w it i - t iirawflaiLY;piT. !??5tg?'-gf DECEMBER NOTICE. -A lecture will be deli vered at the Theatre to-morrow. (Wednesday) een in? before the,membcrsof the Wilmington XlUia ..-v-rMtJ,j Ujl Vftll. J AMES U BURIC There will be iso pharge ! for admission,' und the public are invited, to, attend' The lec ture will commence at 8 o'clock and! it is hoped that our citizens will turn oat en masse on the occasion- anrtr greet, the orator and the Association . with a large and -ipprecHp tire andiencer:;v lx Saint IAndrew'jj pxx and Advent Sun day. Saturday last was observed here as Saint Andrew's Day, and the folio wing day as Advent Sunday. It was;; the seventeen hvundred and niriety eighth- anniversary of the martyrdom of the Saint. - J f St. Andrew yFas the 7younger brother of Simony surnained Peter and was one of the disciples Jof John theBaptiat"; ke Was emi nently successful in his labors in the minis fration of the " Gospel throughout many of tho Northern Countries of Europe and final met his death in Achaia through con demnation at the bands of the Roman pro consal Ageas. lie cfaed upon, theVcross, to which" bewas 'confined, by "cordl"!nslead jit nails, after having - 'undeVgone innumerable barbarities, and jfrdmi which, during the two days of his final agony tnere, he. preached to and instructed the peoplejofhej.sjjrrQund' IDg ouuuym mat iaitu iu wuitu uc wus then dying. , , i St. Andrew was chosen by the Scotch as their tutelar saint an&some . evidences have been adduced by these people to prove that his relics were removed by a pious Grecian Monk, named Rcgulus, and deposited in Fiteshire. Bvjhebesr evidences, it would appear lhat St. Andrew suffered martyrdom on the 30th of November, in1 the year 69, and the -anniversary is tnerelore uelu on that day. This custom has bem in observance bythe Church, since the year 359 A. D. : Advent Sunday, or the first Sunday in Advent, depends upon" the festival of Saint Andrew, and is always the Sunday nearest to the commemoration of the martyrdom of that Saint. Criminal CauRTThe : December term of the ' Criminal Cou't for New -Hanover county, Judge Me ares presiding, met in this city yesterday morning. : The forenoon was occupied in the charge of the Judge to the Grand Jury, and in organizing for busi ness, and in the afternoon the docket was taken up. ' There are some sixty cases to go before the Grand Jury, in I the; majority bt which true bills Will be found by them. These, together with eighteen cases deferred from tub last court to this, will make up in all, it , is thought, . about seventy cases for trial. i.The raost'interestins ! teature of the le trial of AlfrecVand e murder of Abram Robinson, (all colored,) in April, 1865. . Report op ths Clerk' of Tns Market tor tub Mojrriti oF.oviaiBEiR 18Q7.r-Beef Cattle and Hogs, killed for' this market in the montb of , November 1867 : Thosi'H. Johnson & Bro., 46 head. o ... t Jesse King, ' J. Kline, Jno. F. Jarrell, . Davis S? Kelley, -1 Isaac King, Geo. F. Bppler, -TV J' Douglass, John Cowan, vu . 39. 