' r I i: WILMINGTON, N. Cm SATURDAY CORNING j OCTOBER! 191867. T f NO. 67 : l ;j .TV:,:- y, lr:- i-;. 1 1 ; '""r. 1 ... . . - - ... - 1 mxmmi post, .. PAUL & CO., Proprietors iy daily Republican paper pab r the Second rjlilitarr. . District i of North and Sonth Carolina. gURSCBIlTIOS INTARtABLT IK ADTXKCB e year. . . ...... . , $10 00 ; months..!1, i. .".;. :.K.J...V.6.00 .0 'montii;:.Mi;,;.i:..,:;.i oo RATES OFj AD VERTISING : menta will" Jbt? inserted at flOO per r first insertion and 50 cents for each it Insertion. ; ?b or less, solid minion type, constitute a ICIIXGTOX WEEKLY POST. UBLI3HED EYEKr MONDAY. auBscKrrrioH : 1. aienU $1 ifer snarer ? ' f ITAnTbCOJIlSIAWPCIlSf ,5 ' I8TK1GT OK" THE CA KOLINAS S'iOli n. Ed. R. S. Caubt, Commanding, . CJLZl4JRCitA.:i. C-.&S A. A. A. G.. -.. ?. v ,v.;v ,rris. i n. POST OF WILVIH6T031. . i t. Col. K. T. Fbavk, Commanding of llefugees, Freedmen & Aban doned Iand. ; . 8TATS OF NORTH CAROLINA. . : , ajor Gen. N. A. Miles, Commissioner t. Col. Jacob F. . Churrtr A A G.' ib-Distrlct of North Carolina consist the counties of Drnnswlck, Columbus, n, Bladen, Duplin; Sampson and New lltliff HutuertoRdT 44th U S Infantry; rig Gen u vols,) suo Assistant uom v Office, City Hall, Wilmington, N C. S." AsHLRT, 8upt of Education for 4th ct. Office, City Hall, Wilmington, N C. rg. Robert Harris, 9nrgton in charge on's Hospital, Camp Lamp. nr . Echelbbrrt, in charge; of Sub Dis-' plln and Sampton counties. Office at Duplin county. v ' ' .J r ' t ' ' : BiBNtB, Esq., id charge of Sub Dis eson and BUden counties. Office at Robeson co untr. - : - ' i r CITY OFFICER!. ! f ohn Dawson.1 i Li. iifv lldermmS D Wallace,1 H Vdntilahn; ;l Murray, W H. Lippitt, A Adrian, WS. Anderson. ' i ;J . ; t.. 1 pt Robert Ransom. ! '--T-M-H 'jwfy, JarAaZ R Jl Jones.. fc f ; Treasurer TW, Anderson.' i f r v 4 e Market L lsl. WilUams.: : Department TL 3 Jones. , . i1 ! j;. 5 j Warden B W Beery.) . ; : ! ; rdent"ll SchulkenJ first ward ;K James rd, second ward ; B W Beery, ! . Buykhet mer, fourth ward. , ; ; 1( rtryorW H Jones. - i 11 wpcctor-F V P Yopp, J W Potter,-- 1. : : ;: ''.i . '.: ;t' ? ; - ;Uv;. :i i-TV-t DJIERf OrjlAVIOATIOK ANB PILOTAGE. nnin4 Chairman; Wm B Flanner,' Wm E Murray, Wm S Anderson, of Wil : and Swift Galloway, ..of SmltTille. T cierK.ana "Treasurers- k ,- - harbormaster; wV": Burkimer.' L -, arris, o warun, o mieneaa. t.,. yJcia-Josh C, Walker.' ;; ? jrjf ; ini Committee C G Moore,"' Samuel B. F FurplusS,Geo W Williams.! - Regular first Tuesday in tne month. ' vU j .... i -. ' . lii'ii; r. : ' '.COCSTT-OFFICSRS - s . 1 or' Ctowj7 Cburt Wm. A, Wright. Conw Court R B Wood, Jr. T Samuel R Bunting. I i. Geo W PollocdJ " - c - Otourt a u Wallace, vv a LArnins, ino V John A Sanders, John D Powers. ' Surveyor James !W .Williams, John Trustee Owen Fennell. Jr.i I !!'? I V - R L Sellers, I Peterson, James !U ED Hewlett , ' ": ; .-j.-.- :ee of Finance & D Wallace, John ; A ohn A Sanders. " -Vv'h" - 'h a ef tne Rtorr John A Taylor. John A Archibald McMillan, Isaac James, Luke as, W S Larkins. " ' .rer of Public .Buildings John C Wood. y Ranger O F Alexander. tirs-John C Wood, Daniel P Bland. !ard LoTcewerJohnC WOod. L ' t JarJohn A Sanders. J : , 4 ,. y 7b!it-John J Condley. rintendenU of Common Schools S D Wal as Kerr, W S Larkins, John D Powers, R , an. ! -. -r '-:;;j; L- Lv--.'.-y -i-..? -J-pector of Naval Stores John S James, Arch . Alderman, James O Bowden, John C Bow ' Alfred Alderman, Thomas W Player, W J B Southerland, J M Henderson,- R C John-. . iM, t - ---. i Stji 4-':":f5i': ::L -pecUr of Timber dx. L H Bowden, James -ge McGuflie, W M Munroe, E Turllnfirt.pnf l.cishop. . , : ; ; -v- -s ; ' ipectors pf Provisions &c. D E" Bunting, nO. lunroeJ George Alderman. MASONIC DIRECTORY. tets last Th rsday evening in each monUi, M:Gardker, w.vM.-- p -i-ni-I ' Wm'M. Poisson, Sec'y. 1 Concord Chapter No. 1 9 ! i 1 I n ITeets Ut and Zd Monday t in each month , i . . B. Carr, M.. E. H.-. P.-.