i : . 1 i -i ( , THE WIIMISGTOS DAIIY POST; 4 i Z.Jk "WILMINGTON, N. C.J NOVEMBER 15, 1867, MAILS CLOSE. ; j A. M. P. Mj P:m mi , Through Northern Way . " Southern 8 30 7 SO 8 SO Ollice opens Office closes 7 SO 6 OOi Arrival and Departure of Trains. TRAINS ARRIVE. A. p. m! Fromsthe North, W.. W. R. li. " South, "VV. llt K. R. W. C. R. R. R., Mon., Wed.,Frk ,2 20 5 15 8 00 8 601 4 OOi TRAINS DEPART. A . M. P. Mi Going North, W. W. R, R. 1 - South W. MVR.' R. W C. R. ilRTues.,Thurs.,Sat. 6 00 2 50 ' 8 001 9 SO 8 40 " 4 Wilmington Money Market, Nov. 10,!'G74 CORRECTED WEEKLY BY, JAMES DAWSON BANKER Exchange on New York, buying par and selling ?" W. Carolina Bonds old sixes, with .all ihe - I f X I coupons.on since May-, 1861,:.j. f. A . . . .60 N. Carolina B onds new sixes ... i ............ 481 ,.42 ' wxrn- i BUYING SELLING NAMES. f: BATES. BATES. L .1'' 't - . ' ' ' -i :! - "r - ' ' ' - - - 1 v. Gold' . v BANK NOTES : Bank of N. C. . ... .. ; xuiiuu.o Laun. ........ i O'IechjitLts'iBank. ; y. , . , Roxboro .p.. ? i t Charlotte. . J . . j . . t . r Thoma3Tille . ,J1 35....1 S8.,.. . T .OTn nrin at T J - ' Miners and Planters' . . . vl "Wadesboro'.. ..' Commerce.', ..; . ... . . '-f . Commercial ' .i.l. .. Greensboro Mutual . . . .. Fayetteville ..... ' Clarendon.. ;;.s.V. v.. 7. Washington . . .! . ... . .. . . . x.exinffton at, Graham.. 1 2S. .. 25.... : 45;... : 24.... 55.... 50.... r 24.:.. ij50.V.. 16.... 32vU. 24.... 23..., 24.;.; , 4.;.. 3(a.;.. 10.... . .20.... 1 32...J x00:...fc oo.... oo.... 00..'.. oo P0.w. 00.... ;00.... OOi I 00....! 00....! . 00..i,.- 00g....: i f - BANKING. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP-'-WlIIiMirJGTOrJ, N.:iC.' United .States Depository and Financial Agent. - ! , Dibectobs: W. II. McRaby, Jab. H. Chadboubn, S. D, Wallace, . . . Eli Mubbay. ; Ddtv in E. Bubbuss, President. AsaK. Walkeb. Cashier. .7 Wm. Labbins, Teller. u t i IL M.' Bowden, Book-Keeper.; ; , ' S. D. Wallace, Jb., Clerk. THIS BANK IS NOW OPEN FOR TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS. GOLD AND SILVER COIN, Government Bonds and Securities. NOTES OF SOLVENT and other State banks .. purchased and sold. EXCHANGE ON NORTHERN AND SOUTH ERN CITIES always on hand and for sale. COLLECTIONS made on all accessible points in the United States, with prompt returns. ... -DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and careful; attention f ) givento hejaccounts of business men, aug. ,- :oi P- -1 z . . ; r". THE : t 6-mo8 BANKING HOUSI OF i '.Jt No. 20 WALL STREET, "E BUY and sell at the' most liberal current 00....! 00....; W IIOLESALE PRICES CCJ PRENTi 5 BEESWAX. lb. :..;32S5 :i.V BEEF CATTLE. : 100 3bs;.$7pO10 00 : ';i- BABBELS. -i-. Spls. T., new N.Y..,.....$3 253 75 - d hand do.. 2 80 3 25 bagging. i Gunny. . .U 25(325 Dundee;....... 2628 Rope........... 1014 : ! BBICKS ' M......$10 0015 00 r.-rr:. j COITEE, j IB i j Java.. ......... L S840 i Lajmyra.... 28Cal30 v ,Rioi... . . , Hi ,21(25;Linseed St. Domingo.... .2123 candles. B. .5055 .2023 1820 yard; I Sperm i - Adamantine., .'. I Tallow......... lv DOMESTICS, V j Yarn, bun$l 701 75, 'v fish, p . bpL x . Mullets : -'lK ! Oak bbls.$0 0010 25 j; Pine do..$0 00 8 50 Mackerel I No; lV.;v.2O0021O0 1 No. 2.. .. .19 0020 00 -f NO. 3. , .r. 15 0016 00 Kits..,.. 3 00 3 25 v Herring, Nova Scotia f . bbs....... 5 00 7 00 Ilenincr, ebioked ir boxes.. 00 6000 75 Codiish. .4. .00 900 10 N. C. R6e...Q 00 9 00 i f l-LOUB. bbl i Family . . . $12 5015O0 . Super....J..10 00llC0 i Fine ;.. 9 5010 00 1 grain, 39 bushel. Wlfeat, white. $ 0 000 00 Scantling.; 8 Of 10 0G White pme.45 0050 00 fe.bbl.....'...0 00190 molasses, gallon. Cuba hhd.....: 4752 do tierce.. 00 do - bbl..... , . 55 Syrup...:.. ; ...60(S1 00 Stigar, House :l 4547J Cut.-r. . . : I . .$6 757 DO Wrought . i . .0000 . oils, gallon. Rosin J . . .. . . . 0 85(30 55 Lard........ 1 S0150 Kerosene... 60 65 175190 P1TCH.......3 503 75 I-- i' PEANUTS. - p, bushel. . .f2 002 25 Irish bbl. .'. - .50 003 50 Sweet, bush.; t5L 00 j provisions, lb. liacon, JS. U. -Ilams... ...... 2425 Middlings...... I920 Shouldere . , . ..1819 ' Hog round L . . . .1920 Bacon, Western ; Sides . ...A . ?liiy i Shoulders . i . 1616 Hams;.'.,.;... 