac AT H II O L E S AL K wun 111c iNiw iukiv 11c there as usual during the ,ftTVf twii pi SPRINC. AND 1-1 A.LL SEASONS, to meet his old friends and customers Mr. Anderson will remain in Wilmington per- man-ntlv 1 Thcy repectfuny solicit a call and examination oT their stock. Orders solicited, to w hich prompt and careful! j i Attention, will be given. Wilmington, j. C., March Wth. meh 31 I . 400- lm TIIK ITJVDERSICJIVED HAS TAKEN Rooms at his old stand, opposite ine wiy iioiei. Keinir in nncrs. f Being in posses- f IYe. ar. sion ot all modern imnrov 1 i? tmm mcnts is prepar. i ed to extract 1 teeth without t pain. Prices tn suit tht Imrrl timps J. II FREEMAN: ' TOTTTVAr ir iT ilT-T? Most cause ' bein perfectly satisfied that i crswith a business experience of over -forty ' : Establisded IbW. u" 1 1 1?Vt N flVoVR nvAuvki mv TOTTIN 3J.A lavcr? GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, cLOTllWtlia OF NORTH CAROLINA, ; lands with his brother and boUi are living j No. H Nor O. Water Street, TAILORb' TRIMMING, etc. ! "1'HTILL ABOUT THE FIRST OF VPRIL 'PPy together, and are bittctly opposed try, -we are possessed of advantages enjoyed by S WILMINGTON, N. C. , IT -irftt T f S.L.FREMONT. I . .J""AK? fisted by JOIINML deepening this ch : t2lL. Mr. WaTker docs not relinouish his connection I t;ilk of Jomt Sbck jr t mch2S . 457-2w I States Senate against , the deliberate judg " XOO TONS "r' j ment of a majority of that body." TWELL & GO'S CELEBRATED PfYNTE1 PTTORPTT A TT?. iJUlNlli rnUOrrLiliri, T7QCAL FOR COTTON AND GRAIN to any - M. 1 Mlllll 111 Uai. rj menrand for sale on easy terms, xo arriv e e.v M-ur. ''Gov. Rarton," from Philadelphia. . SOL.HAASfcCO. . mrii 10 ' 442-1 m E' Nt EKliLED AND DELICATE CONSTI i U- -TIONSof both soxes, me. UELAtBOLD'S , r.Ai n,Aui Buciiu. 11 win giv- o- 1 eTfUng' Rnl enabl' " w I j THE DAILY DISPATCH ' WILMINGTON. APRIL 4. 1!?67. Denouncing a 'Traitor." TV followini: letter, -under the above cap tion, appear in.the Columbia Pborriix ol Saturday: Colcmhi a. March 28, lfcOT. Mf-r.-. ..Editors : I see in your paper of this morning, that at a meeting of the col ored people held at Union Hall, on the 23th. inst., grave charges were made against me, on ?tf count of tlie cerli. or remarks, made v lnc on the 18th inst. This so-called nubile meeting was hem in i a hall winch is tniriy-one ieei niue ihuuw bv thirtv feet. Perhaps there were two hun- ! dred anl fifty persons present. Well, who composed that meeting ? I learn that tb i ):irtin theinsophisticatedcredu j t . J, feen mjld jic that nQ l learn tuat tue tion r was to nut them back into hlaverv I This meeting was led on by Bob Trice and his satraps, foreign and domestic. Oh ! my j I country, when I think of the fate of thechil- : j-dren of Israel, I tremble for my people. i ; At this meeting it was determined that ! none of mv friends bhould be heard. When. Mr. Davis'tric'l. to speak he was hissed. Yet he would" be heard, and his remarks caused such a i.l i vision among them that the chair- man had to take a vote three times to dc cide whether the resolutions were passed or not. ' Now for the committee which brouuht in the resolutions which had been previously prepared. First, who is Bob Trice ? He came ncrc a nani-sneii uaptiac ; inc next we heard of him he was a temperance lcc- Lr..r n0vH, l.,,mu , fv. Jin .,1 1 1 ' I 11 A A. 