THE AVILM1XGT0S DAILY POST. WILMINGTON ; N. C DECEMBER 3. 1867. POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. , Northern through- mail. J. ...7:30 F. M Dally : way v ..... :10 M j - Bonthern umil r .. .i J. v. .8 00 W.C. &K. K. R.. .8:00 day. Wednesday and Prdays. Fsyett eville via Wanaw. ; . . L . . .iOO days, Weduesaays sna jjnaays c, it Mon- three SmtthviKe via Steam . . . . v i . k . . ..ttOO ttniea a week. . - Northern way ma 11. 7:3 P. I M. Delivered from window at 8:15 P. M. j Northern through mail 2:f0 A. M. Deliuered 7:"SOA. M.c : . 1 V .: Office pen fi om 7:S0 A. M. Ito 6 P. M. r . Sunday s 8:C0 to 9:80 A. M. V ED. K BRINK; P. M. ;Post Office, WilmingtonJ N. C, Nov. .17, 1867j Wilmington Money Market Nor. 22, C7. COHKECTKD WEEKLT BT f AMES DAW8O8 BANKER. Exchauge1 on New York, buying par and selling Sar. ; ' X-y - ,v-,--f?v.,i dxr. v, '. Carolina Bonds old sizes, with all the -. coupons on since May, 1S61,. 60 N. Carolina Bonds new sixes ............... AS Ni CL Coupons-. . ... . ...... i 41 t ! WAMES -.. "KATES."' KATE. J - - Gold. ..............Ill Silver....... BANK NOTES Cane Fear. ... ..... .V. . ; Bank pf N. C... Fanner's Bank....... r Merchants' Bank. . ... ... J Charlotte. ......... .i . . .. , I 111 Ittiutvl Mil f Lexington, at L. . ........ Miners' and Planters' Wil mington tiaucBuuro ...... .... .... . " Commerce... ............. . Commercial . . . . . . ..... . Greensboro Mutual.......: Fay etteville Clarendon. . . . . . ...... Washington Yanceville Lexington at Graham . i 80$. .'. 1 34 .... 00.... ooY..'. 100(3.... v oo.... 00.... oo.... 00,.., : 00.... ' 00.... 00.... 00.... 00.... .00.. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. 'X': ;v - WjLJJiSGTOjr, , C., Nov. 23, 1837. beeswax. . -Scantling.. 8 0 (310 Ot T.......:......3235 0 BEET CATTLE. - 10 tt8..$7 0010 0p BARRELS. , '. SptS. T., new NY...,...$3 253 75 -dhaud do, .2 i53 25 ii Baooino. &50 00 White plHe;45iO.'i I , LIME. - - , bbl........000190 j molasses, $ gallon. : Cubahbdt,... 4 i52t do tierce.. 00 do bbl..... - 55 (Syrup .... ... . . .60! 00 Gunny 2t25 Sugar. House. . . .4547 uundee.. ...... a$ j . -kails, id Kope........... IOvSH 1 xo BRICKS. - M.....$i0 001500 t COFFEE, V B. Java...!........, 8840iLard Lag uyra . .... . . . ,2830l Kerosene.. . . 30 Klo .. ..... .... ... 21 25 Linseed.. . ..1 75 St. Do iningo .. . . .2123 candles, lb. . Spenn.. . . . ...... .50 55 Adamantine. .... .30ao Tallow...... 18 W domestics, yard. ; Sheeting, 4-4....1ifl5 YarU, bun l 70 I 75 ; fish, if bbl. Mullets Oak bbls.$0 00 !1 00 Pine do..$0 0J ft 50 Mackerel No. l.....20 002t 00 No. 2....'J9OOti)2O00 N6. S.....15 OOtlrtOO Kits...... 3 00 3 25 Herring, NOva Scotia 1 :. bl8 ....... 5 00 700 ' Herring," emoked boxes. ... .00 tJOvaOO 75 Codfish 00 300 10 N. C. Roe...O 00 9 00 r FLOUR. bbl. Family.... 12 5015 00! Super ...... 10 i)0;cci3 ao X- Fine. . : ... .. 9 50 10 00 i OKAIN, U buoiiel. - I Wheut,whitfb.f 0 000 00 Wheat, red.. 0 00(30 00" Ojrn, North.. 1 81 40 Com, Ea Co. 1 1 50 ' i at. . . . 95 t 00t rnas. ........ 1 '&tJb SO Klce, rough .. 2 50 Rice, Carolina. .9 10 E. I. rice..... 110 13 G LCE. V ft U . ..20 ,25 Cut.. ..$i 507 00 Wrought V. ..... .0000 : oils, gallon.' Kosin... .....10 85(3055 65 1 UCi . - V 5 - Pitch . . .... . 3 503 75 ; : V PEANUTS IS bushel... $2 003 45 I potatoes, W bbl. Irish bbl. . ,..$3 504 00 Sweet, bush.. G580 PROVISIONS, V Id. Bacon. N. C Hams.... .20(321 Middlings...... 00 18 Shoulders... ;..0017 Hog round .'. . . .00 18 Bacon, Western . 8iae8.;..i.... 17(31- Shoulders.... 14 i 4 JIains...;.....20vi ork, bbl. City m'ss24 0024 50 Thin .- 0 0023 00 Pri me .. . .00 W(a22 00 Kump....00 00K) m Beef, ..... . .00 000U 00 Butter, 18 lt. ; Country . . . ; ,3:v335 Goshen ...4045 Western ... . . ...0000 Cheese, WR. ' f English dairy.. 