2224 POrk, bbl. , City m'ssf 24 0025 00 CfThln fIOO 0023 00 Prime,.!.. 00 0022 00 '" Rump. .!. . 00 0000 qq Beef... . i . .00 O000 00 Butter, ' : Country. ...... .33(335 . ' Goshen ...,4045 Western'. .. .v...0000 Cheese. 13 lb. :'" " - English dairy. ,1520 XXTE V V -orices. and keep on hand a full supply of GOVERNMENT BONDS OF ALL ISSUES,' SEVEN-THLRTIES, and COMPOUND IJSTEK EST NOTES, and execute orders for purchase and sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. , . f-6!iVERSIONS."-'f p : S We convert the" several Issues of Seven thir ties Into Five-twenties on the most favosa- blb tebms, taking the 1st series at Govern ment Rates, allowing a commission to dealers. Circular with full particulars furnished upon ap plication. . , '--ii jut -S Vf.' ! Treasury of the United States DIVISION OF THE NATIONAL BANKS ' : Washington, D. C. Feb. 20, 1867. TT IS i HEREBY: i CERTIFIED - THAT sXBE; JL First national canK oi wummgvou, xh. c;., a Banking Association , organized under the Act "to provide a National Currency,'' secured by a pledge of United States Bonds," and to proxide lor the circulation ana reaemption tnereoi.'f ap proved d one 3d 1864, Jhaving complied with the requirements of section 45 of said Act, and with the regulations of this Department made in pur suance thereof, has this day .been designated as, from Customs." and bv Virtue of 6uch desismation will also bo employed as a Financial Agent of the Government. , ; ! -(Signed) H 3l 1 JFl ESPINNER, xreasnrer, ..uro . RAIL ROADS. VilLLiluGTG: -MID r VJELDOU R. Office EngT and Sup't .W. & W. rR. R-, ( 1 " Wilmington, October 11. 1867. ON, AND AFTER THE 12TH OCTOBER the following Schedule will be run over this Road:,' . t w ? . , 4 st ' DAY PASSENGER AND MAIL TRAIN. J Leaves Wilmington dally (Sundays excepted) at. o A. il. ; arrives at Weldon 3 f: jvl: h- Lieaves s vvjeiaon aaiiy ounaays i exccpiea; at 10:30 A. M. ; arrives at Wilmington 7 P. MJu: NIGHT: EXPRESS MAIL ANnASSENGER !-...; TRAIN. J'ttiJ n.i ;,t Leave WUmington daily at 9:30 P. M. Arrive at Weldon at....-. 6:00 A. M. Leave Weldon daily at.;.........-.ii6:25 P.-M; Arrive.At WUmington, at. . . , . , v , . i . .2:20. A. M. . EArREbS FREIGHT .TRAIW. , . -Leaves Wilmington dailv (Sundav eceDted at 4 A. M., and arrives at Weldon at 6 P. M. Leaves Weldon daily ( Sundays ? exceptea) at 4:00K A; M.and . arrives at Wjlmington,,s6:00 P Trains pass Goldsboro at 2:00, 10:30 and 10:50 ArM., goina North r at 2:50, 10.15 Pj Mi and 10: 50 A. M., going South, connecting with Trains to Raleigh andewbern at 10:30 A. M. and i. fur-: the points at 2:50r P. M.! : . h n h mw m -1 m & V WANTS. WHITE OAK AND HICKORY TIM f . . BER JLogs or Bolts.' ' 1AM now paying TEN DOLLARS PER CORD for White Oak Bolts ; sawed into 34 or 68 inch lengths. Bolts may ; be quartered or not, as Contractors may prefer. Wood must be sound and free, of knots, not less than 14, inches in diameter, and suitable for sawing staves. I will aso contract for; ; " 100 21. FEET CYPRESS'LOGS,; ' 1 to De not less than 15 lnch'e3 in diameter at the small end and cut Into 10, 13, or 14, ' feet lengths, u . " v', '11' -U - U ' All logs to . be sound heart Cypress, free of knots, and suitable for sawing Shingles. ' uAlso Juniper, Poplar, fcc., wanted. ! TERMS :CASH ON, DELIVERY , ,4 at mv wharf. foot of Castle; Street; . All timber FRE'iCU'S C0LD1.JN. 'rr. P.. i ..1 AND t - is-.. i ii -sift' f ... -a l:A f M tj subject to inspection. Oct 9 'J.C.MANN, Wilmington";' N. C. Stocks and -Assortment T?OR J? K Wanted! OR THE. ENSUING YEAR A;DWJaLLINTG OUSE with seven or eisht rooms. Kitchen and Stable. To be within five" minutes walk of th Markpt '. . i t GEO. Z. FRENCH,1 1 7 f No. 10 South Front St- 4r itlaugrilS.- tAwig 5i:rr'iMmrmTyQ!iu:i 'lift": it Wilifftonf&:Manchest TO SHINGLE lMUKATPREltS. General Sdpebintendent's Office, f ' :,4,WflmingtohrN,C.;;Oct.5, 186 ON AND; AFTER OCTOBER 6iHn PASSEN gers Trains of this Road will run "on the fol. lowing Schedule : ; Wj - i f :,expressj-trainV ; . Leavmmgton.Vrn?i: 2.30 A. M.' Arrive at Floreneet.r f..t.... ...: 8:10 A. M. Arrive at Kingsville ..... . 4 .. . . . . . . . 11:45 A. M. Leave; KingsviUe.-.ir. .a- -1 ..... .. .11:30 A. M. Arrive at Florence . ; V. ....... . 