. " T.V :A-::J.r-- -"-:': -.51-. s :. ; ,c . ' - r :-F I ID AXMORNING AUGUST 9, 1867 NO. (. WILMINGTON, X M" J i ' ftlit - . i ' .. vv- V"::-. ' .--?;". ff"-"v t;?-:m.v.:: - ; - ; , k ; : f:; , - v X' ' ; &4:&rMr--t :,: i-i 4 F, -:- :f-;-y i;-:j:.Vi-i---..tv J"-?;:.. : ' : WIIILfflll'B (BIT H I DL((1IL W IPSl ! 'K j H i ,'i-tw-i -4: '- -.' ..... .vf ...... . J ' . . r. nr--u r- : i : . r ..... .. .i - "U V :,. A a! ; I" TirE WI1MIXGT0X IIAILV PAUL & COf, Proprietors; ) TERMS OF; SLSCHit'TIOK INVAUIABLV IX ADVANCE : uaiij, prm year-. k . , . ..... .... . .10 s.JX months ; . . . . . .G00 i 41 wtic inotjtii . . . . : .' '. :. .1 1 ooi HATES .(IF XDVKKTISING : JVArMntcnts; will be .inserted at II 00; . .er BquarUjfQF tir?t inscrtioii nnd ;0 cunt -ior each ;'6ubsfequiit jmsertion. Tii-litic4,,lc&s, solid uiLnton type," constitute a; IS PUlitlSflEU f.V'EUV MONDAY . . SCHSeKIH t')V : - - iUr . . t , . . .. . , :: ...... One '2 00 ;Advi;rt.iieiuVnta $1 j.i-rfjiur'.' lulSTHICT'oi' TUB CA. UMN.AS ;Majji Gd-nv D. E. BIckle4, Coiinnaudin. Capt. J. V. Ci i A. .A. A. (;. . . ' "I'ost or w i i-iVf i no i on . Bv't. U.,.C'ol. F'K A'NK, CblU'lUUdilliC'. Iiureau oT Heiueeh, edmeii &r 'Abau- ' .v;; ".-'STATE OF INOHTII.CAKOLI'SA. uv't. Major (iep. N. A. .Miles, " Coiuiikiik: Bv:'t. Lt.. Col.-Jacob V. Uhurr, A. A. G. Fourth Sufo-DitriVt of North Carolina, couktst ing of -the couhtits Of Brunswick., Columbus, ;Koticr&on, Blaileu, IuoUn', Samp-on uiid New! Jlaiiover:" . . 1 : C apt. Allan ItuT.iiEUFOKD, 4ith U- a Iuluntg , . '(.jti'eye.t BriyrGen USA'ols,) SubAstant Co tn- niLsVioner. 'Uflk-cj llall, Wjl uiiiiicton, N C. '.'.I.-K KV3'5- -A s ii-le y , :'6u-j ? t of Education fojUth utj.riirftrk-ti. Ollicci City IIal, ..Wiluiiuirfon, N O. . ; -A A. 8ur. Konick r 11 akkii, JSlneoii in charge iff t'icA;lmen,? Hospital Camp Lamb. j I v ! - v ie'utJU. KCiiELBiikity, inVlmixtS qf Sub pi'? ij trict o Dupliand .Sa h 1 . r co un t iu;- Olllcejat . Mairtnyia, DiCphn cuuiity. ', ,-' j - i .; 'I- Villiam B kit neb, 1Cj., ; injji.u-e of'Sub Dis tri;t-of Kobesbn i'uul, Bladen counties. , Qllido'at w' Ltimberton, .Koboson county. CITY n i;i:s. - Jioiiril of, AlHernii'hiA I) Wallace, ii. VouGlahti, J (i Burr, Eil Murnn; W it. LippiU, A Adriar., W. A Wright, W. Andeion. . M j j arMiJ Robert Uan.-oin. , : ! Hikiiat. Depkiy Mai'ahal II.J Jouesv. ! S '.O-Vrk and Trt w.var-T W Anderson. " ) r i '' . &rk rftf)? Marktt L M Williams ' p "f iv'ift JfepartiHvtl It J Jonvs. j j 1 1 V : T'4r; fV-c ira-(Zj'.,i B W Beery, ( 1 ' ' 7ifc WAfttoitf--11 tclnilken, first yn: ; James Sliackellord, neeund ward ; H W Beery,: third ward ,W. Buy khewiK'r, fourth .ward, if'tfy''tiuri'e'yur.VAt.U-iiirs. : I ' DVood Jiixjx'tXv-V V. i Yqpp, J W -rottt-r.f-ij-ThomptKML ' i ' ' . . , " i i ! COI3ilSSIONEliS OF;NAVJ'i.ATION. AN1) PILOTAGE. l' W Fanning, Chairman.; Win B Fianner, Win t 'llarrisE Murray, Win S Aiidcrsou,v of Vil- v inmiriou : auth.owuk.uai uw.ayi -ui cijulvuiu ,si llll0!weyr Ciefk. anil treasurer, y j : 'T'-, - : ilAKIiOH' MA-STEK. , - Ejcaminitia totnmittee-QXi Moore. Saniuel B pa,vis, W F Eurplus&, Geo- W Witliams. Begalar mcetihrs first Tuesday in the month . ' . XOUN'iy OFFICERS. I ' . Cti(zirinxn of Count Court Wm A Wright. ; Superior Co rt Clerk. tl A liag. Clerk of County : Court B Wood, Jr. j .... ; .S7tr(Samuel li Bunting ' "'. .-. J i '' County ISolicltor John I, Holmes.. - ; Ifaji tcr-jvo W t'ollocd. . ( j : ftptvial t Jfr ' ra(e--J ohn J Cortoley. ' i . ' .Si.c.i p Wallae.-, W o LarUius, A 'iayUr, John A Saudeis, T hi!i'D Bowers.; Jiao ; C W Williains,- ; Moore." ': , " " : ; !-' , T UCrmitty Trwtfc Gweji, I'ehnell, Jr. . I -John i ContaMwK Ij Sellers, 1 Peterson, a'ne$ IP A a; Philyaw, E 1) Hewlett.-- r - ! (htntniti:ot-Mian'ci..S 'D ; vVallaee, Jolm - Tai lor. John A- Sanders fj-'W&rdmt (yf tcJio--r Johjr A Taylor, John Sanders; Archibifld. McAlJlhin, Isaac James, iju B Huggins;, W rtLark.!i.ra:. of' J 'idifif' I in lin , s sj oli'n (J.i W(oi.d . t iCynitfi Jtaity-'rit l Alexaiuler. : j I ; r1 c.-' --t'WVrs'J'ohil O -W'otd,' .Daniel l Bt.ind. .' ;? . ;'. -; Siahdiipj Kit tr r Joliu C. '"VoOtL I Y' - fecfc Jla li r John A- bandwi's. i ' ! I : : . V.i',i 7'.i-..-T ill ti ;.l I '.innli'V '." f i - i SJf!riitt';n1ejtlx f to)i)noH ' ti?hvd-i'S D Wjil-; lactv Jas Kc--r, W b La'riiins, Jehu D Powers, ili -r.' BryaiL v - . . -, . ' ." s V - . -j :. j , In' tor of Xnnrf '. :r.Iohn S James, Arch ::ibard.AldermanJ 'Jani.es (f Buvden, John C Bow ' . deni -Vlfredalderina'n, 'Thomas W Player, Wj J "..'Price. B.Southcflaud, J M llendcrsoit, KC Joiiuij r son; ' .- " Ittsitrctorjjf 17oib ttr.