4 Circulation Large. ADVERTISING RATES GIVEN. The Latest News 25 CENTS PER MONTH, advertise: in the d viey record VOLUME 2. NO. 18 WILMINGTON, N. C., TUESDAY EVENIr-G, AUGUST 30, 1898. PRICE TWO CENT. ft Homeless Mascou. ^'ew York, Aug. 29.—Blajor Pow ell, chief surgeou of the United transport Hip Orande, _ac- conipanieu u./ -a diminutive Nvgvo boy, entered the oftices of the Gerry society in Twenty-third street last evening. He said, that the lad was Herbert Horner, eight years old, and that his father was a member of the Ninth Cavalry and had been killed at the battle of El Caney. The little fellow, who was attired in garraents much too large for him, cast-off clothes of soldiers chiefly, said that until two years ago he had lived with his parents in Tampa. His mother had then come to this city to go to a hospital. Since then he had not seen her. A few months ago his father enlisted in the Ninth Cavalry at Fernandina, Fla. The boy accompanied that regiment to Santiago, but when his father was killed, CapL West, of Troop A, Sixth Cavalry, took the little chap as a regimental mascott, and he re- raained with the Sixth until Treoj} A reached Camii Wikoff. The Gerry Society will endeavor to find the boy's mother. When she left home, he said she was accom pauied by a younger brother and Aister. Magistrate Flaramer, sit- ;r .TpfPprson Market Police Court this morning, committed the boy to the care of the society pend ing the resolutiou.s. —N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. fl Woman as Assistant Surgeon. ■Washington, Aug. s9.—Today for the fir.st time in the history of the American army ^ wn-, pointed as a memofc^ ‘ -m*.-' ,- staff. Dr. Anita Newcomb McGee, wife of Prof. W. J. McGee, of this city, and daughter of Prof Simmons Newcomb, formerly of the Naval Observatory, was regularly sworn in as an acting assistant surgeon. This, according to Secretary Al ger’s general order, would entitle her to the uniform of a second lieu tenant without designation of rank. It is not likely, however, that Dr. McGee will avail herself of this privilege. The appointment, while a novelty from a technical stand point, is not the begining of Dr. McGee's service with the War De partment. Throughout the war she has been in charge of the selection of the women nurses and of the sev en hundred or more now in the Held most have passed muster at her hands. Dr. McGee has regularly practic ed her profession in Washington for some years and is well known in medical circles throughout this country, having contributed several papers to the American Association for the Advancement of Science and to other scientilic organizations. ft GREW R&^GUEHJin t«v « ^ Get Trades. In taking a summary of the situa tion, the fact at once becomes ai>- W tor 15 fliiyj). firusH. pa>mLJIi>xtJhe--Afvo. A^neri:r,u-+s+wouM cost them but, little and would negleothi,. the eultivatin^. of the EIGHTH NEW YORK REGIMENT ARRIVES. FIVE MEN Wi:,. A BOATL ' APTUREE AND OE GRAIN. In a Critical Gondlton—SItuatlon at Montauk Point Much im- Droved in Health. Chinese EmoeiUi To Protect fi Issues a Der lerican Edi- ■ee tors, Mis, ioiiaries (Telegraphed to the Kecord.) Charlevoix Aug. 110.—The crew of the steamer Superior was rescued from Beaver Island by the steamer Charlevoix today. The Superior had sunk off Gulf Island three days ago, the crew took to the boats and reached Beaver Island where they remained for forty-eight hours with out food or shelter until discovered by the City of Charlevoix brought here- Utica, Aug. 80.—The Eighth New York arrived at 9 o’clock this morn ing. The men are suffering intense (By wire to Cairo. Aug. bn. friendly Arabs uiki -c Wortley. which h as Record.) A brigade o Major Stuart been pushing around Omdurairuith ,\ view of cut ting off'the Khalifra, had its lirst Mvices From Santiaoo. Wa^ihington, Aug. 29,—The fol lowing despatch has been received at the War Department: Santiago de Cuba via Hayti, Aug. 22.Adjutant General, Washington. August 28th, total sick, 380; total fever, 322; new cases fever, 9; re turned to duty, 97; deaths, 7. .