-.U. Z ; :'-L;:, . ;' A. P. Repitoh, Sec'j. . ; . ' s A '-- - i ;: . j:' pi : Wilmington Council No. 4, ! r Meet 1st Wednesday in each month. i , VxfRSDj Martin, ,Ti h GatM.V ! I r u ; - A. JF. Kepiton, Recorder. WILMINGTON & WELDON R. R I r? den(4-R R Bridr8r:;4iVr--iiV-'V!'f-iw-f:l rctor on the part of tht Stockholders VI K iht, S D Wallace. El Murray, Alfred Martiu, VanB6kkelen; Geo Harris, j9rWUinington, John Everett, of Goldsboro. f ; reon the part of th State, Edward Kid of Wilmington, John Norfleet, of Tarboro', rhoaujp. Hogg, of Raleigh, v ; , v xovt!f Meer atf Gmerdr Super UiteiidtS.; L. ster of: Traisportatioil'Wm. 8mith. ' tf'id Treasurer I. W. Thompson. : Ticket Agent-WMr Poissonr : i i :sfer ieciaic M. W. fiankins." f- ' i yht Agent G. L,Dudley; iAV-t tttymX'p viKMKAY DIHECTORY WILMINGTON & MANCHESTER K; R. caCT--uenry ai. Drane. llev. J Ell Gre. enerat, Superintendent William MacRaeM I"' xretaryand Treasurer W A Walker. v H i 'WiwaJ i?VeW Ai John L. CantwelL I i i XM1NGTON CHARLOTTE AND RTJTHE Presideni Tloliftrt "IT flowan. -1 . Directors S J Person, A U VanBokkelen, Jnb McDowell, Robert S French, Walter u Bteeie, enhen W.. Cole, Samuel H Walkup. E Nye itchinson, Haywood W Guion, C C ; llendrson, G Logan, A R Homesly. " : 4 Superiivteiident W. J ETerett. " ' -J Zlaster of Transportat io?i W H Allen. ;, wefaru and IWaturer I T Alderman. ' - 11 -'x,ier lSxhanlcY7 Gill. t -.S jht A;en& R Frtneli. TELEGRAPHIC- REPORTED TOR THE PAILT POST. A DI8T1BMCE I BAITL1BE, 'Vi t France to Settle the Roman Question. j .. SANTA AMA BAMSHED. politics at RicunoriD. Tlie j IVtaLrlret Dttepbrts. From TYashineton. YA8HiijoTOi:6ct.18.---In well authenti- catetl conversation, the President expressed himself to the following: effect : : Regarding impeachment, he 'apprehends the Radical leaders , woald become more desterte than ever, and hesitate at nothing to accomplish suspension j before . conviction, he will resist with all ; the .powers which the Constitution furnishes for its "own protection.. As regards the . .Cabinet, circumstances necessitated a change, and before t lie meeting of Congress, a change would be made. He will neither consul t, npr; ' be , go rerned ' by , party cliques,' but draw around him. men of ability nerve, and patriotism. Alluding to Sherman, he says he will be here between the 10th and 17th ot November, in ample time for the discharge of any duty, however responsible, which may devolve upon him. r;V-- s ' ' The Base Ball Convention met at Harris lmrg, Pa.,'to-day. . Twenty Clubs are rejpre sentedPythian CIubf(colorecl),'ot Phila -lelptiia,'was Texcluded ; -.u ; t lz'' . There was a full Cabinet meeting to-day. . Receipts from customs for the week ending on the 12th were $2,938,000. , . Silas Wood, deputy collector, has been directed by the Secretary of .the Treasury to' act as collector of f internal revenue fo the 4th district, Texas, until the arrival of Judge Evans, recently appointed. . " " " . The Secretary of the Treasury has made a demand for reclamation on ' persons' from whom: the Treasury has recently "received about; $80,000 dollars worth of alleged 7-30 counterfeit notes. - The Department claims that in the; course - of business ". the; under standing always is that until notes; &ct j are finally examined here they are at the risk of parties transmitting them Should parties refuse to ' make satisfaction for 'counterfeit notes, the Treasury will ask ad vice- ; of j the' Attorney General, in order to ! determine what action to take. 4 ' . - Revenue to-day is two hundred and fifty four thousand." " . ; ' ' ?. . " ' ; . Archbishop Spalding arrived per Persia. i The Reconstruction ; Committee : is over hauling the printing bureau of the Treasu ry .Eleyen hundred thousand dollars worth of questioned 7 30 notes have been traced. Suspicion that these notes . are, not counter feit, gains ground.' ... ". - The following special Post Office Agents have been appointed ; : Mississippi, Chas. H. J e wen ; ' Tennessee, James White. , . - From Richmond. Richmond. Va., Oct. 18. The Conserva tives are full tot hope Never has there been more energy shown in a canvass as there is now being displayed by both sides; each is sanguine of victory, 1 and both are doing their best. ' The moderate negroes are dis satisfied' with the Democratic nominations. They say if , Sturdevant t and Evans' were dropped, and two negroes . substituted; the ticket would carry, and a torch light pro cession would crown the triumph, but as it is they will vote for Hunnicutt's party. i There is a grand Hunnicutt meeting being held in the Square now, and.lieing - addres sed by him. The Conservatives are holding a ' meeting and are confident.'; - J The Congressional. Railroad Committee are at work, and have had several Railroad officers before them to-day CC: f f : Un. Washburn, ot . tue congressional on Canitol Sa uare to-niffht. 