Cipculation Large. Mi;^tRriSING RATES GIVEN. The Lafcsl News 25 GENTS PER MONTH. BE SUBETTO BBX3IS ^ER VOLUME 2. NO. 62. WILMINGTON, N. C., THURSDA. EVENING, OCTOBER 20, 1898. PRICE TWO CTS. fl TEW HINTS. ■'Lord God,of Hosts! be *with us yet, Lest we forgot, lost wo for get." Dou't get mud at all tlie white people because of the few who have forgotten; vve have friends among them yet and tlicy are not all in the Kepublican party, either. About 30 Negroes have been dis charged from employmeiit breause of their determination to enjoy citi zen rights. ()0 men are wanted at Hort Caswell at fair wages. Surely God hgth not forsaken us. The matter of registration is wor thy of deep consideration by the Re publican voters of this city and coun ty. klvery ruse known to the I)emo cratic party will be tried to head off the liiajcrity that should swell out for the Republican ticket in this election and if the voters do nob reg ister there will be no need worrying about the result. The Republicans will lose through their own careless ness. There are many conservative white m‘en in this city who say it is no crime fo?' them to register and vote, then surely it is no crime for their servants to register and vote. Ev ery man in this country is a peer • -heforo the. When the time coes when the few niustp e egiiLu:tf_tjlQ_inany; the Thomas Jlferson snail have lived invain. lie says ttiat true govern ment derives its power from the governed. What is There to Fear? Tlie Democratic x)apers arc urging the “Red Shiiis” to put themselves in evidence from now on to clecticni day. They have talked freely of forcing their way to wlection, and to those who are not familiar witli the people of this city they get the impression that there is danger of bloodshed and riot. Wo say now as wc have said: that there is' no danger of this sort of thing. We have heard it reported that several I'iffes have been brought into this city to be used as a last resort for carrying the election. We doubt that any such' thought has entered tlic mind of any honorable man from first to lust. In the first place we ask in all seriousness who is there among the whole number tliat would make of himself a murderer for the sake of carrying an election, which if it goes either way, must give • JivJiiLf' men ofiice? And if there were those willing to shoot or kill, surely they would stop long enough to think who it is that they would thus murder! If Wilmington was the half civilized town some try to make it appear, there might imlced be danger, Init such is not the case. We have here a elass of people who delight in law and order, who will not lend aid to any act of violence and they are the ones wh very largely control tlie musses. The wealthy and intelligent men of tliis cumm1.mity are not the ones whom wc may expect to engage,in this busi ness of disorder and bloodshed; then who will engage in it?, Surely not the poorer elass of white peojile who live either next door' to colpred families or at least in the immediate neighbor hood? These can’t be cxcjected to en gage in this hellish pastime at the instance of men W'ho would incite them to riot in order that they, the office seekers, may be benefitted? No, oh no! Men are not led up to the commission of gross crime simply for the gratifica tion of some one's else ambitions. They arc even now counting up the cost of such a step, and it will be seen that, dispite the howl that is being made, and the threats that fill the pers, sober, common sense will pi’cvaii and men who have lived in peace and happiness together as citizens, though differing very materially socially and racially, will continue their friendly associations to the end of the chap ter. II the suggestions given • out by the hostile papers were followed ii2), who can fathom the dej>ths to which this fair community would be plunged? JIuke this matter a jfersuual questioni Ask youself: ‘AVhat have I against my neighbor that I woukl seek to destroy his life or Iiappincss?"’ Sober, honor able white i)eople in this city, are not at all responsible for these tlireats, and happily tliey constitute the large ma jority of our white citizens. The dan ger is as great to them as it .is to our selves, for they know that if lawless ness ever Imgins, it -ivill never stoj) at the ijoint at which it was aimed, but like an avalanche will sweep ALL before it; and like “Giesar’s Column”, after they have destroyed the enemy they will then destroy tlieiuselves in their wild intoxication. Rest assured that the conservative _ Storu From Madrid. London, Oct 20.