' ; ,' . : ' : --' '- P---P' j Vy' ' . 'i:' - ;P: v -:: - ;. j ., ' M ; . ... .. Pp ;jv. ' p-P"p-...;:0 1 : v-vP;" C;- --Ppp-;,-' : ; ;:p;;:: " " . VK .. : - ' ' ' ' ' .. ' ..-.- - - - : : ' . , : : -- ' ; I AmBilllllM-Wffl. t. BANKING.; RAIL ROADS. XIZ1 VIliilKGTON K. C, NOVEMBRR'20, 18C7. MAILS CLOSE. c. VJlLClKIGTOn ACD VJELDQIT D. "Thyoush Northern---5'-'-'':-Way " , Southern - A. M. P.M. 8 SO 8 SO ( OlUce opens pens rrrr Offlcc closes.?' vL ,7 SO 1 ' 6 00 Arriral and Departure of Trains. " j TRAINS ARRIVE., A. M.'. P. IL, iromtho Hortb, VV. VV. R. R. SS JO W i -fy 'J Bouthi Wi 31' ik-RY ? ?5 15' -8 60 W. C. R. R X An!: Wea..Trl!' " " ' " 4 00 TRAINS DEPART."" AJ M. P. M. iiting North, W. W. R. R. -1 6 00 si'; f f. South W. M. R. R. . .2 60 . 8 40 , W p:VL R R Tues., Thnrs., Sat 8 00 Wilmington Money Jtlarket; Nov' 10 'G7 CORftECTED "WEEKLY BT JAMES UAWSOIT BANKSB E xchange" on New York, hnying par and j selling par. NATIONAL BANK . . . . - n . - United States Depository and Financial , '' -- j ' - Agent - : p-' - . - -Dibjcctobs:, W. H. McRxbt, .Jas. IL Chadboubs, 8. Dt Wallace, EliIIubbat. , Ddts E. Bubbcss, President AsaK Walkeb, Uasnier. , fI t y ,Wu. liABSUJS, Teller.i ; , . H. MJ Bowdest, Book-Keeper. 8. D. Wallace, Jb., Clerk. rrHIS BANK IS NOW OPEN FOR THE I hm? ajr apTTON OF BUSINESS. - : "rT'r. ..-tt r I . i rir - A VT . IS A OJtuvr rt -nn GOLD AND SIJuYJKK UUlw, uoveramcm. duuub i jjqux .iuLriuuSS iLaiu AiwAoouui and Securities. . - . P ... . t . .JRAIN. ,;. . . NOTES OF 80LVENT and other SUte isanss t ave "Wil niln srto n Saily at....;. ,..9:30 P; Mi Dnrcnasea ana EXCHANGE ON NORTHERN AND SOUTH- ERN CITIES always on hand and for sale. COLLECTIONS made on all accessible points in the United eiaies, wiui pruiupo i DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and caretd sttenUon Mvea to the accounts oi Diismess mcu. . a , i 6-1 If AXIAU :f j, , BER-IiO-s or Bolts. T AM now ravins: TEN D0LLAK3 r jlu vui 8. Optics Em. ani Scp't W. & W. Pw r., ) f Wilmington, October 11, 1867. f AN AND AFTER THE 12TH OCTOBER vj the following Schedule will be run orer this Road: 1 DAT PASSENGER AND MAIL TRAIN. Leaves Wilmington daily Sundays excepted) at a a tit nrrivpA fit Weldon 3 P. M. - Leaves weiaon awiy iuuuujo saicu; &b 10-.S0 A.-M. ; arrives ai v umiu&iuu r &u 6-mos .. ... j.. tit. Al. N.-Carolina Bondia sixw; wiiu nu , -., i boupOns bn sine May,lo0l,v ..w Kmifls new sizes .,. .' , i.... .43 N. C Coupons ? . - SELLING l NAMES BUYING RATES. ... . . -i . Gold., u.. BANK NOTES Carb Fear... Bank of N..CV. ...".a: Fartocr'6 Bank ii. .'.... Me.Tchauts' Bank.is Roxboro . . . ."i i V. ....... Chairlotte, ..,'..... Thciraa8ville . Lexington, at L ...... . BATES. ia(c5.... r,oo. 00 00... 1TI14 A. " I Wadesboro'.. Commerce. . bT . . Co4imerclal -j . ; .'. .i . Greensboro Mutual ........ Fayetteville i .;;;. Clarendon. . . .v. ; 1 li ; Washington. .............. yaicevflie i. -.... iexincton - at Graham . . . II 85. I IWtlU . . . . 1 , 55(a.... .24.i. r00. f 50.... v 00..-. ' lfi .... . - 00 . . n24... oOO...fc 23.... 00.... 4S... OOyO.... "f 9:.v j.-oo;;.i i 8. iflO... 10;... 0.... --9.,.. -00-..,. 20....roo.;.. 4 BANKING HOUSP -i; OF ' JAY COOKE ;& CO.; 1 No. 20 WALL STUEET Corner of Nassau Street, NEW YORK. 1 - il .A, IIVawaI 4kMAT - VY Pricey and keep on hand a full mjot SEVEN-THIRriES, and COMPOUND INTER F.ST NOTES, and execute orders for purchase and sale of STOCKS,: BONDS and GOL.U. ij fcDNVEItSIONS Arrive at Weldon at. . ...... . . . . . .b:00;A. M.; Wftldon dailv at. ... . .. i. .V.". .6:25 P. M Arrive'at Wilmington at, .... i . ... ..2:20 A. M. " EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN, r -Leaves' Wilmington daily (Sunday ecepted) at 4 A M., and arrives at Weldon at 6 P. M. Leaves vv eiaon wiuy ouuuj tw-u; a 4:00 A. M., and . arrives at Wilmington 6:00 P M n r r ' . - " ' ' rt ' r f Trains pass Goldsboro at 2:00, 10:30 iand 10:50 A. M., going lorth : at 2:50. 