-rb II Bowden, James "George M.cGutlic, W M, Mam'oe E TuilimrtonJ MI M Bishop. ' 1 lniitcfld)fi of lrv' ii t(v -D E Bunting, Jijioi 'WiiAtJiUr-tyerGeorgO.-. Alderman. " J; 'M A s 6 is ji c , b i it k c r u it . V St. Job nAs Iodge Xol , T M C iwiiMfH U M " - -M '.'.; : Wm M. 'PoisSon, Scc'y. j Concord Chapter No. 1, . ',. j x-jfi'iW 1st and 'odMuttlayi in edci niohth , T, B. Cauk, M: E.. 11.;. P.. t - ."- ;;, --'.- -, . A. r. KEriTO.t, sec j s. ' it lMiiiiigiou council iAo I'i.'.-f 'Jto.'&litt:..)VeJnhday in etivh uiout'i. j ALFiiED Mahtin, T.-. 1. -.-(I.-. M. i I - r ' J L k. i . " ' .r 'J 1 -; , . y . .i.Jf'in liEi iton, uccoroer .Jr RAHAVAY DIHECTOItYi WILMINGTON M ANCil ES TEH-K. R. ' President Ileh.ry'tT 'Draue. ",.-' 2b-(Vsl-4Iohn Dawson, lleury Naif, O. G. Barslcv, J&J d)eflossx?t, D S Cowan, Geo.- JW McCivll, W E --Mills, James G. .Bu'rry j Richard; Bradley, J hli Gregg. - - . .. GfneralAbttpfroi1CMlemuimm MacKa.e... : tStfretqvy, and .T'jwir!. W A Walkeri j general fHighT.'AgeirtokirL. Cant well. IrB WILMINGTON & 'WELD ON.. R. R. H PrtndtJttR li Bridirers: ' : ! V ! Directors on the ,pirt of the Stockholders Wi A : :;Vright, .S D Wallace, Eli' -Alurray, Alin dlMartiu, Ai llVauBokkelen, Geo littrris, of Wilmington, and John Jvercttj-jOf (joldsboro , j . A -.; i I)ircctofsou the part of the SMc- Edward kiid- i nf Wriniinirtoh. Jnim N'ortteet. of" Tii-p-hOri-k'.. ' and. Tlios". J. liogg. ot Raleigh. " i : I Chief &nj irwrr and Gtuerdl rrbrft nd iti$ L Fremout. j-: -! j '"r-i'tmlrr ''of . Tnviym'tikiioti WUl iatu Smith. j ' i i Master f Aleichinery Miltou Ilaukius. j . : JCoad Masters John C Wiilderr.Johu Cronei : ?! .St'c'retary and Treasurer J W Thompsou. : i j ; General Frciyht Ayent and Auditor G L Dudley ' WILMINGTON CHARLOTTE AND RUTHEli-l : V t-li-- ! J UJyiJ rvAlLiiUAD. 1 ? iSesitlcii-Robert H Cowan. . j : Direcloi-t--8 J Person, A 11 VanBoJikeleu, ' A MfTlnwi'll Roberts French Walter I. Stei l ' Sti-niien. W. Cole. Hamuel 11 WalkubJE Nv Hutchinson. Haywood W Guiou, U C Hendrson I A u Logan,-A i iiqincsiy." StrnerinLendint W . J Everett Master of lYaiixp&ri nwH w n AHen.j -. . II.".;- ... Secretary and "I f isurer l I Aiaerman. Alaster Mixhmnu: W Gill. .K.French. fYttght AqenX- . I. . THE WEEKLY T E LEG K A PHI 0. K SPORTED FOR ITI1E DAILY POSTK f rilirT TITDV ! OrPTT T nTTT1 1 llJLLi fJUIil OllLiU VU 1. s OF A B1RKI M '1 -4 The Cotton Market. THE PRESIDENT AND STANTON T IMBROGLIO. 11 EW LMiHT HOUSE. uVJichig-aix Gonvention. THE MARKET REPORTS. Szh Tf, i .r..tM(I tiiu. ..V; r .. ' wiui. ita,nton as becretaryot-War. ! j ' The Surratt jury 1 still ' disagrees Stands, it is asserted, ten to two for acquittal. C msiderable iuterest is attachihs to the Commission's recommendation of Mrs. Sur ratt'si com mutation. The: fact cannot be doubted that the President never saw it. Pi lie reiterates his previous assertions to that reffectj. Tbc-Presitlciit also says th'e docu- fiiilerit' were not arranged when presented to j i him ;is, now ; they wer-c in loose sheets. l 'IT hie North German Parliament convenes I on the 27th insf. I ' I j ;;Thje Prussian -government has ; instituted jiinjtpiijries as to whether Juarez .has' treated its f;niftpi'ter, Baron Von Magnus, in accordance ' witlTjthe laws of nations: "1v r The Prussian army commissi on! report un ;!f:tvorjably regarding the Chassepot rifle, f. I Thje con veil lion at Slutgard recommend ; that Southern Germany join the Northern T; Court-deration. ; ' I " ' if 8 YVoolsey won the Brighton cupl 2d Tyn Ivdrfi; 3d Lecturer. Cecil won nursery stake; 5 2d Persia, 3d Chantilly. , '; New Vrk Markets. . New York, Aug. 8. "ptocus heavy. tokl -' Money o per ! cent, i ri Sterling -9Jij 10 1. "62 coupons 1-3 1. Virg-mia si xes 50. Missouri sixes 1 03. T en- iwsete sixes ex coupons. 69. New:issue 67 1. 1 : Flour old 10 a 20c. better, uewldnll and J ' y ' ; ! i ! heavy. Wheat 3 a 3c. better. Corn . lc. lower. Pork a shade firmer 20c. Lard steady a; 12t a 13tc Whiskey quiet. Cot ton dulljae 28J-'c. Turpentine steady at. 60 a 60c- Rosiu (piiet, strained $4- 12. London, Aug. .81-Noon. Consols 94A. Bonds 73i. Liverpool, Aug. 8. Noon, steady and quiet sales 10,000f , Cot ton I 1 ? si Weather unfavorable; Provisions hcavy. New York Aug. 8, The Bark Oak Ridge is lost. The crew of nine persons were also lost, except the. Cap tain,; Who was picked up trom the raft. I : - ' ... ,1m..'. ': ' . 1 . l riverv arriving vessel' onngs reports oi tne seventy of the gale.' Many noticed unknown vessels, in distress. The steamship Sajpphp, from Wilmington?, j lias arrived. ; ' ! ; Augusta Cotton Market. Augusta, Ga., Aug. 8. Market aIuI I and declining. sales of, 37 balesq middling 24c. SavaVnah Cotton Market. ; ' ! 