: :i "''."'Ti-; :. ;:iVt;m rit-), t V I. WILMINGTON, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING AUGUST 22 1867. IflEjlSIM-DArtST. E.'A.' PATJL & CO., Proprietors. TEttMS OFUBSCIPTION ISVBUBLY.IN AD V AS CIS iwuy; one y$ar.j.: : , ....... it ' .t;.v.,fio-oo 6oo I 00 BATE$ OF ADVERTISING; n otic month Avertisementd sqttare for flr&t will be Inserted at 'SI 00 tnsertion and!60 centa for eah gnbsequent insertion. ' ' ' Ten lines or less, solid minion type, constitke! square. a TOE VEERLV t Oua'year... ; j, Advertisements WILSIIMON I'OST. IS ,P0BUSIED EVEkV MONDAY. - ; $CB8CRIPTIONl : $1 per squaris. .13 00 virHt TELEGEAPHIC. 'REPORTED lit j FOR THE .DAtLY POST. COLORADO ELECTION. ! 4 h TIIE REACTfON (SO-CALLED.) NO. 16. T From Europe. , - vienjta, xVug., 21. All official Joarnals declare tbat the peace of Germany is now secured. ' . 1 j . - , London, Aug. 21. It is stated tbat tbe Prince still heads the Spanish j insurrection ancfis supplieil with funds by Paris bank ers. t r , j - LiVBiiPOOLi Aug. 20. Evening. -Cotton uecimea suteentn and one eikhtli. Mid dling uplands 10f ; Orleans 11. j London, Aug. .21. Noon. bonds TS ; ouiers unchanged. Livebpool,4 Aug. 21.Kooi quiet, bales ol 8,000 bales; - Br&dstiiffsand provisions quiet and steady. I or. Laurent arrived with haiirUai advi- - 0ltt()!l very active new government ces and says that tea is crop going uflF ripidly. , Berlin, Aug. 20-Prussia; decrees free trade in Salt; f London, Aug. 20--Boads 73L Consols 94 3 8. r J Dknver, Aug. 20. Returns hliow repub uvou uiajoruy in Doin branches fet the tern torial legislature. ' : t ew York, Aug.- 20. ;btoi;k heavy. money 4 a 5. Uleettnfr . ol the Washintozi uar; Gold $1.40. Sterling on tune Ul a Sight 9 a 10. 2 coupons 13i- Virginia 'sixes new issue 150 to 50J: Tennessee sixes new issue 65. ?lour new i0 ail5 lower old firm. Wheat scarcely so firm 41. j Corn quiet. Oats dull anrfe drooping. Pork steady at 23v and 25. Lard quiet at 12f 4 . 13 J ets. Whiskey quiet, btton dull at 28 to 284-.:- Freights quiet, turpentine I 58$, Kentucky Election. 1 THE MARKETS Rosin quiet; common $38i7x. - - -. Jt'rom Washington. "VVAsmGTONijAug. 22. It appears from j-records in the Smithsonian Institute that the fentire fall ofaiij of the late storm was near . ly six inches, ivnich - Pro t. Henry says ex ceeds the entire amount, of any previous Au- gust'for years. . ' :. . ";;:; ' : ;;.;; ' ;-a ' . d- r Thirtyf our members of the bar of the District of CcVtimbia, disapproving of any review of the Orders of the Court ut public New York Markets. Nw York, Aug. 2U Cotton is a shade lower, sells at 28c. ,Flour firmer-t-Southern IOJcIh 14c; other descriptions unchanged. Wheat firmer and ; active, white Southern .in.,, , 1 ti1 - ;$2 '40; amber $2 312 37.; Corn un changed-Western mixed $1 12, $M3J. Oats dull Southern 81c. a 85c; Mess pjrk firm at $23 35. Lard firm. Groceries jfirm and quiet. ' Naval stores quiet.i Wool clos e l active, Texas 26c. a 31c. ! Freights quiet. Stocks quiet. Gold 141. Money 4 'a 5 per cent. -1 '62 coupons 13 i meetings of the bar, and disavowing the a.t. tempt; to "bind t berh to i-iwilMv' yf tBc - t tfiestliVir hfeld in thejiirt-room.a week agoj t.held-a public meeting ibis- evening to-' giro expression jtothpiev.'Aws.' The Parftmasterj General has .oijderetj the: mail route- between Vicksburg and -Mobile ; Te-opened : tor competition, the. contractor! .The route is three hun-1 Mail twice havinsr forfeited itL dred aud seventy4ix miles lonj a week in good boats. , ' j " " s Signor Marcella! Cerruti, - the new Italian . minister has arrived. ' . Half ; a dozen volunteer i otficers,' ranging from captain to coionel ' were mustered out to-day, also two chaplains. ! r - Internal revenuelreceipts to-day $323,000. r GenJIoward has had i no intimation of his'removal. The SeWefary of War del inte rim informed How,rd;during his ! recent hi terview that he hac heard nothing of it. The President visits the-Baltimore Schues ten fest to-morrow . i i ,. . ; Official returns of the Ityitucky election buow iuai neim oeuis me racucai canuiaaie fifty -six thousand,:: thousand; majority thousand. ' i