10.15 P. M. and 10: 50 A.Mi going South, connecting with -Trains to Raleigh and Newbera at 10:30 ; A. M. and fur ther points at 2:50 P, .M. - rrtXT(tT; . . S. LI FREMONT T. Ehgineerand Superintendent, 1 1 for White Oak Bolts ; 6awed into 61. or inch lengths. .Bolts may be quartered or not. as Contractors may preier. wooamusvucBuuuu and free of; knots, not less than 14 inches ; m diameter, and suitable lor eawmg staves. also contract lor . w -.... ,- 100 21. FEET CYPIIESS LOUS, to be not less than 15 inches in diameter at xue small end, and cut into iu, ia, or- it 1 V.a " ; aIi lorra r ,.hn ftnnnd heart' Cvnress.- free of knots, and suitable for sawing Shinglea. Also, Juniper ropiar, Oic, wauieu. : - r TERMS :CAS1T ON DELIVEUX : at iny wharf, loot of Castle Street All timber subject to inspection. . iv . -' V, " J. C. 21 ANN t .'1':J PT " . Wilmington. N. C. Aim B 4 '. . ' ----- T7iii : -. jjl-ncryPgudep, -07.- (rl .Warranted Superior to wytLlc' now'. in use io Cleaning an J TclisUn j till kinds of Iict als, ITirrcrs, Vi intlov Glass, - int. nr! rll e-cb Stock and Assortment Wanted I : . ' '..- . . rnrrcrcs.i : ' ' " ' For eale Yrholcsala and Retail ty . - - 6eo:z,reno: ' i) J"TJbJ iO 'Front Otrcct;: ' ).; , r TTiLniNGTON, n. c. ; , ' -4..n-rYv&T. irn i n i TTS71,T T Ttfl- "17011815 witn seven or eignir rooms, jxiwc" anil Stable, i AO do wiiuiu uvc iiuuuicb " the Marketii.l aug. 18. of GEO. Z. FRENCH, No: 10 South Front St uIISCELLANEOUS. - Wilmington fciaanchesler B- n; TO SHINGLE HANUFACTURERS. gOID AT som mi mm Avply Tvitt a damp Epongo or cloth, and rub, drv with a soft cloth or leather, till the lustre ap- j nears.. Ko 1 is to be used forall F4ne Articles; and No-3 ior 8teel, Iron, and Culinary purpo- 6es;and where there is much rust ue careiui to observe tue -ttuiuucr. woo.wuv vij : time. i"). ' - r . . J c. .PIS GENBBAL' SUFEBINTENDENi'S O JTJCBi J f. a i VrL. & Man.R. R. Co., ' . Wilmington; N. C, Oct 5, 1867. ) Y N AND AFTER OCTOBER 6th, PASSEN- Vf eer Trains of this ltoad will run on tne ioi- WHOLESALE PRICES CUPItENT. J f.$ Wilmington, CIfovri6lB67. I. . .'.2 f-iaJ nu-i ionfamnfl j, BEESWAX.' - pcauwuK., owmiww BEEP -CATTLE." V i .1 r ..'-: ; 'i';-' !innn- i7 nf7?1 ft DO . ; BABBEL8...-. .' ' Stits. T.. new 'N.T..L....3 253 75 . A !hand d0.'.2 80 3 25 T I BAGGING. Gttnnv.... ...... 24(S25 Dundee ,? 2638 Rdpei 1014 ML....$10 001500 COFTEE.: f B. Java:... .,,.. 8840 We convert the several issues of Seten thib- TIES intO FlVB-TWENTIES ON THB MOST PAVOBA- blb teems, taking the 1st series , at Govebn rHBT R k TICS, alio win sr a commission to dealers.. Circular with full particulars furnished upon ap- lowing Schedule : v -jay, COOKER CO. ; s.;j i; , lr " i . up y.-?it, i - ".- - i .tr 1 Leave wiiUi.ngcion. ..,,...,........ iu.. Arrive at Florence, ...... : . ... ' o: iu a. m. Treasury of the United States, DIVISION OF THE NATIONAL BANKS Arrive at c M; sr, I 'ifPmW ;P . . ..ACCOMMODATION TRAIN.-; IT IS 5 HEREBY CERTIFIED THAT THE Leave .Wilmington .7:50 P.M. First National Bank.of Wilmington, N. C, a Arriveat Kingsville...'.'.;...'.;;..10:3 A. M. nonMn a srwf nfinn-breanUfed' under the 'Act t uava Kino-aviilfi j : a irs.. .2:00 P.M. "to provide a National CurreOy, secured by a Arrive at Wilmington. . . . . . .... ...... .5:15 A. M pledge of United States Bonds ? and to pro vide Express ' Train ' connects elosely at Florence as hhl '--'v 000rat90 tarViereuiajiuuMnu with the North Eastern Kallroad lor Charleston, bM". 55 1 S?0110, - . .vnwointft i icconiniodatioii Train wUJrun daily (SlnuJays a, Rft1 Aft LieposiKory oj. xuuuu xwvj, -;r Sugar House.... 