(, i -1 V-. WtLMINGTON ; N. C . NOVEMBER 77. 1867. POST OFFICE DIRECTOR V. J MAILS OLO SB ..Northern through , mail. U. ,7:50 P. M. Daily Sundays excepted. r . Southern mail " .........8:00 W. C. & R. R. K, - , ..J 8:00 . days, Wednesdays and-Fridays. Fayetteville via "Warsaw. .L. ... .00 i days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Smithville via Steam.,., 2:00 times a week. , ' "-1 . 7 - ; MAILS 1BBIVB. Northern way mail, 7:30 P. M. Delivered- from window at 8:15 P. , i Northern tbrouffh ' mail; 2:20 A. M.h-Deliuered l.Oft tl .If-, ; -f. .4... J tl Mon- t ' , Mon- ... -i v three iTtiii a. m . i Office open from 7:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sundavs " 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. -i ED. R- BRINK, P. M. - 1 Post Office, Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 17, 1867 Wilmington Money Market, Nov. 22, 67. COBHECTED . WEEKLY BY JAMES DAWSON BA2TKER. Exchange on New York, buying par1! and selling par. .v-;-j:-' '; - I ' "-':: v v N. Carolina Bonds old sixes, with all the coupons on since May, 1861,.. ....'...GO N. Carolina Bonds-r-new sixes. . . . . .L . V.V. . . .48 N. C. Coupons ....... . . . J. .......... L .... ... 42 . - BUYING: SELLINO . 1 AMZS 1 .y--,-V-f. RJLTBS. t ' BATES. Gold... ;.1 36$...;. lit ri i Silver..... BANKNOTES , Cape Fear. ............ ..i . Bank of N. C...... Farmer's Bank.... L. Mercian ts' Bank. , ..... l. Roxboro .... Charlotte...... Thomas ville ..... T .nv? nrf n of T. Miners' and Planters' ... . . . Wilmington; ; . , Wadesboro'.. . .......... Commerce. ............ . Commercial ............... Greensboro Mutual. . . . . 4 . Fayetteville .... i . . ...... ). . Clarendon. . . . . , . . . ........ Washington. . . .... ' Yanceville .Lexington at Graham.... 1 30. j FIRST NATIONAL BANK" oi?' Wilmington: m " C. United States Depository and Financial Agent. i Debectobs: . W. H. McRaby, Jas. H. CnADBOUBjr, S. D. Wallace, - Eli Mubbay. . Ddw tx E. Bubbuss, President, i Asa K. Walkeb, Cashier. , Wm. Labkins, Teller. rpHIS BANK IS NOW OPEN FOR THE TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS. GOLD AND SILVER COIN, Government Bonds and Securities. - - NOTES OF SOLVENT and other State Banks ! ' purchased and sold. EXCHANGE ON NORTHERN AND SOUTH- ERN CITIES always on hand and for sale. COLLECTIONS made on all accessible points in I the United States, with prompt returns. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and careful attention given to the accounts or business men. '. aug. 14 1 f i.1 , f . i l .1, k K . 6'mos BANKING HOUSE " I " " OF ' v ; JAY G00KE & CO.; Nok 20 WALL STREET,! Corner of Nassau Street, NEW YORK. W 00( 00...V LESAIiE PRICES CURRENT. ' ' Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 23, 1887. Scantling. .8 0C10 0C White pine J45 0050 00, bbl........0 00190 i molasses,! gallon. Cttbahhd..t..' 47i52i do" lierce. . 00 do bbl..J.. 55 BEESWAX. - 9 - ft.-.'.-. 3235 BEEF CATTLE. 100 s;. $7 0010 00 BABBELS. Stts. T.. new . NY....... 13 2503 75 i d. hand do.. 2 303 25 . r BAGGING. I Gunny. 2425 Sugar Hous( Dundee........ 2628 I nails'; Rone........... 10(314 Cut. ., bbicks. ! Wrought . M .1 10 0015 UO t - 01 COFFEE, B). JKOSln Java. ... ... 3840iLard...... . . Laffuvra . . . . . . . .2830 Kerosene . . Rio .2125.Lin8eed. . . J St. Domingo . . . . .2123 Pitch L . . - CANDLES, $ B , Sperm.. .. ...... . .5055 Adamantine. . . .. .2023 Tallow 1820 domestics, yard. Sheeting, 4-4.... 