St V OL. II. WILMINGTON, N. C., THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 2, 1867. NO. 487. MSIPATC i t i I the wmmm iimi "'.' ROBINSON 't SMITH, Proprietor. ri!J!MSlIi;i DAILY AM) WEEKLY. Terms of MibM-riptiou, invariably in advance : Daily, on' ) our 00 '.' Vix month. . . . 4 00 - HATES OK ADVERTISING : Advertisement will be inserted at f 1 per tquare (or Hi'' li r? t insertion; : .V) pr wck, and (it month. T:i linen or lcso constitute a quart-. ' No publication mad- without a refponsi ble name. LINES OF TRAVEL. ; i Wilmington k Weldori Railroad. Otfick Chikk Knoivhek it .Si-it. Wilmington',-. .April 1W7. ' :' J : ci i 4 ' i 1jE&!&& . G&jfflM&fc. - .1 :v m iXlV CIIAi(i OF SCHKnULE. N AND AFTER SUNDAY, MAY 5th, tin: passenger train will run over this road 'a . . ioiiows - (iOI, NORTH. Leave Wilmington. . . . .6:40 A. M. and 5:00 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington. .0:50 I. M, and 7:15 A. M- going south. Leave WTddon .i.10:o0 A. Arrive at Weldon 3:00 P. Train3 will pas (io dsboro1, 10:55 A. M. and 10.50 P. M. M. and :15 P. M. M. and :J:54 A. M.. going North, at going South, at J:A" A. M. and 2:25 P. M. The night train eaeih way i.s an accominodatiOn train, and will run daily, and conneet all the way to New York via Richmond. The day train will not run on Sundays. It f on.ieets by, all th routes North, by Richmond, Old Bay Line and Anuemes.six Line. Trains connect closely with trains to Raleigh and Newbem. , S. L. FREMONT, Chief Engi ici-r ami Superintendent. apri Papers: iopyir! Seln dule on the. line will liaiie tins notice. Wilmington & Manchester R. R. KKinc Gen. Slj'T. Wii.. & Man. K. Road, ) Wii.mtnoton, N. C, March 12, 18o7. f .11- ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY the loth of March the; following Schedule will go into fleet on the Wilmington and Manchester Rail oad. HXIMtKSS TRAIN. Leave Wilmington daily at V.'M A. M Arrive at Kiugbville. " 1.20 P. M. Leave Kingsville " ... 1.45 A. M. Arrive at Wilni'Migton daily at 10.4 A. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Wilmington dailv at... .... 8.20 P. M. Arrive at Kingsville " ....... 8.00 A. M. Leave Kingsville " .......4.15P.M. Arrive at Wilniiu-rton dailv at 3.59 A. M. . Vl u -u"ccuo,1v u,c uum - - oi.r-toii with the Wilmimrton and W eldon Kail- made by both trams at vv n- road"; at-Florcnce with the North Eastern Rail road ' for Charleston, and at Kingsville with tin1 South Carolina Railroad. vvm. McRAE, (jeneral Superintendent. march 4 i-l-tl Ucneral SuperiiueiHlcnrs Uilice, Wn.,! iV: Man. R. R. Comi-anv. i Wilmington, N. ('., March 5th, 18(17. NTIL FURTHER NOTICE the . 'lollowim IT rates will be charged on Grain, from Wilmington To Charleston, To Cheraw, ToC'olumbiaJ To Augusta, loc per bushel. - .15c. lk 12c " loc. W.M. MacRAE, (Jcnl. Supt. 4:;?-t t March ' ; TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, V Wilmington, Ciiaklotte : R. R. Co., Wilmington, N. C May 2'., 18W5. ) 17ROM AND AFTEIi JUNE 1st, 1SM, the Mail 1 Train on this road will leave Wilmington at 7 o'clock, A. M., i&n Tuesdays, Thursdays' and Saturdays, and arrive at Sand Hill at 3 o'clock, P. M. Returning will leave Sand Hill at 7 o'clock, . M., on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and arrive in Wilmington at 4 o'clock, P. M. WM. H. ALLEN, Master of Transportation, uiav il 20o-tf liiine. liiiiie. JP'INE ROCKPORT LIME ON HAND AND guaranteed to be fresh and well filled. r Vorsale VERY LOW to close, eousignnicut. ' RUSSELL it ELLIS. npr2; i 47lr!f' 03IITUIIV XKW, riMlE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY X aHiiounce to the Ladies and (ientlcinen of 'Wilmington and the surrounding country that they have opened a Large and Attractive Stock ol HOOTS and SHOES, . HATS, TRUNKS, Ac. on the lfct floor at . Hlxeliting-e Copner, which thev oiler at RETAIL at the lowest ptMfci blc prices for CASH ONLY. JOHN M. WALKER Af CO., Wilmiugtou, N. C. apr'... 