1VANNAH, Aug. 8. f Cottuu dull and heavy, middlings lUorni THE SURRATT CASE REMOVALS mini il Ull 111 WHISKEV CASE. I- h nally 26 c. . Receipts 251 bales, 'i Receipts CTffor the week l,12l" Exports 1,438. Stock il 216 bales; Mobile Cotton Mar Mobile, Aug; 5. Sales 300 bales, 1 low middling r 24c-. Re ceipts 64 bales. i i It Crop accounts from the interior still con tinue fayorable. ! " v j -t- From Richmond. : r ' ' RtCIIMONDi Aug. 8. Gen. 8ehofield to-day issued an orcler that after the 20th inst, all the destitute in the State be turned over by he military! author ities' to the overseers of the poor in the re- kspectire counties and in ihe cities the Freed- 1 . . jj I " men's Bureau will no longer issue, il : In the U. S. Courtt to-day John Morris f Mecklenburg was sentenced to $1,200 fine and six months imprisonment for removing whiskey from his distillery without paying government t.ax. Galteston, August 6. The average interments ever since Mon day have been eight per day. Business is stagnant. r . J ; The following i3 an extiact irom Special Orders Np.t 111: ' M . New Orleans, Aug. 8. - Skc. 3. For denying the supremacy of thV aws of Congress, stating that they would not obey them when conflicting with the laws of, the State of Texas, and opecly de: bouncing the Government of- the United States and the presence of Ma,. Gen. J. J. Reynolds, commanding Sub-District of the Rio Grande, Edward Dougherty, . Judge of the 12th Judicial District of the State of Texas, is, hereby removed from that office and Edward Basso appointed in his stead. Sec. 4. At the request of His Honor, May or Heath, of the city of New Orleans, Thorn ae E. Adams, Chief of Police ol that city, is hereby removed, from his office 'and J. J. Williiiaison appointed in his stead.; - By command of Maj. Gen. P. H. Sheridan. (Signed) Geo. L. Hartzstuff, A.A. G. . Speaking of the newly appointed Chief of Police, the Republican says he was formerly an officer of the 128th N. Y. Vols., served with great distincti (in in the Ordnance De partment, having a million of dollars in his charge, distinguished v himself greatly in front of Mobile, and was Assistant to Gen Bailey in the Red River dam enterprise. ! Washington", Aug. 8. . . A fixed white light is visible eighteen miles, exhibited from a light house, recently L erected -at -.."Rasit Pdi'iit, Prince EcJirarjrs'fol-N.The and. Gulf of St; Lawrence. A :1fixed: red f light is exhibited at the new ligjitjvsi? point of the site of j passage sevei in the entrance o Waterfon land, at Beacon Hole, and exhibited on the sit been removed. h IP Moneka ? Gen. Sickl icklcUi tibn to certain Carolina Banks dur chase of horses for the, but which not being distributed since the war ui decree among . uanKs ana ol The order, annuls the decree against the United States, and O i 1 - a receiver oh the part of the Government, to whom funds .distributed, including Costs anjd fees of counsel, are to the repaid. The Re ceiver is directed to tjeport promptly auy delinquency or obstruction on the part, of individuals or corporations in the way of the execution lof this order. -' j . ; New s The Austrian Sloop Orleans; Aug. 8. of War, Elizabeth, j arrived here from Vera pruz to-day, with a j number'- of Austrian soldiers alboard. She ! reports that tlw U. S. steamer Susquehanna, sailed from Vera Cruz on the 28th ult des tination unknown. Washington, Aug. 9. Judge Fisher went home,' at 6 o'ejock, and did not return jtill 10 in the the morning. It is stated that the jury-now stands 11 to 1 for acquittal! r' The Revenue to day wasfive hundred and forty three thousand. j The statement that the Executive! business "I r ' , with the War Department was now done through Adjutant General Townsend; is un true. . . : '; The President attended the Schutzen fes tival this afternoon. . ' !l No movements, whatever,1 have yet been made cramping Stanton's (official functions. ! Cincinnati, Aug. 9. Flour firm. Corn. and nominal 4at 88 cts ; no buyers over 85 cts. Cotton -middling 26 a 2Qh. Whiskey steady. Provisions buoyant Mess Pork $23 50. Bacon shbul- ders 12c ; clear sides lojla 15 Jc. at 12Jc. f Lard dull Detroit, Aus. ,9: In the Constitutional Convention the liquor prohibition clause was carried by a vote of forty-four to thirty two. New Orleans Market.; : New OllIeans, August 8. Cotton unchanged, sales ot 90D bales low middling '26c. Receipts 12M bales. Flour, very little movement suptr '. $8 62. Corn-advanced o cents lor whitei Oats nonein first hands, nominally at $1 15. Pork moderate, enquiry; prices unchanged at $25 50. Bacoh light and in jobbing de- i mancl Shoulders ldt ajldj; Qlear sides. 