12i15 iarn, Duni tvn&L to. fish, $) bbl. j jkluiJets - E BUY and sell at the most liberal current v V prices, and Keep on nana a iuu suppiyoi GOVERNMENT BONDS CF ALL ISSUES, SEVEN-THIRTIES, and COMPOUND INTER- p EST NOTES, and execute orders for purchase and sale of STOCii.i5, vvnuz ana uu.uu. J CONVERSIONS. ; We convert the several issues "of Seven thib ties into Five-twenties - on the most ' favosa bletebms. taking the 1st series at uovebn- ment Rates, allowing a commission to dealers. Circular with full particulars furnished upon ap plication. - , Treasury of the United States DIVISION OF THE NATIONAL BANKS Washington, D. C, Feb. 20, 1867. iT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED THAT THE First National Bank of Wilmington, N. C.V& Banking Association organized under the Act "to provide a National Currency, secured by a , pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide i Jor the' circulation and redemption thereof," ap proved June 3d, 18(54, having complied with: the requirements or section 4o oi said Act, ana with the regulations of this Department made in pur suance thereof, has this day been designated as a RAIL ROADS. FRCItCITS -COLCrJIJ vmninafdi ad,v;eldo n. ft.RO CB EI,ES ffniTE AincuoKi Wi . -iiMfmriMirr,"' ) tt"t? Tnrs or Colts- . T X tor uu - 'ba onirtered or not. icy-., m:, n. GODPAHY. :.3irrI AT5 . J j I ft i- AND Office Eng. and Sup't VT A W. R. R., - Wilmington, October 11, 1867. . f . 0N AND AFTER THE 12TH OCTOBER the followmg Schedule will be run over this Road:- - 4 TJAY PASSENGER AND MALL TRAIN, i Leaves WUmington daily (Sundays excepted) at 6AM.: arrives at Weldon 3 P. M. - i Leaves Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) jat 10:30 A-jM. ; arrives at Wilmington ? P. M.: NIGHT I EXPRESS MAIL AND PASSENGER ; , - ; ! , . TRAIN. :. i s -;. Leave Wilmington daily at.. ...v..;. .9:30 p. M. Arrive at Weldon at.......... .-6:00 A M. Leave Weldon daily at..... .......;v.6:25 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington at. . ....... . .20, A. M. j- EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN," ' i Leaves Wilmington daily (Sunday ecepted) at 4 A. M.J and arrives at Weldon at 6 P. M. i Leaves Weldon daily (Sundays' excepted) at I 4:00 A. M., and arrives at WUmington b:yo , r Trains pass Goldsboro at'2:00, 10:30 'ancT10:50 AvM?, goine North: at 2:50, 10.15 P. M. and 10: 50 A, Mi, .going South, connecting- withv Trains to Raleigh and Newbern at 10:30 A M. and fur ther points at 2:50 P. M. j j " Ehgineer and- Superintendent. aug 5 .-.JL - TEIE' ''LARGEST. ,4 i- Stock and Assortment TiV.Tl IiOs or Ai 01 is AM now paying S:5r rn:M or C3 ite uas xui c t , Bolts mai as Contractors may -than' 14 inches- in and free . of knots, Jess n diameter, ana suiiauio .y 7 , . .r,- - also contract for , . - - , inn in. FEET .CYPRESS LOGS, tobenotless than 15 inches small end, .e-i cut into 5 10. 1,. r leSnU to be sound heart Cypress, free of knots a?d snitable for ng Ses,, . A Also, Juniper," Poplar, &ct nteJ ; TERMS :-CASlT ON DELIVEHY at mv wharf, loot of Castle Street. All imoer subject to inspection. .. -:'.t .:;: Oct 9 Wilmington,' N.X. T J f V " Wanted I IN THE S ? it 1 TATE -1 s;rr,f.v 1 '' 1 t . At: I Wilmington . & Manchester R. R WlL. Wilmington, N. C. ISyrup . . . . ......60i 00 I Depository of Public Moneys, except receipts ougar nouse . . . ,v(gii t $6 50( oils, gallon 57 00 )00 .I085(a055 .1 301 50 .. 60 65 .. 1 751 90 . 3 503 75 from CustomSy-and by virtue of such designation will also be employed as a .Financial Agent 01 the Government, i ; : (Signed) - , J - . F. E. SPINNER, j. 1 l . " fvnnaTmr- TT O ' K i l.f - no K IRftT i I ON AND AFTER OCTOBER 6th, PASSEN ger: Trains of this Road will run on the fol- owlng Schedule : , w. '4 . EXPRESS TRAIN. eave u:jmuis:tont ................. 2:30 A M. Arrive at Florence . . . ... . . . . .... . . 8:10 A. M.' Arrive at Kingsville. . ..... .... . . . .11:45 A M Leave Kingsvillei . ......... . ..... . t .11:30 A M. Arrive at Florence. . ................ 2:55 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington ... ........... 8:55 P. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Wilmington . . . : 7:50 P. M. Arrive at Kingsville 10:3ft A. M. xeave xvingsviiie.... ................ r. jvi. Arrive at AYilmington. .............. . .5:15 A. M Express Train connects closely at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad for Charleston, and Uheraw and Darlington Kan road for Cjheraw, and at Kir gsville with the South Carolina Rail road tor Columbia and Augusta. . accommodation Train will, run daily (Sundays excepted) and connect at Kingsville with the South Carolina Railroad for Columbia and Au- ! i I General Superintendent. f aug 5 . , .6m FURNITURE. PEANUTS. . bushel. .f 2 002 45 Irish bbl... L.I3 504 00' oweet, Dusn.. oo(ai w PROVISIONS, Jb. Bacon, N. C. - .1 Hams... J...... 21(322 Middlings.... .1819 Oakbbls.50 0011 00 Shoulders ..... 17(a)18 Pine do,.$0 00 9 50 Hog round. . . . .1819 Mackerel ' Bacon, Western- No. 1.....20 0021 00 No. 2. . ... .19 0020 00 No. a i5Wiooo Kits...... 3 00 3 25 Herring, Nova Scotia bbs 5 00 7 00 Herring, smoked boxes. . . . .00 6000 75 Codfish. ... .00 900 10 N. C. Roe...0 00 9 00 .Family. . . .$12 501500 tsnper iu w(cgi:a uo Fine 9 5010 00 f grain, bushel. Wheat, white.! 0 00(ffi0 00 Wheat, red.. 0 000 00 uorn, JNonn.. icowlu Corn. Eas Co. 145(8150 Oats... 95(3100; Peas.........! 1 25 Rice, rough. 2 252 50 Carolina.. 9 10 E. I. rice...:. 110 12 Glue, B.,.20 25 Gunny Bags,,. . SO 32 Guano. Peruvian, . ton...$000092 50 HAT. Eastern ......$0 001 20 New York... 85(a 95 : HIDES. Green". ..; H10 Dry;....,.....:.16l7 i i , . IRON,- H. ; : English, assrd 8 10 American, ref. 0 10 American, 1 sheer........ 9 10 Swede....... 10 (a 12 Hoop. . i $ ton, 150 C0155 00 liquors, gallon Brandv . 1 French.. $4 00(320 00 Apple.NC. 000 0 00 : Peach.. ..p 00 000 Whiskev Bourbon.. 2 00 4 00 N. C 3 00 4 00 LUMBER. RIVER; Mi Wide bds . . $10 00(312 00 Scantling.;. 8 0010 00' Flooring... 14 0018 00 Floorinff-5-MiU . - r :Rftnp-h....25 00300 00 planed. . ..35 0Q40 00 Sides...!..... 17U Shoulders.... 14 14! Hams., u ...... 20(322 Pork bbl. City m,B8$24 00(324 50! Thin Prime... Rump... beef. 00 0023 001 .00 0022 00: .00 0000 .00 0000 Butter, Jbi- Country;!. . . . .. .33(335; Goshen 4045 Western iT. .. ...0000 Cheese, lb. i English dairy..l5(32a State..., L.:.i..l822 N. Carolina. .. .17(318 Western 12i16 - ONIONS. - -! i 30, bbl... . i .4 505 00 SUGAR, ID. Cuba.....: 12 (31 Crushed . . ... .00(318 Porto Rico ..... 1415 A uon.ee..! 00(317 B do....t...... 16(317 Cdo.....J..... 1516 Havana Brown. . 121S FURNITURE; : "--W FURNITURE. ; a ' manufactured by . " ' 06 AND 98 EAST HOUSTON STREET, NEW YORK CITY. all this furniture consisting of , PARLOR, i CHA3IBER, DINING ROOM and i LIBRARY SUITS, is of the latest styles and manufactured of the very best material, under the personal supervise ion of the proprietor and guaranteed. Parties in the South desiring fine household furniture can be supplied direct from the manufactory, or those about visiting New York will find it to .their advantage to examine our 6tock before purchasing elsewhere. Alili GOODS WARRANTED. aug 8 . 3meod MISCELLANEOUS. OUR LATEST: IMPROVED New Scale Piano-Forte. ' SALT, Liverpool, More sack. from I . .f 3 20230 Alum, bush 60 0 621 Ksoap, lb. 1 Brown. ... . .... . .913 SHINGLES, S M. I Common . ; . $ 4 00(35 00 Contract..... 6 00(3700 UMBER. Sh'ipping .i. .00 0012 50 Mill prime. .10 00(310 50 Mill fair. . I . .9 0010 00 Mill ord'y.. 5 50 8 00 tobacco. Navy J 25(335 Medium. ... 8040 Manufactured. 60$1 00 : V V TALLOW. ' .1 I 3? ft..... ioii wood. - coro. "VTOTICE. After the most flattering testimo- J nials irom the first Pianists in the country, who, at our solicitation, have tested them in the severest manner ruaansiii, nave oeen r pro nounced 3 The Finest Square Piano-Forte Made in ' J the World," It has always been our policy during the Thir- tyrsix Tears that we have manufactured! Pianos, twelve thousand of which are now in use in the United States and Europe, to give the finest in strum ent at the lowest cost. Our superior facil ities enable ub to oflFer them from one to three hundred dollars less than any other first-class House. The tone of these instruments are remarkable for their peculiar sweetness and great brilliancy Never losing their quality when lorced to their utmost capacity. The lower register retaining its po8itiveness does not destroy. the middle and upper registers by minffline with' them ' in disa- greeaoie contusion, ine refined, oeauty 01 tone being equally delightful to the unpracticed and to the most cultivated ear. Pine......... 3 003 50 Land Plaster, ton... CLOTHING. AT NORTHERN I'lll t Grnrral Sufsrintsndrnt's Ojticb, ) MAN. K. 1C. UO., FOR 'I , 1 . T.Z.ttii t a T.WV.TJJNQ r EOUSE with seven origui; vV.