M MIMM1 DAM POST, WILMINGTON, N. C . OCTOBER !6,, 1867., MAIXS CLOSE. A. M. M, ! ,-fr ";Y'. .:..l, J- Y-V'L' l; -r 'U Through Northern i I 8 00 Way . I Y. - - '9 00 Southern If- 9 00 6"fflce opens ' 8 00 7' Office cfotes '-i-f 5 30 j- Arrival and Departure of Trains - TRAINS ! ARRIVE. ? A. 1 M. I P. M. YYY r From theortb, W.AV. R. R. 2 20 8 OT 1 V 1 South, W. M. K Rj .5 13v 8 50 W. Cj R. iCR., Mon., Wcd.ij Frtj 1" 4 00 f'U TRAINS DEPART. A. M. P. X J Y- Y-l- I L Going North, w. w. r. r. I 6 oo iT55" i 8outh W. M. R: R. 2 50 ' 8 40 W, C. IL R RTues.,Thurs., Sail .8 00 f I vi.!.'- - ; .. ( - . ( . i-. I . v.- - .. --.;; r .. Wilmington tS oney Market, Oct. 4, 1867. COBRHCTED WEEKLY BT AXIS DAW80N BANKJEB. Exchange on New York, buying par and telling carol nvc. 2i. Carolina Bonds old sixes, witn : all tne : pons on since Mayylbol,!.. ii . . , .i .1 .64 lina Bonds new sixes ..!....'.. . i . . .58 Coupons. . ... . . . . ..... . . . J . .45 .NAMES Goid.i.., BUTINO RATES. SELLING RATES.! UlilCll.,), J.t (. BANK NOTES - Cape, Fear i Bank if Ni C Farmer's Bank............ Merchants',' Bank. Y . . . ... . Roxboro... . . .. . ..... . . . . Charlotte.-....'..; ;. . Thomas Yille . . . .. . . ..... X . Lexington; at L........... Miners and Planters' . . . . . . : Wilmington ....... V. .... j Wadesboro.. .............. T Commerce. i Commercial Greensboro Mutual ...... .. Fayetteville ........... Clarendon, j . . ; . . .. . . . ... . . Washington. : Tancevillef Lexington' at Graham... l 1 38. 1 44(&..J. l-.'40.... 00( ; ItATJES OF JFREIGHT. 1 BANKING. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMIXGTOIV, N. United States Depository and Financial T DlEECTOKS: W. H. McRart. Ja. H. Cbadbousit. 8. D. Wallace, : Eli Mcr&at. i !i .DDinirE; Bdrruss President r ' Asa K. Walker, Cashier, h: Wit Lasjums, Teller. ! H. M. Bowdsx, Book-Eeepef. ? i 8. D. Wallace, Jr., Clerk. THIS BANK IS NOW OPEN FOR THE TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS. GOLD AND HLVER COIN, Government Bonds ; and Securities;:'- 1 . -v ij; NOTES OF SOLVENT and other State banks i purchased and sold, i ' - EXCHANGE ON NORTHERN AND 80UTH I , ERN CITIES always on hand and for ale. COLLECTIONS made on all accessible points In ' the United States, with prompt returns, i DEPOSIT8 RECEIVED,! and careful attention '4 ...given to the accounts of business men. I aug. 14 6 mos Treasury. ofthV United States. DIVISION OP THE NATIONAL BANKS !; ; i Washctotok, D. C, Feb. 20, 1867. IT IS I HEREBY CERTIFIED THAT THE First National Bank of Wilmington, N. C, a Banking Association organized under the Act 'fto provide a National Currency; secured by a Jriedge of United States Bonds, and to provide or the circulation and redemption thereof." ap proved June 3d, 1864, having complied with the. requirements of section 45 of said Act, and with tte regulations of this Department made in pur suance thereof has this day been designated as a Depository of Public Moneys, except receipts from Customs, and by virtue of such designation will also be employed as a Financial gent of the Government, : v i (Signed) F. E. SPINNER, ! ' , " L ' Treasurer, U S. j aug. 5 . ' 1-tf ' , BANKING HOUSE i RAIL ROADS. YiLninaTtin agd-.veidod n. fc n. conPAtjYs OrriCB-JEo. ad Sup't W. i&W. R. R.,1 WXLMlKOTOJf, UClODCr 11, 18B7. ON AND i AFTER THE 1TH OCTOBER the following Schedule will be run over this Road:.'-, - ' ' " ' t J - -1 DAY PASSENGER AND MALL TRAIN. Leaves Wilmington daily fSunaayi excepted) at 6 A. M-; arrives at Weldon 3 P. J&L Leaves Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) at 10:80 A. MT; arrives at Wilmington 7 P. M. i NIGHT EXPRESS: MAIL. AND PASSENGER ; j : '-' tii'r-ct ff'TRALN- Leave Wilmington daily at..'... Arrive at Weldon at..'.. . . . . Leare Weldon dally at........ Arrive at Wilmington at.. .. 1 . .J . EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN. Leaves Wilminirton daily (Sunday excented) at 4 A. M., and arrives at Weldon at 6 P. M. Ii l.e&ves Weldon daily (Sundays excentedY at 4:00 A. M., and arrives at Wilmington at 6:00 P. m. . .. ... . 1 :. r ! -j-"-- Trains pass Goldsborovat xiWi lftSO and 10:50 A. M., eoing North ; at 3:50, W.P& P. M. and 10: 50 A M , going South, connecting with Trains to Ralehch and Newbern at 10:30 A. M. and fur ther points at 3:50 P. Mt I ' J Ehgiheer and Superintendent. octlS , . . !- h- . i tf .9:30 PJ M. .....6:00 Ai M. .;...6:25'Pi M. ...2:20 A. M. -OF 4 JAY COOKE & GO;, " No. 2d TVALI. STREET, Corner of Nassau Street, NEW YORK. TO HIW TORK. r i ..... .... ........ bbl Turpentine." Cotton Rosin, Crude Bnlrits Tkr.. . J Yt& JNUtS. push BALTIMORE. ....I...V....bbl LI. Ul juuuuy tl it a TO Cotton Rosin, Crude Spirits .." Tar..; J.... " PeaNdts..... bush. iLumUsr. i.. . . ... . , TO PHILADELPHIA. I CottonL ... J . ... .....Jn ..i.!... ...... turpentine. Rosin, j tirade Spirits Tar'.... Lumber..; bbl UK TO BOSTON. I . 4v: aflbhl CottonJ Resin. l..J..v... bbl Crude Turpentine; .u r Spirits r " ; .." 14 ............. Pea Nu Lumber. ts..; .... bush -Steamer; rSf j (aict.t ctJ 25f ' 40 $ : 00 50 UUW) W , w(qj f 0 00 80 00 60 : 00 40 t oo so: 12i00 00 C0 15 tct. V.fJ fct. 60 00 ' - 55 60: 000 125 00 80 I 00 60 00 60 121 00 ft 00 10 J 50 8 00 : 7i8 00; ct. tct. j: 00 50 00 -40 F 00 '60 00 40 f 1 00 0 00 70 I 00 60 . 00 40 0 let .00! 60 ;. 00 " ' i ' ' 60. 00 0 00 00 00 ,,"1 60 00 00 00 00 . . 10 00 WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. I I WrLMiHOTOK, N. C, Oct 5, 1867. I sees wax. : n !8cantlinfi:... 8 0010 001 k . I 00 r BEEF CATTLE, $100 .4iO)a BARRELS. Snts. T.. new "N. Y....L.$3 504 00 3d hand do.. 3 75 3 25 BAGGINO. Gunny. L. ..,... Dundee ....u;.. 3730 Rope..f.l.U?..llm BRICKS. ...$10 0015 00 Java... Rio..... coftbx, lb. Lagnyri.. ...... 28i S8(o a .22C St Domincro 21 OAXDLES, TP Bt. Snenn.....i 5055 Adamantine. .....2024 Tallow.!..... . . ; . 1820 .domestics. 9 yard. Sheeting, 4-4..-. .14 16 Yarn, buni eo2 00 l FISH, v DDL i ' Mullets 0 0 00 Oakbbls.f9 5010 ; Pine do.!.. $7 00 Mackerel l i No. 1L...L20 0031 00 White pine. 45 0050 00; LI1IE. . bbl.. 1.80200 molasses, V gallon. Cuba hhd..... 4952t do tlerco. .. , 00 do bbl...... t 55 Syrup ... .... .. .60! 00 Sugar House.... 4550 kails. n. Cut.:.;...f6 757 0Q Wrought ; .U000 ? oils, -w canon. Rosin. . ..I...$0 350 55 40iLard...... .. 1 S01 50 301 Kerosene J. . . : 500 55! 25Unseed......' 1 751 90 623 Nora;...1 No. 3! . ...I Kits. .19 00( .00 00( 3C0( J20 00 21600 325 Herring, Nova 8cotia " bbs..:..'. 5 00 7 00 Herrinjr. smoked I boxei....!.00 60a00 75 Codfish!... !.00 900 10 N. C.Rbe..lO 50 12 00 ur; bbl. Family . $12 5015 00 Sutera...L 8 7510 00 Fine..;1..-... 850 900 grain. bushel. Wheat,1vhite.f 0 000 00 Wheat,! red.. 0 000 00 Corn, North.. 1 251 80 Corn,EaaCo, 1251 35 Oats...U..l. 00090 Peas...u. Rice, roueh.. 2 25i Rice, clean.., 0 12i K.Lrice;..!.. 11 Glctx, 9 ....20 GmnfT BAas,...S5 OnAxo. Peruvian. Otori. 00 00 9000, ' HAT. Xasterri....).f!S0l 40 New Ybrk.J. S5 ?i w rr. f il.'1' , I HIDES. -: Green. 56 Dry......LJ....1317 I -i ' IROW, V E ' English, assM 8 ( i American, ref.O ( f American, . , sheer.... Pitch.; 3 504 00 ' PEANUT8. bushel... 13 253 85 POTATOES, W bbl. Irish bbL..;.$4 004 25 8weet bush.; 1 251 50 provisions, Bacon. N. C ; Hams 211322 Middlings...... 1519 Shoulders . . i . .16 18 Hog round ... . .1719 Bacon, western Sides......... 1719 s Shoulders.... ' 1718 i Hams , 2022 Pork, bbl. J 1 City mss$26 00(S27 50 Thin V 00 00(126 00 Prime.... 23 0025 00 Rump. . . 1.22 00 24 oo Beef......;.00 0000 00 Butter, $ lb. Country,. . . . ... .25fa35 Goshen . . . . . . . .8540 - Western...... ..000Q Cheese,', lb. English dairy . . 17i State........... 18 I Lard, lb. . uarouna. . . . 17 Western......,, 13 onions. ; P 00.$ bbl.. 4 505 00 12 WE BUYjftnd sell at the most liberal current prices.land keep on hand a full supply of GOVERNMENT BONDS -CF ALL ISSUES, SEVEN-THIRTIES, And COMPOUND INTER- EST NOTFS, and execute orders for purchase and sale of S f OCK8, BONDS and GOLD. Hi; ,i CONVERSIONS. l ;We convei-t the several Issues of Seven thir ties into Five-twenties ON THE MOST FAVORA BLE TERMS, j taking' the 1st series at Govern ment Rates, allowing a commission to dealers. Circular with full particulars furnished upon ap plication. ;i si YM ! i JAl UUOKE & uu. i is : MISCELLANEOUS. OTJR LATEST IMPROVED "VTOTICE. After the'most nattering testimo ILM nials from the first Pianists in the country. who, at our solicitation, have tf-sted them in the severest manner: POSSIBLE, have been pro- nOuuced ' . ' . The Finest Square Fianb-Forte Made in Mfll- I: I1 the World. '' '-" ii. ; ' It has always been our policy during the :T7tr-tu-tx Teari that we have manufactured ! Pianos, Ivulve thousand' of which are now in use in the United 8tates and Enrope, to give the finest in strument at the lowest cost ; Uur superior 1acll ities enable us to offer them from one to three hundred dollars less than any other first class House. n ; ' . : ; :. ! i iThctone of these instruments are reraarkahle for tbe4r peculiar sweetness and great brilliancy Never losine