IE M,II DM Mi,: WILMINGTON. N. C7. NOVEMBER 6, 1867. MAILS CLOSE. .. A. 1L P. M. Through Northern i "Way 1 7 80 Southern I . , - r 8 SO Office opens i - 7 SO ; Office closes' ; . 1 6 00 1 Arrival and Departure of Trains. L - TRAINS ARRIVE, A. M. P. M. From the North, W. W. R. R. 2 20 8 00 " 8outh, W. M. K. R. 5 15 8 50 W.C, R. R.Rj,Mon.,Wed.,Fri. 1 4 00 TRAINS DEPART. A. M. P. M. f Going North, W. W. R. R. 6 00 9 SO " South W. M. R. R. - 2 50 8 40 W C. R. R RTues.; Thurs., Sat. 8 00 ' Wilmington Money Market, Oct; $G, 67. COBBECTED WEEKLY BY JAMES DAWSON SAKXEB. Exchange on New York, buying par and selling par. ' .. - 1 v V- N. Carolina Bonds old sixes, with all the ! eotmcms on sinca Mav. 1861.. . . .. ...... . . i .64 N. Carolina Bonds new sixes.. .... ..50 IN.C. Connons ...... 45 NAMES BUYINO RATES. SELLTNO BATES. BANKING. RAIL ROADS. mn:;cz;3 coluiin. r MIL.,, FIRST NATIONAL BANE ,7 OP V7I1LMINGTON, IN. C. United States Depository, and Financial ; ; 'Agent. :- . Dxbsctobs: ; ; W. H. McRaby, - ; JAg. H. Chadboubst, S. D. Wallace, EliMubbat. DdivihE. Bobbuss, President.! i Asa K. Walkeb, Cashier, i , : - - " Wm. Labkiks, Teller. r H. M. Bowden, Book-Keeper. f ' S. D. Wallace, Jb., Clerk. 1 mniS BANK IS NOW OPEN FOR : THE I TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS. GOLD AND SILVER COIN, Government Bonds f and Securities. I i . . NOTES OF 80LVENT and other State banks f purchased and sold. . t ! . EXCHANGE ON NORTHERN AND SOUTH : "RRN CITIES alwavs on hand and for sale. COLLECTIONS made on all accessible points in f the United States, with prompt returns. 2 . DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and. careful attention - given to the accounts or dub m ess men. aug. 14 ' - - . 6-mos wiluiuqtq; alio -wsicaa n.hfre n t?,r s n nnnnArw v4 Ui ' uut.jruijw Gold..... : 8ilver.... BANKNOTES Cape Fear....'... i Bank of N.Cj. i Farmer's Bank............ Merchants' Bank 1... ! Roxboro . . . . J . . . .'w . . i Charlotte. . . .!. . - Thomasville .i. .. . ..... . . Lexington, atL.. . i Vf lr ora" gnil Planian I Wilmington. Wadesboro'.. 1 Commerce... I Commercial . U . . . . .. .... .. j Greensboro Mutual....... ! Fay etteyille ,' . . ... ........ I Clarendon. ; .... . . . . . . . . Washington... I Yanceyllle ...1, ............ ! Lexington at Graham. . . . 44.... 40,;.. 'oo...; 4 i ... 42ft. 1 38(03. ..II 26.... S-iul oo - 9:... oo 20.. 00.... RATES OF FREIGHT. , . ' steamer. gjg . (t (t ii (( . TOKBW TOBK. Cotton, :... ! Rosin....... 4.... .f bbl ! Spirits " Tar................ ! Pea Nuts . . . . j . $ bush. TO BALTIMORE. , i Cotton. . . . . . . L. .. ...ISt Rosin........ L....,bbl ! Crude Turpcntme.." " j Spirits " .." I Tar,;... ..... u ! Pea, Nuts... .1 bush. Lumber. . ... J ......... . TO PHILADBLPHIA. Cotton, . . . . . . I. ...... 19 2 Rosin bbl i Crude Turpentine. iu 4i Spirits " ..' Tar,.........,......" " i Lumber. .... .V. ..... I. . ! " TO BOSTON. ! Cotton,.. ...!.. ...:.$lb Rosin,. ...... I... ;.bbl ! Crude Turpentine.." " ! Bpirits I Tar,.... . Pea Nuts i Lumber. 12i00 00 ict UK (I ti . . bush. 00; 50 00f 75 00 50 C0 f 15 ici 55 40 00 40 00 60 00 1 40 ,00 10 7i8 00 t ; ''i - I"' :-. cL i 00i 40 I 00j 40 0 00 I 70 ! 00i 40 8 00 8 25 let 60 60 90 60 0 ! 00 ,10 00 ooo WHOLESALE PRICES CUR PENT. WilmikotOn, N. C., Oct.! 26, 1867, i i "i(BEB S WAX f lb..........l....3435 BEEF CATTLE. 100ttS..$6 001000 i BABBELS. v Spts. T.; new! N.Y. $3 504 25 id hand do.. 2 753 25 ; BAGGING. 2800 2628 1114 130 ...23(25 ...2123 n. Gunny....... Dundee-:.,... Rope............ BBICKS. $ M......flpOO15O0 COITEE. ID. Java... J.....L.. 38(40 Laguyra Kio St Domingo. CANDLES. Sperm. .5055 Adamantine .2024 Tallow.......!... 1820 domestics. yard. Sheeting, 4-4 J . . . 14 16 Yarn, bunf l 902 00 FISH, DDL -Mulletsr-O 0 00 oakhbls.9 5Uio Pine do. . .$7 00 - Mackerel - No.lJ....20 0021 00 No.2.....19 0020 00 No. 3,....00 0016 00 Kits...... 3 00 3 25 Herring, Nova Scotia bbs, 5 00 7 00 Herring, smoked boxes. . . . .00 6000 75 Codfish. . . . .00 900 10 N. C. Roe..lO 50l2 00 floub, bbl. Family:... $12 5015 00 Super ...... 