..'.mm :i ' ur.rr -a u f .zaoBU.u.ivi fd a i I t illLb l r A T VOL. II. SD AY AFTERNOON. .TUT . Y 9. 1Sfi7 ! ! NO. 540 i A . . 1 v - -.w w - - A, WL ' - ST " - ' "' .-.' 1 THE WILMINGTOS DISPATCH, ROBINSON A SMITH, Proprietom, ; l v II Ll II IS 1 U A I U V A N t W E EK L Y- !;!, ou c year.-.. ". nix inontUA. 4 00 T?& OF AnVEIlTlgINO: . Vlv'ci tisemenU will b inertfciJ al 1 yr nure Iar tlic flrt !ntrtlo ; f 50 icr week, and $8 - cr lUOIitll- Ti ti lines or lfca conMitnle equaTe. " No pubIicaiio taad': witUout a reapoufcl ,,!. iiiuoc. . LINES OF TRAVEL. , Wilmingipn & Wcldon" Railroad, Oencr. Cmr.v Eisoijuter A Svpt., J Wilmington, April S, 1867. f CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. xv AND AFTKR SUNDAY, MAY 5tb, tbc " ' ()tiirl will run or,r. this road follow : . t CiOIxNi NOKTII. j,avc Wilmington..... 0:40 A. M. and JigP. M Arrive t Wilmington. .7:80 P. M- and 74 A. 1 GOING SOUTH. , i ,.,. . Wfldon .... .... 10:30 A. M. and 8:15 P- M. - 'X.t Won.....00P. M. and 3:00 A. M. Trains will pass oldboro' . going North, at 10 Vi A. M. and 10:50 P. M,; going Soutb, at 1 " A. M. aPd 2:25 P. M. i The ulztit train each way Li au accommodation Un and will run daily, and connects all the - JVv to Vew York via Kicumoud. The day train ; Jill not run on auudays. It c onaecU.by all the routr North, by Richmond,. Old Bay Line and iineine8six Liue-- ... . . , , ' Trains connect cloly with train to lLileigh ,iml N'twbern. , g L pRjiO'NT,' Chief Eninet-r and Superintendent. nr7 it ' 483-tf Papers copying Schedule, oil the line will riuu' this notice. Wilmington & Manchester R. Rv (iESERAt SurEKLNTBNDBNT's OFFlCit, ) . Wiu & Man. R. R. Co., r WilininL'toii. N. C May 3, 1SG7. ) V AND At TER MAT? 5111, ONLY ONE ( ) dailv Paseivrer Train will be run on this Road Leave Wilmington, Arrive at Kingsvill Leave Kingsvillc Arrive at Wilmington b:.0 P. M 8:00 A. M 4:15 P. M 4:00 A. M Close couneeUon made at Wilmington witliihe WUiuiugton aud Weldon U. R.,at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad for Charleston, and Cluraw and Darlington Railroad lor Cheraw, and at Kingsvilie with the South Carolina Rail road for Augusta. ,,r ir WM. MacRAE, General Superintendent, may. 4 . General Superintendent's Office, Wiu & Man. R. Ii. Company. Wilmington,-N. C, March 5th, 18o7. I rNTIL FURTHER NOTICE the following rates will be charged on Grain, from Wilmington To Cliarlestoiv, To Cheraw, . , To .Columbi'a, ' To Augusta, - 15c. per buslicl. - ! 12c. - 12c. 15c. hi WM. MauRAE, ': Genl. Supt. 43-i-tf-' March Freight by Railway liines, via W. & W. Railroad. To .Her chants and Wlantcfi . XT EW, CHEAP AND QUICK LINES BE- JlN twecn this city, HICHMOND, HALTIMOHE, ': PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, and ' BOSTON. via WELDON, PETERSBURG or PORTS-u.ittii- i?:ti H m-fi to low. and timc so quick; that there is no competition with any oth.er. routes. Try it, ForlassiUeatiou aud ra.es, ap P.v ,Ml,.t,rUfTruSportutio.rREMoNT . Engineer and Superintendent ma v. HO 511-fT -4m-. TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, N OFFICE, r rs&R. R.Co., Y Wilmington, Ciiaklotti Wilmington, N. C, June 5, 180.. 