4G7-tf Journal copy. XOHTH mW BARREL PRE II iltt i 11 "tnti I THE UNDERSIGNED-BEG TO INFORM X Distillers aud the trade geuerally that they will be prepared by the middle of May to furnish SPIRIT CASKS in anv quantity, of the best quality, and at prices below those of New York. We also warrant our CASKS to be of the best material and manufacture, as we have purchased j at great cost, the most approved Machinery in tne country, and are confident of giving entire euwBiucuon 10 purchasers Orders are solicited to be addressed to the Orks, Or throuarh the various ('nmmisinn Afpr. i chants, of Wilmiuoton, N. C, and will meet with prompt attention. ! STRAUSZ & RICE. 267-1 m 1 apr ' W A N VT E I . COPIES OF THE DAILY DISPATCH ot . Oct. 2d, Nov.. 8th, 0th and 23d, and Dec. 6th, I.; 1SG6. Any person bringing any one of these papers to this oflicc will confer a favor, and re ceivc a liberal price. ROBINSON 6c SMITH. . feb 13 420-tf SHIPPING. FOR PHILADELPHIA. I'll I LA DELPHI A AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, f THE FINK AND FAVORITE STEAMSHIP X I O IV K E Xfc J . R E N N E T T , C : oin in a u d e r , ILVNING BEEN UNAVOIDABLY DETAIN -d, will arrive on THURSDAY, May t-'ud, and leave our wharf (between Dock and Orange street) for the above port SUNDAY morning,' Mar 5th, 1So7. lh rough bills of. lading give evidence; n: cleans, For freight or passage applv to giv en to BOS I ON, LIVERPOOL. " -3 . i WORTH fc HANlfci j tj ', Cabin Passage to New York, do do Philadelphia, $15 Agent in Philadelphia, W. L. JAMES, 314 South Deleware Avenue. apr 2H 4v4-t? FOR NEW YORK. THE FINE DOUBLE-SCREVY STEAMSHIP t 5 - Mr -4 &&&&& S -A. IP HE O , W. II. LINGO, Commander, IS NOW RECEIVING FREIGHT AT OUR wharf, foot of Mulberry . street, and will Bail as above on Thursday, May 2nd, or sooner if loaded For FREIGHT or PASSAGE apply to O. U. PARSLEY tic CO. i Agents in New York: MURRAY, FERRIS & CO., 01 and 02 South street, apl 44 Is 1 i ! HOTELS. KV IIOTKL,! THE PARKER HOUSE. p ituo.ini'p ir a TiruniTTi I riMIE ly renovated and refurnished the Hotel on i Pr,mfSf.. r..,.o.,flv btm.., "R,!!,v'i ftto'S- ' ,4- -r r Hote4," begs to inform his friends and the public . cocted ll fveen the feminines. This mor generally that he is now prepared to accommo- ; ninir botlMiusbands Rot up early, wives diiu date them on as reasonable terms as any similar house in the city, the beds and i urniture, to4 gether with the Sleeping Rooms, arc unsurpass4 . , 5. V. . , ed for neatness and cleanliness. The Table will ; at all Jimes be supplied with the best that the .Market aud surrounding country can turmsh Tlie Bar IRoOm- situated in the Basement of the Building, will at. all times be lurnished with 'the best of Wrincs and Liquors.. He solicits patronage and, will spare no pains in rendering satisfaction and com-j 'ort to his guests. Haying had experience in the business is confident that entire satisfaction will; be given to all who may favor him with a call. Vehicles will be in readiness at the different Rail-fi road Depots on the arrival of the Cars, to eon-!; vey passengers to thellutelor any part of the city they may wish to go. II. U. PARKER, Proprietor. 470-tf aPril 19 INTILILS HOUSEi MEETING STREET - ' Charleston. S. C. rpiIIS HOUSE HAS BEEN iTHORoljGHLi JL rupajred and refurnished, and cannot be ex celled by any in the city. JOSEPH PURCELL. . ! Proprietor, i ian 2G . 95-tf PROFESSIONAL. THOS. 1. 