! .... 4 ccL-u Mr VOL. WILMINGTON, N. C, SUN I ) A Y MO KN ING SEPTEMBER 8, 1,867. 32. ..-it- m i Mi- Ik- .v..- it X IIAILY III PAUL CO., Proprietors. The only daily Republican paper pub lished iu the Second Military District composed of North and South Carolina. j iTBMS OF SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE I !' i ly , one year J 4 ........... .i. . i .. . ;7I0 00 " months. . . . .'.' '..h . . .'.6 00 ' n month .0". , ..j ... ..-.....'..I 00 1 v RATES OF ADVERTISING: Afertisetnents , will be inserted - at $1 00 per t qua re. for first insertion and 50 tents for each enbscqucnt insertion. . . i Tcn lines or less, solid minion type, constitute a square. . ; ;T'' -; V '-' :- IEflEI(i!liWig 13 PUBLISH EI) H.VEKY MONDAY. - ' - : . i.$3 00 'One vearii. ; 1 Advertisements $1 per square, ' ' J 7- ' ' . -,- 1 , " . ... r ' jP DISTRICT OF TiiafcAiKbLINASU Major Gen.' LV Er Sicklks, Commandini?. Capt JiW,CLOUi, A A , A G. - " POST Or. WILMINGTON.' ' Jiv't. LLCol. K. T. Fbak, Commanding Bureau of Refugees. Freedmeii Jit, Aban- i ; ' ; ' . doned Lands. i - ; STATE OF NORTD CAROLINA. - - . j By't. Major Gen, N, A. Miles, Commissioner Bv'L Lt. CoL Jacob F." Churr, A. A. G. Fourth Sub-District of North Carolina, coiisiet- ingof the counties of Brunswick, Columbus, liobeson, Bladeii, Dupliu, Sampson and New Hanover-: V . 1 Capt, ALXANlltuTHEitroKD, 44th U S lutautry, (Brevet Brig Geu'U S Vols,) Sub Assistant CouH missioner. : Oflice,.City Hair", Wilmington, N C! i Uev. S. S. Ashley. Suu'tof Education for 4th rtub District. Office, City Hali, Wilmington, N C. 'it-A.- A.-Sur-. Kobert II arris, Snrgeon in charge U)fFreedmen'8 Hospital; pamp,Lamb. ; Lieut. L. Eghelbbrry, in charge of Sub Dis trict of DupJiu and Sampfotr counties. Office at Magnolia Duplin county. if ji rj William BiUNij Esq;, in charge of Sub Dis -i tHfct of Robeson and Bladen coQnties. Office at! jf Lumberton, ilo,beson co unty. , ; !t CITY OFFICERS. .'; :! Mayor John Dawson. ' . . ' ' ' I Board of AldcnnenS D Wallace H VonGlahn, TG Burr, Eli Murray, W H. Lippitt, A Adrian, y A Wright, W. S. Anderson. . VI. Marshall-Robert Kausom, ; pial JDuig iMarsTidl R J Joues; ; i (Xerk arid TVeasurerT W Anderson. . ! ! Clerk of Vie Market L M Williams. . Chief Fire JbepartmmlK J J ones. " j , j; Chief 'foe Warden B W Beefy. ! Lire VV'artZt--U Schulken, Hirst ward; James Shackelford, second ward ; B W Beery, third wafd j' W. Biiykheimer, fourth ward. City Surveyor Y H Jones. - ' . 1 ty'oodaruqtcctor-Y V l Yopp, J W Potter, Thompson. i4 I Commissioners or navioatIon and pilotaue. P W Fanulug, Chairman ; Wul B Flanner, Wm M Harris, E Murray, Wm S Anderson, Of Wil ,mington;"and Swift Galloway, of Smitville, T "H Ilowcy: Clerk and' Treasurer. : , " U ARBOR-MASTER. ;. -. Wash. Burkimer. i . 1 ? V'-' PORT WARDENS. ! Geo, Harrb, S N Martiu, W B Whitehead. , .plbk 2'fcftiosh'(.C: Waiter.; ; Vmi'ttnlng. Com,nUteeC C Moore, Samuel B. Davis, W.F FurpliWQeo W Williams. Regular meetings first Tuesday in the month. - , . . COUNTY OFFICERS. Chninnah. ff' 'County -Court Wm A Wrjght. Superior C rt Clerjcll A Bagg. ' i . a; Clerk, of County Court B. B Wood, Jr. : StieritT Samuel R Bunting. ',- ' : h ; : VQuut.yiSolktorJ ohix L'; Holmes. .' lisyisteriruu W Pollqcd.' r . " Special rajntrate John J Conoleyr Sixcial .Court S D Wallace,' -W S Larkius, Juo A Taylor, John A Sanders, Jhn DJPowers County Surveyors J amcs W William John Moore: j - ' . i CmcTii' Triixtee-Qvcv! . Fenuell, ,Jr. , '- i Cni,.tAkl R L Sellers. I Peterson! James 11 Philyaw, E I) Hewlett. , Commerce of Finance 1) Wallace, John A Taylor, John A Saiiders. i Yarden of ine Iborr Jplin; A Taylor, John A Sanders, Archibald McMillan, Isaac James, Luke B Muggins, W S Larkins. 