-f . aid Stable. To be within . five minutes walk of. theMarket. . GEO. Z. FBENCH, . v" ' ' ' " ' No. 10 South Front St. , ; ' aug.! 18. . ' ,4v 1 4 ' ; IL - miscellaneous;:' TO ,! SDINGLE H ANDf ICTUBERS. ,Tbe undersigned offer, for d. thi ptojt rigj to manuiacture ana u. iu -uj ww. MILLER SHINGLE MACHINE, " , " - -; . . ; ' i Ytii, - SmeiyPoucler,: I Warranted Superior iotnytbiDS now innsefo Cleaning and Polishing all kind of JlH als, Ilirrors, Window Glass," Paint,s and all such . Purposes! ''.'. " ' For sale Wholesale and Bctaliby GEO. Z. FRENCH, ; pjo. 10 iFront Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Hi isro. : i. i DIRECTIONS. Aiiply with a damp Bpone or cloth, and rub dry with a soft cloth or leather, till the lnstre ap nears No. 1 tobe used for all Fine Articles, J and No.3 for Steel, : Iron, ana;Culinarj purpo-r cp and where there is much rust: Be careiul -to observe the Number. Uee but very little at a ; Price T wenty-fite centa per Box. ;7),-v-. s Xlead the follotcing CertMcatea, which is one of the best machines for sawing nlshed Dj y0u for testing its merits in polishing . Bhingles, Jn use. 1 - - ,J1 , and cleaning the engines of sttamei-s Fulton and This machine was patented on the 13th of J uly, Arag0 ijas proved itself very nsefulfor that pur-, 1858. and has been much improved since: but gf alld equal, if not superior, to anythirg ol owinff to the war, has not Deen mirouuccu ww i tne 1 nave ever - seen useu. a, piuuucco a 1 Khe 8onth. r It is adapted'for Staves as well as ready,. bright polish,C and endures . the damp and ; shinffles. cutting inemfeveu, w iiu ujr ;v; neat or tne engine rouiu vu .u desired. : ' " ' 'S, when brightened by any other materiaL, and I rhk fl'entetf the bolte Wtheide, and eonsiderftjdgh . , - 4 I , . . l.fil,.. n ha 1 I jUIb. . VCIV LIUiTi I , consequenuy turns out ffJ.rK Capt. JOS. J. COMSTOCK. . . ' done by most other machines :&to dmge to lto ; New York Feb. v 1867. - r construction, not uaoie logei. um u .t. I lOFFER Extraordinary Inducements 28th August 18C6. 1 . "iiroTTfVn TTcn Sir TTrir . Rome time I li Tt ocennies a sDace of four feet by six, but can Rfti i mv house. vcur Eureka Polisher and be built of any size, the ones now in uro . being Burnisher: I find it fully equal to ah you say of , , for staves or shingles from 33 inches down it . , With one fourth the labor and without dirt '1, ' ; - - . ' n gives a superior lustre and more lasting than j ! CO UJVTY or RIGHTS I anything I have ever .used. By using a sponge dampea witn waver, wiiu u ixvuc wi. jyui i 1 On 11, H.I1U rUUUIUS'- WO -bbuiv. wiw J . 1 luuyn, TO . 5 ill ! CASH BUYERS. Wil. Char. & Ruth. RRH i General Superintendent's Ornc , I I Wilmington, N. C, Aug 9, 1867. ON AND AFTfiR TUESDAY NEXT, AUG 13th, the Passenger train on this Road wil. leave Wilmington on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 1 o ciock, a. ivi. 1 -1 Arrive at Sana mil, tame aays, at 3 r. jm. Arrive at Wadesboro (State) at 12 midnight. Leave Wadesboro' (State) on Tuesday,! Thurs day and Satuday, at 2 P: M. i f - Leave Rockinsrham (State) on Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 4:30 A. M. i i Leave Sand JtUll (Uars) Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 o'clock, A. M. ; 1 i Arrive at VYUmington same days at 6 tr. M, ; r W. I. EVERETT, ; I I i General Supeiintendent. aug 10 ' , tf . . " FOB SALE ON ! Machines' can be manufactured in this city, where all the patterns are on hand, it aesirea. ; , " A machine can be seen in operation at the sub scriber's mill, on Castle street wharf. For fur ther particulars, addresa or call upon , - f J. p. MANN, i oct8-tf t " ! l'TOImihgton, NC. Mirror or Picture Glass,' and after it dries, rub it riff with a clean 'Cloth, it .will clean them in one- twentieth the time, without wet or dirt, and give a most beautiful lustre. I am satisfied that if any person uses it, they will ntiver be without it, v : . . . T1TTT CI AIT ? ! No. 229 South Fifth St, Jersey City; , " ' ' Brooklyn, Sept. 20th, 1866. 