their quality when forced to their upmost capacity. The lower register retainin its poeitiveness does not destroy the middle an npper registers by mingling with them in disa greeable eonfuslon. The refined beauty of tone being equally delightful to the unpracticed and to tne mofct cultivated ear. , . They are an entire' y new style of Piano, finish ed in tue most tupern manner, wun lour lull round corners front and back, heavily carved Lees and Lyre, Serpentine Bape richly moulded. and each Instrument is fuliy WARRANTED for fiye years. ' GROVESTEEN & CO., j i - ' 499 Broadway, New York! it Aug. 29th-,, : ' d&wly. 20 !22 !l9 17 12 25 45 SUGAR, n. 10 10 in .xv 10 12 Swede. Hood, j M ton, 155 C0160 00 ; xiQUORSy gallon. Froncn.. 4 2000 0 00 0 00 00 UUUftfl 00 2 00 500 225 300 . M. ApdIcNC. ; Peach ..,.0 Whiskey; Bourbon.. N. C...... fmtBER. RIVBR, Wide bds.. $10 00 12 00 BcanUing.i.i800iO 00 flooring .15 0018 00 Flooring Mill j ) Rough.. .i25 0000 00 planed;.. .35 0040 00 Cuba...... 12k 13 Crushed. ....18 19 Porto Rico;.;.. 14 15 A Coflee........ 17 18 Bdo.......... 1617t Cdo.;..;....... 1516' Havana Brown.. 12 I3i 1 salt, 3 sacic v Liverpool, from , store.... i 25 2 35 Alum, bush 60 0 62 soap, w. Brown. ........ ...913 8HINOLE8, M. Common. .. .13 505 50 Contract ..... 5 007O0 1IMBER.- Shipping ..10013 00 Mill pria .10 0012 00 Mill fair..... 8 50 9 00 Mill ord'y.. 6 00 700 tobacco. Navy...... ,....25S5 Medium........: 8040 Manufactured .60 $100 tallow. f , lb.. ........ ,10H wood, f cord. Oak. . . .1. . . .$4 004 20 Ash 0 003 75 Pine 8 00 3 50 ton. Xc..... itl8 00 !. OFFICE OF WHITE'S Patent Lever Truss Co. - Ho. 609 Broadway lew York. C. AUGT GREGORY, M. ,D. President. TUT HITE'S PATENT LEVER TRUSS and YV 1 tFEMALE SUPPORTER diflr in principle from all others. No pressure on the back. It is lieht. clean, and easy. Persons ruptured should at once procure THIS, the best Truss, to prevent IMPOIfENCY, and secure yourself against STRANGULATION AND SUDDEN DEATH j1- Directions for Ordering. -. Measure around the body two Inches below the top of Hip Bone. State the side afflicted, also if lean or fleshy, anu arive plain directions about sending. Cash must accompany the order. 1 A special department has been fitted up j for tbe treatment and radical cure of Hernia and kind red diseases. It is under the special care of the President of our Company, who is acknowledged by the profession to have no equal in tnls speci L allty. tBy Wearing the Lever Trujs and bathing the aftlicled parts with DK.'liKEiOKiS .CELE BRATED HERN7A LOTION, the most obstinate cases can .be cured, fnces slor lrusses vaiy from 5 to 50 Dollars according to quality and the condition of the Rupture. Hernia Lotion is $3 per Bott'e or $5 for Two Bottles. juui i . jjAtJ2i i u,uen. Agent. OUR FRIENDS will please bear In miud that are now rirjepredtd'print - ' Clrculard, Bill-IlciLtiripi aug. 81. tf. f1 1 D US I NE 8 S '..; AND.-., ;. ' lAt&titttMt style f,theftrtv . ; s At In early y ire ihall Lt a ITCOWPMTE JOB" OFFICB..C MRS. WINSLOW'S ; O O ITU I X G S YB U P FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, - l greatly facilitates the process of tetthlng, by BoixeuiDK tneums, reuuciuc an lnuammaucn will allay All Pain and spasmodic action, and - ;.. Sure to Regulate the Bowels. Dcpendupon.it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and ; ' ' ' ' v : ' r r j Relief and Health to your Infants. i i We have put up and sold this article for years and Can Sat jn Confidence and Truth of it what we have never been able to say of any other medicine Never has it Failed in a Single Instance to Effect a Cure, when timely used Never did we know an instance of dlssatlsfac tion by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are deliehted with its operation, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical effects and medical virtues, i We speak in this matter WHAT WE DO KNO W,atter years of experi ence, and Pledge ocr isepdtation for the fulfilment of. what we herh. declare. In al most every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and eznaustion, reuei win oe iouna in ntteen or twenty minutes alter , me syrup is ad ministered. . Foil directions for using will accompany each bottle. -n ti?" v. . Be sure and call for ;Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Symp Having the fac simile of "CURTIS & PERK IN8? on 1 the outside wrapper. AH others are base Imitations. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. JPrice only 35 cts.pcr ESottle. ! I ' r! offices::1 gZAzt 1 215 Fulton Street, New York,' 205 High Uolbom, Xondon, England, 441 St. Paul Utreet, Montreal Canada. At 881 W.'"' --" tm Wilmington & Manchester R. R i - - General Scpbrintendents Office, ) V -i?, MTil. & Man. R. R. Co., t V VWItrntno-toii. N: C. Oct. 5. 1867. ON AND AFTEK UUTUlJEKj OTH, LASSEN cer f rains of this Road' will run on the fol owing Bcnettuie: EXPRESS TRA Leave 1 Wilminifton. Arrive at Florence.!, Arrive at Kings ville Leave iKingsvllle. . . Arrive at Florence. . Arrive at Wilmington. . . . . . . . . . ACCOMMO . . . .... t ...... 4 Leave Wilmington. Arrive at Kingsville Arrive at Wilmlngt Express Train c ATIOIf P '..-4 qn.V... onnects N. , . . 2;30 A. ... . 8:10 A. M. ...11:45 A. M. ....11:30 A. M. . . . 2:55 P. M. .... 8:55 P. M. TRAIN. ; , .....7:50 P.M. .... 10:3ft A. M. . . . ; .2:00 P. M. 21, '23, 25 '6 27 Broadiray,; N.;T.; "l- Opposite 'Bowling Green, v" ON THE EUJIOPEAN PLAN. . fTH 8TEVENS HOUSE IS WIDELY AMD JL well known to the traveUing public The location Is especiallv suitable to merchants and business men ; n is in cjose inwuiu; business part of the ci r is on the highway of Southern and Western traveland adJacenttoi all i the principal Railroad and 8 team boat De- nots. i -'.t1 ".;'--'"-."HvJ-'--' i.. : i ,5s v modatlon for Over 800 guests it is welt furnish-; ed. and possesses every modern improvement for tbe comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated prdvided with gas and water the attendants are prompt ana rcBjiccuiu buu ; iu mvjc o Kvw onsly provided; with every delicacy of the season at moderate raies.-N.-';v- - u . ' ! . The rooms having been retnrnisned ana remoa eled, we are enabled to offer extra facilities for the comfort and pleasure of our Guests. j DAILY AHD WEEKLY POST. Distribution of Troops, rcrving. in tim Second miitcTT District. c.L The only Daily Ciepublicaii Paper published 'iri; the Second Military j Hisr; :trict coiapbsedi of. ; , North & 8bnth aug 5 Proprietors. - 1-tf BRITISH PERIODICALS 'I: THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, (Con ----- j.-seryjatveL' .- ". i 4-- THE EDINBURGH IRE VIEW, (Whig). THE WESTM THE NORTH Church).! BLACKWOOD'S (Tory). NSTER REVIEW, XRadical.) BRITISH REVIEW, Free AJSD EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, I. ARE .5:15 A. M closelv at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad for Charlestbn, and Cheraw and Darlington Railroad for Cheraw, and aiKlTgsvllle with the South Carolina Rail road lor uoiumoia ana Augusta. . y i j : ccommoaation lrain win run daily (Sundays excepted) and connect at KingsTille with the South Carolina Railroad for Columbia and Au gusta.. Oct 6 ' Wm. MacRAE. General Superintendent. btf NOTICE TO SIIIPPJERH OF i Tm hi 4w fc mmmtm f it re 7 The Seaboard Inland Mr L,ineii Portsmouth, a. TS THE ONLY DIRECT LINE BETWEEN X Boston, New York. Philadelphia, Bat itmore ana tne carounas. i ; It is CXDress in DOlnt of soeed and safetv reightf, being from 40 to 70 hours in advance f all other lines and at as low rates. - Ij It offers daily communication with Baltimo ally communication wih Philadelphia. - OA t . i 1 1 1L-J rxve oieamers eacu ween 10 ana irom riew ork. I ; I- v' c Two Steamers each week to an It is the onlv line havinsr these to which there is but one handlin Cars are loaded at the wharves and aru rim through to destinatlo 1 Be careful to direct! your Consie only from Baltimore by the Norfo StwamftfR. 1nnt. hf TTnfnn Dnrlr From Philadelphlaby the Anhamessle Line hiladelphia, Wil. & Balto. Depotl or by Ciydef Line, 14 Boutn Delaware Avenue. I From New York A the Old Dominion Steahi 4hip Line, Piar 87 North Riven ! ! From Boston by the Norfolk SteamehlD i Line. end of Central wharf. I i ! Alllosse8. damages or overcharges nromntlv race Agent, Portsmouth, Va. . " I Have l your freights marked via Portsmouth. IT. a5 TT i Ti. fi a - it . 1 u., auu m euipping 10 nmaaeipma, maritea via Annan essic E. G. GHIO. Supt. 'IransportatlQu. Clydes' Line or aug 51 b aug 10 from Boston. d van tares land ui xreiguv. Portsmouth to direct Bay Line es in mers Lk or via 2ni. rpHE8E FOREIGN PERIODICALS A regularly republished by us in the same st vie as heretofore, j Thosi who know them and Who have long subscribed to them, need no reminder; those whom the civil war of the last few.years has deprived of their. once welcome 'supply 01 the best ! periodical literature, will ! te triad to havis thenif again within their reach i and those wnq may never yei nave met wiin tnem, win as suredly be well pleased to receive accredited re ports ol the progress of European science'and TERMS FOR 18C7. For any one of the Reviews, f 4 00 per annum or any two off tne iteviews, 7 00 For any three of the ReviewB, 10 00 For all font Reviews,) 12 00 For Blackiood's Magazine, 4 00 For Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 For Blackwood and aby two of the Reviews, , ! 