1520 : 8tate. 1822 uard, $t lb. Carolina. .03! B Western... '....C0"13l : ONIONb. . bbl.. 4 505O0 -- SUGAR, p tb ? Ctfba.........m13 Crushed . . . ... .. .00 Ibi T,rtf Mini 1JYrf1?i mMi v - ...WW ..... " . . ' ' ' 3-! A Uotlee . ; i . . . Q0 1 7 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMIXGTOjV, IV. c. United States Depository and Financial Agent. Directors: w. n. mcRart, i j ap. n. cnASBouny, S. D. Wallace, , Kli Mcrbat. Ddw in E. Bcrtiuss, President. Ak K. Walker, Cashier. i " Wu. Larkib, Teller. ! . II. M. Bowde, Book-Keeper. B. D Wallace, Jr , Clerk. ' TniS BANK IS NOW OPEN FOR ,THE TKANSACTION OF BUSINESS. GOLD AND ILVEK COIN, Government Bonds ai.d Securities. NOTES OF SOLVENT and other State banks purchased and sold. EXCHANGE ON NORTHERN AND SOUTH ERN CI 11 ES alwa3s on band and for sale. COLLECTIONS made on all accessible points in the United State, with prompt returns. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and careful attention i given to the accounts of bubiness men. aug. 14 tt mos J '.BANKING HOUSE v OF m COOKE & CO., No. 20 WALL STREET, Corner of Nassau Street, NEW YORK. , WE BUY and sell at the most liberal current pri' es, and keei on band a fuTl sui!y ot GOVF.KNVENT BONDS C? ALL ISSUES SEVEN-THIR'llES, ani COMPOUND INTER EST NOTFS, and execute orders for purchase and sale of SlOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. CONVmVUONS. We convert the seveijalJpsnes of Seten thir ties into FlVE-TWENTI j ON THE MOST "FAVORA BLE terms, taking the 1st series at Govern ment Rates, allowing a commlfsion to dealers. Circular with full particulars furnished upon ap plication. .' i JAY COOKE & CO. --'X. :: i-tf Treasury of the United States. DIVISION OF THE NATIONAL BANKS j Washington, D. C , Feb. 20, 1867. P- IS nEKEBY CERTIFIED THAT THE First National Bank of Wilmington, N. C, a Banking Association organized under tke Act "to provide a National Currency, secured by a n'edtreof United States Bonds, and to provide lor the circulation and redemption T.bere. f." ap proved dune 3d, 1864, having complied with th requirements of section 45 of said Act, and with the regulations of this Department made in pur puunce thereof, has tlile dav been designated as a Depository ot Public Moneys, except receipts from Customs, and by virtue of such designation will a'so be employed as a Financial Agent of the Government. Signed) F. E. 8PINNER, ; I Treasurer, U 8. tig. 5 . )x;-: :. l-tf FURNITURE, F U It N IT U UK. , FURNITURE. t manufactured by I 90 AND 9M EAST HOUSTON STREET, jEW YORK C1TV. . all this lurniture consisting ot I PARLOR. CHAMBER. J DINING ROOM nnd LIBRARY SUITS, i?of the latest styltB and manufactured of the ver) best 'material, under the person il supervis ion of tlie proprietor and guaranteed. rartieg in the South desiring , tine household furniture can be supplied dirt-ct from ttj manufactory, or those ahout visiting New York will find it to their advantage to eximine our btock be ore purchasing elsewhere. s ALL GOODS WARRANTED. aug 8 . ; 8meod G"nnv Baos. ..80 Guano. Peruvian. B do.. .. .... ."..rl17 . ton. . $ WOO3.93 50C do. ... .... I5i HI ! I f 1 Havana Brown., 121(13 Eastern i $0 nol 20J , salt, V sack. ; Northern i... 85 CS.L'verpool, from 1 : , UIDES, v ft4rH 202SO Green . . . . . .. . . . . nccni Alum, busn 60 o 62J Dry. ..... .. .....1617 soap, y lb. iBrowu .3 13 I0 8IIlNaLE9, V M. ; 1 OL Common . . . . 4 005 00 (Contract ... . 6 007 00 ,101 : IlIMBEK. 12 Shippinr: .-.w 0012 50 Mill priao..l0 00M5(i Millfalr.V....S5n(a9 5Q Mill ord y.. 5 5J Si 0 , TOBACCO. Navy...... .....25 Medium ......... xo JO' Mauufaetured.00$l W) H TALLOW. V lb.......... I0U wood, f cora. Oak...... ..t4O04 75 Wide bdsV.l0 00 13 00! Ash ......... 