1 He spoke for more than an hour. He gave good aa vice i --.-. . . . - ; .... . . to the negroes, and related ' many anecdotes which pleased his hearers very mucu. , From Richmond. RiCHMOiro. f Oct. -18. With a view to makinsr Gen. - Schofield defendants in the case of Mandamus and to exhaust remedies under the Reconstruction, act, Gen- Imbo den, under advice of his Council appealed from f decision . of .the registration board. The following is the commanding Generals reply: . . , . ... r. . r 1 Mr; yliiBODKir Sir :. In : reply to your communication submitted to-day. appealing from the decision of the Board of Registra tion at Richmorip City, in rejecting you as a qualified voter,' I am directed by the Com- manuing wenerai 10 imuriu juu mat action of the Board of Registration is sus- tained.v W ii 7't -: v. -' - - Very respectfully your ob't servx, I y 8. P. Chapin, A. A. G; " Cable Summary.-; . 11' Wasfxinqton, Oct; 18. The Emperor has referred the Austrian Bishop's protest to the Concordat at the Ministerial Council. The Ministerial Council atSt Cloud, Napoleon presiding, has resolved that France should immediately intervene for the settlement of the Rpman question, without any longer act ing in concert with Italy., i ".'A.' :',The luondon Times urges Italy to seize Rome," and thej treat with France. - It de clares that the boldest policy is the. best for Italy.; sr;;-;,,i v" ?' T. it. "..: . x 'Xj-jy-From Baltimore. - Baltimoee, Oct .18. Twelve or fifteen shots were fired from a negro military com pany, and a white boy killed instantly. The coroner's verdict was, death occasioned by a musket, ball fired from the rear; rank of a negro military company, supposed to be the Butler Guards, and it was . totally without cause or provocation. I California Elections. SaS FnAifCisco, Oct 18. Partial returns of 21; counties, show that Sprague has a Democratic majority ot 1,166. rTbe election is conceded. -U . . j - From St. Louis. St. Lotjis, Mo., Oct 18. There is a close quarantine below the city. p " Foreign Markets j LrvKBPOOL, Oct 18 Yesterday evening. Cotton unchanged ; sales 15,000 bales. . f :-y From Havana. HaVaaI 6ct17:Santa Anna, has been sentenced to eight years banishment, - Fatal Accidents. Boston, Oct. 18. The benzine with which some women were cleansing furnitur0 ignit ed. !; One is dead and another one terribly burned. , ; V- t-B-'-'- ;vf 1r--- . Bcrlikgtos, Vt., Oct 18. A. premature explosion of a slate, blast to-day injured seven persousV three fatallyl. Two jkegs of powder poured into the crevice exploded, it is snnnosed from fire remaining from the previous blast : New York Markets. ; New York,-;OcC18. ?62 Coupons, ; new issue, 6. Gold 44. Tennessee Sixes, 6. Virginia Sixes, 45 a 48. Money active at 7 per cent. Sterling, time, 9 ; sight, a 9. i Flour 20 a 30c. lower. Wheat 1 a 2c. lower. Corn 1 a 2cl lower. Rye dull and declining. Oats lc. lower. Pork heavy and unsettled at 22 31 a $22 60. Lard dull. Whiskey quiet. Cotton quiet at 19c. Tur pentine j quiet : at 55 Jc. i Rosin, j common, 3. 56 to $3 62. 1 1 L -New Yobk Oct.tjl7. Evening. Stock very weak.' Money lc. Gold $1 44. 62 Coupons 1 If, Virginia sixes, 45. Foreign Markets. London, Oct. 17. 2 P. M. Consols 93f . Bonds 68 4 : f - :. - Liverpool, Octj 17. 2 P. ,3I.-Cotton firmer and more active; quotations un changed ; estimated sales 1800 baTes.fl ..-A-'l.'--.'--."' - 'fe-'4- ; -':':: Speech of Maj. J. WSchenek, Jr., at v the County Convention! ; Mr. President : --... I rise tor the purpose of making!! a mo tion which I will state at the close of my remarks as some of the delegates i to this Convention have seen fit. to vote for me as a delegate to the Constitutional-Convention. I deem it a xluty which ! owe to 'myself and to the Convention, that P here state j that I was not by my own consent wishe3 or efforts a candidate for that position, some time since I withdrew from the field exclu sively for the purpose of placing in that po sition an old and' tried veteran Gen. : Jos. C.