31 K A RES, Attorney at IttAv, WILMINGTON, N. C. JOIIX W. IIIXSDAL.E, Attorney airid. Gonii sellor sbt. X-islw. o. J II a y S t r e c 1 , FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY to all business ntrusted to his care. Claims collected anywhere n North Carolina. jan 405-tf " JAMES C. DORHIN, A T.T O R X E Y .A T LA W , . Fayetteville, N. C, OFFll'K COltXER BOW d GREEX STREE CS. TLL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE collection of Claims and other business en trusted to his care. novG 337-lf ; f JtRGE NOW READY. I Ws RECEIVED A VERY ; Boots and Shoes, Hats, r 1 nli it Air-m ; -"--5 which we offer Jto the trade for CASH, orontim for City Acceptance at as low figures as thev cai i can be bought in New York. . - DEALERS AND PLANTERS arc respectfully requested to examine our Stockl Xlliolesalc Department 1 I On S2A and Floors. Rrrhnnoo fnmprl JOHN M. "WALKER & CO., Wilmington, N. C. i 467-tt apr i Journal copy. ! BANK APJE FEAU;V 1 Wilmisgtox, N. C, t ' April 10th, 1867. I THE 1NNUAL MEETING OF 1 THE Stock holders of the Bank of Cape Fear will I be held at theBankins House in Wilmington, on Thureday the 9th day of May nexu J. tr. BURR, Cashier. V 469-tm. pKACiiCJiS in iliE COLK1S Or NEW iy that he will make a greedy and verv sel J. Hanover, Sampson and Duplin counties. i nr ,mfl with wlinm v,mi TOin An;. Ollice over the store of RYTTENBERG BROS. M ?fU ""an", Mth whom OU will enjoy no ml 17 474-tf V ' w"" ilL LiLii , uu uiust a apr 11 THE DAILY DISPATCH. WILMINGTON. MAT i. 1667. Distress and Rnin at ffie Sooth. Tlie following terrible picture of distress and ruin appears in the Planters Banner, of Franklin, La., and is fully corroborated by all the wauers of that section. I Few can realize how terrible is the calain ' ity of the overflow now scourging the inhab itants ot the lower Mississippi. Bj these invading waters multitudes are reduced to want and almost starvation. After five years of hardships, including four years of war, in which they wrc barely able to live, when ' they have no money, and no means to pay f their way among' strangers, many have to i leave their homes and lose their last means of support. In their distress, and almost ' despair, who can be found to help them ? Their neighbors are ruined, the country is ruined, there i no money, no credit, , but little bread, arSd no hope of checking tt lie mad career ot (the, merciless waters. " Could we but beVold the hundreds of families now seekingN,afety by flying from their homes, the waters' rolling over their fields and crops, and entering their very dwellings, we would see distress such as was seldom seen except on a battle-fkid, or in hospitals, even during the war. From ! appearances it looks as though the Mis , sissippi coast will have to be abandoned on iiccount of the utter inability of the planters ; tiid the State to keep up the levees. How ; can the levees be kept up without multi ' tudes of laborers? Where are those laborers ! coming from.' Terrible necesssitv is driving p tlie planters away, the negroes are dying off, , or yearly leaving for the city, in Urge num ' bers, to serve politicians, and to enjoy them selves, and the means necessary to keep up the levees are daily becoming weaker. Who can devise a pian to save the coast plan tations from ruin, and its inhabitants from , the calamities which threaten them? We ! have yet to see the 'man who can solve this question. A Family Duel near Havana. A recent letter from Havana states that a singular and amusing " duel took place about live miles from that city, a few days aero. it originated in a remarK made by a man ; i to his friend on seeing a lady coming out of j j church. The lady was unknown to the per- I ! son making the remark, but happened to be I ! the other's wife. A slap in the lace was the ' Consequence, and a challenge came soon af- -ter. l ms w as accepted, and ttie seconds se- lected. a place. The wife ot wind of the ! alTa;r, and immediately took steps to prevent ' tlvp flrpndfnl ratnsrmnlip Tfpr firf thrnrrlif ivnc fn