1 Treasurer of Public Mu il'Jin-jsJotyi C Wood. County RinycrO F t 'or'ouers John C Wot Alexander. ood, Daniel P Bland Standard Keewcr John C Wood. 5 i 'Wreck. Master John' A Sanders: ' " , i Fntry Taker John J Conoley. i. Superintendents of Connnqn Schools S D'Wal- laee. Jas Kerr, W S Larkins, John D rowers, K K prj'au. 'bvnie tor if Naval SforcsJohn S James, Arcji-i ibalu Aiuerman, sanies vuuwtu, ,fin Alfred Alderman. Thomas W Player: W; J Pric'cvB Southerland, J M Hciulersou-R C John- on. f Timber dr. L H Brtwden, James George MeGuffie, .W M Muurae, E Turlington, H M Bishop.- ' . ' H i.'- Itumedors 6i.rrotnrion.i 'trf-f-I) E Buutiug, Juo, V MunroeT'Ge(irge Alderman f f 3IASONIC DIRECTORY. I i St. John's Lodge No, 1, ., '' Meets last Tin mlay evening in each month, j. T. M. Gardner; W. Mv: t . ,1 iA Wm -M. Poisson, Sec y. ; I Concord Chapter No. 1, Jieets id and. M Monday t in ea:h month . B. Carr, M. E.?.,n.-. I-. r . , A. I Rei-iton, See'y. Vilminstbn Council No. 4, Mec'.s V Wednesday in, each jnontfr. Alfred Martin, T. L'i'G.: M. A. P. Repiton. Recorder. RAILWAY DIRECTORY. WILMINGTON & MANCHESTER R. K. : President Henry lli Drane. Director-- ohn .' Dawson, Henry rvuttj O. la. ; Farsley. A. J DeROssct, D cowan-, Vieo. o McCall, W E Mills, James, G. Burr, Richard; Bradley, J Eli Gregg. , General Supcriutendenl Wnliau MacRae. Secretary and Treasurer W A Walker. General Freight Ayent John L. Cantwcll. W 1 L Ml N G T ON C I IAR LO TT E AN D RUTUER ! . . FORD RAILROAD. President Robert II Cowan. -Directors $ 3 Person. AH VauBokkeleu, Jno A McDowell," Robert S French, Walter, L Steele,; SteDhen -Wy Cole; Samuel II WaBiup, E Nye Hutchinson. Haywood W Guiou, 0 C Hendrson,! BuperitarnlciitY. J'Evcrctt. ; :.V Master itf ramportalioii-W 1 Allcu. , : ' 'Secretary and Treasurer 1 T Alderman, f Matter Mechanic V Gill. V : j'- : ' Freight Agent AV R French. 1 - A .WILMINGTON & WELDON R. R. , PrtKukntR R Bridgcrs. Directors on the part of the Stockholders W A WrIght, S D Ydlacer Eli Murray, Alfred Martin, A U VanBokkelcn, Geo Harris, of Wilmington, ' and Jnlm F.vprfttt.. nf GoldRhnrn'i -' . 1 ,i f. ! Directors m the part of the State Edwanjl Kidi der, of Wilmington, John Norfleet, of ,Tarboro' and lUo. i). Ifoggf of Raleigh. I i Chief Engineer and General SttperintendeS. L. Fremont..-. : ; . " : r :: ! , ;nf '- " ' . -i I , -: i WelegraphigV REPORTED FOR THE DAILY POST. ! Presidents Exceptional Classes u i !' 'r . : .. - i' UK- CALIFORNIA ELECTIONS. if ! BANK DEFAULTER. FEVER AT NEW ORLEANS. FOREIGN NEWS. STKA3I E U . ATTACK KD II Y INDIANS. SCHOONER FORD CAPSIZED. RIOT 111 MONTREAL CANADA. Market Reports, 4&c9 -fee., &c. ' From Washington. - Wasiiikoton, Sept. 7 In the President's rtlicoming Pardon proclamation, tour plassesliare excepted, viz : ; i 1 1st; Those pondeainecl, or against whom egal proceedings are pending. 2ndJPorefg& itents oP. the Confedefacyl 3rd. aulitaiy -omuurs trbpvt? ! knd Naval officers above Captain 4th. Person's implicated in Lincoln's as- sasi nation. ., - . ; v . ,j The President has directed that late copies il flii's late proclamation be sent to all those Avhb have taken an oath to support the Constitution, so that thev may "knowvofti- i ; . i ' -: : - . " cially what is required of them, according to i ,that document. Arrival of Steamers at New York; ' New Yoiik, Sept. 7. Arrived Steamers Virginia, Herman, Columbia and Atlantic, with two thousand passengers, from Europe. The boat race between Brown and Ham- niill, :has been again postponed until Mon day, on account of the roughness of the! tide. i Elections in California. h Sanfuancisco, Sept. 7th. Advices an i nounce the election ot an entire .Democratic I; State ticket, by about o,000 majority. I , : From Richmond. Richmond, Sept. 7.. Yestei day a negro, j named Howe, who had Thought a first j class car through ticket north of Washington, was pUt off the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac cars,near this city, having refused o ride in a negro's car. lie was. about to e the company, but to