'a 1 a bar room politician. But I forbear. For- rest, poor Forrest, I leave you to yourself the worst company you could have got in. Now. Williams, did vou not tell three Liren- tlemen of this citv that vou came back from : Florida dissatisfied, and that you never: wanted to have anything more to do with ; ; me laiiKees mat you iiati eome norae to I've among vour own people ? You now de- nounce-me'as."a traitor,' because I have sympathy for my fellow-citizens, be they white or black. If this makes me a traitor, I ask tor no prouder inscription on my tomb Hum "'W...B. Niish. tin- Traitor." Thank God, I can look up to Heaven and say that I never did- pledge myself to any man to vote or act against the interests of j niy State. - I am a Lnion man, but a South Carolinian. - Fitzsimmoiid I respect as a gentleman, : j But I would ask the chairman of this so ! ,! called meeting why he did not publish all the resolutions passed ( Is he riding the rail j between the North and the South? For . shame, man ! When your prompters behind 'j the scenes , prepared this resolution, yoiir ' neart iaiieu you, anci you woiuci not piuiiisu it. Like the owl, 3-011 fear the light. Pnow ask you if you and your party dare meet mc ' before the people in daylight ? I say to you, t i-i4- ...1 ...... ...... 4 f- uuwaiu ; lest wneii you tuiii tv yon -aic uiusu- ; l ing a worm, you are grasping a scorpion, j ju : jacKuss, i uiu nun is ucmier dead nor asleep. W. B. NASH. -J A Quker Will. The Nashville Gazette ! has heard of a rather queer will which was ; lnfr.lv fr nvr1afr in rn. of tlio 1 i f'ountips Lnrflnrinor nn flip iiiupt- fhimliov- I land. A wealthy old citizen had two sons, one of whom was in the Federal army, and I tlie other in the rebel ranks. During the I 4 .... .,i.t. J3., i i x early part of the war the old gentleman was j foL-nn cnrlrir.nlr ill onrl n-! hinr, to ,1 i ven sudtlcnlJ M, and, vvisbiug to divide i113 property eouallv between his two sons. ! bequeathed to Henry (the Federal soldier) 1 a11 ms slave property, embracing about htty negroes, and to Thomas (the boy in rray) ! I i - i i . 1T tv t i .i a J' : his lauded estate. He died, and thus the ; ! will stands. Both brothers lived to return to the radical programme. . 'Dutch Gai Caxal Fu.t.kd l'r Thi I s sneclmen ot the enmnperin- skill (1fR,n ! 1 . . o . n v" Butler is about to become one of the things that were, Mr. Henry Cox, who owns the j lands on each side of the "ditch," on yester day finished tilling in a crossing way at its mi'vor rnrl nnrl incf tvlmro '5f rorni rno (lm waters of thc JameS. This wagon mad is ; twelve leet wide on the top, and is abotit ! ten feet above high-water mark. Mr. Cox wasdesiroi s of cultivatiug this "Island," most fertile Jiclds on the j. ui 10 1111 in mis cmoaiiK- ' to ct access to it. i ies at one time spoke of annel so that it could be there has been some company to improve it; both been delay inc'ac- tion, Ir. Cox has become tired of waiting, and filled it in. . Diiivin; WlTllo Ut- 1 Ir .i , . j "f CC,1eb died on i riday last, iiout Tracks Hiram ! ated llorse trainer, who : on I.nrtrr Tclnnrl trac ! probably the first man on record who drove ! a horse in a race without traces. This he j did in 1857 with Boston Girl. Being a very 1 "dui jiunti, tinvi mi; nai.es luuijjuu' aoout her legs ou tne hrst licat, Hiram ordered the "Dutch collar" and traces to be taken ofl. The j order was obeyed and he won the next two ? heats with case, nothing drawing the vehicle j but the reins. The National Intcllijrcncer says : Want of nerve is the curse of the hour. Our public - , . men of moderate views have not the pluck '?.to stand by what they believe to be right. ' I They are overborne by the violence and the 1 They energy and bold threats of the ultraists, j an(j we. state but a fact when we say that i halt a dozen uncompromising, determined i, men have coerced ced the action of the United i Josh Billings