nr.tifv. tlio nnlino '-Lnt H,a( ,, ..... vV .w have given her husband the reputation ot a coward, and she took a better method by ,JllJ- , tuc"tucl P1' W,IC1C Slie lUCtJlS W1IC. &UO. II DlHIl WilS SOOtl COn- to. Husbands took carriages, and their wives one armed with five children and the other with three took other vehicles in waiting. When the two duelists arrived at the spot they were somewhat astonished on seeing the two other carriages drive up with their passengers, who cooly informed the men that they also had come to fight, so as to make it a complete family quarrel, each at the 9amc time producing an empty purse and a package of baby linen as their arms and munitions 01 war. The little ones had popguns and firecrackers, and soon some in dulged in a cry. It is useless to add that the bloodthirsty Benedicts made peace on the i j spot, and returned to Havana, in company j with their seconds, to celebrate the aftair iij over a champagne dinner. !T)ADcJ; Marriageable Giuls.-- 1 uncli s I'ocket Book containtie lollow- . uuui tue pen ui 21 siugie woanan oi lue world," which we commend to the consid i eration of the many young ladies who daily ' peruse the columns of this paper : . It a man wipes his leet on the door mat j before coming into the room, you may be sure I he will make a good domestic husband. If I a man, in snuffing the candles, puts them 1 out, you may be sure lie w ill mane a stupid i husband. If a man puts a haudkerchiel on ' his knees while taking tea, you may be sure ' he will be a'prudent husband. In the same ! way, always mistrust the man who will not j take the last piece of toast, but prefers wait- 1 ing for the next warm batch; it is not unlike- IL Lea, UO pedCC wnatever at Home, llie man, my dears, who ; wears goloshes, and is careful about wiap - piug himself up before venturing into the nitrht air not unfreouentlv m-iki i rrooil i- i-V i i unircqucnuy makes a good j- 111 t aim iiusiauLi, .mill luusiiy fcLups at iiome, I and is ersily comforted with sloi)3. The , man who watches the kettle and prevents j its boiling over, will not fail, my dears, in ms married state, in exercising the same care in always keeping the pot boiling. Tbe man who doesn't take, ill treats the cat, takes snuff, stands uth his back to the tire is a brute whom I would not advise you, my dears, to marry upon any consideration, either for love or money; but most decidedly not for love. But the man who, when the tea is over, is discovered to have had none, is sure to make a good husband. Patience like his deserves being rewarded with the best of wives, and the best of mother-in-laws. My dears, when you meet with such a man, do your utmost to marry him in tne sever- : rest winter he would not mind going to bed first. ; : . The Jewish Race. The Hebrew Na- tional, a new weekly journal published in London, gives some interesting statistics ot the Jewish race. It says that there are now ! stalments, at six, twelve, eighteen and twftjty c Hiving about 0,000,000 Israelites, about ?ur months from date of sale with interest from j half .ot whom live m Europe. There are i;300,000 in Russia; in Austria, 900,000; in j Prussia, 254,000 ; and in all parts of Ger- ! manv. 192.000 : in France, about 42.000 ? in Syria and Asiatic Turkey, 52,000 ; in Mo rocco and North Africa, 610,000 ; in East vbia, ooo,uuu; in America, zou,uuv; m ua- r?ni 1 ftOO- in n.rmnrV fi Kofi - in Ttftl V 4,500. - The C.vse of Dr. Blackburn. Dr. Blackburn, who is charged with having at- temDted to introduce the vellow fever into i A , - the United States during the war, by means of infected clothing, has petitioned the At torney General for permission to return from Canada and take his trial in Kentucky. The Attorney General, it is understood, an swered that he had no power to grant the