1: ON and after Thursday,6th Inst .the Wsseuger Train on this road will leave Wilmifigtonfat S o'eloek, A. M., on Tuesdays. Thursdays ahd Saturdays, and arrive a Sand ,aVl0,clt0CS P M. Returning will-leaveSand Hill at 7 o'clock, A. M., on Mondays, Wednesdays and Eridays, nd arrive in Wilmiutcton at 4 o'clock, IV M. WM. H. ALLEN, Master at Transportation. 51?-tf june o FAniONAIIIiE Hair-dressing, Shaving & Bathing S -A. L" Q jO 1ST , ' CORNER OF FRONT AND PRINCESS STREETS, UNDER THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 1 gTRANGERS AND OTHERS WILL FIND the most elegant saloon in the South, with polite and skilful Barbers, and every appliance of com fort and convenience. . , , , r The uniform rates will be : ' Ordinary Bath, ...50 cents Shower Bath. 75 cents. ' LADIES will be waited upon at their dwel lings. From his long cperience, the undersigned guarantees full satisfaction to alk GEORGE HOSLER. aprlS . 475-tf - ()0 ()00 "scfld. ' THIS NUMBER OF SCHONBERGS NEW JL Series of Pocket Maps of each State for Travelers and Businesa Men colored in coun ties, and show county, towns and villages, Rail roads, with principal stations, Canals, etc., sent postpaid on receipt of 25 cents ; five for one dol lar. Agents wanted, to whom a liberal discount will be given. Address W. FULTON & CO., 104 West Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. uat 10 521-eod-lm 1 I ' : r-t ' r THE PATtKBB HOUSE. rrHB SCBSCRIBEIC HAVING THOJlOUiH- a a m .m m Ajt 9 a . a nH Front 8trwt. recently known a "Ballet'a SUr iioiei," dccs 10 miorm nm incnas ana we pnwie. eenenuij mat iw ih now prcparea la aceommo- date them on as reasonable term as any similar oue in the city. The Bcda and PamUuxe, to- rr ti rr villi t MiAmtnr kaathi evn rrrffrr-oc ! ed for neatness and cleanlinew. The Table will at all times, be applied with the, beat that the Market and surrounding country can furnish r Tlie Bar'-Boom,''- " '.u '", t ' ' tituated in the. Basement of the Building, will at all times be lnmished with the best of Winea and Liquors, .'lit bolleita patronage, and. will epare no pains In rendering satisfaction and com fort to his gneeta. Having had experience in the business Is eonQdent that entire satisfaction will be eiveu to all who mar favot him with a call. Vehicles will be in readiness at: the different KaU- road Depot on tbes arrival ot,lh Cars, tot con- t reypassengera to tlie Hotel or any ipart of tlie citv thev niav wish to cro. II. U. PARKER, ' rroj)netor. april 19 476-tf STJKVIiNS IIOLSi:. 2 1, ?3f 2Sr, '& Zl Broadway. N Y. Oppoiiu ihicllnyQreen, ON THE EUROiPEAN PLAN. i 'in.1 d i ii v tft iiuusifius w lDtbi Aji X -well known to the traveilincr uubhe. Ihc location la csiwcially suitable to mere ton ta and businesa men ; it is in close proximity to the business part of the cit' is on the highway ol all the principal Raikoad aiKi Steamboat De- .pots.