1 I ! i JUCEIEC3 CARD THE JiMilL jWlLMINGTON, N. C; NOVEMBER 20, 1867. 37t rnytfic'chordsf4 every battle field and, patriot crave Jo every living heart and hearthstone aU Over this broad la)id' wiU yet swell the Chorus of the Vnten; when -again touched, as surely they Kill be, by the angels of our, nafttre.,'- Likcoln;;- - . , 1 . r '-V FOR CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION- . ' ' 1 , , HEW HANOTEB COCSTT.' -.."; :i Gen. JOSEPH C. ABBOTT, . s. s. ashleyv---- . A. H. : GALLOWAY Election Retnrns.'! "'"T!v J", Friends, send in the returns asjrapidly as possible. ' . . ,.iiT-viOiii.- .-.T i ; - That.the . $tinking ; " local V ot.. the Star. should use asiafceti da to increase his nasti- He can leave that klndof "perfumery it once. f.' Ji.: ,Ji f - '? Vote. .Vote. Let every Republican who is registered "be pure to vote. .x--iv It there are any in the city "who are regis tered in country precincts go io'the precincts or town where you are registered, at once. , Some' ot the voting ;precincts cbverja? nnaei M U4 fii. vj W.4.AA II VAr bbl A A bVi V - - A. W fe w w many voters have hot been informed as to the place of " voting in theif precinct. -' Let such be looked up i'and informed immedi ¬ ately. o f.i t y$i.h:,-i? ir.' A &-Vit v-'Is It Trnei'i - It is said that mant bfthe" fcplBrecl Mpedpte have so changed their views that I they will either vote : the Conservative! ticlcet y: orti6t: vote at all. J . This is not true; ;,3Iany; . f erymany. hate changed their minds, the othr way; :j;m RidicnlilMivlKy. ! Whb; ridicules , unspainriglythe colored man and his, friends? ,;. The Conservatives. . ; Colored men will you sustain ';them who mock you, and' ridicule you, " ahdi.hold ypu . up to be; laughed at ? It not, refuse the hy.; pocritical protnises andlv pretences: ot the ConseryatY e?A o 'dp V'ra'-2 5. v-.i Ju,iXlvi Fenian Brotherhood. ill A State Convention of the ! Fenian Broth erhood has .been in Vessioh in Sah Francisco Sixty - five circles were . represented.! Kob-. erts and his efforts to equip a ' company Irish for the Irish Republican army; were en- Republicans . North 1 1J stand by your colors.', Free, impartial suffrage has pro- Order begins to come out pchapsl Theday is breaking. .You shalQiear the same tid- ings from North Carolina, j I ' .'..-; A Challenge 1. , We challenge ;. any ' competent! person. to' prove, that :the effusions of the (New jTork Herald upon Southern f affairs; r which' teem with misrepresentations, are written1 by, any other than Southern hegroiating rebels, ; or some unwashed correspondent, hired for the purppse of writing lying bulletins. r Business Men ( . . . The Conservative paperi of the South are continually holding up to scorn and con tempt and ridicule that lafge claiss 6t active, able and wealthy business men who are here from other parts pf , the Union investing then; money, . loaning capitaft to Southern! traders, and endeavoring to - build up the agricultural and Commercial f interests of t. North Carolina. Will you vote for such-' a ppitjr . .vuudci vativca ueg lur your capital then defame and curse you. ;Can you sus tain such a party. 