10 00 For Blackwood and three of the For Reviews, Blackwood Reviews, and CX the four 13 00 15 00 THE Wl Carolina, Wl iMLNGTOU POST 18 PUBLISHED IN THE CITY IMET ID ail v E. 21. NORTH OF 4. mm BY AUL & CO,; THE POST; CONTAINS NEWS' FR03I ALL FAK1B j Ian WQ Up t o Mmm. - . A" discount of twenty per cmt. will be allowed. to clubs of four or more persons. Thus, Tour conies of Blackwood. I or of one Review, will be sent to eni aMrm for f 12 80. Four copies of the four Reviews add Blackwood, for $48, and so on. POSTAGE. Cents a year lor each! PREMIUMS TO New Subscribers to of When sent bv mail, the Postage to any par the United! States will be but Twenty-four Cents a year for Blackwood," and but Eight oi tne neviews NEW SUBSCRIBERS, any twe of the above peri odicals for ler7J will oe entitled to receive, gra tis, any on )f,the Four Jteviews for 1866. New Subscribers to all five of the Periodicals lor 1 367 may receive,! gratis, Blackwood or anyifito of the Four Kevusxs for 1866. ;v f These premiums will be allowed tn all new subscriptions Received before April 1, 1867. Subscribers; may also obtain back numbera at the following reduced rates, viz: The North British from January, 16G3, to De cember, 1866, Inclusive; the Edinburgh and the Westminster from April, 1864, to December, 1866, inclusive, andithe London Quarterly for the yeare 1865 and 1566, at tne rate oi l 50 a year for each or any Review ; fa 50. . , Neither discount to numbers, can also Blackwood for ! 1866, ; for premiums to Subscribers, nor Clubs, njr reduced prices for back be allowed, unless th monev is ... . W mm m I remitted direct to tne iMonsners. 1 j No premiums can be given to Clubs.' ' ' Tne Leonard Scott Publishing Co,l :- : sw walker St.. N. Y Headqnarters 'Second Military District CiiAttLESTOK, 8. C, Sept. 5, 1867 8FECIAI. ORDERS No. 144, Wil. Char. & Ruth. RR.. General ScpKBiNTEJtDUtil'B Offic'. WlimiDglOD, XM. AUg 4, N AND AFTER TUESDAY NEXT. AUG loth, the Passenker train on this Road wi eave i Wilmington oh Tuesday IThursdav an Arriveat Band HillJ vame davs. at 3 P. M Arrive at Wadesboro (Statei at 12 miduic-hi: Leave Wadesboro' (Statel on Ttiesdav. Thnri aay ana csaiuaay, at a r: i-eavc xvocKiuguam oiaiei on monaay, wed aesday and Friday atk:30 A. M. T T Leave Sand Hill (Cars) MondaV. WedneKdav ind Friday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. i X Arrive at Wilmington same days at 3 P. W. I. BVERETT. General Superintendent. tf General Super iiilciideni's Office 1 1 Wil. & Man. R. R. Wilmington, N rrTNTlL FURTHER NOTICE rates will be charged To Charleston, To Cheraw,f : To Columbia, To Augusta, - on Grain, from Wilmington per bushel. 4 U auer STATE OF By COMPAJIT. i C, March 5th, 1867. j the following - 15c. 12c. 12c. 15c. WM. MacRAE, enl. Supt. tl "1 NORTH CAROLINA. n JJiXECUTlVE UEPARTMENT, I KALEIHH, UctobeT 4, 1867, airecuon on nisi Kxcf 1 ticv. JONATHAN WORTH, Governor of No ; CSrb- ilnat notice is nereby given that Jeremiuh Spell man, James H. McGarity, VJ. J.I Parker, J. 0. Voss, William T. Daniels, John H. Hanby, John Kithly, WUlls Herring, H. V. def Kammer, and others, of the County of New Hanover in said State, haying made application to be created Ii a body corporate, undpr the name of " Mechan ics' Aid and Peotectivb Association," for the purpose " of affording to each other, and to the families of each, relief in sickness, trouble and distress: to aid and assist each other in Dro . . I . m ml ' m ' me empioymenu ana 10 esiaDiisu scnoois 10 edu cate their children"; and having,; in all respects, complied with the statute in such case made and Tirnvidpil havft till flav hpen rrpiitprt a ttfwtv ifr porate; under the name af oresaid, by LETTERS Joh nathan WorthL Governor aforesaid, and at tested by the Great! Seal of the! 8tate condi tioned that the said Corporation shall exist only or me time oi inirty years irom-jtne oaie tnere of a copy of which has bet n d illy recorded (in tne omce or tne secretary of Btateot said state. Oct 12 . WM. U. UAGLEx. rnvaie oecmaryt aw THE llEALIfiQ POOL! AN Essay for Young Xenj on the Crime of Solitude, and the Diseases and Abuses which create impediments to MARRIAGE, with sure ujcmus ox xvenei. oeui. in seaiea jeiier envel opes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J, SKILLIN HOUGHTON. Howard AfesoclaUon, Philadel phia, Pa. I . sept. ss .. M d&vdm IV. W"hereas f Extract. . G0IN I i The POST is !ple hi. the Hour of TO 1 manded , Kd.IT.B. Canbv. .eSlIow,ln tte" are announced iiiin'tv, Staff of the Commanding General -V . n lhe try, Aid-de-Camp. V wrAat Jirst Lieut. O M Mitchell 4th XJ 8 Artillen and Judge Aid-de-Camp. Brevet Colonel E AV Dennis. Maior Advocate. ' - I '-i-i Maj Jas P Roy. Cth U 8 Infantrv AHW i.