request. MISCELLANEOUS. TBR' CLOTH ISO HOUSE OF VIL,MIXGTOX. GRAND OPENING OF i SPRIim IID SUMMER COODS, -AT- Xo. A: io Xortli Front St. HAAS & CO., XT AVE OPENED A LARGE AND WELL -LA. assorted stock of Fine, Medinra and Low Priced SPRING CliOTHING, MANUFACTURED EXPRESSLY FOR THIS MARKET, tie to which the atteution of the public is invited. The style, workmanship ad fit of the Garment are second to none in tbe csty. A large supply of I5ov' and Youth' Clotliin to be found. A full assortment always kept on hand. Furnishing Goods. I COTTON and MERINO GAUSE UNDER SHIRTS, j JEAN DILVWERS, j LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS. COLLARS of all styles, SCARFS, NECKTIES, FRENCH KID GLdVES, Ac, oi the new est patterns, j THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT is well supplied with au elegant lot of DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN Cloths, Cassi meres and Coatings whieh will be made up in the best manner, under the care of a tirst class - French Cutter, who can please the most fastidious. W e ure DOW in receipt Ot OUr BrKliNU , manufactured eressly for our House by the ! ,in6t Mtahiuhnipnt Xorth.l Onrfneiiiti for bnv- I iUg goods and getting them manufactured ena- , i X U!,L" .k ?. Zn.VXJt:7J umcsaic Juuus, tyuuvuu., , v will till Wholesale and Retail Bills here at as low rates as they can be laid down from New York.1 Another advantage that weican give close buyers j is, that we sell exclusively! for cash, and don't charge them for probable losses by the credit svstem. Our stock consists of all kinds ot MEN'S 'VND BOYS' CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISHING GOOIJJS, TRUNKS, j A'C, Ac, Ac, ! and everything kept in a first! class Clothing and Tailoring Establishment. Suits of all kinds made to prder, in the best manner, and fits guaranteed. AM. V I O Ot VVS., No. 8 and 10 North Front St. 467-tf II A A f d apr 9 PROSPER P. SHAW & CO., OF NEW YORK, INCONNECTljON WITH JOHN X. WALKER, OF NORTH CAROLINA, YILL, ABOUT THE FIRST OF APRIL, open a BRANCH HOUSEJat Exchange Corner, j Wilmington, N. C, underUhe firm of ; ,nuil tl UIAIICD f, Pfl JUnil ill flALfvCn - CL UU . They will keep a large itock of ROOTS ' ! and SHOES, HAT. , CAPS, TRUNKS, Ac, At AT II O Ia E S A I, E They will also devote one floor to the RETAIL TRADE. Possessing the advantages of ample capital and having Goods direct trom the Manu- ! rtnriK of tlP 1ntirtl nriM lio will 1u ! j to offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS to purchaser. ; JOHN iL WALKER, assisted by JOHN H. ' ANDERSON, (late of Fayetteville, N. C.,) will have charge of the business r M W'alkcr does not relinquish his connection with the NEW YORK HOUSE, but will attend there as usual during the SPRING AND FALL SEASONS, to meet hi? old friends and customers. Mr. Anderson, will remain ih Wilmington per manently. I j They respectfully solicit a4call and examination of their stock. " 1 j Orders solicited, to which prompt and careful attention will be given. t - i Wilmington, N. C, March 30th. i inch 31 ' 43-lm DWELLING ROUSE AND LOT FOR ?V1K. THAT WELL KNOWN AND DESIRABLE property on Market and Third Streets, in the j residence ot the late Dr. Thomas H. Wright, if not previously sold at private sale, will be sold ; ! at public auction at Exchange Corner, on Tues- ' day the 7th day of May, 1S67. Persona desirous. of purchasing are invited to call and examine the rrnnorfr A Tilrkt rf ttio orriTinrt anil njnttfitiTa ; can be seen at the office of the subscriber. I Terms. Half cash; balance in four equal in- Gf the purchase money and the interest thereon. Dr. A. E. WRIGHT. ; apr 24 ! - j 450-tml5 - i SPUX COXTOIV. j T?OR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF HOME , .J.TTa .,, . i 'A L STR 1 , we Will seU bes (SPUN CO TTO at t2 15 