4547i NAILS. ,.lo. Cut.....;.A507 00 Wrougnt ....... .vmsvw - oils, gallon. Rosin..... M, 10 85055 Lard...... 1 80(3150 uIttit. tinprdixrned offers for sale the patent right to inanufacttirej and use in any of the Southern States; the - .,r . ' it: MILLER SHINGLE MACHINE, which is one'of the best machines for sawing ! This machine was patented on the i.itn oi J my: 1858, and has; been much improved since;-; but owing to the war, has not been introduced Into k f&wth l adapted for Staves as well as . . - C . . . - J ttk ob 4-nnA sningles, cutting xnem evcu,- ut wjw desired.; ivv-&V'. i ' ' .'f--., . 1 The saw -tiref enters the bolts on the side, and consequently turhs out better work than can be done by most other machines. It is simple in its construction, not liable to get out of repair, and is bnilt entirely of iron. - . : .Tt nr..TiTlM a Rnace of four feet by six. but can be built of any size, the ones now in use-, being for. staves or shingles from 33 inches down. .',;: 'COUJrTir. or STATE RIGHTS v i ... ;..vv 1..;., '.i : -. ' .. .- . . ii . ;.r'P-. -. " i: u' i .' : ,r I.OFFEB .. Price Twentyfive. cents per Box i V ' " A' i i5' "i' J Certificates FOB BALE ON Veiry Mieral Terms I o'T-oirtt'(i Viiinn connect at Kintrsvuie witn tue i : . . t . . "ki.'W!, from Customs, and by virtue 01 sucu acsiguauun r Tp7.tiPo1w, fn iniiimhia and An- i - Macmncs ; can De maumaauicu j' wiirals? be employed as a Financial Agent of the South Carolina Railroad for Columbia and Au are on hand, il desiredv , For fur- ;PP Extraordina rnducettien TO Lasruvra . rip.; 2i 30 Kerosene:... . 60i 25 ; Linseed . . w . . 1 75 Sti Domingo. . . . .21 1 CANDLES, Jb. - Sderm. 5055 Adamantine . . i a .w-so Tallow 18(3.20 tAWTf9Tira 99 van fiUeeting. 4.. .m15 ta t65 190 (Signed) aug. 5 F. E. SPINNER. 1 Treasurer, U S. ... vtf aug5; General Superintendent Pitch;...... 3 603 75 PEANUTS.. ... '' .sbusnel.r.1.752 25 . t POTATOES, 9 bbL Irish bbi:. . ..$3 50(34 00 Sweet bush:. I 651 00 PBOVISIONS, FURNITURE. L trf" vlri in hnn 1 7031 75 Bacon. N. C y T !2VTm T-hM ... -Hams.. 221(325 .MWleta J ;- :-"- !MiddUngs;::-1920 Dakbbls.f0 001Z 00 - Bnouiaers.....xoi IPiho do..$0 00 8 60 Hogrouhd.i.;i820 Mackerel Baon'We8temn.;xn ' No. 1. : . L20 0021 00 . 8ides. i. .1 Hi19t No 2 ...;i9 0020 00 Shoulders.. i.1516 NO". 3 15 0016 00 . Hams;..i..2225 Kits 3 00 3 25 Pork; bhl. Hierrink Nova Scotia City m'ss24 0025 00 Tbb?. .VP6.00 7 00 , Thin " 00 OoggOO Irriiff. smoked Prime. U. 00 0022 00 boxes. . ; . .00 G0CS00 75 Kump....00 0000 Codflsh. . . . ;00 fldOO 10 Beef. . . . ... .00 0000 N- C. Roe...0 D0 a 00 putter, ix. 00 R I ST ATTX Family. . ..$12 6015 00 Goshen .4045 ' Sup6r...;..10 001100 Western...... ..0000 Fine....... 95010 00 Cheese, tt.-: I gbain, bushel. English dairy.. 1520 Wheatwhite,$0O0000 ,8Utec-.-r.V..P...182a eat, rea; u iwp w wru, , rn. wortn.. i oogi u uaiuuu.... oral Eas Co.' 1 45(31 50 Western.' ; : . ,143 w ats.......... 95li00, . onions. Pcas....i-; L.i l 25i 30, S -bDi.v;.... outgo w J Rice; rough.. 2 25a so Rice, clean... 0 12 12 E L rice..... 11(30 12 Glue, &;'.U.2025 (Ihnny Bagsj. ;:so 32 I'dnAxo. Peruvian.- 1 a ton. ..$oo ooioo oo i j'- I '- HAT. 1 Eastern... ,.,.t0 00(31 20 Hew xorK... ' i . BIDES, Green ; .' il', -'Dri.l-i Vw. . . . . ie I ; -IBON, a. FUBTfflTURlF;. ,.'i -CLCIIiaftUufictured byi 'ZITi 0G AND 98 EAST HOUSTON STREET, NEW YORK CITY. , . all this iurnituro consisting of WilvChai '& Kuth. RR.. 1 Genebal Supbbintendent's Oitic v I ' . . Wilmington. C, Aug 9, 1867;-' rN AND AFTER TUESDAY NEXT, AUG V 13th, the Passenger4rain on this Road wil ; leave Wilmington on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 o'clock,- A MJ : " . Arrive at Sand Hill, dame davs. at 3 P. M. - Arrive at Wadesboro' (State) at 12 midnight scriber's mill, on Castle street wharf. ther particulars, aaaress or can upon N w r wavv. jiv.. 3 ..