Business portion 'of Plattsburg' N. Y., wa to obey the Exe(;u- r r it Baltimore Slarket; j Baltimore, Aug. 21. Cotton steady and Bcarceh Georgia middling 28c:; low mid dling 27c. Rio coffee quiet and unchang td. Flour dull bat steacTy ffiTlall descrip tions. ; Prime wheat advanced Sc., quoted at $2 50; ! common ranges as low as $2 for white and red. White corn $112 a $r 16; yellow $1 15 a $1 18. Oats lower, receipts large, sales at 62c. a70c; mostlyi 63c. a 68c. Provisions steady with a good consumptive demand, no large sales and no; changes in prices, j .Sugars firm with a good demand, prime Porto Rico 13c.' a 13fi Whiskey $2 30 a $2 35. ! ! ! ; Foreign Markets. London, Aug. 21 Eveningi Bonds 73. Liverpool, Aus 21 E renins:. Cotton closed quiet "and steady, middling uplands lOf d. Orleans' lid. Sales 10,000 bales. third party seventy-four over, both,, Iforthy-three 5- burned to-day. j . Gen, SicJiles' refusal (tire order restraining -hini. from; interfering withlthe processes of the Supreme Court .' 'I 1 i w rt i it a ' 9 i .. .1: .. was aiscusseci in-.uaoinet meeting yesieruay. cf4Tinr fViaf 1 no Will K AtUlIU IIIUV Mill obeys. There is reason for superseded unless he . . From New Orleans. New Orleans, Aug. 21. Resolution last night adopted by both boards of Aldermen declaring it the opinion of Common "Coun- cilj of any further retention in office of the present Controller Surrejor, City, Attorney, Assistant City Attorney and Coroner , be disregarded.- Reconstruction .act calling on General Commandingi pals. ' f"'" lb remove these offi- Ten deaths from ye Weather cooler and pleasant - r 1 low fever yesterday.; Resistration. . Cotu3iBiA,Aug. 21. Total number regis.- tered to-dav was 57 : of which Jo were wuite 4nd 22 colored, i i ; From Washington. Washington, D. C. Aug. l.Regara- ing statements that Gen. Maeruder was dis- rpspectfulty treated at! New York stock ex cjhangef Magruder publishes' a card 6aying lue peter was; at the stjack ; Exchange dont know:; where it is. 1 1 iBecretary McCulloch writes assistant Treasurer at New York flat; ly contradicting recen Ptatemcnts of treasu ry irregularities. . , Augusta Cotton Market, , Heavy Rains, j . . i Pope's Order, &c. i " Augusta. Aug. 21.--Nothing-doing in cotton ; sales too limited for quotations Heavy rain . last nignt;,rrain" storm this afternoon still continues! 4 , eneral order. No. 53, from Pope's Head quarters,' directs that grand and peit jurors for the trial of all cases in his department, be hereafter drawn exclusively from the lists of registered voters, without discrimination. Sheriffs will r quire jurors to swear that they were register d, specifying precinct, and county: which afhdavits are to be placer! on the files of -the court. - ' f v Savannah. Cotton Markiet. ; Savannah, Aug. 21 Cotton dull and de dining, with no sales; middlings! 26 cents. Iteceipts 107 bales. Kew Registration, i New Orleans Markets i i Orleans, Aug.' , 21.-::Cotton dull, with'sales of 350 bales low middling at 26c. Receipts 98 : bales. Exports , 2,723 bales. 8ugar aud molasses nominal and unchanged. Flour-holders firm ; superfine -$8 50 a $9; treble extra $12 50 ; choice $14. porn quiet at $i 12 a $1 25. : Whole range ipats quiet and firm at 70c, Pork quiet and firm at $26. Bacon asking bhoulders 14c. ; I qlear 1 18. Lard jobbing 14 a 14Jc.-Ttirfces. Hnld a 140. Sterliner 53 a 55. York sight i cent premium, r Mobile Cotton Market; ; Mobile, j Aug. 21. Market flat, and dull vith only nominal figures, butfactofs show more disposition to sell. No transactions to-day and quotations nominally lower. 75 bales changed hands ' yesterday, at private, 'figures. It r bales new cotton Jiasj been re ceived up to date.. - - :j . " Cincinnati Markets. Charleston, S. CM August 2i. int number registered to-dav were.235, of whom 140 wrff whites. 