...... r , --j-.r'rr-r-r ;v"v. VOL. I ' ; r " ' 1 ' ( - - ' : . ' -"' ' ' ' ' ' " i ' THE WILMINGTON DAILY POST, E. A. PAUL & CO., Proprietors. I TKRM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION INVAKIA.BI.'lf IN ADVjLNCS : Daily, one year.k:.. ...I , : W . 4 M .$10 00 li six months..'... -.600 one . month . . . . ...... .JL 00 RATES OF ADVEKTOING: -i ATerusemenis win 0e inserted at f 1 Ob per square for ii insertion and 50 cents 'forileacli subsequent insertion. . ! h f j i " -" J . -. Ten lines or less, solid minion type, constitute a square. ! THE WEEKLY WILMINGTON i POST. . .13 PUBLISHED EVEUY MONDAY.! ! ' suBSCRirxioN : One year Jk. . . I . . . . . . . ' t i Advertisements $1 per square. ..2 00 TELEGRAPHIC. BfePORTEU FOR THE DAILY POST. TJIE REMOVAL OF SHERIDAN. GENERAL THOMAS.! E N." II A N'C O C K, i'ellow .Fev(jiv7-Gholeral THE MARKETS, ' I Arrival of Steamers.' ; Naw York, Aug. 20. Steamers Sarra and Champion rrom Charleston,; Moore from New Heme, and Fulton from Paris have arrived. Foreign. New York, August 20. The Scotia with i . r .-..-- iicl- t; ! vices of the 11th has arrived. Three regiments in Ireland have been ordered to Canada. , -. ' : A; . ' s Duke Montrose expressed hox)C in the' Hdase of Lords that at an early day there would be nail coram anlcation with the United States. I i ! j! I ' Ofllcial 1 e ports show from January to July !6V one thousand three hundred and seventy-eix cases, and thirty-two thousand and seventy-four aeatus oi cholera in ltaiy-tSicily suflered i mos. " s ' i From1 Sanflancisco. , -,; San t rancisco, : Aug: 20. Steamship LSacta- mento, L for j Panama, takes five hundred land eighty-seven thousand dbllars. The smallestf shipment for two yeais. , h ! lirain and wheat is still cpmina: forward treely. Indian troubles in Idaho and, Arizona, ; con- tinues. ! , ' Six Females'Drowned. Dover, N. H., August 20. Eleven 'started for an Island in a poat. ftLBew pick berries J" The boat capbizea and six were drowned. i . jr jerspns Lake to females Registration. Columbia! S. C, August 20. One hundred and two registered 12 whites, and 60 colored li 1 'Mv : ' j Arrivals. ' V :'.f New York, A 112:.. 20. Arrived. The Arizona, ' f rom Aspiflwali ? the San Sa,lvada Wyoming, from Important Order ofjthe President. r tfi? A o ti art Sirs or thk: Arm r. i 3 Adjutant Geueral's Office a i Washintrton, Aug:. 19. 1867, General Orders, No. 77. . 1 The following orders have been received from the President : ! r Executive Mansion, August 19, 1867. r 1 Major General George II: Thomas is hereby as i signed to the command of the 5th Military Dis trict, created by the act of (Congress, passed on i the second day of March,. 4867, Major General ;p. H. Sheridan is hereby assigned to the com mand of the department of the Cumberland, tbe Secretary of War; ad interim Will give the neces fearv instructions to carry this order into effect.;: (Signed) j v AN ORE W JOHNSON 1 1 i 'd. In pureuance of the foregoing order of the (President of the United States, Major General G. .II. Thomas will, on the receipt of the order, Jturn over his present command to the ofl3.cer next in rank to himself and proceed to New Or leans, Louisiana, to relieve Major General P. IL ' Sheridan of the command 'of the j 5th Military District. . -.?:." .j. J f v :- . v'lH'ijl ( 3. Maj. Gen. P. II. Sheridan on being relieved Ifrtm the command of the 3rd Military District by Maj. Gen. G. II. Thomas -vf ill proceed to Fort! f Leavenworth Kansas, and will relieve Major Genl i W. . Hancockin the command of the depart jmentot theMissourL I !t i ; 4. Major Gen. W. S. Hancock on being i;eliev sl ed from the command of the ) Department of the Missouri by Major General Sheridan will proceed J to Louisville, Kyi, and will assume command of the Department of the Cumberland. L II. 5. Maior GeneraWJ. H. Thomas will continue ! to execute all orders he may find in force in. the 5th Military District at the time pi his assuming com maud -of it unless authorized by the General of the army to annul, alter oi- modify them.1 .If; i 6. Maj. Gen. Sheridan before relieving Maj. ftPn Hancock ! will reDort iin nerson at these; Head Quarters. By order of( , ' . L .:. i !. : ,$ ; j - - . -. , , GEN. GRANT, E.O. Townsend, A. AG.: - fellow Fever and Cholera in ew Orleans - I i Nbw Orleans, Aug. 20. Twelve deaths ; by 1 fe-rer and a couple cases of cholera, daily. Aver j age at ISew Iberia, La., has been 41 deaths since, the appearance of tbe disease, out of a population U of three or four thousand. -- ' ; r i . In Galvestoir to-day W. W. Clegg and Mrsi Capt W. Or. Abbert, of New York, were among the interments ; yesterday, Theodore Mix errone ously reportedT 34 interments on Monday, r ! An order has been issued forbidding" dictinc - tions being made by railroads: and others, char tered from companies, which: are common car riers, on account of color, race or previous con-1 dition. ' " i : - .1 A B. Hall, of Harris county! has been appoint ed Sheriff, ylce rronatoot, aDscenaea. in 1 " i St. Louis Market. ' , u St. Louis; Aug. 20. Flour! quiet Superfine $7$8. Wheat steady red $2 15$2 33; white f- $2 25$2 49. Corn dull white $1 O50$l 10 Provisions steady. Pork $2350. Bacoh shoul; dtrs 121c; clear sides 161c. Whiskey $2 05. ! WIlfMIKGrTON, N. Cm WEDNESDAY MORNING AUGUST 21, 1867.: . Foreign Markets. wltl SZ' A?S-19EvenHig.