-,. CASH'BUYERSV f 1 ritad tlie ToUoivuia Messrs. wmiiwu- VniTP:T7MrRVvfrv . , Gents : The sample of WniTE EMERYTur nished by you for testing its merits ln polishing. and cleaning tne engiuea v o"- 0"v:, : Arao, has proved iiself very useful for that pur- , Pos?: and equaJj r if hot superior, to anythirg of the kind . Ii:ave ever $een used.. It produces a ready, bright polisn, ana enaures uuiup uu heat of the engine1 rsom to a greater extent-than when brightened by, any otner. materia, uuu x consider it highly useiul for. steamships. . ; Srfvos: comstock; : ew York, Feb. 12, 1867. , , "-a ...i'.-j-.' - 2Sth' August," 1S66. r:-AvWHITING,'Esq., Sir: For some time I have used in my house, your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher.. I tind it fully equal to all you say of It ' With one fourth the labor and- without dirt lustre and more lasting than anything I have ever.wseiL- By using a sponge damped with .water, with a, lttle of your No. 1 on it, and rubbing the same over any W indow, Mirror orHcture Glass,. and. after it dries, rub it prjfK a .i pn Hoth' it will clean them in one--,- twentieth the tim without wet or dirt, and give a"most beautliui lustre. . i am ehubucv penonea it,. they wifl never. Je hout It, 7 -No.. 229 South Ffth St., Jersey, City. - iU .octa-tf ; . Wilmington, N. C. a v . i Si, 23-,:25, & 21 Broadway, If, Y; QQUNTRY TRADERS t ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. ; K rrrr p. sttS VENS HOUSE IS WIDELY AND m ' vwww. j ' o. i, " . .z . ... -. tn- rri- Leave Wadesboro' (State) on.Tuesday, 'ihurs- 7JLrwell trnown to tne travelling puuuc auc . -. PARLOR,' CHAMBER, . t . DINING ROOM and. I n-f LIBRARY; SUITS, Isof the latest styles and manufactured of the very best material, under the personal supervis ion of the proprietor tind guaranteed.: Pajties i tho Rnnth riftsirini flnfc household furniture can be supplied direct from the manufactory, or those about visiting New York will find it to their advantage to examine our; stock beiore purchasing elsewhere, : . - . i ALI GOODS WARRANTED, aug 8 ' 3meod Aav onri SfltntlflT. at 2 Pi M. 3 ..A Leave Rockingham (State) on Monday, Wed nesday land Friday at 4-0 A. M r ,.. . . Leave Sand Hill (Cars) Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 o'clock,' A. M.;. Arrive at Wilmington same aayB ai o r. iu.. f - a W.I.5 EVERETT, i -General Supeimtendent-. aug!0 . N tf inAtlnn ia eRbeciallv suitable to merchants and businessTmeni'it is 'it" close proximity to the business part of ther eitYrris on the highway of Southern ana western iravei auu uujaccub iu all the principal Railroad and . Steamboat De pots. -..fi-- Til HI 01JljVJli0 rivJUOA una iiucim vu- jnodation.Xotver 300 guests it Js'weH furUish- ed, amd possesses-every modern improvement tor the comlort ima entertainment oi luuiuieu. Examine nnr Stock Elsewhere. ...-... -. CALL AND t i' before , Purchasing riieSto:(3k pnT.raI Simorinfonflpnl's Office The rooms are Spacious and well . ventilated IxCnerai auptriUlt JIUtUi provided with gas and water the attendants are . r 1YIL. & Man. K. K. uompant, i prompt and respectlui ana ine taoie is r yVilmirigton, N- C, March 5th, .1867 -x Lf i lously provided with every delicacy of the TTNTIL FURTHER NOTICE the loiiowmg MISCELLANEOUS. rates will be charged on Grain, from Wilmington To Charleston, ; i loc. per Dusnei.. - 12c. 12c - :H5c. To Qheraw, To Columbia, To Augusta, gener- season at moderate rates. ,V The rooms having been refurnished and remod eled, we are enabled to 'offer extra facilities for the comfort and pleasure of our Guests. . i in tit is i at o GECi K.' CHASE & , COC ! ALE, Consists Qf , DRIED APPLE3r ;; . allspice;::; i'JT. 8UOAB,' a Jb. Cuba.'.; .12 (313 Crushedi..I.,..00l8 Porto Rico. .V.. 1415 A CoffeeVlil.00m B dojvvas'sv; .i-l6i(3i7 Cdo.... 15i15 Havana Brown .12i13 I ;sait. U sack- "ittA 8595 Llverpool,:from : t "1 " : store :$3 252i0 V(0)10! 