- Abbott, and for the purpose, ot insuring harmonious action. ' P The gentlemen who have received a large majority of four .votes - are entitled ltd the suffrage and support tif every true Republi can. It was only this morning, MrJi Presi dent, that numbers of the delegates came to me and expressed a, wish that I accept the nomination, but I replied that I could not sacrifice these men and if any one was to be sacrificed, I much preferred that it should be : myself cries of that's so,, that's so. Fellow citizens, let us join now and during the coming campaign in a hearty support ot the three gentlemen, who have been chosen by a majority let us work for, and elect, this ticket, I have no regrets, I i could not have been better suited than in your choice, let us support -them heartily ; .; and' as Re publicans stand firm in one solid phalanix show to the people of t; this County that right-rjnsticejand Republicanism is invin cible. ;4i H'-- i I ' Mr. President, I move sir, that this Con vention declare that Geh. J. C. Abbott, A. H. Galloway, and S. S. Ashley, are our unan imous choice as candidates from New Han over County as delegates 4 to f the : Constitu tional Convention. ? 1 ' .y: ; ' ' " ' . Motion carried amidst great applause. - ; A New Method of Recording Votes. Letters-patent have just ' been issued to four gentlemen James E. Beardsly, . Augus- tas P. Boyle, E. M. Le win and M A. Clancy all i-esidents of Washington, for, an inven tion which if it can accomplish what, is claimed for it, will greatly ; facilitate the operations and economize the time of legis latures and all other .deliberative bodies. By an arrangement of wires similar to that of the hotel-annunciator, connecting the desks of the members of a deliberative body with the Voting apparatus members are en abled to - vote all. at once, and, after a moments time being allowed for a change of vote by any member who may desire it,-the result that is, the individual vote of each member, together with the aggregates res pectively of the yeas and nayes are plainly shown on the dial plates. Simultaneously with the summary result, the name of each member voting is printed for the use of the reporters of the press. Eight distinct claims made by the inventors have been allowed by h nnmmissinnfir of iPatents, and arrange- ments are being consummated lor tue con- struction of a machine ior iuc uso ui Common Council of this city. Wash. Chron icle. " i - ' The inventors named all belong to the Bohemian Brigade.' N Experiments With Electric Light. New York, October 16. An experiment was made in Whitehall street last night with the -electric light, recently invented by a Frenchman, with which he claims to be able to light up the city with a single lamp more completely than gas companies can do. The light on exhibition last night was so bright as to be painful tdlbe naked eye, and cast bright gleams all over the bay. , - A Bostonian recently from London tells of an American oar-room waicu uc iisiwu, u Leicester square, at which, : among other drinks, were "Maiden's Blush,n "Corpse Re viver," "Eye Duster," ''Gum-Tickler," "Rat tlesnake," "Eye Opener," Stone-Fence," "Cider Cp," with some dozen others. THE DRUNKARD'S DAUG HTER. We cannot find words to express ' our emo tions when we first read the following touching verses,' Thev Stir the soul to Its vcrv deiiths. and we dety, a man of feelmg 'to readthe4 witha wraricas eye. a youn lady, iwhose life has been made wretched by the dnmkennesar'ofher father, is the author f and onlv one who had -J walked woe depthsxould write such a powerful piece. She wrote and sent it to a triendj who had called her a monomaniac,' in her bitter hatred to the - aeaoiy cup" St. Louis JtYess. . v . Go, feel what 1 have felt, ' ' . : Go, bear what I have borne f 5 Sink 'neaUi the blow a father dealt, . : And the cold proud world's scorn-. ..Thus struggle on from year to year j - xuj sole reaei me tear. . . , - ' Go," weep as I have went - ' O'er alov'd father's fall,' V f: 8ee every cherish' d promise swept,- Hope's faded flowers strew'd all the way . . That led me up