day it compromised he matter by paying him two hundred. dollars damages. This is the .first: case South where negroes have received damages in such cases. , ! ; Bank Difficulties. r i New York, Sept. 8. Crafts Of First National Bank of Kingston ot this State were thrown out here on account of its President being defaulter to extent ot 190,000. Treasury officials are in vestigating. . ' - ; r - "The Elections. New York, Sept 8. The electrons in Canada yesterday resulted in riots at Montreal, Griffln f own Clarence and other points. The, distur bances were not 1 very serious, though several persons were badly injured. Railroad Accident. New YoaK, Sept. 8. The passenger train on the.Maugatuck Railroad brokel through a bridge near Thomaston, Cm, on yesterday. The baggage car fell into :he river, carrying with it 16 persons; it was sw jpt over t he dam and float ed three miles from the scene of accident when it. wan secured. Onlv five persons were found clinging to it, the rest are supposed to have been drowned, H. ?i Steamer Attacked by Indians.: Sf . "Louis, 8ept. 8. -A Omaha dispatch 6ays the Steamer St. John, with the j Indian Commission ers oii board, was fired into by the Indians near Fort Sully. No damage Franc'and Prussia Berlin, Sept. 8. A pacific note has been issued from the Prussian foreign ofhee, iu which the recent note of M. -Mostier,) the French Foreign Minister, is alluded o as hishly satisfactory to the PruAsian government. i 'ft I ,M Instructions from tlie President. v Washinotox, Sept 8. The President has in structed the heads of the several departiiieuts to furnish eaeb person holding an appointment, in their respective departments, with an official proclamation of the 3rd inst.with directions ; to 'db8"erye strictly it3 requirements, for an earnest support of the constitution and a faithful execu tion of the laws which-L-havc been made in pur suance thereof In consequence of a clerical error in debt state ment, issued on the 4th inst, the Secretary of the Treasury has determined to issue a correct state ment, to" which' will be added the condition of the Public Debt on the 1st of September, 1865, which compared with the corrected statement to bt issued, ' will thow an aggregate deduction of 5364,900,206 38. . President JoUnson is said to be highly elated with the Democratic victory In , California, and predicts similar reports at elections in tbe At lantic States. I The iatest returns from there shtfw a Demo- cratic majority iuthe Legislature? and Uma sfceeeed Conness The Schooner! John. T. Ford. LoNixiN. Sept. 8 The little schooner yacht, John T. Ford, fro.n Baltimore lor Paris, before reported, capsized at the entrance of the English channel, and was found a day or two since on the coast of Ireland, near Queenstown, whither she had drifted. Valuable papers and other articles were found on board and taken': to 'a place of safety. . , . ' . I - . Terious Riot in Montreal, Canada. New York, Sept. 7. A Montreal dispateh gives the particulars of a riot yesterday. About a dozen of the rioters were captured by the sol diers and police, and Were' only with difficulty protected from the vengeance of the enraged cit izens wlio threatened to lynch them. One po-, iiccman killed, and about thirty serious casual ties and halt a dozen gunshot woiinds are rex)ort ecl as some of the injuries sustained by citizens ; about a dosfpn are reported severely injured. . Gen CirirHn Yellow Fever, New Orleans, Sept 8. tn assumming com-" mand of Fifth Military' District, General Griffin says,' all existing orders remain in force. District and Start" offleurs continue to perform customary duties at Headquarters, New Orleans, until fur ther orders. ; - ' ;'-'!' General Ord telegraphs to Vieksburg to have placed uuder quarantine boats from New Oleans; must land at station two; miles below town Forty-threej deaths , from jellow fever! in 24 hours ending, six this morning, , . i r ; From Richmond. Riuumund, Va., Sept. 7. The registration re turns official from the whole State have beeu re eeivtd at Headquarters. Total vote two hundred and sixteen thousand f the ratio' of voters is elev en white to nine blacks. ' The TFAijhas informa tion that the commanding General will order the election for delegates tohq Convention of. one hundred and four in number betjvvcen the tenth and fifteenth of October. i .