- -a ' Jl THE STEVENS HOUSE has liberal aceommo- elation lor over iW. guests st is well furnished, and possesses 1 every modern IrhprovemeM lor the comfort and entertainment of i ts inmates. nlii. rnAln a o"n at Ana o -I .'f 5 ?. il to. . provided with gas ana water the attendance is ... .... . prompt and respectful and the tahl-is gener ously provided with every delicacof the season at moderate rates. , The rooms having beerjt refonidalfed'aud re mod the comfort and pleasure of our Guests. ; . GEO. K. CHASE & CO., ' . Proprietors. juuc 1 , ; 513-ilm MEETING STREET, , Charleston, S. C. rpHIS HOUSE HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY repaired and refurnished, and cannot be ex- celled by any in the city. ' T , T JOSEPH PURCELL. Proprietor. 5-tf. ian 26 QREEtlDRIER WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS ! ! WILL BE OPENED 1ST OF 'JUNE, 1SG7. 1 THE POPULAR AND FAR-FAMED WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, in Greenbrier couu- I 4.. T.j.i Vr!i S?n mr ill 1 -n 41i imcninfr son for the accommodation of a large number of visitors, and will be , kept in the best style by the Lessees, GEORGE L. PEYTON & CO., as sisted by WILLIAM Ii. PEYTON, brother of the principal, both of whom are experienced hotel-keepers. j Near the White Sulphur A an excellent Chaly beateSpring. . ! - - - liosenberger's celebrated BRAStk and STRING BAND of Baltimore has been j engaged for the season.. ;.: " .')' " ' :" The rights of parties pwning Cottages at these Springs. will be resDected upon their giving time- lv notice to the Lessees of their purpose ta occu- Ty them. in The railroad w be completed to 1 Covington by the. 1st of July from thence to the Springs bv Stage.' and a sufficiency 'of coaches will be provided to ensure comfort to passengers, as not over ten will go upon a single coach. -f : Cholera is unknown in the regions ol tuoviiite j Sulphur Springe. GEO. L. PEYTON & CO. June 1 i 513-2taw4w BOARI), I i RALEIGH, N. C. 13 ER .MONTH, -! -)-' - - " ?40 Children and Servants, ! -: - - i$20 MR. . 11. W. MILLER. , june 4 510-lm NOTICE. TTTE WOULD RESPECT FULLY-C ALL THE attention of our CITY and COUNTRY FRIENDS ! to oy large aud well assorted stock, of Staple & Fancy Dry Goods READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, V HATS, : .' i:. NOTIONS, STRAW GOODS ' &C, &C. We also call special attention to our ? MERCHANT TAILORING and GENTLE-. MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTM ENT. in the hands ol the wcU iknown and experienced -cutter, Mr. D. L..DsLALNEY. I ; J We can furnish the FINEST and ol BROAD CLOTH fancy and other CAS- KIMERJS, VESTINGS, ami a fall line of TAILOR'S TRIMMINGS. Wo can .supply 'all orders at tho ihbrtcat no tice, and respectfuriy solicit a call. : SOL. BEAR A BROS.. ; : 13 Market street. june 17. . 527-lm For Rent. v FOR THE BALANCE OF .; THE YEAR, the OFFICE over O. G. Parsley & Cor., one ot the most desiraoie locauons in tue city. VICKL MEBANE & CO.. 404 North Water Street, 460-tf march 31 HO.LA.SSBS. MOIiASSEf.'