05 colored. ; . totf'on inactive- sales of 9 bales;' quota- j tions nominal. - Receipts 161 bales, X. -Renewed reports of caterpillar on Sea lands, but little damage done as yet. Is- .Cincinnati, ' August 22: Flour .firm-.rr Family $10 23 a $10 75. . Wheat dull Corn firm with light supply at 90 aT 91c. Whiskey, steady at $2; 80. Pork dull held at $23 25 a $23 50. v Balk meats firmer clear bacon sides in good demand at 45Jc., and held at 16c. .with some jsaTesV Lard 12 Jc. ,ar:i,r. ': i ,-. f-ifl . ; j; '- - '- ' '': ' : ! ' ', Molassks I at' Auction.' A ' portion i only "of the .'Molasses of the cargoof Schn Antefope jwas sold oh' yesterday. Hogsheads' brought 36a'36l, tierces 37 and-barreis 381 cts. per gallon. . &,;W. R. Rece ils per Manifest W. . . it., Ang. 21. y. Wallace & Southerland, 1 bag guano, 4 bbbj rags, Ti bbU turpt, 74 do rosin, 9 do spirits, Pet teway & Moore. 1 bbl spirit-; Cox, Parmelee & Divine, 1 bale cotton. 6 bob spirits; W H Tur lington, 289 do rosin, 49 do spirits; Wilmington Bridge Company-, 4 cars ; stone; W Ddualdson, 31 boxes : tobacco; ,'C '& BRR, 24pair wheels and ales,' 43 drawiDarsl; 4 bdls tr ..-bars. 3 boxes bolts, Dollner, Potter & Co, 24 bbls spirits, 2 do roslD; A C rf, 10 do pork, 15 do flour, 1 do coffee, 1 box candles, 2 bbls sugar, 2 boxes soap; E Slur ray & Co, 1 bdl bags; W H McRary & Co, 11 sacks and 2 bbls flour; J C Heyer. 25 sacks flour; Willard Bros, 4 sacks feathers, 20 do floor; Wil liams & Murchison, 10 pkg tobacco, 7 bbls spir its; W 8 6 Andrews, 3 pkgs tobacco, 1 bale cot ton; E R Brink, 12 sacks Aquh Finlayson & Bro, 1 box bacon, 1 do wax, ' 131 bbls rosin, 21 do spirits; r Russell & Ellis,. 1, box ' bacon, 1 backet butter; Birdsey & liobinson, 8 bbls rosin, 12 do spirits; Northrop & Camming, 24 do rosin;" Archy Alderman. 9 do- tar; Alfred Alderman, t4 do tirrpt; Smith A'Bate, 2 boxes eggs, Alex Sprout, 5 bbls spirits; Hobinsoo, Smith & Co, 1 do spts, 9 do rosin, R C Johnson. 11 bbls tar; B Souther land, 17 do ; turpt; S O Bowden, 4 do turpt; T W Alayer, 3 do turpt. i ; I List 'Consignees from Empire, per Steamer. New York. " ' . August 21, -1867. - Adrian & Yollus, Geo. Myers, Williafd Bros., J Dawson, G Z French; Tilken & Bauman, W & M R R Agents,1 a Borkheiner, E Peschan, WU liams & Murchison, G R French & Son, J Shack elford, A Johnson & Co., A H Neff, A A Wil lard, John M Walker & Co., H M Barry, Hed rick i Ryan, D A Smith, Harris & Howell, Hart & B Uley, Wallace & Gouthland, J Wilson, 1 J C Heycr, Worth & Daniel,- Shulten & Reeeden, John F Mallett, W Murphv. L Klander, H B Eiler, T Derike. H Hartz 'Bremer & Bro., L Vollers, Mitchell & Dymalte, Peter Mallett, J Anderson & Co., W HSippitt, T N Cronly, Smith & Bates, E Willis J D Love, S N Martin, D Newman & Co., W M Poison, J G Bulken. : DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. r';':V -1 " :.: .'. : . August 21. . Per steamer North Carolina. 110 bblsi sbiritsj 165 do rosin, 19 bales yarn, to Williams & ,Mur-; chison. .:"' if' Per steamer Marion. 103 bbls rosin, l06 do tar, to Williams & Murchison; 40 do rosin to J Anderson & Co: 33 do turpentine, to A Alder man; 132 do rosin, 24 do -spirits, to Smith & Strause. MISCELLANEOUS. JASPER FLOUR! "Family," 1 ' ex-Snper." 44 Fuper." EL AW ARE LANET - LASCO TISL AND ' HAVING THE EXCLUSIVE AGENCY OF the above standard and now well known brands of FLOUR, I offer the same to the trade W a PURE, SWEET and FRESH GROUND FLOUR guarantied not to sour daring the hottest weather. QOMMON, jyj-EDIUM, QCHOICE. COFFEE. 30 Rags. 20 20 10 tt MOLASSES. 2 RBXS. NEW YORK SYRUPS, 50 ' PORTLAND SUGAR. yjELLOW, c, ."I JgXTRA C, QITY PORK. MESS, Newl ; FULL STOCK OF ABOVE CONSTANTLY on hand and sold very low for Cash by HORACE M. BARRY, aur 15 tf REPUBLICAN MASS MEETING. LL REPUBLICANS OF THIS CITY and County are invited to be present at a , - to be held at the new building . ' 1 I ! CORNER OP CHfTRCH AND SEVENTH STREETS ON - .1 . - . t ' " " THURSDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 22, at 8o4clock, to elect delegates to attend the Republican State Convention, to be held at Raleigh on the 4th of September next ; : ' 4 . J ... By order of the City and County Republican Committee. - v i J - - , GEO. Z. FKKINUll, utairmatu aug 7 : ! tf i CAA SACKS. For ale" to arrive per Schooner John Ferris." auflf 15 . t.. HORRACE M. BARRY. tf F Old. ; Newspapers T)ers lor sale for wrapping, r . i.'