... ... " " y v - . . J. . t r-v r-ri: rrj - l 7 L'fUi ft -- PS ill TUB MMGffl DAM POST. !TOnT N. C, AUGUST 8, 1887. - 1!aW iftcb dij auktbisatiAxt week for free .ircalation throughout the city and.State, hereby offering a rare opportunify for Mer- cbants tp bring their bnsincss before the ' T)Riw-BlcKPAPBB8.-The local of the Journal teplies t, oar remarks in relation to draw-backs Jpder fire different heads : t.t Tie don't know whn tit He don't know whre. we came from, 2d. U. don't know who we are, . 3d. We, are a new Lwner and therefore-f re Aot competent to judge 'of the character of our shippers, 4th. As the Post ! jjjj jnst started "of course, its editors and report gni mnat all be new comers, ; and therefore have to right to correct any mis-statements in a paper longer established, and 5th. Not "being in the rnal : Revenue Department, or connected herewith; he do? " not . pretend to speak by j ,111 ? ' 7"'' 'vV" "; Kv.' ; Ai No.' 15 contains Just the assertion ji he should rVmadeyaiid was self-evident from the article ,n question," we will reply to it as it is the only thing of particular; nete in; his article.' Had he taien the trouble to ask. the Collector of Internal jeyeaue, ne might have learned that our ship pen had shipped f) foreign and obtained draw tackfl for the tax; he would "also have" learned; ; that the '. Commissioner at Washington and not! theXollector at Wilmington, alioved the! drawl tbwVclalms, and he might have ;iearned that our mercWts receive their draw-back; funds 'gener tllj in three month less time. tham the New Xofk ihippers. : He would then ibe nearer speakind ,'by the poos.- ;V..Vi..-;, r : , . - -;- , -. r We are glad that the Jbprnalhaa learned," aftef rreading our article, .thai direct trade was not in4 ingorated yesterday, and .are pleased to see the teDeflcial results of reading the Post, at so early sday or s existence.- we still have the "pre jnmptlon to presume" that when an editor won- dtn why our merchants do not avail themselves of a law, which all shippers are perfectly familiars withi and are dally availing themselves of, he id "doing those merchants and shippers an Injustice. ; W't have had a daily intercourse with all the 'principal shippers of this city for many months, and we feel as competent to declare their high ilanding and business integrity, as a man whol may have lived in the city from boyhood, j j i i Tni lMMOBiAi J; N.--A great manyof "those who were here during the, latter part of: the war : will TOcbUectUie queer.g N. only,n who stumped rtheb South In? favor of closing the wkr ;lan taken out a patent froni the Machiavellian school But J. N.;was nnsuccessful in hiiB attempts to make all peopl think alike on that matter, and although his plan ldid not gb through, ' yet J. N!i Wmadf;did,,jind; came out, we beUeve, at the il4 tie end of the liorn. like ail classes of advents r!? ?- N;;.J.d!? n6t idrget.!i at; the close of each harrangtte, to take up'a collection for the benefit of the performer, andtwejw crous Incident which cjcurredi buk the inibf las addres Mrt" As;TisualJJN.siit was passed around, and as vniifwl ii came back full chock f full; even to running oven . A smile of ineffable sweetness overspread the features of the philosopher as heV reached hi hand to receive thf ''kratefnl tribute,'' but " that smile was quick ly changed as he approached a light and saw how rich T. N. would ha ve been if the 'Katharon' Bank would only redeem ita issue ; at par. The mystery waa solved ; the ,,boys' of the audience had depleted the neighboring drug stores of their entire ; stock of Eatharon imitations of bank notes, and "the immortal's'; - hat groaned beneath its counterfeit riches. i , . ;We wfU come back now j to that which we in tended saying at the outset, which is that N. is now in Lynchburg, not dead yet, j although twice reported killed,und seriously revblvinc: the idea of making a tour "throughout the South on a "Reconstruction mission. I I I i ; m-.:' ' 