- lJI et lcAKDEKAS MOtASSES. 11 bblg. 1 . NOW LANDING EX SCHOONER AN rE- from whan; a. UndedUoweket june 34 533-lw ?4 -j OKACTlCEa IN THE COURTS' 07 KfiW titliitmit RYVrtckTlHRC BROilV'i jiMiOTtrr. sniMon ina innnn rnuouH. r, ; tfH - 474-lr t Anm C9 7? ; V . ?Mk;lllAJJMi, JtXorn&y and. Ooron FA YETTraAE. a WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY K aUuainess intrusted to his care. Claims collected anywhere" in North C'arolhsa. ' ' ' -;y.t H r jan 2; , 405-tf JAMES C. DOBBIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Faretterille, If. p., . OFFICE C0RXER MOW t QREEX STREHTii., WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE collection of. Claims and other business en- '. f nov G ." U i : i'. 237-lf j ABJBJVJ. ROLB IBi SON). Attorney :at .Law, WILMINGTON, N. C, I A7 ILL PRACTICE IN THE CRIMINAL ? T Court of New Hanover County, , , S3?" Office hi "Dispatch "" building. june 12 523-U A,: IttU'XROJB. i '.'.:- ' ' .;..! ''AttOrnC? Sfid Counsellor at LaW. ' - Ji , Eiizatxjthtown, N. C. ! . r II r do nr-rno i ... , r m m mm n fn u li in rti'nr a r n s tYi . . 4T A ' Vi w --.i-w-. Will attend promptly loan j business entrust i ed to his caxe. r ; - '....-.. , i JSgr Rcters to A. Eniple, Est Wilmington, j - iN. C. june 13 524-ly f DRY GO OD S i STILL GOING DOW.N AND WEEKLY RECEIVED AT M, II If I fll f C 11 A Ml, l Pail and Tub Machinery, Improved Keg Machl f M , R A T Z (fc I II W Barrel Maefcnety, V 1,1 V Va 1 u v " J f. Barrel, Tub, and Pail Stave Saws, 23 Market street, I I'll". if 5 . AT ASTONISHINGLY if. 3 ; such as ' ;j ; i DOMEhTIC8, PRINTS, SHEETING and SIURTINGSf FULL STOCK FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, COLLARS and SETTS, : . SIL K M ANTILL AS, a PARASOLS, MITTS, - aiHOSIERY - ; GLOVES, j l HOOPS MILLINE Rl. Every vanety ; r . ,f t .... - : . : ' 1 r HA PS and BONNETS made to order. 1 1 UiVisiiti ivu ;ooiH. CLOTHING, NOTIONS, i MOSQUITO NETTING, &c, &c, &c, &c. We have a buyer continually in the Northern markets, which jfLv.es us ha advautagft of -Milling . ... n i : K- if tj C::, -H1 !' 1 "" ti - at the LOWEST, very LOWEST PRICES. ' ,v : 1 mIikatz.&'co.', " f 23 Market St. i iune a 514-tf i Made by the Little River Manl'g Co,' ON NEW AND IMPROVED MACHINERY! and superior to anything in the market. For sale byx j WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. june, 14 V" 52-2w a. i 1 iO TIERCES GOOD 14 . SOUTH CAROLINA RICE. , For sale, by, , . . .' ' . WILLARD BROS. 29. 30 A 31 North Water Street. Jnnayi3;8 . ti v . i . . . . j Execcrtor's Wotlce. HAVING QUAIJFtEJD AT JUNE TERM, 1887, of -New Hanover County Court, aa Exeeator of the last will and testament of P. K Dicklnson, all persons indebted to his Estate are requested to make payment ; and ail, those hav incr claims or demands; of any sort" a trains t the same arc notified to rnresent them within the iLB.vj r ROB'T IT COWAN, " Executor: june 19 529-2m NEW Y0I1K' CARDS, . CAHIlAItTt WfHTJTORD A CO., 4 WE. MEMllM JJfD