0 003 75 8cantling;., 8 00 10 00' Pine......... 8 00350 IRON, p( n. English, assM 8 American, ref. 0 , American, i. ! sheer..... i.. 9 r Swede... i..U0 Xloop, -'' ton, 150 C0155 00 LtQUoits, gallon. Brandv . . French.. $4 00, I Apple,NC. 000 Peach ...U 00 'Whiskey- Bourbon.. 2 00i N. C 3 00 '400 LUMBER, RIVER, V I 1 20 001 MOW fa 400 MISCELLANEOUS. Flooring j, . 14 0018 00 Flooring Mill I Rough. ;..25 0000 00 pla:ied....35 00WO0 Lasd Plaster. V ton.. ....... ...15 oo CL0TDIXG OIjABE 3ST 3D 0 1ST CL0THINGH0USE. THIS M03T POPU LAR ESTABLISIIMEVT ; U once again to full oper4lloof ud the Proprietors having j ; ' iiLPAincu Ajr o nnriTTCO tun OLD STATfD. tre cew'cCarlc' the lJeit stock cf : cLoirnar;af nAirut SND isnino coodc, la VUU txutU :r:Xy tefj'. U itrtltfi cf i TAIL()Pm wb tiai-riut l Lis pjrai-a est la tsuri'aHiB tzi :ir CKTTT. i .1 I : t ,it x ft t 'f r- ft., 9'tA lrg ffin- r:i ,?u fu s,t I I : i'U t-ttnr :tk t fciUr ,Lfct.t ia U tu. ia OUR LATEST IMPROVED Nev Scale Piano-Forte. TVTOTICF After th most flattering testimo- ,JLi niafs from the tiivt Pianists' in the country, who, at our solicitation, hue tested them in the severcbt' manner POSSIBLE, have been pro- uout ct U - ! j The Finest Square Pinno-Forto Blade in V the World. It ha always beh ur iH)licy during the Thir tf'M xl tar that we Have manufactured flanos, twelve thousand of which are now in Use in the United State and Europe, to give the fiot-st b vtrnment at the loeit copt. ( ur up rlr lacil Hies enable u to offer tbem from ne to three hundred dollars less than any ! other first class IIiue. :'.' . r 1 The tone of these instrument are remarkable for their peculiar weetncsHnd creat brllliancv. 1 It... ... I. - .J ever loung iiieir quauiy nru lurvcu iu iiieir Utmost cajiaclty. '1 ha lower roister retaining lt piiiveiies dot's cot rifrtroy the middle and upper rt-gbter by mlnjf ling with them In dUa greeaole conluMon The refined tie uty of tone! being equally dclightrul tothe uoprac iced and to the mot t cultivated ar. I They are an entire ? new style of Piano, finish ed in the m st uperb mmmer, with four lull round corners front and tiaek, hml'y mfvrd Lcijs and Lyre, Serpentine Be lchT nouTded nd cac'i Instrument is frlty WAHKAMTLU for fire years. ORtiVtSTEKN C V 4' Broadway, New York. Aug. 29th. d&wly. V OFFICE OF 1VUITKS Patent ; Lever Truss Co. , No. rt00 Drondwav. New York. a AlOT GUEMJUY, M. D. pjitsiDWT. WHITER PATENT l.rVft TBLVS and FEMALE frUPPOUTKlldia rlnprtucM lntn all utlicra No r-sniM tm ih tnAk. It 1 I'gUt. clmn, and rar. Persona raptured should it orut trH-nny Til 13, the tn;st Tru. to prytrnt I l 10 V.Si Y, emt s cur y. wrwlf aimlBsl ttTRANUULATitlN ANIlSUDDli.M DEATH, i, Uiretl08SIof OrJerin;. Ilcaire amand ths body iwn InrHes btlow tht loput II ip lUnw. 6'stetb td Cu trdv I.O If lean or Ci.ti3r. ta4 Rife aitt Tlim lions mbu&f ftdln, Chtuat rcnnpfy th ordrr. A fjWtlil dvpsninrHt is tmrn tltttt Bi firtt trvatnunt aad radlciilrare of liim,s c4 kind rrd dirsc. it U under the spvc al ram of the PrtWcnt t oo? Cmpisjr. ho im kialrdgt d tht iftfciii i Imv bo iml ia this s-v'. Uf. MTk4Hgtlelti;r 1rt 4 tatUftf ti r!ku,d tirtini uil :ni;tiuur c ll liA I l 11 LUN?4 Li t lN, them tt ebtlna!S rs-e t rnrd. Prtrr tir ritrs,vaty lr.rn 5 o U) t!ljr ireofdPta r4c!ifr ssd ti' ronrfitwm wf H l4wr. HcrttU teilm Is fi J filial T. II I l.D:i LI U iCta. A t tt. ?f ri it't Vent j; ,te on tb Crfna el I lilU Jf, mi a tl9 1 !iM Kt 4 A! Bf m .! It lit t. rttin tt!r rtttl lt t" fl$ CrS, If. tlUU I.S l utt.uiu:.', iiustd AtviM;$.8t iLlCJ t;a. Pa . s p. .V JL!3 jpOU, rAl;L0iMtd tltAlIMi tl0VC3, v J. FRENCH'S COLtN. GRO GEE IES AND Provision TOE LABGEOT Stock and lAssbrtuieiit IN THE STATE WANTS. WniTE OAK AND tilCKORY TIM BER Logs 'ot. Bolts. T AM now paying TEN POLLARS PER CORD 1 for White Oan Bolts;; sawed into 34 or i inch lenethv Bolts roayf sqwrtered or a Contractors may preferi Wood most .besonnd and free or knots, qot less than 14 heart In diameter, and sulUble for jawing staves, l will a so contract for ! r 100 M. FEET CYPRESS LOGS, ; ; to be not less than .15 Inches in diameter at the small end, and cut ihto 10. 