- European Markets. LosDOJri Sept. 7 3- P. Mf-Consols ill LivEKPopL, Sept. 7. Cotton unchanged. Sales 10,000 bales. ' ; . . ; . New York Markets. New York, Sept. 7 Noon. The market is heavy. Money 4 a 5 per cent. Sterling exchange 9 a 10. Gold 442. . Five-twen ties new issue of 1867, 8. Virginia sixes new issue oO. Missouri sixes 1034.. . Flour lOcL better j Wheat 1 a 2c. better. Corn 1 a 2c. better. Rye quiet.' Oats l'a 2c. better- Pork steady, sales of 250 bbls. mess at $24 35. Lard quiet. Whiskey stealty. Cotton quiet utjMHc. lor uplands. .Freights dull. Turpentine 39c. later. New York, Sept. 8. Cottou dull S00 bales middling uplands at 2Sic. h lour lV(a: iU cents better. Wheat l3eeuts better. Pork firmer new! mess 25$23 50. Lard steady at 12 14c. i Naval stores quiet. Freights heavy. . Mbuev closed easier at at 3 to 5 on call, with large supply and moderate demand Gold closed at 42io)i2. ! Goverments firm Stocks strong and bigher. . The Bank statement shows increase loans of 2,500,000, legal' tenders 1,600,000, deposits Jve millions, and specie 500,000. ' New York, Sep fc. Shipment of speeie to day was $673,000. 'Cincinnati Markets. f!ivriN'ATi. Sect 7.-T-Flour tincbanced; corn dull, better supply at 105. Cotton dull, at 24 for middling. Provisions -, unsettled. . Mess pork sold, extent 1.100 bbls at 24,25, a 50 ; held latter 25. Bacon,1 shoulders, 14?; sides, 16i; clear sides, 18; were southern orders for clear sides at 17L ,' . : Augusta Cotton Market, Auulsta, (iA., Sept. 7. Cottou dull aud hjlf eent lower. Sales eighteen bales ; middling 22 i CtS. - 'i " ! Weather unsettled and now raining. Go operative Stores. A letter froiii New York, where they have just started their first co-operative istore, says : v nn com petent men as managers, there is no doubt that the co-operative; principle in factories will succeed ; but when applied to stores the chances may be against it. In one case, experienced business merrwill be the patrons, and their custom will be steauv. f in iiie other, the (capriciousi custom of the public will be the only reliance, ana tnis, as every business man knows, is full of risks to the dealer." The writer who gives this as the opinion of many business: men, does little credit to their intelligence.. The public cus tom, capricious though it be, always seeks out those stores where it can buy the cheap est, and buy the best goods ; and if the pub lie custom should tail, the patronage of the one hundred and odd members of the'asso- ciation,.and their families. would still make a flourishing business. Evening Star, Phila. HOTEL ARRIVALS, 1 T j September 7, 1S67V PARKER HOUSE W Wl Harleev S C ; G W Bradshaw, Dublin County ; Siben Carter, Bladen County ; E L Fotter, New if ork ; J n rerry, v & M R R ; Capt J T Bradley! N C ; J P Little, .N C ; A Carpenter, . City i Thos. Brainard, Rich mond, Va. ; E Paterson, NC; W T Vaun, Samp son County; John M Whitted, NO;. Eddy Brown, NCl'John E McMillan, Tcacheys ; J J Evan, do. ; E W Tonrille, Onslow County ; H M Mil- pr Snnlhprn 'R.TrirPSS fiominnT. ; t WISCELLANEOUS. i UNITED STATES INTERNAL j REVENUE. QOLLECTORS OFFICE. ; SECOND DISTRICT, NORTH CAROLINA, Office Honrs irom 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. L. G. ESTES, Collector. U aug 6 CHOICE SUGAR CURED HAMS JXTRA TUBB. BUTTER, SMOKED TONGUES, DRIED BEEF, A large Stock Choiee FAMILY GROCERIES, Just received and for sale at GEO. Z. FRENCH, ia-flouih Front t 13?0 1' FFICE OF WHITE'S Patent Lever Trass Co. No. 609 Broadway, New York. C. AUGT GREGORY, . M. D. President,: WHITE'S PATENT LEVER TRUSS and FEMALE SUPPORTER differin principle froni'all others. No jressure on the back. It is ligh clean, and easy. Persons ruptured should at oiiQe procure THIS, the best Truss, to prevent IM POTENCY, and secure yourself against STRANGULATION AND SUDDEN DEATH. I ; is 1 jv' ' . ' v- .