WARS - c i. o t ii i n-c- v, ' r i nd... rtM. . j 3 T .' . f V . i -ork' 1! .v. CAXHajrr. wic. m. mrrrroKr, a. t. TuirrLTOH. eod-Ca-L IX reb oTAiin & LinEDEnT, i Commission McrcIinHl lMrFIlOhT STREET. K::.Yv ! ALL CONSIGNMENTS TO C8i ARE COV and lorwardca by Alex, Jjjplwi! on & Co., through j " uuuneivo. irec 01 comuutsios. ' aep u y - :si ' , - ''. EDYAQD J. HALE & G0I)f "WIIOLE3ALE DEALERS IN Books and Stationery, HAVE REMOVED TO NO. 1G MURRAY strtct, a few doors from Broadwar, where they are prepared to svpply their Southern fnenda and the public Booksellers, Merchants, Teachers, frofeesional gentlemen, and others with all articles in this line, at the most reason able cash prices. Address ' E. J. HALE & SON, 16 Murray street, New York. iuav 1 4-2w BANKING HOUSE JAY COOKE & CO. ; Corner of Nassau Street, NEW YORK. I - . ". ' ,. WTE BUY ll'at the most Uberal eurrent Tv prices, and keep on hand a tuu supply ol GOVERNMENT BONDS tF ALL ISSUES, ' , o-. i ...v i mn him, au. wn I WU U t- avi'PV TUTWTlfQ - a u-wt tmitt vt-t Tvrr i . . i , - . . . and saic 01 .oiuuiva, jJU-vna and -uoi. CONVERSIONS. We. convert the several Issues of SevX-?uui- ties Into Five-Twenties on the most favor- k "HI R TRRMii t a V i n r- tH Itf bpHk Rnvn.i mknt Rates, allowing a commission to dealers. Circular with full particulars furnished upon ap plication. JXY COOKE & CO. may 23 505-dJkwly ' L. FAY THOHIPSOIV, , MAN UF ACTUBEB OF ' Y000 WORK ItlQ MACHINERY, 8tave Machinery, Hoop Machinery, the best in the World; Chair Machinery of ali kinds; Daniel's Planing Machines of all sizes. Wood worth's Planing and--Matching Machines, and Circular Saw Mills, Turbine Water Wheels, of different Patterns. FITCIIBURG, MASS. juuc '21. . ......'...,...;. .....6ai-iy Birig-liiiiXL clitol MEBANEVILLE, N.; 0. nHi falt!!term session dr i$o7 OpBj 4 X July 34th.; Coiirse of instruction CLASSICAL MATHEMATICAL AND COM " MERQIAL. Addjrei, COL. WM. BINGHAM, jUB 10 ' ; 521-lm tii eat Improvement in Dentistry! SENSITIVE TEETH JFILLED WITHOUT - PAIN1 . BY A 81MPLE APPLICATION THE TOOTH is rendered insensible to pain during the operation of filling without injury to the nerve or tooths Every operation warranted to give sat isfaction. Charges as low as any Dentist in the city. Teeth extracted without pain. THOS. B. CARR, M. D., ' No. S6 Market stretjt. , jan 2 i NOTICE TO ATTORNEYS. COMPLETE FORMS : AND RULES BANKRUPTCY. IN rpHE ONLY AUTHORIZED AND COM- J plctc edition published in ' the United-f States. . . , . . Adopted and ordered to bo published by the Supreme Court of the United States. NONE OTHER GENUINE AND COMPLETE Sent postage paid to all parts ol the country, : on receipt of one dollar and twenty-five cents A liberal discount to the trade. Address 0. L. 8AYRE & CO., National LarrJiousc; -' 205 Pennsylvania Avenue, . , ! Washington, D. C. june IS 528"-lw FINE SHIRTS. gELLING FINE SHIRTS AND OTHER Gentlemen's Furnishiug Goods, at a very low figure. - i june 3 HAAS & CO. 515-jm, FINE CLOTHES. WE ARE TAKING . - r -f f 