1 ' 5 1 Conservative jPolicy; 1. To treat the reconstruction .legislation of Congress?) as unconstitutionaltherefore null;and void IZ'Mf: The old nullification party: is rcvivedJ fThe ; monister nullification ' isfasrain rearing ;his ij head. -. The Democratic party of the . North 2. That negroes shall not have political in flioTTnUorl Qfnfna - -- ' -2 - 1 3 j Thus says the Charleston Mercury, - Two planksLbf the Conservative platform; are laid, jriz : . Nullification, and Repudiation of the Declaration ot Independencei ,r " i ...... ' r 1 ' " j Republicans what say you to this pro- gramme Ah ! Ah! i Prints and orators have predicted. that the exercise of suffrage by the colored people of the Soutn would be . followed iindescriba- Die norrors, rouDery rape, murder, 1 carnage and arson.'? !iN"pv for the prcoi, inivirginia the negro has voted. Mark the result! Do the streets of Richmond Tun withl)lobdi Are the midnight skies lurid with the flames oi conflagration 1 No. no.;? vi ' J udge BrjiujnAM; in Ids, recent i charge to the grand jury, sitting ; in Richmond said ilA happier state : of ' society teas "beginning to appear." This must be a true opinion for it is Judge BxminiAJi's business to know what i xV .Ls.;i,4", ( nrvu -lli. -i j tuc otaic ut. tJi;iei. j3. Jje exercise OI . uni: versal free-suflrage - ha been beneficial ' to i Virginia. It will be beneficial everywhere - 1 1 As very few definite it as nov practicable to returns have cqmVin give the result accu-i rately. jut we shall claim ' for the Recon- struction or Republican -ticket a majority of thirty ihouiand in the State.,: :';i4 :" t - In New Hanover county Divinei Provi s dence seems tcj have forsaken '.'the Conserva tive party. ; The people have been exhorted j to withdraw their confidence and hope irom ! Congress and : alas. An jold "look to Providence.'' . Alas, itdyu when her horse took frigh and ran away ! with rher, 6aid, in des!- cribing her feelings, that she put her trust; in Providence until the breeching broke, and then she gave up.. So had better consider these Conservatives he breeching broke and give up. .The totaLnumber of deaths:iJrota;yellow fever in Memphis this season was 193. - -Sitka is the first nasi office estahlisned in; Russian America by, our Government. Mails are seat via San Francisco. - - The chancre of the London News to & pen ny paper is to tak6 jplace cn the first of , Jan uary. ; -atX fm" i Terre Haute,;Ind , is to have a newspaper to be eaiteapyitnreQrWo.men.r..- 0,0 ss; . rw. Krr,i,fl f - iUWTn-th . 1 ferate over one-tnousana ? ouncea- were iue roduanTl SSiS ..-j. ,t . i - - r . ' i en -la a court of Hampshire. ii,nffiana,.Aman i Was coayiuipu, ui, oiccjpug u a ov, . hard labor in Winchester jail- - : - - - Extensive lead , work$ are in process of helwa onca sent to BlackweU Island. A strong rewmmendatioii for ma LtrVmIIy ,i Mormon elderhasbeeh iconvertea to Romanism : and wil eiifertbe wi-- j:-....Mtfe K-kiWrtW' 1 t : . . - ".""it "; ', " '", . ; I ;it is calculate tot ir ever iniToTaaworn a mill unflall wrn nilt'in the I jsrv 1 .Uonal treaSUry,.Wtf Should-be QUt Ot debt. Aa thpv ATA -nnh thft national hleasinff re 1 w " TvT mains. ? t v ' , ..t.