(Sigued) Lawtos, Commanding. Washington, Aug. 29.—Adjutant General Corben has received the fol lowing cablegram from Gen. Shaf- ,ter under date of Santiago; “I have today transfered all busi- neas relations to customs over to Major General Lawton. There has been collected with the exception of ,a small amount, $102,093. Salaries of officers and all expenses, includ ing street cleaning, city officials, police, etc., have been paid to date leaving over $90,000 in the treasury. The expenses of the custom houses have been cut down from .$40,000 to "iftiSjWj'per'annttin, and -t-1.",* a- can be materially redue.-il ■ • • collections are all made under tbu painimum tariff, including ^a large reduction in tonnage. The econo my and celerity which has clrarac- terized the business of the customs has been brought about in a great measure under the supervision and good management of Donalson. Jiramle Michael Beaten bu a Negro. New York. Aug. 27.—Major Tay lor, colored today became the cycl ing wonder by beating Jimmie Mi chael and smashing all world’s rec ords. It was a mile paced race, the first heat of v/hieh Michael won ow ing to an accident fo Taylor s ma chine. Taylor took the next two iieats, finishing the last in 1:41 2 b. The former record was 1:4,5 2-5 We are informed that Mrs BT-anklyn Wright tonight will have in bloom ■eight night htooming cactus A Cuban’s Generositg. Fremont. O.. Aug. 29.—John Meek of this county, father of George B. Meek, who was killed on the torpedo boat Winslow, at Cardenas, May 11th has received a letter and a check for $100. The letter goes on to show that young Meek was the first Amer ican born sailor killed in. the Cuban war. The letter received by Mr. Meek reads as follows; Washington, D. C. Aug. 24. John Meek, Esq: Dear Sir;—Some months ago, a Cuban gentleman, who signs him self Cambresis, from the city of Mexico, sent General Tomas Estrpi- da Palma of New York, an order for a hundred dollars to be given to the wife, children or parents of the first American bprn sailor who should die in the war to free Cyba, 1 have just now been informed that your son, George B. Meek, fireman of the first class, on board the tor pedo boat Winslow, was the first hero to shed his blood for the inde- p^adence of our unfortunate and' ■ ' i3 troddeD"^opie."' 1 beg to inclose you the check en trusted to my care, being a proof of the gratitude of the Cubans for their friends and allies, the Americans. Please acknowledge the receipt of the same in duplicate. Yours very respectfully. Gonzalo de Ruesado. Charge d’Affaires of the Republic of Cuba. The check dated Blay 17th and is drawn on the Bank of America, fo the order of Tomas Estrada Palma, and is sigued Blaitland, Cop))ell & Co. On the reverse side it is endorsed; ‘Tay to the order of Gonzalo de Quesado. ’■ Tomas Estrada Palma. ijOiS not as yet had the check cashed and has ait>a4y be^n offered much more than its face value fay ^^ies who want it as a souvenir of ly.'forty are too sick to leave their berths and some are on the point of death. Cries of delirum were plain ly heard as the train ijassed. It was veritably a pest train. Tucy.e is Ot^y one j^hysi*ian in c‘.harge/i hundred and thirty six men who re fused outside assistance. Montauk, Aug. 80.—The condi tions are rapidly improving, there is miTch less suffering among the troops, but it is has been suggested that the regulars rsceive the most care. The troopship Hudson arriv ed this morning with six huddred of First District of Columbia regiment aboard. , Nashville, Aug. 80.—Furniture and hardware stores, bank ally and college street were destroyed by fire this morning; loss half a million dol lars. brush with the e' ; of the Nile, captu about laden wi;- scouts are now The whole Ang has reached Urn from Omduman. a new camp ten n The gunboat xMei; river d^uring a tev Boston, Aug. ship Bay Sta^- ing with ou tiago . . 