-Cotton closed S.in 1 ar tendency though quotations re main unchpnged: ! middling uplands JOid.: Or leans 11. Sales of 10,000 baits. , . vJraoH - Aug. 20Noon. the iai7y JVre?city tlt2day Bayft trade ia improving. Money marKeT firm. Cotton very dill-ovta? to unusu ally large receipts from America. No reduction m bank rates expected. 1 Consols Mil Bonds 731. I 1LlvEH, 4n- 20 Nock Cotton jdull sales of 8,000 bales. Prices ; unchanged. Other articles unaltered . i i 1 ij Steamers Bremen and CymbHa hate arri ved. ! .London. Aujt. 202 p M. Consols 04 K j Bonds heavy T3L If Liverpool, Aug. MO 2 A M. Cotton un cUangcd. Lard M. Provisiois audi produce un- Li The City of Baltimore hs af rived. .'i . : i ; . J New York idaikels New Tork, Aug, 20. Stoci dull and heavy. .Money KcO.o per cent. , GoliT lull. Sterling yi ; sight, 10 days, i m coufwina 131. -ii x lour arm for old; heavy for new. Wheat Quiet and, firm. - Corn 4p. hf-ttir .riate Anil oh -4ecTining. Pork $23-25. Lard ohiet. t Cotton quiet at astc. Spirits turpentine easier at &8i(7& ij - Cincinnati 9t:T3ict -f i iauiaATi, August au. -D iaur nruier ana un changed. Wheat firmer No. i red 2 ,18 ; white $2 35. ; Corn advancing. at90(SSt inibulk.l Whis- kkey steady at 30 in bond. : Pork-imess held at: oo. Bulk meats Armband linchajiged. f i ; Charleston Cotton 3Iariet; &c., 4trc. !! Charleston S. C, Aug. 20 Cotton weaker -sales" of 76 bales of middlinfff at 26(cb27c. Re ceipts wi Dales. j j i 1 1 Steamers Manhattan and Motieka, from New xorK, nas arrived. 1 1 Registered to-day 3brl, of whom 227 were whites,; 134 colored. i - i the hottest ijTo-day was generally pronounced oi tne season. i r Augusta Cotton' Dirket. ! Augusta, Ga., August 20.' pottpn iuore ac" tive, but prices easier sales ;of 38 bald of niid- aiing at Z3fc ! ;The weather is hot and cloud , iTt'. la loaVtJ cfli7 ctatn.'l fhot M ft Fitch, United States District Attorney, will atlthe next term ol the U. S. Court for Georgia,. prosecute for'er jury eight Southern loyalistsfwho, itl is alleged, have taken. the test oath contrary to the law &nd acts. 'I 'I -.. -t- i Savannah, Cotton JJarket. I small transactions middlings nominally 26Jc. receipts Ki6i bales. - i The weather is clear. ( I v Mobile Cotton Market. . j Mobile, August 20K-C otto n-r-n o sales, market nominally unchanged. Keceiptf 105 bales. ' ij l he weather is Clear and warm. Crop accounts mi tne interior oi tne state lavoraoie. : Baltimore Markets. Baltimore, Aug. 29. Hio Cofree dull and un changed.- Cotton steady and starch, middling uplands 2S1 a 29 cts. Flour 'dull and nominal prices un yellow $i. no large sale. Wheat receipts i Small changed. White Corn $L13 a l&:15 j 16 a 1,18. Oats declined 2 a 3 dts supply large. demand and good mostly ; salei 70 a firm, but j inactive and unchanged, quiet no large sales. Whiskey Idull, 73. sugar Provisions nominally unchanged i JMew York Markets New York, Aug. 20. Cotton a shade lower; sales of 1,000 bal.es at 23 a 28 s Cts. 'Flour firm. Southern $10.50 a f 14 ; other descriptions unal tered. Wheat flam and quiet ; jvhite Southern $2 50. Corn active and firmer ; rnixed Western $L12 a $1,131 cts. Oats heavy and lower ; South ern 81 a 91 cts. Pork firm, liess $23 a $30. Lapd firm Groceries quiet t teady. Naval Stores unchanged. Freights hqavy. Posts Fi nancial 6ays swan Market still ovejr supplied. Stocks drooping, Governments hardlj sustained and with light demand.' i ! i I Tne Commercials special! says General Grauts anmiration War Department is, creating aston ishment by his rigid econ6my and dismissal of suTerfluous force. I I i Internal Revenue receipts to day amounts to $23,000. i . ' Mew Orleans; Market. Cotton firm sales of 650ales low middling at 26lc. Receipts for three days 6i5 bales against 611 bales. T Exports for same time 3,125, Sugar no sales ot importance and fullv Ifair: La, 151c. : Cuba No. 12 boxes 12i. i Cuba Molasses variously. I quoted at 4955c. . FEour Tance with no sales ; superfine $S75, I with light stock on hand ; mixed! $1 asking ad Corri dull 1031 121. Oats firm at 70c. Pork quiet and firm at 20c ILard quiet: jobbing 141c; bblsf 14 c. : tierces :13c! : kegs 15c.. - . W Gold 140140i. Sterling i cent prgmiumi York sight I South Washington FpEbiNCT, ) i t l ; ; New Hanover