7- . J Z f Measures lor Fine Suits, and filling the orders promptly and well. HAAS & CO. 515-lm june II. M EMORY SONS; Patent Universal Cotton ius and .Coiitlensers, CONSIDERED THE BEST NOW IN USE, by those who have tried them. For Circu lar .containing description and list of prices, ap ply to s . WILLIAMS & -dUKCmBUN, Agents jane 17 527-Jw BOOTS and SHOES. VXTB HAVE LATELY RECEIVED 200 VV Cmm of BOOTS ud SHOES, of superior make and finish, which we offer at Manufactu rers' Prices. ' ' ; ' - - t . SOL. BEAR fc BROS. i I r WHARFAGE NOTIC1 ) 1 FROM ASIX AFTER 22ND JNSTANTr NO shinpins wharfage will be charred by ns on 4 produce ahipped over our wharves by vessels to our conaignmeiu. WORTH Jt DANIEL, june 24 533-5t coninssioN nousss. ; :;. PCTTEWAY & nopRF i BN ElciXr COil MISSION MRCUAKTS, KOirrn WATEH STRBET, QOLICIT t)N3IfTNMtNT3 OT ICOTTON, NAVAL-STORES AND COUNTRY FRO DUCIL . - . . . , . r . Bdnjr AGENTS i fbr the Uanu&cturm ara prepared to C1L on tba most raaataable" teraa, orderaxor , , .t . UEO. KIDD'S CELEB HATED . COTTOX GINS, ZELL'3 R-UVBOE 1 , ' ' ' .! SUPER-PUOBPHATE, I'LA i ruWi;ana IIALL- . t . road Scales. i Have constanily on baud FERTILIZERS of all I jau274 . . y ' 4X-tX WM. B. SMITH, JltO. H. BKTAKf JR., WM. ITaXTX. 7M . D. SMITH & COUPAUT, 82 llaronae St.. New OrleaiBg. I PLHLISIIERS, BOOUSBLXERJI AND f STATIONERS, j JOBBJSU3 AND DEAL-BUS IN A1X SASDS QT School Books, Standard and JtUscellanc on Works, Slasonie Books, Jewels, Regalia, Printers' Snpaliea, c. ! jn 20 400-tl JAfU;s HIIVCKELFOnD, SHIPPING AND CTJ1DHSSI0N MER CHANT, WILMINGTON, N C. , ! Idff" Consignments of Merchandise aud Coun j try Produce solicited ; and all business entrusted I to my care will have my personal attention. I l.fimhpr rv1m- will 1. , a tn-tl .. I ! A-,wua viuvio niu AAa V J. liM-iUVIL oct 10 314-tl - - I AM L. N. CANNON. JAM as 8TOKL1T. CANNOIV & STOKILEV, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER- , chants; No. South Water Street, WIL3IINGT0N, N. C. oct 12 316-tf I j- r . - , - " I s. vr. tick, q. r. mjiiakb. of Wilmington.' of Alamaneo eotialy. M ' I W. I). UETN0LJJ8 A BKO. , - ! i of Norfolk, Va. j VIK3 IIEBAXE A; CO., GROCERS. -r rnwm - mmmm- ' . ... FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS,' j Corucr Chcanut and Water streets, Wilmington, N. C. ! sept 30 , 806-tf ALEX. JOHNSON, Jit. - . T. MCEJTI1K. ALEX. JOHNSON CO., GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER- " ' : CHANTS, ; : M ; . No. 8 South Water Street, ; WILMINGTON, N C. sept 12 2y0-ti i ! C. r. MBNDENHALLlK. T.WHITAKXX.lD. KXCBOUI i if .-. Vf rt fT r? . a ? 'I -tnA . J C P. Mcnaculiall & o. Cotton Tobacco,, and General , C O 31 31 1 S S I ON MERCHANTS; j W II O L E S ALE.' G ROCE RS. 57 &30 $outh Calvert St., ' Cornor of Water St.",' I i . Baltimore, JId.f ' , ' . july"2 . . ... 