12, or 14, . feet lenrths. , j . - ' All logs to be sound heart Cypress, free of knots, and suitable for sawing 8hinales. j j Also, Juniper, Poplar, Ac , wantedJ i ' ) TERM8 : CASH iN DELIVER Vj at mv wharf, loot of Castle Street. All timber subject to inspection, - ' ! ; . 1J. rr. MANNt ; Wilmington, N. C. Oct 9 l-: ;itf SOD AT iuTREuN PRICES FOR C A. Extraordinary Indnceinents TO CASH BUYERS. COUNTRY TRADERS TILL Bp WELL TO CALL AND Examiae my Stock before Pnrchasing Elsewhere. '' T lie t o o k ALE, Oonsiotn ot DRIED APPLES, ALLSPICE, AXE HANDLES, i. FOR THE HOUSE and Stable, the Market. aug. 18. Wanted. ! -l ENSUING ;YEAU A DWELLING with seven or eight rooms. Kitchen To be within five minutes walk of : No. 10 South Front St. - . itf. f miscellaneous; SALT BEEF, DRIED BEEF, BACON, BOTTLES, .. BRANDY. BROOMS, BUCKETS, BASKETS. BLACKING. L BAGGING. BITTERS, all kinds, CHEESE. ' CODFI8H, CANDLES. CASSIA. COFFEE, r CLARET. L1UAU3. CANDY, CRACKERS, DEMIJOHN8. -FLAVORING EXTRACTS. FLOUR. I I DRIED and PICKLED FISH GIN. GINGER, ! GLUE. HAMS, HOPS, HERRING. INDIGO, JELLIES, KEG 3, HEELERS. ! LARD, LEMONS, V LEY j MOLASSES, HATCHES. CONDENSED MILK. J - MEAL, ; NUTS, all kladiL oysters. r rr PORK,- - t.-- , PU3TTR. 1 'V- i PAILS, : ifv;1- ; PEACnE3, ILAISIN RICE. ' . SYRUPY UGAR. bTARCII. COAP3. SNUFF. enNE3f CALARATUS. BAUDINES. 1 CaLT, CODA. JOSACCO, TWinr. TLli'L'' 1LX3. . TTA. YliiCOAR. t i v.LM3. tn khe. v. n::ni. Aisl rirjr txttt Cft'i tea us trout ta ISt&tltra.: a-f" V f (lf TO v SHINGLE , MANUFACTURERS. Thb undersigned offers for sale the ptent right to manufacture and use! in any of the Southenk Ste.,tbe-- pJijcll. , MILLER SHINGLE MACHINE, a :.! ' , t ' which is one of the best machines for sawing shingles, in use. . j . i This machine was patented on the 13th of July, 1858, and has been tnucjh improved since; but owing to the war, basiibt been introduced into the South. It is adapted for Staves as well as shingles, cutting them Isven, or with any taper desired. .. ' : X -.; ;i . ' - vl: i - . ' . . f . -h ' The saw first enters the bolts on the side, and consequently turns put better work than lean be done by uioit other machines It is simp'e in its construction, not jiaoie-io gex, out ui repair, ana is bailt entirely of iron. ! It occupies a space off four feet by Six,'but can be built of any size, theones now in jure bein for staves or bhinglea trom 33 inches dowu. ' ;;i . :' v ' I iXx.i I I: y ' COUJTTir or 8 Tl TE It I GUTS I i TOB SALS OK j I ". t .. . ..:: Very Liljeral Terms. ) : v X-'. 1 :i ;! Machines can be manufactured in this city, where all the patterns are on hand, it desired. A machine can be1 seen in operationiat the sub' scriber's ii.lll, on Castle street wharf. For fur ther particulars, address or call upon 1 f X ' J. C. MANN," oct8-tf i' Wilmington,! N. C. 21, 23, 25, & 27 Broadway, N. Y. Opposite Bowling Green j ON THE EUROPEAN FLAN; TH 8TEVEN3 HOUSE IS WIDELY AND well known to the travelling public. The location is especiallv suitable to merchants and business men; it : is ii close proximity to the business part of the el i is on the 1 highway ol Southern anl Western-travel and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat De pot. . - -i . I ; r. ; THE 8TEVENS HOUSE has liberal acom modation for over 300 guests it is wel furnish ed, and possesses! every modern improvement tor the comrort and ehtf rtaiutneutof its inmates. The' rooms are spacious and well ventilated provided with ira and Water the aHendants are prompt and reepectful-4-and the table is gener ously provided with evlry delicacy 6i the season at moderate rates, i I j The rooms having been refurnished and remoi eled, we are enabled to joff r extra liabilities for the comfort and pleasure of our Guests; GEOi K. CHASE & C'K, 1 11 Proprietors, aug , : - ' . , i f l-tf BRITISHj PERIODICALS. London Quarterly Review (bohservAtlve;. The Kdiaburgb Hetieur tWhig). The Review (Radical). The North British Review (Free Church). Btackwoodfs Edlnbprgh Magazae (Tory). These periodicals .are ably sustained br the conti Ibution of the best writers on Science, Religion, and General Literature, and stand, on rivalled In tue world ot letters. They are indis pensable to the scholar and the protclunt nitn, and to eveTT readl g man, as they furnish a bet ter record of the eurrrtit literature or the day than can be obtained lrm any other source. TERMS fOR 18CS.! Forany one of the Kevlew,pvr abnam...! 4 00 rornoy iwaoi tne reviews......'., j... For any three ot the Reviews. .. . . . . j . . . Kor all four of th Reviews ......... i... For Black wood's Magaslue For Blackwood and one heview.:.. For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews 10 00 For Blackwood and three of the Reviews. 13 00 rot ifiacKwooa ana xne iour Keviews.. 7 00 W 00 lauo 4 00 7 00 15 00 CLUBS. A discount of twenty per ctnL will he allowed to Clubs of four rr more peronS. Thu four cop" es of B!ackwod, or ot use Review, will be seut to m addrtu for Si 2 SO. Four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood, lor fli, and so on. POSTAGE. j Subscribers should prepay by the quarter, at the oSce of delivery. The Postage to any part or the United State Is Tva Cent a utimber. Tnis ratwonly ai pll-s to current: subscriptions. For baek aumber the pot ige Is double! PREMlUMi to ffCW 8UUSCRIOERS. New subscriber to afaj two of the above peri Od ca!s for i&3 will b- ut!lled to ivcclve, gralU, any ens ot thejeiwtSrraf jfor lboT. .New-ub-scribers to alt flv of th Periodicals for IbCi may r cclre, gratis, Blackwood or auy tea of tkeYvur .'rtics for UG7. j - I J- I----' ' caurcribtruiT obtslo back huxahen at the roUowlr reduced rat-S, vij: -v ;! --f i- Ihe Alrf LriiixS troti January, 18C3. to Be ctmbcr, lta?, tneiuslvei J.'and tha H"r mtrukr Iroia April. IPJl, Dcietiitier, 18a?. tn tla'vc. and thr Lonto Quarterly f.r the year U A lst aud St the r-te o el 50 a Tear for each or tsy Review t also, Bckwood for IStxi and Uc7, tor tiZQ t year, or the two years to gether tor $i. I T i..-;, ; l tXT Neither prim! urns to Sosrriber', nor dls couut to Clubs, cor redoced prices tor bat k Bumbcrs, can be aliowrd. cul;s the inont-T la remitted eirtct to thi I tfriJxri I vory ia Noprcaiuuis caabe(0veatoClats. ' TUE LC0I7ARD ECOT1 PUD. CO.. Ui) Tcltoa Ct., rj. v. Trt.S. Putt'iMrf Crr3raByt a6 rabllth t 1 1 AUiir.; L t IDC, t y iiitTry ei Jt oi t;tiurs I tTsvu r-tfiU4r tie te4 fimtstwh ma. , C:::.t f nun CrniMrj! ,1 iu.. 'yas'.rr'e ;;t!athete4thU rttdtrtd ...c: t i UiMt ejr.Uou m ...r. t:Mrfctr;iry U it .iMV tr t,-wJh tkfjf rjtrti H3 rrj:.ti 4 to !!: j & IT.