.i ill i OR S ALESeveral hundred old Newppa- august 22 Apply at this OFFICE, tf i - , " - i n I i , i ,; , i v-, ' . ,- - :- : 1 'Il f 1 r 11 .... . . .' . i I i ... . ... f -.1 .... . i . . S. T. 18GO--X. of Present ; Postmasters in tbe State orricB. of North Carolina. COCXTT, 1 I POSTMASTER. The language ol nature aud experience demon grates, that whoever would enjoy the pleasure of food the beauties of landscapes-ithe Joys o companionship-the richness ot literature o the honors of station and renown munt preserv their health, t , - ... The stomach is the receptacle of all nourish ment, and the iountain from which all parts of the body, derive sustenance 1 The effect of foul injurious food entering the stomach, isito de- ranare the diirestiVfi firjrans and nmdnM'hMHiiphP loss of appetite, unrelreshed sleep, foetid breath. Abbotts Cree ' Albermarle, Aliens ville, Amity Hill. Anderson's Store, Anson, .an&onvuie, Aquone, Arcadia, Ashborough. Ashville, Auburn, i Anmau'a Hill. A very s borough, Avery's Creek Davidson, Levi Tesh. T 8tanley, Mrs N J MarshalL IredelL Mrs; JCRoystcr. vusweu, ; Joan a none. Miss M McNutts. Anson.J Wm L Smith- Macon, Loulia C Kolen. Davidson. Henfv Disher. Randolph, Euglnia B McCaiu. uuncomDe John Jones. Wake f " John G Andrews. Moint'gmy Willis L Auman. Harnett, RJ Morris. Buncombe Richard Thplt Ar Bakers X Roads, Franklin. :; : Mary 'Jane Baker. Bakersvffle. Barclaysville, ath, itUeborough, low spirits, feverish burniags;; sonstiputroS, ir4 Bay Kire yiKiiy w periorm any meniai or pnysicai auty, xc., and are the symptoms ol that horrrid disease PYSPEPSIA, which assumes a thousand shapes, and points i v w aruo a miserawe iije ana premature decay. The Medical Faculty has labored for generations to MuscuverreiiaDie appetizers and the proper means bf overcoming stomach derangements. I Certain ureuienis nave oeen" long known as toartiallv A .t. f . T " uctLivc. auioiiz iaese were f ALIS AYA R ARK? & ST CROIX RUM. j An invalid physician, sojourning in. the tropical island of St. Croix: observing the haWhi nt the. natives, gathered the recipe for the finallaccom plishment of this most important end. The arti cle was first used as a private medicine, vhen its salutary effects becoming known, it was brought uui, uuuer me name oi ; j- DRAKE'S PLANTATION HITTERS. I They act with unerring power, and are taken Mrith the pleasure of a beverage. They perform luusu wuuuenui cures in stuDoorn cases oil Dys pepsia, Liver Complaint, ! Nervous i Affections, Lbss of Appetite; intermittent Fevers, Diarrhoea, 86ur Stomach, Headache, Fever and .gue, Weakness, Mental Despondency, &c. As a morn iclg appetizer and after dinner tonic, they should Win every family. They are a deliehtful exhile rating stimulant, without any subsequent stupe IMPORTANT CERTIFICATE. Rochester. December 28th. 1861. Messrs. P. H. Drake. Gentlemen :, I have suf fered terribly with Dyspepsia, for three or four years, and tried many remedies without effect. 1 I had to abandon my profession, and suffer id great ly from everything I ate. I have now t-iedlthe riantation Bitters they helped me I continued thUr use, and am now nearly a well matir I know ot several similar cases. Kespectlully yours. , '. '. Rev. J. S. Cathorn. S. T. 1860 X. ' . ..ft Intelligent persons and physicians jaa jadge on the efficacy of the Plantation Bitters irum the lollowiug, partial formula: . ;'; CASCARILLA BARK Was known and used iu Germany for Dyspepsia. Chronic UiarrhoBa, CUoJic, Dysentery, ahd Dis eases etthe ato.nach and Bowels, as early as 1690 DANDELION. ! - t Fori Inflamations of the Loins and Spleen in Dropsical Affections and; Biliary Secretions, or Obstructions of the Abdominal Viscera. 