31 u u f ( u il it il 20 18' 15 18 11 3 William Westbrook, Total Hogs 236 head. . If : 1025 ' L. H.l WILLIAMS, Clerk. of the Market. Tg e LjECT uREIiXsTiiQBT. -Th e 1 lecture delivered last evening'. aTliCUjalLby. Mr. Thomas D jMeares, Jr., under the aus pice? of the WilmingtoaLyccumt 'was a de cided success !Mrj Me ares had chosea tor. his theme Th'e Life and Character of S. Prentiss,"! and his subject jwas well and ably handled,; : and jvould t have, reflected mucb credit on a far older scholar. It was welt received by the assembled audience and at its close a round of hearty "and genuine applause greeted the efforts of the young speaker; This lecture of Mr. Me ares' is the third which has been delivered before that body oy members of ;the Wilmington Lyceum, and we hope that the success which has thus far kttendedtheir efforts may induce a con tinuance of them. - ' V STRAXOER8. The meeUng here this week of th krkt ternVbflthe Criminal Court has added very considerably .to the number of Birangers aireaay in r umiug - . : attendance ujJon'.the meetings ;qf the court ; can i hardiy howeverj - be called .Btmigerd; they ; are rather Neighbors, as they are hearty all from this county, and their faces are ra miliar to our people. There has hardlj lwn a tirae,!;withia the.memory ot . theoWeijr when the streets orwjlmington have been sq densely thronged With:visitors as has btep the case during the last ten-days. ; The Cold -Tbe,coia.weajthcr;$eexus .to have oreviiled s ffenerall'vi -along the enure coast. Papers to the North and South of us speak of the sudden change. With jis the lowest hotcheachea thermometer was 42 during the.day.1 ;Ice fythea on qu dav mnrnin ff. i bn: there was none, yesterday CpAJ, Messrs Pbttbtkat IXoorm'tdr i -"jK.'ifj-iiuAZ .Al.fln band. "Which. eai5Q a jukuHVJj yli,rw 1 J j they are prepared to sell on reasonable term. fiea Rdvertiscment in anotlier comma. . ."k'--o3ioN.-i--rhA Ann..,. Commission now in session here nTT yesterday the trial of Aoril T ! ncu'!ei1 ,u .... ? - 1 APruUsesnefco orprn ... r'a nil nn 1 tent to kill and with T ln the J?? resist,nS the officers tof -7.;- kMC uiscuarge of their dutv Th circumatannoo . - . uiy. - ihe circumstancpq rw .:. Bladen county,about three months ni. i m. nere occurred in oiaaen county,about three currence. tiwTTT wi" procee'd to day trial of other cases. A New Invention. Mr. John D. Love, Bookseller and Stat loner, in this city, has placed upon our table a little voliim tied "The Copy Book Primer: or . ie enti- way to learn to read and write" Thl an easv is intended If or beginners, and is an interest ing compound of swelling- anrl ' object being for the pupil to form the letters 7 wors aa tast '.he . learns to memorize them. The work has been copyrighted by Mr. Love, and bids fair to be a nerfV mtl cess. , We believe that the desimn -.n:.' . : . - r r o" " 1 Harbor Masters Report. Harbor Mas ters Rsport'of vessels arrived at the Port of Wilmington, N. C, from November 1st to December 1st, 1857: Brigs 'JMiir'-'' ...U! V: 4 A 21 Schooners . IT.. Total.: IVttlTan aggregate tourtage of 11,846 tons 89 i ui me above, one was from a foreign Port. There yere some 25 small Schooners not irii eluded in the above from 35 tons down wards. W. BuitKnEniER, : , Harbor Master. Wilmington, N. CM Dec. 1st, 1867. Fire ' Parade. The tire engine compa nies of this city were out yesterday for their usual monthly practice and parade. They made a fine appearance as they passed along the street, with their bright i red uniforms, and with their engines and hose carriages trailing in line after them. Their practice wa3 upon the wharves where a competition ot skill and power of engine was for a time indulged in. From New York. The s teamship Wm. P. Clyde, Uapt. Powell, arrived from New York on Sunday morning. She brings a good cargo of merchandise, and a list of her consignees will be ftmnd in the commercial column of to-day's Post. Fire. -The alarm of fire at a little later than last raid night, was cause by tbe buri ing of a lot of wood at tho "Gas Yard, the