PER BUNCH, and all kind of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS at proportionately low prices o s is the charm that enable u to sell sar cheap. We sell for Cash only Casll on Delivery, j HEDRH ?K At RYAN. apr 28 4-W-tf. COMMISSION UOUSES. I PETTEWAY & 3I00RF GENERAL C031MISSION MERCHANTS, NOHT1I WATER STREET, WILMISG TOX, X. C. SOLICIT CONSIGNMENTS OF 'COTT O NAVAL STOKES AND COUNTRY PRO DUCE. I Bcinc AGENTS for the Manufacturer (arc prtpand to QU, on the mot rcAsooAtlc term. orders for GEO. KIDD S CELEBRATED LOrlii 'L, , I ' ZELL S ILYWBONE SUPERPHOSPHATE. BROWN'S COUNTER. PLATFORM nnd RAIL ROAD SCALES ! Have constantly on hand FERTILIZERS W 11 descriptions. I ! jantiT j 400 tf WM. B. SMITH, iXO. H. BUT AV, JR., WM. EVELYN". VM. B- SMITH & COMPANY, 40 A 42 Fayetteville St., Ilaleinh, N. C, 82 Itaronnc St., New Orlenns PUIILISHEHS, IIOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. JOUBXKS XSl PKALE K5 . AIJL KINDS pr School Books, Standard and .Miscellanc ou Works, Manie Hooks, Jewel, ICecalla, IrinterT Supplies, AC. jan 2M 400-t! SUACKELFOKD, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. tdf Consiirnments of Merchandise and Coun try Produce solicited ; and all business entrusted to my care will have my personal attention. Lumber orders will have attention, oct 10 314 tl SAM'L- N. CANNON. AXOX JAMZS TOKLY. W STOKLKV, GROCERS AND ; COMMISSION MER CHANTS, No. 4 South Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. oct 12 316-tl 3. W. VICK, C. P. ME BANE, of ilmington. of Alunanc county. W. I. KETNOLDS A BRO., of Norfolk, Va. VICK, A: CO., QROCERS, . : FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Chesnut and Water streets, Wilmiutou, N. C. sept 0 I 30Mf ALEX. JOUKSON, JK. E. T. MCKETUAN. ALEX. JOHHSOn & CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MEH C !IANTS. No. 8 South Water Street, W1LMIXOTOX, x. a sept 12 ' J . 2tKJ-tl C. P. MENDENU ALLlM. T. WUJ TAKER, P. NICHOLS Greensboro, N. C. (Enfield, N C. j Baltimore C. P. flcndeiiliall Ac Co., Cotton, Tobacco, and (weneral COMMISSION M E R C II A N T S ; AD W HOLES A L E G R O C E R S , 37 &3?Soutb. Calvert St., Corner of Water St., Baltimore, Md. july 2 230-tjan2 A . A . W I L L A III), WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES ANT) GENERAL MERCHANDIZE, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. Ne 30 NORTH WATER STREET ' Wilmington, N. C. Refeus to , j Jesse H. Liudsav, E&., Cashier Bank Caie rear, Greensboro, N. C ' ; Rev. C. II. Wiley, Superintendent Public I Schools for th-e State ot North Carolina, j Messrs. Janu-s Corner A Son, Baltimore. Messrs. Dowley, Corners A Co., New York. jan y bO-tl GEO. nARUISS. W. W. nARRIS. A. J. HOWEU. HARRISS At HOWELL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NORTU WATER STREET, Wilmington, N. C . , AND IUG WATER STREET, NEW YOKK. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGN merits to onr New York House on Produce, which will be forwarded through, Iree of com missions. Consignments are covered by Insurance; from ports and places in North aud South Carolina, by Railroads, Steam Boats and Flats on the River. to a shipping point, and thence to New York. All 6hipinente should be accompanied by shit ping receipts and Invoices from point of ehip meut, when Insurance attaches through to New York, oct y 313-tf-wC4 tf ! a. a. MorriTT, w. u. MorriTT, ou; m'laurin. MOFFITT, 11HO. CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 4 South Naier Street, W llmingtpn, N C. TTI riLL give prompt persoual attention to tlie YV sale or shipment of Cotton, Naval Stores. General Produce, etc., etc. Also to receivin and forwarding goods. 1 1 1 . . 