-iu., Eurppei sheets is given as the daily issue -U. 1 1848, after his'downiall, he tried to drown mg mm as ne mteaueu itsyuuiu, lreuucrcu i him wonderfully hale and vigorous. T .-, I ''Vlmc ' -'o; kw n . ire ; ;Mrs Stanton is reported by a, Kansas pa- S?ifa.m03 ?ILgTl;?hrL lit lUlUg lUIUUgU. J. Lie. biuo iiisuuivu aib republic sheriff two weeks since. r ' V Still another eitension of the capitpl build- ing at Washington is' proposed, to provide room fortheJCourt of Claims. ; It would cost $125,000. -v: I " land andUga capital to rpt .la tma- fiSMSSft S .Sns Pa"3 bJ mUUUCtlUl 00,111 UW Hu,,,lt,., ! 7 Intelligencer that the democrats have gained ! in the dis'tricts represented by every repub- , liuan memucr ut tuc juuiuaij uuiuuiuicc ca ranee is uaqeria&iag great woiks rea provement is expected to cost eight million franc:;.,f .::;' :. ' r... - CJyivanus Uobb. serial story writer Already 4745 in the national ' cemetery on , the old Stone River battle ground,- and by. Christmas it ! Mrs. Sarali Gloved mg music, died at Malvern, England, last month. . ' r. ' - - : if t ., i ' -. -i.i. ' -i.n.- ..I : liuenois ? Ayres-nas projected , ar railroad across tne Anaes 10 Valparaiso, anareauests kk fA unmQ fOl e r A r 1 n i. Chile to co-operate in constructing it . The route is said.to.be practicable.; , : ic 40iUUvg iu, w aiiuiuiou, ctuvi icqucslS . .On the Blackfriars road near London- the rats are escaping from the old sewernow be ing rilled up. A The South London Press says that myriads of them may be seen clamber. ing over the mounds of the rubbish heaped up around, and scampering off inall direc tions in search of fresh spots for coloniza tion;tothe:dismay of theinhabitants. - 1 ttamieplantVhjShis attracting con- siderable attention in New Orleans is a sut stitute for cotton. Jt is indigenous to Mex- coj gives a fibre. finer and whiter than grass ninth- f T.PrPnniftl unfl vilrl, nhnnrlfntlTr clothe is perennial. and yields abundantly four; crops in a season, Ohio is blessed with highway robbers; An ; t4Tippo baib," the elephaDtt had a. tantrum provides us .wjtn the aimosi qau uctics BiUs . , in Indiana the other ,aay;and wasvonly,sub- of life.; Tea, for instance, from :; V.ulD.a. " ' . - Xr iH- .01 .V: in dued by a chargeof pitchforks'- :t - spices from India have become as.indispen- jn Ottr, MsprtmeM 01 a a h f , f f Editowhoc ?blt0: Jti! 1 " FiriE FALIILY QR0CEGIEO-J- FP7W.V1?:a;cO .?v'r;s-- :.. principal commercial ports. 'The, export ot :,.f! VJt;.d s 7:rZr " 7 !i ' i7 The forthcoming1 burlesqua a.t the- Folies articles.of American .manufactures to those cUi: 1 ,it3it jC.r. U and; 13 Front Street, St. Antoino will be cntitledr "?ans Veri'.des- countries has also assumed extensive propor- fy-7 ) ..cr r jCAS.jD.YERS. Agent. . & - f ' - - ..i-'i'. -.r is found in the lead ore td paytortransporty part of the yean ; Most : foyorable, arrange ,T -)t. - ' aAm.IL oncI'Ljh o7v; - i ; ... . ; wnmpi. .