property of the Wilm'ngton Gas Company. But little damage was sustained,' however, as the fire companies soon arrived upon tbe spot, and subdued the flamesL, ' , i: Tns Conference. The Methodist Con ference is still in session here, but will pro bably adjourn either this evening; or . to morrow morning. j ' ; COMMERCIAL, WILMI.VGTOX IU AIUCFT. I December 2. TURPENTINE. Sales yesterday of, 165 bbis Crude Tarpentine, at $ J SO for virgin and yellowj dipi!and $3 21 for hard, $ 23) lbs. ; i TAR. t-13 bbls of Tar wire sola $3 2 bbl. SPIRITi TURPS ritfE iles of 603 bbls Spirits Turpentine at 53 cents p jr gallop, 'being anadvence ot t per cent od' SaturJiy'a quota tions. R03I5ft-Has declined. Sales were made of 4t5 barrels at $3 for strained common, f3 25 for No. 3, and f 3 ;35gt3perbbl for No f ,.. COTTOX. ales Ot - Dales ot uowon ai ut- cents fojr'brdinary, .131 cents for low middling, nd13jf cents" for middling, lb. " ' MARINE INTELLIGENCE. - -Arrived. -; ; . -. u December 1. . Schr Merrill C Hart, Hart, from New York, to OGParsly&Co. , M Steamship vvmr uiyae, rowwi,-iym Tork, to Horace M Barry, with rndse for Mitch ell & Dymot, W & M R R Asrent, Jaa Wilson, Williams & Murcbison. L Volley, Muuson Co. Willard Bros, G R French, A; Johnson & Co, Mrs susan uowan, ivev. ju iclJJr . , R H I Cowan & Co, Cox, Parmelee & Divine, Bremer Bros, W & W R R Agent, J M HardWick, Cannon, Stokely B c;o, wuw nT n J HNeff. AJSJ wronsai, ija.omiiu, iiw Bradley, J D Love,-Walker.& launder, J Van Sickle. J F Divine. R B Short. A H Neff, Worth & Daniel, L G Estes, J OrBurr, W Boil man, li French, F M Asrostinl. TienkenJS oauman, tiu- ina & Co, E Willis,' uancocK; tagseii, narnss r. HnwelL L A Powell. DeRossett & Co, A Mc- Rlmnjon & Co, J O Hyer, E Kidder. Geo Myers, T H McKoy, E Wescott, Adriaa 4; Vollers, Wil Mannf Co, l Planner, j m. wreih, wuawsuu Birdsev & Robeson. So Ex Co, E Murray & Co, Strauss & Rice, J B & W H Williams. A Ruther fordR T FrinVM M Katz Co, S Bear & Broi Wallace & Southeriand, E A Keith, u . : December 2. f ; ' Schr Marietta Tilton, Fitzlnger; trom Sagua La Grande, to Harriss & Howell, i a VlAnrfi irftm NfiW' ItlVCr, vOiMM ter. with 140 bbls fish, 4 bales cotton. lSd bustels Lighter C B Black, from Fayetteville, to Wil liams & Murcbison; with i3l bbls rosln? for Wil liams & Murcbison. Cleared. t r , ' Decembers. . Steamer Marion, Phillips, for . Fayetteville, by Williams &Murchisau.j - TTiT OF VESSELS CLEARED, SAIL- AND w. tjui port. - . -IjJEW YORKl . : - Schr Wide World, glldreth, ; r$l Schr Golderf Rule. Overton, ; ' .No7?m527 tr'ohMon'Wa,, r ' "BOSTON., , ; Schr George Taulan, at Holme Hole,, Nor. 17 -: - LIVERPOOL. ; w Br.' Brig Dnnkeld, Sargeant, ; -.September 23 , . HOTEL ARRIVALS. .. , : pritcr ; House; ;;:.. .eu one, an-l hope thatit may be adopt-jgut SSl ed by our schools. VKranviUe SeAes5& H P CoUM B McEwlin, F M v?ooten. Council. J W Walker. Tkos 8 Aslxt, W B Urkla. ThR Vnla f.. . - r-,"," Conventloa In I "0iJ 01 "orm.Carolina. veation, as far a received , Fur. Convention Alamance, - Alexander, Ansuu, Aiie. Ba.ke, ' B Mb. Against 0J0 J.1SJ .0,00 -79J 0,000 : 0,000 , m bl3 .944 2 lid 8a i 1,UU Ov0 OJO : i 7jS OUJ 0,uoi 0.0J0 000 S,:4 0,000 69i OjO 57T 1,055 O.OjO OJO 0,003 l.Oda 1,460 mi 0,000 O.cXM ; ouo 705 0,000, - 000 0,000 OOjI ' t04 00 --2-J0 f O0J -000 -4il Mi S30 217 270 t 000:. 000 r tm . .UX) . .000 ; 000 ' I OOO 594 000 895 -OOJ 5U5 -37 r OUO 000,, 000, 29 770 40 OOJ l 000 000 5J3 000 ooo- 000 . ooo 000 GOU ,i0O0 OOJ 349 OOO lea;- 551 000 000 000 , 000 000 1,091 000 000 000 OJO . OiiO 748 OOO 000 600 54) 889 74 000 000 000 785 . .230 194 9o 78 000 34 HO 600 l,0i5 583 , 259 Beaufort, Buncombe, Bru lawi.