- .. Directions lor Ordenns ! Measure around the body two inches below the top of Hip Bone. State the side afflicted, also if lean or fleshy, and give plain directions about sending. Cash must accompany the order. A special;department has been fitted up for the treatment and rad.ical cure of Hernia and kind red diseases It is under the special care of the President of our Company, who is acknowledged by the profession to have no equal in this speci ality. By wearing the. Lever Truss and bathing the afflicted parts with DR. GREGORY'S CELE BRATED HERNIA LOTION, the most obstinate cases can be cured.' Prices for Trusses vary from 5 to 50 Dollars according to quality aud the condition of the Rupture. 'Hernia Lotion is $3 per Bottfe or $5 for Two Bottles. JOHN T. HILDRETH, Gen. Agent. ' aug. 31. i : tf. j j .'. - I : i STORE AND BUILDING FOR RENT. THAT DESIRABLE IRON FRONT STORE at present occupied by Messrs Ryttenbefg Bros., on Market street, and the building above containing seven fine Rooms, will be rented to gether or seperately from first of October next -Apply to tROBERT HENNING. Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 27, '67.. 2w-eod. AN? PERS-'N DESIRING TO SELL MATE rV.. RIAL for a Job Office, at a low figure, can find austomer by applying at THIS OFFICE, aug 23 ' , tl LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Wilmington Post Office ,V Unclaimed. Persons callio fof -apy pf the aboy e letters wil Arnold, Geo M " """Hill, ENC " Aiexanaer, wiinam vv JJill, Liney - - Amos, N A Hitcnens, Lemuel J Acocks, Primus Ann, (colored) Andrews, Fred . Artis, Hilridee Allen, Cane Applehoff, C O Balienged, G B Barnes, Nathan Bachelor, Robt , Bernie, 5 J Black, John Biackmaa, H J Blanchard, Edney Blomme, Peter Boggan, Charles Bogart, Trancesr Brad ham, John Brinkley, Isibella Brother, FM Brown, LS Brown, Tho A Brown, Eliza Bunn, Mary'S Callaway, R -E Hi: ism us. Wash Hoffman, Charley Hollingsworth, M Hollingsworth, O Hughes, Jos C Jackson, Lucv A Johnson, Ed Jones, Charles Jones, Clara Kea-th, Geo W Kellany, G ; Keys, V Koons & William, Lane, Levin Lee, Daniel' Lowry, Hester .Mason, Mary Medberry, A B . Miller, Gedrge Moore, James , Myers, Betsy ! McBride, E " McCallister, Burto 2 McClean, MA, , 2 McDonnell, Hujrh Carter, C C CarswelliS; VauderbraakMcLinden, J R Carrawaj, Moliie -McLaurin, Maria Collins, Koss Cochran, Charles Camron, R R Creanill', Dealy Cumins, Lavenia Davis, Isaac R Davis, Jane Davis, Miss Dealy, E Dickenson, E L Dose, Charles Drayton, Fauny Evans, JB ifc Everitt, Mary French, Flake, WH Frazier,' Rich'd Gadsby, A E Owens5, Sarah C Padrick, J J Phelphs, John Pridgen, Nelsou Pride, Anderson Porter, Wm Potter, Calla Reams, Amy Reynolds, II S Bobbins, C i Saner ooor tfc Bro, , Simpson, S M Simmissou, M -Simonds, S ; Smith, John C Smith, Lizzie . ! Smith, Harriet ; Stone, isham Stately, Maria Stubbs, R A Stewart, John Spellmau, Jeremiah Taylor, Lizzie Tucker Joseph ; Vaugh, A E VonGavie, A Wallcy, James Whiting, John Whitted, Sam 5 Whitson, L N K ' Young, Anna Yarrall, J S ; Ganey, Elizabeth' Ganner, G K . Gardner, W 11 Gause, J.F Gray, WfH Green, Wm A Grico, Atios Guthrie, .ieo W. Aaud, J j Hallanie, Brown Harris, James Hartz, Radolph 4 Hiywod, Munford Haward, Hegler, Dolly P. O. Wilminstou, N. C, Aug. SI, lyt7 ED. R. BRINK, P. M. f Registers Vacancies Filled. Head Q'rs Post or Wilmington, N. C, i August 3rd, 1867. ' ' SrEc ial Obders, I NO. 4!. f . : ' . ' The