1 l"r ';' ', " !" ,. : ' Titi!, Case of Frank. Smith; Franklin SMiTH.whb was convicted for the crime of rape upon one Srjs4NNA Smith at the Aprtl ierm pf that Criminal Court, and fiom which verdict an appeal was taken by the defendant's counsel, J. L. Rhoades, Esq.,- to the Saprein Court, Was re sentenced, yesterday by his.PQnpr, JudgeMKAKES, pto suffer the death nenalty on the 30th insfe; be tween tne nours of 10 o'clock, 1 A. M., and; 4 o'clock, P. I. The Supreme Court having deci ded that no error was committed by the Court beh ijv'. The counsel, in brief and appropriate remarks spoke of the disadvantages under which he labored la managing the defence of the case and asked his Honor to grant sufficient time for an effort to obtain f executive., clemency, as evi dence was in existence that led him to believe that the prisoner, at the time the offence was al ledgei! to have been committed., was incompe tent to commit such a crime'. Wilmington Money; Market, Aug; 3.; COBRECTKD WEBKX.1r BT; JAS.-'iDAW80Ntri BAHKEB ' Exchange on New York,1 buying i discount, and seUing par. V 4';T:5 V;1--"" N. Carolina Bonds-K)id sixes,' with1 all the ? ; .''l coupons on since" Mayi "iS&l:t.l&7 N. Carolina Bondsneir rsixes ii 1 v.'. 155 N;:c;-Xoubons..-:Vrr;..i:t.'-;i.i?:u43 mi AMES. V Gold. -j. 4 Silver.::. BANK-NOTES n'h' Cape Fear. . . . V. .;. . . -Vi. . Bank of N. C. .' . I n . . v . Farmer's Bank..wi.?i.. Merchants' Bank . :. . iJ - - i. . . Roxboro . . ' i . . ; . . . . Charlotte. ....... . . .". . Thomasville ... .. . . . Lexington, at L.. .V'..'.". T Miners' and Planters. . .V.. Wilmington . i.,. . . Wadesboro'.. L . Commerce. . J. ... . .... . .1 : . Commercial ... . .'. ..... .. ; . Greensboro Mutual..'. ..!... Fayetteville .1 .. . ;....!.,: Clarendon. . .'p.'. '.. ;V. V.hT, Washington. i . h .j:, k . . Yanceville ...:'....:....!... Lexington at Graham..;. BUTINQ BA.TE8.. flElilMO BATES. 140( 14( 13f 27 !....' 0050 00 WHOLES ALE PRICES C UR RENT Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 3, 1867. IScantling . .r. 8 00(310 00 1 TtTL 9 A f . BEESWAX. IP 2..,,.........3234 BEEF CATTLE. " ! $ 100fes...8 50ld00 BARRELS. . ; Spts. T.. new ! N. Y...., ..84 00(34 25 2d hand do . 3 00($ 3 50 BAGGING. , Gunny. . ... . 2800 Dundee. . . . .L . . 3034t Rope...,...:...10m BRICKS. ? M fl0 0015 00 COFFEE." ib:. : Java . 0040t Lard. .:. ' 1 801 50 Laguvra J. .2830 Kerosene. . .'. 55f0 57t Rio. . . . . . . . .;. J . .24(326;Linsecd ! 1 751 90 White pine. 45 - . . luce. f bbl... 1.80200 molasses, W gallon. Cubahhd.. ..ii 5052 do : tierce...! 60 do bbl...... 60 Syrup ;1601 00 Sugar House. .5052i , KAILS, id. Cut:....;,.,$0 757 00 Wrought . il. ..0000 1 I oils. S gallon. Rosin . . .10 350 55 V Wilmington Manufactories. rThe Wilmin ton Manufactoring Company is the name of a large establishment engaged In the. manufacture of Barrels; - It Is located in the ol d u Clarendon Iron works,? buildings, and ; employs about one hundred hands. 1 They commenced opperationsj on" the 17th of Aprii last, and organized with, thq following officers : Jambs -A.p Webb, President i T. E. Roberts,- Vice President, and Henrt Rob bbts, Secretary. Their machinery is capable o ' tarning out one hundred and fifty barrels per day which they sell here, Jin Charleston and Nev York. Their spirit casks are. prepared by a! pat est process ;of Inserting the glue into ' the wood , so as to utterly prevent any leakage .or evapora -tjon of anyf volatile fluid placed 'in them.' The; r are known as the41 Patent Impermeable: BarI 8KL8," and meet with ready sale. . j j . - f Another great advantage gained -by using ma -chine made barrels is that they always contain (when full) the same quantity of fluid, and the ad - rantage is; that while the tax is paid at 40 gallons to the cask, the purchaser buys - on the gangers ceriiflcate; and as the country packages j often 'contain 42 or 43 gallon, the draw-back papers dp not agree with the quantity, and the Bills of Lan ding on