Coiihty, " J- !; Aug. 20 18G7. ) Editors of Pok: :;-'-;; ;' Enclosed is the number of me registered voters oi tne aDove precinct. ! i Whole number registered, 250 ; ;122 were whites, and 128 were col peaceable and quiet. I i l l . t a w "i - a ;. qf which jred. All , ye tound some old acquaintances, wno shook us very cordially by the hand, and we reciprocated the feeling. Othefs by conver sation still retain some of the oM prejudices. We were kindly treated! while sojourning here. There is a general complailit of crops throughout the neighborhood : he . average is little more than half. The citizens seem to realize the situation, while many openly express it as a hard pill to swallow ; ,'others avow they would support equaljtaxation on a fair basis and hope for peace land security for life and property for i the ) mtjute. The yeomanry say they are willing tp'pay a fair equivalent! for the services ojf frcedmen, knowing if the wages of the blafck laborer is depressed by the lords of the soil, they will be ulaced in the same situation. I The freed-' man behave well, and come up! to register apperently without fear, and afe they say, citizens. One old man, made, as 101 years old. calling himself Col. Sampson Fennell, walked several miles to be registeTed. Many others, bending with years, witlj smiles on their faces have availed themselves of the privilege. . I We now shall steer our course for upper TMoMr "Rivpr whprft wp. refrister cm the 22nd oi. oskt( -Ipavino- the erood icitizens oi South Washington our best jvjshes for their future welfare in supporting the Con stitution and obeying the laws otf Congress and encouraging others to do so.!'; . j i . . Most Respectfully, ; CJ - W Registering. I ! Masonboro', Sound Fubclnct, Wilmington Daily Ibsl : . ' i L' r The Board which I have the hnor to rep resent, met at this precinct on Mohday, Aug. 19th, and during that day registered 58 voters. We resumed our labor on Tuesday, Aug. 50th, and during that day registered 7. Making a total of .65 ; 15 colored and 50 white.- ..-..,,- . J: V iTfae'Conservatiires will be in the asencl ancy liere, butl notice with some satisfac tion, the Old Line Whigs will all stand-by the Republican party ; and , they being, the most influential class, may enlist others in L the cause of Republicanism. I he lied strings through this county are a great help to the Republican cause, and where, ever we find members of the H. O. A.,' A we are welcome. 1 ' II. C. Scott, Chairman. - In the 2nd precinct, (Newbern) composed of the 2nd and 4th wards, stands to-dayy Whites 68 : Blacks 61." , , ! I IIOTPL, ARRIVALS. ; , August 20. j CITY HOTEL John Smith ;Wm. liurdock; Salisbury ; F C Patterson, Philadelphia ; 8 C Gardener, Baltimore; T O Bunting, Wilmington; W J Jarvis, W & M R R ; TC Barden, ! W & W iR ;' 5-- -j. . ' - 3IISCELL1NE0US. FLOUE ! JASPER "Family," D ELAWARE PT.ANET jLASCO T ISLAND "ex-Super." uper. HAVING THE EXCLUSIVE AGENCY OF the, above standard and now well known j brands of FLOUR, I offer the same to the trade a? a PURE, SWEET aud FRESH GROUND FLOUR I guarantied not to sour during the hottest weather. COFFEE. QOMMON, ' 30 Bags. EDIUM, Goou' QCIIOICE, 20 10 44 MOLASSES. H BBLS. NEW YORK SYRUPS, 50 " PORTLAND " SUGAR. 0, JXTRA G 1ITY MESS, New. FULL STOCK OE ABOVE CONSTANTLY on hand and sold very low for Cash by HORACE M. BARRY. ' aug 15 f !-. tf furivitijrkJ 1 . manufactured by p i 96 AND 98 EAST HOUSTON STREET, NEW YORK CITY. all this furniture consisting of PAHLOlt, ! . ' CHAMBER, ; , DINING ROOM and -;' LIBRARY SUITS, is jof the latest styles and manufactureid of the very best material, under the personal supervis ion of the proprietor and guaranteed. Parties in the South desiring fine household furniture cap be supplied direct from the manufactory, or those about visiting New York will, find it to their advantage to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ALL GOODS WARRANTED, aug 8 3neod JOB WORK. i OUR FRIENDS will please bear in iniud that we are now,pre)ared to xrint - Oirculai-s, "Bill-Heacls, ' BUS I N E s s ji, ; .- . AND : :-; In the neatest stjle of the art. At an early day we shall have a "COMPLETE JOB OFFICE. J&L Great Iniprovemcnt in Dentistry ! SENSITIVE TEETH FILLED WITHOUT .; i PAIN. - r By a simple application the tooth is rendered insensible to pain during the operation of filling, without injury to the nerve jor tooth. Every operation warranted to give featisfaction. Charges as low as any Dentist in the city. Teeth extracted without pain. ,vu f t ;. j THOS. B. CARR, M. D. , No. 35 Market street Aug. 5, 1867. ; tf UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE. I QOLLECTOR'S OFFICE, ij SECOND DISTRICT, NORTH CAROLINA, Office Honrs from 0 A. M. to 3 P M. ' , : L. G. ESTE3, Collector. aug 6 ti Study Economy by Going Jo DAY & WRIGHT'S Wholesale Druggist , AND DBALEBS IS Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Paints, Oils, Fancy and Proprietary Articles, and purchase what yoti need, and save fifty per cent, ot your money. .. .:. ...... . ; - au15 ; , " PORK Ti 18G0i-X. The language of nature aiid experience demon strates, that whoever would enjoy the pleasure, of food the beauties of landscaples the Joys o companionship the' richness otj literature o the honors of station and renowni mnt present their health. . ! ; The stomach is the receptacle Qf all nourish ment, and the fountain from' which: all parts of the body, derive sustenance. ' The effect of loul injurious food entering the stomach, is to dc range the digestive organs and produce'headache, loss of appetite, unrefreshed sleep), foetid breath, low spirits, teverish burnings, constipation, in capacity td perform any mental or physical duty. i&c and are the symptoms oftha, horrrid disease . : "U; ' : DYSPEPSIA wliu assumes a tuouaind shapes and points towtffdft a mUerdUe life andpretnature decay. The Medical Faculty,ha3 labored for' generations to discover reliable appetizers and the proper means of overcoming stomach derangements. Certain ingredients have been long known as partially ; effective.' Among these were ; : f CALISAYA BARK & ST. CROIX RUM. An invalid physician, sojourning in the tropical island of St. Croix, observing ths habits ot the natives, gathered the recipe lor the final accom plishment of this most important end. The arti cle was first used as a private medicine; when its 6alutary effects becoming known, it was brought out under the name of , i DRAKE'S PLANTATION J BITTERS. They act with unerring power, with the pleasure of a bevera2e. and are taken most wonderful cures in stubborn cases of Dys pepsia, Liver Complaint, Wervous Anections, Loss of Appetite, Intermittent Fevers, Diarrhoea, Sour Stomach, Headache, Fever and Ague, Weakness, Mental Despondency, &c. 1 As a morn ing appetizer and after dinner tonic, they should be in ej'ery family. They are a delightful exhile rating stimulant, without any subsequent stupe ymg reaction. IMPORTANT CERTIFICATE. i Rochzstek, December 28th, 1851. Messrs. P, H. Dbakjs. Gentlemen : I have suf fered terribly with Dyspepsia for three or four years, and tried many remedies without effect. .1 had to abandon my profession, and suffer id great ly from everything ! ate. I have tiow tried the Plantation Bitters they helped me4-I continued their use, and am now nearly a well man. I know ot several similar cases. Respecttully yours, - JJEV. d. 4 UATHOKNr S. T. 1860 -X, Intelligent persons and pliysiciansijcau judge n the efficacy of the Plantation Bitters from the on tne emcacy following partial formula : CASCARILLA BARK . Was known and used in Germany lofi Dyspepsia, Chronic Diarrhwa, ChoJic, Dysentery and . Dis eases ef the Sto jiach and Bowels, a3 early as 1690 'It DANDELION. For Innamatiobs,of the Loins and; Spleen in Dropsical Affections and Biliary Secretions, or Obstructions of the Abdominal Viscera. CALISAYA, OR KING'S BARK, Was unknown to civilization until the middle of the 17th century. Humboldt makes' favorable mention of the febrituge qualities of this article as an Antidote Fever and Ague, Intermittent and Malarious Fevers, in his extensive South American travels. The Countess, wife of the Viceroy ot Peruj having experienced the benefi cial effects of the Bark, sent it to Europe in 1640. , It was sold by the Jesuits for the enormous sum of its weight in silver, and was thus called Jesuits; Powdek. In 1658, Sir John Talbot employed it? with great suecess in France, m the treatment ,ot Fever and Ague,' Dyspepsia, Nervous Affections, Loss of Appetite, Weakness and Debility, Pal pitation of the Heart, Diarrhcea, &c, under (the name of English Powder ; and in 1675 he sold the secret ol its Origin to Louis XIV, by wom it was divulged. It is now a standard remedy in all Pharmacopoeia, and is employed in prepatT ing the Plantation Bitters. j ; CharnomUle Flowers, for enfeebled Digestions ; irmferreenvyaluable -for Scrofula, Rheumatism, and N eifatic Affections : Lavendir Flowers. ! aro matic, stimulant and Tonic, highiy invigorating in Nervous Debility ; Anise, an aromatic carmi native, creatine flesh, muscle and milk, j Much used in nursing. S. T.; 1860 X. Another ingredient of remarkable land wonder ful virtue used in the, preparation of these ! Bit ters, is a native of Brazil, and a yet .unknown to the commerce of the world. Spanish writer says : m u . ', ( . ; ? ..: ' ! ;. Ji administered with St. Croix Ru , never fails to relieve nervous tremor, wake fulness! disturbed bleep! &c, and tkat it is used with great effectDy the Brazilians, Spanish and Peruvian ladies; to heighten their color .and beau ty. It imparts cheerfulness to'the