fbllcwing appointments of Registers to fiil1 vacancies fire hereby announced, subject to the approval of the Major General commanding : NEW HASOVER.COUSTI. L. N. Btrlow vice : W. B. Jones; E. R. Wilson vice S. S. Ashley ; A. H. Morris vice W. H. Pick ett I ' V.. :..r . SAMPSON COVNTY. Edward S. Caldwell vice Clifton Wrard ; M. H. Mattis Uce" W. L. Robinson. ; Lewis H. Bryant vice Mile Poweu. i BLADEN- COUNTT. Jame Cashwell vice Charles Lewis ; F. W Foster lice Daniel Bine. I COLUMBUS COUKTT.i in !M cares vice Xt ennon. ROBE SOX COUNT Y. E. K! Proctor vice James Sinclair; G. P. Rourk fice Ceasar McCullum. :' DUPLIX CX)USTT. Henty F. Brandis vice John E, Fusseil; Pat rick U Oat es vice F. A. Newberry ; Daniel Kline vice li A. Merrinfan - ThoJrwrann flHnvR announced will take and hofi rkflth iwlt.h a littl dftlav ba DossiHo. i , : f R. T. FRANK; Bvt lit. CoL j and Capt 8tb Infantry, Command- iigPpst. """" ' -. . ' n 5 1608- X. l language ot nature and experience demon biraies, mai wnoeMerjwouid enjoy the pleasjure iuuu ueauiiea oi lanascapes tne joys o companionship tlie richness of literatureUo i eiuiiun una renown must their health, f The stomach is the recentacle of all nonr h ment, and the fountain from which all parts of the body, deriye stistenance. The effect of foul Injurious food entering the 6tomach, is to !de tange the digestive brgans and produce headache, loss of appetite, untefreshed sleep, foetid breath, low spirits, feverish burnings, constipation.! in capacity to perform any mental or physical duty, Ac. , and are the symptoms of that horrrid disease ' DYSPEPSIA , , ! ', which assumes a thousand shapes, and poiints towards a miserable life and premature decay. The Medical Faculty hai labored for generational to discover reliable appetizers and the proper means of overcoming stomach derangements. Certain ingredients have bebn long known as partially effective. Among these were i i CALISAYA BAklK & ST. CROIX RUM. ; An in-rawt &Q)outnlag in the tropical island jof fit Croix, j obaenringr the Iiabfts oft the natives gathered tlfejrecipe for thefJfinal accom pliahment of this mbt important end. The artb cle was first used &sfa private medicine, whep its salutary effects becoming known, it was trough out under the name! of . 1 DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. j They act with untiring power, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage. They perform most wonderful curjss in stubborn cases of Dys pepsia, ; Liver Complaint, Nervous Affections Loss of Appetite, Intermittent Fevers, Diarrhoea, Sour- Stomach, Headache. Fever and Ap Weakness, Mental Despondency, &c. As a morn mg appeuzer ana aijier ainner tonic, they should be in every family. They are a delightful exhile rating stimulant, w ithout any subsequent stjipe ying reaction. ! IMPORTANjT CERTIFICATE.! Rochester, December 28th, 1861. ; lessrs. P. H. DrAke. Gentlemen : I have suf fered terribly with pyspep3ia for three or four years, and tried many remedies without effect. J had to abandon my profession, and suffer id gjreat- ly from everything a ate. I have now tried th Plantation Bitters rthey helped me I continued their use, and am now nearly a well man. I know ot several similar cases. Respectfully yours, i Rev. J. S. Cathor S. . 1860 X. Intelligent persons aud physicians can j'udge on the efficacy of the Plantation Bitters froni the following partial formula : CASCARILLA BARK Was known and used in Germany for Dyspepsia, -uronie uiarmoea, iuuojic, uysentery, aud JJis eases ef the Stojiacjh and Bowels, as early as 1690 DANDELION. j For Inflamations of the Loins and Sulep.n in Dropsical Affectionjs.and Biliary Secretions, or uostrueuons oi me ADaominai v iscera. ! CALISAYA, OR KING'S BARK, Was unknown to ciyilizatlon until the middle of the 17th century. Humboldt mak!s favorable mention of the febiituge qualities of this article as an