foreign ' shipments, of . course, do not agree with the draw-back papers ; and hercialiep half the difficulty of foreign shipments. All thiis ? w obviated by ttsing machine madebarrels, gaug ' Ing exactly the same ; and as barrels can be man nfactured.here and b lipped to New York at -, p profit, competing with the ' New. York pack ages" at home,' we think when , they become known, they will supersede them entirely in their home market. Bonnets fob August.' For the benefit of our lady readers with whom fashion always wears its greatestj charms, we give here, from good au thority, the latest fashion in bonnets, j I Hats are now larger than bonnets; bonnets have Bteadily grown smaller as. the season ad: anced, until they now consist of nothing; more than amefe spray of flowers, selected to match the trimminsr of the dress, and laid, on a I light foundation of tulle. This is the favorite atyle Of aress Donnets at tne iasmonaDie watering piaces, tndAwith the transparent toiletof muslin, grena dine, chambeiy gauze and. other delicate tissues, notamg can be prettier. With the white musim toilets, of. which a great many have been prepared for ; this month, these little floral head-dresses are' especially charming, the fio wers ..consisting gei-" erally of yioletsv forget-me-nots pinks,, daisies and the like,' selected with reference to the color of the, ribbon with which tle' dress is trimmed. Brewer! Orpttit A ssTt.rrM lis the name of a I beautiful home 'for colored orphan children, lo-; cate bn V Middle Sound." It is under the supervision of the Rev. S. Ashley and under the immediate charge of Wm. Clarke, who is ably assisted by a matron. M 4 teacher. There mre tabout forty children; there at this' time, who would . be wanderiilg - bont the streets but for this instithtlon. Homei are provided for thekn as' fast as possible, and the larger boys are placed in different localities ic learn useful ije iThe are of alU agep from six nionths, to' twelve; years, - and all ojiti enough, are placed In the sciiool-rom. A gym Mium is at their . disposal during the hours jof pcreation, and' all' old enough, work in the field a portion of each day. ' "We are preparing statJs uca pf the institution and will publish them Yesterday Public opinion, generally cor rect, has determined that yesterday was warm, yea that it was more than warm, that it was hot. Had not the public mind given this decision, in dividual opinion would have done so, for all; whom we have heard say anything, remarked that it was excessively warn. ': The j late . cool weather with which wq have been blessed, has rendered the present heat more oppressive, and yesterday when old Sol had fully regained his disputed territory and driven out the last loiter ing rear guard of winter, which, lingering, had not only chilled the lap3 of May, but also those of June and July, we were i quickly transformed from a comfortable community Into a mass of sweltering humanity. ' 1 1 - - The sun shown from a brazen sky yesterday-r- the sun reflected back the scorching rays, wilting paper collars and. blistering the wearer's feet ; metal door knob3 almost melted ; the shingles curled up in the heated air ; the fishes tried to remove their, scales because of the heat ; a dull steaming mist rose from the river ; umbrellas were in demand ; and all sighed for a cool retreat, It was warm yesterday. -. , ' Postponement. For the information of those among our readers . who may have purchased tickets to the Grand Entertainment of the Ladies Aid Society of New York, which was to have been given in Washington City, on the 1st inst., ; we copy here from the circular sent out announcing its postponement. The reasons assigned for this step arc that the sales of tickets, affected as they were by the distrust caused by the proceedings of the Baltimore Presentation Concert, have not been sufficient to justify the drawing at this time; St. Domingo. . J . .24-27 CANDLES, J U Sperm.. ... . . .. . .5055 Adamantine . , . ' .23(326 Tallow. ;..J. 18(0.20 domestics. 