104 i a 16; sugar cured hams 1? ar22fe- Load Dy me iierue .o. vruiei XjOj a utei ling 52 J a 54. N. Y. sight c. premium. Baltimore . Market. Baltimore, Aug. 7. stock large. Cotton Flour declined 50c. Coffee dull and steady and scarce. 1 ' t IJ J f e ofy)i V mov exp gripping brahiis $11 a $11 50C anil declined 10c; white f3 a Wheat dull ; $3 65: red 75a$2, 53.. Com steady white f I 18 a j General Orders No. fio. from Headquarters f 3 ec 20:Tellow $lt 12 a 1 15. ! Piovisions ! ond Military Ditnct -The order direc'ts that nojei ana : sieauv. iacoa Bnouiaers l:c.; ql ear rib sides 1-6 a6Jc only in jol bihg demand Jjairl-r- VV extern 1 6 c. London, Aug. 8 2 P. M. Bonds?73. Liverpool, Aug 9.- 2 P. M 9d. Cotton . 4 :,...!. Lard 49s. 9d Tallow diss firm others unchanged New Vork. August 8. i Cottoo easier sales 1200 bales at 28ic. Flour-rState $6" 25 a 90a$15. Whe amber State $ . - Southern. $2 10 lower?, mixed SoutlnHnv $1 20 ally firm. Mess generally dull and nominal; Rioi c offe : firm at ISc.iNaval stores firmcr turjentine GOc.; rosin $4 08 a $4 50. j ' -Stocks hea vyl-r money ko. Gold 1-iO'i- TbQ Nutmeg State Her Prosperity, v A reerit report to the Connecticut Lccjis 1 ature discloses the foilojwimr' interesting factsj-which we im-tginc wll1 afford profita" ble fobd for thoucrht : ! i "tOio Wealth of Connecticut in proportion to population was, in 1860,;.$966, while that of ?no other State m the 5 Union exceeded -; $850vclThat of Massachusetts was $662 ; (if Pennsylvania, $487; of New 'York, $475. ieiuater, or -improvea j acres ot lana tq ; eacusquare' mile an Connjecticut- was 392,; i widle iri ;no other State did it exceed 21 i rVi"; TrtJt. ; ,ri.j f hakn i icftn I - v ,r ; i . J . ' , . - . , 1',. i mamifar.tiirinor r.aniial incrp.asod from S2;.- i , ' rv, r. i .. - , - - , - , flftn nno f.i ftA nnonnn an ,, wtii ,7vv,vuu,,y fVjUUVUUU, UI lJK-L 1lllv., i" "in.. Cnl. . . i . i ; . i ... - i 1 Stands alo among the foremost in the varie- ty ana value oi ner manutacturea products, ind her . manufajctufing establishments are -rapidly increasing. Rep. sot Sec. ot State Board of Ed.) j ; 1 V f4The increase; of i the amoiunt ot the Grajid List of taxable property, exclusive of polls, was,- cjuring the last i.yearj '21,621.733, ahd during the last two veais. 433,860.622. I .total ihponie ot the State tor public purGoses. was I Ust year $2,207,476.18, cs, including interest on State debt 75.50 paid on the principal, was a,; leaving a ciqar oaiance m tue bur hundred thiousand, four hun- h ty-th ree . dol liars and ten cents ! er says that pf the levy should three millsjon the list it will balance to be applied WState debt, tlje whole of ixicje whichj will be in 18, is estimated at siropri atedT af teat I 1 a of Connecticut. ; ORT NT STATEMENT )Gi: PIERKKPONT. errepont, in j his argument! in ase made an injportant statement. lie execution of Mrs. Surratt.. ;He te counsel tor tlile defence 'certai h'l v i tuey were oniounci:ig the ' All 1 1- Utfi-oinmis.seon. winch tilled Mrs. Surritt. that they were-dernou:ielnt -Pesident John son. For,, continuetl, "pPresident Johnson ordered ' that . Commission :vvith kis own hand.. He signed the vvariiant tliat dirtclfed the execution, and 'when that, record vas borught before his Cabinet, and every infm-t ber voted upon it,. and thj;y voted to con firm the sentence ; and the President, with his own hand, wrote hi ; cqnlirmiitioii of it. and his own. hand signed this warrant. I hold 5 ' 1 1 .1 1 ! , , in my nana uie orai'iiia. recora,.. ana no other man, as it a jj pears from! that ordered it. No oue touched this put paper. ioer. ana when it was suggested iv some' of the mem - L burs ot the Commission that in consequence i of the ag-aiul the sex of Mrs. Surratt it I mfght posilly be right to change her "sen-s-i tence to imprisouut-:nt for life, he signed the i warrant for hei- death -with the paper right ! before his eyes, and there! it. is,v (handing j the paper to Mr.; Met rife k.) "My friend can read it for himaelf."1 I Waxteix -A girl to dwell in !ijy aniily, assist mvwile in doing tliie work S and give1 directions srenerally. W alges not iinuch ob ject, if she-will only leave! me enough of my income to u ii t i ii ,,i i '1 k , - ! ' ,' :i brealjs. If sheshould n( be -sashed wit , iiiiu ror tic rrortkrw tint en p. waving uvc evenings iiaa p eeiv, an euoi i biiau ; be miide to irive her eigiitl A sick sister or':! old mother will be no: objection, as we have a spate chamber, and will!, if necessary, hire a nUss to take dare of her. A iano and The use of musi(j; supplied free of chiarge. the nlarlor for company. ! 'j company. UKrCBUClX; MASS MEETING. TlilS CITY ILL rREPUBLICANS! OF! and Country are invited to bn presenat a ....' I" i ' ' f to be held at the new buibling. ! ! 