-.. ! Inspector-General. ' r" r . , ' -l " BreTet CaptainTI JE Hazen, First Lieut bth V 4 8 Infantry. Act'ar Ass't InBDCctor-Genprai i :! y Brevet Ala Gen RO Tyler. Lieutenant-f DcputyJ. Quartermaster-General U : 8 A: CLir 1 Quartermaster. ' , , I Brevet Brigadier-General W, W Barnit and Commissary of? Subsistence; Chief Commia- i ary.-..!.f :v'rr,,:'M.-.t ' ,r-r.;. . .-: trcvt b A-ieui, vui uiiancs rage, isUrEreon 4T ft l " Brevet Lieut Col J W NichWl. f A oa t.. .. master U 8 A, Disbursing Officer of Civil t Fund 1 T1 A j vLaili; " uua rr?nce, j) irst Lleuten- OpmmS 9, Ordnance Brevet Col E W HInks. Limit. IW ahk n o r uuiiji iiaiiiai uenerai. Post snorth Carolina: gauton. rosT Edie, L Co. Jv, , T er'tv ( , wm. yu juajor u. urban, Capt, 5th Cavalry, 5th U, S. Cavalry. Co. I. Mor. OF SAUSBUBY.BvtL !.ien f!nl i - eut CoL 81 h Infant rvl 8th U. a. Tr.ran Salisbury; U. C. - " : ) K.- -' K: : Post of Chaklottb Bvti MaL H.M- Capt Sth Infantry.- 8th U. S. lnfantrv. n u Charlotte, N. C.-l;'.Vf -r. -J": F POST Of GBEBN8BOKO. Bvt. Mai. W. S. Wnrfh Captain! 8th Infantry, 8th U.rS. Infantry, Co. fi' Greensboro N. C i :?ss:-'?r-J- Post of Kalbigh. Col. J. V. Bomford, th ESS read by a large class of peo NORTH AND Who are reached through no other c The POST SOUTH QARQUtlA As an lanuel. Idvcrtising Medium. is not surpassed in the Carolmas. MERCANTILE, The POST pays particular attention to he MANUFACTURING Commercial Interests No -i The ' favor of r t n POST is : the General Assembly ! of North Carolina adopted an Act entitled ' An Act for the relief of ICiecutors, Administrators, &cJ.n ratified March 7,! 1867, whereby It was enac'edin substance as follows: That Executors; Adminis-, trators, Guardians, Sheriffs, Coustables, Corbn-T ers, Clerks of the Supreme and County Courts, Clerks and Masters of the Court of Equity, Trus- tees, ana otners noiumg places or ;a! fiduciary character, should not be neld liable for having Re ceived in payment of debts the currency or the Confederate Statt s, or for having invested trust funds in their hands in the securities of the said Confederate States ; that said Guardians, Trus tees and others should have authority tb compro mise claims In their hands arising before Mayll, 1865, and declaring such compromises valid and binding on all parties ; ! that in castB of , contracts wherein any Ipeiion acting in a fiduciary capacUy is concerned, and wbete deductions should be Claimed by reason of such contract being founded on the Confederate or any other depreciated se curity, Such jpersons acting in a fiduciary capaci ty to have authority in conjunction with' the par ty or parties therein concerned to appoint arbi trators to assess in gold value the property in reference to which such contract was made at the time of making the same, their award to be bidd ing on all parties" interested therein ; and that Executors and ! Administrators should have au thority to prefer any creditor or creditors of the deceased " persons whotn they represent over jail other creditors of equal dignity, such payments to have like' force and effect and such personal representative should! in , all cases be treated in law and equity as though Judgment had been conferred M f ayor of j the preferred creditor or creditors as theretofore allowed by law ; dnd whereas 6aid Act of t the General Assembly L of North Carolina is in violation of the Constitution of the United States inasmuch as It impairs the obligation of the contract subsisting between persons actmg In fiduciary capacities, and those for whom they are empowered to act, and Is in violation off; the Acts of Congress passed from time to time, prohibiting and declaring unlawful all Acts in aid of the late rebellion ; and whereas the said Acts are in violation of the rights', of jml nors and others : It is therefore ordered, that the said Acts of! the General Assembly above recited be and are hereby in all things revoked, annulled and