- 1C08 2I : TheTanguHgeot rature and el ;P;rleagures itrates. that whoever would enjoy tne 1 P,c of n odthe beauties or landswpcs-the Joyso Si5pS.lonshlp-the richness ot "ture-o the finirs- of station and renown-mt preservi ThtstSnach is the receptacle of all P; i ? pnterintr the stomach, is to de injUK Slmt I is ?orSn and produce headache,; range the diiveore f breath, i 0.5 of appe t Its bff coastlpatloo. M- i PYSPEPSIA, . .ntk which assumes a thousand sbapes. acd points awards a miserable life a7tprematureacay.Th Vf ediSl Faculty has labored fr generations to rtfllbfe appetizers and the proper rnns of overcoming stomach derangements. Certa n Inr-dients have been long known as partial ty effective. Among these were ... , riLISAY A B VRK & ST. CROIX HVH t"aW Ph7sien.nrsojourning iu the ' tropUal isAid ot St Croix, observing .the habits ol the nattv gathed the recipe for j (he dual accom plUhment or this most important eud. 1 be aru Si was first used as a private medicine, when iu saluTao- effects becoming known; it was brought out under the name of DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. Tbey act with unerring power, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage. They perform most wonderful cures in stubborn cases of Us pepsia. Liver Complaint, eryous Affection-, Loss of Appetite, intermittent Fevers, Diarrhoea, Sour L Stomaeh, Headache, F- ver find v Ague, Weakness, Mental Despondency, Ac. As a morn ing appetizer and after dittner tonic they should he in every family. They are a deiighiful exbile rating stimulant, without any subsequeut.atupis yiug reacuuu. ; SPECfAk x ;w HiTiisr ; . ; - Wbii: K f f AAA mPIPntrfrl OB- Warranted Superior to tny thing now In us e fl Cleaning and Polishing all kinds of uf l. als. Mirrors, umaow Glass, Faint, and all inch ; i Pnrposes.J v ...:f.- ' '. ' . For sale Wholesale and Retail by GEO. Z. FRENCH. 'So. 10 Front Otreet, yymr:y:r: , WILMINGTON, IT. C. AX- isro.' i. IMPORTANT CERTIFICATE. I Koch stek, December 28th, looi. , Messrs P. 11. DkaKh. oerdlemen : 1 baye uf- fered terribly with Dyspep da ; for turee or lourt year; aud tried many remedies without ettect. I uad to abandon my profession, aud suffer id great-j ly from everything I ate. I have now t led thej Itmtatiou bittera thev helped uti Icoulluuedi their ose, and am now nearly a well man. 1 Know ot several similar cases. Kespectiully yours, Rev. J. S. Catiiwks. -OTTECTIOrSTts;. sl.nlr wltt. a damo tDonge or cloth, snd rv dry4with a solt cloth or leather, till the h streip. pear I ; No. 1 is to be used forall Fine Articles, Ind No. 3 tor Steel. lion, and Culinary purpo.' esJand wbero there is nmcn rust, jje carelul to observe the Number. Ute but very little at a time. ." " , '-. !Price Twenty-ifiTe cents per Box. . -:t-i :yxi, ... - , . ::y X--' ' ';; J ; ;- ' i vjf-i-i-".: ------- .: -r- t . - ;, ' i ' '- . .-' ' ' . ' -i -: .". 'I ' : ' v.'-; V,' Ilcctd the follotcing Certificate. MrrsWiariNG CO, Gents : The sample, of WI1ITE EMERY far uished by you fortttirig its merits In poliBhitg and cleaning the engines of et timers Fulton and ' Arago, has proved Itself very useful lor that pur pose,: and equal, if not fcuperior, to ai ythit g ol , the kind J have ever seeu ued. It produces a ready, bright polish, and et-dures the damp andf heat or the enuiue roni to a grcaiej- extent, iiiin when brightened by any; other material, and I consider it highly uselai lor steamships. : . Yours, very truly, j Cap if JOS. J. COMSTOCK.i New York, Feb. 13, lbo7. ;.. j j , I . .28th August, 1866.1 l A. WHITING, Esq., - Bir : For some time. I haVe used in my hoe, c ur Eureka Polifrherand Biirnifrher. 1 nnd it fully -equal to all you say of it. j With-one fourth the labor and without dirt it gives a superior Jm-tre and more, lasting than anything ! have -yer. uetd. By using a sponpe iiatnped with water, with a little of your Jo.ll on ii, nd i ubing the same over an v Window. iirur or icure Glate, and alter it dries, rub it off with a eltau cloth, it will clean them fin one twentieth the time, without tret or dirt, and give a most beautiiul lutte. 