8 7510 00 Fine.,3...... B50Q 9 00 gbain.. $ bushel. Wheat.white.f0 000 00 Scantling. . 0C10 00 White piae.45 0050 00 v:'- J . LIME. ' : t i :- $ bbl....;. i.1 S0200 molasses, $? s allon. Cuba hhd..j,. 4952 do tierce. ,.K i 00 do bbl...i. - ' '55 Syrup....... !.;.60rai 00 Sugar House. -. 1 . 4550 nails, lb.1 Cut ..,.6 757 00 Wrought . '. . i "... . .0000 oils, gallon. Rosin J035055 Lard 1 30150 Kerosene... J 500 55 Linseed.....! 1751 90 Pitch .. 3 504 00 PEANUTS, --i -J'-."..v -;' bushel... $2 753 00 POTATOES, bbl. IrishbbL....$4004 00 Sweet, bush.; ;f 751 00 pboyisioxs. Bacon. N.C. ! 4- Hams... . .L..V; 2425 Middlings.!. .... 1519 f Shoulders J. . . . .1618 Mog round. ... .1720 Bacon, Western t . Bides.....:.. 17(319 Wheat, red. Corn, North.. Corn, Eas Co. Oats......... Peas......... Rice, rough.. Rice, clean... E.L rice..... Glue, & . Gunny Bags', Guano, Peruvian, ton. 1718 2024 &2750 2600 625 00 0 000 00 135140 185145 00090 1 50l5; 0 12 12 110 12 ...20 25 .35 45 00 '9250; 00 . HAT. Eastern.... .. SI 30 New York...) 85 v HIDES. ; i Green ..i.... 950 Dry :....1S17 j IRON, ID. 1 English, assM 8 American, refO I American, ' 6li6dr 9 I Swede....... 10 ! Hood. F ton, 155 C016Q 00 LiQuoBs, y gaiiom i uranay r French.. 14 00 Apple,NC. D OOi Peach ....0, OOi Whiskey j Bourbon.. 2 N. C...... 2 LUMBER, BIVEB, & M. Wide bds.. 110 00(312 00 Scantling... 800(10 00 Flooring... 15 0018 00 Flooring Mill : i Rough . . ..25 0000 00 nlaned.. ..35 00(340 00 00 90 10 10 10' 12 20 00 i 0 00 ! 0 00 5 00 3 00 Shoulders Hams.... Pork, bbli : Uitym'ssf36 00( Thin M iOO OOi Prime.... 23 00 Rump.... 22 OOi Beet... .v.. do Butter, IbL Country..... ...2535 Goshen j. 1 . ... ;3540 Western. ... .. . ..0000 Cheese, $ ft. I m English dairy. :1720 atate ....itxaxi Lard, lb. ! i . N. Carolina.... 1719 .'; Western.... .'..;iS17 ONIONS. h bbl...... '..4 50500 , 8UGAB, i lb. Guba... ;.:... 12 1S Crushed. . .... ... :1819 Porto Rico.... .1415 A Coffee. ,.i.... l718. B do.......... 1617l Cdoi....... 1516 Havana Brown :.1213f T SALT, If 8aCK. Liverpool, from ) i store. ..ita 25rS)285 Alum, bush 60 0 621 soap, lb. ! Brown. . . . . i.v. ...9(313 SHINGLES. M. Common ... i S3 50(2)5 50 Contract.. . .!. 5 007 00 TIMBER, i j Shipping. ..12 0013 00 Mill prime. .10 00312 00 Mill fair... ..8 50 9 00 miu ord'T,.io woa 7 00 TOBACCO. Navy ..L... .2535 Medium. . . . L . . .. 8040 Manufactured. 60$1 00 ' TALLOW. $ lb 1011 wood, cord. Oak......;.i$400a4 75 Ash :. 0 003 75 Pine,.......L a00350 Land Plasteb, .- wjn.i,..,....:.i5W - banking; housb JAY- COOKE &;G0., No. 20 WALL STREET, Corner of Nassau Street, NEW YORK. it m jM Omcz Eng. and Bupt W. & W. R. R., J r - WlLMINGTONjUCtODer 11, 1867. 1 GN AND AFTJfiK TliS 15STH OCTOBER the following Schedule will be run over this Road: I ' . DAY PASSENGER, AND MAIL TRAIN. V Leaves Wilmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 6 A. M.; arrives at Weldon o Jr. M. " ' leaves vveidonj aajijrjiouuuajs excepted) at NIGHT EXPRESS MAIL AND PASSENGER Leave Wilmington daily at .9:30 P. M. Arrive at Weldon at .6:00 A. M. Leave Weldon daily at. ...... . .!. .... .6:25 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington at. . . ; . . .!. , . . . .2:20 A. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN. v v leaves Wilmineton daily (Siunday excented at 4 A. M., and arrives ai vy eiaon a-or.M. .Leaves Weldon daily (Sundays excented at . ...... . 71 TTTtl A 4:00 A. M., and arrives ai yvuiningion at 6:00 P. Trains pass GoldsDoro' at :W, 10:30 and 10:50 A. M., going north ; at a:ou, iu. 10 r. M. and 10: 50 A. M., going 8outh, connecting with Trains to Raleigh and 10:d0 A. M. and fur ther points at 2:ou r. m. Ehgbeer and Superintendent ' octl3 t - . iVM. t . Aim WMte Emery ; PoYzaer, ii,..