'PT’ of Holland sued upon ; her regency mina coming of great pleasure ; nation ranged jo throne of the ne the people for tb, ing support. Sh ing ‘'Blay our cor- in everything in tion can be grea.c • on the banks live men and rain. Dervish mtly sighted, gyptian army thirty miles '■ ;/ will move to - nearer today. • n wrecked on - sand storm. Ohe hospital :his morn- "'•om San trades and the mecluinicul and in dustrial avenues 1o uii extent past belief. Take for in,4anee. as a sub ject for comparison, any of the larg er cities^ of the land, and find out how many in proportion to numbers are skilled workmen in any of the mechanical and industrial pursuits. Few indeed if any can be found. And still in studying up conditions presented, the fact is apparent that more Afro .\uiericans should apply themselves to the trades. There Is great demand for .skilled labor, and the ..Vfro-American. coiiipeteut and capable of competing along these lines, will not be long without employment at wages that mean at least independence. Mechanical and industrial pursuits today, offers as much to the Afro-American, who can read between the lines as auy of LoGlal Briefs. If the colored business men would put a small ad. in The Recoro it the professional callings that mi'^ht j .. n. ^ t. Sprunt & Son, Cotton Imoorfe be named.—Pdichigau Representa- -x > ’ /} * j ^ tive. Negroes Teirorized. • Dallas, Texas, Aug. 27.—A rci‘''n Of terror exists all over northern materially help us. Rochester, N. Y. Aug.—Mist Dannie Beck and Charles C. Herrick of this city were drowned at Wind sor Beach on Lake Ontario la,-t night while bathing. Among the members of the crew of the Nantucket who arrived this morning are Messrs. Chas. Martin, John Myers, Griffin Allen. Thomas Holmes, James Muldrow, Louis Bryant, David MeCIarney and Robt, Thomas. We call especial attention to the large and attractive, advertisement of Mr. A. W. Kiveubark, the popu lar grocer. Mr. Kiveubark needs no introduction to the people of this city. Hi.s long business earreer is his strongest recommendation. Give him your patronage. Our popular friend, Mr. Jac«.5 d, W’ilsou, head cotton grader for Alex ers, arrived yesterday from his home Lincoluville S. C,, to resume his season’s work. The Wilmington Division of the Naval Reserves arrived iWs morn ing about 8 a. m. There 'vas ii larc. the war.i • , . AlOQ justjis- 1 the end of Iter Wilhel- y expressed the whole around the !! and thanks : alty and lov- cDcluded by say jF;. become great h;1i a small nq- are liockmg to Dt: . B'cEoi-. Whitccaps in Dentou, Rockwell, Grayson, Kaufman, Fannin and oth er counties ars lo blame. Outrages have been perpetrated in numerous places during the last thirty days, including whipping and shooting Negroes for various criminal offenc- and blowing up a half dozen or Relic oUhe Armada. One of the sights in the harbor of Santiag.o }^e Cuba is the remains of the old St. Paul, one of the ships of the Spanish Armada that Philip II sent to England in 1588, being one of the very few of that famous flotilla that escaped destruction at the time. What a career this 0I4 ship has been through! She had breasted the waves of many seas and wichstobd the storms in many waters for nearly three centuries, when she w.ay burned to the water’s edge here in Santiago harbor a fe'.. years ago and sunk whi^re her re mains now lie covered with barna cles, an emblem of the nation whose flag she once so proudly bore. Dur ing the last years-of her career afloat she was used as a transport for troops from Europe and as a Spanish guard ahip in these seas by the local government. She can only be seen at low water. Only the ribs and stanchions are held together by the stout keel timbers apd low er sheathing. The Spaniards would probably have tried to destroy even this part of the wreck if they had supposed that the American “jack ies” would have madfi these timh^r^* into relics of there victory, if they can find them, as they probably wilU—San Francisco Chronicle. ftDMINISTK. 