-k, Blidn. , Chatham, ' Camden, ' Cdldwdl, Cherkee, Car.eret, ! Caswdl, Vyt Craven, Cumberland, Cleveland, Curntucic, iilUJibus, Oaplin, i Davidson. Davie, ICdgejomb, Forsyth, araatfcttBj. 1 , Ule. Greeue, Uercford, Uttlitaz, UyUe, i . Harnett. ' Haywood. 1 1 Henderson, Iredull. Johubton, 1 , 1 J action, ' ! Jones, Lenoir, 1 i Lincoln, i McDowell, i Mecklenburg, Madison, i Macon, i Martin, Moore, i Montgomery, New Hanover, Northampton. v Nash, ,' Orange, i ' i Oh&low, i , Hit, Person, 1 Polk, Pasquetank, & Camden Perquimans,! i Kowati. 'ifc Davie Kobeson, E ;t 1 Rutherford, s Randolph, i RiChmoud, , Rbckiugham 1 J '? Sampson, " Yktfkln, fe-urry, dtokefl, ; Stanly, Tyrrell, Trauuylvanla, Uniou, ' O.OUO 1,39 WO 000 1,134 000 493 1,504 . 400 mai. 000 000 0,000 OU0 2,9:8 0,000 v -0,000 000 000 0,000 743 OUO . 50 maj. 000 2,610 1,U43 l,02d . 0,000 000 000 1,129 . 803 bl 543 : i ooo , . 255 539 4,0tf 2,200 1,045 . 31 1,430 000 Wake, ii Warren, Wayne, Wilson, Wdkes, Washington, UO0 The whole registered vote of the State is 174,717. It is nece8sarj that a majority of this vote, .to wit, 87,300, shall have been cast c the question of a Qonverition. ; We nave returns as above 42,545 votes in 42 Counties. If the vop of the Counties to be heard froui should be in proportion to the above Counties, the whole vote of the State on the question will not be less than 130,000. Of this number we may calculate on 90,000 or 100,000 for a Convention. ' y , : Tm9m " - i New York, Nov. 27. An immense meet ing oi.cnizeus was lie Id at . Cooper Institute last night, for the purpose of demanding that .Congress and the Executive demand that all the Americans arrested in England on account of their supposed or actual sym pathy with Fenianism be released. Resolu tions to this effect were adopted", and a corn mittee appointed to take them to Washing ton. . Speeches were made by Judge Daly, Horace Greeley, " John Mitchel, A . Oakley Hall, and others. 4 . The So-called Riot at Wadmalaw Island. Charleston, Nov. 24. Later accounts from 'Wadmalaw island show that the state ments ot a riot there were much exaggera ted. No person was seriously hart. Vermont appropriates $50 lor a portrait of all past governors of the State. A genera tion otirJnsbua Heynoldses ougbt to spring up under the stimulus of such liberal patro nage of art. : .. . Canada follows a good example by banisb intr linuors from the refreshment rooms of -0 1. . . . : its capitol. i . j -. y; -i. ','.' -x STOVES. GAS FIXTURES, &C. Cooking, Parlor and Office Stores, A LOT OF OAS FIXTURES, . Jast Received AG EXT FOR FAIRBANKS' SA'Afllu- ARD SCALES. For Sale by ,Trr Nov 26 ,,' ... , f tf UNITED STATES INTERNAL UEVJEIVUE." COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, vtftfCOZVfl DISTRICT NORTH CAROLINA, Office Hoars from 9 A. 31. to 3 P. M. I ;i Ifc a. KSTES, Collector. tf TO SOUTHERN PLAI1TERS. Union Rice Flour & Feed S4II-.31iSi: Nos. 246 and 248 Chfrry Street Corner Rutgern Iip."l jri: if ;jrpnis ALL1 DESCRIPTIONS o'F " rIcE CLEANED ' : AND REDRE3SEU, Also, Floor, Corn Meal. andjFeed of all . kinds Gronnd at Short .Notice. , ; Excelsior fresh Bice Flour .constantly ; on band. ; ' REF;Enj5NCE8l, ; J rovrtEtt A Ward," RiceImpoHerV.5l?te? t..t v KRMTn A Co r : " 183 Front 8L nf,."it Webb. Rice Brokers. Corner Wall and - Water btivets. I ' " ' Kbafp, Bxrit &.Vai PsLTr Grain,- Meal &c, 5 Wbi eull Sreet. i - ;r - LB So O, Fiour, Meal, &c, 90 Broad 8t. it tt TiiuRSiara Jo.; ITS and 175 'Jnambers 8L 11x2? it T Kwjmbs, 7 Wari Street. ! " J -.rJror.tsruis Address: - . ' JOHN FITZGERALD id C.,; ttmd Cntrry 81, Ktw tor. -4 THE GREA.T -THROUGH SHORT ROUTE TO THE NORTH. CACRYINO THE IT. SiHIAIL. ; The niOStdirpft on'inmrn.fdhla rnnU n. PHii-ADfXpUlA- V Tt - . ,NEW" TORS. ' 1 1 ''' w i' ' !.