1 v j CALISAYA, OR KING'S BARK, 'j Was UDkBown to civilization until the middle of the 17th century. . Humboldt makes favorable mention of the lebrituge qualities of this article as an I Antidote Fever and Ague, '-Intermittent and Malarious, Fev ers," in his, extensive' South American travels. The Countess, wife of the Viceroy ot Peru, having experienced the benefi-; cial effects of the Bark, sent it to Europe in l6K).j It was sold by the Jesuits for the enormous sum ofitsiweight in silver, and was thus called Jesuits' j Powder. In 1658, Sir John Talbot employed it with; great success in France, in the treatment of Fever ;and Ague, Dyspepsia, Nervous Affections, Loss of Appetite, Weakness and Debility, Falj pitation of the Heart, Diarrhoea, &c, Under the name Of English Powder; and in 1679, he, sold' the secret ol its origin to Louis 2LL, by whom it was divulged. It is now a standard remedy in all Pharmacopoeia, and is employed in prepar-x ing the Plantation Bitters. ' i Chamomille Flowerst for enfeebled Digestions ; Winterffreeii, valuable for Scrotula, Rheumatism, and Neiratic Affections ; Lavender Flowers, aro matic, j6timulant and Toiuc, highiy invigorating in Nervous Debility ; Anise, an aromatic carmi native, creating flesh, muscle find milk, Much usea in nursing. - 1 S. T. 1860 X. ' Another ingredient of remarkable" and wonder ful virtue used in the preparation of these Bit ters, is a native of Brazil, and as yet unknown to the commerce ol the world. ; A Spanish writer says:1 i - '-;'.-- ' "': i- 4 . administered with St Croix Ru y never fails to relieve nervous tremor, wake fulness, disturbed sleep, &c, and that it is . used with great effect by the Brazilians, Spanish and Peruvian ladles to heighten their color and beau ty. It itnparts cheerfulness to the disposition, vigor tolthe appetite, and brilliancy.to the com plexiosn. .. r We withhold its name from the public for -the present, '. ' i -. ' r :- -: V. i To the) above are added Clove Buds, Orange, Carraway, Coriander, Snake Root, &c., all pre served iu perfectly pure. ; Mitchell. Julia A Baker. Harnette, Miss 3 L Rabolean. Beaufort, James A Martin, Edg,mbe,Sarah J E Smith. Cmvea,; : JohnW Bryan. v Richmond John W Terry. ' -HendrirsonDavid Williams. Lincoln i 8idney! A. Burch. H Carteret, Jos J. pavis. Unloni j William Newson. Chatham, Thss B Farrau. " Pera'mansJoslah Niphnl Bennetts Vinvard.Richmond Elisha Bennett. Bethania, , Forsyth, Miss Abelia Grabs. Bethany Churtrh Iredeili ' Edward R Mills. Miss N J Uinnant , ' Thos R Simpson. John Hpneycutt. Mrs E Christmas Joel Hard Bear Branch, Bear Wallow, -Beanie's1 Ford, Beaufort,: Beaver Dam, Bellevoir. Belvidere, Beulah, Big Falls, Bier Lick. Black Creek, Johnson. Orange, s Stanlyl ! Wilaon. RlAPkrnnn'a Mil14 SamnfiAn Black Mountain,) McDowell,Jams F Willis. Blackwelf. Biaden, i ' Blakely? ! ! Blocker's, i Blouftt's Creek, Blue Ri4ge, BleWing, Bogne, ; ''; Boilston, V Boman's Bluff, Bone Camp, Boone, Boon Hill, Bostick's Mills, Branche's Store, Brasstield, Brick Church, Bridge Water, Brindletown, Brinkleyville, Brookville, Brower's Mills, Brown Marsh, Buchanan, Buffalo Ford. - Burgaw Depot .'; Burney's Mill, .. Burnsville, Bnstry Fork, Caintuck, Calera Hill, Calhoun, ',..." ! Camden, j Cameron, . '!'., ! Camp Call, ; i -Cane Creek, Caraway, r - '; Carbonton, ' uaroiineseminary (ireene, Carthage, Moore, Cary. ; Wake, Casner's Valley, Jackson uastaiia, Nash. . : Catawba Springs, Lincoln,! Catawba istatlon, Irfcdell, Utttawoa View, Catharine Lake, Cathej's Creek, Cedar Bush, C.dar Grove. Cedar Hill, -Cedar Mountain, Centre, Centre Grove, Ceno Gordo, Chalk Level, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, Cherry field, ' Cherry Lane, Chestnut Ridge. Chiidsviile, Chimney Rock, China Grove, Clarks Creek, Clarksviile, Clayton, Claytonville, Clear Creek, Clinton, ! Clover t Orchard, Coburn's Store, Colerain, . . Colesville, " A ' Collets vilie, Columbia Columbus, Colvius Creek, Caswell, Caddia B Luck. . Bladen, Jas CashweU. Stokes, Miss S A Br.wn. Cum'land, Wm C .Culbreth. Beaufort, Seth M Ruff HeiidersonJames Tavlor. Granville, Henry 8 Mayor. uoiumDus,MLrs iu r Edwards. HeudersonMrs Jane Davis. IV f Geo W Mace. Madison, J no Edwards. f Watauga. David 8auds. Johnson. Miss A J Parker. . Richmond T Bostick. Wm B Herring. J vv vyiggms. i Jas Clapp. i ' Mrs M ualybeerton. . Jas a liali.! ' Miss F M Bennett. e, Mrs L B Stravhorn.? a,.vvm in crown. Duplin,! WttKti, i Guilford; purke, 4i Hali&xj Granvil Kanaoip Bladen, 1 Miss Clara Sink. v GrauvlUe,! James A Harris, J Randolph,' Harmon TCoxJi N Hanover J B Jorden. ! 1 Randolph, Mrs N Burney. 1 .'