2 :55 P4 M. Arrive at Wilmington 8:55 P. M. s it, !-- :j - ... . k . - , s ." .v i-; 1 . ' Leave Wilmington. S.i:, 3, 1.750 P.I. Arrive at Kingsville. ............... .10:36 A M. Leave Kingsville. . i . .2:00 P M. Arrivat Wilmington, ;Cl l..l5r?.. . ; . . .5:15 A. M, Express Train connects closely at Florence Iwith the North Eastern, Railroad for Charleston;. and at Kir gsville with the South Carolina Eail- roac tor Columbia and Augusta. . ffiiccpmmodation Train will run daily Sundays excepted)1 and connect at Kingsville ?with the South Carolina Railroad for Columbia and Au- 4 aug. 5 FURNITURE. Wheat; red..0 00(S0)0lLard, H. in . uaronna. . w , i7(coi Western.'...., .,1417 Corn, North.. 1 351 40 Uornr Eas uo. 1 45fei 50 Oats... 05(1001 Peas........ 1 25130. nice, rougn.. aoctgaou Rice, clean... 0 12 12 ai:rice;;..;iio 12 Glue. 19 fi..';"..20(a25 Gunny Bags, . ..80 32 AiColIee.!... .; . 0017 Guano, Peruvian, ; jB do:..: ."4.. 16t17 ,a.ton. ..WUO U ; . HAY. j Eastern.-... ..$0 001 15 - New York... 85 . 90 I HIDES. "fi Green. In&l0 rDryv ;:.V1317 f ., iron, in. : v English, afs'd 8 . 10 j American, ref. 0 10 "American, ... ' " sheer...... ..9 (S 10 Swede..,. ...10 .12 J Hoop, ', . -;. Y . a '-f-j( 1 ton, 150 C0155 00 liquors, $ gallon. Brandy . . I .'V-r. French. .;?4'00(S20 00 Apple.NC. 0 00 0 00 ;l Peach 0 00 0 00 s v uisKey - - , Bourbon.. 2 00 4 00 TV F N; C.V.i ;. 3 00 4 00 ' LUMBER,, RIVER, Mi Wide bds .-.HO 0012 00 Scantling. . , 8 0010 Q01 Flooring, . .14.0018 00 i Flooring Mill - Kougu . . ..aa uoctiou 00 1 planed .-..35 0040 00 ONIONS bbi....i....4 505 00 - SUGAR. S lb. -r- Cuba..... ...... 121 13 Urushed . . .' . . .... WCcblbt Porto RicO.;;;. 1415 Ido. ....I..... 00(315 Havana Brown. . 1213i 1 :; salt 3 sack. Liverpool j from . I store 25(230 Alum, 13 bush 60 (ffiO 62 ". SOAP, ? S. (n6!- Brbwn...il.. . . f .9(313 SHINGLES, M. Cdmmon . j . f 5 005 50 Cdntract..1, . : 6 007 00 1IMBEB. Shippinjr . J.00 00(2)13 00 Mill primer.10 5011 00 Mill fair...1. .9 00(a10 00 A1U1 ord'y . 6 00(3 8 00 TOBACCO. :t,J NvyV.J 2535 Medium . . i.-: . . . . S040 Minufactured.60ll 00 TALLOW. Ib.,,.j..... 1011 .WOOD, ,19 cord. Oakr....!..$4 004 75 Ash 000(ffi375 Pttie.V...ii.. Z 003 50 FURMITUEI manufactured by ' l is- vS'1 Jf . -. - J t . 96 AND 98 EAST HOUSTON STREET, ' I NEWi YORK CITY . u 1 all this furniture consisting oi PARLOR, ;.fs! . CHAMBER, " i ; DINING ROOM and : is of the latest styles and manufactured of, the very best material, under the personal supervis ion of the proprietor and guaranteed. Parties. j in the South desiring. sfine household furnitoire- those about visiting' New York will "find it to, their advantage to examine our ' stock before purchasing elsewhere. - ! J j . ALL GOODS WARRANTED. i aiig8' ' - f - - v""? 3meod aug 5.; Wm. MacRAE, .General Superintendent 6m tPO.-SmPFISS - OF 4 . . ? MISCEIiLAKEOUS X..:fk LAnd Plasteb, CLOTHING. ton. " f ;t i ; ....18X) O L K, E! 1ST ID O 1ST CLOTHING -o- rpHIS MOST POPULAR J. is once again in full Proprietors having ' I REPAIRED AND REFITTED THE HOUSE. ESTABLISHMENT operation, and the - "' Si v OLD STAND, arc now1 offering the largest 1 stock of ; ?ii;ii-vi- h. r -'.AND J; .GEN T S FURN IS II IN Ci OODS, - ; i , ' ' ever offered in this market; 1 N : - They -have.' alsbXengagedl tjie services of fa . TAILOR, who L". an artist in his-prpfession not BOYS' CLOTHING V, also abound in this; Housed SHIRTS,: ' - NECKTIES, ! '. . SUSPENDERS. j'i ' .':.'i!.w,!fii -tri vsSAvjkjs, ana- ' AND' HATS and their Stock of J i cannot be equalled South of New York. 1 4 nccted w g upUheir own Goods, and 1 being-con' nth a House in Philadelphia gives them , facilities which no other Ho 4 claim. otner iiouse e.in the State can Country dealers would do well to caU. NfKOPRlETORS; ;raf OUR LATEST; IMPROVED ;tr wjlfewScala;:,Eiano-Fbrt -'- . ' -: .- I:: ':.: . -jt :i . i-r NOTICE. After the most, flattering testimo nials from the first Pianists in the country, who, at our solicitation, have tested, them m the severest manner POSSIBLE, bay e " been pro nounced . r--si, -ijiL--.fi The Finest Square' Piano-Forte Hade in It has always been our policy during the TJdr- iy-six Tears that we have manufactured Pianos, twelve thousand of which are now in . use in the United States and Europe, to give the fin est in strument at the lowest cost. Our superior facil ities enable us to offer them from one to three hundred dollars less than any, other first-class t louse. Vlv. ;.:;..:i-;,'.CwU,, The tone of these instruments are remarkable or their peculiar sweetness and great brilliancy.! Never losing their quality when.torced I to their iitmost pajcity.'