thinks any man who is wil- Hag to drive a mule ought to be exempt by ; riavrfromrunhin - forthe lerislature. This i philosopher has nearly the same opinion of the mule as that which a colored pillar of f the church once expressed, who much to his I f mortification, was encountered by las pastor j 1 while cursing his long-eared team m a Mis- i j sissippi prairie lane about as deep as it was J Uj-je i 'clar,1 said he, l'I belirye mules was maWe to send niggers to ueii, anu nig- gcrs was made to send vhite folks to hell." j 1 ...... ,1 I , 11 i I ,i .t.. .: n mnl.- A, i. ...... ir r, r -fiiiiiiiiiii";ii ;i I' iih ; . vn i it i hp . nun " uui i f i i umlll iiuiii rue .nun iim nir. . MISCELLANEOUS. SPRING- AM' SUMMER GOODS. AT 23 MAR KET STREET. ARE OPENING A LARGE ASSOKT- V W .fOTipiF ' a v av v hhv .wnm consistin'' of ! 13 i PRINTS, from 10c. per yard up. rOPLINS, j' 25c. ' ICKS, GRENADINES. JACONETS, LAWN. MUSLINS, CH ALLIES, MOZA.AIBIQUES, BAREGES, GINGHAMS. WHITE 4i O OB Si ! SWISS. MULL AND I BISHOP LA NS, NANSOOKS, , ORGANDIES, EMBROIDERIES, THREAD and ULUNV LACES, TABLE CL0 TH, DIAPER LINEN, and COTTON SHEETING. i i SILK MANTILLAS. BAREGE, GRENADINE and j ZEPHYR SHAWLS, LADIES FURNISHING GOODS, RARASOLS, ! HOSIERY, MITTS and GLOVES, ' t ClothiOCT, Boots, SllOeS and NotioUS In fact every variety of Goods fouud in a FIRST- j CLASS HOUSE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ! atPriccs to compete with those good and past j old times. M. 31. KATZ A CO., '23 Market St. 460-tf inch ol OLDEST HOUSE IX THE STATE, ESTAIILISHEI) 1822. 1 VltGrli ST STOCK OF ',' AXI) SHOES,- BOOTS LEATHER AFJD SHOE FINDINGS -IN NORTH CAROL I N A. TTTH 11AVF. .Til ST RECEIVED LARGE AD VV ditious to our Stock of Boots a.ud Shoes, and arc now enabled to ofl'er the TjJkJEL GrE ST STOCK Alld most eOmpkte a.SSOrt niCIl t Of 'Ood - i II OUT linc lo bc found in tlli3 cit or gtaUr T COuNTRi MERCHANTS AND . WHOLESALE BUYERS, r 4, . . . , , . ! Geuerall3-, we oner the greatest inducements in this market, and as good as any House in the South or New York. l fow-Riiriiasscd bv none: and vi arr HcfprminpH I .... t , - .- , to sell our goods as low as &ny jobbers North or i South. The public arc invited to call and exam- I ine our stock aud prices. Prompt andcarefui attention riven to orders. (JEO. R. FRENCH A SON, no. 1 j market street. april 2 S P R I NJ6 STYLES. ! TE'LL 0PEr ou TUESr,AY. April 2d, a fu'n'asgortineut of LATEST STYLES , , , BONNETS, .11v r m rLonjjltb, RIBBONS, SILKS, CREPES, LAC'LS, j TRIMMINGS. I ThankimTthe Ladw s for, the kind patronage heretofore extended to us, we hope by our f STYLES and LOW PRICES to merit a conthiu- ! M. M. KATZ A CO.. 23 Market St meh 31 ) U ! fj OR in JTC 211 Y'JE R JS - - 5 i 1 1 a,ld 1 FRONT STREET, YILhillJuTuria N. C. i -VVli - 1 oi1p ftinwu ' j ulaleb i XEAs; COFFEES, SUGAR, WINES I ' LIQUORS, SEGARS, PROVISION'S, j and FAMILY GROCERIES. I CIIAS. D. 3IYERS, Agent. ,4 ...i s 42-tf - CHOICE TABLE HAMS, OMOKED SALMON, DRIED PEACHES and Apples, Extra Goshen Batter, at j GEO. MYERS', 11 and 13 Front street. , 0 : CHAS. D. MYERS, Agent .P 3 2tf "Phuine. i A " TONS of this celebrated FERTILIZER AcYived pr stmr. Pioneer and for sale on con sisrnm-nt. viGK, me::anf co..