- -BOSTON, AND ALL POINTSORTH AND iEAST. Th'iSa Ticket sold and jlassa-e enecked from all principal cities ia the Southern Atlantic and Gatf States. , SLEEPING CARS ON NIGHT TRAINS. o umuiDustraasftrslon this route. This line also forms a part of the UKK AT SEABOARD INLAND AIR JUNE, FREIGHT ROUTE, I -connecting with 8eabbard and Koanoke Kallroa'' at rortftmnntK - v. - 1 -t - FREIGHTS forwarded with despatch, and at reasonable rates. THROUGH RECEIPTS given to and from - . PHILADELPHIA-AfD PRINCIPAL-POINTS Marine and Fire RUk Assumed by the Company. .-; , For fnrther !nfftrmninn nrinlre at stations of conne-iing railways South or of Agent at Nor-i folk, Va. t H. V. i TOMPKINS, i , J General Agent, Norfolk, Va oct 13 tf BOOTS AND SHOES. S H 0 E f HOW B E i- i i HI NORTH CAROLINA, 0 Tin FALL STOCK OF Boots, Shoes, Leather and SHOE rijYDMGS. . ' : . rV- is now complete, embracing every ptvle and; vari ety of BOOTS and SHOES manufactured, which are onerea to tne puraic at very low pnees. COUNTRY DEALERS and the WHOLESALE TRADE will find inr our stock the BEST 'SE LECTED AND LARGEST STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES ' ' ...V j ' i: '. I ever offered South of New; York, and at prices tuat . ,y I ' i: y i ! . I CANJVOX BE BEATEN i -1 1 i by any jobbers Nortti or Soutli. An inspection is all that Is needed tb convince any candid mind Cull and examine torivourseivcs. Price List furnished on application NEW GOODS BY EVERY STEAMER. GEO. R.''eEREGHV &' -!"StfN. 29 North Front Street. - ' I .--it- f 1 -lm oct 10 PARKER HOUSE, OPPOSITE E B 5APJ5 FEhJ ft BANK Wilmington. JV.i Ci THI3 WELL-KNbWN ' i FIRST-CLASS H0 TEL:liavlnTec?ntly been ! j ENLARGED, REFURNISHED i AND REFITTJBD. ; t i i offers MORE and BfcrfifiR ACCOVIMODA- riONS to the traveling public than any other House in the City i .M J The ProDrietor devotes his exclusive attention to the comfort of his quests. ! 1 Lr U. U. AKhvElt, oct9-tf ' : . f; , Proprietor. SPECIAL. MRS. IVINSLOWS ? 1 S O O T II liCrt: S YlUiUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, greatly facilitates Utfe process of teithing, by softenlnglthe gams, reducing all inflammaik n will ailay All. Pain ind spasmodic i action, ! and is ' H I M .--?: ';: I". Sure to Regnlate the Bowels. ; ependupon It, mbtheri,: itvlvlll give frest to urselves. and ' ! -' h'- i j. - -i '. , . Relief and Health to your Infants. we nave put tip ana soia xuis article tor years, and Can Sat in Cofidbncb and Truth of it what we have never been able to say of aniy Other medicine -Never has it Failed in a JSikglb Instancb to Effec t a Cure, when timely used. Never did'' we' know fan instance of ..dissatisfac tion by any one who nsed IV. On: the contrary. all are delighted with its operation, and speak in terms ot commendation 01 its masieali effects and medical virtues, j We speak in this matter "WHAT WE DO KNp W," a ter years ot experi ence, AND irltEDGB jpUR DEPUTATION FOR TUB FULFILMENT OF WH4T WB IZBRd DBCLA.RB. ' In al most every instance where t hi infant is sutTerinsr from pain and exhaiiltionj relief will be found in ntteen or twenty minutes a ter tue j syrup is ad-1 mimsterea. Tr . iMry r Fall directions for suing will accompany each bottle.. T:-i-,f -:"r .. I . ! 