disposition, yigor to the appetite, and brilliancy to the com plexion." .. ' :' 't We withhold itsjname from the public. for the present. - ' - p I ' ' To the above' are added Clove Buds, Orange,' varranoj) vvi iauuwi y kjxM.s xkvvt u v served ia perfectly pure. ST. CROIX RUM. ! !. :..: The tonic uroDerties of St. Croix Rum. and its powerful invigorating "effects, have been long known to th? physicians of the world, f . Bilious, intermitteat and Chill Fevers, engen dered by the change of water and diet Qi travel ers, particularly upon western riversJ are preven ted and cured by the Plantation Bitters. They are also reliable to prevent sea sickness1. V WHAT OTHERS SAY. ? i PhilapelpkiI, 1st month, 16th day, 1663. "Esteemed FrIesd, -Wilt thou send me an other dozen 6f thy Bitters ? Nothipg has proven so beneficial o mt invalid wile ormjself, as the Plantation Bittersi Thy friend, :.; '"' . :' :;' ;f : " I?ac Howxasd.' . N. B. The .secret of the immense sale of the Plantation R3tp.r:l ia'itheir auarantecd tntritv.-. The St Croix Rum, and every article used, is, warranted periectiy pure, ana ine money wni oe returned if not as represented. " ; j , 1 The Plantation Bitters are put up in unique quart bottles, and sold by all respectable Drug gists, Grocers, Hotels and Restaurants through out the world. Be particular that every bottle , At. J--- A. Vmnriatnta c i trn at 11 rP : DCan IIIC lufOUHln vi tub iivi'v 21 Park Row. New York AlltrS i I . I'll 1 Resistratibn - We are olaerd nnder nKHfatlrm' : in rn1rv FRAnSa Commandant of thUi Pnt fnr n 7 . - , . w .WK' . X flanl n.Jw e; e tt j ' a ond Military District. The prder; directs that registration commence at once, and prescribes rules ahd regulations for the govertiment of 1 the t, s j " s?;. : .r ; . 1 fhte11118- e PuJtin fuU; also the form of oath prescribed for. Registers, and pendedl : v fvsuu itutciuii:. v 1111:11 mi: nil. . : :: ;-i--it -n Head Q'bs Sscoij MiutaUy District, i i Ohiklestox. 8 C, August 1, 1867. $ GexerJll Ormrs. ) No. 65. j I REGULATIONS FOR REG1STRATIOX I. Registration shall commence immediately upon the promulgation of this) order. f " t 1L Ppst Commanders will bte Superintendents of registration within their respective commands, Acivisugt in aaumon to tne innctions liereinai- ter specially conferred, a general supervisory authority, looking to the faithful execution1 of the several Reconstruction Acts, the mainten ance or rights ance in order, - and the protettion ? of political iiicv will suspend reiristrars for malicas- blfi.ee. neglect of dntv.ior inromnp.tp.nrv. promnt 1 F - O 7 J " . 1 J y reporting their actioi, with the reasous . to these Headanartcra. i - 1 therefor IL Th&BoaMa of RcLnstratl ed and Required to suppress al disorders inter fering with the execution of th ?ir duties, to cause the arrest and counemcnt Of all persons falsely taking the cath prescribed, all persons commit-; ting any breach Jl of the peace or, conducting themsel res in a mknner tending thereto, and all persons who shall threaten or otherwise attempt tdintim date, o? corruptly or improperly infiu qnce anyL citizen jcfferingJ to rej ster ; and for this purpose they may apply for ai 1 to the Pp$t Com mander, and may require the a tendance and stir vices of Sheriffs, -their- deputies constables, po licemen, and also of any citizen; and all. Stated district, bounty and tqwn oflicirs charged with the presirvationof the public peace, as well; its all citizens, are required to : ob iy the orders of Bald Boards, sriven in nursnana s of thin nnthnritv aforesaid and to berform all sufch acts and duties asjmay bp requisite therefor. . ! ' 1! -All irrfests made as herein provided will be promptly reported to the Poat Commander to whom also the prisoners will be- turned over with charges for trial by a Pos Court; to be or ganized afe provided in Circula- of May 15, lb67, from these Headquarters, and 4ny civil offlcerdr citizen tailing tb respond toi the Icall of. the Board for assistance will be dealt with hi like manner. . , I ; . IV.' Whenever :any citizen saall suffer injury in Person, familv! or oroDertv. while- exercisi nor or seeking to exercise the righq ot registration, in addition to any penalty prescribed by law for the offenci. damages shall be awarded -to the in-! jured party against the' perpetrator, ; upon Ms conviction ; and in case of default in payment of me same, or oi tne escape oi tne onender, it it; snail appear that ; the wrong w countenanced. or itnecoTiender naroored or c bncealed by the neighborhood, or that the civil to iemnlovl TrniiPP mpnnnppa luthoritics failed preserve the peace, the damages shall be' assessed against and paid by thd town! county or district. i t . uubuccs perijeiraiea oy wnue persons aist guised as b acks, being of frequent occurrence the attention of all