117 ;io ; 10 no! 12 j OUR LATEST IMPROVED New ; Scale i Piano-Forte. i . - "VTOTICE. After the most flattering testlmo iN nials from the first Pianists In the country, who, at our solicitation, have testea tnem in ine severest I manner POSSIBLE, have been - pro nounced ;.;4-' 3 - f?:W;;? '-l The Finest Square Piano-Forte' Made in : the, jWorld." , - j . . It has always beeti bui1 policy during the 27iir- SW3CMacRAE, ; : Genu ausr! tt: BRITISH PERIODICALS. SPECIAL. SO MRS. WINSLOW'S OX soai-, & m. . i iinifeii ittortMif jof which are now in use in the English, ass'd 8 American, ref. 0 Amerit;;. I 6heer.....i-9 , Swede. . ..' .10 (g Hood.:! ; ;r -'.-, T ) ton, 150 C0155 00 I xiquobs, gaiion. French, i wrcc uv Annle.NC.s 0 00(3 0 00 Peach .V..0O0 0 00 Whiskey - .Bourbon.. suu.:4uu N. C .".: .753 00 400 1.UMBEB. BIVEB; V M. Wldebds..$10 0012 00 Rnantlinsr. V. S 00(310 00 Flooring.. .14 w(gis w Flooring Miu-. ' . i Rough...POouw planed....S50040 00 Brown. ...... 913 Common : . .". $4 00(35 00 Contract :. ; . u 007 00 Shipping! , .00 00(312 50 Mill prime. .10 50U50 MiU fair.....9 5010 50 Mill Wd'y.. .7 00 925 tobacco. ' i Navy..iVv;:.;. 25(335 Medium ...... ... 30(340 TTnit.prt States and Eurone. to give the finest in Rtrnment at the lowest cost uur Hi:GlSR! . FOR CHILDREN TEETHING greatljr facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all inflauimautn will allav all Pain and spasmodic action,-arid Sur.e to Regulate' the 'Bowels: - SALT BEEF,: DRIED BEEF, i BACON, PTTT1?g, in is superiorficil- Depend upon it, mothers.iit will;give jest to ltiea enable na to, onet-'them - from: one to three us 5"t . r-V l . hnndred dollars less than any other first-class r lleliei ana Jieann 10 your miants TTfttisft. i ? v -'-''v .':' ; ' We have out uo and sold this article for years. The tone of these instruments are remarkable and cn Sat; in Confidence And ?Tbuth of it for thexr peculiar sweetness and great brilliancy, what We nave never been able to say of any other Never. losing their quality when, torcedlto their medicine Never has it Failed in a Single utmost? tpacity.rThe; lower iregfeter. retaining instancb to Effect a Cuke, when timely used. its positiveness does not destroy tne miaaie an LondonQnarterlir . Review; (Conservative) The Edinburgh Review (Whig). : v The 1 Westminster Review. (Radical). if ' The Korih British Review (Free Church). B lackwoods Edinburgh JIagazine (Tory) Thesefeeriotlis 'are,!ably "iUsiained by the conti ibntions oi, me cess writers t on - Dcience Religion, arid General Literature, audMBtand mn rivalled in the world of letters. They are indis nensable to the scholar and the professional man Zr trv everv readire man as they furnish a bet ter:reeord pfithe? '.current; literature of the :dat than.can be obtained irom any otner source.; ; M TERMS.;;ToU;sf ft $ Fnr an v one of the Reviews, per annum. 4 0; 1rhlrtvtwb'of th6 Reviews n ns&; 7 0; For any three of the Reviews..;...: 10 "For all four of tht Reviews... JA.V.W... 12 I : 1 1 """i : f ii J -1' . nr''nTTx rWWH I omfiivnm i mTnT i HTn OTTTrT7XT Til? A 'TIT rTYlTTS MOST rUruliAUJSiOAAoLlOJa.aiiii. i oinAouuiiaiiun au ouwwh X ia once again in iuu operauon, anu u Proprietors having z; ? ' I feasnre around the bodv two. inches below the nr. PAIRED AND REFITTED THE tobf Hin Bone. ! State the 'side iafiicted. also if j .' ,J s-'! .r:'f' !-. " . 1 lranifct lies OLD STAND, ; i - upper registers by mingling with them in disa- . Jr, TALLOW 1 1, i lu-itiox-rt pot '. -.(i , xv- -1011 1 the most cultivated ear, . ... , JSV. v They are an entirely new styie oi nano, nnisu- r. wwrr 5Cord L . w 7. !mftRt RVh manner, with four full Oakv.tTt'f?wra? yo - .r;Xt - Wk. 