1 a 'WHITING.. Esq ; Sirj I have carefully used your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher, and 1 - -''"-. m ; Jl! have no hesitation m recommenamg 11 as Demg fully equal to all you claim for it; and think no flOFNTRY-- TRADERS 21'"23' 25 & woadiray, N.; y.; hauler toJ$W!i& WUillJR.1-; IftAlf pppotiU Bowling' druk; --, A' ' " 86 CUnton Street. Brooklii tr IIiDO WELL TO CALL AND Examine Elsewhere. my Stock before Purchasing The Stock FREEDMAN'S SAYm&S Consists ALE, AND .TRUST COMPANY. CHARTERED BY ACT OF CONGRESS lv. ' officers: ! it. T. HEWITT, President, ! J. W. ALVORD, First Vice President, i L. CLEPHANE, Second Vice President , , I DANIEL L. EATON, Actuary, ; ! SAMUEL L. HARRIS, General Inspector. , Banking House, Pennsylvania Avenue, corner of 19th Street, Washington, DC. .-.'4', , DRIED APPLES, i ALLSPICE, i V. , 1 AXE HANDLES SALT BEEF; . j,;...,, . - DRIED BEEF, BACON, 1 BOTTLES, BRANDY, . It . ,;; . ; ..BROOMS, BUCKETS, Jii'ij , , ,i( BASKETS, f . BLACKING, ! y 1 BAGGING, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. fTHE STEVENS HOUSE IS WIDELY AND JL well known to the travelling public The location is especially suitable "to merchants and business men : it is r in close I proximity to the business part of the city is on the1 highway of aouinern ana vy esiern i;ravei-rana aujaceni mj all the principal Railroad and Steamboat De pots. . -" ; , tjfi'fAfy'ri THE STEVENS ; nOU8E has liberal accoin modation for over 800 guests it is well furnish ed,- and ' possesses every modern improvement lor the comfort and entertainment oi its inmates. The rooms " are spacious and well ventilated provided with aras and waterthe attendants are prompt and respectful and the table is gener-; ously provided with every delicacy oi the season at moderate rates. . . .x The rooms Saving been refurnished and remod eled, we are enabled to pfiTer extra facilities for the comiort and pleasure ot our uuests. : ... GEO. ;CHASE & CO., ' ' " - Proprietors. BRITISH PERIODICALS. BRANCH AT WILMINGTON, N. C, j: FRONT STREET, CORNEH OFNUNN., i f RESIDENCE OF 's. S ASHLEY; ' Open every day, except Sundays and holidays, from 2 to 4 P.M. , - - CHEESE. CODFISH, . ., -L . CANDLES, i . . - 'i ' ' . CASSIA, London Quarterly Review (Conservative). The Westminster Review (Radical)." The North British Review (Free Church). BITTERS,' all Kinds, j Blackwood Edinburgh Magazine (Tory) j 1 These periodicals are ably sustained ,by the contiibntiona' of the best writers on - Science. Religion, andGeneral Literature,-and. stand un nvauea in tne wona ot letters. They are indis- 2th Ammst IRfifi -i . WHITINGi Esq.. Sir : I have eiven OB. 1 and 2 of your Eureka Pellsher and Burnisher in the New York Hotela fair tiial, and find it all and even more than you recommend It to be. It gives a better and more lasting lustre in much less time, with less work, and without dirt, thai anything I n uve ever seen or used by 100 per cent 1 Knife Cleaner, New York Hotel, v , ; .' . f 29th August, 1866. ' A. WHITING, Esq., Sir : We have carefully itnessei the use of your Eureka' Polisher and Burnisher in our Hoteltand can fully and do cheer fully endorse the above. We can with it clean' all the windows and miirors in our house in oner tenth the time and without wet or dirt, f Send us 200 lbs. of No lr and 100 lbs. cf No. 2. , CRANSTON & HILDRETH ,! ' f Astor House, New York, Nov. 5, 1865, Sir : Under our super 7ision, we have had your Whiting Eureka Polisher, &c., tried in the vari ous departments of the Astor House. -f Its quick and clean action, its brilliant and lasting, lustre, makes it a very useful and desirable article for all the purposea you claim for it. : In our opinion it is very far superior to anything of the kind now m use. wn nave ana snail continue to use it i ; . Signed , . . . STETSON & CO. - Sir : We have used for some time your Eureki Polisher, &c. in our Hotel and can fully recom mend it to the public generally, and we can en dorse what the Astor House say of it. . ' ; 8igned . - , - PATTEN & WIELD, Pacific Hotel,, Greenwich Street, near Courtland. 