authorities, cavil and military is directed o the! device, as one adopted to es4 cape detect on, and to cast unmerited obloquy, upon the cqloredl people. In all cases, when re sort thereto shall) be shdwn, the fact, will .be taken into consideration as aggravating the Offence, j .. ; j VI. Depr ving a citizen of atjy right, benefit or advantags of hire or employment, to discour age him from registering, or on account of ils navmg registered or naving sougnt to register, shall be dee ed an onence pupisnaDie by the .nd shall entitle theJ inmred nartv to Post Court, damages ag ,inst the offender, any clause in any contract or contrary notwithi standin VIL The ct of Congress entitled i 44 An Act for the mor eflicient government of j the rebel the; several 'Acta suonlementarV States," an tnereto, win oe cajciuiiy observed oy an coords .' ...i. - . : - . rr of Registration. ! i VII." Each Board shall,-after having taken the oath prescribed by the Act of Congress of July 2d, lb62, entitled V An Act to priescribe an oath ot office, ' (see Appendix, form 1,1 choose one of its members as chairman, who shall preside at all sessions of the Board, preserve order at its meetings tor registration,' and represent the Board, and announce its. action cominsr before it. i in all matters IX. The places of session of the Boards shall be the, voting places established by law or tu&- t.nm in ip.ap.hl potion nrppinpt. -iinlpsa for o-nnd cause otherwise directed, by the Post Comman der. ;. . j . . ; i- , , : ' X. Each B ard shall determjni! the order in which the re ristration shall taWe place in the several electian precincts, that n ay be assigned to it by' the Post Commander, and the time which shall I e allotted to each, bearing in mind that the who! e work is to be fini jhed before the first day ot October. XL Each I oard shall, forth with upon notice of publication ot this order, and it least five days before commencing registratio ti, give notice thereof for the Post Commander, and the sheriff, and the mayor of the city or the ntendant of the town, and shali cause written or printed notices to be posted in five of the most public placas iu each election! piecinct, annou icing the time when and the place where its ; s ;ssionsT . will be held, the number of days (in no case-less than two), and the hours of the day tlie Board will re . . : T. j.."" w t main in session at eacn place loroie purpose ot f nwist.rat.innr and inviti(no nil nnrhnnA niinimpd fA registration; jind inviting all pereons quali9edfo vote under th(i Drovisiehs of the Act of Congress passed March Ed, 1867, entitled j An Act to pro- viae ior ine more j cacient government oi tne rptipl Stnta "land flip arvpril A pts mmnlrmnn. tary thereto, Ip appear before th Board of Regr istiation . I - 1 , r .-, XII: On thd dav and at the hour designated in tne notice, for commencing rp gistraton, ihe Board shall, as, the place announced, convene and enter upon its duties, and shall then and there also posti notices of the time of final scs sions provided for in paragh XIX. . , Alii, lhe r composed lor registration, which the chairman s hall have previously provided for the purpose, s lall be so arranged that the Board shall be sapara ;ed by a bar from all other-persons who may be assembled and those to be register ed shall be adnitted within the liar; one by pne, and their ingress and egress so arraigned a4 Lo avoid confusion. 1 , XIV. Two citizeis shall be Jdmitted within the bar as chaliemrers. whose dutv it shall he to challenge the right of any citizen offering to register, uppnlany pf the grounds of disqualifi catioe enumerated in the Acts pf Congress before cited ; but the general right of challenge shall be conceded to allcitizens present8. ! XV. If anv dhallelnare be' made, the Board shall belorc final decision, examine the uerson nre- senting himsel ' for registration, n refarence to the cause of disqualification alleged, and shall hear any evidence that may be offered, to ub, stantiate or disprove the cause o challenge, and shall have power ta summon ana compel the at- Lt-uuikuvv ui n iuicooto auu itUUilUlBLCr UilLiiB 111 any case of registration. cXVL In refiristeriker. the namesV of white and iolored citizens shall be entered alphabetically . n separate columns of the list XVIL The foUoWin? shall . be the process of registering: i i ..1, First. Everv citizen Dresentintr himself for reg istry shall takejand subscribe the oath prescribed by law, (see Append:x fornk 2,) which shall be ad ministered by 4 member-of "the Board, ajid such oath shall be preserved with the lists ! t x Ajcti7n. xua uamc cuaii iucu uc cuitttu m iug proper column-of the list, and c illed out by the, chairman.-' ; : : :. ' j l, H ;'; i-?