'heavily carved ash . vi...Hw u 1 Lees and Lyre, Serpentine Base richly moulded, f;rl Pf?;50 andeachlnitromenVis-fulirWARRANTED for ii??f - ; five years. , . GROVESTEEN & CO., Never did we" know, an instance of dlssatlsfac- or giawuuuf-v. . .f . .4. ... . . tion by any one who used it On the contrary, For Blackwood and:on all are delfghted with its operation, and speak FdnBlackwoodandany twoof theReviews V in terms ofcommendation.oi its magical effects For Blackwood and three of the Reviews. 13 0 In this matter For BlacKWOoa ana me iuur reviews..... xo v five years. Aug. 20th. 499 Broadway New York. U06WJ.J. CLOTHING. i.. . i J-- -J:.' 'TitK ' i ! - . 1 . i'T' VV, O 3-iiA. R E 1ST 3D Q IST nTOTrTTNCr HOUSE and medical virtues. We speak "WHAT WE DO KNOW," after years ot expert ence, and ; jtledge oub deputation fob tub FULFILMENT OF WHAT WE BEBJS DECLABEi in al most every instance where the infant is suffering i - a 1 ? x m m 1 from pain ana exuausuon, reiiei wm ue iuuuu au fltteen! or twenty minutes auer xne syrup is aa ministered. '"' v: " ' Full directions for using will accompany . each Douiei ' - - " , Be sure ana call tor . y j t s':2r 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," Havine the fac-simile of "CURTIS &, PERK INS" i on the . outside .wrapper. , . AU others are : . nnir . mr T n..nn....' I LIOBCS lUiltailuus. s . . ' , : AU.'i5IS"ttI' "J"-. Sold bT Druggists thronghouf the worU. from- all otheta.itrio pressure on tne oacK. 11 is t -yiBv offices J - light clean, and easy. ;. Persons rupxurea suouia OFFICE t OF WHITE'S Patent-Lever V Truss Co. - wJef 6Q9 BKQadway . flewi one. at once procureTHlS, the best Truss, to prevent IMPO TENCY, and secure - yourself against ; 215 Fulton Street Kew York, " i n 1- J ' ll . -f CLITBS. ' AvdiRtonnt tsitvxntvver cenl. will be allowed t ninh nf fonr or more persons. Thus, four conie of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent i one' address tot ZVl 80. . .Four copies of the fou Beyiews and Blackwood, for IfS and so on. ' "Ti,hap! fthoiitd 'Prenav bv the : nnarter. r the office of delivery.' The- Postage ; to any pa of the United States WTvoo CcnU a number, Th rate only applies to current subscriptions. Ft! back numbers tthe postage is double. ; 7 - I 'ipji''r s ub s crib erV .' New knbscribers toany two of the above pet 6dicals foti868 Will be entitled to receive, gati Afay ontf:oi'the!;fr:twtrri1867.;'-tNew eu seribers to all five of the Periodicals for 1868 m 205! High. Holborn , London, England, - receive, gratis,' Blackwood or any Iwo-of thea 441 St. Paul Street, Montreal Canada; Hevteio$ for lS57.f'vff'! Aug. 29, '67. lean: orfteshyl. anu give iplain directions . about a 4rv,0r, t,oa v.oo n fn fhp 1 iiv:" are now-tTOanufacturinff-the nn-r nffprino-.the largest stock of i I Misvoi ttoto? vini I arA most Durable Paint in use: .il'jiat ! .-I : Wry ? :Haf i ' lred diseales: Hinder the special care: of-the:' put cin, mlxedr.with Peedjq' l Am l tJUDScnoerB may - uuuuu a uuuiubjj ai, Will 1 - , - - . ; .- -- .... 1 IOliowins reauceu i airo, -7 - 1 s-The Afertt WiAfrom January, 1863. to II TiAINTS FOR 1? AKaiSIWJ;. A Usi I'll- rVT V"wiU '.nmwTRftT JL ERS. The Grafton Mineral -i i Paint 'uompa- I VTa IZS mJniariJ Kilt AND i.flh hrattv aTor15 yrsl ft is ol a light brown or beauUtuf S 5f 1 i '1. by the profession to have.no.equal in this sped-1 chocolate coior, ana can uu cmuu v graa,- Neither Pimiwns to Subscribers, nor c l7Mearingthe iJE KT F U R NI S 11 W I : a, the afflicted par JB.KA1 JSOJ iiJiri J-a- iiUiiwiv ius uiubi uusuuaiu 1 V-"T4 , .7Tmiam.r: t f emitted aired 10 vie jTiOiisnrrt. T ' ' - s - . V-J' - r :.' " -BB;ooKLTNSept20th,'l&66. : A. WHITING, Esq , Sir ; Ihave carefully used your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher, and I have no hesitation in recommending it as being fully equal to all you claim for It, ; and, .think no - ; housekeeper should be without it j -- : f . , . Mbs." VAN ZANDT, ,(- . 