'I" i'-.ii ' Be snre and call for" : j; - ; Mrs. Winsloit-'s Soothing SFrnp," - Having the fac-simije of MCURTIS & PERK- iNo" on the outs top wrapper. AU j others are base Imitations. ; 1 1 . .: ;; : y .!.''.' Sold by Druffglsts Shroushout the world. I t ? Price i only 35 cts.peiivMSbttle, fnricsi"3'-ir.;-';' "ft atrWt? NewtTork, j: 205 High HoibonV London, England. 441 St.PauP Strlet, Montreal Canada. Aucj. 29, '67. . , ! ,6m BEARD'S PATENT LOCK-TIE, H a t on 1 Beards Patent I Self-ldjasting THE MOST SIMPLE AND GREATEST. IMPROVEMENT OF THE AGE FOR BALING COTTOXJ MUCII SAFJERj FROM FIRE, AND 'CHEAPER THAN ROPE. I HAVING SOLD LARGELY LAST SEASON THE PATENT 'LOCK TIE,' I we can recommend them to eive entire satisfac tion. We have taken tbe Agency for the State, and will continue to keep a larre supply on band. v For one Ton and nparda, to dealers, al liberal disi-oont wui be allowed. i E. MURRAY & CO.,, i vv iimingion, js. u. Aug. 2967. , " STOVES, - &c. 'ptOOK, PARLOR j and HEATING STOVES, Keroslne Oil Grates , lipase Furalahing Goods &c,to oehadat j j . ' " i . sot i - . . ; . . !-l . f Mil ' mmZma - r a. . RA1L-U0ADS. VILUinQt0n.'AnD7ELD0n,D. " ' R. COLIPAIIY. ; . OrncB E'o. asd Sct't W. & W, R. R., I . WujjisGTojf, October 11, 1867. f AS AND AKTEK THE 12TH OCTOBER V-J the following Schedule will be run over this J mv BACQPVhrn a wn f ATTl TP iTV Leaves Wilmington dally (Sundays excepted) at 6AM; arrives ai Weldon 3 P. IL f . Leaves Weldon dai!y (Sundays excepted) at 10-JiO A M. ; arrives at WUmiagton 7 P. M. SIGHT EXPRESS MAIL AND: PASSENGER TRAIN. a Leave Wilmington dally at ..r.9:S3 P. M. Arrive at Weldon at. . . i . . ; . . . . .6:00 A M. Leave WelHon daily at.......;...Y..6:25 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington at...: ..2:20 A. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN. Leaves Wilmington daily Sunday ecepted) at 4 A. M.. and arrive at Weldon at 6 P. M. Leaves Weldon daily (Sundays excepted) at 4:00 A M.. and arrives at Wilmington e:oo r M. Train? pass Goldsboro' at 2:00. 10:30 and 10:50 Al M4 goinc wortn : at 2:50. iu.ia f. M. ana 10: 50 A, M.., going South.! connecting with Trains lo Kaleiuli and Wewbera at 10:30 A M. ana lar ther points at 3:50 r. M. S..L. FREMONT; Ehgineer and Superiutendent. ' . tf nog 5 Wilmington & Manchester R. R 7 GE5CBAL SUPEniNTBNDEyT'8 OWICB, ) i ! Man. R. R. Co., V Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 5, 1867. ) : N AND AFTER OCTOBER 6th. PASSEN- V ger Trains of this Road will run on the fol lowing Schedule: t y : - EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave v int .nto .................. 2:30 A. M. Arrive at Florence. . ; . ... .......... 8:10 A. M. Arrive at Kings ville . . .......... . . . .. 11:45 A. M. Leave Kingsville... a. m. Arrive at Florence. ......... ........ 2:55 r. Mi Arrive at Wilmiagton 8:55 P. M. ACCOM3IODATION TRAIN. : Leave, Wilmington. . ... .... . . .. . ... . .7:50 P. M, Arrive at Kinirsville. .10:3 A. Mi. Leave Kitursville..... .........2:X P. M. Arrive at Wilmington......,. ...... .5:i5 A. M Express Train connects closely at Florence with the North Eastern Railroad for Charleston, and Cheraw aud Darlington Hailroad for Cheraw, and ai Kb gsville with; the South Carolina Rail- roaa lor uoiuraoia ana AUfju&ia. 0 xccoramodiition Train will run dally (Sundays excepted) and connect at Kingsville with the South Carolina Railroad for Jolumbia and : Au gusta.;, ; - ;. ' ' - y I . VVM.,MJLCKAE, General Superintendent. aug5 ., , 6m