. Tanceyl Joshua Williams. ferson,! Mi-s J Milluer. , , Hauoyer Cuas B Barnhill acksoa, ( James Brantbn.1 HendersonAlex Grogg. j Campari, Eil nulW Morsel NHauiderjMlss 11 Johnson. " Cleveland,! Mia Ann Li Green. Gnatham, Oliver P Lindley. RandodlphMrs Mary Winsiow. Geo C Hines. H Mary WBrookshire. Henry C Eat man. Alfred Zachary. tj ; M is&Fan nieOb borne Wm S Tucker. ; Mies E A i-awrence. Mrs Jane Bowman. Jno Rhodes, s ! HbndersonJames Hamblin. I Dnvidson, Miss Susan Summy. Ojange, Miss Mat E Allison. ADsou, Miss JuiiaAMcLean HcndersonSaml J Tracy, j . i Guilford," Mary F Morrow. Person, Mrs E V Bumpass. Columbus,Jas CampbeiL Culmberl'd John D pegram. ' (rknge, f John White. Meckien'g Chas A Frazier. Heiidersou James Leiniard. Francis Bryani , Jane Maynardv i. Miss N M Wiseman Caldwell, upsiow, Ashe, Yadkin Yancey, I nowanr Montg'ry, Davie, r Johnson. Rutherfo'dMissEJ Wilson. Mrs. Ann E Hess. Miss KTT Green. Mary HCritz, Miss C. Wood. HendersonJames H Hood Meck'bursrMarv P Flewi Sampson, Jno. W Roberts. orange, j Bally Foust. j ; Meck'burgHugh Downinfir, Alias Henry. Miss A AFcatross. Mis3 Jane Collett. N A Lindsay. Jas. McFarland. NHinoyerWBHunt. Bertie, Stokes, Caldwel Tyrrell, folk, Company's Shop, Alankance, Geo. D Boon. rrus. Lincoln, iavie, Concord. Cool Spring, Coopers Gap, Cottage Home, County Line, : Covinsrton. hCrabTree, i Crakis Creek, Crowells Mill, Cross Rock, r Crowd' rs Mouut'hGaSton, Cumnghams atoref erson, Curnersviiie, i Moore, Curtis Mills, John Fink. IredelL I James Amrle. Rutlfford. Miss J E WaldroUD Miss J 8 Norwobd. John Seamon. Richmond Alfred Baldwin. Haywood, H T Klngsmore Moore, Bladen, Madisonj Mary Cole, Harry P. CrowelL Miss Jane E Reeves Mrs. N. M. Carbon. J oseph RiMby. Miss B A Currie. Currituck. Thos. G Muudeit Alamance, Miss N J Luterlob. Gastc Dallas, Danburv. - Stokes, Davidson College, Mecki'b'g, Hanson P Helper. Davidson River, Henaersonis rat ton, Mijs E C Mbrrisi Wm W McCanleys. ST. CROIX RDM. The tonic properties of St. Croik Rum, and its powerful invigorating effects, have been long known to tbe physicians of the world. . . t Bilious intermittent and Chill Fevers, engenr dered by the change of water and diet of travel ers, particularly upon western rivers, are preven ted and cpred by the Plantation Bitters. They are also reliable to prevent sea sickness. j HAT OTHERS SAY. '. :?-iXr-j ' j i; -. " -f:-'v---;V'r-1; ';' Pbii4.delphia, 1st month, 16th day, 1663. i Esteemed Fkiehd. Wilt thou send me an other dozen of thy BUters t Nothing has proven so beneficial to my invalid wile or myself, as the Plantation Bitters. . Thy friend, j i ; ; ISAIC HOWLAKD. - - I P - . . V ' r '" ': "- - N. BJ The ecret of the immense sale of the Plantation Bitters, is their guaratde d purity. The St Croix Ruin, and every article ued, is warranted! perfectly pure, and uie money will be pA r not aa renreiehted. The plantation Bitters are put np In unique quart bottles, and sold oy au respecmuie jurug ists. Growers, Hotels and Restaurants through out tbeiwdrld. : Be particular that every bottle bears ihefac-simile, ot the Propnexors signature. 21 Park Row. New York. , t r Wayn4 Day Book, i Yanc Dayton. I Wake Deep River, Guilford, Democrat, Bunc DobsQUt Surry Double Shoal, Dover, i Draughon's Store, Sampson ury ronas, - iiucjiu, Dudley, Duncan's Creek, Dunois Rock, : Durham's, DutchviUe, : Dysortnlle, . r Eagle Mills, Eagle Rocs, Earps borough, East Bend, . Eist Laporte, Eden, Edenton. Edlnboro Jno Peterson. ! Roena Marshall, I E E Mendenii&ll J fte,MlssHECa ter.f ! Robert F McGritnn. Cleveland. Fletcher FaUs. Craven, w if Lego, Walter Lee, Mary A Houston! Jao K Manly. Cleveland, Hannah McFarland, ; uenaersoMie u reui. OrangtL PiJ3IanumJ Grauviile, MrsL J Blairi ' McDoWelLMrs Eliz'th Dysort. Iredell Jno Fox. MU Chamblee. Miss A xoung. Evan Beiibo. j t ; Easton Pot s. Jno.C Andrews. J R McChrdyi Wake. TK rt a t Yadkin;, Jackson, Randolph,! lyUowai, Edneyville, Efirdrs Mills, Elevation, Elizabetn City. Elizabetbtown, Elkm. Elk Shoal, , jOlisViile, Enfield, 1 Knoia, Erwiusville, fair Bluff, airfield, Fair Grove, Fairport, t Fairview,1 Faison's Depot, Falkland, Fancy ilill, Farmington, Fayettevilie, Fentriss, ! First Broad, fish Dam, latRiver, Fiat Rock, Flat Shoal, Flinty Branch, ' Forestvme, Montg'ty,iMrs M J Watkinai uenaerbon w m ueaKUian. Stanly, i NoahCEfird. Johnson. Sarah Dixon. Fasquoi'k,MijS Mar'a Melroy Blauen, James M Cook. 8urry. Mil ton C i I ork. Alexander. Jmcs F Moore. Bladeu,! Jiducan Ballard, HaiifaxJ L- iuba Wooteo. IredclLl Kobt W Leslie. Cleveland. Miss S L Ellis. : Columbus.JoShua WaddelL Hyde. Miss Joana Lawyeri Davidson, Mrs S J Lee, j j 1 nMi.vi1it nfh 1? William. 