-..! - ...J- "... f. . - , -j ... , ...I I--; Warranted Superior to anything now in use for Cleaning and Polishing all kinds ofllet- SofSSS pir.'f 'in ti li'ii a rvna ,: DISTRICT OF NORTH CAXoiZ1 United Stotes - " 19 BaleCotton. . " ; tlbel ' TTn .' Sr.hliplrpi-L may concern-.Greeth,; NOTICE IS HEREBY GlVPv i the 25th. day of June. isS? v THE; : liAQGEOT als. Mirfors, !Vnaow uiass, - ' Pamt9 and all such Purposes- . . . ; . - ' : 11 - ,r " ' - For sale Wholesale and: Retail by cotton were seized atUwiw?: l bau County of New Hanover.vas thf0-1 C? Peter 6chlicker,.by L. G. g Internal Revenue for the SMUecti' Carolina. .oll1 visa thO' 1 mir.Pii - wrnToa A 3 ''wn u.4. vu" r"nT.r"'r thu . beued I Dy u. xx, oiaruucK, AttOm"." kT FRENCH Stock, and Assortment CxEO. Z.' ITaTo. 10 -Front Street, United 8tatet for condemnation ffiyurtij? the said Libel set forth; and that e stand for trial at the Court Room nf bcr, 1SG7, at noon, if that be a jjSilf KoS not, at the next day of Jnris4S3fSh? -4 WILUIICGTON, N. C. IN XHE.BTATE v E BUY and sell at the most liberal current Wilmington & Manchester R. B VV nrloM ATid tppr rm hand a full SUDDlv of rinVTC kNMkN T BONDS OF ALL I8SUES. BEVEN-THIRTIE3. and COMPOUND INTER EST NOTES, and execute orders lor purchase nd sale of ST OCKS.-BONDS and GOLD. ; v - CONVERSIONS. .. '. ; M We convert the several issues of Be veit this tles into FlVB-TWINTIES ON THE MOST TAVOBA- blb tbbms. taking the 1st series at Govbbn- ment Rates, allowins: a commission; tot dealers. Circular with full particulars furnished upon ap plication. 1 ' ' JAY COOKE & CO. SOLD AT illMI PUIS 1. . b.- : :; - DIRECTIONS. Avply with a damp sponge or cloth, and rub dry with a soft cloth or leather, till the lustre apr oears. No. 1 is to be used for all Fine Articles, ana m o . iur o lcci, xi uu, v j i , ses, and where there is much rust. Be careful to observe the Number. Use but very little at a time, tiy-mmi ' K J- -1 m: .1 ? t; when and where all persons are warnkt to show cause why condemnation S Xi S decreed, and to intervene for their Hf Given under my haqd, at office i rSvft-' D. R. GOODLOE: U S : VJ. H. Nefp, Deputy MarshaT ! oct i - " vs. ! -. 5 Barrels Whisky. To JHander & Co., and to all k : . may concernGreetins 1RA7. fl'iVfi h oflnionnJ rice Twenty-five, cents tper Box? Treasury of the United (States. DIVIBION OF THE NATIONAL BANKS ; Washington, D. C.; Feb 20, 1867. TT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED THAT THE A First National Bank of Wilmingtbn. N. U, a Banking Association organized under the Act 'to provide a National Currency,1 secured by a pieuffo Ol UUILCU DUIIC9 JJUiiua, wu w;j;iuuuo for the circulation and redemption' thereof.", ap-' J mna 1 Viarincr pn'mnliM -with the. requirements of section 45 of said Act, and with the reffulationB of this Department mkde in pur suance thereof, has this day been designated as a Depository ot ruoiic MoneySi except receipis from Customs, and by virtue of such designation will also be employed as a Financial Agent of the Government. , - (Signed) F. E. SPINNER, Treasurer, U S. aug. 5 ..,'.!, :tf FURNITURE, j FURNIT URK. FURNITURE. : . ' - 1 - - . - . . f j, manufactured by .:V ... ! I ' F". ZRUTINA, 96 AND 98 CAST HOUSTON STREET, NEW YORK CITY.I all this furniture consisting! of PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROOM and LIBRARY SUITS, is of the latest styles and manufactured of the very beat material, under the personal supervis ion of the proprietor and guaranteed.: k Parties in the South desiring fine household furniture can be supplied direct from the manufactory, or those about visiting JN ew i ork will find it to their advantage to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ! - j . -j ALL GOODS WARRANTED. aug 8 v.- - j 3meod GSNZSAL SDPEErNTENDENT'S OFFICE, ) Wil. & Man. R. R. Co.,- V Wilminerton, N. C, Oct. 5. 1867. I . ON AND AFTER OCTOBER 6th PA8SEN erer Trains of this Road will run on the fol lowing Schedule : . v.;: t-.fci ::;vT" ,. , EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave w i!mngton... . .... , vU . 