19 vard. Sheeting, 4-4. . i .17 00 Xarn,$ bunfl 900 00 fish, bbl. Mullets 6 (as 00 1 Oak bbls.110 0010 Pine do. ..: 8 i Mackerel . .'- vNo. l..'..:00 0022 00 jno. a. . . . .ao ooao 00 No. 3... .00 0014 00 tCits 3 00 3 25 I Herring, Nova Scotia j ibbs,. 5UO(oQ 7 00 1 i -it T 0SJTA P?ckftB6ok. either on Orange or j Water streetsontainino- Wf K. K. for $3, dray tickets. &e; i -t-t i . r; , A5e fin.def W receive' rthaboVeP reward by leavmgitat: -nftf.i tjMl th&d "li i'tk it Freight-by !Rall wrayif XXn js TO MERCHAtfTfrAfflWPLANTERS. V: 'H. .". W '-:' il7- -i-tti fcl.Jl '':.? r--l'-5t' F. TVJEW CHEAP . ANDs QUICK? LINES BE- : tween this city.x tvi SI- f-T-r SHJPPIKG.1 A'. J - EXPRESS ,STE41SHIF4LINE THE. r NEW ! AND FANORITE ' ;r. mm saw !W 1 I Vf IISCEELaNEOUS: ii. r. hatch. GENERAL ission no; isa rRONT street corner of pine. CONSIONMENTSpE COTTON & NAVAL VJitores solicited, usual, jadvances made and all ordtra promptly -executedJ-.;.'v;U;.:.- RICHMOND, -.f NEWi'yORfcarid 7'"--- .ii'-r .J'-i i i BOSTON. via WELDON,1 PETERSBURG TORTjSOqTH. , I Rates are so lowV and ticnesa quick, that there - is no competition with any other routes. : . l ry. 1L For classification and.ratestjapply to Master of Transportation. :'! i ' -t u: ; , -n -.-p; 8. L. FREMONT, mi , jl k "? B .(Engineer and Superintendent. aug7 5 J--;-.:';. -'- . tf'' JAMES L0VRY, WHEELWRIGHT, DUE ON THURSDAYAugusteth, wfll aitf for New York TUEsbA AmruTt lMLTx opacious passage accommodatlon8v fis For freight or passage apply to . ( . ! ' ' : ! f ' llOBAOE M. BARRY. 1 Foot Cheatnnt street' ;,Af! V;- ..V.-Ifi tf aug 5 FfiU NEW YORK. 'tA; CORNER OF RED CRO$S A.ND SECOND STREETS, v'-'Wililii A LL KIND3 OF CAHItlAG E AND VVHEEL- WRIGHT WORK performed with neatuess and dispatch, i ... . - j :' .' ausr 7 I- ,1m Herrinff, smoked boxes. . . . .uu wrcfiuu 75 Codfish 00 900 10. N. U. Roe. .10 50Ui 00 Family.... $12 i5Q16 00 Super ...... 8 7510 00 Fine........ 8 50 9 00 grain. ! bushel. Wheat, white:$0 000 00 Wheat, red.. 0 000 00 Uorn, North.. 1 vzQl Corn. Eas Co. 1 251 33 Oats : 0 00 90; Peas......... 1 752tX); Rice, rough.. 2 25(3)2 50 Rice, clean. .. 0 12 12 12.1. rice..... -.iifcai 12 Glue. 39 11. .. ...24 (a) 25 Gunnt Bags, J ..35 45 Guano, Peruvian, ton. uu uu (6 w uo HAY. . J Eastern...... SI 50(1 60 New York... 0 00125 HIDES. Green I... 5t6 Dry........,.!....1314 IRON. H ID English, ass'd 8 10J American. refJ 0 (ft ' .American." I i t. 1 : . ' sheer. . . . . ? iu Swede...;. ..10 m U2 Hood. ton, 15o 00lbU uu liquors, gallon. Brandv i ! French.. S4 uuoazu w Apple,NC. 0 00 0 00 ; Peach .. ..0 00 0 00 Whiskev Bourbon.. 2 25 5 00 N. G...... 2 2501 3 00 LUMBER. RIVER, Mi Widebds . . $10 0012 00 Seantline. .. 8 00(310 00 Pitch.....,..! 3 504 00 PEANUT8. - bushel... 3 253 35 nAm a rpAina tSCJ rihl Irish bbL.... 14 004 50 Sweet, bush.. 0 00(30 00 F provisions, 2,. Bacon, N. C Hams......J.. 2122 Middlings. .4 . . .1819 "' Shoulders . . 'I . . .1718 Hog round.. . . ,1819 Bacon, Western i Sides ..... .M4t15i Shoulders..!.. 14115 Hams..;..1... 1922 Pork, bbl. Twn y ooop25po Hair Dressing and Shaving Saloon Prime L ... 230024 00 P ' Rump .... 22 0023 00 THE OLD STAND. EL Y I TV A R T I S EXPRESS STEAMSHIP; XINE. THE FfNE AN DP XsTFSIElNG- BTEAHSHIP 4 5$S REBECCA CMjY&M CHICHESTER, Co'mmander'. TTTILL ARRIVE FRIDAY-niffht. Aueust 2d YV and leave our wharf (between Dock and Orange! Streets) for the above port,1 WEDNESr- U Ax, August Ttu." V- : :U. t"H ,: . ;i r For Freight or passage apply to . .. i x WORTH & DANIEL. Agent in New York, v : ' tvi;":,. ! - . . JAMES HAND, ! 104 wall Street. aug 5, MISCELLANEOUS. V F ASHIONA BLE 00 20 $22 &16 " New York, July 29, 1867. M Flooring m'iii? w At a Meeting of ; the Executiye Committee of Jloormg miii-- i - the Ladies'. Society in Aid of the Suffering and Destitute Poor of the South, it was determined ed Holders of.. Tickets to the Entertainment would be made in . Washmgton, September du, under the immediate supervision anddirec tion of the Honorary Members ot the Society. L BI ORDER OF THE SXECUTrVE COMMITTER : Mrs. Laura Brooks. Mrs.' Charles WadsWOrth, Mrs. Drake Mills. Mrs. E. S. Adams, Mrs. H. Sherman, MissM. Duncan, Miss Marion Moulton Mrs. James Clark. . ' ? ! Mrs. HARLOWE MATHER, Secretary. . . " ;,; -.'