230TtJanij '"7a A-- W:1 11 AUdTi WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES AND GENERAL MERCHANDIZE, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. No 30 NORTH WATER STREET, . Wilmington, IH. (X Rarxxa to- . ; Je&bc 1L Lindsay, Esq., Caahier Bank Cate Fear, Greensboro, N. C-. , . . jKev. C. H. Wiley, Suicrinteudcnt Public Schools for the State ot North Carolina. Messrs. James Corner Ar 80ns, Baltimore. Mesars. Dowlcy, Comera & Co.. New York-. ' jan U . . ? . 0-ti . Gf" HARIi 'mJJ- ' BQTfLl IIA-rtltISS oc HOWELL, GENERAL C03IMI5SION .3JCERCHANTS, j KORTH WATER STRUT. WilmintOD, N. C. , IDG WAIJ-Jt 8TUEET. MBW YOKK. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGN mcnts to our New York House oa Produce, which will be forwarded tlirough, free of com i missions. ! !May5 SIS-tf w38-tf j ci H- BOBISOK, JA3. C. SMITH, . W. O. KOBIKSOV AJUBX. U, 8BAITH, of , Ctbexlaiid. : ROBINSON. SMITH 4c. CO., (Successors to C. IL Rohinaou A Co., and Costln ! .: '.'.. & Smith,)- t. . ! qENEILAL: COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ! 1 AVilmtmWAii ltf T 8Cpt I ; 1UI j. t. mnutAY, - . MiraBaT, , Wilmington; N. M URRA V fc CO., . New York. J. T. COMMISSION MERCHANTS No, 188 Front Street, New York. K. Ml'RIlAY A CO., WHOLESALE ' GROCERS & COMJHSSION 31ERCHANT9 WILMJXQTON X C. aogT CS$-tl Ai JU MOrriTT, W. D. MOFF1TT, OJMDf W LAM AM . j MOFFITT, BRO. A CO.,, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 4 Bout Waich Snnrrr, j ' Wilmington, K C. WILL give prompt pcrtonal attention to the tale or shipment of Cotton, Naval Store, General Produce, etc, etc Also to recti vin and forwarding gooda. i Orders solicited and promptly filled, i nov 27 43-tl 1-wCm i Cliorlestoo. HiceZ ', f-' .J. FEW TIERCES OF FINK, FRESH BEAT RICE. For sale by . 1 . , . RCSBELL A. ELLIS. may K . StXS-tt , -Lime. :Ittnie 1. ..'-( ' . "PINE ROCEPORI' LIME ON, HAND AND cna ran teed lo Jbe fresh and well filled For sale VERY, LOW to clo cojulgnmeaL RVSSELL A ELLIS. pr2JS 479-tl C0!1 MISSION HOUSES. " f -' ; Tiios. V. XEWIM " r ' HOLE ALE AND RETAIL tiROCER, ! 8IALU 1r ' " i lAjent lw Brnma'a N. C RYE WHISKEY. No. S Market St., ' WllmlrrrtPm. S.1. j,.,AprU ...y ;. ' ... " 477-11'. t - rrr 5 To Turpentine Dlstlllcm. ALEInSPHtNT CommisMiori If erclinnt, ; SOUTn WATER STREET, Wilmington, N. C, 18 READY TO MAKE THE USUAL AD nnce on Naval itterea sent bint for trie. Net proceeds X sales promptly remitted. men I) 4ii sm iv . jl aift&siT. A. T. OBI!(ON. B1BDSEV & I10BI.VS0N. i aEm2?i meuciiantc. mch 12 413 1! SHIPPINO AND CO 31 MI 881 0 N, M ERCH ANTS, Witmlnpton, N. C. Jaul5 ' , i . . ZiO lf WILLIAMS Ml' RCniSON, .'0031311 S S ION 3IE RC II A N T S , AM YU o l jcjsjl'l e a it o c a it k, ; , Wilmingtou, N.C., . HAVE REMOVED TO THK .NEW bTOHR on North Water strict, next North of Can torn House, nov 4 SSd-ltn I. O. WUBTll. r. N. a. ItAMISI, "WOttTll DANIEL, COMMISSION A rOKWA RDINQ MEBCIUN 1 nm'l HAarw, T. C fc 11 (J.k HW.A'i i4d stand,) South IVarr Strtrt, 1 Wilmington,' N. C. 1 WILL GIVE STRICT PERSONAL ATTEN Uou tq ihc aal oriUpmeat of Cotton, Naval Stori. and gcperal produce. Also, to re ceiving and forwarding Goods. Icalm in Btg fir-lf, Ron, Twi