Wil. Char. & Ruth. RR.. i Generai, Supehintekdknt Omc; , 1 , Wilmington, N. C, Avg v,-lb67. f i ,Q N AND AFTER TUESDAY NEXT, AUO ltl), the Passenger train on this Road wil. ave Wilmington Hon Tnesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 o'clock, A. M. - i s At rive at Saud Hill, wine days, at 3 P. M. ! , Arrive at Wadesboro (state) at 12 miduhrht. II 'Leave Wadrsboro' (State) on Tuesdays Thurs day and Satuday, at 2 P: M. ' " : i 4 Leave Rockingham Stae) on Monday, Wed J.enve Sand lull (Cars) Monday, vvednesday and Friday, 7 o'clock, A. M. " T Arrive at Wumugton same days at 3 Y. M. ! W. 1. KVEKETT. I . General Superintendent. au 10 If! FEEEDMAN'S SAYINGS AND CHARTERED BY ACT OF CONGRESS OFFICERS: j -'M. T. HEWITT, President, J. W. ALVORD, First Vice President, L. CLEPflANE, Second Vice President, DANIEL L. EATON. Actuary, SAMURLrL. HARRIS, General Inspector. B?nlitn House, Pennsylvania Avenue, corner pi iytu street, wasmngton, u u. BRANCH AT WILMINGTON. N. C.f j j FRONT STREET, CORNER OF NUNN., RESIDENCE OF S. S. ASHLEY." Open every day, except Sundays and holidays J irom a 10 4 r. ivi. ; Deposits of any amount received from any per son. A. : . Interest payable in January and Jaly, in eacb year, n -! u All deposits will bo repaid with interest due! wuen requireu. : t I . ;; All tne profits belong to the depositors. Branches have been established in the princi-i p'e cities from New York to New Orleans, and accounts can be transferred from one Branch to! another, without charge or interrupting the In- teCSt. :i;:y"yy;r .' - y y , Investments are only made in securities of the United States. : ' - . ! : r - S. S. ASHLEY, Aaxng Cahier. i Nov. 14th, 1837. Sm. - II -CITYtTAXiFOU-186r.; 'y : 'i "V. V ' " V. . "". Vf "A -,i " " j : s r-MABSHAL's Office, Citt Hall, ) ; 1 p " ' t ' O s t :.i . . .November 18 187. f i ! THE TAX LIST FOR 1867. EMBRACING! the subjects of KEAL ESTATE, POLL. SALA-i KIE3 and FEES, HORSES and CARRIAGES,! is in my hands for collection, f ' . :B instructions trom the proper aiU7iorUyf ibe Coupons of the "Towuot VY iluiington,' due on the 1st day of January, February April, an'd Jtily. 1867, respectively; also these of 1st JaPuary aud February, 1863, will be received in payment of All parties owing any of the above named taxes ire hereby notified to attend at this office for payment of the same. K1UHAKD J. JONES," -I Special Deputy Marshal, novig . ,,';jn WRECKS. Govcmniciit AVrccIis. HAVING. BEEN NOTIFIED BY THE SEC reary of the Treasury that a contract bas been made by him with GfcO. Z FFENCH and R'lBEKT S TEVifiNSON, for Baviujr H property from wrecks of all Vessels belonging to the Gov vernment. on and adjacent to this coast, and having been appointed by him as agent to snper intead i their operations, I hereby warn all per soni from ' interfering with caid wrecks or any l. . n . . A . a. t . vuixs uovernmeui progeny yu me coasu i . L.Q. ESTES, V ' V ,c - ColL-Int-Ber.-" Wdmlngton, Aug. 6, 1867. - tf y Jijurnai copy.:-(,;y::-.;? -y;-;f:VMy ak NOTICE. TTAVINQ CONTRAnTEn WITH tttv ivn JLX retary of the Treasury for the salvaire of all Blockade runner" and other w.-Kckn. and nmn. erty belonging to the United States on and adia us cuasi contracts wui De made with panics desiring to engage in wrecking, safine V ' ROBERT STEVENSONV r " 11 1? So. Front SL, Wjlmington, N. C. Aug. 6tb, 18o7. s tl Jtornal copy. 1 Hjijiiud h!tggi t. ..I f. '.. it. ft TRUST COMPANY ,;.'