( The lowe,r register retaining us positiveness does not destroy tne miaaie ana japper registers by mingling with them in' disa greeable contusion, ine renned beauty 01 tone 1 j i ? . j. r- a 11 . t ? . j i j uemg equally aeiiguuui 10 me unpraeiiceu ana 10 Ihe most cultivated ear. , ; ; : , 5 4r They are an entirely new style of Piano, finish id In the most superb manner, with four full round Corners front and back, heavily carved Legs and Lyre, Serpen tiner Base richly moulded, and each Instrument, is fnliy WARRANTED for flva years.! V-UKOVlSSTifilSN &W, ; s 4VW uroad way, wew York. -. Ang. . 29th. Ktfi- kkzA, -: '. --: d&wly. ; VL h e Seaboar d Inland fiir MineYifroftMnoitthm iam TS THE ONLY. DIRECT LINE BETWEEN X Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Bal timore and the Carolinas. t ') ftt'I I It is express in point of speed and safety of freights, being Iroin 40 to 0 hours in advance of all other lines and! at as low ,rates. -? f : pH w i ilt: offers daily communication; with Baltimore j daily communication 'with Philadelphia. ) , J I Five Steamers each week to and. from New Yorker it-.i r:&2f'-4: .HMU .-. Two bteamers each week to and from Boston: It is the only line having these advantages and to which there is but one handlins: of Freijrht. ' ! Cars are loaded at the Avharves in PortsmouthT ajnd are tun through to destination, s j Be careful to direct vour Consigners to direct only from Baltimore by the Norfolk or Bay Line - i From Philadelphia bv the sAnnamessic Line.' ;FhilaaelpWa,.ni&:Baltdk DepotJ or by Clydes 1.111c, iiDouiu u.emware Avemie. ! . From New York by the Old Dominion Steam ship Line, pir S7 North River. & 'J From Boston by the Norfolk Steamship Line, end of Central wharlrn . -,.t 5 :;. ' I All losses, damages or Overcharges promptly nL4:n.4. 1: : x t 'Jz fii. uujusiuu uu apucauuu t iii values iuuarnea., Trace Aerent ' Portsmouth. Va. " Have your freights marked via Portsmouthf va., ana in snipping to rniladelphia, marked via Ciiyacs' Line or via-Annate essic ; 1 1 1 . E. G. GIIIO, t Jr. t . Supt. Transportation. 1 nov. 1 '2m. i OFFICE OF WHITE'S Patentiiever Truss Cof i No. 609 Broadway, New York.1 C. AUGT GREGORY, ' M. D. President. HITE'S PATENT LEVER TRUSS and a FEMALE SUPPORTER differ in princi me from aU. others. No pressure on the back.. It is light, clean, and easy. : Persons ruptured should at once prbeure THIS, the best Truss, to prevent IMPOTENCY, and secure yourself against STRANGULATION AND SUDDEN DEATH. ;,! Directions lot Ordermsr ; - -'' , i Measure around the body two inches below the top of Hip Bone. v State the side afflicted, also if lean or fleshy, and give! plain directions about sending.. Cash must Accompany the order. A special department has ' been fitted up for the treatment and radical cure of Hernia and kind red diseases. 1 It is under the special care of the 1 President of our Company, who is acknowledged Dv tne proiession 10 nave no equal in tins speci ality: By wearing the Lever Truss and bathing the afflicted parts with DR. GREGORY'S 'CELE BRATED HERNIA LOTION, the most obstinate cases ! can be cured. Prices for Trusses vary from 5 to 50 Dollars according'to quality and the condition of the Rupture: .Hernia Lotion is $3. per Bott'e or $5 for Two Bottles. - i IM JOuNT.niLDRETu, Gen A IJILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. iTl ALT AT A. D. BROWN'S and examine XJ his splendid Stock of Millinery; j Hosiery, I uioves ana ancy Articles. , ; .y R I adies will find a PRACTICAL MILLINER in attendance, ready to wait on them. j 11 W Remember . the place,: No. G-Sonth Front St. All goods sold for CASH only.? f if r.iS tk . Sk? -rAif'D. BROWNi? bctU ,f''i4, !..... xn ' i --, ' CHOOK, PARLOR; and HEATING STOVES Kjerosine Oil, Grates, f House Furnishing Goods, Wil. Char. & Ruth. KRliK f ; General Supebintendent's Offic , f Wilmington, JN. U., Ang 9, 1B67.:; )l N AND AFTER TUESDAY NEXT. AUG 13th, the Passenger train on this Road wil f leave Wilmington on Tuesday, Thursday, and oaiuraay ac t o'ciock, a. jvi. . - Arrive at iSand Hiili same days, at 3 P. M. . Arrive at Wadesboro' YStatelat 12 midnicht Leave Wadesboro! (State) on Tuesday, Thurs day and Satuday, at 2P: M. !-. - Leave Rockingham (State) oh Monday, - Wed nesday and Friday at 4:30 A. M. ; - Vi Leave Sand Hill (Cars) Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. ii , Arrive at Wiimirexon same days at 3 V. M. v , , V W. I. EVERETT,' ' General Superintendent laug 10 i . . . , ; . . , , v . tf General Superiatendent's d Office . "1 ' 5. Wil. & Man. R. R: Company, ) Vl;; Wilmington, N. C.,' March. 5th, 1867. f FTNTIL FURTHER NOTICE the'loUowing rates will be charged oh Grain, from Wilmington 1 L I x u vuaiic&Luii, To Chcraw, 1T0 Columbia,, fro Augusta; 'aug'- 15c; per bushel;- - 12c. " - 12c. " u f. - 15c. 4 " i-. WM.vIacRAE, ' " Genl. SuptJ. ; - - - - 1 ' 4 - ti - -t - . . t Wilmington, N. C., (' 1 . - . fx Nov. 9th, 1867., 1 V . ur. oiLA.K;jxEjLit!jnu navmg aenr n "sser Ot tions set forth in my Card of the 511 l.ianr, and as he requests the public to suspend opinion , 'until a full exposition of facts can le made," I no(w join James Shacklefordin the above request, ana in oraer to 'laeilitate this exposition of lacts,--1 wouia suggest mat his friends in this city (who have it in their power to prove or dis prove my assertions) would cause an examinatifiTi to be had of McCallum RadclhTs account, in uy w-wv uuauuuuiu, 1 1 nun o&,vo., i wmcn bopks have always been in the sole possession of Jaines Shackellord. And if, after such examina tion, before any Justice of the County; it is shown that ; McCallum & Radcliff's .; account upon the bobks does not siiow a debit balance of $8,232 95 with last credit on the ISih June, 1866, or if Mc Callum & Radcliff. have a credit ? of any note for riot ooy i will recan, inrougn inese columns, all that 1 may beretotore have said to the con trary. - : . ;.vf ;) " .,. f , (. - i i I will meet janv'of- Mr. Shackelford's friftn.ia in his absence, in' order that the books mav h examined as suggested, and if I have in any way wrongfully injured him.- James: ShackelfordJ I MISCELLANEOUSUM 1 .. INTHE STATE m:-- ii'-i y, ;'us;.;' dmi-Mti .VM t. The undersigned offers for sale the patent right, to manufacrare and use in any of the Southern States. the 'if f::-:. : "-miymj.. --a W AT t f j ; MILLER SHINGLE MACHINE which is one of the best machines : for sawing" shingles in'use.-wj? ,.-ir.iu i.-a m: ; This machine was patented on the I3tli of July. 1858,' and has been much improved since ;" but Owing w mu war, uas uui uecu lunuuuucu uuu the Sdnth. ; It is adapted for Staves as well as shingles, ciittiDg them even, or with any taper flpsired.: ' ' ' ;!-ft .:.xu--ifi: -is i j- .;;:-4 L it 1 nm wt n mt f 1 "l 1 flllrt ? I'l M py?uw miiii h I'iva'd. ; --' '" .'ii ; . i (r for The saw "first enters the bolts on the side, and consequehtlyiturns'dut better "work than can. be J done by most pther machines, jp.it is simple . m its construction not liable to get out oi repair, and i . m - - - is duih entirely wi iruu. ; T 1 .... It occupies a space of four feet by six,' but can" be built of any size; the ones now in use being for staves or shingles lrom 33 inches down.) It J ! . i ' . . . . ,- 1 CO UJVTJT or 8 TE RIGHTS 'A$' '' i'.FOB-SALE.ON.f ; Very Liberal Terms. ' Machines i can be manufactured in this city, where all the patterns are on nand, ii desired. A machine can be seen in operation at thd suh- scriber's mill on (Jastle street wharf,; For fur ther particulars, address or call upon J "4 1 f r f..rs'1 H ' M :.f iJ r' i - - ! mmm . i- i rOPPEB Mini H$inpwi ti .' ir-vi'I r'j : .J 'V'.'i SPECIAL. Warranted Superior to tny thing 'tow An "J m - - - ' --.' -j 0 Cleaning and Polishing all kind of Paint, and all such n " '"' p."- ' Pnrposes.j' '-fe'i? ?. -".'.U' i; tr' For Bale;Wholesale and Retail by 1 ; wililllNGTON, 1. tf : mf ISToV 1. ' r Aunlv with a damn snonere or ninth 1 dry with a soft cloth or leather till the I tstre aiw pears. 