1 ' '. a r r Thev are an entirelvnew 6tyle of Piano, finish nav I 9.x nnJM rs I ed in the most Buperb manner, with four full Ash i. ...;... 0 003 75 round corners front and back, heavily carved and each instrument is fuliy WARRANTED for I. . . . . . . . .18 00 f five yPar8 I KU V.J1.B i&niri si ' ; urvauwajr, new xurji. Aug. 29th. dfcwly. nWIflF! XI P WHITE'S - Patent Lever : Truss Co. : No. 609 Broadway, New York. - C.A.UGT GREGORY, M. D. President. WHITE'S PATENT LEVER TRUSS and FEMALE SUPPORTER difler in principle from all others. No pressure on the back. It is lightclean, and easy, ? Persons ruptured should at once procure THIS, the best Truss, to prevent nrnn rwwnw ji . .ir : a. rpHIS'MOST P0PUL4K KlTABLISmiENT jmmmr' Deposits of any amount received from any per son. I : .J, ' .v . Interest payable in January and. July, in each All deposits will be repaid with interest due PLOUR,; TIT AM f0 fill! tfl t . .. ' ?. ! ! t ! i t I "W All the profits belong to the depositors. Branches have been established in the . princi ple cities from New' York to New Orleans, and accounts can be transferred from one Branch to, another, without charge or interrupting the in terest. - - . , , Investments are only made in securities of the United States..,.. - : , ',. - S. ,S. ASHLEY, Acting Cashier. CIGARS - CANDY, CRACKERS, ; : . r DEMIJOHNS, 1 riOTi'K'TJ'.W i m r'vT pensable to the scholar and the professional man, ipftm ; 7 , , V- ArlV and to every areadirg man, as they furnish a bet- i k. J t ter record of the current literature of the day r? uwu iu uc uuLiuueu irvm.fi.ny omer source. ,s!"tii;rj TERMS FOR I 868 :H FLAVORING EXTRACTS) Voilni tK: 00 - - 1 I For anv threeof thiai Reviews ... ' 1 - in m DRIED and PICKLED FISH GINGER, ; - GLUE." 1- GIN, Nov. 14th,. 1807. CITY TAX JFOn 1 867. KEGS, i 4 r HAMS, ' HOPS, f . " ; HERRING,:.. : - INDIGO, For any threeof the Reviews.. '. 10 00 For all four of the Reviews . ; V; . . : 12 00 x or ciacKwpod'a Magazine:. 4 00 x or liiacKwooa and one.eview. . . . ; 7 00H or uiactwood and any two of the Reviews-10 00 x or uiacKwo oa ana three of the Reviews 13 00 x or uiacKwooa ana the four Reviews:'. ; .. I5 00 Sir :I have tried vbur Eureka Polisher. &c. . in my. Hotel, and most cheerfully, endorse what the Astor House say ot it; and do with confidence recommend it as a very economical, useful and superior article. : Signed , v 1 V Stevens House, 27 Broadway. :,r NewYork: Sept 2d, 18C6. A. WHITING. Esa:. Sir I have tried vour Eureka Polisher, Burnisher,1 and Enameler, and' take great pleasure in. recommending it as a 6Upe-i nor amicie lor tne uses tor wnicn it is mtenaea. Please send us .100 lbs.of No. 1 and 50 lbs. of No. 2, f - J. WARREN COLEMAN. i - s . ' S unerintendent Southern Kotfl. s ' . . x i a win, utuw UU. iouua A? WHITING. Esq.! Sir s- We hav triPrt tnnr" Eureka Polisher and fully agree with the New .1 O Hi LA-R E3 1ST D O N CLOTHING HOUSE. I i nnp.fi ftffain in ;full operation,, and the Proprietors having - : , REPAIRED AND V REFITTED THE OLD STAND. . f are now offering the largest 6tock; of CliOTHING, HATS, E NTS' I FUJlNISHjlNG GOOD ever offered in this market. , i ' , "Thfv have also ensraeed the services of a TAILOR, who b an artist in, his profession not per Bott'e or for to be surpassea, ; . . BOYS' CLOTHING AND HATS j Iso abound in this House, and their Stock! of Directions lor. Ordering. . Meastire around the body two inches below the top of Hip 'Bone. - State the side afflicted, also if lean or nesny, anu give r plain oirections about sendingi J Cash must accompany the order.! A special department has been fitted up for; the