.7lEni!JlD?EUTji:UKiT, rrAWJRQN. AlNT(GOING,TO THE Convention! But he Is oouna to ceil TpTnri ' nrlV otIlCX-e'COIXSO in : tho State. - I Since the heavy decline ln Goods,' WALDRON has been North land bought his ' Seoonci Stoolx '-"-..of .4 - mo arid now - offers for sale one or the ausi f EixTENSIVE f nd . BEST ASSORTED : STOCKS OFTDRY GOODS W tne country, j at! Panic Prices of 1857. f " : ' DOMESTIC GOODS. fall line &t the very bottom of tho market Calicoes 61 cents and tinwards. i ' Bleached Shirtings 6k cents and upwards. i Brown Goods, very low. - ' f ' " ' DRESS GOODS. erinoes. PoDllns. Empress Cloths, ' Alpacas.'; and other Douular fabrics, in all desirable Styles Laid Colors, all of which will be sold at yopu ar Go tO THE GREAT 34 for ETery- thing usually, ltcpt in 1 First Class Dry Goods House Housekeeping Goods. 1 A splendid stock, consisting ln part ot Quilts,; Ticking, 8heetlnjrso Tablu Cloths, Table i 'am-t a4ks, Npklnsi Doilies, Towels, and Toweling from the ordinary qualittes to tho tcoitd reno-nitd JSamesly Vood I v Fruir Clot hs and Embossed Tkbit covers in wool and felt all colors and; prlCC8. .'X .V. '.''.; y;;-'-- '' ' "-Zfl BLANKETS. BLANICETS. A lull stock White and Colored.. A better blan- ket for ops money man' any omer uouse.in tne Corned and examine them an, b con State. vinced. FLANNELS Best makes. White and Colored, P ain and Twilled.' at prices that cannot fail to please. ; . - . ( CLOTHS AUD PAtlT QOODG. f- -, -. . . K - V ' . ' v . .... .- ' . : Broad Cloths, ! Doeskins, Csslmerw, 8atlnets, Teeds. Ken tuck j Jeans, and a general assort naent iqr Meu'a and Boj's wear, at lowest Cash prices. - ty. l).'xV WHITE GOODS. The best assortment and at lower prices than any othtr Houie in Ithe whole Bomb. Knit. C3-oods. Elvenins: and Breakfast Shawls, Alexandras, Son Wgs, Nubia , Scarts, Hoods, &c', &. All quail tics ana prices. - 1 SHAIVLS and; CLOAKS. This Department like all others at this popular Establishment is complete." : - . , . AU Wool Shawls 91 ana upwards. ; ' HOSIERY AUD GLOVES. . Ladies Hose and Gents Socks 121 cents; and up wards. All grades at satisfactory prices. 1 :. K-'i - yr: CORSETS AND 110 OP SKIRTS. An Imported Corset. for 75 cents," and a regular line to the Finest French Corsets at $3 50 ' ' Hoop Skirts 50c, 75c, ft, $1 25 $1 60, $2, and upwards. , "IV. , HAJR NETS. : aln. Beaded, and Trimmed., from 5 cents, to the best goods ln the market; v i 1 1 HJUYMZER. CHIEFS. In this Department may be found every1 variety. Plain, Embroidered,., and Hem Stitch," 121 cents and upwards. ) ; l r i.j "ii ' ' -' v s ";.y ' - 'V.' ..'y! "'i' tJ! " 1. - :i Gents' - -FimiiBlu6pb.ds. Modern Styles and living prices. - . ' Fine Shirts and Underclothing for tbe Million. The best Paper Collar in the world,' Linen Finish, ujoin iioeu Duiton noies, ana Magenta icage, not be found at any other douso ln the city. Gentlemen call and see them. ; HATS and "c AJPS ' Fashionable Shapes andPopu!ar Styles. T Call and see UAMiLTON; Jr It laireamed Ifyoi; uiK.e mm ne wiu get wetu I . ' - WHOLESALE BUYERS i - are cordially invited to call at . I The Wilmiugton Regulator, and get posted up, and. thereby! save time and money. - ' Ererybody wanting anything in THE DRY GOODS LINE I ww wuuauii) bucu- uwu inieresb Dy goin to-, WALBROKS, THE CHEAP STORE. , j THE CUEAP STORE. 1 j . THE CHEAP STORE. 34 Market Street, Sontfr Side, Between ' ' i Front and Second streets. IGPEdlAti tllOTlCE. As a particular favor, WALDRON requests toat h's Friends and Castomers come, prepared with i1Grecinback8., be.timesre such that beresf ter lie cannot taie Gold in payment for Goods. ' It., f Tf AX DROIT FALL INTER GOODS