'I 4 , CURNEU,OF CHURCH AND SEVENTH STREETS. ON f . THURSDAY NIGHT,1 AUGUST 22, ... i . at 8okclock, to elect delegates to attend the 1 '- i: Republican State Convention, ; . ! ' i" to,be held at Raleigh on the 4 h of September next". ' ! J :: "" i ' ': By order of thcCity and jCouuty Kepublican Committee. ; ' GEO.4 Z. FRENCH. Chnirman, J. C. Mann, Secretary j aug7 , ;h :":: - I L : ' ,l ' 1 i n4r.w.. ' NEW YtJKIi sriKiri 1JAKHKL.. SUPPLY of New York Empty Spirits Tur- IX pontine Btrrels, of the very best quality, on hand and for sale lo w, by . JAMES ANDERSON & CO. august 5 ; .., ; . ft at actiee and 35c. better; rights, i. ThJvVi.tU.uspend retfiktri'ri for mal teas- f ?:althuon kga ly regis.-j 2:32:M2o5f; red ,nd amber ! om0 a2.a0. Xurn.2 a o cents. ; therefor, to thee.; Headquarter?. .. - . SRmnVk mrk-- in thS rWon..r in,n lw - W- f U ii.bi- i HI. ihe.oards oLKe-istrut on are empower- JZ Vr." . ; "-r r"r's Western i?l 10 a.l U. white ,M ar)d reQuir,d ,0 5ttppr..s, aij jirdei-s inter- r'VV.l. ;V.. .hAi a $1.25.. Pvis.ons gc-ner-, -frM" VVf 't',1; 1 l)t't':: ln sbU VmllrJ -ottr or.m uuTnrth. pork- $2:31 30. : Groceries ' t"; XlT V ! the ouud of spch reject ion, and retur4 it, with iue vaDiiai ; emuiovea in inrminir increasea t uu oueue., u uuaao i4nr!n'' :- oombi i&rWl K7 nm- nnnt nr Mured iPartv against V-UAilAAftA AAAtrk. ."', A 4 OAiT AAA OK - COnVlCtliOll ', SLti& 11 COSQ luu ,yuo,uooj 10 10,000,000. o.ue the samb,. or. of the j Resistration. We are-plaeed under oblicratilons to- Colonel ; Feadb Com andant of this Pbst, for a cony of Registration Boards. We publish it in full; also the form of oath prescribed fop. Eepsters,: and that for 'persons registering which, are ap pended : , " . j . ' ' Hea,d Q'ks Second Militant District, ? 1 Charleston, S.-t', August J,-, 1SC7. i C General Orders, i ' ! upon. the promulgation; of this jlorder. II. Post Coujimanders will b Su lerinteitdents, of r eri st rat iortwithin -their res pee t i ve co m mai i (la, exercising, in laddition to ihe lunetions hereinaf ter specially cuulerred. a tretieral supervisory authority, looking to the faithful execution of the several lle.eoiistructi m Aeis; the raainten prescnucu, alii tei ting an breach of the peaee or, conducting ; themselves in a manner teiu'ipjg .thereto,' and all; I persons who-shajl t!'.haten or tlier Aise attem(t ; to intiaiid ite, or corruptly or junproperly intlu- ence any citizen olfering to'reg stc4 ; and fojr thi I purpose they maj' apply Tor aid to the Post Com I mander1, a'ud may require the attendance; ani sey-i : vices of sheriffs' their deputies , constables!, po-!. j licemt ii arid silso of a'uy Citizen ; and all Stated district coiiny and town ' oilicers charged j with' ithe preservation of the public peace, as" ;.weU as i all citizens, arc required to obey the -ORle,rs of I said Boafds, given in puf&tiaua'e of the authority aforesaid and fo perform' all such acts aild.duties ; as may be requisite tueretor. p.ompuy ltporieo to lat i om Lom.nanati l? whom also the I'l LrVMIV l? .1111: 1.' V Lilt llVl -twivr ; with charts tor trial by a Post Court, to be oi iranized as provkled inCircnlar of May 15, 1 from these Headquarters, and anv.ch il rliccr or citizen tailing to respond to! the call. of the - " r citizen lailin to respond tot ' the call of the BoarS for assistance wilt be dealt, with in' like manner. i, i IV. Whenever any citizen shall sutler in wry m person, fainilv or property, while exeri-ismg ... t. r .. iL. ; .....-,.-.-.- or seeKiuir tojexeieise me riiuu -oi 1 emsiruiiuu; lit Ct.lMli IU.IA111.10V. lll-lllllf VJ1 llSlOimilUll, .us" : i... i.i... Ill UUUillUU IU UUj UCUUIlt UlCatllUlU U) li 1UI hj H.....H,... . j.. , l k v.... .. L. ..1. ... tl.'. hoi I l... .i i,i ii.t ;i the ix-rnehratnr. minn his imii Ut cviuu . i mi in- ; of default 5n . payment of escape .of the offender,!, if it shall appear-that the-wrobg wiks couuteriancexi, or the offender harbored" or concealed, by the neighborhood, or that the ci,vil authorities taiicij to employ proper' measures to prcseie the peace, the damages shall be assessed against and paid by the town, county pr d'strict. i J. j, V. Ofl'etices perpetrate b- winte persoL$ dis guised as blacks,! being of fn .qiient . oceurisence-, the attention of all authorftie's, civil and miijitarv, j is directed to the device, as ouej iido'pled to es j cape detection, and to .cast unimerited' obloquy upon the colored .people. : In aI cases, whyn re sort thereto shall, be shown, tjhe: fact will be taken into considuraiai asj jaggravating, the offence.: . i ! i VI. Depriviuir a. citizen of aijiy right, beuetit or advantage of hire or employment, to discour age him from registering! or oi) account pf -his having registered or having so night; to register, snau Df'; aeemeu an one race iunisnanie nyr ine Post Court,1 and shall entitle the injured party to damages against the ojffinder, any clause iijt any contract or agreement toi the contrary notwith standing, y' y . 