to woman's day. r k ; - :' Go, kneel as I have knelt; 1 ; ' J Implore, beseech and pray f Strive the besotted heart to meU The downward course to stay.. . Be cast with bitter tears, aside: " v Ihy prayers burlesqued, thy tears defied! Goi stand where I have 6tood, -J And see the strong man bow; ' ' w . With gnashing teeth, lips bathed la blood, Ana co:a ana uvia orow ; r x - Go, eitch his wand'ring glance and see TViow mlrtwoM Vita a rn I' j miianr" -;-ff Go, hear, what I have heard, ' The sobs of sad despair, As memory's feeling fount hath stirred, And its revealinjrs there : I . J ' Have told him what he might have been, Mad he the drunkard's fate foreseen. i Go,' to my mother's side, " - i ' And her crush' d spirit cheer. Thine own deep anguish nide, Wipe from her cheek the tear Mark her dimm'd ey. her furrow'dbrow. The gray that Btreaks her dark hair no , uer toil-worn frame, her trembling limb, i - And trace the ruin back to him 1 .j; t " . -Whose plighted faith in early youth : v . i Promised eternal love and truth But who, foresworn, hath yielded up ' 1 ' i This promise to the deadly cup, . f And led down from love and light ' From all that made her pathway bright " And cbain'd here there, mid want and strife, ' That lowly thing a Drunkard's Wife,' v I : And etamp'd on childhood's brow so mild, i That withering "blight a Drunkard's Child, t Go, hear, and see, and feet and know All that my soul has felt or kuown-f : Their look upon the wine cup's glow; See it its brightness can atone, Think if its flavor you would try. If all proclaimed" 'Tis drink and di Tell me I hate the bowl ! .Hate is a feeble word 1 loathe, abhor my very soul l With fetrong disgust is stirr'd ..Whene'er I see, or hear, or tell; Of the dark beverage of Hell ! j ' ' - 'Union Xeasrues of America estate Councils of the Union League of America may be addressed as follows : ; W. W. Holden, Raleigh, N.' 'C.J Grand President for North Carolina, i ; Charles. Wilson Horner, Raleigh, N. C., Thomas G. liaker, 74 wall street, Wew York; . - I Samuel F. G winner, or . Wm. B. Thomas, Philadelphia, Pa. , t j I Benj. S. Morehouse, Newark, N. J.j . ' Charles H. Gatch, or Henry Stockbridge, Baltimore, 3Id. ' "" . . ' Andrew Washburn, Richmond, Va, !,.: ;,S. Pillsbury, or E. W. M. Mackey, Charles ton, , v. - pmx. Wm. Marham, Atlanta, Ga. A. A. Knight, Lake City, Florida. John C. Keffer, Montgomery, Ala.! A. Mygatt or James Dugan, vVicksburg Jiiss. ... , . . . Gen. H. Thomas, Nash ville, Tenn. V. Dell, Fort8mith, Ark. I H. C. Dibble New Orleans, La. J. Geo. H.' Harlow, Springfield! Jll. I j f Republican Candidates for the Constito- Buncombe County. Thomas j J: Chandler. Transylvania" and Henderson. J ames ! H. Duckworth. ' " ; ! . ' Robeson County. O. S. Hayes, Joshua. L. Nance. ' : " . :. Randolph County. R. F. Throgden, T. L. Cox. " V j -. 'I - . i Richmond County. --Dr. R. Ji Powell, i "Hyde jCounty.-Dt. A. J. Glover. j - i Carteret Covt,nty.? Hon. . David Heaton, Captain Wm. H. S. Sweet, and Clinton D. Piereon. ,v'-.- 4 New Hanover County. Qtrx. J. C. Abbott, ReviB. S. Ashley, and A. H Galloway, r i . :.1 wiv .1 " A young lady from the seminary atM- . being asked at the table if she would have some more cabbage; replied : "By no means; gastronomical satiety admonishes me I that I have arrived at the" ultimate culinary degi- tation consistent with the code of Escu lapius." As she drew back from the table, it was - concluded "eaten a heap." that she meant she had COmiERClU. ' WILMINGTON MARKET. .octiiselM. ROSIN. Market unsettled and depressed, with but few transactions: The sales for the diy are only 42 bbls.: 23 bbls. low No. 1 at $3 374, and 17 bbls. No. 2 at 13 25 bbl. ; ' i t - SPIRITS TTJKPENTINE. Sales pf 72 bblai at 53cts. . gallon. Market dull at the decline, with but little disposition, either: aniDng buyers, or holders to operate. . r .. J .-..,4 CRUDE TURPENTINE. Sales of a small lot at S3 80 for yellow dip and virgin, and $2 GO for hard, $ bbL of 280 lbs. f , ' TAR. Sales of 66 bbkC at $3 65 bbL' OARING INTELUQG.VGB.