Antidote Feyer and Ague, Intermittent and Malarious Fevirs, in his extensive South Amuipn travels. Viceroy of rem, u cial effects of the B The Countess, wife of i the cial effecte of the Bark, sent it to Europe lt was sold by the 4 esuits for the enormous sum of its weigJd in silver 1 and was thus called Jesuits' Powder. In 1658,1 Sir John Talbot employed it with great success in France, iu the treatment of Fever and Ague, Dvspepsia, Nervous Affections, Loss of Appetite, Weakness and Debility, Pal pitation of the Heaj-t, Diarrhoea, &c., under! the name of English Pdwder ; and in 1679, be sold the secret of its origin to Louis XIV, by whom it was divulged. Hf is now a standard remedy in all Pharmacopoeia, and is employed in prepar ing the Plantation Bitters. ChamomUle Floum for enfeebled Digestions ; i i WinXergreen!, valuable for Scrbiula, Rheumatism, and iNeiratic Anections : iMvender f lowers, aro matic, stimulant aqd Tonic, highly invigorating in Nervous Debilit ; Anise, an- ar&matie-earmi-native, creating flesh, muscle and milk. Much used in nursing. Another iugrediejn of remarkable and wonder ful virtue, used iu the! preparation of these I Bit ters, is a native of Brazil, and as yet unknown to the commerce-of tlie - world. A Spanish writer says : ,. VKadministered with St. Croix Ru , never fails to.rclieve nervous tremor, wake fulness, disturbed sleep, kc., and that it is used with great effect by! the Brazilians, Spanish and Peruvian ladies to heighten their color and beau ty. It imparts cheerfulness to the disposition, vurur u me appeiiie. auu urniiaucy iu iuu cum- plexion."' We withhold its present. " jiame from the public for the To the above are added Clove Buds (Orange, Carraway, 'Coriander, Snake Root,.fec. all pre- .served ia perfectbl pure ST. -CROIX' RUM. The tonic properties of 8t. Croix Rum, and its powerful. invigorating effects, have been long known to the physicians of the world, i Bilious, intermittent and Chill Fevers, eagen-. dered by the change of water and diet of travel ers, particularly upon western rivers, are preven ted and cured by the nantaiiop miiere. iuey are atao reliable to prevent sea sicKness. WHAT OTHERS S A PuiladelphiaL 1st month, 16th day, lffii. i fdTvrwpn FHitxn. vvnt tnou sena me an- other dozen of thy Bitters ? Nothing has proven so beneficial to my! invalid wife or myself, as the Plantation Bitters I Thy mend, ; Isaac Howl as d." N. B. Thffecrel Plantation Bitters,! it of the immense sale of the is their guaranteed parity. The St Croix Rum. and every article used, is warranted perfectly pure, and the money will be returned it not as represented. The Plantation Bitters arc! put up in unique quart bottles, and Isold by ail respectable Drug- gists, Grocers, tiotejs ana ttestauranis tnrougn- I out the world. B (particular that every bottle !; bears- the Jac sunxle ol tne rropnetors signature. P. 11. DRAKE & CO., 21 Park Row, New York. , - 1-tl Aug 5 j COMMISSION HOUSES. "'. " - . . i . i y ' ; . -. ,- . . ;. .-. ' : AS. T. PBTTB WAT. KOQER MOOKE ; rETTEWAY & M00RE' GENERAL COMMISSION 3IERCHANTS, NORTH WATER STREET, - WIL MING TON, iV. ! C7. SOLICIT CONSIGNMENTS OF fCOTTON. OLICIT i.i o i vxi.o U ju u a I K f RO Being AGENTS for the Manufacturer are preparea to nil, on Uic most reasonable terms. GEO. KIDD'S CELEBRATEI) v . COTTON Gifts, ZELL'S RAWIJONE jl : 's 1 : , SUPER-PUOSPUATE, BROWNS COUNTER, i l PLATFORM aud RAIL- : I- ROAD SCALES. 1- . Have constau tlj on hand FER1 1LIZER8 ot all aesenpuons. aug 5 tl A L. HATHAWAY & UTLEY. (Formerly HATHAWAY COj, Importers of "' Molasses and Sugar, Wilmington N. 