—^riie Madml~-Cf>F- respondant of the Times says: “Ca})tain Aunon, the minister of marine, has received a dispatch from Manila, announcing a naval engage ment between the Americans and the rebel, in consequence of Admiral DeWey forbidding the latter to fly the rebel flag from their ships. Tlie dis patch adds that there were losses on both sides, but that the Americans captured the rebel ships. The scene of the engagement is not stated, but it is supiioscd to have been in Manila Bay.” Russia in China. London, Oct. 20.—A disjiatch from Shanghai to a London news agency says: ‘b\. Russian regiment occupied tlio town of Ne'W Chwaug, (province of Liao Tong) and the rorts at the mouth of the rive Liaou on October 15, thus securing complete possession of New Chwang. The native troops fled with out making any ojiposition, under orders from the Empress Dowager and Li Hung Chang. “A British gtinlioat was in the river at tlie time. Its non-resistance is re garded as the virtual abandonment of the whole of Manchuria to the Russians and give Russia an invaluable strategic position. Great Britain is certain to lose the New Chwang trade, of wliich it has had eighty per cent.” Great Britain And France. London, Oct. H).—Sir Michael Hicks Beach, chanceUor of the ex chequer, speaking at North Shields this evening, announced that the government had opened negotia tions with the powers with a view of securing to the subjects of the various powers the “right of devel oping the respective spheres in which each countuy is especially in terested. ’* Regarding the Fashoda question, he said wished cordially to acknowl edge the desire evidenced in his speech of Lord Roseberry and Her bert to help in the matter which might develope into one of the ut most gravity. ’’ “It is impossible," he co^'tiuucr? • Franr.- v, i".tL'tabi rb ha . , hda naturally anu pro; , r’l foo time to receive Major Marco- andjS reiTort; but until the contrary is proved, I decline to believe thub France will refuse to withdraw. If she refuses, the matter would assum au as^iect as grve as is iTossible be- tweeu two great nations. “The government is animated by the friendliest siDirit toward France and does not wish to inflict humiiia- tou. What we desire is fair treat ment. Our work iu Egypt ia not compleLed. Africa is big enough for us both--for France in the West and ouselves iti ilie East. Surely we ought to be able to agree to re spect one another’s rights and claims. 1 hope, trust and believe, that the question is capable of a friendly solution; but this country has put her foot down. If, unhapiTi y^anothev view would be taken by France, the Rueen’s ministers know what their duty demands. ■'It would be a great calamity, if, after peace for upward of eighty years our friendly relations should be disturbed and we should be ■bi'-Vtvhed iuOALiu^r'ur; b;,-. are greater ts slialijict tehii •, I'r. is corning, kuo',. lug that we are sup ported by a united people." Paric‘ Oct. D.—In spite of Semi official denials the Echo de Paris as serts today that the embarkation of war material and supplies continue at Toulon, adding that extraordin ary activity reigns at the arsenal there. Besides the iron-clads, the cruisers Alger, Levrier and Caiman it is claimed, are getting ready for service, cnibarkiug ammunition and war material. In addition, it is fur ther asserted, the transports Bien Hoa and Oirone are almost ready for sea. All the French naval officers ou leave of absence have been ordered to return to their vessels, A dispatch from Toulon conlirms the report of the Echo De Paris, and says the greatest activity pre vails in the navy yard, where work is proceeding with feverish speed, day and night. Washington. Oct. 10.—As far uj could beassertained no iuformatio i regarding the rep”''‘od gagement has Been iceeivea u>' « Navy Department, nor has Geuer . Otis, coinanding the United Sta- ,;s troops at Manila, made any refer ence to it in any communications he may have sent to the War Dej^art- ment. The dispatch created consid erable interest in Washington. Recently these newspapers ^ on- tained a statement that Admiral Dewey had dispatched one or two of his ships to another portion of the Philippine group on a mission of some importance, and the sug gestion is made unofficially that it may have been those vessel which have been engaged in combat with the insurgents. sNeoro Question, Lov le, Oct. in.