treatment and radical cure- of -Hernia and kind red diseases. It is under the special care of the President of our Company, who is acknowledged by the profession to have no equal, in this speci ality. : By wearing the Lever Truss and bathing the afflicted parts wim uk. tittEUUKi 'S-CifiLE--BRATED HERNJA LOTION, the most obstinate cases can be cured. Prices for. Trusses vary from 5 to 50 Dollare according to quality and the condition of the Rupture Hernia Lotion is t3 Two Bottles. . JOHN T. HILDRETH. Gen. Agent. H 4 ri'" v also NECKTIESi ' i "" SUSPENDERS. ;r a SACKS, and.. r' mCi ,516 Sa cJ?.HDia clothing, cannot be equalled South of New York. Making up tbeir own Goods, and - being con nected with a House in Philadelphia, gives them facilities which no other House in the State can flaim.'.- "' r.'".. S ' J ' , "' r-rr- rnnntrv dealers would do well to calLi - , . . , . , . . ------ -i-.--i . UiJLMKJ W W.J. j : THE IIEALiriQ POOL! v A Essay for Yonng Men on the Crime JTjL of Solitude, and the Diseases and Abuses which create impediments to MARRIAGE, with sure means oi KeneL pent in sealed letter envel opes, free of charge Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association Philadelr phia, Pa. " sept. x a&wsm : STOVES, &c, ; , BOOK,1 PARLOR, and r HEATING STOVES, r-' ; . v Kerosine Oil, Grates, House Furnishing Goods &c, to-.be had at " " " ; r.- ' . xiotX , n. i Mabshais Office, Crrr HXll, ) 4 -: : . :. November 18, 1867, f ; THE TAX LIST FOR 1867 EMBRACING the subiects of REAL JEST A.TE. POLL SALA RIES and FEES, HORSES and- CARRIAGES, XfATCSES iu uij uouun iui vvXAllVU i. ? . JB instructions from the mper authority, the coupons of the "Town of Wilmington," due on the lstdav of Jariuaru. Fehmuimi: Anril nH 7i7, . tr r " v" 4 j r V u . . ..i 1867,1 respectively; also thosi of 1st January and OYSTERS jceoruary, aooo, win , do receyvea in payment of the tax due said list. I -:-, - 'AH parties owing any of the above named taxes ire hereby notified to attend at this office for payment of the same. . . -1 ? , , , . , , r , RICHARD J. JONP8,- - J 1 Special Deputy K,J:;aL , novl9 ' ; lm KEELER8, .... - IiARD, v . -l - LEMONS, j2,:m.ij. k- LEY. yl i" i: I CONDEKSED PORK, . . , . M PORTER, i PAILS, : I ? . , PEACHES, . " , r ; ' ' RAISINS, A disco mtEof iweytertenL will be: allowed to I YorlrHotel and Southern TTotv Vf H.WoiA-Wr a: . j , I . m m - 1 -? X - ' -W V muu v .jtjTT Tpq uiuDs oi lour or more persons. M 'lhus, four copies all purposes you claim for it. Please send us 100 . 7r - i oi ciacKwooa, or on one iteview,'vnu Dejsent fo ids. ot it. . ; . - , BAIN & HAM. oneaaaressioTWW. our copies of .the four r Bulls Head Hoterrcor. 24th St., and 3d Av. : Reviews and Blackwood, for $18, arid so on." . - !-. n , ; . ':"'. , i:' 1 - - -. : ' ' ,Npw Yorlr TTntpl flpnf 1t 'IRftA- " Subscribers; shouldii prepay by the r;iuarteK at the tisft of tnnr p.nrftira "PoUaTipi t fKv tj vt the office of delivervj .The Postage to anv narf. VfnitA TCP orp frill if rntrirtArv tf la airiAn AlA'(m hip tcrour address 100 lbs. ot . TCHcocK & cb:: ' Imperial Restaurant, New Orleans, - . ! j:c : ,z t ' 'September 3d.' 1 666. - IviiVhA-imfrH a :twk-riii! A.ivuiiiJNO. iSf a.. Sir : After a careful and any one ot tne Jour Reviews for 1867. 3Jew Ptih 1 1UU iriai m our taDJes or your JSurefca foilsner . scribers to all five of the Periodicals for 1868 mav and Burnisher, we most cheerfully-reoorum end it rprP1 vc rrrotta ulnibrnj a ... - ,.,. '-vyjuixooxo, I ui wo wuiwu p.iutcn s iiro wiwi adumoer, inis I lorit. and vou can s - r ........ tw,wuijw iw wuioui..Buuocriuuons.'r xor I JOv 1 ana iuu ids. jno. MILBT back numbers the pdstage is doubleJ , ; ' - Very truly, yours, . MEAL, PREMIUMS TO NEW S ITBSCUIBERS. New subscribers to anv two nf tti odicals for iSBawill befent!lftrf fn'W- "'0- WRECKS. T ' : Government Wrecks, i H AVING BEEN NOTIFIED BY'THE SEC Mretary of the .Treasury .that a contract ihas been made Jy him with GEO. Z. FRENCH and ROBERT STEVENSON,: for saVlng property from wrecks of all vessels-belonging to the Goy vernment, on and adjacent to this coastl and having been appointed Ty him as agent to super intend their operations; P hereby warn all per sons, t from interfering with said wrecks or any other Government property on the' coast. 