2:80 A. M. Arrive at Florence. 8:10 A. M. Arrive at Kings ville.... ; 11:45 A; M. Leave KlnffsviUe. ..11:30 A. M. Arrive at Florence. ... .... . 2:55 P. M. Arrive at WUmington.Q......VS;. .:, 8:55 P. M. ACCOMMODATION f TRAIN, Leave Wilmington. ....... ... , .7:50 P M. Arrive at KingsviUe;: . . . . ....10:3 A; M. Leave Kingsvme.,..........f..;,....2:00 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington. V. . . ... ;5:15 A M Express Train connects closely r at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad for Charleston. and Cheraw and Darlington Kai! road for Cheraw, ana ai A.irgsviiie wun xne aouin Carolina Kail- road lor Columbia and Augusta. .accommodation irain will run daily (Sundays excepted) and connect at Kingsville with the South Carolina Railroad for Columbia and Au gusta. : I WM. MACRAE, General Superintendent. oct 6 - , , NOTICE TO SHIPPERS OF 4 FREIGHT. FOR 8 OEi Read the following Certificates; Messrs, WHITING & CO.. 1 - pnt ? The samDie oi vvilii.ii. jJu.ejij. iur-. nished by you for testing its merits4n polishing and cleaning the engines of stt amers Fulton and Araso. has provea liseu very useiiu iur mm. ui- pose, ana equal, u noi supwur, w &uj .xx.u , oa bindvT have ever seen used. It produces ready, bright polish, , and endures the damp and heat of the engine room to a greater extent than when brightened by any other material ' and I consider it highly .usera! ror steamsnips i Yntirs. verV trulv. ; New York, Feb. 12, 1867. ? .. wuibky were seizeu ai wumington. httw ' ty of New Hanover, as the properWtJ ivf & CO.. DV L,- C K&tca CnllifWr fT' t - . -" . : wuirn nr v - Carolina, as toneitedto the use ol Urates, ana tne same is libelled by iv V? bucK, Attorney or the United 8tatp i cute d in the Circuit Court of the UnltM 1 set lorth: and that said causes-win r ai vr ourt,at Wito y i on wie urei. juuuuay iu govern Der. 1867 .r' a if that be a lurisdiction dav. if ! T.7 J1 I day of jurisdiction thereaften when .? ' all persons are warned to appear to jho why condemnation should not be decreeiw intervene for their interests. i 2" c; Given under my hand, at office, in wiWt. ; on 15th day of August, 1867. ; .i 1866. time Extraordinary Flnducemeiits TO CASH BUYERS. A. WHITING, t tsi(ise"'ssi Mfctaw- ij It- it-...M fr-S2- III M C0UNTRY1TRADERS W ILL DO WELL ' TO CALL AND MISCELLANEOUS. OUR FRIENDS will please bear in miid that we are now prepared to print ; : f ! j v Oirpulars, Bill-HeadR, - ".v.. -B U:S I N.;I2 S S Vj--t AND"' ' "" I" "i-- W: jr ms XT-'ijrt-& caiijd in the neatest "ityle'of the art. r , At an early day we shall have a i C3TCOMPI.ETII JOB QFFJCE. OUR LATEST; IMPROVED New Scale Piano-Forte. I !" TVTOTICE. After the most flattering testimo- Ji nials from the first Pianists in the country. who, at our solicitation, have tested them in the severest manner f uaauiLiifi, .nave Deen pro- nouncea . r v-: . v i . ' ' y- The Finest Square Piano-Forte Made in : :- the World; ; It has alwavs been our policy durinff the Thir ty-six Tears that we have manufactured Pianos, twelve thousand of which are now in use in the United States and Eurone. to eive the finest in strument at the lowest cost. Our superior facil ities enable us to oner them trom one to three hundred dollars less ihan any other first-class House. : ' I '. i- The tone of these instruments arc remarkable for thdr ueculiar sweetness and irreat brilliancy. Never losing their quality when forced to their uiiiiu&b capacity, iuu luwer nutpr rcuuiuu its positiveness does not destroy the middle an "upper registers by mingling with them in disa greeable confusion. The refined beauty of tone being equally delightful to the unpracticed and to the most, cultivated ear. I I They are an entirely new style of Piano, finish ed In the most superb manner, with four full round corners front and back, heavily carved Less and Lvre. Serpentine Ease richly moulded. and each instrument is fuliy WARRANTED for five years. GROVESTEEN & CO., - . 