1 . f TIw. Act of Congress entitled 41 Aik Act for the more efficient government of the rebel States,"- and the several ",Acts supplementary thereto,! will be carefully observed by ali. Boards iifci ---i L4L Hitr iviiii' t a c of office;" (see Ajtndix, form 1,). choose Okie of its memhers as chairman, who sh:ill preside at all sessions of the Board, preserve order at its meetings lor r gitratiou, and represent the (' Koaru, ana annouure its : ajtiqu in; alt itiatter,s i oming beiore it. ', -I .- ' t IX. The places of session off. the Boards shall be the voting places established by law. or cus tom in each elecnou precinct, unless for srood eauise otherwise directed !.v the Post Comman- i X. Each Board sh.tl'l deteruiiiiC- the order in ! which the r'gUtratin sliall take placy in the severa election precincts, -that may bei'assijrtied j to.it by the Fosf. Commander, ;iud the time j which shall' be allotted to each, bearing in mind l that the whole work is to be'liuifehed ' bef ore the lirst day ot October I XI. Each Board shall, forthwith upon notice I of pubti(vatidn ot,this' order,' and at least five day& beiore ;comeieuoiug : registration, g ve uptime , th r(:offortUe tost Commander, nnd the sheriff, 8. and the inaylr of the city or the iutendaut of the town, and shtili cause written oft printed notices to be po-tedun live of the most public piaeos in each election pi eeiiret, anndilnciiig the time -.iri...... vi....... :.. c.:, .. . ,;n i.x held, the number of days (hi poll case less than :f f davsiu n'oi case less thau rs of the dav the Board wiil re each place for the purpose 0f. invitingia-11 persons quali9ed to two), a;i:d the hours main-in sessiou at ri'irit rftt inn nnd in vote under the provisions bft.he Ac oi Cousjress fiL,. Vv np r.f nr. Kr nnrl t... t rt v.ff t. .1 i ? ion 1 if, .-rr't " - v"-- l"l'cl " Mlu.. uiin.;- r r' i 1 r - - - - ---- i , . . . i x.i t.. I , . i . .4 4 . . passed iMarelt 2d, entitled " An .vet to iu'o- i liavV "' ,eldt'rt a viiuiUary support to any pro vide fo?-the more. eAeieut government of the r; tf nded goveraHne-nt,.authoirity, power, or consf i rebelr States," and the beveivl Acts supptemeu- ii tutlh witbir. the -United StatH; hostile or in iai- tary-thtreto, to appear before thie Board of lleg ivl f.r lii.,- n is tuition XII On the day ajr l at tl;e ojur designated in' tue notice, .for co egistralion the Board shall, at the place announced, couVvne and enter upon its duties, and shall, then and there ail so post notices of the tiihe.of final fcete" sions ii rovjded tor ,in parayh XIX. , XI II. T&e" room used foi regis tr.it ion, w' iek the fhai ruian shall have previously provided for fwi'Wi u .-w tuuevu luai.iuu uuuiu shall sap lrated -by a bar irom all other persons who 1)ay & mbkd and those tp be register- ed shall admitted within th : bar, one hyone, and thoir ingress and egress $o arraigned "as :co avoid confusion. XIV. Two citizens shall be aidmitted wjthin the bar as challengers, whose duty it shall be to !' clialler:ge the riht ot any cit-izjen- "otfenng regisier, upon awv-oi uie groutids ol uis(uaUi catioe ,'nuurjted in The Acts of Longress be -cited ; but ,tie general right of chjallenirc shall conceded to allcitiztns present. .XV. If any challenge be made, before: final ih-cision, examine 1 th'e Board shal ie person pre Senting himselfTor r-jri;tratioti, ijn refarence. to the cause of disuuuiitieation' all tly.'cd, and shall hear any evidence that mav b tferci, to su stantiatc or disprove, the cause of shall haVe-power to summon and challenge, and compel the at tendance of witnesses and administer oaths in an' caieej cl reiritiuti6n. cXVIj In registerikg, the names iolorcd citizens shall be entered n separatei columns of the list. - of wjliit e ahd alphabetically, the process' of i XVII, The following shall be j registering : . ' . Fird. Every citizen presenting himself for reg-ti-try shall take and subscribe the athj prescribed : b' law, (sic ApimVr frn 2, ) wL ich shall be ad , ministered by a m mber of the Board, and such j oath shall be preserved with the lists j Second' His ii'ame shafl then b entered in- the .proper column of the li-t, and culled out by the ! chairman.! : ; Third'. Adv challenge made stall be noted in ! the proper column, opposite the. name, with the ! . cause. iLercoi. : Fourth. It is recommended