'C ) Shipping and Commission Merchant, ; 171 PEARL STREET, NEW YORK. ' WE SOLICIT consignments of Cotton, val Stores, Sheetings, j Yarns, Tobs Na'-. Tobacco. and other Southern Products, jto the sale of which our prompt personal attention will be given. We will make liberal advances npon re ceipt of Invoice and Bill of Lading. All Mer chandise and Produce shipped to us for sale are' insured from poiut of shipment, with or without; advice. Invoices should always accompany5, each shipment, ; - .... j, : r ,( Both of us having had over twenty years' sx Eerjence in business in the South, and our J. ATHAWAY thl ee years in New York, we feel confident we can secure full prices for our friends who will 1 favor id with their consign ments. ' . '-. . ' I !''!.. JAS. L. HATHAWAY, WM. l!lJTLEY. -iy. j WRECKS. Government Wrecks. HAVING BEEN NOTIFIED BY THE 8EC rctary of the Treasury that a contract has been made by him with GEO. Z. FRENCH and ROBERT STEVENSON, for saving property from wrecksof all vessels belonging to the Go vernment on aud adjacent to j this coast, aud having been appointed by him as agent to super intend jtheir operations, I hereby warn all pcr sonE, from interfering with said wrecks or any other Government property on the coast. : .',: ; j HJ.-A ' LL- G. ESTES'i i ! Coll. Int. Rev. vvumiugion, Aug. o, i&of. . tl Journal coyVj. '! . j NOTICE. TTAVING CONTRACTED WITH THE SEC- JUL retary of tlie 4 reasury for the salvage of all . uiuvnauc i uuuci uu otjaerWi-ecKS, and Droo- . .j uunpu otuica on ana aaja ceni ioi mis coast contracts wfll be made with parties ' desiring to engage in Wrecking, savihff iron, Ac. GEO. Z. FRENCH? i KOWEKT STEVENSON. X 10 So. Front SL. Wilmlnirton. N n -ttg,."; w)ii, loor.; ' f,-;-"zrr, "ff BANKING. OANKINU HOUSE ' i ' : - : J . - ' :'"' , -OF- -. 1 - A'L I AY COOKE & CO., No. 20 -rZJ: ' Cojrner of Nassau. Street, NEW YORK; J ! . f ' I' ' '. ' ;' , ' ' WE BUY and selj at the molt liberal Current prices; aud keep on hand a full supply ot GOVERNMENT BONDS OF i ALL ISSUES, SEVEN-THIRTIES, and COMPOUND INTER EST NOTES, and execute orders .for purchase and sale pf STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. UUVX?KSIUNS. v We convert the several issues' of Seven thir ties into FIVE-TWENTIES ON TUft MOST FAVORA BLE TERMS, taking the 1st series at Govern ment Rates, allowing a commission to dealers. Circular with full particiilars furnished upon, ap-, piicauuu. i j JAY COOKE fc CO. ;. - i .'. . l-tf . riHE. FREEDMAN'Si SAVINGS BANK, du JL ring my absence w ill be under the charge of J. Ci MANN. - , ! . Office with Collector of Intcrnai Revenue. Custom House Building. , I ; Office hours from 'J A. M. to 3 P. M. S. S. ASHLEY, I v ! Cashier. !,.'" d&wlin aug 10 Treasury of the United States. DIVISION OF THE NATIONAL BANKS W asuinoton, D, C, Feb. 20, IWl. IT IS HEREBY CEliTIFIED, THAT THE First National Bank of Wilminertou. N. C. a Banking Association organized under the Act "to iwovide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to pro tide for the circulation and;redemption thereof," ap proved June 3d, 1804, having complied with the . requirements oi section 4o ol said Act; and with tbe regulations of this Department made In pur suance thereof, has this day been designated as a Depository ot Public Moneys, except receipts from Customs, and ly virtue of such designation will also be employed as a financial Agent of the Government. i (Signed) F. E. SPINNER, Treasurer, U S. aug. 5 MI FURNITURE. - FUKJViTUIIli. manufactured by ; 96 ANI OEAST HOUSTON STREET, NEW YORK CITY. ! all this furniture' consisting of tr T"1 'ARLOR, ..:' ! "; i ,' ! ! CHAMBER, . ! I DINING ROOM and LIBRARY SUITS, isof the latest styles aud manufactured of the very best material, under the personal supervia ion of the proprietor and guaranteed. Parties in the South desiring tine household f urnituro cau supplied direct from the manufactory, or thoseiabout visiting New York will find it to t . their advantage to examine our stock before , purchasing elsewhere. .1 f ' ' ; ALL GOOt)S WARRANTED a .8' : ;';.. , Zneo , . ; i - - : - r ': . : .... 1- "i : :. i A-.- .1 - . :i' M'ivi Mi Mi . i I ! J i V 'IU Ml