-i : 296 Fifth Avenue."1 Rough.... 18 0020 00 planed . . ..aa uu(cgw w Beef........ 00 Butter. lb. Country..., f....20( Goshen ... .L..32 i Western... i ,...00 Cheese, lb. j English dairy.. 17( State... -....U..I81 Lard, lb. ; : iN: UaT0iina....i3( Western: :i,.L,13i ONIONS, i 1 ' bbl...,...l4 505 00 SUGAR." iS lb. Cuba. ..... I . ..11 13 Crushed..... J... . .00 18, Porto Rico . . 1 . . 1213f At Coffee . . . . i . . . 0017 B do.. k .:...!. 16117 C do..........'. 1516 Havana Brown. .1213 salt, sack. Liverpool, from If store.... $i 25240 Alum, $ bush 60 0 62i soap, $ B. Brown. ..1......9(ai3 SHINGLES. 1ft M. Common . . . .$3 003 75 Contract . . . . i 4 505 00 UMBER. Shipping ..IS 0013 00 Mill prime; .10 0012 00 Mill fair.. ... 8 50 00 Mill ord'y.. 6 00 7 00 TOBACCO, i Navy;.... 2535 Medium . .1. ... 3040 Manufactured.60$r00 j TALLOW. f ' wood, cord. Oak.........$3 5(X4O0 Ash ......... 0 00300 Pine ..i 000300 Land Plaster, " ton i w Front Street betAveen Market and Prin cess Streets. . CITIZENS AND OTHERS WILL j FIND AT , the old stand, polite and skilful ARTISTS,, Bndievery appliance for comfort andcohvenience LADIES and GENTLEMEN will be. waited upon at their dwellings. I . aug 5 ' . .-. - -.. ' tf . GOTO WAtDROW'S 34 MARKET STREET, :y So. Side, Between Front and Second StsM THE CHEAP STORE, ! i THE CHEAP STORE, ' 'r ! THE CHEAP STORE, ! i FOR YOUR HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, FOR TOUR DOMESTICS, FOR TOUR DRESS GOODS, T70R EVERT THING TOU WANT IN THE X? DRY GOODS line! And why? Because WALDRON sells his goods 'cheaper than any olher house in the State. THE TRADE are cor dially invited to examine my Stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Mv motto is " Live and let ta FLOUR (4 if- ' DDLS, Jasper Famlly" DELAWARE" PLANE ex-Super.": ALASCO ynper, ISLAND "Saper." . Insurance rnt, in this city, aaee Qoonaal m K C THE SECtJIUTV XNBURANCE: of IT. Y. MahYL ATvLf 1 LIFE IKSURANRP. Agency J.' r: -;v 1 the following Insuir ,!Con of Baltimore., . ; - L'lU' These comnanlea'?iLr all first : class, 'with larrn surplua capital, and we can; sately recommend them to the confidence of this community. ; . , Losses Promptly Adjusted And Paid. ATKINSON & BHEPPERSON, U and 12 North Water street? Treasury of the United jS tales. BION QT lrtk "NATIONAL BANKS - '3 I h ii' JJ. '(! 1' ; ! nl-v j WianniQTOiir, p. C, Feb. 20r 1SG7, IV IS: HEREBY j CERTIFIED .THAT THE , JTirit NaUonaLBank of iWUmington, N, C, a Banking Association organized under the Act "to provide ' a National Currency, secured bv a ?)ledge of United States Bonds, and to provfdo or the circulation and redemption thereof," ap-' proved June aa, loo, having complied with the ' requirements of section 45? of said Act; and with tbelregulatlona of this Department nhide in -pursuance thereof, has this davabeen designated as at from Customs, and by virtue of such designation will also be employed as a Financial Agent ofthe Government. !! 6 (Signed) - raug5 ' i " F. E. SPINNER,. 1 Treasurer, U. S. First National Bank oXAVilniington, ; ; EDWIN, E. BURRUSS, President, ' 50 4'0 30 100 100 These standard and well known brands of Flour are received weekly by steamer from New York, and being aroilnd to order, are offered to the trade as a sound, fresh and sweet rFlour. guaranteed not to sour during the hottest weather. '"A. K. WALKER, Cashier., 54 S;D.j WALLACE, i Difcctors. A I . IIVUIUIHU'T i .. ' mlASH. CHADBOURNEi - WM. H. MoRART, THIS .Bank lis now open for the trans-. live.' Call and see me. aug 6 R. S. WALDRON, . 