-Vanaaawouiu umw auiuu aKWJuuuu- struct and maintain at. its own expense,. two ..rH'i- i i.eii;,a ;- ai care, ana are vi mo landtoallthehlessinssofico.nfederatioru tw . V L AT E PT I H P 0 ATI 0 fl . whosuffered a desperate character to escape between gland and consisting in part or. ; ;i0 ttfff;1 - - - K . . A withont breaking JoltofcbarV-ai W f to-i-i t .TTT-i -1 : Mr. Stephen HBrancU announces ninase r th6 same manner. The English Government nd7!! , 4 ' i - Ji ,?c 5 J- "VVl a candidate for mayor of New York.fUh his Ucesttheir service all lines in Pem i Having bad several years : experience ,.in the 5 nf it n. rnnmis fket'' ' Creamers, Butter Dishes,, Gra- . , DB2 GOODS LINE, they. make the above asser- ; card he speaKS.OJ it as cunous iact viuat . hetween India. IsDahanl and Teheran.-and 'iiiniiiS'H ;.M.s-'ii!rLJrA! ' Holland treats prisoners so well ithat they Company, which is to work by a direct route , fJdii diltl JJAdUlllle illC k) tUUJl. hasten tbfiommit new.crimes irurder to en- frpm,London"to Suez,And to connect 'the. latV. ; . -: ' - " i;- f iov again the luxuries of incarceration. 4 ? ter plac6 withBombayv Afteclhe successf ;rt; . W ffl fcliLJin"JiL; ' ' fiJ -, v VitS te Atlinticcables there cah butUitUe5 . -OEO.'AZv.FRBNCHji.u-- Of the dramatization ofNorwood," the fir on tUe gcore 0fhei exteni'ofmarine L I a. J J. i: ; Ypria says Paer sturi was -never xoisi- m- wMIe tbe anaVaidabletleithr6f cable 1 lrf fatltll" FrOXlt Sfe f di6? -S2 ,pc 0:mm iscounter-balancediby tlie red&tibn of te' 1 -rTw Hl""r"; w ? ?. ' Lattiiberte 'P'. f .15 ' W'L'lffllf GTOX, C. ' pifdee the number of public journals, in the will be of particular advantage lbscommer 'bctivrrA' -tf world at 12.500. Of , these. Anierici issues- cal men, as even bulky 'freiorht bemhs'to he ,'r" r " : 17- - - , - - 7000; Twelve ;.mi!lion shipped torough'tbe Ked Sea in preterence "L-:-A'!A-,; i in V it 14 - t VAt.! V 1 A- ' , J 1 v Mooci xiope. vye may, mererore, loos ai an .TN LOTS TO'SUTIv.- t , - Several of th employes in toe-royd -.n 2";mV v: den at Kew have died and others ; bave i been telegraphic communication with India-, 'and ; 'I i ' For'sale by J. ' ' compelled to resitrojn ihe tnets which kire made there toward ex- vf ' - ' 4 HORACE M. BARRY. , seems to be something in the nature;of the -. ;tending the cable to ChiiiaVatidaPan will, noy w u -w. :, y.r ' tm work that is specially pernicious., : .;. i v no doabt, be f ollpwed by;th cdnstructi6n,pf' -AfA W'FLOUE''''r'i'- ' coins: to ote tor women.'?- iTiife ;u r. u u fiT v7 ' - ',J, J.I;..;..V:,;jaJcs--;-: j B . . ,.;( short time. . The divisions, where the greats' . lu Tvf' w-i irv A A' rv t ' ' v- Three Rothschilds have been decorated by lest difficulties lay. were specially .inspected ,T f' $2 t'(h OOO 1 II lO ' " '; ' 1 : .the Emperor of Auatria."? By-and-by. an im- by Colonel Glover who made a. tour, of '9,300, .-i ir iVyyjVfVyrti; nerialloan mav be neces3arv. . -- ?i ' miles all over : India, and' assisted in i-ilavinff-r.ij-Lli'-Il'U iiJJ fr: Caa'AAA Vki;'!