Lhiie, plaator, Cctnent, Hair, alt, Qoal, Ac., Ac, Arenti for River Steamers A.t. Hurt aud Gov. Worth, and Steam and Hail Lines to New Yerk aud Philadelphia. agpt 8 " ti?5T ft JAHC A, WII.aiVd7 (rORKXALT UXA?IV CUATlf,) GENERAL FORWARDING, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ahu AUlM t rug 4STNA LIPE INSURANCE C03IPANY, . OT nARTFOSD, OOXK., No. 30 North Water Street, Wllmlagton, N. C, WILL GIVE nivrsaual altenUon to the pur chase and sale of Troducw nA MercltaLndUe. i oct 8 ; ' j , isoa-tr i rXTXtt U AXLBTT. . CUAK1JCS uorrMAK GEO. B. BAKR, WlTlf . MALLETT & IIOFFMAN, GENERAL' C03IBnS9ION 3IERCII A NTS , V - No. lO North Water StreeJ, WILMINGTON, N. O. , yc2s , . 277 u . DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Ac. JAMEJi' McCORmJcIc, iTlERCIlA.iyTTAIL.OK, No. 35 Broad Street, Charleston, K. C. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In CLOTH8", CA8SIM ERS AND VESTINGS, . GENTS' AND BOYS' READY AlADE CLOtHING, FURNISHING GOODS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, etc. inly 13, . : , .. tfU 1 T- NORTH CAROLINA -MILITARY POL.tECMf ACADEMV niLijSBtmo A GREAT SCHOOL OP THEORETICAL AND APPLIED SCIENCE. THE SECOND SESSION, NINTH ACADK mic year, opcus July 1st, 1507. Principal studies or Regular Course Mathe matical and Physical Sciences, Engineering, Architecture and Drawing, Latin. French and Belles Lettrcs, Ethics, Political Economy and History. Dipiomaa conferred upon jfraduatca in the Regular Course. Persons desiring- to qualiry themselves for Civil Engineers aud Surveyors are offered a Special Course .ot Eaginccring, Ar chitecture and Drawing, which they may follow cntlrtly, or in part, to the exdualon of all studiea unnccesiary to their purpose. A Commercial Course Is driven to those who wish to prepare for has in ess life. No Military duties eyona enough drill tor healthy cxcrcines Expenses-moderate. Location healthy. For circulars containing lull information, ad dress, - GEN, R. E. COLSTEN Supt.. llillsboro N. C. tuaj2I KJtWiawtlJuly 1 V 111 . . r 1 -f Turpentine Still for Sale. riniZ UNDERSIGNED OFFER FOR SALE A the beat Turpentine Still in the State, iu perfect running order. We Invite the attention of those desirous to Invest, to an examination of Still and buildings. All commuaicatlocs by mail will receive prompt attention: Addrean ALLEN A SUYDAU, iscauiort,'. c. June: 1, 1 51M in SITUATION WjINTED. A. FIRST CLASS MA0UINI3T. AND MILL man, whose speciality la running a saw mill, desires a sitqation; aud would prefer U In the country, parties wishing to engage would do well to apply at once, at - : ' THIS OFFICE. j.ttaM . , 1. , 633-tI BUtfDA.T' Mr kt near corner ot 3rd street, a lam brass key, which tha owner can have by pavios chanres and proving property, on application at THIS OFFICE. June 24 .. 1 M3-tf for nt;VT. THE 8UMMER RESIDENCE OF JOHN J. . CONOLEY, on WrightsviUe Sound. Urge two-story DwelliDg, with necessary Out houses. 'Appfy to ' ' , JOHN J. CONOLEY. Je 5J0-tf

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