2w ' Ooveriiment Wrecks, "AVING , BEEN NOTIFIED BY THE SEC- retarv of the Treasury that a contract has been made by him with GEO. Z FRENCH and ROBERT STEVENSON, for saving property from Wrecks of all vessels belonging to th& Gov vernment, on and adjacfent to this coast, and having been appointed by him as agent to super intend their operations, I hercby warn all per sons from interfering with said wrecks or any other Government property on the coasts ,:"-.' : v. ; ; , l. gII'estes, " ' . ; V - H, Coi. Int. Rev. .Wilmington, Aug! 5, tf Journal copy. .. . ;; : I , RATES OF FREIGHT. ' f' ":i:".la 1 -Sailing!.-, ; ! ; 4 Steamer. vessef. v. . . : : " I !!"- : ' ' , i 1 - ict. 65 f 00g 65 00 0 85 00 .65 12 it t days w M Nkw BuiLiN4.-Ttf fm: TL Mijbbat havecontnictft rA, M,tinn nf a new briek t;?TritL ofllce and warehouse on NorthWa rer. Dcteen rMncesa and Chestnut ts: " It is to tTi r?V 29 fe'nd wiH run back W felt 15 18 oeing built h ,u-j n i-tAW . we think, aimexcellent W , Pav nt, and we rflrnmV, , of these j-5 :y .t! j ?iory ot the pMard, k exeeedingly scarce la the "Wet this summer. 1 They arrives slowly and:in iuib, ana sell rapidly- at tne raies 01 bushel, r In Fetersburgi whlcb ia much furtherjta .the Aorth of us, they; te elUng at f 1 50 and $3 vl ousnei, and are mueh more ' plentuui inan they are here. If some of our friends in Duplin nd Sampson were to ind the aurolus of their; urge orchards to this market they would, beyond r doubt, realise well In the venture. .' M j ;- We saw yesterday, just such a colt as would have gladdened our heart in i boyhood, beyond expression. His long taper limbs and inevitable busny tail, his upright incipient mane, his small: mouth and nostrils, and bright eyes, all seemed to! jtakejus back to the; fragrance of daisies and new; mown hay.; He was beguiled into a vacant ' lot by the sight of a few struggling blades ot grass that seeined to remind him of his country;, home, forgetting all, in hia enj yment, even bis parents tender call, until he suddenly discovered that he was alone With a shrill little call he rushed up and down the busy, street, , forgetting the new found delight and only intent upon find ing the one friend he had forgotten. We thougnt of his young owngr at home, .who would som e day, come to fhe city like this little colt, stop by the wayside tos taste the dissipations and allure ments of the city, and when the thoughts 1 ot borne and friends came rushing on him, we won? Idered if he like this colt would leave them all, and with his? heart1 in the right place, nobly strive to return to the paths of rectitude and in nocence. Even that little colt of yesterday taught al lesson not to be forgotten. ? i j i ilBTFRiNaBMBNXOTHBLiQUOB License Ormei rThere were four cases of an infrfngement of Genejfal;' Sickles orders relative to the sale of spirituous Uquors, for trial before Col. "FnhrK. and the Associates forming the Court, on jester--dayi iTwo of the cases, that of C. Schulken and J.I'.Heins were dismissed by the Court. That of M. Schulken was concluded . last night, and those of ,Volleb and C. Husslbb will be concluded to-day, Of course, the findings ofthis Court will not be divulged until they have been considered and acted upon, by the Commanding General.- This Board " for trial is composed of Col, R.' T. Fbajstk, Lieut J. W? Mea'3 and Lieut. A. B. Gibbsj ,Ur, i'fSSli:;. ; : z '. , f The Tpwir ' Cixjck. --That old ' clock, at one tkne the friend and monitor of the . Whole ;city, ite up aloft in the steeple of St, JamesT Church, alone in its silence and solitude.' It may be an ornameni as It Is; but it is certainly of not much eaeflt. i 'Will not the hands! of some kuid friend either give its own hands a motion, or else coyer its face to hide its useless dial ? ):!:.'r-;;:t-;;ii:! ,i.J . : 1 -v- ' L ,- . :- ' -.v--!-I ; I -' . ; f' : - , iife--iV. ' ,. f . 