- PORT OF WlLaiNGTON. . . , !. - Octobejr 17. Str Fairbanks, Hunter, from New York, to Worth & DanieL - f j- 8tr Hurt, Skinner, from Fayettevillfc, to Worth A DanieL I ' Str Worth. Hurt from Fayeti111e, to I Worth & DanieL . . . Schr Ida Nicholson,' De Joic, from 8avannah, for , to Worth & Daniel, with loss of bow sprit ' - ' " .,. ; . Cleared. , October 17. Str Hurt Skinner, for Fay etteville, by Worth & DanieL - ; , 8tr Gov Worth.: Hurt, for FayettevUle, by Worth & DanieL t , . . vt - . - xj.-j.tj- g j i --r- 1 . . . rt-. - : - h DOMESTIC RECEIPTS. October IS, 18S7 rer cteamer Worth .1 in hM. L lv iiLVu"; ?ao wpentlne, to Robinsbu, 8mith & Co, A Johnspu & Co, W H LuttcHoh, mon & Co, HB Eilers. ' i - I Per Steamer Hurt 103 bbls! rosin: ftt hhu spinw, io a AicKimmon uo A ! Johnson & Co, Worth & DanicL CIIQ0L D00I1G DECEIVED 1 A NY 8CHOOL BOOK RECENTLY f jlx. quired for, may now be had at f I - N j--- . . 1. LOVE'S Book Store Oct 19. : - " r j ... i..HM, :'2th $10 , RES"W-A:aai v T70R RETlTRNj TO ME OF A LARGE BROWN 1?, Milk . Cow wth white spot in forehead, which stayed from my house cn the 16th Inst ll1-- : R. RANSOM. ) 5 - ; LlST.pF LETTERS Remaining in theWilrainston Post OOce f.. . I ..unclaimed. Persons calling for any of the above! lettera will say "advertised? A- Albert L Lucas CC Lucas M E Arecation Barbry AiKiuson dauK Babcock Jehu K Baker J vicF i Bayard T F Bell Denist Belimy Juliar Bin AnnE Bowman Dow - Marshall Henry . Aiasoa wames ' Merrymaa Adam Merrick Moses Miller Mary B Morris Henry . 1 Moore Harry . ' Mott Finney A Murray iB & Son Murren Ned Murrell Isaac McKensy Mike ; 1 McGreal Paul Nelson John Newkirk James R Nixon John D 5 Orme Mike ) Petterson George Prater H I Price Helen V -Putnam Cj , Reaqes Amey Rite John I i Roth well Clarissa Robinson Bartv Brookings John M BuU W A : Cary Miss -Cerman L W Chinnis Samuel R Cleary Thomas I Collins Cornelia !2 Coui?letou Jos D CorbettMary Craneford Rebecca CurtUHE. Davis Aaron Davis Love -Davis Martha Dixon Clemantine 2 Donelou Catherine Downinard Jas & Son Dyer Elizabeth Ellis Mary E c , E vans John ' Everitt H D ' Frost Charles L Sampson Holly 1 , Sawyer Nelly Sbuter A M i Shepherd Hiram " : Simpson J C . " Solomon Emily ' . Seyrans Josey : ScUultz S W Smith J H ! ' Smith William Fraisor Linton H Garrason J B ' Garvass Kaidred Godfry Grace Goss Josiah ' Green Louisa v Hall Mary ? ' Hall Sue VV- SklpDer Ezekiel Skilcer Johnl SnggJdhn Hall H G St Maur C Harding, Baldwin & Co Steinhart & Bro Harris Susan A 8tarr Henry Hansley Mary E Hargrove John Hatton John EayJIDtLa HeutlnAsa - , Taylor James Taylor Joe Chaplain layior j osepn Terrell Charley J 2 Thompson Ashberry Henderson Georgt xnompson u l Tucker Mrs! VannHD j Vailarur Rosanna :WaddellSHi iiewiett vv a Hewlett Ed Hill Amy 2, . Hill Anna Hill Robert Horn Hosea W 2 Hogan Mary Inghram M P Joins Mary i Johnson James Johnson Susan - Wades worth Emily Warric Allen! w . , Warrick Alfred Washlngtori William White Amry I WlllUms F M Johnson Marinda Wilson John William J J Willi ims J D Jones Fanny . Jones Emanuel -Jordan Emiliqe Jordan H C Williams Simon Wiggins O Ai Wlhiami Sarah C Wilson Samuel . Wilt ami WW Keatly John Kelly SS;1 Kellogg Charlotte Airiuana F M KnapD Geonre Winston W S' Wright A ' Larnngton Prince Zedic H L-etneraui Clemantine Ship Letters. Adams John - Owens Wil'iam Anderson N, v Petlrick Samuel ' Baxter Byron S ' . Price D L I Cab Joseph Captain ' R itcLffe Thomas Clarcfc George W r 1 v ' Smith Wm B Capt uraumer iNatnan L-Uapt SteueartiWm Uapt uumimgs wm tx . ; sKOgiana Anders Eruling Archibald Capt Scittt John E SL John A B 2 Hill Edward J Kins: J S Simondsj David D Capt spictei spencer Turner Capt! I ; - . Williams S 4 Capt 2 ! Wilson Thomas Cant Lacy JohnS 2 I Marts Samuel uap Miller John WI2 Newcome Geo W E Webb Constandt P Capt ED. R. BRINK, P. IL Pj O. Wilmihgtdn, N.j C.,1 Oct l7th(, 1 1867. A .r.i-'-'-W-m-.