to Boards to defer the hearing and decision of contested cases until the session for revision provided for in paragraph Fifth, Whether on not there be any challenge, the Board must ascertain upon such-facts or ip . formation as, can be obtained, that the applicant j is entitled to be rejristered befe re nfarking his llillU': i as accepted ' tue oatu not Deins con- clii?ive ' Sixth. Sectiou 7 of the act ol July 19th, 1S07, declares hat no citizen shall be entitled to vote by reason of any eiecutivejpardbn 'or ambesty for any act or thing which without each pardon-or amnesty would disqualify him from registration. to ! ! I it is en- acted by Section 6 of the Act of July tih. 1867. that the true intent and meaning of the oathpre-' scnuea iiui saia supplementary Act is, other tliihgs,) that no person who has (amorfg been a member ol the Legislature oi any State, or who has held any executive or- judicial office in anv j State, whether he has taken an oath (to support -j j the Constitution of the Cnted States or ht, and 1 j whether he was holding uch office at tine Com 1 meneement ot tho n behion, or had held it be- l fore, and: who has afterwards eniraared hi insur ' rection or rebellion airaihst the Uiiited States, or given aid or comfort to the enemicsithereof, lis entitled to he registered or to vote; j and the. ministration ol any general law of a State, -Or far the administration of justice. ; . f ( EgMh- If there be no ehallencc, or if ihe chral-' Henge bci fin illy overruled, 'and the Board deter-, imineitbit th applicant is entitled to be r.tris-' jterled the 'Board shall, mark opposi e the' name of paratrn ; XIM. i he resist ration. cojtiductcd a6," pofli ded ir paragraph XV'lI, shall be made n tripli cate listkj, two of which 6hall,-after tin conclu sion ?f .tve first :.' session,- be exposed, fan public -inspection at ponveoient plHcesj for riye days; . Hud lifc hird shall Ibe retained in pdssi-snoi Of the Bbarjcl till alter thejcoraplction of refiiltra-; tbn it the inecting pixnided for in paragrapjjj XlX,1Wlien tbc three haying been compared Valid veridjpd.lshay be certitkil in the form prescribed and puiuited at the end of 'the blank-registration - ' lists. I '. ' ' ' ' ; -:" -. : I ' ; -. :.' "': i XlJC r Sessions fur revisiu'er thef lita slialTbe held !n eacli election prccinet, after said live days i wmimh VIT nA tl... Rn.k nf K',MiUtrtin 1.1... 11 trti ,1 : , 1 1 v. i. . .: s i .. . .. i - il '. it ' , V V i an ? .or. J . lr-od iS Sf- wJ f " ?l V?? been regis e ed. pii.in -juaii k. u n i.i , jiiiu ji ru.ni yu. I in. il uuu, iu of two dlys ; and , - person nof entitled tt) strike the uahie i! pf snirh from the list And the Boards sha.l also, : durinig the s-amt period: add to siicli resrfstrv t h:e !l Iiaine&j! of all . persons who at, that tini '-p.08sets.lt Ithe qualiticatlous required by sa'ul Act,, who havcll pot ben ajready, registered and who 'fiUMl; then I ; l.nn .-I . I PPPb to be registered. "V" f ( . --V.. U11C OI I U.;.,.. .1 , ,15 ..l ... oi .. "-i-v v 11 v vi uit r.im us a j-uaii lui-u lit; liniiiv. r ! 1 ' i w. vuiiuaiiuei , -iP -x'-fu . i " , v uu wyuf J-ach Board shall, at or beford the eon- L clusiph of registration'" forward througlJ the Postl; Commanuer to these Headquarters, arcfeo men datiojivof three suitable persons for Inspectors of Elections in each election preciuct, stating the name, occupation ana postomce audrcss ot each person recommended . XXII. It is enjoined .upon all Boardslof Kcgis tratioii to explain, 'carefully, to all citiepi wliti nave not hitherto enjoyed the right ot eunrne, the nature of the privileges which have been ex- :t ended to theiq, and the imporJanpeof exercising Iwitli '.intelligence the nev and honorable fran-. Ichisewith WMich they have beeu invested .by"Hi.e jCongrcss ot ttie tj ni ted J5tat.cs. f XXIIC Boards will take notice that tfcoruih to Section 10, of the Act of July 1U, 187, they are Lot to be bound m their actiou'by auy opin ion ol any civil omcer o the United Mates. ; XXI V. Boards are instructed that al the pro visions of the several Acts of Congressieited.' are ito be liberally construed, tothe end thjut all the -if. lintents.thcriof be fully iud pei-fcctly cairricd out, aa ' iuc aueuuuuoi an .ctyicerueuiis uirotir ted to lithe requirements of Section 4 'off tlue g1d Act Of Julv VJ, 1867. bv which it is made the duty !of the Commanding General to remove from of fice all persons who are disloyal to t he jjoyern 'rapnt iof the United States' or-wlio use tfifclf OH1- cial iBtiuence in any manner to hinder delay, IthconBtrairtitnr AJf-t Tilt PS all otrmvrs will' bo ruiHjrttM tiromrii i; ... y v.mi.oum.i , rtim mi persons in this i :'""W'. vifi'ia are cuutu upon to ajd and facil jitateltbc-executiou in u in good fliitbof the said Rets uediu pursuance then, r v i t l'i ff n it-.