4 't .OJQT other column of a Pocket Book lost. The loser is a drayman and this was all the money he had in tie world. We hope the finder will return the same, promptly to this office. it ct & ! bush. TO NEW YOBK. Cotton...; Rosinl......l..,Vt.bbl Spirits v. 1$r...L ... Pea Nuts . $ bush, .. TQ BAJLTIMOBE. Cotton Rosin,.....:.. ?bbl Spirits . . " Tar........... Pea Nuts . Lumber. . Vi- 4 K TO PHLLADELFHIA. Cotton. X..... Ro&m2 bbl Crude. Turpentine : . -T J.L1,. ........ ... Lumber. . . .' ... . j i TO BOSTON. Cotton...:vi. .......lb Rosinb....i....:..?bbl spirit j,-. r rwfi- - ' - , ' i-J.-A., ii 4,i I X oX, i ..; i . Pea Nuts. . . '.. .. bush. Lumber. ... ... .... " $ 0O$ - 70 125 70 i2faoo oo -00 it t. ii i i Ct. -I 70 70 ! ! 00 70 0 00 125 : 00 70 -iv 131 00 f7 508 00 -fret, i 00 70 00 70 .125 0 uo oo : 00 - 00 oo HAVING CONTRACTED WITII THE SEC retary of the Treasury for the salvage of all " Blockade runner" and other wrecks, and prop erty belonging to the United States oil and adja cent to this coast, contracts win be maae wun parties desiring to engage' 'tn wrecking,7 saving iron, &c ; 1 ; , ; GEO. Z. FRENCH, .. . t : ' .. ROBERT STEVENSON. . . ' 10 So. Front St. , Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 6th,IS67. " - ; V , 9 tf , Journal copy.:; ;. ! oo let. 00 60. r 00 . 60 O0 95 r00 60 00 10 7 8 00 yi-r ict. : 00 60 00 70 ) 00100 r 00 70 8 Q0 8 25 i::V: let. !- 75 : 75 0 00 no i .-.' 75 00 oo , 10 00 ATTENTION LADIES f '.T1AWSOJU mSKHlWSi at Elvin Artis on. Ji Front nearMarket Street, -is prepared , to make and repairff ' j 1 WATEItF ALLS, ..' ' BHAIDS, CUULS AND FRIZETTE81 MOLASSES 25 BBLS. NEW YORK SYRUPS, A very good yet low priced article. action of business. ' 4 GOLD AND SILVER COIN, 'Governnieut' Bonds .anaecuriUep; !i;x f;: , . ,. , NOTES OF SQLVJBNX ;oliierSjAt Bauks -.purchased and sold.; ''i-rjty-:,-:, ..;'-: ; l,: 'EXCHANGE ON ' NORTHERN AN D SOUTH ! ERN CITIES aiways'n hand and) for 'sale.' CpiJaEjLrriONS pane on an accessiyic poiiiib iu. j ! the United States, with prompt return. I' it i - .! - -j.jj DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and careful: attcutmu given to' the accounts of business' men. . COFFEE 20 25 10 25 BAGS COMMON, FAIR AND MEDIUM, CHOICE. it POKK AN ASSORTMENT OF .THESE 'BOOKS A WHITAKER'S Book Store .- ' wy- (-'; ' : '7': ! ,).'. i .1. ; August 5th, 1867. . , I 11 BBLS. IIEANY CITY JJIKSS. New and fuU weight CORN 3,000 BUSHELS Western Mixed, A choic lot. The above articles now lanumg ex-picauiBuF W. P. CL1DE, are offered to the trade very Jaw j r HORACE Mi BARRt. Aug 5th;. . - '-'- .:..! CHOICE SUGAR CURED HAMS. riXTRA TliBB BUTTER, j ?S;i L . SMOKED TONGUES, : j H-H! si.: -. ilk. -h-i virihtKtv-mcKK: A large Stock Choice - -i- .!;. ' j FAMILY GROCERIES, ; . ; Just received and for sale at V--':. 1 MftEO Z . FRENCH. ' l... i;-V;;'ip SouUi Front Street.; 4ia-nrat ft : .1 : . '" ' i -l; : . - 1 11 t, DniTISlI PERIODICALS- '- iu . Ir ' ' . , . 1 If! EXTRAORDINARY THE LONDON XJUARTERLY RE4EWV(C ra;, aervauvej.; ; : r(: i.": : " ; . THK'EDIlf BURGH RyiEy, ( Whig). THE EStMlNSTERREVIEW, (Raditul. )" THE NORTH BRITISH R E y 1 E W , : BfCK WOOD'S-'EDINBURGH MAGAZINj j ' ; (Tory).. i !t" NEW ADYERTISEMENTS. FURNITURK. .' i' FURNITURE. ; manufactured by : . r 96 AND 98 EAST HOUSTON STREET, ,NEW YORK CITY. - all I this furniture , consisting of . Ladles will be waited .on at their residence and CURLING;? and every style of HAIR DRES SING as required, will be -tiene.. Send your orders to ' ' '' 1 ' ;; ." r RANSOM PERKINS, - - Ladies Fashionable Hair Dresser. ' ; august 5 ; :. '; " : i-t'f fFOBMEBIiT OF 'iE i'niLDEW'ilf B-Ui,l 71 Market Street Wilmington, N. V. A LL BUSINESS ifiiX.iLKUSrJi.ii: iu me . nr6. will he nroniDtlv! CXednted. ! rinitns flcrainst the liovernment coneciea reasonable terms. .-j; on ! Wholesale Druggist (71 MARKET STREET,) ,. 1 WILMINGTON. '.N, C.V l. ' . J!f WILL SELL THEIR EN TIRE RETAlt stock of ; ; - i --n ':..5: P DRUGS, ; - j ' i- : ! - -Uu !?l . : . PAINTS, , : - .