declared void and of no effect ' It is further ordered, that all acts done or suf fered in virtue of the authority attempted to be conferred upon Trustees and others standing in fiduciary relations, are annulled and declared void as to the rights and remedies of all persons affec-. iea or prejuuicea inereoy. r It is further ordered that all suits or proceed ings at law or in equity instituted for the purpose of giving effect ! to the provisions of said ActL or founded upon any right or authority claimed to havd been conferred by the authority thereof, and all pleas, answers and defences alleging any right or authority claimed to be derived as last afore said, be dismissed with costs to the party against whom saidj suits or proceedings shall have been brought. ; -l Ir.' j ;i. a,-, U-A ,.,,4- All judgments, orders ana decrees final and in terlocutory, and so much and such parts thereof as affirm or enforce any or the nrovhdons of feaid Acts are revoked and annulled, rand declared of no cneet, ana, tne courts wnerein - the same are entered or docketed are herebv reonlred tn!di. miss the same, as to all matters relating to any nui. buu KQiaunijr cuuoieu unaer ice act ox leg islation aforesaid, with costs as aboye provided.' i.i!-ii...v!ji ':- f . i- - By command ol Major General DYE. Sioafci : : - i , . J. W. CLOUS. . i . Capt 8SthU. 8. Infantry, A. D. C. and A. A. A. Q. umoiAL: J. w. CLOUS, ; Capt nxk Infantry, A. D. 0. and A. a. 0. r -1 OF i-i - jT a roll na read by every body in RECONSTRUCTION The POST is read by those opposed to it politically to see what it has The POST ha readers In nearly: every County than half of Sonth Carolina. to say. of North Carolina, and in more DAILY t WEEKLY, 1 c ear.r Months, Month, One Year, Months CLUB: RATES; jrettcr up of a club of ten ttitled to ai extra copy of t The t ' m .m m ers is entitled to an extra copy Post free, or the ? vDiath Bed President 3 person sending the list. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. I'- f 10.CK). 6.00. l.OO. -VSR 2.00 1.00. I at the option subscrib- tbc Weekly CEXE OF of the ADVERTISEMENTS IN DAILY. ,.t i- - C o i n 1 3 S.1 5 B. b O S" I '00 a a v . C3 CO 0 , to 00 p 3 8' 4 8 8 1 8 CO 8 to 8 CO fi s: to 8 as . 8- -8 1 8 8 s 8 8 8 ! $ o 8 S 8 8 ; v . 8 8 8 8 8 IS 8 8 8 H' 8 8 8 !8 CO -8 .o 8 en 8 9T to 8 CO w Infantry, 8th U. S. Infantryi Head quarters and Co. E, 5th U. S. Cavalry, CoY A, Raleigh. Ki c t Fost op Fatettk vuxe. B vt Col MUton Co- wen, jaai oia iDiaoiry, oia i o lniantry. CoK ; FayettevUie, N C.: f V.Y- ' Fost off, Goldsboro'.Y-Maior C E Com nil n 40th Intantry.' 40th U 8 Infantry, Cos E G and h' ' Goldsbpro, N.a-:vf ' -- 4 T . i Post dp Wilmington. Bvt Lieut Col R T Frank Capt Sth Infantry, 8th U S Infantry, Co D, 1 40th U 8 Infantry. Co A,' Wilmington, NC Post op Plymouth.- Bvt Lieut Col Chas Bcuv ronl, Capt 40th Infantry, 4(jth U 8 Infantry. Co B, Plymouth,- N-C.YY- - 4 -i Post op Niw Bbbne. Bvt Maj J J VanHorn !' Capt 8th Infantry,' 8th1 U S Infantry, Co F. 40th U S Infantry, Co C. New Berne, N C. f " Post op Fokt Macon. Capt Chas B1 Gaskili 40th; Infantry, 40th U S Infantry.Co I, Fort Ma Cbn N C-j' t";1-fSi ZiSit$ .nu-j- t ,;!.---. -. BvtMaj General K A Miles, .Col 40th Infautrv Headquarters 40th Infantry, iRaletebY N C . lit! nUSOUTH ' CAYftOLINiili? . ' Post op Chabxeston. Byt Brig General II B Post op Hilton HBAi.Byt Lieut Col A c TXPSS1 9apt 3d Art U 8 Artillery, Co E, 4th US Infantry, Co K, Hilton Head, S C. Post op Gbobgetown. Bvt Maj fi W H Read Captain 8th Inantry, 8th U S Infantry, i Co C. Georgetown, S C: - '-UPf, -- VJ - " 1 Post! op Aiken. BvtMaj LValker Capt 5th Cavalry, 5th Cavalry, Cos ITand L, Aiken, 8 C. Post OP Dablington.- Cnpt HS Hawkins, 6th Infantry, 6th U S Infantry, , Co .G, Darlirgton, Post op Columbia. Bvt 3rigGeilH S Burton Col 5th ArtiUery, 5th, Artillery, Headquarters Cos B and H, Columbia, S a ' i Post of k-wbsbbt. Bvt Major J McCltary, Capt eth Infcntry, 6th Infantry Co H, Newberry; 8 C.'P ;! tvi -i L- :-Y.iY A I -AuX 1 " Post op Andebson. Bvt Lieut Col A T Smith, Capt 8th Infantry, 8th U S InfantryJ 1 Co I, Am derebnL SC. i :J' --'..'T' -i ' i Tl' I . Posi op Union ville. Byt Lieut Col J N An drews, Capt 8th Infantry, 8th U S Infantry, to G, Unionville, SC. T 1 -j f' . Post op Chesteb. Bvt Maj D D Ljnti, Cai.t 4th Infantry9,feth U S Infantry Co K, CheBtcr,8 t The Kegistration Precincts. Heai. Q'bs, Post op WniMiNGTON,! N a. i ! . 