-!1 tWwas not the Tremont-ininfe bank rbb-c SeVi s laid jn .two sections the 4 TOTA JESSES PAJD0,0OO,OOOt MOURNING tier, but was and is at his hbmelin Ells &fr ' iiAltt .r.w. ir..90 TOfc0r is;Ktr l !"0 Talamannar point to W.OOO.OOO. 1 M V K ,uere UUfc i.uue u"3Cl v a" v e 1U v"c er behind EuroDean andeiican teleianh No notes are required after fourth year, divi. Alabama convention. ; 3The members are di- f J- ? "T 4 roPea ancifrmf eSf aPn?, dends paying half tSerlnmBrreatter. ' . Videdhdwever.'sixty-threebeinglextreme than the : .draw backsof a tropical f plimato No cTeductlon of ofc-nd sessment. ? P - : v ...eHi -;i 1 nomical plan of lUsuriDffw suouia t'not lali to ex- pore moderate measures !lt has been-discovered der the Wione nayjgable iromrlesto thej ?ctgf seThe first, work is to be the removal of -?J three miles otsanq panss.! ine wnoie im- i onnoTi of the Tnwn nt.Wiimfno-tnn axw ,f I'," 3ifiivru nrvrVTr a?t succeeds Mr. ueecner as Uhe tax due sajdiist;.-.?. in the Ledger. W .-14 " All parties owing any of the above named? taxes7: 5 - ? !0PM nK ty'M bodies have been j interred payment of the 8ame. V i- :: sif-fij t;:;:,!n--j --Ii- '- -"'-H".!- sum tif money.saw the knightsof the- road : & THE PATENT, LOCTIE,; :.f approaching, dropped his money in the bot- we can recommend them to give entire satisfac tom of the wagon, and when they roughly' .tlon;?r;We have taken the - Agenc fpr the State, 'asked him Where it was, having vainly 'Mfo?nnd,0np searched him, he assumed an expression of discount will be allowed. ' i V extreme fright and stammered out: "Havr - . - i E. JIURRAY & CO. oia man reiurnmir irom marKec wim a larce en't got paid yet ; Dut 11 vou'ii stop me to- THE.E.1ST l'.'Die:, US Facilities TheProposed i Telesrajrcommunlca r tion-India to he "Connected withrthi IVestern World-Telegraphic Facilities increase, it becomes a matter of necessity that the principle cities should be connected with, eachotber.bj.telegraeh,no??li.Aca' 1O0;JljajMCOTTOO AI- thoSe more remote I Asiatic and African countries whose fertilesoil EsSSiSi;fg taDle Drancn or (amencau Vuiu. a 1 " . ' - iAA ' J .1 ' . rr r ri . r rr.'iu. formed with view tosupply ftdesiderat- innnr rnprpinrp. mil remvc Him ov-wiumo- i u p v tnr innian messages. .xiie xnuia eie- i . frrabh;..CJomDanv "selects '-its routett trromi UJ, . vissia sou xvussia, MUUr i.ue jiaijflnjca, auu r-PxrwaHoi-th-atfcablerbis. offers the advantage'or little sulw nre, and thatt too m .seas where carn company marine wire; v-...... prfvUege he smalicost of andr lines, (oqly; oneourm .01 ud tir.hAmA to nn hi r attention Thnv- are of1 Ti ninn that., fiitnnnfrn thpcA linpu rnri trirrmorn I . i tf . . ..f .t ii' r'H' ine ineaire 01 action, ana Russia couia aiso lf nflF th pnmmnnlmtinn t.hpto Wts rln tint .J. i-it.i:. ' .ri. -.kcreatty impair lueauvaaiaiesui meir tsuueuitr, .0 , - . . , t? submarine tpjthe longer distance round the Cape of J encircling the whole globe by magnetic wires.T ivjuiusuu uu uiu cMcigeni; mauageujeui- An Colonel Glover have brought about a decided reform in-telegraphicrmatteAhrThero are at re?nt; 13 o7f m,e3 of lines in full' operation vising these that even a.very seripus inter- 1 has .to be carried a distance of 10 niiles - to Ithe'Paumbun telegraph'oflice, whiph is sepa-. Ii a- j i ii. J I s i . l .11 . i ; rated from the main land by the well known . jPaumbun channel, onlyi a mile and ai half ! broad: Perhaps , the greatest j improvemebt during the year was increasing: the number j f&JSi 1 Mintion an hft rpmfidipd in a comnftrfttivplv -l ' i1' ''i rr'ci v TrTM ini 'HI nuni -.fwuw- th o.; olOrtalitvS extremelvow rattoot expenses; to re. boweyerexhibiteajby the parties mostjntef. ffSIP? .w-:irsr-, I 19 1UUC UUUUl UUl tllUL tfllUlU (UO IlCH IVVUJ rirrv ': AI i a r m Buujects ot RBiAb i j. ruuu r fKa ' 1 ft lo XT fSf TflViH -IV I ihiMi.ai ' A 4iwi7 4nn X. .7. . 