-r, 8. T. PUT rB WAT. soaca Moosa i PjrrEff AY & UOORE' GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS NORTH WATEIt STREET, O OLICIT J CONSIONMENTS hV ' fftOTTftW OLICIT s CONSIGNMENTS OF ! fC O NAVAL : STORES 'AND COUNTRY PRO DUCE. f i A: u -i .; I . -j , -i .h M A A ! Beim? AGENTS for the Manafiknrerm r prepared to fill, on the most reasonable terms; oruers ior . j j . . r -. i . GEO. KIDD'S CELEBRATED ? : ; I V V:' COTT0K OIKS, ZELL'8 RAWBONE "Ml I SUPER-PHOSPHATE, BROWNfS COUNTER, , PLATFORM and RAIL- P . ' h :" U ROAD SCALES. Have constantlv on hand ni all JAS. L. DATMWAY &' CTLCY. (Formerly HATHAWAY & CO., Importers 1 Of Molasses and Suaf, Wilmington N. C.) Shipping and : 171 PEARL Commission Merchants 9 STREET NEW YORK. TXTE SOLICIT consignment of Cotton, 2tr YV- Tal Stores, Sheetings, Yarns, Tobacco, and other Southern Products, to the sale of which our prompt! personal attention will be given. We will make libera advances upon re ceipt of Invoice and Bill of Lading.! All Mer chandise and Produce shipped to uafor sale are insured from point of shipment, with or without advice. Invoices should always accompamy each shipment i- ,- -'-' A A: . . ' J ' ; . i - 'a - j -; : ; 1 4 Both of us having had over twenty years ex perience in business in the South, and our J. L. HATHAWAY three years in New York, we feel confident we . can secure full - prices 1 zor: our friends who will favor us with their t consign ments... . - i ,1 r 1 -J JAS. L. HATHAWAY. WM. R. UTIXT. The lanzuarre ot nature and experience demon.' btrates, that whoever would enjoy the pleasures of food the beauties of landscapes the joys o companionship the richness ot literature of : tne nonors or station and renown must present heir health. i - - :,4;if-; A:,, .-.vriv The stomach ia the receptacle of air nourlah. ment and the tountaiu from which all parts of the body, derive sustenance. The eifect of ioul injurious food entering the stomach, is to de x range the digestive organs and produce headache, -loss of appetite, unrefresbed sleep, foetid breath, low spirits, teverlsh burning, constipation. In-1 capacity to perform any mental or physical duty. . vbv., uiu wo tuo jmpiuui3 oi iuair uorrna cusease DYSPEPSIA wmcu assumes a thousand shapes: and tm! nt towards a miterobU life ondprematun decay. The :i Medical Faculty has Ubored for generations to discover reliable appetaers and the proper means of overcoming1 stomach derangements. 1 Certain 1 Insredlents have been, long known as partially effective. Among these were ' U i p v. CALIS AY a! DARK & ST. CROIX HUM. An invalid physician, sojourning in the tropical Island of St Croix, observing the habits Ot the ' natives, gathered the recipe tor the final accca. plUhment ofthis most important end. Tbe aril cle was first used as a private medicine, when its salutarr effects becoming known, it was brought out under the name of 54?ji;;i .aa;.J.. DRAKE'S' PLANT ATIO CITT12Rs;j Thfy;act with unerring power, and re taken with the pleasure of leverage. They perform most wonderful curesln stubborn cases of Dys pepsisJ Uver j Complaint Nervous Affecaons, Loss of Appetite, Intermittent Fevers. Dlarrhoja. - 8our Stomach, Headache. Fever and Aeuc Weakness, Mental Despondency, &c As a morn i ' ing appetizer and after dinner tonic, they should be lu every family. They are a delightful ex h lie ratinz stimulant, without any subsequent stupe ying reacUon. i ; ' 1 i .';!. . I IMPORT ANT) CERTIFICATE; 1 , J j' j T." RocnssTEB, December 28th, 1831; ' " ' Messrs. P. H. Daaxc Gentlemen I have suf fered terribly with Dyspepiia for three or four, years, and tried many remedies without effect 1 1 had to abandon my profession, and suffej id rreat ly from evervthinir I ate. I have now tHd thn Plantation Bitters they helped me I continued their use, and km now; nearly a well man. I know 01 several simuar cases. ResDectlullv voura. Rsv., J 8. CATHoasi. t A- S. T.f 18C0-X. intelligent persons and phytdclaus can Judrs on the efficacy of the Plantation Bitters from the1 iouo wing partial ior mala : , - j 4 ci 1 1 j v h CASCARI LLA D ARK Was known and used In Germany for Dys juronic uiarrooea, cuouc. Dysentery, jan Dis- a eases efthe Sto Jiach and Bowels, as early as 1690 ! 