—The Grand Lodge r Kentucky Masons, at its sessio --day, unamimouslyadopted the rCi 'utions reported by its speci 3-1 Ci- - which recommends non-iij •:r.s- between the Grand ' '>tute and the Grand bdiigtcn. becaitsi^ of nterchange of communications with Madrid and to formulate a final at titude on the Cuban matter. The attitude of the Spaniards, to be de veloped on Friday, will be watched with no little interest. Their alter natives are few, but i)regnant. They may accede to the American attitud themselves assume Cuban to er M-.XI.L It al ( aged av ‘oages. rue uiotion ■ • ’od by fifty Mast ■cided to build a home for iafirmed Masons. Resolutions. Tin ilowiiig resolutions tvere i)re- sent(! ; != ''psterday for j)ul>Iicatioii: ■ . s: Since it has become a2)peai tf!t that there is a disposition to intiriid'.ile the voting element of our nc-c by discharging tlicm from vuriouK places of cm2)loyment in the event that they register to vote, and W '“as: It has eome to the notice of u. -olored ladies—the laboring clns; it certain of our men have re fused register ])ceause of tlie intimi- dathi -nentioned above, we have then e Kt- : . ed: 'J’hut every Negro wlio refi';-v o register his name next Satur day ll it he may vote, we sluill make it - Msiness to deal with him in a will not be pleasant. He si ‘.andeda ■White livercd cow- a-^ 'ould sell his liberty and tlie ‘ >ur whole race to the demons •en now seeking to take , d ri'-hts vouchsaf- • r c.q j >pT ■ ^ lu-. u ’L deed: 'Duit we teach our daugh- toio u> -H-o. uize only tliose young men wlio ha\c the courage and manhood to stand up for the liberty which under God lie now has, be he ever so jroor. We are further Resolved: I\) len'd our assistance in (3very way to perpetuate the liberties which we now enjoy, regardless of the insults and threats thrown out at us by ‘hose wlio seek to crush us. "We ha've lesolvedr to teach our children to e the party of manhood's rights and j erties, trustsng in God to restore j ler out of the jiresent confusion. Be Resolved Furtlief: That we have these Resolutions published in Ouii Daily Recoiiu, tlie one medium that lias stood up for our rights when oth ers have forsaken us. Respectfully submitted, Au Organization of Colored Ladies. Holding The Fort And Invite Attacks. jKcUscas.t.j k'Jiii.* tVith CaBcareib CauCy cure constipation forevei jfo,-'- :;i,druggistBrefwiArDijnef Paris, Oct. 10.—The Spanish I peace commission was unable tonieet ■ ho United States peace commis- 0 ;it the joint session arranged (for. u ay aBd-tho_ next meeting of Ghe two commissioners has been fixed for Friday next, ' Judge Day, president of the Amer ican oemmission, received a com munication this morning from Senor Montero Rios, president of the SiTanish commission, saying that advices expected but not re ceived from Madrid made it necesay for himself and his colleagues to re quest a postponement of any further conferences until Friday next. A courteous reply was returned by Secretary Moore, in behalf of the American commissioners, granting an extension of the time of the ndxt mesting as requested. The assigned reason for today’s request for delay ^is believed to have been to allow an protocol' point ol Porto Rico and the choice by the United Slates of an island in the Ludrones groujo; or they may at this juncture formally ask for arbitration or as au extremi ty wbish Is not likely, may retir from further negotiations. The Americans yesterday held a brief session, having no reference to the negotiations, and the brevity of these meetings and other indication warrant the deduction that the A- merican altitude is well formed and tkat tbe commission istliorough ly advised on all the [joints and eatur-'s whioh it is possible to fore see in subsequent conferences. The amount of information acquir ed by the Americans since their ar rival here is large. They have ex amined old residents of the Philip pine islands and tbe information and testimony from this and other sources is valuable. A distinguished Roman Catholic churchman, from New' Orleans, is now in this city in connection, it is said, with the