1 am t-atlpfiedthatifaDj ptnson.uses it. they will never te witnoutit, No 229 South Fifth St., Jersey City: BaooELTK. Fept. 20th. 1666. y. WHITING, tsu , bir ;-I have carefully nsed your Huitka Polisher a-d Burnisher, and i ' have no hesitiit on in recommending it as being lully equal to all you claim lor if. and think no hou&ektvper should be without It. j - .Mkg..VAN ZANDT, .- S. T, 1860 X , -; XX,-X -Tntellisrent persons and physicians cart jadye: on the efficacy of the Plantation Bitters from the following partial formula: A I CASCARILLA BARK Was known aid used in Germany tor Dyspepsia,' Jbrcntc iarrhoe w Choitc. Dvsentery, at d lts eases ef the Sto .ach and Bowels, as early as 16901 For Inflamation of the Loins and Spleen in iropstcal Anections ana? Kiiiary Secretions, or Obstructions of the Abdominal Viscera. C ALTS AY A, OR KING'S BARK, Was u .known to civilization until the middle o the 17th century. Humboldt makes favorable mention ol tne febrituge qualities of this ai ticio s an Autidote Fever und Ague, Internal tent aud Malarious Fevers, in his extensive touib American travels. The Countess,, wifu of the Vleewy ot Peru, hav'ug experienced the bent fi cial effects of the Bark, sent It to Europe in 1(54 i It was Id by the Jet-ults for the enonttou uni oj'iu tct'gld in ilter, and was thus called Jasumf PowufcK. In ItiSJj, Sir John Talbot employed t wltu great success in France, la the treatment o Fever aud Ague, Dpepsia, Neivons Affectlous Loss of Appetite, Weakness and Debility,, -Palpitation ot the Ueart, Diarrhoea, &o , under the name of Eugllsb Powder; and In in;9, j he sold he secret ot its origin to Louis XIV, by whom it was ulvulgei. It is now a taudaru remedy in all PuarmacoKeia, aud Is employed in prepar" iug the PlanUtiuu Bitters. ? I OuinwmiUe Flom re, for enfeebled Digestions' TV(feryettt, valuable for Scro ula, Rleumatism and eirutic Affections ; Lavender Mowers, aro matic st mulant aud Toi lc, highly Invigorating iu I'tnuus wvuiiy , Amtc, au arou.atic canni natlve, creating flesh, muscle raid miusi Much used in nursing. T. 18C0-X. , ; Another Ingredient ot remarkable and wonder ml virtue used iu the preparation or these uBit en, U a itailve or Brazil, and as yet unkuowu to the commerce ol the WorlJ. A Spanish writer SJ: ' . V'r :! :.:,'..v:-::- d ?B.kterea with SL Croix Hn , never fails to relieve nervoiu tremor wake fulncs. disturlied sleep, fcc,, aud that it U ued with great effect by the Brazilians, Spanish and Peruvian ladies to heighten their color and heau ty. It impar a cneifriuluess to the disposition vigor to tne appetite, aud brilliancy to the com plexion.' - . j L " We withhold its name from the public for the present. To tht ahriTM an AA Plnv. nA- Carraway, Uoiiander, BuakeRoot.&c, ail p?e Served U enectly p'i re ' , .. . , Bi. wwuUM. t . The tonic properties ot ou croix Rum, and its powcriul tuvigoratiutf effects, havo bcea louit fcb'jwn to the physleiaasot tue world. Buiott, intcrmiltet aud CuiU F vers, engen dered by m euauge ot water and diet of iravU r, particularly Upon wcleru rivers, are preveu ted aud cured ty the Puutatloa BiittrJ. 'lhey are also reliable to preuut sea sickaeai! i "; .'-!" ' - i - - ' 7- ' : H:H ' j UIIAT OTIIER3 8AV PnTXAutu ruA. lu tuumu, itim day. mUranot thy fi ters f Not LUi ti tn t hmr(4( inmrL nX: bwsu. aotaci it. rZ: tt. -11! Ife:1 i'-Af-' ' I i4S iU:w, k. -. i 60 Clinton Street, .Brooklyn. 