1 No. I is to be used for ail Fine Article and No.;2 for Steel, Iron, and Culipary purrioI; ses, and where there is much rust Be raX to observe the Number.: Use but very little at. tirne. ! f.tti -m hmrnm? in.;y - f,, : ; &t Price Twenty-five cents per Box. Extraordmarv In uucemeiit 41 C-i;;;4 m GASH: BUYERS. oct 8-tf Wilmington, N.;C. 'Ui iiiO. r i 1 j lie OX THE EUROPEAN PLAN. rptlE STEVENS HOUSE -IS WIDELY; AND JL well known to the travelling- public. 1 The location is especially suitable to merchants and w-0il'it,0 'jJ businessmen ; it is in close proximity to the f-1"111 y uusmcss pan 01 me cny is on me mgnwiy 01 j Sont.hftrn - and Weat.ftrn triavfil and flrlmnftnt. trt I ElSewnerC all the -principal RailroadJ and - Steamboat De- 'I'M V. S'h V K.MSJ Hf II Hit'. hua-Hhiiwil oi.rtTv: ' modatioh for over 800 guests-it is well furnish- ed.and possesses every - modern improvement r lor tne comiort ana entertainment 01 its inmates. The' rooms are spacious and f'well ; yen tilatd provided with gas and water-r-the attendant! are pfo'mpt and respectful and the table is gener ously provided with every delicacy of the season at moaerate rates. ; . . i i I V The rooms having been" refurnished and reinod eled, we are enabled to offer extra facilities for the eomfort and pleasure of our Guests. r c .... ... v lil'jO. K. UK AnK fe ().? ! " f ; ILL DO; WELL TO CALL AND ,0 Stock before Purchasing ALE, i-' '; iro . ' --.L .-.-.,:i;.j-. ; -:.r ; ..'..;" ' BR1ED' APPLES ' pl :' "p( - ' - ALLSPICE,' r:p :'CM AXE HANDLES, London?Quarterly jReyiew -(Conservative). The ? H.din Durg h lie vie w (Whig). The Westminster. Review (Radical). The North f British Review (Free Church). Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tory). These periodicals are;i ably sustained by the conn luntions, 01 tne oest writers on Science. . aT- -v . - " . . jieiigion, ana iienerai L.nerature, ana stand- un rivalled in the world-of . letters. ; ,Thev are indis pensable to the scholar and the professional ihan, and to every reading man. as thev furnish a Abet ter record of the current literature of the dav flTflAT? SALT BEEF, ' DRIED ; BEEF, : ;. -' l- mr bacon,;1, rm m-n i , m : mtf mu r bottles,"- w A ,-m brandy; pm rSTTr-h. -;. BROOMS, BUCKETS, ' 1 m A .".Vs-'-i.tx-rA : : , s - ' ; "BASKETS,-' - ' - ' I: mm: BLACKING, spp. v 4 :- -; ' bagging, w .: ; : 4 - t ' BITTERS, all kinds, CHEESE. :m IRs..? -m v - .A: .. i-.i.-CODFISH,-; .-'-'. :-,f- v.-;, ; J !"s r- .r,' , CANDLES. u-,: , ' "p-'f- ym ... ;, :: " . CASSIA, ... pm-m "1 coffee, CLARET; Read the sfiulowlngzCertihcatfM . Messrs, WHITING & CO., ' Gents The sampl e of WHITE 'EMERY fa. hished by you for testing its merits in polisLice and cleaning the engines of st amers Fulton aid Arago, has proved itself .very useful for that mr- pose, and equal, if not superiorto-anjthitg bl the kind ' I have ever seen used. ' It produces 1 readyi bright polish, ? and endures the damp and heat of the , engine room to a greater extent than' when brightened, by any other material, and I consider it, highly useful for steamships; r:iTours,f very truly,-"'" " ! ; " , T- '-'J'rH- w-K-Cast; JOS. ? J.' CO JTST0C1L. :iew;York,;Feb.;12i;l& H "s :! 'P'Ai 2Sth Angu6t, 1866. A. rWHlTXNG, Esq., Sir :' For , some- time 1 haye used in my houfe, your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher. 'I find it fully i equal to all yod say of it. i.. With one fourth the labor and without dirt ' it gived a superior, lustre and , more lasting than. anjinmg j. , nave ever usea. ay .using a sponge damped with water; with a little of your Nori on it, and rubbing the: same over any Window. Mirror or Ficture Glass, and after it aries, rub it off with a clean cloth, it will clean them in one twentieth the i time; without wet or dirt,' and giye a most beautiful lustre. I am' satisfied that if any ' ; .N6. 229 South Fifth St., Jersey City, y m.'u Bbookltn. Sent: 20th. ISGfi. : ...,A WHITING; Esq , Sir I . have parefully iised your .Eureka Polisher and Burnisher, andl xiuv c ixu xicoiiKLiuu in1 rccuuiiiieiiuing n as Demg fully equal to all you claim . for it, and think no housekeeper i should be without it. , , , 8G Clinton Street, Brooklyn. nm TERMS FOR 1868r ' - . CRACKERS, - For any one of the Reviews, per annum . . .