1867. respectively: also these of 1st Jamiarti and n4.l. . 1 . . . n " ' J .'t. -ioeo -mi: w -'.'Zjr:::?: 'ZTJl. nov 19 J, MENTS, or other papers, ; in my ofiit b please eall and get,, thenv before the next lqrm of the County Courts as I intend to resign rriy office as SDecial Magistrate of the' citv ati that cmfrfc t T vtt 1 1 1 leinnA nvnrt Hflftnd AM . ril 1 . nAA.n : Mim.i.li... I x niixt issue buvuuuua wu cut - papcii' i ciuaiuuig' 1 win issue execuuons on air papers' remaining - in my.1nd84after..Uie adiournmen;.,,oi,1lh tbwe; named Court. . t. .j : ;,J( cONdLEV '!'.J'" ' JOHN J CONdLEY, . . 4 nov 16 BEARD'S PATENT -LOCK-TIE - ALSO " -4 SI io ' ' Q i'di'JciiL rriV . beards Patent , Sclf-AdjastiEj Tie, I SmS , f MOVEMENT OF THE AGE FOR; ; I BAIilNr ifJOTPTOTH". . ,-i V. j TTyTTr.TT A trX-M.mn'Hv,J ! MUCI1 SAFER FROM FIRE, CHE APERTILaJC RO PE. TTAVING SOLD LARGELY LAST SEASON .. t t n M;. i; Wilmington. N. C iy-. ; T A W-; ;"'- -t'ly&rJniii;' tl - No.-4 jsonn: water at., 'V. ; T AS ; FOB186Tfu f, ,-;.; .Wilmington nc. : XtXia.ttdU.ftjMi E VJJ JTIUIS, VXXX JlALiLi." f ; 11 US. O. JUTI Via A'au iu.cvuw. JLa-injuiliGl. i jeoruary, iouo, w ui ue, receivea in payment, oi : n -rint y f rt i n HA Y li iTn - Ti . kTHh A Rri J .mvi-a " ' iriTT. TrN m 41 .r liTi i "li T T . .. .. v-,a;4i. i-i - v n m .-- I i . . . .53 ....... . - ........ f iSipTWt: Direct. ?1qj?1 V ' :' " 4 " ' --L ;, ' ASSOETED.. GROCERIES ;. , ; irrj1 TPE1I3 - 'GTA'irE ,r f ;Jf,MH mt by Steamers and Sail. ; f : p?aier8 wUl find it to .their interest to make ESSS ,vxa,v - J4 - - ,1 - , - 'w w - ' .,V ,; Si UJ- Wv4- ' : . . . f-. --w w t . ... - T 0PEJI THtS'-WEK'A- Xr 'JrrV M 'i- T f - B ft Irr i r r it n C &f ' & ' . ' - ;. V 7 , -1 ' LVTniW OlOlllinUIl .jruMLVK.J:il W BBLSilEAY MESS PORK, to arrive Ex Schooner J-ockwoocL - For ealehy - -f -f - -: ! t? npv ?; nf.J ivr y fW," - u , . Iiarecr Nambertnan mat neia dv any , 7. l jiViMinTimiSV . ' COnuECTICUT UUTUALl ; . T JL 'oTroTmrri a v'r fv$ , L1FE 8W.fV -1 Ite hett Assets arelthahtho oi o skstllowtiod conse- JSSSKSSiSSf "itV yffiSS- AU D(lICieB UUIlWf 1C114U1C, (U1U UU EUlil VUOIKD J 4 : i, , ti . - - . .... t li-U'vi5'. . - . l ljlIlLUl.lj1 . xLf HEWITT ,President,-. ' , ' 7 ; v t w" ALVORD First Vice Pre'aident v ; t CLEPHANB'com : . ! R A rT ir : a.dAirrrprT.' ttapt?ts .npnorai'Tn.w- . 