- I Third. Any Challenge made shall be noted in the proper column, opposite the name, with ttie cause luercoi. Tfimtrlh- It. i Jrpenmmftndpd tnRnarda in defer the hearing and! decision of contested cases until the session for revision provided for in' paragraph Fifth. Whether Wr not there be any challenge, the Board must ascertain upon inch facts or in formation as can li obtained, that the applicant 14 entitled to be Registered before marking his name as accepted" the oath jnot being con clusive." '' ; .' ; i- ' . -" - -' ! Sixth. Section 7l of the act of July. lSth,' 1867, declares that no citizen shall bej entitled to vote by reason of any executive pardon or amnesty for any act or thing w;hich without such pardon or amnesty would disqualify him from registration. NO. 15. Seventh. Boards will take notice that It Is en acted by Section 6 of the Act of July 19th, 180? that the true intent and meaning of the oath pre scribed in said supplementary Act Is, (among other things,) that no person who has been a member of the Legislature ot any State, or who has held any executive or judicial office In any State,' whether he has taken an oath to snrmort oiai,,wueuier ac iius iaK.cn an oatu to support the Constitution of the United States or no and ill 1! - - AW a -W W.- 9 A V AT A r, whetherhe vrai holdinsr such office at the com. mencement of the rebellion, or had held It be- tore, and who has arjerwards engaged in insur rection or rebellion against the United States,' or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof,1 is entitled to be registered or to vote; and the word " executive or judicial office in any 8tate " ' in said oath mentioned, shall be construed to in elude all civil offices created by law for the ad ministration of any general law of a State, or for the administration of justice. j ;J i ! 'I Eighth, If there bo no challenge, or If the chal lenge be finally overruled, and the Board deter-' mine that the aonlicant ia entitlpd to h. ma4.L tered, the Board shall mark opposite theieame of ; ' r tne applicant, m the proper column, Accepted ? f m, and he 6hall thereupon be deemed legally regis-- . t Nintli. If the final decision of the Board W that the applicant is not entitled to be registered, the Board shall mark in the nropcrcolnmni his name; "Rejected." " J ; ii Tenth. In every case" of a rejection, tlie Board snaii mase a note or memorandum, settinir forth i the ground of such rejection, and retp.ru it with the' registration list, mentioned in paragraph XX:.;.- . . -. ,-. . ' -':: if.'.-U -- .'j.-; .. ;: .XVI If. The, registration, conducted as provi ded in paragraph XVII, shall be mane In tripli catelists, two pf which shall, after the! conclu sion of the first ses sion, be exposed, fori-public inspection at convenient places, for flvo daj a ; and the third shall be retained in possession of the Board till alter the completion of registra tion at ,the meeting provided for in paragraph XIX, when the three hating been compared and verified, shall be certified in the form prescribed and printed at the cud of the blafik registration liStS. . ;.r ; '''.';.:-.!;.-;.-.; ;-;;;:.!: ."j. vV--.tr. V I . XIX. Sessions for revising te lists shall be held in each election precinct after said five days CXPOSUre Of tile lists . nnnn notlpp na Wnvldod 1r paragraph XII, and the Boards of Registration 1 revise the same for a period of two days; aud upon being satisfied that any person not entitled thereto has been registered, to strike the name of such from the list. And the Boards shall also,!: during the same period, add to such registry the names of all persona who at that time Possess ! the qualifications required bv said Act: whohava 1 fr nv k -1 1 a -J . ' ... uui uccu aireaay reifiatcrtin iiiia.wno na;u men apply to be registered. unc oi tne R.iiri lists ciinii iripn ip. itnmn. d'ately delivered to the Post Commander, who will forward th Ranvp' tntlips, fTpdnnAPtPrr ji XXI. Each Board shall, at or before the'eon- ciusion oi registration, iorward tnrpugh the Post Commander to these Headquarters, a reco . men dation of three suitable persons for Insriccinr nf Elections fn each election precinct, Btating the 1 ttfti-ftfin rppo mniptirt p.d : -azlix. xi is enjoinca upon an jcoaras oi Kegis tration to explain,- carefully, to all citizens who have not hitherto enjoyed the fight of suffrage, the nature of the privileges which- have been ex tended to them, and the importance of exercising with intelligence the newj and honorable fran chise with which they have been invested by the Consrress of the United 8tatea. i i 'ti 5 h i i XX1IT. Boards will take notice thatacdrJimr to Sectfon 10, of the Act of July 19, .I8(i7, they are not to be bound in their action by any opin ion ot any civil officer of the United States. V -XXIV: Boards are instructed that all the pro visions of the several Acts of Congress cited, arc - to be