- U:- ,;;r . I . ,. ...... , . oils, i .. . , ? - '-- : rpHESB ii FOREIGN . T"E 1UU Uiy al,s hXMegulasly .republished by us In tla sum htv u ; have lonr subscribed to them, need no rcimiul 1 1 these whom tne cmi wk pi . i " ; -haa deprived ,4?f their once; elccenppUi ! the , beit periodical literature, will be djg .r thfln? airalm within their reach; and thf trt have met with them, will lis "Tt t rotivd aceredittd i. z vi if KnrontAn- science a iterature. 't Xwrtr.f ARTICLES,! lucluding Show Bottles ShOw' Scales, and every-article pertaining tail Drug trade, ,.' - - j ' a a ATCGSTj I.E S S - TH!AlN; COOT, Fot CASH, or SHORT TIME on good security. PARLOR.! fJH AMBER. x nTNTNO ROOM and LIBRAlix auiiD, XI. 23, M & 21 Broadway, N. ' Opposite Bowling Green ' . ; ON THE EUROPEAN P LAN. rrvHE STEVENS ' HOUSE : IS WIDELY AND . XkJ wen Known xojne iraveuiug puunc. aue location is especially , suitable to merchants and business men i it' is in close proximity to he business patt of the.city-p-is on i the - highway-of southern and; western xravei -ana ; aajacenv to is 'of the latest styles and manufactured oine, ..-priTCipai .Railroad ,and " Steamboat De very best material, under the personal upems, potg.. . v. ..f Vr ;i. r -. ion of the proprietor and guaranteed. jSiri8 5 THE. STEVENS HOUSE : has liberal accom- in the South desiring fine nonsenoiuiuimiu?c atkm for over 30Q2uest&-HEt,is well furnish cai be supplied directTironvine mwiu.wi j. y and 63 every modern : improvementciii wurchasinfi: elsewhere, j k? ,io f r I ; r, i , m,uij w?ik raa and waterTrrihiktenknts1 de8l : ALL aug 8 ' GOODS WARRA TED. 3neod iEllipmocubnos dilsiQd oiom, B nt hoor.lq LcfLBf: mntdDtfuirS w sAMWk7fflD ously provided.witoyfiaWf season I jSHjAqpJyeatWi Igzh at modejaiejtatfftadiia noyo 37d IliifaJ ' . 1 Bt..Tir. full nrlces mr3otrr d al-ndcl haTanAbB-ffeiii&iA fii ..fc - ns rwithf their consign Vir: tak Market Sttegt? -b-tjtpqtt fis ATS Of ' ALL ,JxjJt?o aswwoiq .aoxaja nallflU ouj io.floijnjljfencyjfj11 1 ainc-w" - ' i I -vDio;ni JjXstanUy on hand,' and;trfAK8apraoj" Pwons ni: oinoU iWnlxi xWJ edi e vJgVf to - DOTgynji ww.ituwm.ui H jflu WASHINGTON HAR ..-i" -kf .. ,"9' :5:i;-':.fL -aftt&ria fti no ino u ffSfiPolirjoi Qril iff. ilolilw W2 call attention to the1 adveriisieanfintiitf flfii f tizn jnuxgvx JWU-ZJA aidJ. toAio AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ..i I-. -' .: . I :. ' - . . 1... . Wilmin erton. If. I ai va jbjoO WTlwi., hflVTLYJ MOljinoS bi?!,r2ftft 6!r!t)iilTrTfe1q WW us -19t897 We are obliged to have room for our iifHrticeAi c CTfinir V hich is constantly arriving. r4 j jr i 1 C0 3I E AT. ONCE! Aug 5 - . iy . ; . -tf TBRM8 TOR 1 SOT. ,1- ; JAS. L. DATDAWAY & CTLEY. (Formerly HATHAWAY & CO., Importers , of j Molasses and Sn&ar, .Wilmington N. U 7 . Shipping - and ' Commission - Merchant Wis auL.iun consignments oi. uoif Tal Stores Sheetings, ' arnsVT and other Southern Produfctstf t Tthei which our prompt jes&xtljtoi g-iven, x wa TOm rnaVt. iihprai advances n rill i eeiytnjwicand.gai ae?l3insfo48 thcdwiybaocirnqy JiM ir nW AnAnfihe Reviews. J 4 OO icr auuUiM to W KfH For any two of the KeTlews,' For any three of the Keyiowe, iu w Tor Blackwood's Magazine, ; 4 00" ; . Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 OT -kwood and any two of rwB?vrews. - m'- 10 0.)- ?J i5i;2 and three of the ' - . r. I I: r.yv .theJ'Qur - f! 1 : j! ' ; it; tax . r ! . . At W For Reviews.- Blackwood and ' . .' C L U B S ;f . ' ;T ' Thui foUi A discount ot twenty per tent, wit conies of Blackwood. orrof one Kevi w ill H thA four Reviews and Btt6kw,6M'? Wi ao Cents a year ior ocu of. Hwvf' . " f ito anv twe rtwirty ,lor eseip 16011 ve; xu-i-y ack number at - . ! rnrnrni imir- the JfcltACriGfeinTB tefffdMpfirft fen trnst- ed to his care. ! . -Refers to A Emple, Es Wilmington, N. O. l tf aug 5th, : .. i. ,.. cisix (?ioiliiD6oxi,sooficaiv yP TT ,nmOA.M. tO S MTmia rD,cc"wu" j1o.estes, aug 6 to Uc- ceuiler, low, r RflltUe yenr nMlfieiameF W.w"--- - for each -".-1 I discount to wysoiinbhev to 7iM ft ifhM PMiJxrt . 1 tf A mva Tnrii Sitott Pnblishioff V.: ir'-t ' I i A 1-3 .if. ft- '4 r ii -:4 Hi 1 m if lit - i I v !:ri- .::.