interests of the Ro man Catholic Church in Cuba. The holders of Spansih securities have not been iup'^tive. and it is not unlikely that the-.. - u •*c> -:’'.iS' sioQ has been called upon i- comsid er a written presentment of'figures, facts and pleadings in behalf of these interests. Were it not that the spirit and attitude of the American commision are so dignified, it might be said that they are now'‘holding the fort and invite attacks. Their [jersonali ty and jirocedure, however, here is such as to make it fair to say that, while uol courting attack, they fear none. NEWS ITEMS. The gunboat Wilmington left yes terday tor Charleston, S. C., where she is to take part in a peace jubilee celebration. The Secretary of war has received the following telegram from Govern or Clough, of Minnesota: “I agree with General Bacon that the Indian war is at an end." The Hannibal and Hornet were placed out of commission at Norfolk Tuesday and the monitors Puritan and Terror were laid in reserve at tbe same place yesterday. -By order of the War Department, Major General Francis V. Greene, who has been assigned to the Sev enth Array Corps, will have com mand of the corps duing the absence of Gen. Lee. A letter has reached Vancouver,B C., Horn St. Michaels, saying that the balloonists sent out to search for Andres were there. They have given up their balloon trip and staked twenty-five claims. Newspapers received at \'ancou- ver, B, C.. by the steamer Empress of Japan, from Hong Kong and Yo kohama, publish the amazing state ment that Li Hung Chang and the dowager Empress of China have been , secretly married. Six iroo^js of the Sixth cavalry', after the peace jubilee ceremonies iu Philadelphia, will proota'd to Augus ta; Ga., for duty wi n the Second Army Corps. This will be the first movement of troops from camp Meade to Southern camps. (nUn-' on . part ur so,:, t-m plovers to intimidate their enqfloy-- ees by telling them their places will be taken from them ill the event of tiieir registering to vote, we take occasion to refer ithcm to these sec tions of the Election Law: Sec. 41. That any [jersoii wLo shall discharge from employment, withdraw patronage from, or other wise injure, threaten or oppress, or attempt to intimidate, any quU- fied voter of this State, because of the votes such voter may or maySuot cast in any election, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor." "See.. That any person who shall, at any time before or after an elec tion, either directly or indirectly, give or promise to give any money, property or reward, to any elector or to any county .or district iu ol der to be elected, or to procure any otlior person to bo elected a incm ber to the general assembly, or to any offloial under the laws of of the State, shall be guilty of a inisde meanor, and any person who shall receive or agree to receive any such bribe, shall also be guilty of a misdemeanor. ” ■'s not rcgi.stci. is uo crime iu niuintainiug \uur rights as free men, and no powers of intimidation should deter one from doing his whole dni..-- Turkish troops, with arms and baggage, haqe started from Caiiea for Suda bay, where they will ship for Turkey. Merocant ships in the harbor have on board many families of officers and officials who are re- turuing to Constantinople. fiO MJliN ANTif if sir h’oiiT (.i -vs- well to work ou a ne.v battery. Full 12 months work. 10 cents per hour paid. Board can be obtained at So per montli. For full particulars in quire of George Wriglit 50!) Castle street. LOST—Thcbsd.iy, a Goi.n Chain on McRae Street between Caiupbell and Eedcross, or ou Redcross be tween McRae and Seventh, or ou Seventh between Redcross and Walnut streets. The finder will be rewarded by leaving same at Tuj; Rkcord offliee or at the residence of Mrs. Lucy Miller 516 MeSac Street. ^ Mr. 11 L. JJently will open a Might School SoutlAwest corner of-Ninfii anti Castle Streets; Tuesday niglit Oct. Is Tuition 8o cents per inoiitli. Ttrictly in advance. p, WEATHER FORECAST. WASHINGTON.FORECAST FOE- NOBTH CAROLINA. Cloudy and warmer toniglit, 'wuli rain in western portion; Fritlay, rain, with cooler in western portion: brisk east to southeast winds. LOCAL FORECAST FO.t; WiL- MINGTOH' AHO'VICINITY For 36 hours from 8 a. m. to-day; Partly cloudy toniglit, with slight risq ill tenqjerature; Friday, rain; brisk easterly winds.