- Gnorsl Commit-iion .frc hnt, 40 North Water Sir t. meh 31 vn-tr j COUMISSIOX HOUSES. JAZ. T. TBTTEWAT ookmooiul PETTEWAY L MOORE, general commission MERCHANTS, NORTH WATER STREET, WILMiyOTOX X. C. OOLICIT CONSJGN. O NAVAL STORES AND COUNTRY I'RO- V, . Bein AGENTS for tuc MAnafacturcrs ire pripared to fill, on the mo?t rvaouble terms, orders for GEO. KIDD S CELEBRATED COTTON GINS, ZELL'S RAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE, BROWN'S COUNTER, PLATFORM and RAIL- ROAD SCALES. liavc consUtitiy on hand FERTILIZERS ol all description!. . jan -7 40G-tr WM. B. SMITH, 4NO. II. BUTAN, JR., WM. EVELT. VM. B. SMITH & COMPANY, 10 Ar 4'Z Eayettcvillc St., Rnlcigh, N. C, AKD -H'i Raronne St., New Orleans, PC1ILIS1IERS, BOOKSELLERS AND STATION EHS. JOBBBIiS AM) DEALERS IX ALL KIM'S VT School Books, Standard and Miscellane ous Works, Masonic Rooks, Jewels Regalia, Printers Supplies, Arc. jau J0 ' 400-ti jaiii:s su ai :ki;jlfoui, SHIPPING AND C0M3IISSI0N MER- CHANT, ILJIINCJTON, C. ! j Consiguinents of Merehandiee aud Coun- , try Produce bolieited ; and all buaiucs entrusted I Naval Stores, and general produce, Alao. to re to my care wij.1 have my persoual attention. ( living and forwarding Goods. Dealer In Rag Lumber orders will have attention. 314-tl oct 10 i.WM'L N. CANNON. JAMXS STOKJLKT. tiVx3ilfi cV A. tf Ik RjMlt , , GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Ho. 1 South Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. oet 12 316 tf . W. TICK, C. r. MEB1NE, ol Wilmingtou. of Alamance coAinty. W. 1). KEr.VOLUS A BHO., ; of Norfolk, Va. viii, iii:am: co., QROCERS, FOR WARDING AN I) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j Corner Cheniut and Water street?, Wilmington, N. C. j sept '60 aw tf j ALEX. JOUNof , JK. K. T. MC'KETU AN. ALEX. JOHMSOri & CO., ' GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 8 South Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. V. ept12 21KM1 C. P. MEN DEN 11 ALL! M. T. WU ITAKKR, j 1. NICHOLS Grcciibboro, N. C.Enficld, N. C. Raltimorc V. P. Icndenliall & Co., Cotton, Tobacco, and General COMMISSION MERCHANTS; AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, 37 fc 3U South Calvert St., Corner of Water St., Baltimore, Md. july2 20 -tjan3" A. 1. DEROSSET, W. L. DEKOSSET, OKAHAM DAT r DEUOSSET A CO., Formerly Delloasct tt Jirotrn.) IITll.I. lil V K PERSONAL ATTKVTtl IV Tfi . . - - . . . .w Tt 'the purchase and salo ol produce of every description, and to receiving and forwarding goods fclyO J17JJ A . A . WIL L A R I), WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES ANl GENERAL MERCHANDIZE, Conimixion and Forwarding Merchant. No GO NORTH WATER STREET, Wilmington, N. C. ' liErEKS TO Jcc-EC II. Lindsay, Esq., Caebier Bank Cajte Fear, Greensboro, N. C. Jiev. C. II. Wiley, Superintendent Public Scliools for the State ot North Carolina. Messrs. James Comer A Son., Baltimore. Messrs. Dowley, Corners & Co., New York. jan 'J so il I GEO. HAKKIdS. W. W. HARKISS. A. J. HOWELL IIARR1SS A HOWELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NORTH WATFM ITRIIT Wilmington, N, C, and w IBERAL ADVANCES MADE ONCONSIGN- JLj menU to our New York House on Produce. "n." C lur ,rec 01 com" a shipping iomt, and thence to New York. I AH shii'incuta Bhould be accomnanied hv ping receipts and Invoices from point of ihii-i " t - . .. . 7 i York- oct 1 a. moffitt, w. rneuu, wucn insurance aiiacnes inrough to New 313tf w3S-tf u. MOrriTT. iOUN T LACK IX. MOFFiTT, IIRO. A CO., GENERAL COJLMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 4 South Waiex Street. Wilmineton. S C. . b XT1LL & Vromyt iersonal attei Y f sle or shipment of Cotton, N General Produce, etc., etc. Also 1 attention to the Naval Stores. to recemn - ttnri frk r'W ft ri 1 n or crrrkla Orders solicited and promptl j nlled. noY si l-w6m C. H. ROBiySOX, AS. C. SMITH, T. O. KOBWSOX, alxx. k. skjth, of Cumberland. ROBINSON. SMITH Ac CO., (Successors to C H. Robinson A Co., and Cotin dc Smith,) GENERAL COMMISSION 3IERCHANTS ; Wilmington, Ii. C. septl 281-tl SOL. HAAS