86 Clintoli Street, Brooklyu:i" f 29th August; 1SC3, 4. WHITING, Esq., Sir : I have given Ios. I v and 2 of your Eureka Pelisher and Burnisher in theNew York Hotel, a -fair trial, and find it all and even more than you recommend it to be. It : elves a better and more lasting lustre in much . r .. ... ... .... i i" !iv... . less time, wiiii less worK, auu wuuoui uut, vut -, anything i,ve ever seen or used by 100 percent f . -.' -;.,, JOHN CRANE, - ' V h :, Knife Cleaner, New York Hotel. " ,.r,;,. . -29th August, 18G6. A. .WHITDG, Esq. Sir : We have carefully witnessei the usef your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher inour Hotel.and can fully and do cheer- fully endorse the above. - We can with it clean all the windows and mirrors in our house in one- , tenth the time and without wet or dirt.. : Send us . . 200 lbs. of No 1, and 100 lbs. cf No. 2. ' ' ' - CRANSTO-TN '& tl.LLULt!U., - 't f5New,Yprk Hotel i ! . , ' f Astor. House, New York, Nov. 5, 18C5. i jat.'.2TTnflr nnr anner7ision. we have had your AXE HANDLES, hwhiting Eureka Polisher, &ct tried in the vari- ous aeparvxoeuvs ui iuc aoiuj uvuou. v.., , , and clean action, its brilliant and lastin g lustre makes lt a very useful and desirable article for all . purposes you ciaim ior it. iu our opmwu i. f tar superior xo any miug ui mo muu uwn in use. -Wh have and saau conxinue 10 use u. . -81g9'ed3.-W?rAr;.fB-AJiA W t , V .H- -. qi .": '-'ta:.:'.' -'- ' ;.- iv----' .V . . ;rV; r' Sir : We have usedtor some time your Eureki t-. Polisher, &c, in our Hotel and can fully recom- , mpnd it to the public generally,' tand we can en-, dorse what the Astor House say of it. ' Signed - ' PATTEN & WIELD, Pacific Hotel, Greenwich Street, near Courtland. ' ' Sir :-I have tried your Eureka Polisher, &c. , in. my Hotel, and . most -cheerfully endorse what ' . w 9 ' m 9 M. . T iV ..ill.... the Astor House say oi it, ana ao wim coouuencc recommend it as a very economical, useiui ana superior article. ' Signed . ,,nirr : ' ' r StevensHouse," 27 Broadway. 1 ,; ,Wew xorK, sept. a. icoo. A. WHITING. Esq.,. Sir : J have tnea your . Eureka Polisher, Burnisher," and Enameler, and take great pleasure ia recommending it as a supe rior article for the uses for which it is intended. Please send us rluO lbs. of No." 1 and 50 lbs. of N0i2. af! rJ-v wARRJrriVOAJCAi 1 : ;t- csuperintenaeni ouuvueru .utct. !'rTOtirrTWn Pan Rifs-We have tried vour Eureka Polisher and fully agree with the New York Hotel and Southern Hotel, in its value for all purposes yOU claim ior it. riease scna us iw lbs." of it i . - a : Bulls Head Hotel, uor.ziin ot , anaou a v. - i i, New York Hotel, Sept 1st 1866. A. WHITING, Esq., Sir :-Having witnrtsed : the use oi your JKureka roiuner ai tne new Hotel, werare fully couvmcea u is au you.jjijuu : for it, and you can ship to our address 100 lbs. ot No. 1 and 100 lbs. No. 2. " ' " ' J very iruiy, "yours,1 uuwuvwu, www., T. , .. imperial Restaurant, New Orleans, I ' "' Rpntpmher 3d. 1666. . ' M r -.After a careful and lull-trial in our stableaof your: Eureka Polisher and Burnisher,: we most eneenuny coiuiucuu and we are certain that no .one who has occasion to usensthiEg oi.M kind ;wUl be without it It l& by far the best thing we ever saw or used. Please send us 100 lbsj of it at once. T--i H ii"4y-Nol5 East 24th Street , , :r Np.w York. Sept 24th, 1SC3, - :i '.wn'tTiNOa;. Sir : I have used your Eureka jronsner anu omuwu6j,iu '4 H'-'T : ever offered in this, market; " BOYS' CLOTHING AND HATS - t m . . i iinAi rftvrn a to mi i 1 i m m iiiiiiriiirin - K cases can be curea. rnces ior xrusses vary anu hwu6U-j.b, "fe'rr. . , T"' -vrt nreminms can be dven to Ulubs. from 5 to 50 Dollars according to quality and the! Canal Boats, Vessels, and ampi-ioMoiM,-an- - - ; . uo1,?,Yl -- r;r. i?.?i t AJS f00i oh fthinrl Rnnfa. fit beinff Fire and ftttp TrnVAT?n SHOTT TTTTi r-r They have also: engaged iine.? serviceo ot "-"u, for TwoBottlesJ" m? ts , Water proof), Flor oir CJotns;ione manuiacxu-. ... n tJA pnft' w v' TAILOR, who an, artist in . his profession not P?J mMREOTi GenVAraitV - rer havlnff used 5000 bbls. the past y ear ) and as , K . H , U ; .W. Ful9 W Y, durability, elasticity, ana aanesiveucB. criu idbu o. a uuhbuiubvuiuiauij, ttUu pUD ffjper bbl. of 800 lbs. , which wUl supply a farm- the FARMER 8 GUIDE, by Henry Stephens er for years to come. Warranted in all cases as Edinburgh, and the late, J. Norton, of . 1 above. Send for a circular which gives run par- I College. - y yois;, uoyai yciayo, iww pages, ; aug. 81. lit my house ana siaoiee, uuu uuoi. . commend it8 being a very superior, article, fully claim ior iu i euau io also abound in ' this ' , House and their Stock of I SHIRTS; - !. t. j ; . - SACKS,' and ' ; ' . : V UNDERCLOTHING, cannot be equalled South of NewiYorkl . V. r . tiir ft wn Goods, and being con- nected with1 a House in Philadelphia gives them faciiitiel which no other House in the State can claim. ' '.--J " '""I . 5 tZT Country dealers would do well to call. : - PROPBIETRS.; GOOK. PARLOR, and " HEATING STOVES, ticulars. None genuine unless branded In a trade j numerous Engravings.' - - ;. y ; ; . -j - , - . - mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address . ' -Price $7 for the two volumes by mail, y KeroaineOil, Grates, House Furnishing Goods DANIEL BID WELL, 54 Pearl Sti N. Y. . J paid, C3. . -' Q -L. nov Nov. 5th, 1867. &c, to be had at nov.l - f . A. H. NEFF. tf , , ...TUEI1EAUUQ POOL! AT N Essav for Young Men on the Crime XIl of Solitude, and the Diseases and Abuses whlrh create impediments to MARRIAGE, with sure means of KelieL sent in seaiea letter envei- nt.cn frno rtf fhflTfrP AddrPPS. Df. J. SKILLIN HOtJoHTON, . Howard Association, Philadel- tSt W 6m IJILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. GALL AT A. D. J3ROWNS and examine, his splendid Stock, of Millinery, Hosiery, Gloves and Fancy Articles. ' 1 adies will find a PRACTICAL MILLINER in attendance, ready to wait on them. K". Remember the place, No. & South Front St. E3T All goods sold for CASH only. I . - ' A. D. BROWN. octll - " ; Alex i' - :,:.-Ci',.'; ;-:"'.F;'.'i-'li:jiw"'";''' ' SENSITIVE' TEETH FILLED WITHOUl , PAIN. . Ty a simple application the tooth is rendered jLfinsensiDie to pain oaring tne operation of filling, without injury to the nerve or tooth. livery operation warrantea to give satisfaction Charges as low as any Dentist in the city. - Teeth extracted without pain. . 1 ; , THOS. B. CARR, M. D. 'V: mo.m"''' ' K-25 Market itreet ' JLt. 5, 1X37 tf.. Ana: -any other Goods too mention. numerous to IO ci. Urczii Street , VriLIIIKOTON rr. c. ' .finoi what von aA think no one who ever does try it . win der r-.. .... nriTJomwto ! Aim be without it- i r ; . vulo St, Nicholas btabies, oy ana oa iixcrecr i. - - r-""' - ' New York,1 June li'lSGS. a wTTTTTKa T.Rh..eDear 8ir: I have used c Vour -Eureka-Powder, inmy Saw MJ. and 1 una it very goou aui pjumuu v -r " ; but'as a Polisherlflnd it .makes a lustre 50 per cent better than Emory or anything 1 have ejer. used, and with much less labor, which preserves all articles from tarnishing, and fronv my expe rience I find that it keeps them i so and that they, do not require oiling. H. R. WARNER, " , - ; h w York, Oct 16,1SC0 . Sir: I have given your Eureka Polisher, etc, a critical test and can say with Mr. Warner, that it is very far superiortq Emory. It worts quick and requires but little "labor, and gives a most -beautitul and lasting lustre, and i3 very economi cal. I do most cheerfully recommend it, and shall use it in all my works. EI: strhlaa No. 74 Ana Street