1 Bunc'mbe.M s N bmitn. Chas Reaves. Jos U Mayo. Jno A McLeeland. MrsSDMcGiO. dGed Lauder. ' Miss EC Fentress. TVrinltn Pitt, IredeU, Davie, Cumber! Guilford Wake, Orange, Rutherfrd Nancy McCurry; i Grandbon PhUpott Jno Hancock. HeudersonCiph s Stradley. Surry, 4 Mitchell Wake, Vnrr Mnnntftln. i YanC; V. l Forks of Pigeon, Hiywood, Mary C ! Krans. w. Unntimmprv: Cherokee. Henr MUlS. .; Forest'sMill, - Randolph, Miss 'M Houghtoit Francisco, ; Stokes, E F Taylor. T A Buchanan. Elias F Wyatt, Jacob uyder. Thos M Pnckettw Franklin, t Macon, Mrs A E Funnan r nwKiinion, . - ranaun, j& tunress. French Creek Ch, Bladen, JH Allen. 1 Friendship, Guilford, Jno W RusselL FulIswood'sStore,MecklnbrgWm P Houston Fulton, - , , Davie," 1 Mary Caton. Gap Civil. AUeghany,MrsCEVaoguan uvma, : v aiue, , viva .LAWS. ! Gannon's Mills " Catarraa, Miss 8 Hart wick Gardner's Ford, v Cleveland, Perry D Qreez I ' GatesvUle, . ! Gates. ! . Miss M 8 Mir. Germanton, .' 8tokcs, r Marcellus JordanJ vitusonviue, .. uuiiiora, J A Keese. i Gilmer's 8tore, Thos Ragan. t Ashe, j t Andir3 Carson. Randolph, Francis J 'Lyndon Chatham, Miss Ellen 8 Kellv' Rowan, . John C Sougg. Wayne. ' Hiram B Grant Chatham, Mrs Flora A Dixon. Atamance, was u McMnrrayJ iwiccy. r jonn r iJicttsonj Ruth' Ir'd,' Mrs Louisa King. Glade Creek. Glades borough Glenaloon, Globe, i Gold Hill, - Goldsborough, i Goldston. Graham, Grassy Creek, ' urassy Unob. Cmysbnrrli' Green Hill Green Level, Greens borough, Greenville, Grist's Station" Grove, Gulf, i t ' Gum Branch.' Hadley's MUls. Hallsvllle: Hamilton, , T.-Hamptonvllle. Hannersville. Harreil's Store, Harreiisvliie. Harrington, Harris' Depot, Harrlsyllle, Hartshorn, Hatteras, Haw Branch, Haw River, , tiay Meadow. Haystack. Hays Store, 1 Haywood, eathsville. Helton, , Henderson, Hendersonville, He irinignvllle. iimtord, 'tUtonw Nathan Harrta LIB. OIL DU J D White. ft RhttffrM. Miss Martha Moor. vyaKe. f t a u lchurch liuiiiora, j u wm Pitt, j Jno Congletou. Columbus, David 8 Strother. Chathami Chas Ellis. :. ;Noah Howe. Onslow,! Martha A Harrell Chatham, CTE Johnson. Halifax; NFlU Patrick. .Duplin, Geo W W4Isou. Martin,' WW Gardiner, Yadkin ! Alfred G Carson.: Davidson, Mary ACoppel. ; N Hanover Jas W Bland. Hartford j NX Shaw. Harnett, ; Annie Harrington. A;aoarras,t d u K-iru pat rick, ! Mont'gry, Miss D Sannders Aliraance, John Cbbb ' Hyde, J H W 8tyrou." Onslow, Zachus Brown. Alamance, J ulia E Randlcm&n Wilkes, I Rachel Sebastian.' I urry, . J Jas Hopper.' Wake, WHPage. Chatham, Jno L Walden " Halifax;: D H Marshall. ' Ashe, r A H Jones. j Granville; Sallie J Reaves. . HendersohHugh; Li viugston. Sampson, -Sarah Hlxrhsmlth. rerq'mns, Reuben Ulnton. Hickory Tavern, Catwaba, Wm H Ellis. mim roint. : uuillord Uennv. ' L :r High Shoals, Ruther'fd, Delohine Aqualot. Hinardston, Nashe, MrsJaneS Portia Hitlsboroutrh. O anc. - Dennis Heart Hillsdale, Guilford, Wm Archer. Hills Store, -. i- .Randolph. Sato'l A Hewlev. Holly Grove, ' Madison; F M Lawson; t Hommj ny Creek.B tncombe Miss R E Chandler. Hookerstowc, uooveru.ui. Horse Creek, Hotel, j Honstonvllle. Huntsville, r.1 Independence, . Ivy, i Jackson, Gre-ne; C C Stilleyi Randolph, Nelson M Crow. J Ashe, Mrs Sarah Taylor. Bertie. II F Williams, Iredell, AndreW. Baggerly. ' I i Yadkin, Ge rge Garner. ( i Caswell, Mrs.jtJ BlackwelL i Yancey, Joel E Knap. , j N'tham'tn Joa. CoDeland. ; acKjou BAjreeK, itanaoipn, &i j iNauce. . Jackson Spring, Moore, . Anna Campbell. Jacobs Fork, Catawba F R Beck. v Jamettown, Guilford, Miss M R Harris. JanKsville, Martin, E H Bailey. : Jefferson, . Ashe, EC Bartlett. Jonathans Creek, Hay wood, Miss L Leatheruin. Jones Mine, Randolph, Hannah' L Arnold, i uoyners uepot, i&dg'comb i WGrtffln. Surry, , Lucy K Thompson, Dunlin' f Mrs. M A Watson. Forsyth, Miss L P Kerner. Lincoln,- Wm. Alexander. .