A CO., SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Water Street, . I Next door and adji&ln the store of IL M- BArrj. j CASH ADVANCES msd on conolnmrnts ' I'artlcnlAr attention will irivt-n to consign f m-nt ff lnmt"r. , - ctll Consignments are covered by Insurance from ports and places in North and south Carolina, by Railroads, Steam Boats aud Flats on thcJtlver to COMMISSION nOESES. xo Turpentine IHiUller. a l e x nsv runt,' Commihsion IVIerchunt, . SOUTH WATER STREET, I WllnTi.sLB, N. C, MAKE THE USUAL AD- 1 vauco on NATal Store cnt blm for aaIc. ' Net proccctis of mIc promrtlj rtmlttfiL t nich M iVJom ' : birdsit. a. T. uobi?o(. BIRDSEY k ROBLNSON. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, So. 4 Sooth Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. nuh-U ; ' lt3tt llllKwri l u '.' j m m m. m m i AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. V. J95 W jadl5 " pWILEIAM & M URt lllSON, CO.MMISSION MERC HA NTH. AMI " 1 WHO LEX A LK G 11 U C KJ!S Wilmington, N. C, HAVE REMOVED TO THE NEW STORE ou North Water trctt, next North of Cnt torn Houe. nov 4 I. O. WORTH. N. O. DAM EL. WORTH A DANIEL, f!0 MM LSSTOV.tr KORWA ItniNT. MEIU'HAVl -4 Dr0K1s marir, (J.. c & R ft Wora., M itnd,) ikmtA Water St irdt W'ilminfton, N. C. WILL GINE STRICT PERSONAL ATTEN tlon to Ihr alf nr slilnmrnt of foUnti ' 5r-ff opc, 1 wine, Llmi' riastcr, Cement, Hair, j gait, Coal, Ac, Ac. Agents for River Steamers jW-P. Hurl and Gov. Worth, and Steam and hail 1 Lines to New Vrrk and I'hilauelphin. t cpt S J 's7 tf JAMES a7 WIIJiAItO, ' (rOKMBKLT WILLAKUA CUKTlf,) GENERAL FORWARDING AND j COMMISSION MERCHANT, ! AND AOENT Foil jETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, j OF HAItTFOKD, CONN., 1 No. 0 North Water Street, Wilmingtou, N. C, WILL GIVE iK.rnonal attention to the pur ; ehafe aud Bale of Produce und Merchandize. oct 3 j J. T. ML'KKAY, ! v r . r. m tit hat, Wilmington, N. J. T. m t; It U A V .V CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 18 Front Street, New Yotk. 12. M V 11 II A Y A CO., WHOLESALE ' GROCERS '& COMMISSION MERCHANTS WHOLESALE ' '& COMMISSION ME1 WI.JIINtn ON, X. V. 15 S II rETEIt MALLETT. CIIAKLE8 IIOffMAN. :EO. II. ItAKEK, MALLETT HOFFMAN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 10 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. au2 23 . 'j77.ii DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Ac. JAMES McCOKMICK, " MKttCIIAXT TAII.OIC, No. 35 Ilroad Street, Charleston, H. C Wlioles'ilc and. Retail Dealer in Leave Your Orders. A MEMBER OF OUR FIRM WILL VISIT New York at the expiration ol ten iljyw, to purchase a LAHGE ST0(K OF SI'HIXU (I00DS; and while in that city will jay jciil attention to the execution of ord r wi.ich may be ImudtU him previous to hia dcpaiture. Persons who may dci;ii Superior ami II WI littin Suits, will do w ell to leave their fn a.ut4 ut our itorfe on Front street during thb mid the next week. rJTO 3IVICli: room for the NEWBTOOk wc will sell the remnant of the STOCK OF CLOTHING. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, JLcM Ac., Ac, . in store in this city at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. HAAS A CO. , FRONT STREET, Old Stand of Hedrick A Ryan ) feb 4-tf PINE AITLE CIDER. 70 WASHINGTON ST., NEW YORK A CERTAIN CURE FOR CHOLERA. DYS entery. Heart Diaje, Faulting flrH;I!i, and excellent lor Old people, M -nlckens the tircu latlon ofthebloo- aprtl 13 . 1 K2J t TA-LdLOW. " WE WILL PAY CASH FOR GOOD CLEAN Tallow In lanre or small fiuantitica. DcROSSETT & CO. . meh 37. X-0 H lie clin cr. JANDOLPH MANUFACTURING CO.MPA ny's Goods henvT artkl". , inch -'4 ''. 4w.