0R*S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate George McGary deceas ed, late of Wilmington, New Hanov er County. State of North Carolina, This is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said de ceased, to prese,^t the same on or before the 18th lay of August, 1899, or this notice will be plead in the bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to estate will please makeimmed;'. .ulement. This 18tb day of Auguist '^98, JnoStephen Jo le.s. W. E. Hentlerson Attorney Administrab r •elloKs Pin, IjUajj apf' tween bt.? Capt. Vale' tie street n> Sixth and ^ more houses by dynamite, Negro districts and suburbs of Dallas are crowded with strangers. Chief of Police Cordwell says there are nearly 2,000 strange Negroes here and more coming. Police Capt. Ceehan says 200 came in last might, and were huddled together like sheep. The police and sheriff 's de partment find the race problem a difficult sitviatipu to solve. Robber ies are increraing, but officers be lieve most of them is the work of white thieves, who argue that the crimes will be charge to straqge Negroes. Divorce Notice. btate of North Carolina. / New Hanover County. \ Eliz'.’ Jo,pcs. plaintiff- J'" ^ hi anu Cas- ' ■nth, or between nth oil Mulberry. The finder vul be rewarded by leav ing the pin at this office or by rq- tpruing it to Capt. Valantiue Howe. Died. Mrs. Marj Henderson, died about 3 miles east of this city at 12 o’clock yesterday from old qgc. ^he deoeas^ ed was the mother of Mrs. G. W. Burnett. The deceased was borq ux Prince County, Ga. The interment’ was held this afternoon at 4 o’clock 3,t the family burying ground. The fuperal was conducted by Rev. M.L. Blalock, paston of St. Lhke’s A. M E. Zion Church. Pay iip at ance, if you plea;?« that we effp combat the evil mflueu- oes at work agaisbt our race. Mr, Adam Brown haii roraoved his family to New York where he wUl; make bis future home. ii take uoticfc tiittu un action entitled above has been commenced in the Superior Court of New Hi^^^aver County, to a divov-ce dissolv- bonds of matrimony hereto fore and. now exi.sting between the plaintiff and Ylefendant according to the Statutes in snch cases ;^ade and provided, "pha gv-ound in which ^aia judgement and dccvcc are claimed is fully sqt fev-th in the- com plaint: how on file, and you are here by notified that if you fail to appear and answer tho said complaint as above required, the said iilaiutiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in said ^omplaint. This 29th day of August, 1898. ;ino. D. Taylor, Clerk of the Supe rior Court. "W, E: Henderson, Attorney for plaintiff. /i ■ arrival. x ; •.> ko service Sunday. Quite a large number of citizens left yesterday to attend the New- Berne Fair, which is repoj’ted as bt>- ing the finest held in that city for years. Mrs. Fannie (ilather and Miss Delia Story did not leave yesterday for New Berne as was reported but they will leave today. Every colored man should by him self a little plot of ground and erect himself a little house thereon., If it takes ten years to pay for a home it is well worth making the effort to. buy one. Planning to buy one af ter you have saved up something for that purpose never amounts to mucK Blost men succeed when pressed the- hardest. It is said that in proportion fo his wealth, the Negro is the best dress ed Individual on earth. VVe take this as a very doubtful Yomplimeat* Cleanliness is an essential to life; but fine clothes do not make a man. Try to get something more than an exteoiive wardrobe. There are a number of \veU-t0-ffo colored men in this city w'hoi succeed ed only through , pevs.5s;tent efforts coupled with ngiti ecuiiomy. TIj? secret of th^ir success is that they spent less than they earned. The Alter Guild of St Marks.P.E Church will give a lawn party at the Rectory Conxer Sixth and Grace street tonight Admission latge children 8cts.. small ohilcPren .- free If you would have money in time of need, refuse to buy simyly bt^cause you want an article or beeaue it is cheap. Great Bargains. Linen Duck in short length at 7} cents. Ladies Shoes in odd size s a and below New York cost. Ladies Straw Hats for bathikg at 8c each. Aprans, Gingiiam at (c per yard Bargains in all'lines. ^ |T 18 Market street. sri”? ■■ MUM

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