( Ed'ombe,J6n. T. Lamm. Miss L A Black. ' Lenoir. Hen rv Eddie. Cabarrus, Mrs. E KirpHrick. Granville, Mrs. M lE Overton, Frunela J TUlAr Judesviile, Kenansville, Kerhersville, Killlans Mills, - Jvlngsborov Kings Mountain, Gaston, ivinston, Kirkland, KitrelL v Kuap of Reeds, Knob Creek, Kyles landing. Lake Comfort, LakeLandinsr Lanesborbugh Lassltcr's Mills Laurel Hill Laurel SDrincr Laurioburgh Lawsonville Leak8ville Leasburgh Ledger Leachburgh L.eesvuie Leicester Lenoir Lenox: Casile Lenoir Institute Leo Lewistille Lexngtonl Ltlerty Hill Lllesville Lilliogton Lincoln ton , LitUe Mills Little River Littleton I . Little Yadkin Locust Hill LoganV Store Long's! Mills Long Ridge . Long Street Louisburgh Lovelace . Loelady t. f Love's Level Luuibetton ; Mc Daniels ' McLeansville, Mc.Vellla Ferry Mackeys Ferry Macon Depot 3iadison Magnolia Maugum Manson I Maple Spring Marble Spring Margarets vi lie Marion " Mar.boro' Marley'S MiUs Marshall Martindale Martin'sLimeKilnStokes Marysville ' Green Mebanesville Middle Creek Mldd etown Midway 1 Mill uLl J Mill Rlvtr Milton Francis J Tillev; Cleveland Mrs.aMh M MulL Cumb'lnd Jotin R Taylor. Hyde, , James McGowan. Hyde Selby Watson Anson Miss! M C Allen " Randolph Miss D P Luther Richmond Elijah Histy Ashe Wyatt Rbse Richmond Pascall Caddie Rockl'hamJnd Windsor 1 u Mary A Barton ' CasweU 8 Pj Taylor . - v Mitchell Wm J Silver i ; Johnson C 1 Holland - Robeson' Win Brown I Buncmbe JnorCarpeuter Caldwell Mrs E Killgrove Rocki'ham Jas R Garrett i r Lenoir , J as 'Elmore Stanly Mary J J enkins Forsyth P Laugenour -'. Davidson Mrs! M Doseoburv , Iredell Jas R Scroggs Anson Wn Barnewell N Hanover W S Larklns i Lincoln HE;Bomar ' Richmond Mr M A Childs 1 Alexander L M Smith ' Halifax Jas M Hewzome Stoker Henry C Coe Caswell , Mrs M F PasChal Ruth'ford Mrs D R Freeman Randolph BenJ A Sellars, ; Wash'ton G Wl Jackson !: Moore Absalom Kelley Franklin Miss Sarah E Jones Wilkes MUs E A Bicknall Caldwell Miss 8 S Fisher, Union Miss Sarah E Austin Robeson. Marvia Q Bryan Orange 'Mrs M J Cook 1 Guilford Jno McLean i ; Harnet j Jacob Reardoa J i ' Washing' uWm Briggs - Warren Miss A A Edgerton -Rockln'amMS Black; j Duplin Wm M Evans -;t " Richmond Walter D Smith Warren Aaron Smithy Wilkes A F Tripilttle Cherokee Henry Moss i t Northam'nR E Wren I I McDowell W 8 Cason ' Pitt - t Jas O May . Randolph Benj FMarley Madison Thos J Rollins Meckien'g Wm M Martin Mrs m m amitn Richd PhiUips Alamance o A White Wake : JB Strain Hyde I LD White Davidson John Perry man Cabarrus . Jacob burewait : Henderson Mrs Mary J Alien Caswell j :' Saml W Taylor Mitcheners Depot Jobnton Erastus R Mosher Mint Hill Miranda! , Mockavifle Moffitt's Mills Monks 8 tore Monroe I Monroe ton . Monticelld MoreheadCIty Moores borough Moosehaice i j Morgan's Mills Morgantown Morrisville Mosely Hall! Mountain Creek Mount Airy j Mount Gilead Mount Mturne Mount Nebo Mount Olive Motmt Pleasant Mo ant Firzah Mount UBa ji Mount Vernon Mount Wiling Mud Lick Mull Grove Mtcklen it Miss O & Wo-d Rowan - T C McLattghlln Davie 1 ThosLLeaiie; Randolph Wm BManese Sampson Walter J Oraddock Union I W J Willonguly r Rockl'tam Louisa Wright Guilford! JnD C Pritcuett i Carteret i John J Henshaw , Cleveland Mary J Davis ; Moore Union Bor e Wake Lenoir Catawba Surry Montg'ry iredeu Yadkin Wajne Cabarrus Person ; Rowan Orange i Chatham Catawba E Q Sea well Jno E Morgan ML?s J E McElrath Miss S A Morris ' Wallace Ames Miss WE Gabriel TV Aired i Mrs M McLcnden, RU Clarke I James Adams . v ; : Robt Kornegay Lizzie A! Lefiler, Jas WNoeUf A , JnoR Goodwin -ECPUilis MrsRKlrkpatrick Milton Moody i Mrs Marg'tUicks t Murirees bo rough Hertford! Mrs E Trader MurDhev TNahunta J u- NashvUlei1 . Newbern 1 ! . Ner Garden New Ilill S J Cherokee t Wm T Green Wayne s j Wm F Flowers j Nash i J Jno W Harper 1 - Craven i' Geo W Nason j flnMnrA W E COXl ' . - Wake Mrs L EPattUhall mm. ;;1 '. I v-. i! mm r 1 -.Hi -J

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