1 r . . . . ... , . . r Banking House; Pennsylvania Avenue rcorher 19th street Washington, D C. . - t . ,-,( BRAN Clf AT .WILMINGTON, If, CM j ' FRONT STREET, CORNER OF NUNN.,. ; i 3lESllENCE 'OF; ; Si; S. ; ASHLEY;1 Open eve'rV daWexcept Sundays and iolidavsl fron!3to4P.M. V. Jt - .: Deposits of any amount received.from'aiiy per-. ion.; v . t,,.' ' - r - Jnierest payable in Januarr and" July. In each i All deposits' will he repaid ;with interest due when; required. a T '. uti.ti-i , t AH the profits belong to the depositors! :- a Branches have been established in the' princi ple cities from New York to New Orleans, and A. - ' - . fanother; without charge or interrupting thein- uLcuunis can oe iransierrea irom one .Branch to iebu, , Investments are onlv'made inr&c.nrit.!p Af4.i' United States. - - - . . J S. ASHLEY, Acting Cashier Noy. l4thr lSG7.,.. : ;. ;4 .4 : -V ; 3 ' FOR RENT,The building on the corner of Second and Red Cross streets, suitable for a carriage ob carpenter shop. " ' - Apply to MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, novl5-3t Agent. , t!. feidyrin3 .-.i-..-.f4ft.3!liit,5firi iT.-.tH::l I nfflnnns rth . - " I .-sept. 4. . ' -r v f . " J AS30RTEDlEXPRESSLY FOR ... . '44CT' ' '" ' J? ' 1 " ' T'V ' ' -V : mmmmm.' s : all wooL DkLAINES: m k a i w.v geai n. L. iXJLViCy O UI O; VV i xic&kbv ivvrvr m v w I , -...,r 1 : j 4.4- ...... .Hwr-tmw Br...ar ra . W ' . til-. . - - ' 4 . j, . I,..- ... I 1 HI 1 JU i V Jl '11 M l 1J" AJUJll" ; Lil Cli" Wcttnilr-'riDlten -."their W J FRIENDS and PATRONS that they an? now re ceivinalarge addition to their already extensive Stock' ol Pall and Winter , , 1 . Q- O O-IXS, which they are determined to ell as cheap or : " Cheaper than.any otlier ' f V( , I - tX s , , ... vS . , . ; . . . fpA 11111? T A TM1?Q J 1 ,. iV XUHi ! ' JJlllllLik) - ttt rrTxrn a ; t: - BOMBAZINES, CAMBRICS, " COLLARS i CUFFS, CALICOES, - - CORSETS, ; CANTON FLANNELS CLOAKS, : CHAMBRAIS, , -DIAPERS, 'DRILLING, EX- SKHlTStf - - DbLAINES. DAMASKS 5 DUPLEX SKDHTSy DbLAINES, ENGLISH 3MERINOES, , EMBROIDERIES, EMPRESS CLOTHS, ' ' ' ;; ELA'STICS,;;1 'v11; FRENCH MERINOES,T ; ' ' .. . - ' r; FLANNELS, .. :: - :- f. ,:; " GLOVES GIMPS, ; GINGHAMS, hose, homespun; , : J 1 . ILLUSIONS, -l" INSERTINGS; JACONETS V f KNIT GOODS, i: LACES, ,.T, r LINENS, linsey woolseys, GOODS, , iS5S rf!f NAPKINS, OPERA CLOAKS popistS"d PAPER :CAMBRICS,I-I fH onfl' r: SaKS, ;;: . ; ... f 8UEBTIKGS, , ,.:.r.i ' gisinBwitAa I ' ; V f it w . i . I : . .' i "fi ,y "yf ? i -J: TABLE j LINEN & COVERS A tickings, - " ; : ..... . . . . c r ' ' iUJiV.JX.JK WHITE GOODS, :J f ; WOOLENS, -i-i ihi '11. . 4 t 1 ojifi-;; - , ,r worsteds; XraNSIVE VARDjJTIES . ;J . YOUNG LADDZS'. GOODS, -1 i t u ZEPHYRS. j;lii l.(ijJ -iitt and many other articles im,- fi. aA t . rnii vr?Ptv vai Stores, Cotton and other Bontnern produce. ' --' C WUmington, . C, Aug. 5, 17. ' , 5 ' tf'-- j v ;t f ? . PLAIDS, T v-':,', 1 :i. 1-; - - ' - - ! t..-,. . !--,-.. VEILS, ; ; J VlTS, ; I-,' m-- ASOManufacturersofTURPENTINE r -"i xt'at 'Wri- 'ilL STILLS, and COPPER WORK in aU its tuta-vriiiiuiyp , n fk f j v.r. If r li ,t.. . CLOTHING. . , :-:OAftartf1?ttTftf4.7 ;r ' BROADCLOTHS. fl)6E8Km8: - ' ? . ' KENTUCKY,4 JEANS' ! CUTTUNAUES, OSNABURGS, BOOTS &.spOES, fHATS & CAPS, a fihejLssortment "of . .r . t. ;;oy k'titm-f.feii fiEIl'llSlliOll f ' ToTOole'sale Buyers ' Our connection with ' Northern ! t, HOUSES will- enable usto sell our GOODS ;4 WHOLESALE, at as low rates as thev can be ougn"or in ine Worthern Market Wegu antee todo thisf and onr; FRIENDS' In' the-: in ar- rior, by purchasinar of