499 Broadway, New York. Aug. 29th. . , jd&wly. 2 he Seaboard Inland JMr JLine Yia Portsmouth Va. TS THE ONLY DIRECT LINE BETWEEN JL Boston, .New York, Philadelphia. Bal. iiuiuic auu tu? vaiuiiuasi i It is express in point of speed - and safety of Freights, being from 40 to 70 hours in advance ot all other lines and at as low rates. It offers daily communication with Baltimore : daily communication with Philadelphia. Five Steamers each week to and from New York. . v: V..,::,.v- ' II1. . Two Steamers each week to and from Boston. It is the only line having these advantages and I ALE. iu huku iucic is uuii uue uauixuuK ui xreigub. , Cars are loaded at the wharves in Portsmouth and aro run through to destination. Be careful to direct your Consigners to direct only from Baltimore by the Norfolk or Bay Line Bteamers, loot or union Dock. ' - . From Philadelphia by the i Annamessic Line. Philadelphia, Wil. & Balto. Depot, or by Clydes jL.ine, xa ooutn jueiaware Avenue. From New York by the Old Dominion Steam 6hio Line. Pisr 37 North River ' a rom Boston by the Norfolk Steamship Line, end of Central wharf. , ; ' All losses, damages or overcharges promptly aajusiea on application to James f McCarrick, Trace Agent. Portsmouth, va. i . Have your freights imarked! via Portsmouth. v a., auu in snipping to rniiaaeipnia, mamea via - E. . 6HIO, - ' oupu iransporiauon. t aug 31 . 2m. Examine my Stoqk before Purchasing Elsewhere. he S'tb ok Convicts of DRIED APPLES, I ALLSPICE, A. WHITINQ. Esa.. Sir: For some have used in my house, your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher. I find it fully equal to all you say of it. With one fourth the labor and without dirt it gives a superior lustre and more lasting than anything I have ever used. By using a sponge damped with water, with a little of your "No. 1 on it, and rubbing the same over any Window. Mirror or Picture Glass, and after it dries, rub' it off with a clean cloth, it will clean them in one twentieth the time, without wet or dirt, and give a most beautiful lustre. I am satisfied that if any 'person uses it, they will never be without It,' c . i M. WILSON, No. 229 South Fifth St., Jersey City. Brooklyn Sept. 20thi 1866. ' E8arrSir n have: carefullv used your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher,' and I have no hesitation in recommending it as being fully equal to all you claim for it, and think no housekeeper should be without it. -i ! Mrs. VAN ZANDT, 86 Clinton Street, Brooklyn. - : 29th August 1 1866. u A. WHITING, Esq., Sir: I have given Mos. 1 and 2 of your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher in the New "York Hotel, a fair , tiial,, and find it all and even more than you recommend it to be. It gives a better and more lasting lustre in much less time, with less work,' and without dirt; than anything I ave ever seen or used by 100 percent. , I 1 v JOHN CRANE, Knife Cleaner, New York Hotel. . " ' ! ,r'--? 29th August, 1866. " A. WHITING, iEsq.p Sir: We have carefully witnessed the use of your. Eureka Polisher and Burnisher in our Hotel.and can fully and do cheer fully endorse the above. We can with ; it clean all the windows and miirors in our house in one tenth the time and without wet or dirt. Send us 200 lbs. of No 1, and 100 lbs. of No. 2. . n , , CRANSTON & HILDRETH, . : !