1 Angust 4th, 1867. a Special Obper, ) ' No. 42. f The Counties embraced 14 this Military Vo6t according to the established voting ' Polls. ; and Registers assigned to duty i is members of Boards of Registration as follows : I I ii- ; l: NEW BANOTEB COUSTT. J First Registration IVvwi. Wilmington, 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th 'ards. Registers-Uaac A. Peck;L. M. Barlow, Geo. U.' Price fy. ( . Second Registration Frecnct. federal Point, Masonboro. M.iddle Soundj, Topsail 86und, Hol ly Shelter, Rocky Point. Registers A. F. Mor lis, HI E. Scott, Edgar Miller. j ; I ? Third Registration iVecfWcf. South I Washiog ton, .'.Ipper Black River, Piney -Woods, Lower Black iRiver, Calntuck. Long Creek. ! Regieten Henry U. Penny, E. R. Wilson, K D. Hewlett. i . J It hi I j . ' ! ' BBUNSWICK COUNTT. ! 1 5 V: ' Firnti Registration irecinet Smithyille, Shal- lottc, Waccamaw. Registers E. Legge,' Geo. L. Baxter, A. Golden Smith. & - N ' -; Second RegistrationFredtet.lj6ckwo6t Folly, Town" Creek and North West. Registers-B. Morrell, U. B. Robinson, 8olomon Smiths COLUMBUS CjDUNTT. , : f" Bogue - Swamb, Welche's Creek, Lee's. Register T. A. Maultsby, S M. Smith, M. Pdwel.l. ; Second Registration Precinct.--Cerongodo, Wil liams Bug Hill and Tatomi Registers Henry C. Maffitt, iJavia J?natners, Jobn Meares. v ; DUBLIN COTJNTT... t , ' r First Registration Precinct. Falson's VVolls crape, Ulisson, Aioertson, emitns Limestone. Regiftra Samtfel B Wocidmansee, Henry F. Brandis, Edward Martin. J i Secofid Registration Irectnct. Cvuress Creek , Tulana Creek, Rockush.r Magnolia, Warsaw, KenanSville, Registers John M. Graham, Daniel Kline Patrick C. Gates. ' : -i I ,1 . - - BOBESON COXJ5TT' . r FtrsVReaistrrtioti lYecinct.&lL Pauls. Lumbc Bridges, McPhaUPs Mllls Philadelphus and Red Banks. Registers O. S. i Havnes. ,i Daniel C. McNeill. CamyWilkins. ' Second Registration JVffVr.i-Lumberton. How ellsville, Alfordsville, Thompsons,, White House, Stirling's Mills and Breets. Registers E. K. f roctor, jonn Moors, . r. Kourk. ' , i vSS BLADEJfJ-COUTTv; "ii Yii! i - i ' :' Registration Pixeinct.Uottavr Rrrant Swamp, Elizabethtown, Brown Maisli," White'fl Creek, Carvers Creek. Registers A.i W. Fish er, F. F, French, F. W. Fuster. a-r. vi Second Registration JPreancL--French's Creek, Rachoon, Coily, Parker's Store, Melvlns, Bever Dam, White Oak, Registers James CashweM, Justin DwinelV(one vacancy). u I i'-i K-i'"T 'SAMPS6N'CO X Firstt Registration Precinct. Clinton! Turkey, Tailow Br dge, Lisbon, McDanlels, Little Co narie Kegisters Jtawara j. caiweu, Mcnoia P. Chesnutt,M. Matthis.iY-;'u ; Second Registration Precinct Hall. Honeycutts, Piney Grove, Westbrooks, 3Iingo' and Dismal. Registers Joseph Wilson; . J. , W. Craddoch, Lewis H. Bryant. - 1 1 , . ! . These Boards will immediately organize, ana the President of each, It t not already supplied. will report in person to these Head Quarters tor books ana uianKs.- -rney will, at auumeB, b-cc the Post Commander advised of their progress and movements, and ,will : report any, vacancy, that may occur, recommending suitable persons to fill thenL f vv FRANK, i Bt Lieut. CoL and CnpL. 8th Infantry, j tV-.T".-' -f-"-vramanding roei.; . :3 8 8 8 m 8 i8 8 8 a 8 100 8 V 8 CO o 8 a- 8 8 8 ,8 8 8 8; 8 8 8 8 li 8 o 8 C6 8 8 is 8 8. 8 8 8 8 8 o 8 8 8 VEEKLY;POST-$I.0O per Square. square. i- - F. Local Notices 50 cents Twenty ffQuaremnke per line. ' ' . out column. Hjeadquabtebs Second Militabt Distbict, t jnarieston, a. aj., August 26,1807. , j ? GENEBAL OBDEBS, I ; " " 'i'f " " ; r! ' ' j. . L hAII persons appointed to office in this MUj ; tary Distrisjf, under any authority, civil lor iuv tary, from and after July 19J 1667. shall be re quired, in addition to the oath of iofficer requircfl by municipal or. other regulation, to take and subscribe before a Notary Poblic, Magistrate, or other officer authorized to administer oaths, tfi. oath of office prescribed by law for officers of u United States. A copy of the oath.duly eub scribed and attested; shall Wfiled with theConv mandlng Officer of the" MiliUry Post. ; Blani forms of the prescribed oath 111 be furnished o i application to tbe Post Commander. " zr l . 1 II. ! All arpolntments made jby munlcipfllt! or county authoritrea, being provisional oo, . Will be reported to .tnd Commanding officer . the Military Post within which they are ma. who will forward the same wjth his recommee dation, to these JHeadquarters. ; . . ! Y - . dy cuiomina ai mm urn 11 k.. ciicjjli . . , V - N ' - -J.IW. CLOUS, Y'liJ AD,6.tBAAA i r !- ! :

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