$ 4 00 . , , - DEMIJOHNS, IZJfSZZZ. JXS - a FLAVOBING EXTRACTS. "Fnp nil frmr nf th-. P For Blackwood's Majrazine. J. ..'' 4 oo I - T . ; DRIED and PICKLED FISH or JBiackwood and one Review. , j : l . i i . . 7 00 For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews 10 00 GINGER: ULUE. gin; For Blackwood and three of the Reviews. 13 00 J!or iiacKwooa ana tne rauriieviews.;,. . 15 00 A discount of twenty per cent, will be allowed to Clubs of four or more persons. Thus,-four eopies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one addvess for $12 80. . Four copies of the ? four reviews ana uiacawooa, lor if 48, and so on.! POSTAGE." Subscribers t should prepay by the quarterat the office of delivery; The Postage to any 1 part of the United States is Two Cents a number, ifhis rate Only applies to current, subscription s For uck uumoera me postage is aouble. f . . - -- ' - - - i PREMIUMS TO NEW. SUBSCRIBERS. ouuouiuus nujf iwo oi xne aooveperi odicals for 1868 will be entitled to receive, gratis anv one Ol ; the four Raniew' fnr v 1 A7 , XfflS, scribers to all five of the Periodicals fox 1868 may v.i , , ittLio, uMUAnuuu ur auy ticq oi tnejowr 7sV'2;m?ai for 1 SH7 - ' - ' o Subscribers may' obtain, back 'numbers at the following: reduced rates, viz:. i The horth 'XrUUKiroxa. Januarv 186S t n n- vvmuu, 4uu, lutiusiYc ; JLuuiourgi ana me Hcsf- miws&r from April, 1864, to December, 1867, in- RICE - - ni j k. j- elusive, and the Lorikon Ouartn-hi far flip toava 1865, 186S and 1867, at the rate of 1 50 a year for each or any Review : also. Blar.kwnnri fn irra and 1867, lor $2 50 a year, or the two yearsHo gether for 84. , " V .. '' tf , : i , . r W Neither premiums to Subscribers, nor disi. wAiuvt ia .uuus, nor reancea prices for .back numbers, can be allowed, unless the money is "No premiums can be given to Clubs ... . .... . - " - THE LEONARD SCOTT PUB. CO., 140 Fultou St., N. Y.:s HERRING, i' . , INDIGO'.' ' f V.-:. , JELLIES, KEGS,. , , s .,-.:,. fi j 'I-.' 41 keelers,' m.., LARD, V; 1 . LEMONS Vif -n:ai ' . . . . ? rMOLASSES, T CONDENSED illLk,' J . f NUTS, ail kinds; oysters.- ; ,.vVr'rV. FORK,,,.. , er. r f, - . , , . , , porter, ',, : :' - V., .....-, fl . 5 PEACHES,. 1 . . L-i Kr , :-.r . j - . J -RAISINS, hum, ill 1: SYRUP, - i' "RTTflA'RT . f..y- STARCH f-i - SOAPS, , 1J t. 3 f s ;J-.-.Nlt .-' I- 8NUFFi, SALARATUS,t -IJ'lv j : - SARDINES,- ; . l oALl, . ' BOD A, I 1 TOBACCO. ; Tbe i;;8.Publishins: Company, also nublih ,,v p " ; ' f.: :,;'-'.-. I . . TWINE, the FARMER'S GUIDE, by Henry StephensTof TUMBLERS , ,djL.. Edinburgh, and . the late J. P. Nortonf of Yale rTrtllorrO ,-O.fnlm' PAiml ' A.t.. ' .inn 1 ""j" vcLuvu, imju pages,; and numerous Engravings. ? , j., : Price $7 for the two volumes bjf mail, toost TUBS, am; ready, at any time, to render any apology de- j 'TT7- 7" 7 TA sired by himself or his friends. ; ; , ; Great ICiprOTCEieiXt ill DcntislrV 1' WHISKIES, cA TEAS, ils.. VINEGAR, WINES, all kinds, transfer of these notes for his individual liabili lies.. ,.;SOL. HAAS, nov 10 !ii.':. - , 5 Ac., to. he had atf 5: '- m i 0 1 A H.;NEFF.. rpHE BEST V RED ASH EGG COAL, alway : JL on hand, and for sale low by - - . " " ' PETTEWAY & MORE. tiJ' " "r TEAST POWDERS, - jTAAi..v , ... , AnrV rnanv ntW fir.n f I." XJinsrasiMs to yam during the operation of ... . ... - , ; - - -. v..'. .tr" J r GEOrS. FCENCn, , . ! filling, without injury to the nerve or tooth. uyyij upcrauon warranted to give satisfaction Charges as low as any Dentist in the city,' ! Teeth "v . r! :;THOS. b.carr;m. d.u IO So. Front Street 1 m. 29th Aueust. 1866, ; r Vi. WHITING, Esq:, Sir :I havegjiven os. 1 and 2. .of your Eureka Pelisher and ,Burni$her in the New Y,ork Hotel, a fair tiial, and find it all and even more than you1 recommend it to be. It giyes abetter and. more lasting, lustre in ; niucb less time; with less work, and without dirt, thai anything I kV6 ever seen or used by 100 percent r , 1" I t.. JOHN CRANE. - K:nife, Cleaner, New York Hotel. , v V A. v 29th Ausrust. 