- I XXVI. The Major GeneraT Commanmuir i,,' ! . i .i v.wi v i;-u ui mi uiLiuiaiu -re isory aiiinu'it- j willjift due seasoii, before' the holding, of ! ;election, utertuiu and determine questions' a--'-1 fsigniHg errors inlhe registry, ,iand will, upon in siection bf the completed;nVts, cause correeti)iis 1 tbp'samej that the. true design and purpose of the laws be faithfully answered and fiiat all the"" i rights: thereby guaranteed be full v -and fairly l-u-1 Jo ed.- i - ! . . i ;; ; - ! ByleJnimand of Maj. Geb. I): E. Sickles - ', . . I1.'.!' i -. : J. v. Clous,:. ' I-. ii,! '. ; Cupt. 38t!vC. S Infantry, " : j . ih;V'- i ' A. D. C and A. A: A. G. ji!' ' i; APPEN IX, ; . i OATH ntESCKIHEl) FOK" REGISTERS. ' (F' 'Ii.M 1.) . of . countv of I "f1 ll 7T ijHrin l that I -hay - do. bplemnly. swear j(or.af- w - e never voluntarily "borne ":irm .dgainfflt;Xiie unrteu jtates iti-ce t hdve been a cit, il1'"" tJ'r0f: .that haye ; voluntarily given no laid, countenance, cionncel iiv ctwtirMir..'n..;. f Seventh. Boards will take notice that f I i - m v. i a t r u law v iltv lii v t a If-r?MB "-.cngagea ,in armed hostility, thereto iiUOF1Vy " hostility to the; United States tliat I e.ti lucrei-o. iuu l do luithor nwc-ar ' ((r iiilirin j : that, to; the best of my Jvuiowledge and abililv, ! Kill sjupport and doteiid. tlo. C'lustitut ion bi rtbi- , m,fr lcs ttU uueinu s, lor-igti or do- ; T'.,:i.L.l v-i,.t ... ..-. . . . n i - . : . - i. :(uysuv, iul i win- ueai: irue i.uin auu atiegiu' ce t'o the!, same; that I .-take this obligation tree'yV jiWithpjrt any .mental reservation orpurpo-e pf , jlevasiofi; and that I will we l and faithfully di"-i fchaige-the duties of t!ie office on which I ana j abjut tb, enter.' So halp me God. .. y -. ' : Carolina, J " '" lf f ': . - y ' , ': , T this - - ... - . i j nic,lr day of one thousahd'eight ; Ii il f H'rrl nn (.ivtr.ir.ci.i. NoTE.ltegisters will be required to t:.L. 1 1!.. 1 - ijOath.i rescnhed by t be Act. of Congress approved !: i?2d July, lyw. Blank ,orms of this oath will Ua :P jturnined to Kost Commanders, and when duly I tuuirioeo aya swonl, will be returbeil to the ost Commander, wJho S will lorwnVfl' thorn : 1? 5trlct Headquarters. .And it anv person t-hall V $X Vdv nd subscribe such oath or allirmatjbn : ; i.erson so oiiending and being duly con- t Wiereoi, .snail be subject to the painspen- T lid disabilities which- bv.laW.isii-i iiVnvi,i..vi ;.- for the yunishment of the crime of wiiful and ,': corrupt eriurj-. (FOKM 2.1) ' - OATU PIlESCKIBEO FOU VOTEns. .' A, -7-t , dqsbleM)tily"6wcar (or aflil-mi'-ln inf?o ".-.tngaged in armed' hostility- thereto;' "f li that I have neither sought nor accepted, nor ;H- i - :,t - nptwl to exercis. th functions of any ofe ' - "l :;',v,uwM:vHr uudt'ra"y authority, or pretended-au- ?;-rV-'i i VVi ialtrSi the pjesenee of Almighty God that I am a cliW 1 ' ' - zenol tbe.fstateof , that I have resided H in said State for 7 .months next preefced- 't ' ing this clay, and now -reside in the Co-anty of t " ; tf r lhe; -Parish of- in said SbUe,. ! "i (as. the case my be;) that I ahi twenty iMiVy ears !; oM, fhat I have not been disfrim chiscd for parti- 1 c-ipirtionin any rebellion or civil, war affahistUbc f . United States, nor for felony committed. against ' " the laws of anv Stase or ol the Hiiitl si-au-k- '' that 1 have never beeu a member of any State - , ii.eisiaiure, nor new any. executive or ludidlal " offlee;in any State and afterwards enaed in in- surrection or rebellion jagarnst the Uuited States, . ' ! " or given -aid or comfort to the enemies thereof; 3 ? that I have never ttkep an oath as a member pC j Congress-of the United States, or as an officer-bf '.-.. ' United States. or as. a member sf aWy State Legis lature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any . : State, to support tlie Constitution of the Unitttd State, and afterwards engaged in Insur rection. or . : ':, -rebellion against the United States, ; or givenld 13 or comfort to, the enemies thereof that J will ' faithfully support the kmstuution and obey the laws of the United States, and will, to t!ni best bf " my apuity, encourage oiuers- so to do : so hejn mtGod. , - i" " " " y-' Sworn to and subscribed before me, ') til:.. '.AA,nC : ; iwit7 . this- day of 'i'a i1 tyy 1 4 V.' 's . 1 :-,h i -'' 1 Ai ir" ''St ' v y s If; : -"i Ji ll if-' n in flii'- : ''Il . ; - I' I- -Ii ."'.-I ..-j.-. ' : : i4':'V "' i; - iivr -- 4 My '.'ln'-t'-t; Tf i!-. ;'7, m t i-f ..V I yyy-t I- . ': I A.' f" -' mm i'r ;' 4r v - !