-; v New York HoteL ' ; Astor House, New York. Nov. 51 1865. Sir : Under our supervision, we have had your D. R. GOODLOE. n J. H. Nrfp, Deputy Marshal. ,v oct 17 8. Libel of Informal: UNITED STATES 'OF-AMEBirj : V 'DISTRiCT OF NORTH CAKOLDU. . United States ) - - " , ts. . - V To C. H. Blohr, and to all whom it J concern Greeting;, , ) NOTICE IS HEREBY RIVEN THAT J the 8th day of August,?, Urce 1 whiskey were seized at Wilminitotl, intheCr ty of New Hanover, - as the property of ft 1 Mohr,J by L. G. Estes, CollectoroflntenulE ' nuefor the Second Collection District ofs Carolina, as forfeited to the use ol the CtT states, ana tne same is iioeued by D. E duck, Attorney ot the united States, andm cuted in the Circuit Court of the United it for condemnation for the causes in the said u set forth; and that said causes will stand fori at the Court Room of said Court, at Wife on the first Monday in November,1867, itw if that be a jurisdiction day, . if not, at the is day of jurisdiction therealter; when mdiy all persons are warned to appear to shot why condemnetion should not bedecred,c intervene for their interests. j . Given under my hand, at office, iaWMd on 15th day of August, 1867. I D. K. liOODLOE, U. S. Katf J u. jnetf, Deputy Marshal, oct 17 UNITED STATES OF AMIC( 1 ' - DISTRICT OP NORTH CAB0LDTA. 1 r. P Libel of Inform SAXT BEEF, A ttp' tt xjtt uu Whitinff Eureka Polisher, &c, tried in the vari ous departments of ; the Astor House. Its quick i , BACON,' AVil. Char. & Ruth. RR Genbral Stjpbbintkndbnt's Oftic , ) Wilmington, N. C Aug 9, 1867. f CK AND AFTER TUESDAY NEXT. AUG J 13th, the Passenffer train on this Road wil. leave Wilmington on Tuesday. r Thursdav and oaiuraay at t o ciock, a. m. ; Arrive at Band Hill. tame days, at 3 P. M. Arrive at Wadesboro (State) at 12 midnight.,' Leave Wadesboro (State) on Tuesdav. Thnr- aay ana uatuaay, at a Jf : M. . - Leave Rockingham (State) on Monday . Wed nesday and Friday at 4:30 A; M. ; - Leave Sand Hill (Cars) Monday. Wednesdav Arrive at Wilmington same days at 3 P. M. : , - , W. L EVERETT, r -General Superintendent. augiu . tf General Superintendent's Office KEQS,1 BOTTLE8, " BRANDT, ! BROOMS. BUCKETS,4, BASKETS, . blacking, w.r ! BAGGING, j '; B.ITTERS, all kinds; CHEESE. .. ... CODFISH, " CANDLES. -CASSIA, . ? COFFEE, ! ; ; CLARET, CIGABS, .: CANDY, -- CRACKERS, . . 1 . DEMIJOHNS. ; '; FLAVORING EXTRACTS. FLOUR, , DRIED and PICKLED FISH ' I - 4' c , GIN, GINGER, : GLUE. HOPS,- i HERRING, - . - INDIQO, JELLIES, and clean action, jits brilliant and lasting lustre makes it a very useful and desirable article for all the purposes you claim for it In our opinion it is very iar superior to anything of the kind now in use. Wh have and shall continue to use it' 8i2ted J j ; : STETSON 4fc CO. Sir : We have used for some time your Eureka ,Polisher, &cit in our Hotel : and can fully recom mend it to the public generally, and we can en dorse what the Astor House say of it. 14 - ? Signed , M h PATTEN & WIELDr , , : Pacific Hotel, Greenwich Street, near CourtlancL Sir I have tried your Eureka Polisher" &c. in my Hotel, and J most cheerfully endorse what :United States . vs. . , , 6 Barrels Whisky. To L Tollers and to all whom it u concern Greesing. : , 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY 'GIVEN THAT i the Sth day ot August, 1667, six birrelii whiskey were seized at Wilmington, in theCos ty of New Hanover as the property of L-VoEi by h: G. Estes, Collectbr of Internal Revenue! the Second Collection District of North Giroi as forfeited to the use of the United States,! the same is libelled by D. H. Sfarljnck, Attoa of the United States, and prosecuted totteB cuit Court of the United States for condemaS for the causes in the said Libel 6etfortls; md said causes ,will stand lor trial at the Conrtb ol said Court, at Wilmington, on' the flits j day In November,; 1867, at noon, if that ber risdiction day, if not, at the next day of to tion thereafter; when and where allpewaf warned to appear to show cause why conic tion should, not be decreed,- and bo interrea their interests. , i - 4 I Given under my hand, at office, in wwn the Astor House say of it. and do with confidence on the 15th. day of August, 1867. . . J recommend it aaavprv prnnnmUi ti..rni . D. R. GOODLOE. IL 8. superior article,. Signed " . L. 1"ISK. Stevens House, 27 Broadway.5 J. IL Neff, Deputy Marshal. UISCELL1NE0DS. Aiwn -A- a a. . Lir.ui. i i tm - . . - A. WHITINGJ Eso.. Rir T hv - Ol Of OIT It Qif DmaJvitJ, Eureka Polisher. Burrher.andEnlr-1 5 , liiwaun-;,. take great pleasure in recommending it as supe rior article for the uses for which it is intended. Please send us 1U0 lbs. of No, 1 and 60 lbs. of No. 2. ! J. WARREN COLEMAN, Superintendent Southern HoteL1' OFFICE OF WHITE'S Patent Lever Truss Co, ii 5 No. 609 Broadway New York. . C. AUGT GREGORY, M. D. President. TTTHTTE'S PATENT LEVER TRUSS and V V FEMALE SUPPORTER differ id principle from all others. .No pressure on the back. It is lierht. clean, and easy. Persons ruptured should at once procure THIS, the best Truss, to prevent IMPO IENCY, and secure yourself against STRANGULATION AND SUDDEN DEATH. .Directions lor Ordering.; : Measure around the body two inches below the top of Hip Bone. State the side afflicted, also if lean or fleshy, anu give plain directions about sending. Cash must accompany the. order. A snecial department has' been fitted up for the treatment and radical cure of Hernia and kind red diseases. - It is under the special care of the President of our Company, who is acknowledged by the profession to have no this speci ality. iBy wearing the Lever Truss and bathing the afflicted parts with DR. GREGORY'S CELE BRATED HERNIA LOTION, the most obstinate cases can be cured, t Prices . for Trusses vary from 5 to SO Dollars according to quality and the condition of the Rupture. Hernia Lotion ' is $3 ter Bott'e or 5 for Two Bottles. JOHN T. HILDRETH, Gen. Agent. aujr. 8L $ tf. UlLHIIlQTOn & WELDON Railroad Company, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY AND TREASURER. - L 5 WiLMnraTON, N. C, Nov. 1st., 1867. rpHE THTRTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEET-. JL Ing of the Stockholders oi the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company will be held In Wilmington on Wednesday the ISth inst. : The transfer Books will be closed from this date until afterL the meeting. I , u : li - -. WV THOMPSON, V Secretary.; noyl I -. txa Wil. & Man. R. R. Compant, Wilmington, N. C, March 5th, 1867. JNTIL FURTHER NOTICE the following rates will be charged on Grain, from Wilmington To Charleston, To Cheraw, "To Columbia, -To Augusta, aug 15c. per bushel. - 12c " ' " 12c. - 15c. WM. MacRAE, ! Geni. Supt. ti KEELERS, v.? it tt i ii -LARD,: ;r.;LEMONS,- r, M LEY, v : ' MOT. A ftQWH MATCHES, " ' - x CONDENSED MILK: v . - ' - -.MEAL, 8TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Executive Dbpabtmknt Raleihh, October 4, UNA, ) int. v , 17. j OYSTERS. ' . ; ; : PORK, - r r i PORTER, ; . Jv v PAILS, NUTS, allkinda, tW By - direction of His ExcuIIpbrvJ JONATHAN WORTH, Governor of North Carol I Una, notice is hereby given that Jeremiah Stru mas, James H. McGarity, J. J. Parker, J. G. Voss, William T. Daniels. Jolm H. Hanbv. John Kithly, Willis Herring, H. V. de K!ammer, and vuiviS) ui tii uuuuij ui xtcvr i xuuiuvcr in saiu uww, wh lug uiouc upptiuauuu w oe created a oooy corporate, unaer me name or " Mechan ics' An akd Pkotectivb Association." forth Eurpose oi affording to each other, and to the imilies of each, relief In ' sickness, trouble and oiBucsB ; w tua ana assist eacn otner in Dro cur- iug cuipiuj iueni, ana to estaoxisn scnoois to edu- rntP. thpir rhl'lHrPn"- anH hotHniir In oil a complied with the statute in such case made and provided, have this day been created, a bodv cor porate, under the name aforesaid, by LETTERS 'Jta.xjun'1, signea ny his jtjlcbxxknct, ;the said J ohnathan, Wobth, Governor aforesaid, and at tested by the Great 8eal of .the State, coMDi tioned that the said Corporation shall exist only or the time ot thirty years from the date there- oi ;r a copy oi which has been duly recorded in uie omce or tne gecretaryoi Btateor said State. , . x WM. H. iSAGLEY, . . Private Secretary. wtia . - 2w RICE, .-h.V,: KAISLNS, 4;y--r RU3I, 'V New Yorlr ? fl atU. . i ofijr " lrlv: ? 