1 as 1 1 1 i urutns souciieu ana prouipuj uiieu. nov. 27 4-tl l-wbm I c. h ROBINSON, JAS. C. SMITH, T. O. K0BINRO5, alzx. k. smith, of Cumberland. ROBINSON. SMITH 4c. CO., (Successors to C. H. Robinson A Co., and Coitin & Smltn,) ( GENERAL COMMISSION 3IERCHANTS, Wilmington, N. C. sept 1 2-sl-tt SOL. HAAS At CO., H SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS .Water Street, Next door and adjoining the atore of 11. M. Barry, i CASH ADVANCES made on consignment t rartlcniar attention win d glTcn to consign f menu oi jumper, f oct 11 315-tf J. T. M ITS RAT, ' New York. E. MCRBAT, Wilmington, N. J. T, 31 ERR AY At CO., merchants No. 1SS Front Street, New York. E. M URRAY At CO.. WHOLTSAl-E ! GROCERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS 1 WILMIXGTOX. V n aug7 25S-H COMMISSION MOUSES. THOS. C. LEWIS, yUOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER. ! . AXt MiUI l Finh, ProviHionH, Arc. j ALSO Afoi for Brrri. N. C RTE WIIISKET. ! No. Msrkct St.. Wilmington, N. C. Atril3 4T7-tf To Turpentine Distiller. ALRXtn P n I! X T . i-i. i . CommiHsio n Iorcliiint, SOUTH WATER STREET, I Wilmington, N. C, IS READY TO MAKE THE USUAL AD snct on NstsI Stores urnl hlra for sslc. Net rrlxceu of m!cs inrnr,tlT rrmittcd- tnch .HO . 1U Blkl5tt. A. T. lOthfOH. BIRDSEY k ROBINSON. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. I South Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. nun 12 j 4kJtl III SSI-LI, V ELLIS, i SHIPPING AND CjoMMISSION MERCHANTS, ! WilrainKtonl N. V. jau 15 j ly WILLI A .MS Ar MURciTTsOT, COMM I S S I O N MERCHANTS. AND U II O L K SA L K GJ:0C K K S , Wilmington, N. C, REMOVED TO THE NEW TORE TTAV JJL on North Water street, next North of Cus tom Hoiue. i I nov 4 ' ! I . 36-1m t. O. VuRTU. ! N- t'AUK WORTH At DANIEL, COMMISSION A FORWARDING MERCHANT H Drvirn'i Yh,mr, ( T. C. fc II i. Hlt fVj d ttand,) ikmift Uer Strmt, Wilmington, N. C. WILL G1NE 8TRICT PERSONAL ATTEN tlon to the talc or hlpmcnt of Cotton, Naval Store, and general produce. Alo, to re ceiving and fonrardlOK Good. Dealer lu Baj; . irg, Rope, Twine, Lime, Plaatcr, Cement, Hair, alt. Coal, Ac, Ac. ; j Agents for River Steamer A. I. Hurt and Got. Worth, and Steam and Sail Line to New Yerk and Philadelphia. Bcpt Mi i "7 tf (FOnMEKLT W1LLAKD A CURTU,) GENERAL FORWARDINO j AND. COMMISSION MERCHANT, j AND AOKNT FOR .ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OV IIAIITFOUD, COKN., No. 30 North Water Street WllmlnKtou, N. C, WILL GIVE jeronal uttcntlou to the purr chase and sale of Produce aud Merchandise. PETER MALLETT. CUARLEtt IIOTflAN.. I GEO. R. IIAKER, ! WITH MALLETT & HOFFMAN, GENERAL COMMISSION; MERCHANTS, No. 10 North Water Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. . augl ; 277-t'l DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, &c. J AM ESMTcOIt M 1 fck ,f .1IERCIIAXT TAIIiOIt, No. 35 II road Street, Charleston, S. C Wholesile and Retail Dealer In CLOTHS, CASSIMERS AND VESTINGS. GENTS' AND BOYS' READY MADE CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, TAILORS TRIMMINGS, etc. . July 13 . SJ1MI V ANU- SUMMER GOODS. AT- 23 MARKET STREET. j 117K ARE OPENING A LARGE ASS Yy . incut of STAPLE and FANCY DRY GO OUT OO DS, Consisting of s PRINTS, from l()c. per yard up. POPLINS. 2oc. ' SILKS, GRENADINES, U JACONETS. LAWNS,! v i MUSLINS, CHALLIES, MOZAMlilQUES, HAREOES, GINGHAMS, SWISS. MULL AND I BISHOP LAWNS, I NANSOOKS, ' ORGANDIES. , 1 EMBROIDERIES, ! THREAD and CLUN Y LACES, TABLE CLO HI, DIAPER LINEN, and COTTON SHEETING. SILK MANTILLAS, BAREGE. GRENADINE and ! ZEPHYR SHAWLS, LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, PARASOLS, HOSIERY, U 3IITTS and ! GLOi:Sf I 1 Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Notions I I In fac tverj' variety of Good a found iu a KIRSTr CLASS HOUSE, WHOLFALE AND RETAIL, I " I at price to compete with tboe.jfod auU pat i - ' old times. JI. M. KATZ Ac CO., 23 Market 8t. mch 31 . 400-ir