liberally construed, to the end that all the intents thereof be fully and perfectly carried out. I j XXV. ; The attention ot all concerned is direct ed to the requirements of Section 4 of the said Act of July 19, 186Trby which it is made the duty of the Commanding General to remove from of fice all persons who are disloyal to i the govern ment of the United States, or who use their ofli- cial influence in any manner to hinder, delay, prevent or obstruct the due and perfect admlnis tration of the Reconstruction Acts. ! The names 1 Of all such offenders will be reported through fe.?08t Commander; and fall persons'; in this . Military District are called upon to aid and facil itate the execution in good faith of the said; Acts and the orders issued in pursuance thereof. 1 j. XXVI, The; Major GeneraT Commanding, i iu the exercise of an ultimate, revisory atlthority will. In due season, before the holding of any election, entertain and determine questions as signing errors in the registry ' andiwill, upon in-! spection of the completed lists, caue corrections ot the same, that the true. design and purpose of the laws be faithfully answered did that all the rights thereby guaranteed be fully land fairly en joyed. ..H'-;: . ;.:::,": f- By command of Maj Gen. D. E. Sickles;: t r . i : I- J XV fix -TTa s A -. - Capt. 3Sth U8JInf'flntrv. A. D. C. and AV A A. G. ;. rAPPENuIX. -' -' - I ' j OATU PRESCRIBED FOR REGISTERS, f 1 U I !-: i (FORM L) j l ofi : do solemnly swear (or af- firml that T hnvp never voluntarily. hnm arm against the United States since I have lip.pn a f!it." lzen thereof: that aid, countenance, I have VOluntarilv iriven nn Counsel or cncaurairemen to persons engaged in armpd hoatilltw thar-ntm:: i that I have neither sousrht nop nppphtpd nn t: w cAcrcisa lass lunciiona of anv nfli. tempted to exercisa tho -lunctioiis of any office whatever under anv nthnritv U.0,1 t .it..f x --r-r"!! . ,Y. pw" r j tnoritv in nostiiitvi to tho. irnifod ato-.. u t ifiaye notyielded a Voluntary support to any pre , Tc"t' ttumoniy, ppwier, or cons l-1 , tutjon within the United States; hostile or Inimi-4 r:"i rJ.'fM'Mi u" xurvuer swear i (or anirtn) i ; that, to the best of my knowledge and ability, 1 , s " " -rgy V cuu me constitution or- the united iftates ae-aidst all tmmSpa r..?A. . - mestic; that I wiU bear true faith and allegiance to . thc same; that I take this obligation freey, without any- mental reservation'l or purpose of evasion; anatnat i will , weir and faithfully dis charge the duties of the office on'hich I am about.to. enter. So halp me God. L X ! Carolina,) .. -X, . ' ) I Subscribed and sworn to before me. a ' 1 this '; , day of. . v ' a v.l hundred and sixty-seven. . . , i- ; .NOTB.T-Registcrii will be required to take the oath prescribed by the Act ot Congress approved' July, 1803. Blank iorms of this oath will be furnished to Post CominandersV and when duly Subscribed and sword, will be rptnrnpd tn the Post Commander, who will forward them to , District Headquarters. And it any person shall falsely take and subscribe such oath or affirmation inch person so offending ahd being duly con victed thereof, shall be subject to the pains, pen alties and disabilities which, by law, are provided for the puniebment of the crime of SwUful and corrupt periury. j J . i ,.r , - (form &) i 1 ?. ; ! ! j OATH PRESCRIBED FOR VOTERS. ! j , 'I I r; r do solemnly swear (or affirm) in the presence of Almighty God, that I am a citi-. zen of the Stete of , that I hats resided in said State for months next preceed Ing thhiday, and how reside In the ; County, of . -r Or the parish of- ' In said State, (as the case may be;) that I am twenty-one years tdld, that I have not been disfranchised for parti cipation in any rebellion or civil war against the ' United States, nor for felony committed against ; the laws j of any Stase or of the Uniteiatatcs; that I have never been a i member pf any. 8tate , Legislature, nor held any executive or indicial ' office in any State and afterwards engagedsln fn surrection, or rebellion against the United States,-' or given ' aid or comfort to the enemies thereof ; ti that I have never tiken an oath as a member of Congress of the United States, or as an officer of United States, or as a member sf any State Leig- latnre, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United I States, and afterwards engaged In Insurrection or ! rebellion against the United States, or given id i or comfort to the enemies thereof: that I will J faithfully support the Constitution and obey the laws of the United States, and .will, to the best of my ability, encourage others so to do : So help me God. ; ' . ' ' .. Sworn to and subscribed before me. I ? . ? this day of ;1S67. , " - :i ! r: i ti

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