18(36. " A. WHITING, Esq.; Sir : We have cartfullr witnessei the use of your Eureka, Polisher and Burnisher in our Hotel, and canXully and do cheer fully endorse the above. We can with- it clean all the windows and miirors in our house in one tenth the time and without wet or dirt - Send m 200 lbs.i of No 1, and 100 lbs. cf Noi 2. V ' ,:, .: f , V -NeWiYorkUoteL Astor House, New Yorki' Nov 5, 1805. Sir : Under our super 7ision we have had your Whiting Eureka vPolisher, &c.if tried in the vari ous departments of , the Astor House,. Its quick and clean action,; its brilliant and lasting, lustre makes it a very useful and desirable article for ali the purposes you claim for it: In our opinion it is.very.far superior to anything of. the kind now , in use. ,;Wh have and 6hall continue to use it. I Sigped, ' ' ' ' . STETSON & CO. i Sir : We have .used for some time yourEureki Polisher, &c.-in our Hotel . and can fully recom mend it to the public generally,' and We can en dorse what the Astor House say of it, ' . Sisned . - PATTEM VTT?.r.Ti Pacific Hotel,' Greenwich Street, near Courtlahd. i:-S:-m ? ;svi.: mmm, .': : I Sir have tried; your Eureka Polisher, Ac", , in my Hotel, and,- most cheerfully, endorse what the Aitor House say oi it, and do with confidence recommend it as a very economical, useful and superior article. : 1 Signed - i ?A : ' " " ' 94a1ran. Don..' 'fli tt. A - 1 u , w York;-Sept 2d, JS66. A." . WHITING, ' Esq;,: Sir : I hate tried your Eureka Polisher, Burnisher, and Enameler, and take great pleasure In recommending it as a supe rior article for the uses for which It is intended. Please send us" lUO lbs. of No. 1 and 50 lbs. of No; 2. ' f ' ' J. WARREN COLEMAN, : i JiMf-u i Superintendent! Southern Hotel. ; A WHITTNGf Esq., Sir We have tried your Eureka Polisher nd fully agree with the New York Hotel and Southern Hotel, r in its value for -all purposes you claim for it. , Please send us 100 lbs. of it. ; . " , r,;BAIN & HAM, Bulls riead Hotel; Cor. 24th St., and Sd Av. i'H.-ii aca ff-aticsi '--. - . , jfii 4 t New York Hotel, Sept. 1st, I860. 1 A. WHITING, Esq.; , Sir ; Having witnessed the nsevof your Eureka Polisher at the New York Hotel, we are fully convinced it is all ' you claim for it, and you an ship to .our address 100 lbs. ot " No. land 100 lbs. No. 2. " V Very truly, -yours, ' , HITCHCOCK & CO., i : -t:-u u. Imperial Restaurant, New v0rleans. O r , ' J Si -M i i 4 k ii ' -i t ' -.! fU amVa HA 1 AAA A.' WHITING, Eeq.j Sir,: After a careful and full trial in our stables of your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher, we most cheerfully recommend it and we are certain' that no one who has occasion to .use anything jot the kind . will, be without it. It is by far the best thing we ever, saw or used. Please send us 100 lbs. of it at once.5 t'J POST & NICHOLS, , National Sale and Exchange Stables. J Nos. 156, 158,160, 162 and 164, 24th St, N. Y. . aJ. agree with and cheerfully endorse the above. r fr tlUlllN .UOBINSON, A,iiu. xoo jcasi n csireeu , New Yorkl Sent 24th. 1866. TING:'F:sa.. Sir : I have np1 vour u,iui.a iuusu auu uiuuuucr'iu V ailU US WOJ. in. my house and stable, and most eheerfully re commend it's being a very superior . article, fully equal to what you claim for it, I shall use it, and think no one who ever does try it, will ever be without it.. ; ; ' . ,t CHESTEIS LAMB, l; , St, Nicholas,Stables, 57 and 59 Mercer St. . , n -i:v;:l -New York, Junel2, 1866. A. WHITING,-Esq., Dear 8ir : I have used your Eureka ..Powders in my Saw .Manufactory, and I find it very good for polishing on a wheel, . , bu,t as a Polisher ffind it makes a lustre 50 per T cent, better than Emory, or anything 1 have ever used, and with much less labor, which preserves all articles from tarnishing, and from my eip rience I find that It keeps them so; and that they do not require oiling. - f JL R. WARNER, - 123, 125 and 127. Worth St. . 'CC! '1'?- ' New York, Oct 16. 18C6. ' Sir:--I have given your Eureka Polisher, etc.; a critical test; and can say with Mr. Warner, that it is very far superior to Emory. It worfes qnick and requires bnt little labor, and gives a most beautiful and lasting lustre, and is very economy :( cal. I do most cheerfully recommend it, shall use it in all my works. - i v .. I If A'WH wO.if., I fifpt 21 :.K:Vr noTl sept 23 if fa - Aug. 5, 1867 ""J WILMINGTON N. C. aug Eltetriclan No. 7 Ann 6tri it f t r L.

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