29th Anirtist ; IRfii: A WTTTTTTCn Vmn Rlrl haru ulrun Nn. 1 nnd 2nfvniir Knu-lf tlintitr Rnrntthr In the New York Hotel, a fair ti lal, : and find it all aud even more than you recommend it to be, I It Lb es a better and more lasting lustre in ' much It s time, with less work, and without dirt, thai anything I ever seea or used by 100 percent . jutir CKAfliJC,' ; Knife CU aner,' New. York Hotel. ' r ; , k9th August, 1866. ' A. WHTTTNfJ Vnn . R!r VV Iimv orfnll. vr iuiease , xne use 01 your x.ureK4 roitsuer ana Burnisher ill our Hotel, and can lully aud do cheer fully endorse the above. We can with it clean ail the windows and miirors in our bouse in one tenth the time aud without wet or dirt. , Bend us 200 lbs. of No 1, and 100 lbs. of No. 2. . c ..'-;CKAK8TON & HILDRETH, ; Xyyyy.yyy;. 'yxy New York HoteL i Astor House, New York, Nov. 5, 1S65. X Sir : Under onr Bunr.-iRinn vAhivAhaH vnm Whiting Eureka Polisherr&cv tried in the vari ous departments of ihe Astor House. Its quick and clean action, its biiliiant and lastirg lustrs makes it a very useful and debirable article tor all the purposes you claim for lu la our oplhioa it is very far supeiior to anything of the kind now in use. Wh have and shall continue to tue It . f Sieved Uyyyn y STETSON At CO. i .. . v " . uctUiur ooie nme your ikuresi mend It to the public generally, and we can en- ' dorse what tne Astor Houe aay of It. . i ? p tM!ud. i r, PA 'I TEN 45 WIELD, r ' ; Pacitlc Hotel, Greenwich Street, Lear Courtland. iLr:nIbve your Eureka Polisher. Ac, In my.Hotel, and mot cheeiiully endorsf what J5.e,tf for ol itIld Oowithcbufidence leiommend it as a veiy srcohomical, uselut and 1 suoerior articla. Rio,, a r u J Btevens House, 27 Broadway. : L.. New York. Sent. 2d. 1868. ' 0:pVr?q',iirH hive tried your - . "M ouvi, auu Auameier, ana take great pleasure in recommending it as a eupe gor artielo for the uaes lor which it is intended. No. a. j. WakRrv fnivuAV j Superintendent Southern koteL a. wniTivri p.eJorHt8fPt.M! isce. EurekaTinrhv,-H !7i! J?w Fork lltttJi .wi i. 7" Wr" 'New kh "iii;. ror k Tuuir noiei, ia its value jor all PU'pobes you claim lor it! Please send ua 100 , OS. OI II. ' t t .i . . J Bulls Head IIotel,'Cor. Swdftfe a wnTTTxJ.0?1.' SeptJM iMI i . " " "h ;otr ; uaving witnessed ite1? lOU1r ,urcka p"H her at thVNewTork Hotel,; we are rully convinced it Is all you claim tor it, and you can ship to our adeb-ess 100 Ibi of No. land IUitn!'fcT. v",05 f?0!?-1W ID exy uuly, you s, HITCHCOCK & CO.. - ! imperial Restaurant, New Orleahs,V: A. wnmvn t.. n, epteniDerSd. 158. fntirt kt, H- oi-: Alter a careful and nuu ourntaiitr. u tn.. .i. . a ?o Waln'i lUat ontt wi0 hss occasion U U bv faf SCl Ab,et k!nd wUI be "MoM !t- 4 4 v... to POST 45 MCHOL8. ' Nos 1 S5a.alfand Iree StablesT ' rOS. 156, 153, 16J, 164 and lttl, 2!h 8t , N. Y.. I agree with and cheerful! v endorse the above, j ..JOHN KOBINSON, I NO. 15G Fust. tiH fifM.f A. WHITING, M?!5? Eureka Pols heranrin fvTi .e tised youT la my house and stable; nd ru commend ItVbeing a very superior artiSe ful5 rqual to what you claim fTlt iS t aud think no cue who ver - dori tr, t mUtt llt0ft !f.i c. HEoTeIAMB? L ; ht, McLolss Slablei, 67 and 69 Merceftt iA trrtiTTvn June 13, 1666. pSiPS Dcm Sir:-I have used JSd if JrfA Vowdtr ay Saw Msnaractory, w f !fi r,y r' .fop PHhiDir on a wheel, . -55 ?oHJp H aakes a lustre 50 per VSa SnU-iM-11 E W oranythlnff Ibave ever niuV4 ,Uh Iant'a ,w labor.'wlifth preserves ail artit-lea frnn trt.t.M. J. rttscB l End that it icspsthem so, snd tbst they tfatct nqstrei;ii.. u. R. waknlr, f 13 i ssd K7 worth et. t. , . ' New York. f);t 13. K!l 1 r,v , " " wj viiar. srccr, ictx U J uy liria.-frior ta Pucry. It wcr'.s c'.cV ;? irilA-1 lr. "4 glnsapcit J lt:rg l;:ttrr, tr.d la try ccc&odI ril. 1 ui l?.t rrlrll KmnRin,t It mi Luti.'it c;i. Cut i , t: iVS tt I wslss-f UlUliatLiritv. i.ns M uwA M Im. A K . ft A. it UijU.Ai s: mI : JlI'EUlItL 'a iicsii ''&'ti xa.kLrti

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