us. can save th., Am.r..a i 11 te- and Northern Markets. , . B Goods 1 Wf Detween this Warranted n tWo. sented, or Honey Refunded. . oct 8 . - J GLOTHE3 CUT AND HADE IN THE Lit est Styles end of the bct listeria!. r , Jiorth East Cor. IlnrKet Secotid Sts,f j tilminqtonk:t..c. . ; ; ;: oct3 3a daiel a. cr.imi, if-tturfcf.aad Dealer in all kinds of ' r- ! an'Clcc wurrritarc, 5 . Cljittrasses, Feathers, Window Shades TTaH" Paper,''' &c.,' also y-A GasIi Clinds and Doors. SOUtll FRONT. ST., , WILMINGTON, N. C. tQEqt23t , ly ' V ' JOOBPIZin.TJ331?JP-j:, AND DEALER IN,;.. : niP STORES. GItOCERIES, HARD ware, Paints, Oils, Boats. Oars, dec. No's 83;-Witer,7and'a 4. &' 6 Dpcl? Street, ; j1 GEO. Z. J FRENCH, No. 10, South Front Street, , Liquors. Cigars. -. Woddv-"WUIotyiidridv..-Coin i isJ Cotton and NavaT Stores Bought or . . Received ' on Consignment. : " octo ! r f - r, ' . , tf iDOIXNEB,. O. POJTBn, .--V . J. CAMEBnfiir:' 1 ii W" nrife'fs irt.T i 7 4 UUULliClli runui uu i . 'KCOt2iKltSSl02t.?K2Crciailt8" - ' r --IVfiWl VYorkf. " - ' iu ;J 1 : :: J.,-:i.- " ' : " V liberal cash Advances on consignments of Na- WILMINGTON. If rfj; ''. m , K1"? Eira-OONSTANtLYoVH supply ot ' ., . j . Corn, Meal, Ilomony, Flour, pats, Peas," ; Itye, Bran,1 Hay, &c.,k'&c , ' j .vli;I CAE ..CO- , rocE V : KT . -. i .'jr. 'hi- -1- :b FORWARDING AlD "COiailSStON , -T-, i IIERCHANTS; i - . . r-ri-':'':,-'' : ri" ,.-.. -. v : ;! Corner Chesnut and Water streets, t ; Wilmington, N. C; ' O. O. HATCH. - Iu ESTEST? 'M." HATCH. J I New York. Wilmington',' N. C. New York, ; HATcn, estes & Co., ' ; I'i . ! " ."' ' -! GENERAL '' . "- , :. .- ' '. ; .1.:, - ft --n:14-' V i1 ": ...C;., Commission Merchants, ; NO. 133 FRONT STREET,' CORNER OF PINE . "I CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON & NAVAI .Vystores solicited;" UsnaVaavanees made ane all orders promptlv executed, i i -.: Ang. 5th, 1807, tf ilANDPACTttRfiRT m tiEALKR IPi 'k:,Vni:.,...... 1 :nA8H PAID FOR I WHITE OAK AND PER: , aNAINSOOKS. vywxnon timber delivered at his MU1 at rhar i -? - r-.,y i. i iooi oi uasue sireet., t -r- v- , : ; , . ,. 4. . . ,.r , JAJS3nEJ B ' SElACtl31il?0!lXDS? j :;j ; , - WILMlNGT6NN:?l ti$ :1 anaau business entrusted "Vu'wui cwmy personarauenuofi. .lSSKii; ; L. A. HART' ' ' , ... i, e ' V: .; . - . . r . , . . . , . ( JN0 C. BAttET. IRON iffl P I COPPER i WORKSv branches. , itf- - , Wilmineton, N, C DARTrfe BAILEY. f.sept'25;v' M1'-1'" " . h: ' -.."tf",;"v f PBTxiwAT.l -itin if c4vf Boaaa moom k WOIlTtt iWATJBR STREET, t 1 5 on ineonosv reasonable tercis. A lODD'S CELEBRATED : i T- ir-v-'- v--.,rw,.'-.w;..': BROWN'S ' COUNTERj , --' lT!f-J-'V;-j iaAXiTOKir find RAIL-:;: ,: J"-'' B0AJX $0ALES.- -yl; ;::Haye;consUntly'6a hand FXSLTILIZERS of all - - UNITED STATES IKTEHMAL '19 -4ifcX..j PLLECTpRS OFFICII ; GPJD i)pTRICT K6RTU CAROLINA.?, uuurs iron v AwX; to 3 P. - Rt I'l.'ft&rft 'i .L.'Gl ESTES, Collector.'- Of all- Denominations for Sale I .... 1 ? . .. J A". - -rnT T,T?T,TTrT,r, . 4 m T It. . i, ; :vu VkJJ liU-im , uowarda. . svuewra U1 AW . L. G. ESTES. COlLInternal Revenue. J t, Wi-JA . . tf i

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