1 !U.N01SIION. : I v F6r Inflamations of the Loins and Spleen Dropsical Affections and Biliary Secretions, Obstructions of the Abdominal Vlacera. ; 3:--W,..r ti,'.;.,. ,.;M( ,1 In or CALIS AY Ar OR KING 'S BARK. Was noknowd to civilization until the middis of the 7th century., Humboldt makes, favorable . mention of the febrituge qualities Of this article as an Antidote ; Fever and Ague, ' Intermittent and Malarious! Fevers, in his. extensive South American travels. The . Countess,! Wife 'of the Viceroy of Peru, having experienced the benefi cial effects of the Bark, sent it to Europe in l0.. It was sold by the Jesuits for the enormous sum , of U weight in silver j and was thus called Jesuits' Powder, ji In J.G58, 8ir John Talbot employed It with great success in France, in the treatment of Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Nervous Affection. Los of Appetite, Weakness and Debility, Pal pitation of the Heart, Diarrhoea, &c., under the name" of English Powdery and in 1679, he sold the secret jot its origin to Louis XIV. by whom it was divulged. It is now a standard remedy in all Pharmacopoeia, and Is employed In j prepar--Ing the PlanUtlon Bitters. ; ' ,4 1 j vnamomtue f lowers, for enfeebled ( Digestions ; WintergreetK valuable for Scrorula. 1 RhenmatUm.5 and Neiratlc Affections ; Lavendsr , Flower t aro matic, stimulant and Tonic, higbiv invigorating in Nervous Debility ; Anise, an aromatic carmi- native, creatiui? flesh, muscle used in nursinsr. : - J and mlllc , Much ; ' s. t.ti8C0-x; Another ingredient of remarkable and Wonder ) ml ylrtue used In the preparation of these Bit ters, is a native of Brazil, and as yet unknown to tne commerce pi tne worio. a aj Spanish writer says "admlnUtereawlthSt Croix , never fails to relieve nervous tremor, wake BuU fulness, disturbed sleep, Ac, and that It is used with great effect by the Brazilians, Spanish and Peruvian ladies to heighten their color and beau ty, j It imparts, cheerfulness to the " disposition, vigor to the appetite, and brilliancy to the com pletion.' -A T-t :, ;! A h'v.. i'M We withhold, its nanie from the public for the present ; iAr-- -r""t.Vir ' ! - - ' 1; " ft A' To: the above are added Clove Buds, Orange, uarraway, vonanuer, onasiervoot, c, all pre eervea 1 penepiy pure ' . &: ' -' st-'cRdix'RUM The tonic properties of St Crobc Rum' 1 and Its powerful invigorating j effects, havd been long Known to tne pnyaiciaai or tue wo no. 1 y ? 'BUious, intermitteat and Chill Fevefsv engen dered by the change of water, and diet f travel-; ers, particularly upon western l ivers ate prevett? t tea ana curea by the Plantation Bitters. They are aiso reiiaoie to prevent sea sickttessi I , WHAT OTHERS SAY Philadelphia. 1st month. 16th dav.1663. ; '(EsTMD FauixD, Wilt thou send me an other dozen of thy Bit ters f Nothing hns proven ' so beneficial to my invalid wile or myself, as the , Pladtation Bitter. ' -, 1 Thy friend v H JM . AA i-h.;1 '-?..t f-lv ViiiiQ HOWLAJID.' ! Ni B. The secret of the immense! sale of the ' Plantation Bitters, is their guaranteed purity." The! St Croix Ham, and, every, article f U4ed, as ! warranted perfectly pure, andj the money will be returned it not as re pce$entet ; -M - The Plantation Bitters are put up in unique quart bottles, and sold by all respectable Drug gists.! Grocers, Hotels tnd ReitauraaU through oat the world. IBs-particular1 that every, bottle , bears Vxtfac simile ot the Proprietor's signature. ; n. V-i s P. IL DRAKE & CO., :( 1 z rar& now, aew vy. Afig5 TO SHINGLE DlUFACTUREBS. The undersigned offers for sale the pttcnt rigftt to manufacture and us 8 in anv Of the Southern SUtes, the MILLER SHINGLE MACHINE, which Is one of the shingles, In use. ' f machines or sawing This machine was patented on the Ith bfJttlj', 1S58. and has been much immoved ! since: but owing to the war, has1 not been Introduced Into the henth- It la adapted for KtAveS as well AS shingles, cutting themleven, or with any bevel aesirea. '-j , .M 1 tide, and The taw first enters the bolts on the consequently turns outlbetter work than! can he done by most other machines. it is simpie construction, not liable to get out of, repair, and is built entirely of iron. -I, t: -v U- j- Tt inprnnfiyi a itums nf1 fonr feet bv 'six. but can be built of anv size, the ones now in ; use being for stares or shingles from SO Inches down. roa sale os Very Literal Terms. 7 ---.!', J'..' :l-'A Machines can be manufactured la th .. ; T-., seltyi where all the patrons are on hand, If desired. - ; A machine can be seen In operation 'at the subi rihir' mill, on CasUO street wdatij ; ther particulars, addressl or call upon J: .;,' ! ', J. C. MANNi: . at 8-tf WilmlastcaL ZTCf 'i'.-lf i-it i. 4 U-t- .11: ly.: m !

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