2q Sir : We h tried your Eureka Polisher and fully agree with the! New York Hotel and Southern Hotel, in its Value for all purposes you claim for It. . Please send us 100 !hs. of it. j BAIN & HAM. - Bulls Head Hotel, Cor. 24th St., and 3d Av,' '. New York Hotel' Sept. 1st 1866 A. WHITING, Esq., Sir :Having wltnefsed toe use ol your Eureka Polisher at the New York Hotel, we are fully convinced it is all you claim JSd Iftffi' Very truly, yours, HITCHCOCK & CO., ' ... - Imperial Restaurant, New Orleans, . , full trial in our stables of your JEureka Polisher fSJ 2ural8her we mo8t cfieerliineomend It and we are certain that no one who has occasion T?ffythLngK0t.the kmd 'wlU: be witibut if It is by far the best thing we ever saw or usedV w.iuo ui it at once, i i -I I POST Jfr. NTnnnfo'i National RaIa nnA T-vnVntn ot,i . n '. Opposite Bowling. 0trm. t : ON TflTFT KTIttOPEAN Pli' well known to the travelling T?uWit 1 location is especially; suitable tonwaJJ!) business men : it is ir. close proxWUY l business part of the cityis on the nigQ i ail iivw- t Southern and Western travel ana au - the principal Kauroad ana p-- i THE STEVENS HOUSE has jhbcrj F modation for over 800 guests it ed, and possesses every modern PrLj:i for the comfort and entertainment onJL The rooms ' are - spacious and well provided with gas and water the prompt and respectful and the taow ; ously provided with every delicacy rat moderate rates. '-"i ; ' .id The rooms having been refurnished11' eled, we are enabled to offer extra. iw j the comfort and pleasure of our Guests. j - , GEO. K. CHASE AJJ.' aug 5.. . SYRUP, ;,--;sUGAR,.;r;:i;'i-;;:- I - j ; STARCH, ; SOAPS, . 'j . sntjff; I agree with and cheerfully endorse the above. . , . No. 150 East 21th Street KpW "VrT-lr Bant O! f ooo JL WHITING , E SVeedlw Eureka PolisherandLBurnisher in ryaiKusl waS -'ii 'V..- whiskies; And many other Goods mention . Rvmt.fl in mv hnnft 5 wT.KTir?m v ways uiuiio, Amr-TTi "tv wlSD xuust cneenuiiy re- . . .- commend it's beinar a verv snnerinr orii equaUo what you claim foFit Uhlse i andthink no one who ever does try it, wuTever be L; CHESTER LaSb, 7 S ,Bt Nicholas Stables, 57 and 59 Mercer St ' 'A''TBTWTTrW F11 Es Dear Sir: I have us6d your Eureka Powders in my Saw alanufactorv and I find it very good for pblishing on wheS -."v'10118116 flnd lt ? maes alustre 50 oer cent, better than Emorv: or t.Mi! iZJ?. , WINES, all kinds, S??1 ishing-and from-SySp! ... y : ... ' celtodthatitkeepithemso.andSVt; aq not require oUing , H. R. WARNEfLT SALARATUS, SARDINES, SALT, - r v- H?lSODAt V '( S :. I "TOBACCO, TUMBLERS, : : 1 - r .TUBS, -V ; iTEAS, . : . , VINEGAR, yeastpowders, too numerotL to AVST ARRIVED BY THE TERESI- 40 TONS PATENT LOCK.TIES, ' : 20 TONS BUCKLE TIES, ' -Will be sold on the most reasonable terms. Ln.c-, z1 E. MURRAY & CO-: I? ", r- ' ' 1 , r - . 10 Qo. JFrozit Ctrcet. WUtZUNOTON If. C.- Tfatir XTyT, -.-V"li r - ' ufanV aSm - v;,- " ;v; j9,hn blaikie. V -wiian no. 7 Ana Ctrctt -riip nr ai inn ontlL 1 1IIC UCHHWU rw- , A N Essay for YonBg JUen on v ii. of Solitude, and the Disease wo f which create impediments to MABJv sure means of Relief. Bent in sealed le; opes, free of charge. Address, Dr. p HOUGHTON, Howard; Association, ;,y sept y r: y., j j A FIRST XLBOOK-KEEWjr J. perienced business man, honest desires a situation vas. Book-keeper w ployment where his services would db ted. , Address -V- J. E JONESr , - - . -. : i Post Office, .,( . V:. . .. .: . WilmiDgt0B' 5 ;Aug, SO , . , ! ' ' Headouabtkes 5 V - - Chablkston, S. C, GENERAL OBDKES, ) NO. 107. - Oct 23, The anoointment of delegates to " q tativft TllatHAf a of the St ate 01 ",m at as announced by General OrAYL tober 18, 1867, from these Headqaariw fled for the several wisincw fj ; , r read astbllows ; , .; 1. v t r". Counties of Alleghany, Ashe, i j - : : v. Surry, Wautauga and ydPV01,rPd ' - together - .-.:i ! tooP County ot Anson , -' TwoPtJ;V County of GuUiord , , . ' Counties of Tyrrell and Wash- e BmW C5TI L0U13V.I i; tt