1 . . : :, ; .L6. ESTES, ' Wllminiton, Aug. 18671 ' ? ?fi " Journal copy. - ' - rtiuiii, SYRUP. SUGAR, P J : STARCH, , SOAPS, . . . , ' " ; -snuff. RUM, ioilowinff reduced rated, vf - . .. The North British from Jamiafv.i IRRS ceml?er,a867 inclusive Edinburgh and the TFetf minster from Anril. 1864, to TWp.mhAr i rrt i: elusive, and the 'Lonkon. : (kmrtAriu fm tho 1865, 1866 and 1867 -at the rate of l 50 a year for hiany ?eview f jalso: Blackwood for 1866 uXC9i 2r-3Pw ajearor .the .two years to gether for .f4;,&li t , : f . . . f Neither premiums to Subscribers, nor dis please send us 100 lbs. ot it at once. ' i - past NTnunT fl f National Sale and Exchange Stables. - Nos. 158, 158, 160, 162 and 164, 24th St., N. Y. . I agree with and cheerfully endorse the above. 1 ' - JOHN ROBINSON, . , x .-. -j . t : No. 156 East 24th Street ; i' New York, Sept 24thYl806. .;. A: WHITING, Esq.. Sir : I have used your Eureka Polisher and Burnisher in svarious ways NOTICE. HAVING CONTRACTED WITH THE SEC " RMltaF f the TeasWfot the salvagl of ill rBldckade runner and other wicks' an'nron erty belonging to the United States oTand adi cent to this coast contracts will be made with parties desiring to. engage in wrecking v5 iron, &c....; . .... , Gld Z. FRENCH, ' ' n o ROBERT 8TEVENSON. -. 10 So. Front St. Wil Journal copy,;, - ,Jf;; ' SaLARATUS; SARDINES, ' k SALT,-Hi : v.ypj SODAr' : r,: i TOBACCO, : TWINE. TUMBLERS. " , ; " ,:.v,r:TUPS.-; ;;;r - - -. -2 ii " " r vingar'V, whiskies.- - :; - TraES;i.aU ... c1.. ..- I 1 o-uo, XH Zl weancecrrpTices tor back in my house and stables, and most cheerfully re remitted dircrf to' the Publishers. fi&i' money 18 commend its being a very superior article, fully equal to what you claim ior it. x snail use and think no one who ever does try it, will ever be without it ; - CHESTER LAMB, No premiums can he p-ivpin tVi f!ivh i . THE LEONARD SCOTlPUTJ CO.r; Fultdu St.V N. V. The L. S. iPnblishinfirCompany, also, publish the FARMER' S GUIDE, by Henry Stephens, of Edinburgh, and. the late J.tP." Norton,. of Yale College. 2 vols'., Royal Octav 1600 pages," and HumeTbua. Engravings. - " ji -i A 1 Price $7 for the two ' volumes-by maiV post paid, $8.- f;l:.''r i-.j, novT.1 tf. And many ; other Goods -too? jiumerous to mention. ;r . t SENSITIVE TEETH iJTLLED tWITHOUT :.. til. lO iio. Front Street.. au" l-i WIilllNGTON If. C. By a simple application the tooth is rendered insensible, to. pain during-, the x operation of filling, without injury to the nerye or tooth. Eyery operation warranted to give satisfaction5 ' Charges as low as any Dentist in the city. ' Teeth extracted without pain. 1: ? Jj? : : j;-H l J - ; is Ji -.fXHOft' B- CARRIL D. k , St, Nicholas Stablea, 57 and 59 Mercer St ; .if : New York, June 12, I860. A. WHITING. Eso.. Dear 8ir;I have used your Eureki Powders in my 8aw Manufactory, and I find it very good for polishing on a vrheel but as a Polisher lfinditiaakes a lustre 50 per cent, better than Emory, or anythiDg lhave ever used and with much less labor,1 which preserves all articles from tarnishing, and K from my expe rience I find that it keeps them so, and that they do not require oiling.- r 'H: R. WARNER - t 'yF:k:M !l'125 and 137 Worth St.: ; ''-f;:J 'New York,-Oct 16. 18C6; ' " Sir j Lhave Igiven your Eureka Polisher, etc.,: a critical test, and can say with Mr. Warner, that it is very far suierior to Emofy.r It works quick and requires but little labor,; and gives a most beautiful and lastiDg lustre, ahdis very economic cal. iii I do 1 most cheerfully recommend it, . and shall use it In all my works, r , . - : ' ' . JOHN BLAIKIE, ! ! Iv I y ' . r r Xlectridaa No. .74 Ann Btreei.- i - ; ; . ii -

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